This latest piece from Porn Valley ideal building reminded me what a horrendous self-serving scam this is. You will note the “ideal Valley” is missing a few things — like about 100 staff (in order to have one for each room) and of course their filing is decades out of date.
So, why is there so much effort (extracting of funds) put into these ideal nothings?
The answer is simple: Miscavige is frantically trying to keep the veneer of expansion from peeling off the moldy walls of his shrinking kingdom. He uses these “ideal orgs” to convince his sheeple (and tries to persuade the outside world too, but that stopped working after Going Clear) that scientology is “expanding like never before.” He shows them videos of ribbon cutting ceremonies and impressive looking “fly-throughs” of empty office spaces, auditoriums and reception areas. Always empty. And they now equate that to “expansion.”
He uses the magic of video to prove to his flock that he is in fact leading scientology in a “golden age” of “unprecedented expansion.” It is all as real as Matt Damon being stranded on Mars. When you go to the movies you suspend disbelief and willingly buy into what is being shown on screen. Same at Miscavige’s “international events.”
In fact, the ONLY expansion that is happening is the balance on the church’s assets statistic.
The “ideal org program” is one of the great real estate scams ever. It is part of the double pronged attack on the wallets of scientologists all over the world.
The first prong is the IAS. It pretends to be doing good work over the world and cons people into giving them money they never spend on humanitarian objectives. They spend money to make videos that are nothing more than fundraising smoke and mirrors and they spend money to buy buildings that remain on the balance sheets of scientology.
Miscavige then added a second prong to the money machine with the “ideal org” program. He has convinced the sheeple that “planetary clearing is being made a reality” with his “ideal org campaign” and they have handed over hundreds of millions of dollars to buy buildings that are then renovated, opened with much fanfare and sit empty thereafter.
Nobody in any of the cities where one of these ideal orgs has been opened wants to admit THEIR org is a failure. They are told “every ideal org achieves 10X expansion” – a complete lie they ALL know is a lie. But they perpetrate the lie because they don’t want to be seen as the only ones who could not do their part to salvage mankind. The emperor is not only wearing beautiful bespoke clothes, he has a string of beautiful palaces too.
And in his deviousness, Miscavige added another incentive to BOTH the IAS and Ideal Org scams. The OT IX and X carrot.
He has convinced the sheeple that without the IAS having the means to “protect scientology” and “create a safe 4th dynamic” there would be no way OT IX and X could be released as the environment is too unstable to risk this invaluable (and non-existent) technology in.
And then he added a second kicker: without ALL ORGS being “ideal” it would be a waste of time releasing OT IX and X as the massive expansion it would cause would not be able to be satisfied without every org being “ideal.”
What a con — convince everyone that they must “get to the top of the Bridge” to “achieve eternal life” and then withhold from them (non-existent) OT levels that will finally fulfill Hubbard’s promises. And put the onus on them — only if you hand over enough money will we make these (non-existent) OT levels available. Of course, there is no limit to how much money is needed by the IAS. And there are still 100 or so “ideal orgs” to be done — at $20 million a pop that is a couple billion dollars needed. And he has actually managed to pull this off and convince people this is real.
The ideal org con is a particularly brilliant sleight of hand.
Miscavige has positioned his “ideal orgs” as something L. Ron Hubbard wanted, He uses the title of one of his writings. He has made it sound like his “ideal org” program is some sort of “LRH strategy” that scientologists should support. The craziest thing of all is that scientologists don’t know what that Hubbard reference actually says.
It has a passing mention to the physical premises — just that there would be “enough space in which to train, process and administrate without crowding.” “It would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public.”
That is it. Nothing about huge buildings with marble floors. Not even remotely. But a lot about what would be going on within this “ideal org” something that is NEVER mentioned in the stampede to extract the lucre from the whales and sardines alike.
Here is what Hubbard actually said that everyone inside the bubble pretends does not exist:
As I said, the deception he has managed to pull off can really only be described like hypnosis. He has the sheeple clucking like chickens when he snaps his fingers and they don’t even know why. He has convinced them they are riding on a magic carpet to eternity – and what is so disturbing about it is that these people are handing over cash and they have been convinced they are happy about it.
Hats off to one of the all-time long cons – especially when you consider it is all being done behind the cloak of religious freedom. And if anyone points out people are being ripped off, the bleating cries of discrimination and bigotry, and “you’re just trying to make money from saying things about us” come loud and often. It’s the perfect scam.
Building an ideal world? Not so much…
I am ashamed that this country, which is suppose to value human rights, does nothing. That the IRS sits on its hands and does nothing. Seems that all we do to help those that are out and/or educate others, to prevent them from joining is not a consistent bombardment of the truth to get through the brainwashing.
Are they going to end up drinking the wrong Kool aide when he wolves, wherever they are soon show up at the door.
So many excellent films, you tube videos, and still, although shrinking are still standing.
Are they being hearded toward that terrible end that other cults with their leaders executed, and I mean both ways.
I have to admit. Davie is creative when it comes to keeping the criminal scam alive and sucking huge amounts of cash.
If there were so many $cientologists in San Diego, a few weeks ago, why did they have to bring in people from other orgs? Oops, sorry. I wasn’t using $cientologic.
Expose the propaganda.
If they converted most of the auditing rooms to studio apartments they could make big bucks. Marble floors and chandeliers are pretty cool for the common areas. DM could take a win on his decorating skills. Miscavige Towers or something, kinda like Don Trump. “Rooms For Rent – Sorry, no Wogs, SPs or pets allowed”
Something like this actually occurred in the past. The current LA Celebrity Center was called the Manor Hotel when scn bought it and began renting rooms to scn’ists. I rented a room there for about six months. It was run-down and undergoing repairs, but nobody cared. We were “On Purpose”! – laughter – It might have been the first and only public Scientology Ashram. Aah, the good old days
Yeah, I remember that – a couple friends of mine lived there. They started the renovation with the lobby and restaurant on the 1st floor. The rooms upstairs were a little shabby, but in a funky way that was sorta cool. That building could be a wreck and it would still be cool.
That was back when CC was a social center. You could meet up with friends there and then head out for dinner, drinks, whatever, without worrying about angry women in satin IAS jackets dragging you off to take every last bit of cash and credit you had. Let’s go to Two Dollar Bill’s! OK, we’ll all meet up at CC and then head over.
There were lots of people around, all the time. It was busy, more like the ideal org the Fatman describes above than any so-called “ideal” org they’re opening now. Loads of people coming down the stairway into the lobby at every course break. Some people just being there to hang out (OMG, those dilettantes!). Hell, my little old mission in the old days was more like an ideal org than any of the ones they have now.
Of course, Scientology was still bullshit, but the softer sell kept people around.
Funny how that Ideal Org policy letter sounds so much like one of l ron’s works of fiction, where all the lead characters are so perfect and get those around them all fired up ready to do the right thing. Old ron really did live in a fantasy world didn’t he. ‘students graduating on fire to audit’, ‘a torrent of new names to cf’ such wonderful hyperbole, which based on my experience is all taken literally and very seriously. Even that crap about it taking 25 book sales to make a scientologist, surely people must have questioned why none of it was happening in the real world? So the current lies are really just a carry on of the propaganda which created scientology in the first place.
Congratulations Mike , again !
Best blog about Scientology and what can be done to goodhearted people.
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Maybe dm saw Field of Dreams years ago and remembers the line” if we build it they will come.” Its not true with the ideal orgs. If he’s lucky a few ‘may come’ to the shinny new buildings, but I can’t believe many will come except to see the new orgs. I don’t think there will be a resurgence in sci except if it changes [i doubt it will ]or something BIG happens to the tiny mob boss.
If Elron had not already provided everyone in $cn with the clearest possible description of what $cn’s ultimate goal is (i.e., to clear every single one of these earth people) and explicitly designated the objective measures to be used in tracking progress towards its achievement (i.e., number of well done auditing hours and auditor training course completions), then lil davey the real estate baron might be forgiven for leading the organization down this primrose path. However, his actions in buying up and refurbishing a whole lot of very pricey real estate have NOT sparked the expansion of $cn in terms of anything that mattered to the founder, nor was his error due to a lack of explicit guidance and direction from the founder.
Sure, there’s lots and lots of additional square feet of org space, but it’s unfilled, under-utilized and very expensive to maintain space. $cilons stupidly bought into the premise advanced by lil davey that “if we build it, they will come,” but unless he meant more invisible disembodied space aliens would take up residence there, it’s been a profound failure so far. To be fair, any new Ideal org that springs up can’t be expected to grow to double Saint Hill size overnight, or seed dozens of feeder missions throughout its region either. But for those orgs that went Ideal at the beginning of the program more than a decade ago, one could reasonably expect that if lil davey’s off-policy gamble was going to pay off by now and you’d see direct, measurable, objective evidence of that occurring; yet nowhere is it in evidence!
So far, lil davey’s high stakes, off-policy gamble has been a total loser, by all of the indirect measures that folks here have been keeping track of informally. Isn’t it well past time that True Believer scientologists demand to be shown the real stats of $cn’s progress toward clearing the planet, instead of constantly having sunshine blown up their behinds?
It’s really not at all a difficult proposition to wrap your head around: Either well done auditing hours and the number of auditor training course completions are on an ever-increasing upward trend line on a year-to-year comparison basis or they are not. Either the number of active scientology members is increasing or it’s not.
These are key success measurement stats that no one could argue are not at the core of evaluating the success of $cn in an objective manner and according to the founder’s very clear policy concerning how progress should be measured. You can’t clear a planet unless lots and lots of auditing occurs, and auditing can’t occur without trained auditors, so every scientologist who’s dedicated herself to KSW should understand fully what that actually means in terms of monitoring the statistics that directly measure progress towards the religion’s ultimate goal: A cleared planet.
But, where ARE all these supposedly faithful, courageous and stalwart defenders of the faith? Every single one of them has read KSW countless times and word cleared, star rated, clay demo’ed and been crammed on it multiple times, yet no one seems to understand what its significance is here in this most crucial of all concerns; no one appears brave enough to ask to see the objective evidence to support lil davey’s claims of record expansion!
$cn not only appears to attract the gullible and make them more gullible, but it also seems to instill a deep level of moral cowardice and craven submission to exactly the kind of evil that actually DOES enslave earth people! Pitiful…just plain PI-TI-FULL.
“Clearing The Planet” appears on most promo. One time on a blog someone said that didn’t mean clearing everyone. According to that blogger it meant that after some magic number of Clears and/or OTs was reached (10,000 I beleive), that would be enough that they would be able to “restore sanity” to earth. I’m not sure, but I beleive he or she cited some obscure reference. Yet another scio-fantasy!
It didn’t take me long after getting into scn that I realized clearing the planet was BS. It cost too much and took too long. I stuck around for my own benefit and I did feel I was contributing some good to civilization which was by auditing others.
I believe the 10,000 number was in reference to the number of $cilons who had to reach OaTy 8 before some super magical thing happens, like free frogurt for life or something like that. Or maybe when that many folks get to OaTy 9, then OaTy 9 and 10 finally get released and folks finally at long last get those super powers they’ve been promised for so long.
Increasing PUBLIC AWARENESS it going to send you to a cell block faster than Bernie Madoff can say “invest with me”.
Your Valley Org is looking more like a low budget tenant improvement or third world renovation in comparison to the numerous construction sites in Hollywood and throughout the Los Angeles area. You are going to have to hammer Quinn to raise more money; now that they have started stripping off all of the old dilapidated stucco from the cinder block structure after framing the exterior soffit. (What does your buddy Hubbard have to say about going ‘out sequence’?). The project is going backward. Kind of like the watered-down version of ‘Winter Wonderland’ being set up in the parking lot of your ‘Information Center’ on Hollywood Boulevard.
Even Tom can read the handwriting on the wall; what, with that other Telluride property going on the auction block ‘with no minimum bid’.
Faster than United Technologies’ Carrier Corporation can decide not to move to Mexico, your crime syndicate’s tax exemption will be whisked away. PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE goes over the top of your litigation labyrinth faster than Twitter goes over the heads of a biased press.
Then, there will be the multipronged suits and class actions. Your few billion will be dissipated faster than your crocodile tears on a hot day in Hemet. You will be begging Tom for a cattle prod to distract the pain.
Faster than Warren Jeffs can say “cult”, you will be DONE.
DM has flipped “BE – DO – HAVE” upside down into “HAVE – DO – BE”. According to him one must “have” something before one can “do” something, before one can “be” something. DM evidently thinks one has to Have the MEST of Scn (outrageously upscale buildings, desks and carpets, according to DM) before one can Do the actions of Scn (train, audit and improve conditions etc.) before one can BE a real scientologist; (as demonstrated by gaudy status trophies.) Totally bass-ackwards.
$cientology has so many scam elements in. The Moving Target, the Snob Appeal, the Saving the Planet and so many others. My favorite is the Moving Target, so much of $cientology is built on that. Yes, the Ideal mOrgs will save the planet, if only you put enough marble and carpeting and video kiosks in them. And if you didn’t have have enough marble and carpeting and video kiosks well, that’s on you. You didn’t make it go right.
All ‘successes’ are Lron’s doing, and Lron’s minion in chief, Davy Miscreant. All ‘failures’ are others fault. A fault that must be punished with expensive sec checks and the RPF for staff and Sea bOrg.
I am really surprised that those who attend the ‘big events’ don’t compare notes and see the truth, but such talk is not only discouraged, but forbidden. Those sec checks do tighten the screwed on blinders very well.
Thank you Mike.Another bullseye straight to the heart of Miscavige & his rebranding of Scientology as entirely his,which I believe he has done.How you described him was so spot on because in this one area I too must give him credit.He clawed his way to becoming head of the cult after Ron sailed off to Target 2,and he has put together & after all the years he has been at it,perfected this evil money-grubbing and still control obsessed system to extract money from the last lost hypnotized still ins,until Miscavige is sent to The Abyss.I have to say that whole slimy ball of blackness is pretty good for someone who could barely spell when I wrote him once or twice at Delphian Fdn years ago.?
He doan need no stinkin’ spellin’, Ann. coz he got spellin’ slaves to do his biddin’!!!
Well… I suppose one way you could look at it is, we have experienced a remarkable milestone in the history of scams. I think one of the biggest hurdles in eliminating it is it is so esoteric (gee, wonder where I learned that word from?) the world at large if they think about Scientology at all, know it’s a cult and you’d have to be crazy to be involved in it. That’s what makes what Leah is doing so important, she is a lovable person, has a who wouldn’t want to be her friend persona, plus the girl next door appeal and gets people’s attention when she’s on screen or talks.
There isn’t anyone who does banking that isn’t being scammed to some degree, or having to use gasoline or buy groceries or needs a lawyer. In a pretty much a toughened up world full of scams, coming to the aid of someone being scammed by a religious belief is put into the “why me?” basket, I got enough problems why can’t they see there’s? Miscavige is one amazing asshole. He’s way too scared to venture outside of his bunker, he knows he’d last no more than a couple of minutes if he walked down Hollywood Blvd alone, let alone front a deposition. He sits on a massive pile of money and repeats the same bs time and time again and it earns him more money. He’ll keep of doing it until someone or something stops him. How to do that is quite the puzzle.
Yep, remarkable scam this Scientology. The truth of it doesn’t seem to have found a way into yet of sufficient magnitude to crush it, although it sure has whittled away at it. There’s something decidedly wrong with the way the people who are paid to look after their fellow citizen’s welfare go about their business.
In a sort of weird parallel Scientology is similar to the tobacco companies. For decades they got away with killing people and damaging their health on a huge addiction scam and their best defense was, well… what are you going to do about it, talk to my lawyer. Money makes for a great defense! Scientology will collapse, it’s inevitable, but when?
“Scientology will collapse, it’s inevitable, but when?”
Just as it is with the prediction of earthquakes, no one can say exactly when, but the certainty that they will occur in certain well-known and increasingly better understood active fault zones is no longer disputed.
$cn is like North Korea in that the regime’s continuing rule depends on keeping the country’s citizens isolated from the outside world so that they truly believe that the DPRK is an unparalleled workers paradise and that they enjoy the most benevolent, wise and compassionate leaders in the world. While cutting off the free interchange of ideas and cultures is still possible in completely totalitarian state, it’s not in $cn which exists as sub-culture group within a much larger U.S. culture whose concepts of freedom of speech and affiliation stand in marked contrast to the cult’s Bubble World culture.
I think that, just as the Soviet Union’s collapse was hastened by the inability of the regime to completely isolate its people from the outside world, the same process will eventually free $cilons from their own “prison of belief” as a result of more and more pressure being put on the cult to discontinue its morally indefensible policies of coerced disconnection and Fair Game. That pressure will build up from a grass roots level as more and more folks tune into series like Leah’s, talk about the cult’s evil policies and practices in groups, then demand oversight, investigation and reform from the agencies vested with the authority to do something about it. And as more and more young folks are inoculated against the spread of this deadly meme disease, $cn’s size will continue to dwindle over time.
I’m convinced that a tipping point has been reached and that $cn is in the midst of its own, self-caused death spiral from which there is no escape. Exactly how long before it plows into the earth and is destroyed completely is anyone’s best guess. But for any who’d argue against that proposition, I’d suggest that you might as well be arguing with gravity 😉
“Building an ideal world? Not so much…”
I still cannot determine whether He and His Cult will end in a noisy trainwreck with debris strewn wide for all to see or whether it will be like the Titanic, quietly slipping under the water and the cries from staff dwindling away into the night.
In any case, the only thing Ideal will be that the Cult is gone.
And if the Orgs don’t expand the staff believes it is because they hay overts or are out ethics, it is their fault; the public attributes the failure to the SPs in the fringes of Internet or, to programs like Leah’s, these are the cause of so microscopic expansion. There is always something to blame, so they don’t look at reality.
As far as Miscavige goes yes, he is a big scammer but, on the other hand, he can not enjoy his billions of dollars, he is paranoid and hides himself from possible lawsuits (as LRH did) and, even if he pretends he has many who admire and ‘respect’ him he, in fact, is having a miserable life despite his pretenses that all is as he wanted.
Right on Silvia. Yes he is “paranoid and hides himself” ! I predict that DLHDM will move the FB to Mexico and Live there himself. This will be done in the next year and it will be ACAPOCO.
Bubba waits not so patiently in his cell…
They will become as close as two men can get…without exchanging jewelry…
Does Art imitate life or life imitate Art? And while this could lead into many discussions, one answer to “So, why is there so much effort (extracting of funds) put into these ideal nothings?” is possibly, he needs the money.
See Miscavige is not the only uninspired criminal searching for relevancy. Ever heard of the .SUCKS Top Level Domain? (Background here:
You can search for those already registered here:
Here is a list to potentially get you started…
Thanks Internet! Maybe a . CRIM domain should be proposed as well?
If DM could successfully convince his flock that LRH’s HCOB means a 3-swing F/N, that some incidental mentions of any objective process means that every single one must be done for dozens if not hundreds of hours even though they all have the exact same “ability gained”, that an incidental mention of how O/W’s affect bridge progress means that everyone on OT7 has to spend tens of thousands on needless sec-checks, that a few extra semi-colons mean that every auditor has to spend a minimum hundred thou to get retrained, then convincing everyone that that Ideal Org exec order means that everyone has to fork over tons of cash so he can create the IAS Realty Trust is really not that much of a stretch.
Good post. I guess DM’s actual talent is for marketing scams.
Enough space. Check. Enough space you could do drive up training or processing and nicer have to leave your vehicle.
Location. Well 98% of the times it’s so out of the way you wouldn’t recognize it if you tripped over it so gotta give that a flunk.
Busy looking with staff in motion. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. From what I’ve seen, staff is either non existent or smoking cigarettes because they’re flat out bored. But they do all rush around looking busy for fear of being punished. Busy looking and harried are, however not the same thing.
Clean and attractive enough to not repel its public. See. They have this one so wrong. The buildings are so sterile they DO repel public. If you feel afraid to enter a building for fear of tarnishing its opulence, it’s grandeur is overblown and unattractive, then the public IS repelled.
Files, papers, baskets and lines in good order. You would think that the staff would have time to get this one right with the buildings so empty. However, the staff is never given a second to think about the fact that the building is empty and are busyworking themselves into oblivion instead of getting things in order.
I could go through the whole list but anyone reading it understands that the only thing they got right is the space part and even that is,wrong because there is way way way way way too much space to afford fir the few people they service in it.
Don’t forget “Toilet paper well stocked and in good supply.” so the staff members and public have a comfortable place to hide during visits to the org by OSA, See Ogre missionaires and IAS regges.
The post-internet era is one of “embrace and extend”,put the genie back in the bottle, and black box walled gardens (Google, Facebook,Microsoft, etc) following the PRC’s successful project of turning the Chinese Internet into one big Intranet, with your cell phone being your “Identity Token”. No pesky 1st or 4th amendment rights, and your agreement to total surveillance is baked in to the agreement you clicked through when you signed up. The point being that these ideal boondoggles are physical manifestations of these “walled Gardens”. Attractive as a theta trap, designed to keep you enslaved as long…..
“….the deception he has managed to pull off….”
L. Ron Hubbard is the “Typewriter In the Sky” scriptwriter who wrote the script that today’s Scientology leader David Miscavige is “pulling off.”
Ron’s the “Source” Chief original Puller-Offer.
No one can continue to “pull off” the Scientology show without that old scriptwriter in the sky, L. Ron Hubbard, deceased as of 1986.
Ron Hubbard, supposedly departed earth and he hasn’t come back, so if what Ron said is “true” then Ron’s out there in outer-space still out doing the OT Running program, if you believe in soul-flying (reference page 452 “Going Clear….” Lawrence Wright)
page 452
“He told me he was dropping his body. He named a specific star he was going to circle. That rehabs a being. He told me he’d failed, he’s leaving,” Pfauth said.
Ron’s out running around Arcturus, doing the OT running program. (“Going Clear…..” HBO Documentary has the extended Pfauth and Wright interview, on camera, which is why that DVD film ought to be in EVERY Christmas stocking for the ULTIMATE “Source” Briefing from L. Ron Hubbard!!)
“The Path” TV series final episode has some striking similarities to current Scientology’s upkeeping of LRH’s “Typewriter in the Sky” predicament. (That TV Series DVD ought make a good Christmas gift also!)
Welcome to the Flat Earth Wiki, otherwise known as The FEW – a collaborative resource maintained by the Flat Earth Society!
This website is dedicated to unraveling the true mysteries of the universe and demonstrating that the earth is flat and that Round Earth doctrine is little more than an elaborate hoax.
Much of the experimental evidence for a flat earth is provided by Dr. Samuel Birley Rowbotham, a 19th century lecturer who traveled the isles of Britain giving lectures at many prominent universities of the day. His experimental evidence is very easily reproducible and requires only access to a long body of standing water and a little trig to conclude that water is not convex, that the surface of the earth does not curve as round earth doctrine mathematically predicts. Other experiments require only a stick and a plumb line. Each of the experiments are described in full in the flat earth literature.
Brilluantly said.
The people with the brains – who can think for themselves – are gone. It’s amazing that the drones that are left have the means and money to keep funding this. One wonders for how long.
I know. So sad. I know scores of super intelligent people who still buy into this stuff.
I think you may have the wrong definition of intelligent (much less super intelligent). Intelligent people do not continually make idiotic choices, nor are they incapable of recognizing reality.
They are reality challenged…
Does one have to stick their tongue in the outlet to get the AC to go with the R challenge complete?
Yeah… strange thing, intelligence and motive. Some of the sharpest minds do the darkest of things, like most bankers & corporate lawyers. The value they place on making money exceeds the darkest of expectations of most socially minded people if they ever knew what plans and decisions are discussed in the boardrooms of the business world. It seems like your not making it in the world without damaging others along the way. Some of those who (mis)manage retirement schemes etc are real pieces of work. Those bright Scientologists who make big money in the world and are clever enough to survive in a dog eat dog business existence are truly a wonder… maybe that’s the result of scamming themselves – I don’t know, but to give vast amounts of money to Miscavige to save the planet and not question the results is a form of insanity hard to wrap your thinking gear around. Maybe the real estate button REALLY communicates to those types? To those poor saps who aren’t that clever and work hard for a living yet give it all the Cof$ – sad indeed.
I’ve got an IQ of 75, and even I got suck into the cult. So if someone like me can get sucked into the cult, ANYONE can get sucked in…
Oh, I like it when you talk like that…
Excellent! Thanking you as always, Mike.
Well … Qual is probably empty … so they got at least one point in anyway …
That’s si simple: LRH wrote himself It WOULD Have. Would is not it has. It’s not the same signification when one is useing condiional rather than present. That’s perhaps why the warf did think he should make it conditional. But for one thing: money getting.
Perhaps the dwarf understood much better Hubbard’s intentions than any other scientologist? – apart the fact than MOST if the old timers and MOST of any others including execs, COs, Int COs, and LRH’s right arms like Mayo, CS Int, left the boat forever much before the now old DM: they understood faster!