This guy, apparently an “OT VIII” has lost his marbles.
He is a complete wackjob. Certifiable.
And yet he sits in the front row of Voldemort events and has his photo taken being presented with his status “trophies.”
It just proves once again that Scientology exclusively confers status on those that give the most money. It is the ONLY criteria by which anyone is judged.
Gordon Gecko would be proud.
Honestly, this is kind of uncomfortable to watch.
From: From David Wilson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, November 1, 2013 8:24 PM
Subject: New Civilization on its way – Blog #26
Shakespeare revisited.How the bard might have chronicled Clearing California
In the new civilization the arts will flourish and our exploits will be dramatized by
famous writers. In fact some of us may see similarities in our heroic ventures to
events that have been immortalized by Shakespeare:Caesar’s wife Calpurnia: “Please. Please Caesar! Don’t go to the fund raiser this
evening, I had a dream that you would give all our money away.”
Caesar: “I cannot avoid events whose ends are purposed by the mighty Gods!
We shall go forth”
Calpurnia: “When beggars gift towards the Ideal Org there are no comets seen.
The heaven’s themselves blaze forth when a Humaniterian is made. But yet I fear
we’ll die if we give any more money to this noble cause.
Caesar: “Cowards die many times before their deaths. The Valiant taste of death
but once and there is no death by registration. Of all the wonders I have seen an
Ideal org is most worthy of our support.”
Enter servant returned from an augury*.
Caesar: “What say the augurers?”
Servant: “The Augurers want you move up to your next status! They say it would
more befit your station to be a Gold Humanitarian. They see no dangers in this day!”
Caesar: “Caesar shall go forth for Danger knows full well that Caesar is more
dangerous than he. We are like two lions littered in one day and I the older and
more terrible!”
Enter Decius, Brutus, Casius and many other “Senators” (OTs, Clears and PCs from
the Valley Field)
All: “We have come to join you at the ideal org fund raiser.”
And of course the rest of the play goes into how Caesar helped convince 100
fellow members of the field become Humanitarians as was their destiny.
A new Civilization awaits! Manifest your destiny and go to our next Fundraiser!
* Prediction of the future by examining the entrails of a sacrifice.
Upcoming events:
Saturday 2 Nov: Big Tone Raiser Event (Clear California Event!) at the Angeles National Golf Club, Hana-li Performing!!! Building Expansion Dir Int speaking!
Save the date: Big Tone Raiser Event at the New Ideal Org Location in North Hollywood, December 8th.
Much Love,
David Wilson
Gold Humanitarian
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
I seriously thought that email was a spoof/joke by OTVIIIisGreat, or somebody, and I had to go back to the top to make sure it was for real. They are actually sending shit like that? Unbelievable. Just fucking unbelievable.
No, sorry: simply amazingly sad. Okay, sad and grotesque. Not hilarious. The so called “church” not having anything to do with freeing beings.
This is so sad and yet hilarious at the same time.
Ultimately, it just goes to remind one how the corporate church has nothing to do with freeing beings.
Jose Chung, just a small correction: The bridge that Steven Brackett jumped off is a few miles south of Carmel. It’s really located by the Big Sur Coast on Hwy 1.
Incidentally, since my avatar is Gordon Gekko, and I am a certified, SEC licensed card-carrying capitalist, I can say that Gordon would be proud of many things that people accomplish in their quest for wealth and glory. He would, however, be frightfully embarrassed to see this astonishing work of cultural buggery from a ham-handed amateur like David Wilson. He would run from meeting Mr. Wilson like an altar boy from a pedophile.
I feel confident in saying that if Mr. Gekko felt a parody of Shakespeare were appropriate to communicate with his friends and/or business associates, he would hire someone like Pulitzer-prize winning Shakespeare critic Stephen Greenblatt of Harvard University, perhaps the world’s foremost living Shakespeare expert, to write something that better captures the subtlety and brilliance of Shakespeare’s original words.
The movie image of Caesar and Calpurnia looks like Lucy and Ricky. Or could it be symbolic of the two Daves?
Is that and old photo from the Wayne and Shuster show?
And was it used without permission to pry money out of the whales?
Yep. “I said ‘Julie, don’t go!'”
David Wilson has taken it upon himself to enlighten what is in his mind, his “public”. I think he considers himself to be far above the rest of us, in need of his pearls of wisdom.
He demonstrates that he is out of touch with people in general and has no common sense; completely socially backward.
I have met him a few times and personally found him to be very conservative and rather standoffish. It was a social situation and he basically sat back in his chair and made no attempt to reach anyone in the room for the entire evening. Maybe we just weren’t up to his “level of IQ”.
He needs to review his Shakespeare, particularly “Julius Caesar”.
I could not agree more that “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” is the most inapplied, toxic and evil rationalization to evolve out of the RCS.
Look at few of it’s products: Disconnection, Abuse, Bankruptcy, Forced Abortion, Shunning, Suicide, Cancer/Illness and Death of Self-Determinism, Spirit, Mind and Body.
After the painful perversion of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar I was so nauseated that I missed the major out point which is that they are going to have some event at the future site of this “Valley Ideal Org” which is in *NoHo* which isn’t really considered part of the “Valley”.
Sorta like the Glendale Mission which is now in Burbank.
I’d say your analogy is perfect!
I’m not as well read as most people posting on this site, but didn’t the soothsayer forewarn Caesar to “Beware the Ideas of Mi$scavige” or something like that?
Methinks Wilson doth approach an insanity point, where his postulates will flip from ‘must give money’ to ‘must not give money’. Hence the ambivalence of this missive, which I did at first mistake for one of OTVIIIisGrrr8’s merry jests.
Off topic alert. See the new South African blog. 18 people declared today. Collectively 590 years in Scientology, 8 auditors, 12 OTs
CO CLO AF and CO CMO AF recalled to the USA and 7 man Sea Org mission arrived this week.
This is the fate of one of the first Ideal Orgs – Joburg Org
Wendy, just put up a post about this….
Thanks Mike 🙂
The Clear California Crusade isn’t doing very well. Occasionally one might drive through the wrong part of Hollywood and pass the Celebrity Center, Big Blue (Martian Embassy), or some other embarrassment, but otherwise the Scilons are nearly invisible (except on these blogs). Once in the last five years I saw a table set up near one of the beaches and manned by two people, one old, the other elderly (and neither looking very healthy). There is no Crusade, no awareness, no marketing of any sort, even in LA.
“Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell.”
Actually, I wish there were more communications like this from OTC members and church officials. Lots of them, around the world, in all languages! Somehow, somewhere, somebody has got to notice an outpoint.
This has made me wonder: is there anywhere else on planet Earth you can get communications like this? Politicians, perhaps? Is there any (non-fundamentalist) church or corporation with a similar output?
Totally OT: was watching the Tom Hiddleston version of Henry V two nights ago and kept being thrown for a loop…why was Mike Rinder acting as the Herald of France?!
In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves, “Whoa!”
Whateth iseth he smokingeth?
I believeth he iseth smokingeth the KissVoldemort’sAsseth blend.
Yah, Mon.
oooohhhhhh!!!!! Gayle!
Actually it’s funny that Wilson would use Caesar as a representation of your average “Humanitarian” supporter. An epileptic megalomanic with delusions of godhood who had his buddy Mark Antony kill off any opposition to his rule and ended up being assassinated by his own Senate because he thought he was immortal and refused heed the warning to “beware the ides of March”.
But ya know “I come not to praise Caesar but to bury him.”
A more appropriate quote Marullus after Caesar’s defeat over Pompey would be the following:
Wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?
What tributaries follow him to Rome,
To grace in captive bonds his chariot-wheels?
You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!
O you hard hearts, you cruel men of Rome,
Knew you not Pompey? Many a time and oft
Have you climb’d up to walls and battlements,
To towers and windows, yea, to chimney-tops,
Your infants in your arms, and there have sat
The livelong day, with patient expectation,
To see great Pompey pass the streets of Rome:
And when you saw his chariot but appear,
Have you not made an universal shout,
That Tiber trembled underneath her banks,
To hear the replication of your sounds
Made in her concave shores?
And do you now put on your best attire?
And do you now cull out a holiday?
And do you now strew flowers in his way
That comes in triumph over Pompey’s blood? Be gone!
Run to your houses, fall upon your knees,
Pray to the gods to intermit the plague
That needs must light on this ingratitude.
Especially the “You Blocks you stones…..part.
NOOOO! Make it stop!! “Big tone raiser’.
Seriously, you generous and idealistic warriors for Miscavige’s bulging purse, please go to a real live ideal org and you’ll see how ‘ideal’ they are.
How much longer can Wilson tread water? It’s painful to watch these crushed souls struggle to make sense out of nonsense.
Mr Wilson
Thou art a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy worsted-stocking knave; a lily-liver’d, action-taking, whoreson, glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way.
King Lear, The Bard
and furthermore, thou modest codpiece doth shame you.
I can hardly believe this isn’t a spoof. Don’t these people understand what happened to Caesar?
He was murdered by people he trusted.
Now there’s an idea, John Ritson!
I was just reminded of the soul who gave David Miscavige 5 million USD
and then jumped off a Bridge in Carmel by the Sea.
STATUS TROPHIES, Clear California ?
Doing my best Homer Simpson Dooooow !
Waiting for the “Master” part 2
Wow. As is often the case with these Scientology missives, the author chooses a completely inappropriate allegory to convey his message, which, in this instance, is the nobility of contributing to the Valley Ideal Org and enhancing one’s IAS status.
These emails are generally littered with grammatical and sentence structure errors as well as the author’s aforementioned sub-90 IQ understanding of the allegory or metaphor used.
In his narrative, Wilson has Caesar brush off Calpurnia’s fears and head triumphantly to the IAS fundraiser. Shakespeare’s Caesar likewise strode headstrong to the Senate.
Well, we all (with the apparent exception of David Wilson) know what happened to Caesar on the Senate floor, and the same will happen to Wilson’s Caesar at the IAS event.
The only difference is that Caesar was stabbed in the back; Miscavige and his Regges look their vicitms in the eye while gutting them.
I despise the fact that these people now openly admit how harmful this crush regging is. And yet they still keep begging for their extravagant empty buildings. “Give until it hurts, we know you are hurting and your credit and family life are being destroyed, we can’t even pretend that’s not happening anymore, but be a big being and keep on giving. You’re a big being, not a CI DB, right?”
Sometimes I think “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” is the most evil, harmful, toxic, misapplied idea to come out of Scientology.
Dirk — I think it is right up there at the top of the list. Because, to a fundamentalist Scientologist, the “held down 7” is that the 3rd dynamic counts for EIGHT. The church is ultimately the salvation of all individuals, families, groups, mankind etc etc and thus, the only REAL equation ever applied by a “true” Scientologist is “what is good for the church.”
And the stupidest thing is that all this crush regging, destroying members’ finances and all the consequences derived therefrom is not even good for the Church, as it is destroying the Church, too. I submit that the REALEST statement of the equation is “what David Miscavige says is good for the Church.”
But guys….this is a FALSE DATUM. The greatest good calculation should be made, from the individual being’s personal point of view, of their own track, personality, priorities and time frame. When it’s done with full respect and no eval, a person can really make good decisions and forward their life, on their own terms. This is the tech I know and applied, to wonderful results. The core philosophy, does not include this radicalization, of demanding everyone live the same way, from the same viewpoint. This is so obviously insane. It’s directly opposed (reversal) to the original intention of Scn which is FREEDOM. I know many, have suffered greatly from this malpractice, I have repaired the damage. The fundamentalist’s narrow viewpoint is a product of radical scn, but this is antipathetic to the auditor’s point of view, which is 100% granting of beingness.
And it came to pass that the IAS Regges Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus and sixty other regges from Flag, Super Power, CCHR, CSRT, CSI, BPI, RTC, CST, WISE, ABLE, FSO, the Ship — and even Joe who was regging for the Pacific Events Center, fell upon Caesar and began stabbing his bank account and other assets to death.
And as Caesar’s finances were being stabbed to death, Emperor David Miscavige appeared and thrust in the fatal knife whereupon Caesar said, “Et tu, Dave?”
And Emperor Miscavige said, “I want your gold teeth after you drop your body, and, I just declared your stupid wife Calpurnia for being CI to my greatness!”
I was sort of secretly hoping that this email was composed by OTviiiisGr8 🙂
But aren’t you an OT VIII? Are you calling yourself a whackjob?
*EVERYTHING* you complain about Miscavige’s rule was present during Hubbard’s time. You are acting like a good cult member, pretending that Hubbard was good but Miscavige is bad. Read the truth about Hubbard and the cult during his rule!
Family disconnection? LRH disconnected from L Ron Hubbard, Jr!!! Disconnection is NOT an invention of Miscavige.
Abuse of children? 12-year-olds worked 100 hour weeks, serving Hubbard as Messengers on the Apollo.
Lying, cheating, stealing in the service of the cult? Very prominent during the time of Hubbard. Operation Snow White and the abuse of P. Goddard, for example.
Money hungry exploitation of Scientology members? Pioneered by Hubbard!! The goal of Scientology, according to L.Ron Hubbard: MAKE MONEY. MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHERS PRODUCE AS TO MAKE MONEY. (1972 letter)
Physical abuse of staff members for petty infractions? Hubbard sent out orders to hit certain people who displeased him!
Good luck to you in truly pulling away from the cult of Hubbard; you have a long way to go to become a thinking human being with normal compassion and empathy. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’ve gotten there – your writing shows clearly you have a LONG path ahead.
Well, I would hope that on this journey I don’t end up as arrogant, opinionated and uninformed as you are. Why don’t you use your name when casting aspersions?
You are fighting the wrong “enemy.”
Just to correct your faulty assumptions.
No, I am not an OT VIII.
No, I am not calling anyone other than David Wilson a wackjob.
I guarantee you I know more about Hubbard than you do, having read every negative book about him, seen every documentary about him, having read all his personal papers and actually having met the man. What truth are you so certain I am lacking?
Who said Disconnection is an invention of Miscavige? Not me, that’s for sure.
Did someone tell you I have claimed there was no lying, cheating or stealing in the time of Hubbard? Or no money hungry exploitation. You need to read the entire quote you cite, clearly you have not done so but simply taken this out of some other report. You will find that quote concerns the actions one must take in a bankrupt organization — Hubbard never considered any Scientology organization would be bankrupt. Nor does it state it is the “entire goal of the organization.”
I can tell you one instance I know of Hubbard striking someone personally (Gary Wiese). I can tell you a thousand instances of Miscavige doing so.
Lastly, apart from posting anonymously here, what are you doing about ending the abuses of the cult?
Right on Mike! Good points. And exactly what is this anonymous “Repeal2ndAmendment” poster doing to end the abuses of the cult and make the world a better place?
Repeal2ndAmendment, do you have the compassion you desire to see in others?
Mike is being very nice.
You’re a troll, and you obviously haven’t read this blog and are totally unfamiliar with what Mike has had to say over the past few years.
If you had read anything, you’d know that he is very fair in his criticism of Hubbard and of the church as a whole. To me it seems that his goal on this blog is to help open people’s eyes to what is happening in the church today, so that is what his posts are about.
I have never read a post or thread here exalting LRH as some sort of perfect saint. Everyone knows he created many policies and procedures that led to very negative consequences today. But this blog has a different purpose.
I suspect you are a “never-in.” So am I. But, I watch what is happening and study how Scientology is developing, ask questions, and try to have an understanding attitude. Your haranguing and ignorant approach won’t get you anywhere, especially when it is clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.
There are plenty of blogs where you can bitch about Ron and the past. I like to come and bitch about Miscavige and his handling of the present.
(Makes as much sense as his email).
Indeed certifiable. But, Calpurnia seems to have inadvertently uttered a couple sensible things, like “don’t go to the fundraiser,” and “I fear we’ll die if we give any more…”. Shakespeare must surely be shuddering in his grave at the thought of his name being associated with all this.
I’d like to add… DELUSIONAL and DISTURBED.. and yet… somehow… INCREDIBLY OBNOXIOUS.
And definitely NOT CREATIVE (as he surely imagines himself to be).
What a PATHETIC attempt to pit husband against wife in the name of enriching the “church” at the expense of bankrupting the couple.
He must be completely unbearable in person.
OMG. This is the cheesiest thing I’ve ever seen. I am embarrassed for him just reading it. And I hate the graphic that he uses with it, the picture of some masked Medieval Crusader or something. It is creepy seeing that picture.
The very next entrance Caesar makes he says,
‘I do know but one that unassailable holds on his rank, unshak’d of motion: and, that I am he, let me a little show it, even in this.’
And a few seconds later, that very group with whom Caesar stepped out, stabbed him to death.
I cannot believe what I just read. If those still in are unable to see through this, I have no more sympathy for them. You are correct, Mike…He IS a wackjob.
Great posts!
Senile and pathetic
This is an insult to my aesthetic mind.
Wow. If you hadn’t told us this was from an actual scientologist, I would have thought it was from a critic making fun of the cult. But who needs critics when you’ve got clams.
Mike, while this subject has already been covered yesterday I would like to post this for any locals who may read this blog.
In regards to Scientology submitting a last minute request for street closures for the super power bldg etc. I would like to make local readers aware that emails are a nice gesture to voice your concerns. However having worked in government you will then probably receive a standard email response from an Administrative Assistant.
There is nothing more Powerful then a Phone call to the city and speaking with either the Mayor, City Manager or City Counsel person. Being in government phone calls show that a local citizen is taking the time to call and voice their concerns. A government agency is not going to ask you all sorts of personal information. Usually just giving a first name will get you transferred and speaking with official you desire to talk to at an agency.
Should you desire to call this list below might be on your mind;
1. Tree’s chopped down, With No Permit or Contact. Cos just paid a $2500 fine
2. KSW sign put up no Contact until Fire Marshall shut them down. Then contact was made, after being told to take the sign down COS is refusing to remove the sign or Contact the city
3. Last Minute request for Street Closures, prior Conduct no Contact.
4. Also asking now for the City of Clearwater to remove Traffic Signals. Est cost a couple $100K, Cos has said they will reimburse the city. However their prior conduct makes that statement questionable in my opinion.
5. With all of these prior occurrences of Cos conduct and their refusal to contact the city unless they are backed up against a wall. Why would the City of Clearwater give them an Expedited Permit for anything?
So if you are a local you might consider making a call you can even *67(Caller Id Block). This is of no concern to a government agency.
City of Clearwater contact number Mayor, City Manager-727-562-4050
City Council 727-562-4042
Well this is just an Fyi some people are just not aware of the most effective means to contact a government agency.
Absolute madness.
Give, give, give, give!!
Don’t *do* anything, just mortgage your life away to the Church of Scientology.
It’s crazy.
The idiot forgets that Caesar was assassinated because Cassius and Brutus felt he was becoming a dictator (hmm, there’s an analogy). Yes, the poets will chronicle “the clearing of California” along with the COS and its other endeavors and practices with the same perception that Shelley wrote “Ozymandias”. Using Shakespeare to promote fund raising sets the high mark for a new low. UGH!
Wow – if these poor people knew where their money was spent – it would be almost too much for them.
David Miscavige’s lifestyle of the “rich and not-so-famous, except by the clubbed seals”, not to mention his voracious appetite for John Lobb shoes, tanning beds, personal in-house gyms only for his majesty, personal chefs preparing 10 meals each day so COB has a “choice”, 6 figure income, money to take care of his SP family that left the “church”, huge villas and mansions to live in, Jets, Range Rovers, BMW’s, Italian suits plus an unlimited Billion dollar bank account to write checks to pay attorney’s and private investigator’s to harass anyone who may disclose his “crimes”….
It truly is sad and pathetic!! I actually feel sad for these people still in and going down with the ship!
LMFAO Caesar’s wife Calpurnia: “Please. Please Caesar! Don’t go to the fund raiser this
evening, I had a dream that you would give all our money away.”
News flash, that is reality, The idea that status means anything to anyone other than Miscabige or that that ideal orgs are needed or wanted is the dream. Living a nightmare while you are dreaming. This guy really is nuts.
I wonder if David’s wife has been complaining to him about “what fools these humanitarians be.”
He should listen to his wife. Or she should divorce him before he gives away all their money. At least she would have something to live on that way.
That’s probably it! This whole stupid thing is to “handle” his wife’s consids on donating to the ideal org. David probably sees himself as Caesar. It’s all very sadly noble.
I’m sorry but I have to ask. Is email real, or is it a parody.
Or possibly, a parody of a parody?
Well, well, well…this is worse than anybody thought.
Calpurnia is probably David’s wife and she is right, he will give all their money away.
An OT VIII that, after 150 of objectives, has been sent to the past, is stuck in grandeur and has no more Reality of present time. Boy, what a product!!! And it counted as a stat…
However, something matches the PT scene: Caesar, indicating the times of extreme decadence on the Roman Empire, treachery all around and lots of politics dealing only with lies.
It matches the Church exactly-a leader who is decadent beyond belief and that is driving ‘the empire’ to a collapse and one who only deals with lies and abuses. And as the Roman Empire did, he also will collapse.
I think Mr. Wilson forgot to read the ending of the play. CAESAR GETS KILLED.
He forgets to mention how Brutus made salad out of Caesar.
BTW he thought Brutus was his friend…
Caesar was stabbed 21 times by Brutus and the other Senators.
There is a special kind of wackiness about this one.
First off, he is NOOOO Shakespeare.
Secondly, he cannot even remain consistent in his use or spelling of the term fundraiser.
Third, wasn’t Caesar betrayed by the one closest to him that he most trusted?
Fourth, he admits going there is a bad thing yet is gonna go anyway…indeed tis a true tragedy.
Co$….helping vulnerable people make foolish decisions.
Sorry can’t comment such a nonsense.
There are no words for it.
Omigawd! Word absolutely elude me. But I do get visions of sugar plums dancing ON his head to the rhythm of The Sound of Music played by the Monkees. The poor (or soon to be) bastard has gone over the falls, losing his paddle, his tiny boat…and his mind. Requiescant in pace, you dumb bunny. LOL
“…Shall we their fond pageant see?
Lord, what fools these mortals be!”
(Act 3, Scene 2, A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Come on Mike – you’ve made this one up. This MUST be a piss take.
Oh wait, hang on – getting a message from COB across the ether: Uh-huh, yes … ok …. we need to what?… is that even physically possible?… No Sir, not backflashing….No my Mother doesn’t do that … All SPs? – Yes OK – I’ll pass that on.
COB says he’d rather appreciate it if you considered truncating the jocularity somewhat.
Spoiler alert: Caesar gets stabbed to death by his “friends” at the end. Too fitting?
No comment. That’s my comment. Okay . . . wow!
Excellent comment Dan.
Is this a joke? They don’t even sell “freedom” through their tech anymore, just “freedom” through endless donations.
Methinkst this would leave even Shakespeare without words.
Good one.
I guess David like Caesar is PTS.
David may be successful in rounding up cash from the plebians but eventually his success won’t protect him. He’ll have to face the fact that the Senate lead by Miscavige has betrayed him.
Mark Anthony:
“Friends, Romans and countrymen………. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.”
The augurers got their entrails in a twist. It did not end well for Caesar – nor will it for Smith.
Hoo boy, I wonder which whale with money will be moved by the prose? “There is no death by registration” – bwahahahaha. The very fact that he mentions it reinforces the fear there is in fact death by registration.
Sorry not Smith – I meant Wilson.
These are not acts created by an artist. These are Acts of desperation caused by people NOT showing up to give away their money at IAS events except for idiots like this… he is drunk with own thoughts… This is a clear sign the IAS is NOT raking in the money.
This sounds like something OTVIIisGrrrrr8 would write. Wow. They parodied themselves.
Where to start?
“When beggars gift towards the Ideal Org there are no comets seen.
The heaven’s themselves blaze forth when a Humaniterian is made. But yet I fear
we’ll die if we give any more money to this noble cause.”
a. Beggars gift? Can’t even spell the status of HumanitErian? and um yeah, you’re going to die if you keep giving away money to the cause. You got that part right.
“Cowards die many times before their deaths. The Valiant taste of death
but once and there is no death by registration. Of all the wonders I have seen an
Ideal org is most worthy of our support.”
Wow. Just. Wow. There. Is. No. Death. By. Registration.
If you hadn’t told us where this came from, my thought would have been has got to be someone making fun of Scientology.
Scientology self-parody.
At least he spelled Humanitarian right in his signature.
Come go up the bridge with me – the bridge to total Freedom . . . from money. They are no longer trying to even hide that it’s all about money. Um HELLO IRS??????????????
After reading this, it doesn’t appear to me that there is much hope for ever clearing California.
RCS could not even clear a city block.
You’re right Dean. The RCS has actually been creating case for some years now. On the Reverse Bridge, I’d say we’re rapidly approaching ARC Straightwire, on our way to Total Effect. Yee Haw – we’re almost there.
Wow, that is really painful! I actually feel bad for David Wilson!! Poor soul needs help.
Wow, OTVIII. At least he was honest and upfront about the fear of giving away every last dime at the event But Julius Ceasar?
Is Wilson saying the recipient is going to die like Ceasar. By his friends in the org instead of at the Senate?
Wait, this is the poor soul who thought Miscavige could talk to him telepathically. This is a tragedy.
This is classic! We all know what happens to Ceasar, don’t we? So does Wilson. He has to be doing this on purpose. “Be like Ceasar! Get stabbed in your back by your friends!”
You were right…that was hard to read. What a dipshit.
Here’s a little something for David Wilson, from Stefan George (not Georg, sorry). The narrator is clearly an earlier avatar of Dave Miscavige.
The Antichrist (excerpt)
O could you but hear it, at midnight my laugh:
My hour is striking; come step in my trap;
Now into my net stream the fishes.
I’ll do for you everything heaven can do.
A hair-breadth is lacking – your gape too confused
To sense that your senses are stricken.
I make it all facile, the rare and the earned;
Here’s something like gold (I create it from dirt)
And something like scent, sap, and spices –
And what the great prophet himself never dared:
The art without sowing to reap out of air
The powers still lying fallow.
The Lord of the Flies is expanding his Reich;
All treasures, all blessings are swelling his might . . .
Down, down with the handful who doubt him!
Cheer louder, you dupes of the ambush of hell;
What’s left of life-essence, you squander its spells
And only on doomsday feel paupered.
You’ll hang out your tongues, but the trough has been drained;
You’ll panic like cattle whose farm is ablaze . . .
And dreadful the blast of the trumpet.
Fascinating! Old Stefan had an interesting perspective on life, and those engaged in living it – or simply trying to control it.
Madness reigns supreme.
When will the 100 Valley members conspire to assassinate Caesar? Brutus?! Hop to it!
What were the entrails? Money from someone’s gutted account or the leftovers of a coprse the vultures couldn’t chew?
Oh my gawd, Wilson, get thee to a doctor!
The drawing in the “Clearing California” artwork looks a lot like the “Black Knight” in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll recall what happens to him. If you haven’t seen the movie, here’s the scene.
Not the sort of image of invincibility that you would want to project for a strong, confident fundraising ad.
Not enough coffee yet. The scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail is here:
ROFL! I just watched the Holy Grail the other night. “Come back here and fight like a man!”
Love it…
My thoughts exactly on the Black Knight.
Must be a Freudian slip that they posted the picture of the Black Knight to represent their cause. They must deep down know that they’ll be hacked to death like in the funny Monte Python clip.
Does anyone know how many people attended this event, or any such recent events?
Also, Ceaser should sue the cherc [sic] for using his name in their promotions.
Yeah, and how does all this play out for Caesar? Et tu, Brute?
“Big Tone Raiser Event” — one of Shakespeare’s lesser-known works, but I’m sure this modern staging will wow them at the Ideal Globe.
You could pity this Wilson person if he weren’t such an utter cad. He’s up to “Blog #26” and obviously has written himself dry. So he’s doing what many blocked writers do, looking back to the classics for inspiration, finding none, but going with it anyway, because he’s got nothing else. He might have better luck next time with the Germans: Goethe, Nietzsche, but especially Stefan Georg. Maybe I’ll send him some notes. Really we need a better class of begging up in here.
Crazy has reached a whole new level!!! The blind keep leading the blind but I think the sheeple are deaf dumb and blind!!!
It’s perfectly OK to destroy your personal finances when viewed in a comedic manner such as this. Bankruptcy is hilarious when achieved in the cause of an Ideal Org.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Absolutely perfect response – I feel immensely duplicated. Thank you Natasha 🙂
Does the idiot David Wilson not remember what happened to Caesar when he ignored Calpurnia’s entreaties not to leave the house?