Clearly, this blog is creating an impact on the ever shrinking world of Miscavige.
The insane reactions from Dear Leader are dead give-aways. I am not doing anything else to trigger his knee-jerk insanities. Or maybe its just the fear factor that a big SP is in town and needs to be warned that this is “his territory”?
His latest kick the cat idiocy is reported on Tony’s blog this morning.
And a very appropriate comment from John P (nice to see him back) pretty much sums up my views on this:
The Mike Rinder “Bigot for Hire” flyer is laughable. There’s no web site to go for more information about why, exactly, Mike Rinder is someone to be feared or cast out of the community. So if anybody is curious about the flyer, instead of thinking it is the product of anyone unhinged mentally, the obvious next step is a Google search. And, of course, what does Google’s search turn up? The first result is a Wikipedia page, which in the first paragraph describes Mike as an ex-Scientologist and activist against the cult. The second result is Mike’s own blog. Several later results are some of the hate sites the cult has set up, but most people only look at the first one or two results anyway, especially if Wikipedia is involved.
So the net result of leafletting thousands of flyers will be even more people who despise Scientology. The number of times Rinder is refused service in a restaurant in Mission Viejo or turned down for a car rental as a result will be absolutely zero.
Way to go, OSA! Engaging in the favorite modus operandi of fundamentalist morons everywhere: “If it doesn’t work, do more of it.”
In spite of Tony cautioning me that I should not announce my travel plans, I have nothing to hide (unlike Miscavige who sneaks around under massive secrecy and security details). After enjoying the wonderful hospitality of Luis and Rocio Garcia in Irvine for 3 days, today we are heading to the heart of Miscavige’s fiefdom in Hollywood . So maybe some more flier distribution? Nothing like pooping in your own bed Dave. Really, dropping fliers in a mall that is 15 miles away from where we are in the vast untapped suburbs of Orange County is kind of pointless. You do understand that Scientology is utterly invisible here don’t you and that your one “Ideal Org” is dead and reaches nobody?
Why can’t I have a poster like that?
I want to hire a bigot to come with me to London Idle Morgue,
Was in there recently during the day and only two visible staff downstairs, lovely building though no epxense has been spared, except there is no public in it?
What happened to selling a product like Training and Processing?
I thought that was how you expanded?
Still the “The Frigid Midget with the Rigid digit” is still there, still in charge despite all whats going on.
That does take skill I have to say.
Hey, free promo, Mike!
This is one of those flyers people would distribute for themselves IE: Unique band flyer. Ironic film flyer.
What a bunch of dumbdumbs. Don’t they know anything about PR? Marketing?
you have nothing to fear Mike, instead you have ALL the interest in the world to do what you are doing. I tell you, 4… , four, prominent Scientologists in Greece have denounced the church. talking about people who have served for many years. This is CAVING IN now… caving in of the church.
For we are afar with the dawning
And the suns that are not yet high,
And out of the infinite morning
Intrepid you hear us cry—
How, spite of your human scorning,
Once more God’s future draws nigh,
And already goes forth the warning
That ye of the past must die.
MJ, just beautifully put. I loved your post. Are you a poet?
Yes I am, but that is by Arthur O’Shaughnessy from ‘Ode’
Is that you on Twitter with the cat ?
The leaflet may be in association with
Well Mike, you’ve definitely raised the bar once again, and given us a whole new Status to aspire to. It’s no longer enough to just be declared, because those are as common as spots on a Dalmation. Now to really be Somebody, you need your own Bigot Poster.
Well, a year after being declared, I have realized I have been afforded an opportunity to become a “bigot” here in Clearwater. I have started to tell every non-Scientologist I run into that I am an ex-scientologist and what happened to me in the Cof$ as well as what is going on now. I just joined a book club in my neighborhood (less than 5 miles from Flag) and the book they are going to discuss is Going Clear. Perfect! Wait till they get a load of what I have to say!
When I ask people what they think of the ads on TV, one for one, they say they don’t understand them and wonder who they are directed towards.
I am excited that you are in LA Mike. I was born and raised there, and, in fact, was born in that big blue building when it was a hospital. I sincerely hope you totally mess with their heads in a big way and that the little rats go scurrying back into the dank dark holes from whence they came.
Hi Bonnie,
I knew your husband Mike when I worked at Sterling Mgmt years ago. I hope he is out and having fun too.
Bonnie and Tony DePhillips, we have worked at same places and I think I know you. Can you email me at [email protected]?
The flier will probably be mistaken for modern art. I can see people framing it and claiming they found a “banksy” on the street!
All my friends are a bunch of progressives who want to help oppressed people and are very understanding of other cultures, which is fine, but makes for boring cocktail parties. Does anyone know where I could hire a bigot to spice up my parties?
Good job Mike! The idiots don’t have anything to counter you with and so they are doing what they know best, which is pointless ad hominem. Enjoy.
Hold the press, Mike! I got it:
The poster says BIGOT FOR HIRE.
It’s a compliment! He’s making amends and he’s trying to help you find work!
He just forgot to put a space between the G and the O.
He meant to say: BIG OT FOR HIRE
Only he forgot you’re not for sale or rent.
When i saw the poster, my jaw dropped. I started to laugh but couldn’t quite do so. I mentally started to roll my eyes and then looked at the poster again. My jaw dropped again as I slowly started shaking my head in disbelief. This repeated several times.
My thoughts are……… What? Who? Why?? What the _____???!!!
The above may sound incoherent, but it makes a lot more sense than the poster.
Mike, I think the answer is that Miscavige is trying to tell you he is in love with you.
By the way Mike, the picture doesn’t even look that much like you. You are always smiling and I don’t think I have ever seen you that serious. They must have photo shopped it.
This is such a major FAIL on so many levels.
The cob is truly a very sorry individual. He is probably the type of guy in High School who would give other people “wedgies” and then laugh real loud at them and then want to fight them. I mean he is truly a major ASSHOLE.
Think you summed it up here. COB is definitely a major asshole.
More juvenile pranks. Soooo, “teen aged” bullying culture.
David Miscavige wants to believe his own hype. He is desperate. If he could just word clear bigot he would see he wears it like a hair shirt.
Miscavige, you should have been nice to your own mother. You pulled it in.
David Miscavige is little more than a shriveled up, bitter old man who is losing at all things life. Rinder and Ortega make him look more and more idiotic with each day that passes. Miscavige is done. It’s over for him.
Thanks, aegerprimo, well done.
If the author of this leaflet won’t stick his neck out and put a name at the bottom, why should anyone take any notice? Failing to state the source of this information renders it immediately worthless. A looney on a street corner raving we should repent because God is coming is at least amusing and has some guts.
I think a flyer like this would legally be considered libel (written or otherwise printed public defamation of a person or entity).
This is another example of the Co$ fair game policy which historically has always bitten them in the ass and made people see THEM as arrogant, ruthless, and dangerous. It is wasted energy because the only people who believe Co$ accusations are their members.
True, aegerprimo. the leaflet is also slanderous. Even someone stoned out of their minds wouldn’t do this, you’d have to be seriously deranged to begin with. And that’s where the CoS is at – which is so strange, because they could be nice people.
One can get baffled as to who they think their audience is ? Do they really for a moment think they are lessening or negating Mike Rinder ?
The only audience I think this is done for is David Miscavige. Only he, living his delusions in his bubble would think this was a smart thing to do…
I hope Judge Waldtrip gets a copy. Although, I’m sure, he already knows what kind of people would put this flyer out there.
This is great news. I’ve been in the market to hire a bigot for awhile, but there is no bigot section in the yellow pages or on craigslist. If only there was contact info on the flier.
The other side of this flyer was posted at ESMB.
It is hard to read, so I typed it up. Here is what it says…
For the past five years, Mike Rinder has been the source of bigoted ant-religious hat speech against his former faith. He feeds his own brand of hate and venom to the tabloids. He recently admitted (under penalty of perjury) to being a paid consultant to at least three attorneys attempting to make money by bringing frivolous claims against churches.
The public has a right to know that you lift the rock he hides under you find a man who:
• Rinder is on the record as having admitted to lying to the media. In July, 2012 he was challenged
about his reliability on the air by a network television reporter, who bluntly asked him how she
knew if he were telling the truth. His response: “You don’t.”
• This is a man who, in 2007, abandoned his wife of 35 years and his two adult children, ultimately
hooking up with a young woman the same age as his own daughter, whom he impregnated while
he was still married to his first wife.
• Shortly after he abandoned his family, his son was diagnosed with cancer. Not once the boy’s
two-year fight for his life did Rinder contact him at all.
• In 2010, Rinder’s wife tried to see him again and brought along his brother. His “welcome” was
a physical attack that left his brother injured and his wife, the mother of his children, in the care of
paramedics. She sustained nerve damage to her arm, which took years to heal, with a dislocated
shoulder that required surgery to repair.
The public should be warned about this paid, professional bigot and abuser.
Here is the pic of the BACK of the flyer.
Not once is “Scientology” or “Church of Scientology” mentioned. They must know that that bit of context would negate any credibility in their blurb. They just go with “his former faith”.
They KNOW they are in serious trouble as a group. Even they are embarrassed to say who they are.
Nail-On-Head Wendy!
What a disgusting alter is of reality. The cob is a brain dead piece of crap.
Hi Dave, bring it on to the OC please. And btw Marie Murillo I knew you were part of this op.
AVC reject! → The above flyer is riddled with outrageous spelling errors.
The CORRECT copy (text) is:
Mike Rinder
Fix errors and re-submit. ←
“Such people are easy to attack: their very decency prevents them from overprotecting themselves” LRH
Our new Pope mingles with the most common of men. He has taken a knee and washed and kissed the feet of some of his parishioners. He probably has reason to be concerned for his welfare, yet he doesn’t seem at all concerned. I think he is a man of good will and therefore doesn’t concern himself with protection
“ I have nothing to hide (unlike Miscavige who sneaks around under massive secrecy and security details).” Mike Rinder
David Miscavige moves around secretly and with security to guard his path from people and places. Blacked-out SUV’s, PI’s, OSA operatives and more are standard procedure. Why? David Miscavige is not a man of good will and a deep concern for protection gives him away.
Poor dear. As if you’ve never seen such things before?
oops, should be
The ultimate photograph would be Mike tacking up one the fliers on a phone pole outside the HGB building on Hwood Bvard. What a great shoop — anyone?
Thanks Mike, for creating such a dangerous environment for Shiny Shoes. Actually he doesn’t really need any help from you.
Yes, Brilliant, Alanzo. I have not read Mission Earth. I have often wondered if anything going on over the last 60 years matches up with any thing in those books. Perhaps Ron knowingly set this trap thinking if we made it out we were much better off then when we started. Makes this last 40 years fulfilling 🙂
I’m going to follow LRH’s advice and look up “bigot” in the dictionary.
“a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.”
ok, now I’m going to use it in a sentence. A person who punches anyone who questions what he does, or calls him a wog, is a bigot. David Miscavige is a bigot.
I have called out the “church” of Scientology to be a HATE group.
For decades the HATE was pointed outward towards Media, authors, journalists, TV networks that aired a critical show against Scientology, various governments, psychiatrists, psycho-analysts, psychologists, various Judges, opposing lawyers and so on… but the hatred and vengeance and maliciousness
is now pointed towards ex-members who served slavishly for decades…
1.Having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one’s own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.
It’s hard to believe even Dave would go down this path. Does anyone anywhere hold a more obstinate belief in his superiority than David Miscavige?
…….keep it up Mike, the left-right combinations are just devastating. Dave is badly hurt and it’s just a matter of time before the canvas floor and Dave’s face make each others acquaintance.
At least there wasn’t a Vanity Fair article on Mike wondering where his wife has been for the last 7 years.
The most ABLE people on the planet and this is what they come up with??????
Watch out Mike as the next step in their master plan might be a flaming bag of dog poo on your doorstep.
I guess the new “in” cool word to use these days is Bigot. Seems like every interview I hear or read from Ms. Alley and TC, this is the go to word. Same with those Tommy Davis interviews. I guess DM started this.
Remember back in the ’80’s the new “in” word was DISAFFECTED. It seemed every time I turned around some one was “disaffected”. I used to cringe when I heard that word. It always reminded me of communist Russia. I should of taken it as a warning back then.
So little Hitler Dave has shown us that he reads every word on this and other blogs. Can’t help himself. Mike and Marty are driving him insane. Good. And Davey I hope Monique uses this flyer to show how far you go to harass people. I’m counting the days to see your demise.
Away in a manger,
Captain Corncob did sleep,
dreaming of his bank balance
and the shearing of sheep.
He awoke sniffing danger
and he barked out in fear,
‘Oh, look out, my little sheeple,
‘M&M are coming here!’
But his howls went unheeded,
no-one listened anymore,
they raised eyes to the heaven,
as so often before.
Away in an asylum
he now does reside,
with a book of his speeches
lying by his bedside.
Far-off is a Mecca,
and there stands the Pope;
it seems almost real
as he reads his own dope.
More please Richard…. this is an obvious forte you need to chime in with regularly 🙂
Miscavige and his flying circus of idiots………..hahahahahaha. 😀
Well, all this proves is that you’re doing something right – according to their own policy, when one expands the SP’s go crazy – and printing flyers like this sure is right up there with “crazy”. Insane more like.
Well done Mike, you’re obviously doing the right thing because the TA sure is moving!
Love BP
Rinder is a bigot??????? These people are mentally challenged! Christianity, Catholism, all religions: planted engrams? Gays, the lowest on the tone scale? And Rinder is a bigot! Oh man this cult has to to hit bottom spectaculary and this world will be all the better CLEAR FROM THE CULT OF THE WHACKOS AND SCIENOS!
He just can’t help but screw himself over at every turn. Absolutely asinine. His demise is almost entertaining to watch.
Dammit. I’ve got to make some more popcorn!
Millions spent by the C of S to achieve 8th grade level junior high school propaganda. Brilliant Dave.
Very well stated. It illustrates that you ARE making a tremendous impact. Θ
This is going in the movie.
The definition of a bigot is someone who is intolerant of others’ opinions, specifically, someone who has their own unreasonable and unchangeable opinion and refuses to allow others to form their own differing opinions. It seems to me that the Co$ is right up there with the Taliban in terms of being “a bigot.” The requisite of “intolerance for another view” is there. Another “Pot, meet kettle.”
On deeper analysis, a bigot is really someone who has not formed an opinion of his own, and adheres to some ‘adopted’ opinion, probably, usually, a fixation unresolved by reason. I have met some disgustingly bigoted ‘liberals’ and I have seen the vast destruction they bring, blaming the wealthy for all their own failures, using ‘liberal’ as a cover for outright criminal seizure..
Hiving a reasoned opinion, drawn from good data, and upholding one’s opinion, is not bigoted.
The information on this site obviously gets back to DM. Does he read it himself, or does some SO victim have to tell him word for word what is going on?
That is very astute. Many times Mike and earlier Marty would comment that Dave reads every word on these blogs, the instant they are published. But considering the guys base tone level of “can’t hide” I would think that he has a whole chain of people to help him confront this. First, they have 2 shifts of dumb and dumber at OSA Int and they do nothing but push the refresh button all day, and print each new post and comment as they happen. Second. The print outs get rushed to the “OSA Anti-Mike-Rinder-Blog Officer”. That doofus then rushes the print outs to the “OSA Int Anti Mike Rinder Chief”. He then sends tem by encrpted fax to the “RTC Anti-M&M Officer” That doofus prepares a hourly summary report of Mike’s activities – reports from PI’s, intercepted phone calls, reports from turncoat “spys” that are working on infiltratings Mikes comm lines etc. This hourly report then gets rushed by hand to Lou. She then reads the entire thing, line by line to DM while he slaps and punches the RTC Offensive PR Officer and periodically screams obsenities. When he gets busy sucking up to celebs or burning LRH handwritten notes, these reports start to stack up. Eventually they speed up the process by having Lou speed read. She reads as fast as she can while DM slaps the “Deputy RTC Offensive PR Officer” as fast as he can. They way they can get through an hourly report in 15 minutes.
Best. Scenario. Ever.
You nailed it Roy! But when does he start slapping Lou?
What’s the EP? DM sucking his thumb again?
The EXALTED ONE does not do thumbs………He does other thingies!
I imagine that the whole PAC Base will be locked down now that they know to expect you. Must feel good to know you can create that kind of effect with a simple sentence on your blog!!!! BTW, how can I get one of those posters with my picture on it?
Yo Dave,
What with the great Mike Rinder showing up in Hollywood I expect your courseroom stats will soar. Real OTs always flourish and prosper when SPs are around as I understand it so I’m sure you will bask in the glory of it all. Maybe you ought to invite Mike out to Hemet to check out the old stomping grounds………………that is where you like to stomp on your slaves isn’t it?
Good point! There PAC has more security guards on post roaming around the base than publics in all California combined.
I’m sure they are on full alert. We ought to pull a Portland on the cult at PAC. I’m sure we could easily pack the streets to the max …………………
Hell we could do a full blown event and have our very own speakers like Mike, Marty, Luis, Karen and so on and even get Jason to MC the event for us. What a gas that would be. We might need to rent the Shrine to hold everyone!!!!!
Jeeeze, we could even have Marty’s new book release following the event to stay with tradition!
Yo Dave,
Whadda ya say about us borrowing your podium and little box thingy for the event?
I am in. That will be fun to replicate the Battle of Portland in PAC.
+ I used to HATE being forced to sell overpriced books and tape series at every single friggin’ event. Huge ARC breaks for me. But, Marty’s books, now THAT is a purpose that’s worth it!
P.S. What happened to Ken Hoden (time = 8:24+)
He is the Chaplain ASHO Fdn (I think). He was on the RPF for many years….
I agree with Jose Chung. The least they could have done is to Photoshop your picture so you looked just like Ernst Stavro Blofeld, super-villain of multiple James Bond movies: 🙂 🙂
The two things that strike me about this flyer are 1) It is all scrunched up like whoever received it threw it away. 2) There is no copyright or attribution. It is anonymous. Yet clearly only the Church of Scientology would have any motive to produce such a flyer. So why not put their name on it, proudly? The obvious answer is that they are ashamed of their dispicable actions, but do them anyway.
Good point. If, as I suspect, the flier was part of someone’s Liability formula, they should have put their contact information on the poster in a “for more information, call…” clause. The formula requires it: “Deliver an effective blow to the enemies of the group one has been pretending to be part of despite personal danger.” They should have demonstrated the personal danger apect of it.
Flag “ethics officers” must be so tired of running people through lower conditions for “looking at the internet” that, out of apathy, they’ve descended into approving childish stunts like this as “completing a liability formula”.
I know the word bigot can refer to any prejudice but for most people the word conjures an image someone who doesn’t like black people. When people who don’t know Mike look him up because of the flyer they will be expecting a racist but instead getting a person who stood up to a crazy and weird Scientology cult. Mis-direction that creates more bad bad bad P.R. for a vindictive hateful organization openly targeting enemies.
Mike – I hope you take this to the media – and start saving the “hate” flyers compliments of the Church of Scientology – you can publish a book called “Why You Should Not Do Scientology”.
After serving this Organization for 34 years and you leave due to intense abuse – they try to keep you from talking about it!! Scientology SUPPRESSES!!
You must be rattling Captain Black Heart Miscavige’s cage big time for him to stoop this low!! He really never grew up and is still “being” that 15 year old punk from Phili!
What scum bags would want to participate in this. Glad we have the internet – any public people that pick this up will google your name and find out the truth and who is behind such immature chicanery!
I love the fact that this Organization is so stupid to pull this stuff.
Any decent human being would run away (and they are) from the “Church” of Scientology!! Hip Hip Hooray – continue Miscavige – you could not destroy your cult any faster!!
IM, you got me beat by a year!
Anyway, as a result of reading about this I watched a few protest videos that I hadn’t seen before and there it was, of course $cnists objecting to the protests and getting their photos taken (which is totally legal) and hitting photographers’ cameras or pushing the protesters (which is illegal).
Once again a demonstration that the $cnists from the RC$ believe the law does not apply to them. Actually they have no CLUE about the law. They are so heavily indoctrinated to adhere to the internal “ethics and justice system” that anything else concerning a similar concept out there in the World means nothing to them.
I remember how I felt about “the law” when I was drinking the KoolAid. Many years ago as an org staff member I drove for a while with an expired license because I would have had to go to the DMV during post time to get a new license and could never get away to do it. (This is before any internet renewal, etc.) I also had no insurance because I had no money as a staff member to be able to pay for it. But I still had to get into the org and be on post anyway.
Just another example of that mentality. These people have no understanding of how stupid they look to the whole rest of the world. And the rest of the world contains the people they need to appeal to and help. (In their minds.) Yet they continually undo what they could possibly be doing right with this Holier Than Thou attitude and refusal to look at themselves a tiny bit critically in an effort to improve.
Keep it up guys–straight down and vertical!
The picture is pretty scary. 🙂 this is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a while, I am sure most ended in the garbage.
I love the new term for deserters. They are bigots! That’s hilarious. So Mike and Leah are suddenly “bigots”. Must be the new internal memo/ brainwashing on members. If by bigotry they mean hating brainwashing, torture, false imprisonment and abuse- then yep, I’m a bigot too. In fact, it really changes the meaning of bigot and makes it sound good!
Big beings with personal integrity departing a sociopathic oppressive regimen claiming to be a religion are bigots.
Classic A=A=A=A.
By that same logic, the Jews who fled Germany in the ’30s were bigots.
Is Miscavige trying to Newspeak the moniker “bigot” into a badge of courage?
By the way, this kind of sophomoric effort is typical of “church” of Scientology Inc parishioners trying to complete a Liability formula. “Deliver an effective blow to the enemies of the group one has been pretending to be part of despite personal danger.”
Of course, the key word is “effective”. It doesn’t say anything about delivering an ineffective pointless bratty brush-off wimpy stupid blow.
Good one POT. “the key word is “effective.” It doesn’t say anything about delivering an ineffective pointless bratty brush-off wimpy stupid blow.” Ha Ha Ha. joke is on you who put out the poster. Maybe Mike will get new readers to his blog from it… after all, “there is no such thing as bad publicity, only no publicity” is what they say in show biz.
Oh goodie another descriptive term . We are all now Bitter defrocked apostate bigots on the fringe of the internet! This gets better and better. Kinda cool to have a mugshot on a flyer. Like someone else said in an earlier comment. Bad Ass! Welcome to Hollywood!
Miscavige, does that really say “big OT for hire”?
Miscavige has really outdone himself. Maybe Monique can use that in her trial to show how he operates. That is not religious. That is defamatory and actionable. He is an embarrassment.
“Miscavige, does that really say “big OT for hire”?”
Love that!
I got a laugh from this Mike .
The picture is good, lacks a sophomoric touch like an eye patch
and fake scars.
“A” list movie stars DUI booking photos get more PR mileage.
If it was me,I would say Flattery will get you everywhere.
Well done Mike
What a bunch of duplicitous Katzenjammers. They have degraded to the church to the point that it is now more prestigious to be out than to be in. Not to mention a lot lighter on the pocketbook.
Speaking of money, where did Ms. Quinn get hers? The cult is so nefarious and non-transparent, that people will never know. But here’s a hypothesis: the IAS collected money from lots of people, and then cycled $100,000 or a good chunk of it back to the Quinn’s with the family making a token contribution as part of the deal, so that the upstate parents and child would be rewarded, and so that the cult could hit up ever younger people for money.
But hey … who would I possibly have heard that from? Just sayin’ …
That’s right, Davey. The tech was unintelligible all those years and everyone representing you was a bigot. And, you won’t show up for a deposition.
The fact that the church is using the word, “bigot” re Mike shows just how brainwashed and in-lockstep Kirsti Alley is. She used the term “bigot” about Leah Remini publicly and now I know where she got it: from OSA who got it from Davie because Davie runs OSA just as he runs everything in the church. His fingers are in every pie, and the courtroom will soon know that.
Way to go Mike!
You got him on the ropes, Mike! Keep going! Keep writing! Keep reporting! And go for the jugular while you’re at it.
You nailed it, Cindy.
That’s right, Mike, keep slugging – er, writing. The pen IS mightier than the sword.
“Bigot for Hire.” It doesn’t even make sense. Who needs to hire a bigot? Bigots can fend for themselves. Beign a bigot is one of the easiest things in the world to master. Any idiot can do it.
Yep I guess it makes everyone on here a Big OT
If it were a paying gig, I think the old denizens of alt.religion.scientology (including myself) would be better heeled than we are.
I suspect Tony’s caution about your travel plans was more tongue-in-cheek than serious. I do agree with John P’s analysis, he’s way more perceptive than Miscavige.
Did the fliers were funded by the IAS? Or is Black Heart too greedy to use his own money for such a ludicrous act? Just asking.
Keep wining Mike!!
I think a 10 year old girl paid for it.
Well my favorite “bigot” have a great time out there. May the OSA idiots continue their outdated b.s.because it will get back to those under the radar or on the fence and show (again) the insanity of CO$, wasting parishoner money on yet another fruitless exercise. In all honesty I don’t think anyone outside of DM, SO, & OSA gives a shit anyway
LA? No wukkas
Actually it {makes sense.} Since it {worked} on John Sweeney and Mike was there, then it follows that the label “bigot” must work on Mike now. I so envy their noetic abilities!
“In all honesty I don’t think anyone outside of DM, SO, & OSA gives a shit anyway
LA? ”
Exactly. No one outside that groups gives a shit about them. But this juvenile thug mentality is ridiculous. Bigot for Hire??? Hah ahah a.
Insane as that is, I believe this little clip tops it. It was a group of KolAid drinkers picketing a PRIVATE RESIDENCE (illegal in its own right) with a picture of Mike and the caption “A walking hate crime”. Check out the bearded balding fellow who thought it was a bight idea to bring his young daughter along – on a narrow winding country lane with blind bends with cars doing around 40 mph. Honestly these people should be locked up for their own safety. Who on earth they thought would pay any attention to their “message” in a rural Kent is anybody’s guess.
Still haven’t tracked down the photographer who was hiding in the bushes and admitted he had been hired by the cult yet. Bet he’d have an interesting story to tell.
I would like to comment on the “Bigot” appellation used. This is the pot calling the kettle black or the overt doth speaking loudly in accusation. 1) Miscavige considering himself the Big Being, and most important Thetan on earth. 2) Many racial, ethnic, sexual orientation and gender slurs out of Mr. Big Beings Big Bigot Mouth (MBBBBM). 3) He is the only one that is working and all his subordinates are SPs out to undermine him and his work. 4) Anyone who utters anything critical or derogatory about him or Scientology are SPs. SPs are to be hated and shunned. Do I need to continue?
As an outsider who follows what’s happening in highly controlling groups as closely as I can, I feel like my data (+ anecdotal observation) is telling me that a high target group for Ideal Orgs is folks who are immigrants to the predominant country & culture where they find themselves, perhaps feeling a bit un-tethered. Not the undocumented folk— more well-heeled ex-pat types. 1) Is my perception at all on target? 2) If there is a multi-cultural dynamic at play, for whatever reason, then does it possibly give newcomers, insecure about their sense of place or belonging a false sense of those things to define themselves as “in” & others “out”? Bigotry is often predicated on “us” vs. “them”. 3) By defining Mr. Rinder a bigot, for these people, who have likely experienced xenophobia on some scale, aren’t they defining him, & anything he says, as being in the category of what’s likely made their ethnic outsider status acutely painful? The redefinition of what constitutes “human rights activist” & “bigot”, in this case, appear to be ironically switched. While I don’t share Mr. Rinder’s faith, I’m so pleased that the IAS folks are standing up to the misinformation, & offering an alternative to the corporate high-jacking/abuse of their beliefs. I’m glad, too, that they do not let the corporation force them to be equally secretive about their movements or motives, as I understand DM is. That speaks volumes about both his character & purpose. Easy to see who is advocating for “human rights”. That’s the person who doesn’t insist that the road to eternity is paved w/ silver, gold, & deception. Good on you, Mike!
Culture and the allure of moving to the USA probably plays into it. There have been posts on the net about Co$ policy of holding passports of their members, allegedly to make it more difficult for them to leave.
SSOA – Right. Dealing with or trying to “get” inverted universes is mind-boggling. That slander poster is the very definition of bigot. (I posted below before I read your post.)
“It was nearly eleven hundred, and in the RECORDS DEPARTMENT, they were dragging the chairs out of the cubicles and grouping them in the centre of the hall opposite the big telescreen, in preparation for the Two Minutes Hate….’
“The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one’s teeth on edge and bristled the hair at the back of one’s neck. The Hate had started.’
“As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. There were hisses here and there among the audience. Goldstein was the renegade and backslider who once, long ago (how long ago nobody quite remembered), had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with BIG BROTHER himself, and then had engaged in counter-revolutionary activities, had been condemned to death and had mysteriously escaped and disappeared.’
“The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party’s purity. All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching. Somewhere or other he was still alive and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the sea, under the protection of his foreign paymasters, perhaps even – so it was occasionally rumoured – in some hiding-place in Oceania itself.”
George Orwell, 1984
Brilliant, Alanzo!
Good analogy.
Plus, Two Minutes Hate → Two Hours Events
Is everyone reading this blog confirmed for the next event? Texting-In Executive International is currently pounding the lines for a Highest Ever Event attendance for the upcoming March 13th Event [Two Minutes Hate → Two Hours Events].
If the call in people announced at the next event, Mike Rinder’s blog will be discussed, they’d have highest ever attendance.
Perfect comparison, Alanzo.
That was a great one Alanzo!
You have the right word – “desperation”. His world is crumbling around him and he has to blame someone so you and Marty get to be the targets. No way can he face the real cause of his troubles – but then that is the nature of a sociopath.
Nice picture of you, Mike.
Badass 😀
Wow, “he” is trying penetrate the Orange curtain (AKA Orange County)? Dave, as a 22 year resident of Orange County, there is no way this flyer would work here.
I believe that any troll caught posting these dumb fliers in OC will probably be fined for littereing, by the local authorities.
God forbid anyone should sully the streets behind the Beige Curtain. (I was staff at OC Mission and Org and grew up in Irvine (mostly).
They must have bribed all the news outlets because the video footage of Tom Cruise being booed at the LA game are gone, Huff post no mention at all of the booing
Bleachers says true but no video
What your money buys: Censorship