Breaking News
Please see the email below sent out TODAY.
I doubt anything more more need be said… David Miscavige and Louis Farrakhan have officially merged….
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 1:24 PM
My name is Adrienne Muhammad. I hold the Post at the Chicago Church of Scientology of Hubbard Dianetics Foundation Director. My responsibilities include ensuring that people receive Book One Auditing in sufficient quality and quantity and that they reach for further Dianetic Services. My Junior staff include Hubbard Dianetics Seminar (HDS)In-Charge Karen Rennord, Deputy HDS In-Charge Refugio Davila and HDS Assistant Brother Maurice 11X Holman. All of us are Book One Auditors. We can be reached at 773 348 7788, and via my email, [email protected].
As you continue to acquire selectees, do keep in mind the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation Department. We are here to deliver the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar, the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar Co-Audit Course,and Book One Intensives (5 hour and 36 hour).
Please respond that you have received this communication and let me know what you need from the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation-be it promo,Spanish Speaking staff to greet your Spanish-speaking selectees upon their arrival at the Chicago Church, or whatever it may be.
We are looking forward to helping people like yourself, EXPAND THE FIELD in Chicago!
Thank you,
Sister Adrienne Michelle Muhammad
I am afraid I didnt really make my position clear here. I just clarified it in a comment and am adding it here:
I met a number of NOI people and they are smart, polite, well dressed and well spoken. And I certainly have no problem with them using ANY tech that can benefit them.
What I find so remarkable is that NOI is a different religion and yet there are “brothers” and “sisters” announcing themselves to the world as the representatives of the Church of Scientology.
And on a personal level, that is certainly their right and its all well and good.
BUT — how can Torquemada Miscavige, leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Scientology who sees bitter defrocked apostates, heretics and squirrels everywhere — who sends out “squirrelbusters” to harass people for simply applying Scientology — how can he be engaged in that sort of witch-hunting and intolerance, but all the rules are swept aside when it comes to the NOI?
It’s the hypocrisy that is so startling — NOBODY who deviates from what Miscavige deigns to be “pure Scientology” is to be tolerated. The NOI, whatever it IS, is NOT pure Scientology. Unless David Miscavige says it is.
Maurice Muhammad says
I’m sorry I called you Mark but I meant Mike
Maurice Muhammad says
Peace and Blessings Mark
My question is does auditing work? Please answer that truthfully. We are told the only thing we are getting is to learn how to become auditors. Not to become Scientologist. Not to do anything but to learn that tech and bring it to our people, we are not charging our people to under go auditing. This is a free service we will be offering. Are y’all against the tech or the leadership and the way they run things? Thanks
Mike Rinder says
Maurice — thankyou for writing.
My answer to you is yes, auditing absolutely works.
But I believe anyone that tells you in the church of Scientology that you are only training to become an auditor but not to become a Scientologist is decieving you. How can people be working to bring new people into the Church of Scientology to be indoctrinated into the subject and then persuaded to pay more and more money to the church without them being a Scientologist?
My objection (and I cannot speak for all those who read or post on this blog) is with the management of the church. The leader of the Scientology church, David Miscavige is a cruel and greedy man. The technology of auditing works very effectively when properly used. If you are providing auditing for free then you are more what is known as “Independent Scientology”. But believe me, just a short search of the internet will show you that Miscavige’s church does not take kindly to those who want to practice auditing and not pay his church what they consider to be their dues.
I hope this has answered your question.
Graduated says
As-Salam Alaikum, Maurice Muhammad. And thank you for joining our discussion. I, for one, respect the NOI and recognize what it has done to lift many African-Americans. Yes, auditing does work. And “Book One” Dianetic auditing as described in Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health is capable of producing a Clear when administered correctly. It can certainly alleviate much psychic anguish and pain and raise one’s responsibility level for one’s life. As such, it can help achieve the objective of Minister Farrakhan’s message at the Million Man March.
From what I’ve heard from Minister Farrakhan, he wants members of NOI to avail themselves of these spiritual counseling techniques and looks upon the Church of Scientology only as the place for a cadre of NOI personnel to obtain the training necessary to then deliver Dianetic auditing to other NOI members – just as if they were taking a course at a local college or university. From what you’ve described, it appears that this is being done as a public service to the NOI in the same manner as the NOI will be providing Dianetic auditing to its members as a public service.
Theoretically, Scientology is a pan-denominational, non-sectarian religion that welcomes people of all faiths. It does not encroach upon or attempt to define what we call the “Eighth Dynamic” beyond stating that the Eighth Dynamic represents God of infinity. There are Scientologists of all denominations – Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, etc. Accordingly, some NOI members may elect as individuals to also become Scientologists as well, and even join C of S staff without having to “convert” or to abandon Islam.
Since Hubbard’s death, however, our Church has been usurped internally by a sociopath who has corrupted the organization and perverted its application of Hubbard’s organizational and spiritual counseling methodologies as detailed in this thread, particularly by Thoughtful above. That being the case, highly trained veterans of Scientology with decades of experience in correctly applying Dianetics and Scientology under Hubbard have distanced themselves from the formal, centralized organization and formed an independent movement to ensure the core values of Scientology and the workability of its methodologies are maintained. My concern is that NOI leadership should be fully apprised of the whole picture, maintain vigilance and act accordingly.
Thoughtful says
Maurice Muhammad, Thank you for your question and blessings to you as well. Auditing absolutely works, and it is possible to learn to be an auditor and not become a Scientologist. People have been doing it for 60 years. In fact, when Scientology was announced many people left then and formed Dianetics groups, some of which are still in existence. They never became Scientologists, but still use Dianetics. The famous writer, A. E. van Vogt was the president of one such organization called the California Association of Dianetic Auditors. I’m not promoting them (I don’t really know anything about them, good or bad) but just giving a real life example that lots of people learn Dianetics and never become Scientologists.
That said, it is true that many people who learn Dianetics do become Scientologists.
When Scientology was first announced, it was not a religion. LRH called it a science of life, a study of knowledge in the fullest sense. It is most clearly described as a spiritual philosophy. However, since it deals with the human spirit it does qualify legally as a religion, in the same sense that Buddhism is a religion. Scientology because a religion, officially, more as a defense against attacks. In the early ’50s and for decades to come, psychology was seen as a vested interest tried to gain control of the subject and especially the training of auditors. They wanted to be the authority on how auditors were trained and they wanted to be the certification body. Of course that would also enable them to dictate the curriculum auditors would have to study, and that LRH felt would have destroyed the ability of the subject to work (if it was alloyed with another unworkable practice). And psychology in those days (along with psychiatry) was significantly more primitive than it is today.
In response, Scientology became a religion. It qualified legally. But unlike most religions, Scientology does not teach about God or Jesus. In fact, the concept of Scientology is closer to saying that God lies within us all, or more clearly stated, Scientology states that every being was originally god-like, but over eons has slipped down the hill and arrived into a low state. It is the mission of Scientology to restore spiritual abilities.
Scientology was a direct offspring of Dianetics. Dianetics exposed what the mind really was made of — mental image pictures. The inevitable question arose “What’s looking at the pictures?” — some soft of “mind’s eye” that enabled a person to see mental pictures with eyes closed. That proved to be the human soul. So in Scientology it is taught a person is not their body, they are a soul living in a body. This answers the age old question, are we spirits having a human experience, or humans having a spiritual experience?
Anyone In the Nation of Islam is of course warmly welcomed to partake of any or all of Hubbard’s discoveries. It isn’t an “all or nothing” proposition. Our mission as Independent Scientologists is to enable people to take whatever parts they want, because or mission is to help people. We do not want to convert people. We want to make the technology available to anyone, because we believe that will create a better world.
The problem here is that after Mr. Hubbard died in 1986, a man took over the Church by somewhat violent coup. He proved himself to be what psychologists call a sociopathic or psychopathic personality type — a human being without guilt for anything he does, no remorse, no love. Such people are master chameleons and can act be very charismatic. It was that very charisma that fooled so many Scientologists into thinking he was had personal power. But it wasn’t power, it was just utter callousness. When a person is entirely free of guilt, he treats people in ways that most people aren’t familiar with. And so it’s easy to mistake that personality type for something else. And unfortunately, the guy in charge of the Church today, David Miscavige, is a master at his craft. I mean he is really gifted in an evil way.
So our message is, yes, definitely go after the tech. Learn and use it because it will save lives. But do it with your eyes open. As one friend of mine said, “There’s a wolf in the hen house.”
The Oracle says
You just wait until some of those NOI members gets recruited into the Sea Org and Rebecca smacks one of their kids in the head.
Once those people are run through a fraction of the abuse and bait and switch the rest of us have been conned into, there will be nationwide riots and the C of S will burn to the ground in a week coast to coast.
joemach says
That is the best news of all. Then maybe we can get some real tech done in the field because there will be no one to try and stop us.
Bella says
I read an artical last summer about NOI and COS relationship. Nothing could be more toxic a combo. That should be apparent to anyone who has ever read what Farrakhan has to say…especially about Jews and white people. Not to mention the very history of NoI. Point is the artical I came aceoss mentioned that over 1000 ( cant temember the exact number…it was over 1000 tho) have already become certified Auditors. So this really shouldnt be a shock. Its just the next step. How far the two get before it all implodes is anyones bet.
Paul J says
In the history of Scientology DM is the #1 squirrel. There isn’t anyone even close. Given enough time I’m sure DM will distort things far enough that you won’t be able to recognize it’s Scientology. I’m sure DM will find away to use the NOI to further degrade the tech. In his mind DM probably thinks that all the degraded beings around him deserve it for trying so hard to suppress him.
Donotkwetch says
Wow Steve, when you put it like that!
Wonder if the NOI students are treated like VIPs in the org? Do they have regges
standing waiting for them outside the course room? Do they get phone calls late
Wednesday night? How are they treated by HCO? Will some be recruited for the
Back in the 80’s Frank Zurn was talking about the Muslims he knew and he also
had a major role in getting Alfreddie into the Church from what I understand.
DM undoubtedly will talk this up in his events and seals will clap at length.
But what will happen to this (un)holy union? I am in the process of writing a book
re Islamic fundamentalists and so dug into that religion and it is difficult to see
NOI members continuing beyond Dianetics. However, I am all for these beings
getting cleaned up mind wise.
Aquamarine says
The irony is that the NOI members will probably benefit a great deal from Dianetics and other intro services because there’s no way that Farrakhan will allow them to be hit up for IAS , Ideal Morgue, and other straight dono crap. or so I hear. Well, I am glad for them. At least they will be able to get LRH tech at an RCS org by simply paying for their services. What a concept, huh?
Aquamarine says
Then again, the fact that they’re being ordered makes me Q & A about any lasting gains.
Nomnom says
Remember, these days there are no “staff”, just “volunteers”.
CommunicatorIC says
Tony Ortega is now covering the story, linking to this article and also quoting Mike:
“This is the introductory line for the org — the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation — the first place where people are brought into Dianetics,” Rinder tells us. “The people trained on Dianetics from the Nation of Islam are no longer just practicing it among themselves, they are now officially on the front lines of the Church of Scientology, bringing in new people. And they are very publicly calling themselves ‘brother’ and ‘sister,’ which is not Scientology staff terminology.”
We asked him which group — Scientology or the Nation of Islam — is benefiting most from this new interaction.
“Seems to be a marriage made in heaven (or hell?). Until one or the other tries to exert their will — and it probably won’t end well,” he says.”
CommunicatorIC says
Tony Ortega is now covering the story, linking to this article and also quoting Mike:
CommunicatorIC says
Tony Ortega is now covering the story, citing and linking to Mike’s OP and quoting Mike:
Thoughtful says
Mike, Wow. On the one hand having new people enjoy the wins and gains we have experienced is great news. On the other, we have David Miscavige who’s has the Minus Touch—everything he touches rapidly becomes a “minus” where a plus once was.
I think to appreciate this chances of this marriage we should look at DM’s track record. Consider his destruction of the mission network in 1982, his disastrous court cases that wasted hundreds of millions, his New Era of Mismanagement that destroyed the Flag-Folo-Org management line, the Golden Age of Trash with 3 swing FNs and robotic auditors that destroyed tech results, his “6-month check” line (mixing major actions and repairs) that resulted in hundreds of cases of OTs dying from cancer, his personal C/Sing of Lisa McPherson that resulted in her death, the various suicides deaths resulting from his policies at the Int base, the hundreds of marriages wiped out, the thousands of unborn children thanks to his policy of forced abortions in the Sea Org, the Idle Morgue program that gave orgs gigantic top heavy overhead making it impossible for them to survive without subsidy, the hollow ringing emptiness of Academy course rooms where auditors were once trained, the destruction of Clears and OT, the great super massive black hole that is the new Flag Building they are unable to even use for lack of staff, the 35-year delay on releasing Super Power, the theft of the original OT levels IV, V, VI, VII and VIII, the loss of staff from the Int base reduced from 700+ people down to about 300, the famine of marketing in which CMU was reduced from 35 staff down to about 3 people for all of International Scientology, the destruction of LRH’s original Tech Films, the razing of LRH’s own house Bonnie View and substitution of a $35 million mansion LRH never ordered or wanted; the cost of DM’s own office building for 10 people of $70 million, the destruction and erasure of International Management including Exec Strata, the Eval Corps, etc., the institution of illegal LRH-prohibited international events unmocking the form of orgs worldwide, the subversion of HCOs and OSA into his own personal Stasi, the corruption of Author Services into being soft-core porn peddlers working inside orgs, the grand mis-implementation of KTL and LOC, his massive destruction of the good repute that once existed for Scientology through insane legal actions and public displays of hostility, his offensive use of lies in PR (Now 8 Billion members! Woops, there’s not that many people on Earth)…
When you look at his amazingly consistent track record, and then you hear that the NOI has just merged with the CoS… one can only imagine the planetary train wreck coming soon on Track 666.
And as far as answering the question as to why all this? My first inclination is to “follow the money” since when it comes to train-track demolition derbies, David Miscavige’s “loco-motive” is solid gold.
Mike Rinder says
Wonderful summation of “life at the top” Steve. Thanks….
Kim Baker says
+ 1 000 000 Steve. Dianetics and the Tech is the Bait. It’s when the inevitable Switch occurs, that the true agenda will emerge…..
threefeetback says
Theta trap.
Vic Krohn says
Hey Steve,
Great job of pegging the big liabilities for those who are brave enough to jump in.
And reminding us of how profound the collapse really was/is and will continue to be; regardless.
Gayle Smith aka TroubleShooter says
Great post Steve. I have to add the complete destruction of the BDay game. THE game staff had a way to play and stay connected to LRH.
Thoughtful says
Gosh, hadn’t even thought of that. That must have had huge impact at org level.
Mark Patterson (Grasshopper) says
Steve, I know Mr. David Miscavige did all the things you say – sure. But other than that, he’s a great guy!
Thoughtful says
calvin b. duffield says
Steve, first class no b/s, bold, telling it like you see it summary, of this “un”holy alliance! If anything, it should be interesting to see how the two “dic(k)tators ” pan out as bed partners. IMHO, the compulsion to assume the role of “Dominator” will just turn the “bed games” into a fiery lust that would redefine the word “ravish” as we understand it!
ML, Calvin..
Carcha says
Steve, you already included this, but I’d like to try to expand on it: case gain doesn’t occur in the presence of rough TRs – by the time anyone gets into session they’ve been so ARC-broken by the whole environment of Scn it’s unlikely there’s much honest comm going on to the auditor. Auditors will still try, but their own intentions have been so corrupted that even they cannot function. Instead of as-is-ing, it has become a defensive game of alter-is-ing. It isn’t only the “three-swing F/N”, and the violation of the sanctity of confessional, and the abberative sec-checks. The whole beneficent intent of auditing has been perverted. I don’t claim to be the best auditor in the world, and I apologize profusely if I get this wrong, but from what I have learned auditing must be at the LEAST, kind, tolerant, patient, and understanding in a very great degree, as the PC works through very serious charge. It is a very important part of auditing that the PC must have an extremely high level of trust in his auditor to disclose very personal information with the 100% assurance that it will never be used to “pin him” to any act nor to any beingness, and that the purpose is to disclose fully and honestly to make VANISH. There are other parts of auditing where the PC must have confidence his humor and good intentions will be appreciated an encouraged. I believe I’ve seen former church members who are still adversely affected by perversions away from that sanctity and joy, and will have to re-adjust on how to audit in free-flow ARC, and on the other side of the cans will have to re-orient their conceptions to re-learn the practice of true spiritual freedom.
Thoughtful says
100% correct, Carcha. The oldest and most fundamental formula for auditing is auditor + pc is greater than the pc’s charge. What you are writing about aligns with the A to E steps where LRH says after a person leaves a suppressive group he or she should retrain since many of the concepts learned in the suppressive atmosphere will have been corrupted or alloyed. Whether the individual retrains or reviews or retreads — whatever — for myself this has been a joyous experience to be able to blow the false data (of GAT, etc.) and duplicate the tech in a pure form. This especially applies to Ethics because that was THE primary tech DM and his supporters corrupted. Corrupt Ethics tech was the inroad used by The Virus to then corrupt everything else. False accusations of “You’re out ethics!” “She has withholds!” “He is an SP!” “You’ve got crimes!” etc. were how DM overwhelmed each person who stood in his way. And then he went to work on Tech and Policy, refining it to a point where it became lethal to remain in the Church.
Wendy Munro says
Steve – “the Minus Touch” – says it all !! ( I really enjoyed that one!)
TrevAnon says
According to NOI has 20,000 – 50,000 members. I guess this means both organisations just doubled in size… 😛
Silvia says
Reading all above comments and Mike’s posting sort of causes mixed feelings. On one hand this people are getting wins from Book I and that is good, after all they are beings and can benefit from the tech. Re
DM’s hypocrisy well, you have to severely twist your mind to see why he does this but knowing that what he aims at is destruction we can’t but expect a bad outcome from this; knowing he deals in treason and insanity this hypocrisy, as Mike labels it, is just one more facet of his insanity. And I suspect that what he considers “Pure Scientology” is only endorsed if it brings him some benefit.
Carcha says
Possibly: the Co$ can plead “racial discrimination” at some point.
Sinar says
This article shows Muslim auditor graduation:
Joe Pendleton says
Thanks Sinar. Training up NOI folks as auditors and having them audit each other, thus bringing them up tone seems like a positive to me If LRH had kept the CoS JUST doing that with Dianetics and Scientology (instead of setting up a combination Soviet system mixed in with the Catholic church of the Dark Ages), there might be a couple of million people in the CoS by now . I do agree that it is hard to imagine the NOI folks being heavily regged for IAS, etc but Miscavige probably doesn’t want them in the CoS for that purpose.
Dan Locke says
Gee! I should have proofed before submitting! In the last streak of italicized text, the italics should have began and ended with “The authority…”
Dan Locke says
Typo in above. Where I say “Hopefully few of them will bother with Book One”, I mean to say, “Hopefully few will bother with reading Book One.”
Dan Locke says
I gave and received lots and lots of Dianetics and benefited from it immensely. Although for most it does not bring about all the things promised in the first book (total recall involving all perceptions, virtual immunity against disease, etc.), it does bring about a general higher emotional tone and an enhanced feeling of well-being, and that’s a good place for anyone.
David Miscavige generally creates and then presides over and communicates into a world of no-auditing or, at best (or would it be more appropriate to say “at worst”) a world of evaluative auditing (sec checking).
The NOI involvement seems to be centered around Book One auditing. The history of Book One auditing that I am aware of has been pretty much non-evaluative. In the book auditing that I have seen, most of the time the people co-auditing it have just watched a video about it, or read some picture books, and are not yet indoctrinated into Ron’s assertions that most of us have suffered attempted abortions. Nor have most during this time yet been asked to study any of the “whole track” lectures, where people are given further indoctrination about ghastly activities forced upon us in previous lives, or even between lives.
Most of the Book One auditing I have seen has been without this indoctrination. And most of it has resulted in quite of bit of relief for the preclears. And also an increase in self determinism.
Everything after the into routes now costs quite a bit of money, even if the “partial cash scholarships” are still available, I am imagining training through Grad V is close to $20,000 when you include all the materials and a the two required emeters.
I don’t think that the demographic for the typical NOI adherent to be a match for that kind of credit line or cash in the bank. Maybe I got that wrong. I don’t think that sort of money or credit line is available for most demographics.
So, in other words, I think that “the Bridge” for most of NOI is going to begin and end at Book One. Hopefully few of them will bother with Book One. (You’ll find mention in one or more of the lectures in the Research and Discovery volumes that it is better for the preclear to be uneducated in Dianetics.This is because the auditor training materials of Dianetics are evaluative. The</i) authority of Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard is telling you what to run.
IMHO a not-indoctrinated preclear who has had a lot of wins with Book One would more likely have the eyes and mind to "pierce the veil" of what goes on in the "movement" of Dianetics and Scientology. A few hundred, or better still, many thousands of NOI people getting auditing and becoming more and more self determined (without having been hypnotized into all the nonsense that has been a part of most of our experience) could really cause some needed havoc in Scientology organizations. I hope it happens and I hope it flourishes.
Mark Patterson (Grasshopper) says
Interesting. I read some of the comments on the Facebook group about this being “old news” – but it is not. Having NOI members on Scientology staff is definitely news. This is not a marriage, it is a merger. Having NOI on org staff, under the supposed “leadership” of Dear Leader – wow.
I find this whole chapter fascinating. I personally have a mixed opinion of the NOI. On the one hand, there is no doubt that they have helped a lot of people. On the other, being a big white man, I know that I will never be trusted by them, and that we can never be brothers. I lived in a predominately black neighborhood in Altadena, and saw the good the NOI can do. I bought sweet potato pies from their men to help their cause. I like them. But, their anti-white theology is not right. I understand it, but it is not right.
Mike Rinder says
GHop — I met a number of NOI people and they are smart, polite, well dressed and well spoken. And I certainly have no problem with them using ANY tech that can benefit them.
What I find so remarkable is that NOI is a different religion and yet there are “brothers” and “sisters” announcing themselves to the world as the representatives of the Church of Scientology.
And on a personal level, that is certainly their right and its all well and good.
BUT — how can Torquemada Miscavige, leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Scientology who sees bitter defrocked apostates, heretics and squirrels everywhere — who send out “squirrelbusters” to harass people for simply applying Scientology, how can he be engaged in that sort of witch-hunting and intolerance, but all the rules are swept aside when it comes to the NOI?
I perhaps should have made my point more clearly in the original posting here. It’s the hypocrisy that is so startling — NOBODY who deviates from what Miscavige deigns to be “pure Scientology” is to be tolerated. The NOI, whatever it IS, is NOT pure Scientology. Unless David Miscavige says it is.
Mark Patterson (Grasshopper) says
Mike, you’re right. In fact, the NOI could be considered the first church-condoned squirrel group. Not to mention the biggest one. Now, I am all for the NOI and everyone else using Scientology and Dianetics, so my squirrel group comment is really to show, to your point, that the rules are somehow different here.
Teddy says
Wow Mike, OMG! DM&Farrakhan merging. We have the “Law of Attaction” here. Two “great minds” that think alike coming together. They probably feel that they can create synergy of power and purpose by cozying up together. In reality just one more public relations disaster for RCS on a global scale. Associating RCS with NOI will push mainstream public even further away from the cult. This, along with Superpower and IAS crush regging will continue to send this whole enterprise spinning inward and downward at a quickening rate. Mike, how much longer before this Hindenburg finally hits the ground?
Conan says
Holy Allah!! It is time to run for the hills.
What is next? Every Scientologist bowing down to pray three times a day facing toward the Int Base?
Oh you, exalted prophet ,the Great pope of Scientology we humbly bow upon your magnificence!
Ronnie Bell says
Just as LRH predicted, DM has chosen an executioner to stop him. He cannot suppress the NOI. In the end, they will bury him.
ThetaPotata says
Ronnie, I was thinking that Farrakan was the frog in the pot that’s been turned to slowly reach a boil. I guess time will tell. Either way, Farrakan is getting some advanced training of how to suppress and mind control your juniors from a Master SP.
Aquamarine says
“…Farrakan is getting some advanced training of how to suppress and mind control your juniors from a Master SP”.
Ronnie Bell says
I was thinking that Farrakan was the frog in the pot that’s been turned to slowly reach a boil.
Hardly. Farrakhan’s been Dictator For Life over the NOI for longer than DM’s been on post. DM’s an amateur, compared to that guy.
Aeolus says
MIscavige and Farrakhan, two sociopaths trying to dominate everyone around them, which now includes each other. What’s the winning strategy in such a situation, being the bigger dick or the most devious? Either way, I’m glad I no longer have my chips at that table.
Patty Moher says
C of S and the NOI— This will not end well.
Regular Dog says
Brother L. Ron Hubbard
Graduated says
So, NOI members are getting Dianetic training and auditing and joining staff at the Chicago (where NOI is headquartered) Org’s Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation. Although NOI has a controversial past, it has been a positive influence for many African-Americans, is respected by many (not all) senior Islamic scholars, and is seeking to transcend that past, integrate and evolve. Scientology is supposed to be pan-denominational and inclusive. I think NOI member involvement with the C of S can be and has had a palliative effect upon the insularity, greed, sectarianism and cultural ossification of the latent RCS corporate culture. Some cross-pollination of this type just might be a good thing for all concerned, under the Theta-MEST Theory. Wouldn’t it be nice if it turned out to be a case of mutual salvation?
Ronnie Bell says
Friend, if you think the NOI has changed its stripes in the last forty years, you’ve got another think coming. That group still has a ‘held down seven’ on the subject of race. NOI members are ONLY participating in Scientology at the direct order of their religion’s leader, Farrakhan, who is about as strange an individual as DM ever wanted to be. Personally, I think Farrakhan and Miscavige share a lot of mutual out-ruds, and are like two peas in a pod. I don’t see this alliance ending well in any way.
Aquamarine says
Very key what you’re pointing out here, Ronnie, that NOI members are being ordered to take Scientology courses, specifically, the NOI execs for which it is mandatory. What I actually heard or read was that you can’t be an exec in the NOI without becoming a Dianetics auditor and that anyone already an exec will be demoted if he/she refuses to do Dianetics.
So where is that on the Tone Scale? Can it work when people are forced or coerced to do Scientology? Didn’t LRH state something about how it always has to be on the person’s own determinism?
Ronnie Bell says
Like the Cof$, the NOI is a cult that operates on the sole dictates of its Grand Poobah. His minions worship him, and to that degree, they are in agreement (i.e., self-determined) about doing Dianetics courses. Remember also that this is simply Book One training we’re talking about. It’s not professional Scientology auditor training, which does require a strong degree of honest self-determinism to get through.
These people aren’t buying in to the entire philosophy of Scientology. They’re merely learning how to help others exhaust the charge off engrams, using the oldest technique in the book. As long as they only learn that, and go no further, there’s not even a religious conflict.
Espiritu says
I agree. Look at the video of Farrakahn speaking. Ignore the words. Look at his facial expressions. Look at his eyes. Listen closely to the tone of his voice. What tone levels and attitudes do you observe? What about his audience?
Miscavige and Farrakahn may have a lot in common. But are they capable of actual mutual friendship? Miscavige may think that he is hustling Farrakahn and infiltrating his organization, but apparently Farrakahn has also begun to quietly infiltrate Miscavige’s organization. It depends upon how you look at it and who is doing the looking.
I could ALMOST see the possibility of Farrakahn, with the aid of the tech, cogniting someday on the importance and the necessity of supporting true, honest self determinism for his fellow beings.
On that day, he would see Miscavige as who he is….if he has not done so already.
Otherwise, perhaps he will push Miscavige out of the combined group. Stranger things have happened.
I could ALMOST imagine Scientologists following Farrakahn.
But no way in hell can I imagine Muslims following Miscavige. .
CommunicatorIC says
Mike, everyone,
Besides the Facebook group referred to above, a large amount of material on this topic has been compiled on ESMB, primarily in two threads:
Nation of Islam/Scientology are partners:
Nation Of Islam Member joins the discussion:
Obviously, the information you have provided has been added.
— CommunicatorIC
threefeetback says
DM is an old hand at his brand of Progressive Theology and Jihad.
GoVoluntary says
Mike, I know there is more background regarding the involvement of the CofS and Nation of Islam. The fact that more hasn’t been heard of all this is interesting, but we know that a lot of NOI people have been getting training and processing (somewhere, presumably in or in connection with an org or special project).
But all I see from this email is that someone undoubtedly connected with the NOI is on staff at Chicago Org and is doing the NonE formula with public using her full adopted name. I’m not seeing the reason for the alarm of your opening lines from what is here or what little I know about the scene. Is there something inherently alarming about a member of NOI being on staff at an org?
Mike Rinder says
This is the introductory line into the church. 2 of the 4 people are clearly NOI. They are using their NOI names and “brother” and “sister”. This is truly joining forces — not just “reaching out” to help others. Those two Church Staff are still NOI members first and church staff second. Can you imagine any other religion in any corporate church of Scientology on the intro lines promoting themselves by their religious affiliation with any religion other than Scientology? believe me, the Church of Scientology is becoming MORE fundamentalist, not more open minded. This is some sort of highly unusual agreement between the RCS and NOI.
GoVoluntary says
Thanks for the context. I’ve been wondering where the NOI connection would go. I wasn’t suggesting that the situation in not alarming, just that we really don’t know enough about what’s going on. I think you’re right about there having to be much more iceberg here.
Aquamarine says
Totally agreed, there is an unmistakable fusion here.
Can you IMAGINE a Div 6 terminal in an org sending out promo with “Rabbi”, or “Pastor”, or “Father”, or “Brother” in front of their ADOPTED RELIGIOUS NAME? No way they’d be allowed to do that, in order to get more Jews, Protestants, Catholics, etc. into Scientology – NO WAY!
The RCS and the NOI are TOGETHER IN BED.
Phil Pipieri says
always ask these questions to find probabilities: Is it a distraction from something else? If not, what could be gained? People, allies, money, Power? In this case it’s Power. NOI is connected better than any mob . A little dono and D has a side door entrance to any political need in most countries. What he has blindly gambled on is other the level at which these folks play and may find himself in forced exterior state soon. Would be best for him if he just re-fied everything and headed for the hills before thinking that he can become the Monsanto of the psych world.
Karen#1 says
LouisFarrakhan Tells Scientologist Nation of Islam to Do The Tech Even After He’s “Gone.”
Interesting Video
BetterOffNow says
Mike…..watching this video combined with the email you posted has raised a few basic questions. Perhaps only you or Marty would know the answer as I’m thinking you were at the top of the RCS org board early enough and long enough to know. Here are my questions: How in the heck did this connection with the NOI even develop in the first place? Was it that Freddie fellow? And if so and since the RCS has always been so concerned about positioning itself properly in society for PR purposes to be accepted, why in the world would they even entertain such a close and open arrangement with a historically controversial and violent-laden group like the NOI?
Were you privy to or in on any of the beginnings of this alignment with Farrakhan and his people? It’s hard to get one’s head around this as being a good move for them!!!
One of those who see says
I am commentless! Seriously…OMG.
tony dephillips says
A marriage made in heaven.
sara says
You don’t mean ‘made in hell’?
CommunicatorIC says
Cross-posted to the Facebook Group Scientology Invasion of the Black Community.