Imagine having this poor woman’s job…
But as a public service to readers here who may receive unwanted mail or email from scientology, she is offering her phone number so you can call “between 10 and 11:30 am California Timezone.”
It might strike you as a little strange for an organization that claims more than 10 million members to assign a single person one and a half hours per day to keeping their lists up to date, but this is apparently how easy it is “applying LRH tech.”
I am Greta Molnar from the Church of Scientology International. I am working on a project to update all of the profiles we have for every single Scientologist in the International Central Files.
This is getting done to make sure that Scientology Mail is being sent correctly to the correct address, correct name, no duplicates and no misspelled names and that the person is receiving the correct mail adjusted to his or her training level.
This could be done by email, although it is easier for me if I can reach the person by telephone as sometimes, the person might have several duplicate or old profiles which then need to be verified as well. By phone is also easier to check which mail exactly the person would like to receive and if he wishes to receive email or not.
I am reachable at 323 960 3543 between 10 and 11:30 am California Timezone. If the person is not able to call me at this time, he or she should let me know where I can reach them at which time, so then I can call them to get this handled.
Best Regards,
Greta Molnar
Church of Scientology International
6331 Hollywood BLVD
Los Angeles, 90028 CA
323 960 3550
But then again, here is a reality check — true application of LRH admin tech. Thousands or maybe tends of thousands of man hours devoted to “getting central files in order.”
Masters of the electronic age….
Kings of the internet.
Here’s a fun game….for all you SPs out there still getting mail. Simply write ‘Return to sender’ on mailings and put back into mailbox for your carrier to pick up. Or you can write ‘no longer at this address”. The mail should be mailed back to Co$ at their expense. Though, you’ll probably get a bill from them later on for the mailing costs.
But they do not know where you are ..
This actually doesn’t work. I’ve written both “Return to sender” AND “No longer at this address” on multiple mailings that they’ve sent to my home address for a resident who no longer lives here, yet I still recieve these mailings
Ditto – it’s a total scam. Theirs is the ONLY mail I get for the former tenant, proving that he had his mail forwarded, and they are intentionally ignoring the order. Eh. I talked to the local PO, and they said to just throw it out. I.e. not a federal crime to trash this particular mail. heh. (I recycle it of course. 😉 )
I don’t like contaminating the recycle with this toxic pollutant. I trim out my name and address and throw it in the garbage where it belongs.
Can’t we request lots of mail to use up their resources?
Reading between the lines, they are trying to reduce postage. DM must be wondering why they are sending mail out to 48,000 addresses when there are only 19,000 members worldwide 😉
Really Pete? They actually still have that many members?
no, no, you err .. per Miscavige there are 10 Mio scientologists .. so on, my family is connected to Munich, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Flag, Freewind, Saint Hill UK .. mail out of the church must be about 50 Mio pieces of promo per day or week .. see? I have threw away about 1 kg per week .. all double or triple or more .. no one has read it, because it is mostly always the same stuff in this promo ..
Per Miscavige the church must have postage from about 25 Mio a week .. 1.300 Mio a year .. and this do expand allegedly per every minute as said from him ..
so on, I wrote in another blog, we all should invest in Incorporations which work with mail .. we are up and vertical to a point where 3500 Mio per day is given from Scientology for mailing promo ..
You understand? Erverybody declared me as an idiot .. why? Nobody would do it this way today .. it would be completely crazy ..
Somewhere in an old thread it was said, you cannot give this promo for recycling or compost, it is not valuable for it .. all the promo is full off colours and printet on special papers ..
okay, the Munich Org gives quite normal paper .. but it seems they have no money to give any promo out ..
I tried that. I was told at the post office that I can’t write “Refused. Return to sender” because it is a non-profit religious organization.
They just keep sending me mail even though I have asked many times for them to stop. I called twice also. My responses on the letters that have been sent to me, get nastier each time.
How do I really get them to stop sending me mail?
Few things are as exciting as filing. Wtf.
Molnar is a very common Hungarian name, although Greta’s email is error-free, so perhaps she was born in the US or UK.
Is it only me who finds this weird, but how is it that an organization which prides itself on, err, organization, seems to exist in a constant state of chaos where filing and refiling shit is the norm. If this is LRH tech at work, from the outside looking in it seems to be inefficient as fuck.
This could be done by email, although it is easier for me if I can reach the person by telephone as sometimes, the person might have several duplicate or old profiles which then need to be verified as well. By phone is also easier to check which mail exactly the person would like to receive and if he wishes to receive email or not.”
I really love how they are providing an option to receive email or not but your stuck on the mailing & calling list for life! Well this life anyway.
Ever since I got SP declared, only few years ago, all the mail stopped, except from ASI. It’s like they are pretending not to be part of of the whole gig.
Dodo, That happened to me too and I wondered. Then in another year they took me off the IAS list also, not nice!
Go figure! Considering OSA reads here, there probably goes my ASI subscription too, Dee. lol Good. Less paper/tree waste.
What a relief this will be! Beiting on this long list has always rubbed me the wrong way, and knowing there’s a way I can get off it easily without having to tug and pull and fuss about it, well, this will be great. It’s time to get Jack off that list! I’ll be calling, yhanks so much, Greta!
Could someone pls reply to Greta letting her know that even if she has her passport confiscated she can get consular assistance to get home, at this address (just catch a bus: 210 and then 720):
Consulate General of Hungary in Los Angeles
Address: 11766 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 410 Los Angeles, California 90025
Phone: (00 1) (310) 914-7134
Fax: (00 1) (310) 479-6443
E-mail: [email protected]
I will be sure to use this next time I do sharpie tech on a cult prepaid return mailing. Usually I do 866-XSEA-ORG but this is great!
Pure Comedy if it wasn’t all so dead serious.
O/T. A lovely little story about how a quiet effort seems to have brought tranquility to a raucous neighborhood:
…and no one sold them a book with a specialized cover…huh.
While still in the bubble, I worked for months to try to get my old addresses purged to no result.
The handling? I posted an article on Marty’s site and then yours. Voila. All mailing and phone calls stopped!
Posting on your sites can be done 24/7. There may be other ramifications as to one’s status with the church, but they all seem to be positive.
I’m starting to think Mike was right, that Miscavige is smart. GAT II, moar Basics, Re-Re-Re-runs, not really new meter must haves, not so super Super Power opening, Back to the Future bottom of the bridge, fundraisers on steroids, sec checks on auto loop – it was all a brilliant master plan to help these boys of summer and other ethics bait get caught up on CF. That would be a true first. A downright miracle by a down on humanity leader – The Pope of Central Files.
Can I just ask, what the fuck happened to the filing in the Church? I’m a never in but have been interested and an internet lurker for going on 10 years or more and through the village voice days, Tonys new site, your site and others I’ve seen dozens if these ‘filing day’ events! I’ve seen filing pizza days, filing toga parties, filing pirate parties and so on etc.
I mean what happened? Did a bunch of sps just run amok one day, hitting several orgs at once and create a perfect storm of filing chaos or what? Wasn’t LRH tech followed from the start?
Honestly I’ve never seen so much emphasis on filing!!
BGB, it’s just their way of bringing everyone uptone. Remember the song:
When you’re filing
When you’re filing
The whole world files with you.
OK, MJ, I’ll bite. For any KA drinkers who get roped into volunteering at their org’s CF on a beautiful autumn weekend afternoon – this is for you, kids:
“File”, with apologies to Charlie Chaplin (Melody)/John Turner & Geoff Parsons (Lyrics)
File when your heart is aching
File even though its breaking.
When their are clouds in the sky
You’ll get by.
If you file through your fear and sorrow
File and may be tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
For you.
That’s the time you must keep on trying
File, what’s the use of crying.
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just file.
The Little Tramp just smiled.
BGB – In an Org, the Filing I/C position has always been equivalent to the “kid” cleaning up at a construction site. Something you had to do or start with, before you could go anywhere else. Filing was often the first post you held or the last one, as you routed off staff. Its importance was always there but no one wanted to do it. And if by chance a ‘bright bulb’ ended up being posted there, she would usually last about 3 weeks before being ripped off and put somewhere else, where “she was really needed.” Then Files would once again fall into disrepair and a major Files Party would soon be launched.
SCN Orgs have always been ‘demand based’ enterprises and thus were always subject to changing priorities. Which really meant, org personnel moved constantly like a game of musical chairs. People ripped from Post A to fill the urgently needed Post B, who sooner or later would leave for an even more urgent Post C. LRH even came up with a policy on No Musical Chairs — it never stuck, because historically, Orders (read Command Intention) was always senior to Group policy or plans.
Policy, was always a cool concept that a lot of people (myself included) really wanted to see work. But a dedicated and completely warped individual, put into an executive position, could simply override Policy’s intent.
Many of us really tried hard to make an Org sane and safe. But with a never ending supply of nimrods shouting, “Let loose the Kracken” every other day, it became hard to sustain interest and purpose.
The Filing situation noted here, is a great example of what frequently happened elsewhere within SCN organizations. Shifting priorities, like the shifting sands of the Sahara, constantly created new landscapes within the church. Ones that left most of us scrambling to keep up.
Want off the mailing list? Ask for a refund/repayment. Worked for me. They stopped the mail but still have the money.
If that doesn’t do it, send a copy of Debbie Cook’s email and the Times’ Truth Rundown series.
“This could be done by email”. But only if you give your e-mail address Greta.
We need your email first in the message. It is stupid to request an email and not to give one first. How can we Email you?
CF is supposed to be the “lifeblood” of an org. Sounds like it’s more the clogged aorta of the org.
My former org started its “central files project” to update the data in …… 1971! (Not joking). They are still asking for volunteers. (Btw – I wish I was stilll ON the mailing lists … great to get them to send out four copies of everything. Keep them spending the moolah on printing and postage. Also I liked getting the funnies in hard copies every day)
So let’s say that in one fell swoop, they get all the duplicate names off the list. And let’s say that 15% (with all the marriages, misspellings, and address changes that created a new mailing target without eliminating the old one, that would probably be a very conservative estimate), of the addresses were eliminated. That means some poor sap in addresso just had his stats crash. Will the seniors take that into account, or will they assign a lower condition and make him M9 starrate and clay demo “The Why Is God”?
If all the CF’s were in correct and up to date, it would be something on the startling order of the caged canary in the coal mine warning system. They would realize they are the last 2 1/2% membership still writing letters to the 98 1/2% who still won’t answer them. There’s a darn good reason why Central Files remains papered chaos.
[correct and up to date order,]
Well, if your figures are right, they have 101% membership, which, to be honest, is much smaller than their normal lies about membership figures.
Remember that scene in “Goodfellas” early in the movie where the kids bad school report was easily handled by beating up the postman?
Somehow that logic seems to fit with corporate $cn.
They have a solution for the unconfrontable FEAR of recognising that so many people have failed to move forward in and with $cn – central files contains the true state of $cientology’s report card. There’s millions of people those files represent across the planet that are in fact dissatisfied customers who no longer give a shit. Something was written about how to handle “no results or bad results” in 1965 I believe.
It has all finally degenerated into something workable for them – a single woman available for 1.5 hours a day in California but please ring (you shouldn’t be on the net anyway – too many naughty things there).
As far as all those working bees in CF, similar procedures occur in the army. If there’s no immediate action or pressing matters to attend to, get ’em to dig holes and fill ’em in again or run ’em around the till they all tired and sweaty, then do it again.
Ahh… non confront – see, we solved it!
When I was in the Army, we called a CF-type assignment a Hey You Detail. In other words, grab someone who seemingly isn’t doing anything and have them do some sort of “necessary” manual labor (digging holes went out of fashion in the 70s).
I spent most of my career in the Army stationed at a hospital. One day, we got a new sergeant major who’d just left an infantry unit and had spent most of his career in the infantry. His third day at the hospital, he’d noticed that something offended his sense of order (I think the grass needed to be cut and weeded). So, as was usual with him, he tried to pull together a Hey You Detail to take care of it, expecting that, like in the infantry, there would be lots of warm bodies to throw at the problem. He called every single department at the hospital and got the same answer: everyone’s working. He couldn’t believe this, so he physically went out. I know for a fact that he went to my department, the health inspection team, and it was deserted; we were all out doing our food facility or housing inspections. One of my roommate, an x-ray technician, told me that he’d seen the sergeant major in the x-ray department as well; everyone was busy.
The sergeant major put in his retirement papers a couple of days later. He’d just run face-first into a whole different world. Anyone doing work on CF is doing the same thing, except that they’re running into walls repeatedly, then denying the walls exist. That’s Admin Tech in a nutshell.
“Retro is in – Stone Age is the new Information Age.” – Dinosaur Dave.
I should call them and tell them to put me back on the list, since I didn’t ask to be taken off, so I can send the funnies to blogs. Lol.
That right there tells you how bad the condition of the files are in.
Also, they have been working on “updating” the mailing list for YEARS and never got it right. I wonder what they will do if the person says they don’t want ANY mail anymore. Lol.
Then you get triple the quantity of mail to even more names………
Actually Tony, the only way to stop the mail is to get declared. At least it worked for me except for a few TWTH postcards and I still get a card asking how my extension course is going since they have not received a lesson from me ………………………(in seven frickin years!). These guys are really in PT!
My mother got the mail to stop coming to her by telling them that I was dead (ok, so she exaggerated) and that it was their fault. Mail stopped immediately…
Same here Coop,
am rolling on the floor with laughter…
Your mom rocks Delilah!
I think it had taken so long because they were using Central Files Technology instead of actual technology technology.
Dead or SP declared.
I’m good to go. I’m an SP and they can’t kill me, I’m already dead. Muuuuuhahaha.
Vampires are color coded red and are used to assist secret fund raising psychos, er, I mean cycles – blood money.
I wonder if there’s any provision for propagating her changes out to local orgs, Flag, the alphabet soups, etc? If so, give her a week before she starts getting the following calls from those groups…
Hi, Greta? It’s Julie from Middlestreet Org. I need to add the following names to 1234 Elm St:
Jonathon Smith, Johnothan Smith, Johnny Smith, John C. Smith, Jon Smith, Smitty Johnson, and Johann Schmidt. I know, huh? Awfully crowded, but maybe it’s a big berthing. Anyway, thanks!
I will be calling her on my rotary home phone. Then I’m gonna surf The Google on my Earthlink dial-up.
what does she do for the remaining hour and fifteen of her shift ?
Sends compliance reports to Dave.
EXACTLY SILVIA, I think this is another purge. Dead File and Declare the malcontents. Kool-Aid cleanse. lol.
+1 I also think there’s a desperation element to this. The numbers of people and money have bottomed out and they are scrambling, to think of new ways to induce them to come back. I’m afraid their why will be illusive.
“no misspelled names and that the person is receiving the correct mail adjusted to his or her training level.”
EASY PEASY! With GAGME II everyone’s training cert’s have been cancelled. Everyone gets the same mail. LOL
This stuff practically writes itself.
Yep. You wouldn’t want to have a misspelled name, that for sure. They are down to getting the last little tidbits cleaned up now so everything else is good to go.
Yo Dave,
Was thinking again (Dangerous I know since only You are allowed to do that) but here is the deal; why not do an amnesty and get everyone back in the fold. You know, you could do a “oh geeze, we found this one last miraculous LRH datum that has been lost for decades” and if you all come in we will forgive you and allow you to have this data for a very small fee. You just have to promise to be nice and realize that all the bad things have occurred because this datum was missing and it is not our fault that you are fucked up beyond all recognition.
Then maybe everyone would like you again and you could put all of your popped veins back in your head. Just sayin………
Ah yes…FUBAR. Haven’t heard that description in a long time, Coop. Sort of explains everything the cult does.
I prefer SNAFU to describe them
Can’t believe that opting out is an option… and I don’t think it’s got anything to do with such sensible things as reducing waste, postage, etc.
It’s more like ‘call us so we can confirm your home address and visit you anytime between 7pm Wednesday and 2pm Thursday’.
Asking off the mailing list is suppressive!
That’s how some junk email works. They include an “unsubscribe” link not to unsubscribe you, but to verify that there is a person at the other end opening junk email.
And they may want to screen who is on the fringes of the internet supporting the apostates so they can be deleted…sorry, declared and the leaks – so many every day – can be “controlled and micromanage’ Miscavige’s style. Plus with only a few 1,000 international member she will complete this project in no time.
“And they may want to screen who is on the fringes of the internet supporting the apostates so they can be deleted…”
Good point, but then stats would go down and the little dictator would pop a vein.
DM will soon need a scaffold to hold that vein from popping!
You can be sure your confidential files are being read by the Boys of Summer.
Out on the road today, I saw an IAS sticker on a Cadillac
A little voice inside my head said, “Don’t look back. You can never look back”
I thought I knew what freedom was
What did I know?
Those days are gone forever
I should just let them go but-
I can see you-
Your members regging everyone
You got their minds turned off and Davey turned on, baby
And I can tell you these indies will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone
They’re pickin’ up the CIs and puttin’ ’em in a pen
And all she wants to do is reg, reg
SPs been SPs since I don’t know when
And all she wants to do is reg
Kool-aid cocktail- the local drink
And all she wants to do is reg, reg
Crazy people walkin’ round with blood in their eyes
And all she wants to do is dance, dance
Wild-eyed staff who ain’t afraid to declare
And all she wants to do is-
All she wants to do is reg and make her take
She can’t feel the heat comin’ off the street
She wants to party
She wants to get down
All she wants to do is-
All she wants to do is reg
I will be singing this all day, thank you!
You’re welcome!
“……and that the person is receiving the correct mail adjusted to his or her training level.”
I presume she is trying to protect people from getting pneumonia or dying if they get exposed to Xenu-type material.
Sometime I got all promo 7 times .. double and triple names to the same person .. lets say, Catherine, Katharina, Cathrin, Katrin and Kathrin .. my postman was surprised of such a bullshit ..
Did you disseminate to him?
I called CF a few years before my declare to try to get my multiple mail situation handled. Four people in my house were getting the same mail. It STILL did not get corrected.
BUT THEN!!!! I got declared. Funny how it got corrected then.
The people that are getting tons of multiple mail should call this lady back and call David Miscavige a sociopath; that’ll handle the problem.
Well, BT, I think it’s a good idea to protect people from reading the OT 3 material before they’re ready so they don’t get pneumonia and die. When I first read the OT 3 materials, I almost died of laughter! I could hardly breathe! Took me nearly 10 minutes to stop. Whew! That was a close call…
We could at least let them know that their should be a tech standing by with a defibrillator.
Great idea, Coop! And that’s why they don’t tell you up front what they believe! Because if they did you’d be ROTFLYAO! After which you’d be heading out the door with all of your bank accounts still intact.
Our CRM is paper-based. State of the art!
I got the call the other day. Funny part is that she did not even tell where she was calling from. Just a “call me at 323-960-3542.”
I guess that was my order to call the almighty…I should have known it was them and simply complied. Nothing else is important anyway.
There must be some other agenda, regging or dissemination stats. Otherwise this makes absolutely no sense!
Yea, I’m with you Eileen. I think the field has been so decimated with Declares and there are so many UTR’s that confusion has ensued. The church is losing control of their public and at this point they are trying to figure who’s in and who’s out and who’s UTR. If you don’t respond, then a little yellow tag is put by your name. Yellow=Caution Red=Delcared SP Green=Active Member
You nailed it McCarran! I’d say you have the exact right perception and estimation of effort to fully handle that sleazeball group Over the Top kool aide consumers.
Eileen, since when did the cult ever make sense…
Eileen, I think she’s doing SP Declare confirms 🙂
I got a call like that about a year ago. Someone, arrogant as hell, pretending to ensure the mail I get was being sent to the proper address. Funny, even though I told her my address was correct
ALL cherch mail stopped as of that day. Hip, Hip hurrah!
Low Reality level=Stupidity.
Poor Gretta, I’d like to take her out for pizza and a beer.
Perhaps on her hygiene time. CSW puuleeeaseee!!!!!
Paul, can I tag along?
Hey Paul,
Don’t misspell her name. We are being modest using only one ‘t’.
Where do you live? Pizza and beer sounds good!
I’m in!
“This is getting done to make sure that Scientology Mail is being sent correctly to the correct address, correct name, no duplicates and no misspelled names and that the person is receiving the correct mail adjusted to his or her training level.”
Poor Greta! Does she realise she will be working on this project until the day she dies or gets sent to the RPF. Why, at the rate people are zooming up the bridge and completing courses in checksheet time and lining up in their millions to do Div 6 services, she will be updating files all day every day, even after she gets all the crap out of CF.
No Greta – CF is obsolete. What you need is a system, internationally that updates everything about everyone in real time. Pieces of paper ain’t gonna do it.
Masters of the Internet indeed.
Draco, all the know is ‘pieces of paper.’ I believe she still uses an abacus..
You had me at commends.
Warriors of the Web.
Flag spends $150,000 per WEEK to print and mail out promotion. They can’t afford to pay their staff or buy them shoes but they continue to promote like its 1965 because that’s what Ron said to do back in the 60’s.
It’s the march of the wooden soldiers. Of course with the average American moving once every three years, the mailing lists are pretty much worthless. Every week there is a truck load of returned promotion. Don’t worry, that doesn’t slow down the march.
C’mon Mat, this is one of those little gems, a true secret of the MEST universe – the number of letters/promotions out determines the gross income of an org…or some such nonsense.
Orgs have been haemorrhaging money for decades by financing BMO/LO, all sent into the ether, despite the mountains of returned mail. Now that’s dedication to a fixed idea.
I was surprised when someone decided that they need to get their CF in PT, and the herculean effort that was required to do it. But, a mere six months later and they’re pretty much back to where they started. I guess they never quite grasped the “maintenance” aspect of it. But, guaranteed, they’ll have on-policy folders manufactured in 1960 with color-coded tabs to store all the little pieces of paper – that they generate.
I am reminded of Gilliam’s Brazil 🙂
The only individuals on the planet who take the song ‘It’s Only A Paper Moon’ literally.
Matt & statpush, you two are just PTS to the middle class! C’mon now! We all KNOW they have millions & millions & millions of members! Why would someone lie about that? Heck, I have random scientologist walking by my home on a regular basis. Of course when I have my paintball gun with me they tend to run away…
MJ – Paper Moon is a great movie too!
” I was surprised when someone decided that they need to get their CF in PT, and the herculean effort that was required to do it. But, a mere six months later and they’re pretty much back to where they started. ”
That was just Daveshits arbitrary to have another way to corral the OTs and determine who was full up on Kool aide, who was perhaps getting thirsty, who needed an I-V and who had tossed the frickin glass overboard.
Part of my weaning from the drink was an email I received at one point from the OTC at Sac Org that I needed to fill out my weekly participation form (stat sheet ) and attend the OTC meeting or it was going to be considered a ‘no report’ and an ethics chit would be sent to the Prisonwinds to be put in my file.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to feel really scared because that will affect my entire eternity. Dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought at the time, what the holy fuck is going on here? I need these guys to tell me what I need to be doing to determine whether I am living an ethical life. So I sent an email back stating they could send whatever report they wanted to to anyone they felt should receive it and be sure to send me a copy. There was a ‘no report’.
Q: From Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid …… “Who ARE those guys?”
A: You really don’t want to know! But since you asked …….FUCKING IDIOTS!
I thought they were trying to get their CICS in PT.
When I was still ‘in good graces’ and living closer to SAC I went to help them with their CF work.
Since I had not paid off my Freeloader bill I was considered still in or below Liability and could only do a certain specified amount of paper shuffling so that I would ‘not mess up their precious
It is so hilarious looking back at this, I should frame and hang up their commendation!
My Son Jamie Royce who by the way has disconnected from me, Is working in Middle management in LA and was put on the project of getting CF into PT about 4 years ago. He is a computer whiz and was making headway and mailings seemed to be improving. Then he was put on the RPF for 2 years. I believe it was because he discovered the CF was smaller than DM thought and he got on the shit list.
Standard Dave.
How many hours difference is the California Timezone from the Florida Timezone? She doesn’t get out much.
It shouldn’t take more than an hour and a half to contact every single scientologist who is actually still in.
Whoa, w.martin! Did you start drinking early? I’d say about 45 minutes and falling desperately.
It would help…
I’ll stick with the hour and a half. She has a rotary phone, right next to the TELEX machine.
Bystander, you’re right! I forgot they’re stuck back in the 50s and early 60s!