This is a partial list of the new GAG prices for services in a US Class V org.
I don’t have a recent price list, so don’t know how these numbers compare to pre-GAG prices.
It appears there has been an effort to simplify things. Probably because Miscavige is convinced there are rip-offs occurring because it is too confusing and there are too many possible discounts and packages.
You can be pretty sure that even if these prices appear to be LESS than pre-GAG prices they are in fact MORE than what was ACTUALLY being paid on average in Class V orgs through manipulation of discounts and packages.
Interesting to note there are $928.5o worth of materials for Academy Levels. That’s nearly $200 per level. Those packs must be printed on parchment made from the skins of Nepalese mountain goats. Clearly it does not include books and lectures as they are required to be done as a prerequisite.
That $2,500 Student Hat is not going to be an easy sell. Miscavige seems to think that because he bamboozles with bullshit about how it’s the most amazing thing ever that everyone will just pony up $2,500 to listen to the edited study tapes.
Based on all I have seen so far about GAG II it truly is going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Of course the enormous stat push pressure is going to be on and with virtually no delivery in orgs for the past 5 months (while most of their staff were at Flag getting through this super fast training line-up) there will be immediate affluences and it will all be attributed to “COB’s genius”. Then the crash will come in about 3 weeks and new witch hunts will be going on around the clock to find out “Who is CI to COB.” Some heads will be put on pikes and the heat will be turned up even further. It will be the Basics evolution revisited. All staff everywhere will be off post regging. I do not think there will be anything left once this evolution has run its course.
Ok. As a never in, I’m appalled at these price points. This costs more than my college tuition at a university.
IIRC, the Academy levels were about $1,000 in total in the 70s when I paid for them. Seemed SHSBC was about the same.
There was no place else to get them, so
i saved up and paid when I could. The Twit™ seems to have added some required courses like a professional metering course, which SHOULD be part of the first course where you can use the meter for auditing. For me, that was the Dianetics level: HSDC, but he’s switched things all around, so Dianetics is now Class V and no one can do the old Class V and VI, SHSBC, since he banned it — as *squirrel*! What a kidder, that Dwarfenführer®.
Hubbard switched Dianetics to after the grades and hence the auditor training sequence not Miscavige. And Hubbard jacked the prices sky high.
Real, thanks for that historical perspective. I keep finding that DM is carrying out, and carrying on, Hubbard’s schemes more than a lot of people seem to be aware.
I think that a bit like the so-called Hubbard’s law of commotion, that for every policy there is an equal and opposite policy to be found, so also that for everything Miscavige does there is an “earlier, similar” precedent to be found in Hubbard’s practices. He has had to ramp up some things like disconnection and fundraising, but Hubbard was also continually adapting, and generally getting more authoritarian and money-oriented.
Yes Peacemaker, DM is just more OPENLY ruthless than Hubbard was. But Hubbard was as vicious as DM. Maybe more so. He tried to k1ll a S.O. member who tried to save Hubbard’s life. For Hubbard it was ultimately about the money and not delivery if money could be had anyway.
In the 1970’s Elron instituted monthly price increases on all services twice, both times saying it was necessary to keep up with inflation. I think it was 5% per month in the US and 10% per month in the UK. Both times worldwide Gross Income skyrocketed as people drained their bank accounts to freeze the price of the services they wanted at the then current level.
A story is told that someone in the inner circle approached Elron hoping to persuade him to suspend the price increases since Scns (like myself) were blowing in droves all over the place in protest. So the story goes he simply pointed to a chart on the wall showing the skyrocketing GI and that was the end of that conversation. Lol
On the other hand rather than pure greed, Hubbard and scn was always under attack and maybe he figured he needed a huge war chest to defend himself. He did at least state some grandiose plans for “the planet” and many people fell into agreement with him and his supposedly Utopian plans.
Richard, Hubbard exhibited signs of classic megalomania, and once when asked how much money would be enough, reportedly said something to the effect he could never get enough – you can take that account with a grain of salt, but it fits. And it fits with his Affirmations, too.
I doubt it was really money to defend himself, as he had enough to do that and ended up hiding out on the cheap anyway when he could have bought an island with the money he had. But I think it might indeed have been intended to be a war chest for future grandiose plans, quite possibly even in his imagined next lifetime.
The discussion on whether prices are higher or lower than years or decades ago (adjusted for inflation) is moot. The past is not relevant. The present is. If the general population could pay it wouldn’t matter.
See this link to learn the average net financial wealth in US housholds. That does not mean disposable liquid funds.
The bridge is not available to more than 5% of the US population, one of the richest countries in the world.
Consider yourself somewhat lucky in the US.
On the South African blog we figure the bridge is available to maximum 5% of the South African population (4% being the percentage of the population that pay any kind of income tax at all)
I wonder what rationale scientoliegy uses to explain that they are going to clear the planet when only 5% of Americans can afford to become clear and less than 1% of the worlds population has the money to get to this stage. Do they seriously expect the remaining 99% of the world to join the sea org and work off their tuition ?
Hope you don’t mind me replying just a tad late – as the old saying says better late than never (albeit if it is nearly 8 years) 😀
George, they have this magical belief, set out by Hubbard, that once they hit some proportion of the population made ‘clear’ that it will have a sort of catalytic effect . some of my aging new age-y friends have similar beliefs, like the “hundredth monkey” effect that turns out to be debunked:
“The hundredth monkey effect is a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea. The behavior was said to propagate even to groups that are physically separated and have no apparent means of communicating with each other.[1]
Since it was first popularized, the effect has been discredited in many cases of research.[1][2][3][4][5] One of the primary factors in the spread of this concept is that many authors quote secondary, tertiary, or post-tertiary sources that have themselves misrepresented the original observations.[1]”
The big flaw in their argument is that at the prices they charge they will never get enough people for the 100th monkey effect to take effect. Hardly a soul in Africa, south America and other less economically fortunate countries can afford the hefty fees.
The rationale will differ from person to person. Scientology has a litany of excuses to choose from as to why X isn’t possible or working as advertised. Also, there is a policy letter which states that only 5% of the world needs to be cleared to shift the balance of theta and enturbulated theta (or something, don’t remember the details).
A more important rationale might be the idea that as you progress through the courses and auditing, you get more able. As you remove subconscious barriers within yourself (self-defeating thought patterns, self-sabotaging behaviour, etc.) you are able to act more within your own and others’ interests (be pro-survival) and so make choices which lead to greater success in your life overall. This is one of the claims Hubbard made about scientology.
They also believe that you will pull in (sort of magically attract) better opportunities or even windfalls as you go up the levels.
I remember looking around and realising that the OTs I knew were not making money because they were OT – they were making money because they were in businesses that make lots of money, mostly real estate and software programming. So very ordinary. It looks like even as an OT, you can only be successful where garden variety wogs have gone before 😛
A couple arguments I heard were that it costs at least 40k to go to college and that this is more valuable than a college education by far.
The bridge/route has two sides – the client’s side and the practitioner’s side. Ideally, you would become a practitioner (auditor) and work together with another person (called a ‘twin’, a buddy of sorts) to audit each other up to clear. Supposedly, you benefit more that way because you know the theory and application and are not merely a recipient. Plus we all probably can relate to the gratifying feeling you get from helping someone else. If you believe in it, you will feel like you are helping someone, and they will tell you as much because you can’t progress without attesting to ‘wins’ (stating in writing that it really helped you).
So that cheaper route is usually trotted out to counter these claims that it costs too much. Let those who have money buy their way up the bridge. It funds the whole operation. Let those who don’t have money work their way up by teaming up with someone else. Let those unfortunate souls who joined staff get audited up the levels by the ever-elusive ‘Universe Corps’.
The “practitioner side” — co-auditing IS the cheaper/faster up the Bridge to total delusion because you learn what the EPs are and can “originate” something which fulfills the requirements while you’re not too dragged down by the run DOWN so can more easily fake an FN for the examiner.
I think it would be simpler to just go to an independent group to lean to audit and bypass all this BS and complexity. At least you would learn the real tech and be in session with a pc real quickly.
The real tech is alive outside the walls of Cof$. Go get it!
A fun “urban legend”, nonetheless.
No Axiom. The “Indie” movement is all but dead. Because the “tek” doesn’t work. If even the Grades worked you’d have billionaires lining up to pay billions for a workable Grade I. But, it is all fantasy. Only the thoroughly deluded cannot see it still.
Heck, Bill Gates would probably pay $100,000,000.00 to fix his marriage.
In 1968 I paid about $1,000 for the St Hat, the Academy Levels, SHSBC, Power,
Power Plus, R6EW, PRD and a grammar course plus a Minister course. The
3 internships (DN, 0-IV and Cl VI) cost me a few hundred $$ extra and the Clearing
course was about $700 in the beginning 70’s. Give you a comparison. In the
beginning 70’s we had hundreds of students on the BC at “old ASHO”. We were
90% young people in our 20’s.
ya i was probably sitting next to you or near by
Right next to ya’ both Craig. I came through about September ’75, got recruited to establish Flag, and was outa LA about a week later. Never DID finish the briefing course, but attested ‘clear’ in ’78 I think. I had a big fluffy beard, probably shaggy hair, and my motorcycle helmet on the floor next to me.
In the mid 70’s, roll call in the BC courseroom took a solid 15 minutes. Today, there are zero people on the BC because it’s not even being delivered. That’s Miscavige’s idea of expansion, I guess.
Gus, Scientology went into decline when the 1960s youth “seeker” movement ended and the hippies started turning into yuppies, from everything I can tell, including accounts of insiders like “Finance Dictator” Mike Goldstein. You may remember something close to a high point, but things were contracting already in the last decade under Hubbard, which is partly why he ended up in a fight with the missionholders that was a struggle over a shrinking pool of customers and money as much as anything.
I actually can’t think of another, similar culty group of that era that’s done any better than Scientology has, and many have vanished almost entirely. Miscavige inherited the equivalent of a horse buggy whip factory. The reality check to me is that the indies in their several different flavors, whose ranks originally included many of the bright lights who did as much or more than Hubbard to make Scientology what it once was, are probably doing even worse at marketing and delivering Hubbard’s “tech” than the CofS, due to failure and lack of public interest.
This is very good news .
So, it this how it works? A person comes into the Church, then does all the basic books courses (months,years?) , – then after that you do the student hat and then pro TRs? Is that the line- up? You do all the basics first?
I don’t think I would have trained to be an auditor if I hadn’t started with a great Comm Course, then Student Hat, then co-audit objectives, onto NED and running engrams in a short amount of time. We had fantastic wins right away without waiting years to actually do Scientology.
We were guided by great supes and staff to actually apply Dianetics and Scientology tech and audit!!
All you needed was $50 bucks for the comm course, you started to learn to audit immediately. What a rush!!! The students on the upper courses could audit the new people and started having great experiences and wins immediately.
The Comm Course and co-audits, – what a successful action.
I think I remember the Cosmod (Church of Scientology Mission of Davis) missions getting at least 3000 people through the comm course the year that I came in. These missions were packed with excited winning PCs, Students and the Staff were fantastic. Exciting place. 1977- through part of 82 until the takeover.
RC, that’s the way Hubbard said it should be: get high / hallucinary on TRs, then again on the CCHs and other Objectives, then quickly onto Dn auditing and Academy Levels & Grades, grinding through the metering drills on each ‘professional’ auditing course.
From what I’ve read, it seems scn got a LOT less fun, a lot more corporate, after ’82’s coup.
RC, That’s how many Indies try to do it but without young Boomers to think that Emperor HAS clothes it is a no go because the tek doesn’t werk
This from AOSHUK.
“I wanted to let you know that there is a price change in AOSH UK which makes the auditing prices lower! Yes! Lower! And intensive is now £2,000 GBP – this is for all auditing, including OT IV and V.
Contact me now and let’s work out how to get you moving up the Bridge now!
Phone: 0044 7958 506853 or reply to this e-mail.
Fiona Egyud ( was Kover)
Dissem Sec AOSH UK”
On other discussion boards, I’d report that as ‘spam’.
And 2,000 pounds/HR is “CHEAP for an intensive? What are THEY smoking?
“Panda Termit” , indeed. Sounds more like a Registrar trying to make a joke, or an OSA drone filling in for a stat push somewhere where there will be no pesky “takers” generating a ream of paperwork each…. I know how much paperwork; I used to file it all.
In the early 80’s I paid $1,800 for all the materials up to Grad IV, and that incl. tapes, Course Packs, Clearing Series Meter books, Tech Dictionary and some other things I can’t recall. Taking at least 2.5x inflation into account, no matter which way the deck is cut, prices are less than they ever were, at least since the early 80s. Same with the intensives, used to be $3,200 in the late 80’s, now $2,500 a pop. In fact the price for a 10-intensive block is the same I paid in 1988.
However, since the tapes probably take up at least one-quarter to one-third of course time, the courses may be faster than GAT I, but probably on par with the late 1980s early 1990s checksheets because non-LRH authorized “Standard Tech Drills” were not part of those courses. Chances are pre-GAT I courses are on par with GAT II in terms of the length of time it takes to complete them. But then I also consider those earlier lectures to be essential data for the courses, and so I would not be interested in GAT II at all. And also there were no arbitrary “Basics”, “Pro E-Meter Courses” or “Upper Indoc TRs” to shackle you down for a year or two before one even gets to set his foot onto levels training.
Plenty of SHSBC “GAXXX” stuff on those tapes still by the early 90s still. They may have been edited, but not properly in my opinion.
For the sake of documenting history:
— LRH:
“The possession of a certificate carries with it the responsibility of knowing the skills covered by it. Constant retraining within a level for which the auditor has already been classified is forbidden.”
HCO PL 21 February 1964, Issue I Staff Regulations—Auditing vs. Job (OEC Vol. 0, p. 168)
LRH ED 43 INT 29 November 1969 (OEC Vol. 6, p. 722)
— A few short excerpts from RTC Executive Directive 450 issued on 6 September 1991:
…in April of 1987 we embarked upon a strategy (…) The plan was to:
I. Review all materials against original LRH manuscripts and handle any omissions or alter-is that had crept in through the years either by mistake or at the hand of some SP.
… In this period from 1987 to present time, the following has been accomplished:
… All Dianetics and Scientology books were reviewed, gotten fully on-source and issued.
… Academy Levels 0-IV were released with brand new checksheets, course packs and taped lectures on cassette with full transcripts and glossaries. These checksheets were put together exactly as LRH intended…
… The New Hubbard Professional TR Course was issued, fully on-source with all materials, lectures and films as LRH intended.
… A Purification In-Charge Course was issued so that the delivery of the Purification Rundown is 100 percent standard.
… This is the first time in history that all of the materials of the Grade Chart have ever been available, totally and completely, 100 percent ON-SOURCE.
Signed by… you guessed: “Captain” David Miscavige
— Quote from IG Network Bulletin 39, Your Progress to OT (Arbitraries Cancelled!) 6 June 1999:
The announcement of the Golden Age of Tech marked a watershed in our application of the tech. It placed into all our org Academies the ability to train perfect auditors at the speed necessary to actually create planetary clearing for real. (…) It’s because Golden Age of Tech auditors deliver the tech EXACTLY as LRH intended. (…) You can therefore be assured that your route across the Bridge will be just what LRH intended.
Signed by… “Captain” David Miscavige
— Quote from website from BEFORE GAT 2:
“A student learns his techniques cold, for in every Church of Scientology there is but one passing standard: A student who graduates is expected to minister a 100 percent perfect auditing session every time. Through Scientology training, that standard is reached daily.”
— And just for fun (CST- Preservation of the tech project):
“Church of Spiritual Technology has preserved the writings and lectures of Dianetics and Scientology on more than 135 tons of archival books, stainless steel plates and nickel-plated records.” (quote from’s CST page)
Bul alas, those books and materials have been found to be all messed up after they have been archived… so now Dave’s “church” is the proud owner of 135 tons of scrap metal enclosed in titanium containers!
If the planet gets blown up by the SP psychiatrists with their atom bombs and electroshock machines tomorrow, those poor souls who then find the CSI vaults floating in space will find faulty, pre-GAT materials, and even worse, they will not even be able to understand them, because the stainless steel copies of the Student Hat are that old pre-Golden Age crap that messed up the Earth Scientology movement for decades, until Dave came along to save us all!
That’s rich for “Captain” Dvid Miscavige to say, since he couldn’t COMPLETE the Levels due to punching out his (female) co-auditor IN session.
If the OW-motivator hypothesis has any basis, Davey sure has lots of ‘karma’ coming his way.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy, IMO.
The pricing has absolutely NOTHING to do with making Scientology “affordable” or accessible to the general public. NOBODY is getting INTO Scientology anymore. Those days are LONG PAST, folks. You’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb, intellectually at least, to actually walk into a church of scientology and get involved with this group. In fact, I would be shocked if there were 10,000 public in the ENTIRE WORLD on a major service (100 orgs of 100 public on service? get real). The number might be closer to 5,000. Or less. All that Miscavige & co. are doing is maximizing the teeny amount of public left, squeezing them for every penny they have and the ONLY way to do this is to keep them paying for the same courses over and over and over. And to keep increasing one’s “status” in various categories. I no longer blame Dave in the least anymore. EACH SCIENTOLOGIST IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN CONDITION. My message to the brainwashed sheeple is ….. you decided on entering Scientology to never disagree, to be obedient to every command (as Ron himself demanded starting in the early 50s when he started the CoS and became “source”, the “truthgiver who is never wrong”) and now you are seeing the result of giving up every bit of self determinism you have, first to LRH and now to Davey. You have abandoned long time friends and even family who have. You deserve to pay and pay and pay. That is YOUR decision.
Joe Pendleton,
Very accurate report. Like having coffee with your sugar.
Scientology is never ending status levels and fundraisers on top of
never ending status levels and fundraisers. A multitude of spin off
money black holes that do not produce anything except increase the demand for income.
Read Debbie Cooks email. The IAS banks it’s donations in off shore accounts only
dolling out a fraction of the interest made (too look legit). The law of compound interest will
turn this into a huge fortune, eventually many trillions of dollars and more because it’s all tax free.
In theory Scientology will not need any public scientologists at all, with all the money on Earth who cares, D.M. could buy and sell entire countries, enslave who he wants with armies of lawyers
and P.I.’s, strong arm security and he would be the Pope !
What turns it into a fortune is NO Expenses. No taxes, no outlay other than a minimum necessary to look legitimate or to fool the whales & other sheeple.
Money goes in and never comes out, which builds up pretty quickly.
A million here, a million there…. Soon it becomes real money.
Not Necessarily Jere, The Red Cross has a fortune, with many expenses. The CEO of a Cancer charity makes over $5million/year. Top corp tax rate is 21%, not 90%.
Apples and oranges…. The Red cross is a REAL charitable organization to there on the front lines actually helping the unfortunate. scientology … isn’t at all charitable… except in its estimation of itself, claiming successes which have no acquaintance to reality.
I think this is pretty cool….I’m liking this.
Less people pay. More walk away.
Stress increases, regging is insane, more and more start diggin their new favorite word: NO.
Stats crash, little enstein finds the why.
The squirrel tech was found and through his own tears announces the Most Golden Age of All.
Now the only people left are the extras….laughing cause they keep getting paid.
Then the best part of all happens, the
Tipping Point. Many many happy happy people.
This is pretty cool…I’m liking this.
Schadenfreude is SUCH a cool word — and concept. Sometimes, I almost feel guilty. Then my never-in wife peeks over my shoulder and giggles, which makes it all OK.
What is the “Survival Rundown”?
It is C/Sed by Anonymous….it teaches you how to GTFO.
Ok, it was just a little fantasy I had,….carry on.
Co-Audit CCH’s, Some Objectives, Upper Indoc &Admin TR’s, etc. Was packaged all together as the Survival RD back in 1980. Died a slow (and yet shockingly quick death), probably ’82-83.
Never heard of it again, just disappeared.
From the Checksheet:
PURPOSE To increase an individual’s intention and ability to communicate and to provide him with the skills needed to audit Scientology Objective Processes.
END PHENOMENA Certainty that you have improved you understanding of Communication, increased your ability to communicate, experienced raised intention and can audit someone on Scientology Objective processes successfully.
PRODUCT An individual who has increased communication and intention and who can successfully audit Scientology Objective Processes.
So essentially, R/W on Environment, TR’s + Upper Indoc + Admin TRs plus the ability to read and apply the Creation of Human Ability.
Look Ma, no Basics!
If I recall it was from the early 80’s and was a lot of objective processes. I think it was actually put together by David Mayo. I never did it, but saw a lot of people doing it at COSMOD Mission when I was on the student hat.
The “survival” Run down is EVERY objective even mentioned briefly in any lecture; It’s EP is “I SURVIVED!” (I think) . It falls just after you’ve fried your brain with endless sessions in the sauna, so you don’t mind the mindless repetition of doing the Objectives. AND the pain of running them on the ‘PC’. IMO, it’s more punishing than the running-around-the-pole-forever punishment they’ve re-classed as a new level of some sort, possibly part of ‘superpower’. In school, we called THAT soccer practice warm-up. We weren’t very good, but could run everyone into the ground; even our own cross-country team on their “turf”.
What are they charging for the “End of Endless Event Intensive?” I am in a LFBD, from just thinking of the fact that I am not sitting there today for hours on end listening to Miscavige’s voice bellow at painful decibels. Happy Girl.
You’ve already paid the price of the “End of Endless Event” process by *seeing* the enterprise for what it really is.
I haven’t seen a single mention of the new GAT 2 materials and courses on any official Scientology website. Isn’t that interesting?
Maybe Dave decided that the internet itself was a fringe activity and deserved no attention from the world’s fastest growing religion?
No grand opening, no Super Power, no “new Bridge” exists as far as the internet population is concerned. If you search Google for these things (and I’m sure a lot of people do with the ongoing negative media attention), the only things that come up are from those famous fringe bloggers, online press, news portals and Scientology critics.
It appears that the fastest growing religion on Earth doesn’t feel it’s important that the world finds out about the most important milestone in the history of mankind.
A closed door event, no public announcement, closely guarded event recordings that are only shown those who are already IN the church, no dissemination efforts, rather, every effort is being made to exclude anyone who is not already “in”. Is this the strategy to “clear the planet”? It seems like the plan changed from clearing the planet with Scientology to clear Scientology off the planet.
I think this pretty much proves that the “church” has already imploded, admitted defeat and only tries to put on a show and sell to the remaining few faithful members.
“I think this pretty much proves that the “church” has already imploded, admitted defeat and only tries to put on a show and sell to the remaining few faithful member”.
“Sell only to the last remaining *member*” is pretty accurate these days.
Meanwhile, most of us who WERE can pause and listen to Spring happening outside OR do what I’m about to do: Binge on Youtube videos on science or Doctor Who or whatever comes up looking interesting. Meanwhile, back to my BIG mug of coffee and breakfast muffin.
Isn’t it past time for GAT III and GAK-(infinity)?
The only golden age is that of Miscavige’s many vaults storing his ill-gotten gains.
Do the “new” courses still have the “GAT 1” drills on them? If they do, are they the same, or have they been revised for this “even goldener” age of tech?
Globetrotter, you have to do it all over again to get the “goldener” versions. 😉
Piece of CRAP!!!
Well, one thing I know for certain is that I got a call from a well trained auditor who has finally had enough and wanted advice on how to get their family out.
Also need to add $5,000 for your lifetime membership in the Idiotic Association of Suckers before you can start your Bridge to Total Serfdom.
With their lower prices on auditing and their increased prices on training, they are making sure that the uneducated masses continue to be uneducated. It’s much easier to keep slaves in slavery when they don’t have a clue what’s going on, and when they believe you “know best.” It’s just impossible to make OTs (Obedient Thetans) when they know too much.
Enough of my snide remarks. Sorry for the interruption.
I liked your remarks. 🙂
What’s the Survival Rundown?
Objectives co-audit. Went by this name for a while in the 80’s.
I’m shaking my head looking at that price list. Some quotes that come to mind:
It’s a religiously themed business – Mark Bunker
It’s a cult operating as a business masquerading as a religion. – Brian Seymour.
Religion is free. Scientology is neither. – Anonymous
This is excellent news. Lets see $4500 for the basics (and this is before one even does a student hat (makes sense) then another 20k for basic training. This pretty much puts it out of reach for most people. I assume an edict has already come down regarding all previous oks to audit being cancelled on anyone who has not done the New stuff (despite the fact that the tech worked fine before Miscovich got hold of it). Priced for failure. My predication : total failure. Congratulations Dave. You are an idiot.
Back in the bad old ’70s, the Student Hat was free with an auditor training package. You know, the one that cost $1200. And the orgs were full of student auditors.
My first thought is “nobody could be this stupid.” And by “nobody” of course I mean Miscavige. I commented a couple days ago that GAG II is DM delivering the final blow to institutionalized Scientology – as I said a head shot at point blank range.
They’ve actually brought the price of auditing down somewhat. It used to be around 3-4 Grand per intensive while bringing the price of training way up when you include the price for books, lectures and buying two meters.
Should be the other way around if you actually planned on making auditors.
I mean do the math.
If doing the levels and coauditing is going to cost you more than buying HGC auditing for the new quickie levels they’ve been delivering at Frag plus add the fact that IBETRAY has pretty much killed Field Auditing as a career by insisting that Field Auditors are nothing but glorified FSMs and if allowed to audit have to pay 10% of their income to be harassed, interfered with and threatened by them. What they call “help”.
Such a deal!
Typical of the furry and bushy tailed management involved in running the orgs these. The duplicity is so obvious.
They’re not really selling training nor making it any easier to train. What they really want is a bunch of helpless and hapless untrained PCs and Pre OTs who are easier to manipulate and control.
This has in my opinion been the real intention behind GAT and “phase II” is in fact a mop up operation.
The only difference was that the original GAT was done somewhat on a gradient.
Regarding stats.
Oh yeah you’ll probably see an affluence on the usual BS stat. They’ll push the new packs and lectures and get everybody they can to buy the new Mk Ultra meters (gotta love the name a perfect example of a Freudian slip) based on the fact that you need two whether you’re going to train or not for Solo, R6EW, CC and the OT Levels but I doubt if you’ll see too much of a spike on MPT ’cause the cost of training is too prohibitive.
Now that auditors who were previously trained are forced to pay full rates for what basically amounts to a retrain. I personally doubt there will be many takers this time (the original GAT at least had what they called the “Certainty Courses” that were much cheeper than the whole course though I paid more for mine more than I had previously for all my training up to VI) and you will see what is left of the intelligentsia of Scientology drifting off lines.
So unlike “phase I” you are going to a lot of overt and covert protest from the rank and file.
But again I don’t think the squirrels involved in all of this are really interested in training auditors particularly in the Field or Missions.
With the cost this prohibitive it’ll be more likely that they will sucker a bunch of good hearted people into joining staff and signing a 5 year or SO contract with the promise of “free training” which I found out personally is about elusive as a “free lunch”.
(Think “Northern Exposure” Scientology style 😉 )
This is basically what they want.
I mean they’ve been working on turning the Church of Scientology into a clinic for years where they didn’t have to worry about “competition” from competent Field Auditors and I think they think they succeeded with what they think was the “final solution” to this problem.
The only problem was they didn’t count on us 🙂
YEah, but there were so many versions of the sliding scale and “packages” and SCA and whatever else that were manipulated to get the prices down by desperate regges (ED’s) that nobody ended up paying what was quoted on the price lists.
So true Mike.
Remember the ol’ Bridge Boom Package?
Then there training scholarships that knocked 50% off all training.
Aside from the SCA which shot the CC & CI stats out the roof. Not to mention the VSD for which I got a handwritten commendation from the Ol’man hisself in my short time as a Tech Sec for keeping the Stat in affluence for 6 straight weeks 🙂
You’re right.
There were deals, deals, deals especially with regs like Silver Tongued Silverman practically selling the frickin’ deed to the Org 🙂
Price engram?
But none of the Staff seemed to be starving and the Public were pretty happy…well most of ’em (‘cept the ones who “bought now” when they would have been paying less if they bought later like say 1 minute before 2 😉 ) when the regs were desperate.
I’m sure all those high jenks are pretty much over these days. Especially with a docile public who is used to paying 5 grand for a device that’s cheaper to make and lower tech than your average smart phone.
No need for Certainty Courses. There’s total certainty on being a sucker.
Right Madora,
Like I wrote in an earlier comment.
I spent more on my “Certainty” course than I did on all my previous training to VI (which includes my previous auditing to that level since I did it all on a co-audit basis.) and this was supposedly a “retread”.
BTW after spending endless hours on useless and squirrelly drills that were a waste of my time and energy. I eventually gained that certainty 😉
This whole new bridge seems so crazy. Many have stated this already, but when I started in 1973, I did the Primary Rundown (which was awesome), Dianetics and all of the levels for 1300. Not only the price difference, but the runway. You were literally auditing metered Dianetics within 6 weeks full time.
With the new bridge, it could easily take a year full time to do all of the basics, pro trs, upper indocs, pro-metering, student hat and acad level 0.
Mike, I agree with, “I do not think there will be anything left once this evolution has run its course.”
This should Cure a Lot of those left! GAG II is Mestcabbage’s last stand.
The value of the technology is no justification for putting it out of reach with current prices. On that reasoning I am calling BULLSHIT.
Really, if you think logically about this, taking all $cientologist’s claims (Indies too) at face value and accepting they want to ‘help’ and LRon’s technology is just the tool to do it, then the more valuable the technology, the cheaper it should be… right down to the best stuff being totally free!
Desire to help, my arse!
They forgot the internships on their price list. But I’m guessing it will be quite a while before anyone gets to that point in their training. Maybe never.
No need to include them. No one will make it that far.
His Holiness must think he is owed so much “power” due to his status as Biggestest Being that of course this will work! And getting rid of those pesky South Africans is only removing CI.
“…pony up $2,500 to listen to the edited study tapes.”
Mike: The student hat already had “edited lectures”. When I was on the SHSBC in the ’80s, I thought it would be novel to use my Student Hat transcripts to listen to the same-date-and-name SHSBC lecture and lo! missing data!
I tried the same thing using the PTS/SP course transcripts with SHSBC lectures. Lo! Missing data.
And there was not one word in the course cassettes OR the course transcripts about the abbreviation/modification!
Nuts. You have the chance to get to Class V for well into the 30k range. This is not even up to Class VI. The real blocker here is Student Hat. Realistically, that should be close to free and they price it at $2500? That’s nuts.
What’s worse is that you are no longer studying Scientology.
Thank you for including the price list! I can’t believe they are including TAX on the e-meter! Technically they could consider that part of their religious practice and exempt it from tax collection. By collecting tax on it, they are obligated to turn the collected tax to the proper entities—city, county and state and those are all public record.
I’m already researching their collection of sales tax on books—including books that they exclude from tax collection based on ‘religious scripture’ exception (they still collect tax on those).
The greed of DM knows no bounds!
Hello Miss T! Over at the SA site, Karen de La C mentioned that the 5000+ you pay for an e meter merely provides a license for you to use the device. They can remove it if you’re not ‘in good standing’ even after you’ve handed over your hard earned $$$. This is yet one more means of tyrannical control over the flock because they believe their eternal salvation is tied to the thing. I actually feel kind of sorry for them. It’s like living in an invisible fascist dictatorship.
Regarding the taxes collected on the e-meter, that is another avenue of cash for the “church”. It works like this, any business that collects taxes gets to keep 2 1/2% of the collected taxes as long as they pay then on time.
Also, I believe that it was on the ESMB that members are NOT allowed to use any money on account to purchase the e-meters. They have to come up with new cash. What’s with that?
That is so suppressive to not allow members to use money on account to buy emeters. Is that to prevent meters from making their way into the Indie world via under the radars? Or is it just a money grab completely?
I think the sales tax angle is telling: they are not only trying for the big ripoff, by making people redo stuff they have already done, but they’re also out to steal as much spare change as they can. I’m not sure that e-meters are subject to sales tax because they are a “religious artifact,” but if they are in any state of the US, he’s collecting sales tax at 9% from everyone, whether they live in one of the handful of states that don’t charge sales tax (Oregon, New Hampshire, Montana and a couple others) at the same rate people would pay in California or New York.
It almost seems like he’s ripping people off for those few extra dollars per e-meter just to amuse himself to see if he can get away with it. If anybody complains, of course, he just declares them and moves on.
Hubbard explained “if you want to make something valuable…make it complicated and very expensive”. I thought Scientology would be simple – but the more I did – the more complicated it got! The cost was a total RIP OFF. The constant regging for donations for the various “front groups” are part of the scam as well.
The cost is out of the reach for most people…and those people are expected to join staff and Sea Org and work as slaves…while the Whales that can afford it pay these huge fees (they are convinced there is something valuable to have) and that is how Scientology was born, designed and how it continues to roll. Hubbard gives you all the clues as to the crimes Scientology commits – each and every day!
One has to step out of the Scientology box and look!! To think David Miscavige set this up is absurd…it was Hubbard all along!
You have hit the nail on the head there, “The cost is out of the reach for most people…and those people are expected to join staff and Sea Org and work as slaves”.
As you said it has always been that way and by having such an artificially high price joining staff to get it for “free” has always been the design. Too bad staff never actually ends up going up the bridge – someone at my local org is still working there and still isn’t clear and is hoping to co-audit to clear now? (Gag twice indeed). Factor in the long hours moonlighting to live in poverty conditions and surprise, “Not sessionable!”
But hey! look over here, join the sea org and get free room and board!
One ladder after another until your life isn’t your own anymore.
My heart goes out to others who have lost their children and families over this.
Are religious organization such as this able to file for bankruptcy?
How long do the previously trained have to get thru the new line up? Are their certs suspended immediately?
Where are these word clearers who are going to administer the M4s on the new Student Hat? Probably no where else besides Flag would have them, right? So it will cost $4,000 plus accommodations, plus missing work to do it.
Madora: In GAT 1, auditors could slide for about ten years before the wholesale cancellations started. Less for individuals who voiced an objection to GAT 1. The threats and intimidation and extortion went on throughout the whole period, of course.
Wow – 25 grand to be come a class 4 auditor? I thought training was supposed to be the cost-effective route to get up the bridge. It probably doesn’t include an e-meter either.
With the public drained as result of Idle Morgues, Superpower and IAS, they won’t have any money (or credit) left to pay for anything. I would hate to be on staff when in a couple of weeks the stats crash and Miscavige starts one of his witch hunts to find the SPs that are trying to make him wrong. Remember, there is no bigger crime in this universe than “to make COB wrong”. Actually, COB does a pretty good job at that all by Himself.
$35,198.50 for training through Class V with two e-meters.
Then you can co-audit to clear.
Oh wait, there’s that note, some additional materials may be required.
This excludes the price of the basics however. You have to do all of them before you can do the academy levels.
Factor in review costs and you’ll need to pony up around $50,000 to get to clear on this new “streamlined” co-audit route to clear. And it will takes years just to get the basics done on a part time schedule. Which makes me think, add more cost, because the new idle morgs will have the additional room for a ‘part-time course room’. This lets them charge even more.
Well played, slappy, well played. You’ll have the church members cleared out soon and you and the other trustees will be able to liquidate all the rest and retire with a huge pile of cash soon.
“…Then you can co-audit to clear.”
Hmmm. The price for a co-audit of lower grades and NED is not in the list. Or internships.
Remember the catch-22 that your auditor cert is only good for a year unless you intern. So internships would by necessity have to be included in the price of training to be able to co-audit.
I can almost guarantee that any co-audit would include one or two “pledge” intensives for getting repaired by a higher-classed auditor, in order to ensure that the org doesn’t lose a day’s stats for an unhandled red-tag.
Could you post how you arrived at the $35,198.50 figure?
24, 298.50 Class V Auditor Package
5, 450.00 E-Meter (main one)
5, 450.00 E-Meter (backup – as required per How to Setup a Session Checklist)
35, 198.50 Which Credit Card would you like to put that on?
“Well played, slappy, well played. You’ll have the church members cleared out soon and you and the other trustees will be able to liquidate all the rest and retire with a huge pile of cash soon.”
That’s the only play I can see, too. By getting the orgs to fail because enough people to maintain viability won’t come in for the overpriced, endless runway, HE can say that the fault is at the org level and those staff are just SPs, letting bills pile up and staff blow.
The failures won’t be HIS causing, so HIS sycophant celebs (blackmailable to eternity) won’t hold him accountable, either. The whales will keep Flag and AOLA afloat for a while longer and then there will be more property to sell. Just enough time to prune the staff levels down to where there will be no exec remaining that could understand the final property and cash grab. After all, who is most likely to be the final signing authority?
In the mean time, deflate morale, put more heads on pikes; prune, prune, prune; let everyone get a full lost-cause phenomena going; let the media get bored; everyone so, so bored; so beaten down that they will welcome the door closings.
Telemarketers ask for as much as possible, reasoning that some people who will say yes to a $100 request can and will say yes to $1,000. Thus, in the short run, it makes sense to ask for a high amount (and, if they so no, the smaller amount). In other words, asking everyone for $1,000 (even if only 1 person says yes) gives you more money than asking everyone for $100 and having 5-6 say yes.
In the long run, you alienate people and dry up your customer base, so its not a good strategy most of the time.
Wow, the purif and co-audited objectives used to be $1600 (as a package) last I recall. $5K now? That’s a hell of an increase. Great way to scare new people off I suppose…
Right! And what could have a better impact than lots of people doing the purif. It should be super cheap because there’s so little cost to deliver it. So suppressive.
It really does not matter how much is on any price list for the C of $ promotes because
money on account is fair game for emergencies and other fish to fry by staff.
Bait and switch games.,eartquakes in paradise, stat pushes to Clear South nowheresville,
the psychs are pushing laws or new drugs, or something, anything, that separates you from your money, family and sanity.
Good one Jose. And I might add that Rick Alexander was doing the WTH program to get booklets in to the drug capital of the world, and I said no that I didn’t have money. He said yes you do have it on account on the Ship. I said that Ship money was to do OT VIII with and I wouldn’t unmock my VIII pkg. He said, “but we can take it from your VIII Accomos cuz that isn’t really for OT VIII and is just accomos.” I couldn’t believe he would denigrate it as “unnecessary” like that. Of course accomos are necessary. YOu cant’ do your OT Level without a place to stay on the Ship. Yet he was willing to unmock the postulate to do that OT Level just so he could get a stat for some 3rd world drug country. They’re all liars and conn artists.
So let me get this straight – before you can even audit, you have to pay $8,750 for your Student Hat, Pro TRs, PRO Upper Indocs and Pro Metering Course???
Talk about a block to making auditors. It shows that DM has no intentions on clearing the planet. If he did, the prices to get started would be where they were in the early 70s. Those same course probably were less that $500. If I recall, you could do all your academy levels in the 70s for $1,000 tops.
Criminal beyond belief. Think what you might about LRH and auditing, but he would probably consider this the biggest block on the bridge in history.
Yes, $1000 is what I paid for all academy levels, and I believe that also included the internship.
Me too!
So let me get this straight – before you can even audit, you have to pay $8,750 for your Student Hat, Pro TRs, PRO Upper Indocs and Pro Metering Course???
Yep, and as I understand it, students have to do the full Basics line-up before doing the pre-reqs above. How much does that cost? Another $3,500 or so?
We’re talking about a $10,000 investment before a person ever gets to the Class 0 course. That’s a locked iron door to the Bridge if I ever saw one. Sheer insanity.
don’t forget $5,000 for the IAS right to pass membership
If you want to compare the value of $1,000.00 dollars of income or wealth in 1970 to 2012 there are four choices:
historic standard of living value of that income or wealth is $5,910.00
contemporary standard of living value of that income or wealth is $5,980.00
economic status value of that income or wealth is $9,850.00
economic power value of that income or wealth is $15,100.00
Of course, that doesn’t really matter so much now as there simply aren’t many public with any disposable income left. After purchasing two new meters at 10k, donating for Idle Morgues, donating to the IAS and all the new prerequisites to actual auditing or creating auditors who’ll be left who can actually make this work?
Basically what I took from that comparison, Smokey, is that it was a money scam right from the beginning with such outlandish prices (and these now and back then are outlandish and only a fraction of the western society population has that kind of money – certainly not 50% as someone else stated)… and it was ALL HUBBARD back then!
That’s interesting… innit?
I paid $200 per level of the BC in the early 80’s. Now if you walked in to an org and said, “I’m ready to complete my BC package” and they looked up the price, they would drop a jaw that they would have to deliver for so little money (at today’s rate). But at the price I paid the BC was full, teaming, and as others have said, probably 200 people on it at all times. That is how Ron wanted it — training to be affordable so people can get trained and audit others and Clearing could occur even on co-audits. Now Flag and ASHO tell people not to coaudit because, “you’ll just end up in review and have to spend money on review, so just let us deliver to you professionally so that you don’t waste money on review from student mistakes.” This was actually said to a friend of mine. It is enemy line, untrue and invalidative, and greedy. Greedy because the HGC’s want the money to go to them and not to a coaudit.
I’m puzzled, Mike, as to how aware Dave Miscavige is of the magnitude of his problems. And also about whether he has more or less given up on Scientology ever returning to a state of long-term viability.
His current “handling” of South Africa suggests, on the one hand, that he thinks he can afford to keep driving members away, even productive and generous members. Does he really think the supply of such people is unlimited, or that new bodies will magically appear to take their place?
On the other hand, this new pricing structure, along with the ludicrous requirement for everyone to repeat EVERYTHING, suggests that he does understand that the current membership is basically all he’s got to work with. There have even been hints of amnesty in some form being offered as a carrot to entice people back to the fold.
But these two things seem contradictory to me. South Africa suggests denial or simple stubbornness: a belief that somehow, by dint of ruthlessness and willpower, he can make things go right. GAT II suggests, in contrast, a kind of crude realism: a recognition that his empire has shriveled to a rump of hardcore believers, who must be squeezed and exploited for all they’re worth.
I guess trying to divine David’s state-of-mind is a mug’s game. Maybe “insane” covers it. But there does seem to be some dark form of reasoning at work.
“…Does he really think the supply of such people is unlimited?”
Richard: As North Korea, Iran, Cambodia, Cuba, Iraq, USSR, Venezuela and Germany have taught us in the past century, the supply of such people is near-unlimited. Even the US exploits the downtrodden, poor and stupid. The difference in Scientology Inc is that it takes intelligent people with an ability to be productive and make money and turns them into the downtrodden, poor, and stupid. And then exploits them further.
Observeable evidence suggests that DM is stuck in the “big stick” approach to solving all problems. The Mission Network, handling Mayo, the Broekers and Vicki Aznaran. IRS (overwhelming numbers of lawsuits), Time magazine (full page ads in USA Today for ages, plus lawsuits). Decimating international management into the hole for their crimes. The handling of all critics over the years – all of them subjected to over the top brutal handlings.
Nowhere will you find DM applying any other solution than hitting it with a big stick; it was successful for him in the past, so he continues to use it. I don’t believe that SA and GAT II are fundamentally different – they are just sides of the same coin. Instead of validating and honouring all past training while introducing GAT II incrementally for new training sold, he just thumps the field with a big stick all tells all of them they WILL do it HIS way and retrain.
The SA 18 – well that’s just a case of needing a head on a pike before GAT II release to show what happens to people who defy him. I think he just lashed out uncontrollably.
It looks to me like DM is simply doing what he has always done. What has “worked” every time. There is nothing new to his playbook in any of these actions. That its a game of seemingly diminishing returns (in terms of membership numbers) may be immaterial.
I think it may be as simply as DM is looking at the overal money stat (as in cash in the bank, plus value of assets).
This number is likely in a continual uptrend. How so? Well, The Ideal Org, SuperPower, and IAS scams have been tremendously succesfull from an aggregrate income standpoint, not to mention the rivers of cash that FLAG brings in for regular services. And whatever is the terminal church corporation that houses and controls all of this money takes in vast amounts of cash, but expends virtually nothing. Especially not taxes or wages.
It is my surmise that DM has BILLIONS (in excess of 5 Billion certainly, and as much as 10) of dollars invested that are bringing in healthy returns on a continuous basis. These massive returns are further reinvested. If DM is managing his empire by this stat, the overal money stat, then for him everything is looking very nice.
For him, the stats truly are straight up and vertical.
I don’t believe that David Miscavige likes getting rid of whales, big donors, and long term supporters at all, but does it out of necessity. Anyone who becomes overly verbal about outpoints has to be separated from the group. It doesn’t matter how rich or trained they are or aren’t. Rich, poor, trained, untrained, long-time in or new, if they have eyes to see and ears to hear, if they can think, if they can remember, if they write KRs on outpoints, if they do internet searches on Scientology, they will be isolated as troublemakers and shunned, if not outright declared. He can’t let them contaminate the remaining willing, obedient, unquestioning sheeple. There is no effective handling because He can’t tell the truth, because the truth is his enemy. If his phony D/A packs don’t work, that’s it, goodby. I’ll bet the fact that some of them having been wealthy, generous contributors to Ideal Orgs and the IAS causes him no small regret. But I believe that in his um, mind, let’s call it that for our purposes right now, anyone speaking up is a cancer to be isolated and routed out so that the rest of the group stays “healthy”.
I predict zero sales from parishioners who have done these services priorly. I predict miniscule sales from new people coming in. But, as no new people are coming in these days, I predict no sales there either. At lease with the Basics there were lectures people had not heard before. GAG II is simply a cutative all the way around. Who is that stupid? Besides DM, I mean.
I predict you will be right Dan
Dan, the reality is that the people that are still faithful members of the church are also DM boot-lickers. They may grumble (to themselves), but they are gonna pony up the mulah for alot of this crap. After all, they do want to finish whatever level they are on and then get on the next one.
These “OT’s” are well aware of the implied threat of non-compliance with “Command Intention.” So alot of people are gonna go ahead and redo any courses they are told they must, rebuy and read any books they are told they must, and pay for and do any auditing steps they are told they must.
I’ll see what I can get for FLAG. The $2,500 for Student Hat is a far cry fro the $4,000 I’ve heard from several sources for the FLAG price. I also heard that FLAG had no package rates for auditing. But I’ll have to verify.
$2500 for a Method One co-audit?? Geez…I think I paid about $100 for mine.
Does anyone know if they are still offering “Pro rate” intensives for auditors in training? Or has that been cancelled too?
Expensive and the meter is beyond reach unless you are a millionaire. Orgs. will be demanded to buy stocks of e-meters, packs, etc and I don’t believe they can afford them either.
You are correct, the GI (Gross Income) will boom straight up and vertical in the next two months or so, but, what about the VSD (Value of Services Delivered)? The delivery stats may show another picture, meaning, very low completions throughout a very long range of time. And that only after the public gets through the lengthy and inapplicable ‘Basics” line up.
No future indeed, time to wrap it up DM, the show is over.
Thanks so much for sharing the news, and for people sharing solid news with you so you post it here!
Pricing has always been for middle class clients of Scientology.
That appears overall to still be the case.
Over the years I’ve been observing Scientology, the price of auditing did a huge uptick in the late 1970s, and has stayed out of range to anyone but the middle to upper middle class.
This pricing keeps Scienotlogy out of reach to about half the population of western countries, and totally out of reach to the rest of the world.
Pricing realistically would been to be long range reformed drastically back to 1950s and 1960s era prices in proportion to western country average incomes, proportionally.
That’s a paper that should be done about this movement by some Grad student wishing to see if this overpricing change that happened in the 1970s and has been with the movement ever since, if this major price change has overall had any real impact.
My thoughts are that the sprucing up of the orgs’ images, reno’d buildings inside and out, has continued another of Hubbard’s wishes, of “improve our image” but only literally physical improvement.
The behavior of the movement requires reform of Hubbard’s major movement “protective’ paranoid mentality and the movement’s rules controlling the membership (disconnection, OSA’s idiocy, wasting money on PIs and legal).
Scientology’s all about training auditors who audit, and that auditing supposedly spiritually improves people and thus improves the world and makes everyone’s dynamics better.
Prices and how to fund the movement, needs overall reform. Not something they are free enough to achieve themselves.
The corporate church has priced Scientology services far out of reach for the average man and woman. LRH references exist wherein he goes into detail about how to properly price auditing and training, so that the vast majority of public can realistically afford it.
Per LRH, services should be priced within reach of the lower middle class. That is certainly NOT the case with today’s prices for services, which can only be realistically reached by those in the upper middle class or higher. This is a suppressive act, as it puts Scientology auditing and training out of reach for most people.
Prices should be set according to HCOPL 23 Sept 1964 which is based on “the average lower class of lower middle class pay scale.”
The Co$ has also squirreled everything around so badly you can’t get anywhere even if you have the (estimated $350,000) money. It just isn’t functional, to try to operate as part of a self-betterment / other-betterment organization, in an environment rife with threats and frivolous ‘justice’ actions against innocents.
Even the training. Damn.
I think an average “middle class” income might balk at $2500 just for Student Hat. Whats the checksheet time? Two weeks? And that’s just to get you started. Then you have all your Basics and everything else and a meter or two. You’re looking at what, like $30,000 and years of nights and weekends before you ever get to audit (except your M-1 co-audit).
What new person is going to do that? Someone comes in, new to Scientology, runs through all that and becomes an auditor in the Church without joining the SO?
I bet over the next couple years you could count those people on one hand. It’s just not going to happen. It hasn’t been happening and this just makes it worse. That’s actually good because GAT auditing sucks. I’d rather get auditing from a psychiatrist on book one who is only doing it to prove it doesn’t work and that I’m really insane.
Back in my day I paid $50 for the Comm Course then paid $500 for HSDC with the Student Hat thrown in for free. From there I became staff and was on board for 30 YEARS. Whether it was good or bad to be in the group that long is another discussion. If instead I had been told I could get started by paying $2500 (or the 1976 equivalent) for the Student Hat alone, I would have turned on my heels and would’ve never become a Scientologist. I didn’t want the Student Hat, I wanted Dianetics. I was willing to tolerate the Student Hat because it was free, but I would have never paid that much money for it all by itself.
Thanks for all your efforts. (What do you do in your spare time? LOL)
Per your analysis, things should be getting very interesting in the next few weeks.
I will understand if you delete this. But we both know where we stand.
Niels — we do. I don’t think this fits this thread or the purpose of the blog. I enjoy your comments on the whole. This one just didnt work.