Scientology has for many years made outrageous claims about “Anonymous” — calling it a “group of terrorists.” They inflate everything that is ever said or done by anyone with even the remotest connection to Anonymous and by association, attempt to paint anyone they think is criticizing them with the “terrorist” brush.
There are NUMEROUS examples of this — perhaps the earliest was Keith Henson who joked about shooting a “Tom Cru9ise Missile” in Miscavige’s window. This was then used to have him prosecuted under the Hate Crimes statute. Miscavige complained bitterly about “death threats” and cried about how he was “under personal assault.” And the whining has never ceased.
I haven’t bothered to try and find everything they have said about “threats” and “terrorists” and what victims they are. They put it in letters to the media. In legal filings. On their “Religious Freedom Watch” website and of course in Freedom Magazine.
I picked the first two items that showed up in a search on “terrorist” on the Freedom website for illustration purposes. Jeff Hawkins and Anderson Cooper. Yes, really.
Jeff Hawkins:
For within no time at all he had joined a small cadre of kindred souls who call themselves Anonymous.
The tabloid host himself makes passing mention of it, and “innocently” describes them as an “anti-Scientology” protest group—which, in a sense, is correct.
Although for “protest” read: bomb threats leveled at Churches of Scientology, death threats leveled at prominent Scientologists, threats of anthrax attacks leveled at the congregation in general and cyberattacks leveled at Scientology computer networks.
Somehow Jeff Hawkins became a member of Anonymous (he isn’t though he apparently was on the same sidewalk with some protesters who were “anonymous” once or something) and thus is now painted as a perpetrator of bomb threats, death threats, anthrax attacks and cyberattacks.
Anderson Cooper:
CooperSpeak: How Terrorists Become “Protesters”
“The Church says [he] is lying and is out to destroy the religion. He supports a group called Anonymous which promotes an anti-Scientology movement.”
—Anderson Cooper
But what Cooper very well knew and chose to ignore, much less inform his viewers, is that Anonymous is neither a “merry prankster” protest group nor anything that would remotely touch the style of a peaceful civil disobedience organization.
Moreover, by merely referencing Anonymous and televising the group’s so-called logo, Cooper and CNN were tacitly endorsing a coordinated organization that the U.S. Department of Justice has identified as a terrorist group—with members engaged in hate crimes and convicted of other federal criminal offenses.
Church of Scientology letters and documents sent to Jonathan Klein, president of CNN/US, before the program aired, established three salient facts:
1) The top CNN executive and his chief legal counsel knew all about Anonymous’ violent perpetration of hate crimes well in advance of the week-long broadcast.
2) Cooper himself was personally advised as to the true nature of the organization that he benignly called a “protest” group.
3) CNN brass knew that Cooper’s principal sources, besides being in league with each other, were allied with and, indeed, some are members of Anonymous.
Point of fact, Cooper’s “Kingpin” source [Marty Rathbun] is more than just connected to this mob; he is actively furthering their hate-filled agenda, stating in an on-line conversation with Anonymous, “I have your back,” and referring to members as “pals.”
Another one of Cooper’s sources has personally participated in Anonymous demonstrations in front of Churches of Scientology and has publicly endorsed this cyberterrorist hate group in the media and on the Internet.
This writing is typical “conspiracy theory” logic. We saw someone who was with someone who we believe is guilty of a crime, so they are OBVIOUSLY in league with them and are criminals themselves.
Neither Anderson Cooper, nor Jeff Hawkins (nor Marty Rathbun for that matter) have anything to do with “Anonymous” and it is highly doubtful that the alleged “crimes” of “Anonymous” even exist.
So, let’s put the shoe on the other foot and see how David Miscavige and scientology stands up to scrutiny.
Here is an email I received shortly after my appearance on the TimesTalk and other media in New York.
Subject: New submission from youreajackass rinder (via Blog)
To: [email protected]
It would seem apparent that this person is aligned with COB.
And that he (or she) is a scientologist.
And that they are anonymous.
And are making direct threats of physical harm.
So, I guess that by scientology standards, David Miscavige and his “church” are anonymous terrorists, threatening grave bodily injury and 24/7 stalking.
Except the connection to Miscavige and scientology is far more direct than the specious conclusions about Jeff Hawkins and Anderson Cooper. And I have witnessed Miscavige threatening to commit grave bodily injury and physically assaulting people, and he has certainly ordered people to be watched 24/7 many, many times.
Miscavige’s victim of terrorism card looks pretty tattered.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
PS: This has been reported to the appropriate agencies
As we know, Scientology began as a non-religious, for-profit entity. After LRH investigated what he called “the religion angle” back in 1953 if I remember correctly, he morphed Scientology into a religion to dodge taxes. Dodging taxes is sadly the whole reason his policies are now referred to as “Scriptures”.
Miscavige renamed the security checklist since the death of LRH. That’s only one minor change that people are well aware of. Miscavige has completely terminated policies/”Scriptures” of LRH via Scientology’s Authorization, Verification and Correction International unit (AVC International), and as much has been substantiated in court as per As per the quotations at that webpage from the court case, the judge pointed out that Scientology cannot rationally be called a religion, since the policies (supposed Scriptures) are still being substantially changed by AVC International. Furthermore, this reveals that the people running the cult understand that these are NOT ACTUALLY Scriptures.
Given the very dishonest nature by which the cult leaders claim those policies to be Scripture simply to dodge taxes and control people, we have to suspect very strongly that the purpose of forever keeping the written security checklist records of wrongdoing provided during the initial phase of curiosity and trust on the part of people who join is designed at least partly to preserve information that can later be used to shame, discredit, and even blackmail anyone who quits the organization and turns against it. This is after all what we keep seeing. So keep in mind that Scientology has dirt on Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and the like that might severely damage their images and thereby their ability to earn as well as they do. Image is extremely important for their livelihood. This doesn’t justify their implicit endorsement of Miscavige’s terrorist activities, but it helps us understand why they haven’t spoken out. As the empire continues to crumble, an inflection point will be reached at which they would gain more than they would lose by speaking out truthfully. If they do speak out in unison, they will put an end to this pervert, the child abuse, and his imprisonment and torture of those who disagree with him or offend him, which the US would have a huge problem with if any other country treated US citizens that way, because his torture and destruction of personal belongings are so severe as to violate even the Geneva Conventions on prisoners of war! Perhaps it would be a good idea to write letters to the top Hollywood stars requesting that they join the chorus.
A lot of Scientology materials are declared (no pun intended) extremist in Russia, and the church is banned. Seeing this, and reading the blog, can’t say that their isn’t at least something good happening in my homeland.
There’s something I haven’t seen addressed in the comments (if I missed it, forgive me):
Going Clear is just a movie. A documentary at that. And originally scheduled to premiere on a Friday night. Who watches HBO on Friday night to learn something? Most people either have social plans, or just want to veg out with some mindless entertainment at the end of the week. But rcs has blown it up into a giant, slow-motion, figurative train wreck. And that’s entertaining. The theater showings, the HBO recheduling, the exponentially increased audience and media coverage – rcs did that. Not HBO, not Gibney, not the press junket, and not Mike Rinder. Most people didn’t know diddly about scn three months ago. Judging from my small sample of about 100 people I talk to in real life, Miscavige’s tantrums are what’s driving this apparently huge interest in the film. And even if these newly interested never-ins go into the film buying into Captain David Miscavige’s affronted attacks, I’m willing to bet a large sum that the movie will convince them that Miscavige, and by extension Cruise, Alley, Elfman et all are a bunch of loony liars. And these are people who would never have seen the film if it weren’t for the short con-man with lumps of radioactive lead for feet.
Mike, just out of curiosity, how have your blog stats fared since the day the first full page ads went up? And what were the relative numbers for this entry vs. your average entry? That might give us an idea of how much impact Miscavige has had on the audience figures for the movie, the book, and other sources of information now of interest to whole new segments of the population.
Sorry for the wall o’ text. I hope you stay safe and enjoy the ride!
What are the appropriate agencies? I need to know myself.
Take your pick.
Dept of Justice. FBI. Homeland Security. Police Dept. Sheriff’s Office. State’s Attorney. Florida Dept of Law Enforcement. US Attorney.
Thanks Mike. Did you get a chance yet to read my emails to you. It’s all true.
Thank you!
We are not Anonymous… we are Eponymous. I am Theo Sismanides and I was declared for my insistence on the application of 2 HCOBs. DIABETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY IN OTHER LANGUAGES, AND COURSE TRANSLATION TO TAPE.
What does Miscavige have to say about this?
What is the “excuse” for all the High Crimes committed against Scientologists?
If Mike and the rest have taken a seemingly hostile attitude against “Scientology” it’s not their fault. The fault lies with those who are Anonymously attacking those who dared speak. Mike Rinder is one of them and I am proud to be a friend with him as I thought he was part of that whole conspiracy. I was proven wrong and I see now that it’s Miscavige alone who does the whole of Scientology IN.
No need to say more. Whoever has any “excuse” for the non application of HCOBs and considers himself a Scientologist come out and talk. The planet is going down big time. And we cannot even see what is wrong when HCOBs are NOT applied by order of Miscavige.
I agree, McCarron. But let’s remain calm. Mike has reported it and I am sure that he is taking the usual precautions for a threat of this kind. However, let’s not get all rattled. From what I have come to expect from Mike, he won’t let himself get so “serious” about this that it gets him down.
…I mean look at this whole thing from the point of view of the perp and have a little compassion. He NEEDS Mike’s balls…’s so obvious that he is in dire need of a pair of his very own!
Yet, as Karen pointed out, the Miscavige/COS fixation on sex and sexual organs in their attacks IS downright weird …..especially coming from a little guy who reportedly wears designer thongs. This whole thing just gets “curiouser and curiouser”.
The thing that is so wrong about this, in my eyes, and I do hope the author of the email to Mike is reading, is that Mike is a father. There are people out here on these lines that do not have children and seem to be totally oblivious as to the welfare of children in this, sorry, dispute about “philosophy”.
How crazy does it get when you are willing to run over children or disrupt or threaten a family to be “right”? You wish you could dismember someone’s father? What about these kids? MUST you put your interests above that of a CHILD’S? Nothing causes me to lose respect for someone faster than a grown adult who is willing to run over someone’s kids to score some points. That is as narcissistic as it gets. “Me me me, look at me…”
How repelling. To threaten Mike or Fair Game anyone that has children, that depend on that person, is as selfish and self serving and self important as it gets.
We have middle aged people out here willing to trample over any child’s rights to preserve or forward their own interests. This is plain wrong. These children read the Internet and have to read fair gaming insults abuse and degradation about their parents. That they have to depend on!
We have a duty to these children. That duty has been standing order number one, so that even have a civilization! If you are putting your interests and grudges , above those children, you have failed humanity. And if your philosophy dictates that children are the cost of war, I suggest you keep reading until you find a philosophy that includes taking care of children.
We come back. Yes we do. As children.
Long time lurker, first time commenter here… That threat of violence, along with the panicked reaction in general to Going Clear has completely convinced me to buy a ticket to a theatrical showing in San Francisco rather than wait for the HBO broadcast. Congrats again, Scientology. Your over-the-top hatred and cruelty ensures that people stand in solidarity with with your so-called enemies.
To everyone else, I’ve admired your comments for a while now, but only felt compelled to comment when I saw such a heinous threat!
A few times in my life I’ve had to deal with threats of violence and had a pistol pointed at me once. No fun. (None of that was related to Scientology, though.)
So you have my empathy, Mike, and you also have my gratitude and admiration. I hope law enforcement can find the source.
And I agree completely — Scientology is so hypocritical when it whines about attacks, when it is one of the most attacking cults around.
Best wishes!
I wonder if they treat like a supressive person family members. When i am reading about supressive person, I went through and going through what supressive person is going through.
You kick ass, Mike! Metaphorically…
Just saying hello from ESMB. I’ve been reading your blog for some months now.
Recently there was a thread on ESMB where the discussion was whether Co$ is a terrorist organization or a mob organization or both… Such a hard decision… LOL.
And there’s the “Scientology gangster movie” thread:
Enjoy… 🙂
Hey Mr. Miscavige!
Did you see the upstats? And just in time for LRH’s birthday!!!
Going Clear – #1 in Scientology books at! Woo hoo!!! Par-tay!
In fact, #1 in Scientology, #1 in Sociology, hell, it’s #1 in Christian History! #12 in Kindle History books, and #13 in History books overall!
In fact, in Amazon’s Scientology section, Going Clear iterations take up 5 spots in the top 10, alongside 3 spots taken by Beyond Belief (your niece is so awsome-you must be so tickled she’s turned out so well), rounded out by Inside Scientology taking up a slot as well. Those are the top 9 books in Scientology on Amazon, RIGHT NOW, FOR LRH’S BIRTHDAY.
Dianetics? oh, it’s #10. But OMG did you see all those one-star reviews? My word.
Also, Going Clear is going strong, at #340 in books overall…Book One, you ask? Why it’s #35,984.
David, you’re downstat. Everybody can see your…er…TINY LITTLE STAT. Don’t Books make Booms? I guess they have to be sold first.
How’s OSA’s Unprofitable Images? That’s gotta suck a big bag of dicks for you, don’tcha think? That literary onslaught kinda sucks the air right out of the teeny tiny OSA stat blip made by sending Mike Rinder that failfuck festival missive.
So looking forward to your Jim Baker perp walk, Mr. Miscavige. Sweet Thursday before two dreams.
Reporting this email to the authorities is definitely the correct action to take. It IS a terrorist threat and intends violence.
Threats like this are taken seriously by the U.S. government. The police will forward this email to the FBI or Homeland Security and it will be looked into. I had an experience with this. My husband was threatened similarly on the telephone by our neighbor. The threats and insults were directed personally to him but then the guy threatened the whole family, including our kids. After the phone call, this man started photographing us and menaced our ten year old son outside with his car. There was nothing in writing or recorded but my husband went to the police with it anyway (directly after the phone call) and a few weeks later, two FBI agents showed up at our home during the day and interviewed me about the guy. When I told them that this neighbor was unstable and had a very bad temper, one of the agents told me not to worry; that “when we get finished with him, he will keep his temper in check”. Whatever they did worked; the guy kept his shades drawn and never came out of the house again while we still lived there.
I have a question that is probably very simple, or stupid, that I have not seen addressed in my readings, that I am aware of: if lrh was so all knowing and the time was so extremely important, why has he not reappeared in all these many years? He has had time to be “reborn,” grow up and become a scientologist. What is holding him back? I am rather wondering why some con artist has not come up with a remake of him?
I can see someone originating in session, “I am L Ron Hubbard.”
And then he’d be declared Type 3.
Where did you get the idea that Ron didn’t return? Wait until Justin Bieber gets into Scientology. He will then reveal all. And when source is back on post (and a pop star too!) planetary clearing will really begin. Which is why we need Valley to go Ideal NOW!
Further to my comment: that email, to me at least, reads as something that Miscarriage would personally write and be cowardly enough to not sign personally. He gives scum a good name (see
Demented Midget is a psychotic paranoid lunatic, plain and simple. “Midget” has only been used as a derogatory term for the vicious little psycho who runs $camology.
“A Posse of Lunatics”.
From their own pen, an apt description of themselves by the CO$.
And I was a part of this.
Every so often, it hits me, in a new unit of time, that I once embraced this organization
For so many years, I contributed to it, enabled it, promoted it, defended it. This organization and which is run by people who talk like this, who operate like this. OMG.
I need to take a walk.
Spot some people, spot some buildings.. Oh never mind, fuck it. Just take a walk!
i did 🙂
Good. I trust you didn’t see the examiner afterwards. 🙂
Since Miscavige is being pantsed in public, I would not expect any other reaction from him.
Scientology…you are also being watched 24-7. TWENTY FOUR SEVEN, MISCAVIGE.
Mike, thinking about you. Be careful out there and thank you for this blog and for all your good work.
If they lay a finger on Mike they are toast.
It is curious that a *Cherch* is so fixated on sex, sexual incidents and sexual organs in so many of its attacks 🙂
Note that OSA had an operative send Mosey Rathbun a dildo (male penis) to her work address.
What *Cherch* does this ? Tax exempt too !
The Church of Penal Servitude.
Perhaps Marty should post a photo on his Blog Site and have his attorney submit it to the Texas Appeals Court as evidence.
The Cherch IS fixated on sex. I have noticed that over and over and over. Started with Hubbard, continues with Miscavige. Homophobic, support child abusers, try break apart couples, ton in appropriate touching and commenting, constant sexual comments from the COB. And last but never least, the Cherch does ALL IT CAN to break apart families, deny love and squash any idea of romance.
Sex is dirty and evil they teach but it is The Cherch that is dirty and evil.
It’s all for the greatest good dude, you’ll see!!!
Oh, by the way, I have a very confidential and important briefing for upstats like yourself!!!!! What time tomorrow is best for you – 9 am or 1 pm?
One of the most important assets in fighting the COS is to let them be themselves in public. The videos where they essentially do the same thing, with the ranting and raving and threatening, do more, in the minds of the general public, to dispel any notion that COS is a beneficent religious organization. More than books, movies, talk shows, and lawsuits. All of these are important, but there nothing like a recorded encounter with angry COS members. The universal reaction of the uninitiated is “Oh my god, this is a religion?”
Oh my, Church members are now displaying some of the lower end and rather nasty human emotions and reactions.
The end is drawing near of that there is no doubt when personal attacks become a response that indicates their own technology has failed big time – what’s next? I imagine even miscavige doesn’t know the answer to that and that must be a worry for him what some people will do to impress him now. Their whole game has the potential of some of its members behaviour descending into a “headless chicken”.
What does a fanatical adherent to $cinetology do to show their loyalty when all their money is gone? Not all of them sink into apathy apparently, especially those that didn’t have much money to begin with.
What an ugly, ugly organisation.
Your blog has been on my mind all day … as have you. I’m glad to see you’ve reported the threats. For whatever it’s worth, I believe we’ve all got your back. I know I do. Big hugs.
The email represents an escalation in Co$ activity against Mike and, potentially, other critics. The writer anticipated some trouble and tried to cover himself with legal entities by making the “I wish I could but it’s illegal” statement. Escalation usually occurs when there is increasing desperation. Mike, any communication that smacks of ‘last resort’ thinking – eg the sense that all other avenues of achieving their goal (shutting you up) have closed – is a further escalation and you should take measures to protect yourself and your family.
David fucking Miscavige, you coward. You come here to the Netherlands
This is my adress:
Roer 16
9733 AD
The Netherlands
So sue me you micro prick nipple face coward.
I am on the war path
Do not worry, the dutch legal system is different.
Mike, I have never commented on your blog, but I read it every day. I am sorry that you have to deal with this criminal threat, and am glad you reported it. It certainly seems like Captain David Miscavige is running scared right now, really scared that his empire is crumbling. I just hope that this movie gets Tom Cruise and John Travolta to take accountability for the abuses of the cult, wakes up a lot of under-the-radar folk (I am hoping to see it this weekend with two such), and especially wakes up governmental authorities.
What’s interesting is the stimulus response vindictive attacks Scientology involves itself in.
Most churches would pay no attention to critics. But, Scientology not only pays attention, they bring attention to the critic by embarrassing itself with bizarre behavior and hateful attacks on the person. They create new critics every day for themselves because they can’t take the high road.
People are just going to think Scientology and Scientologists are crazy and they do, more than ever. And it seems the parishioners just turn a blind eye, maybe out of fear. How sad is that.
So there sinks the ship.
Whoever this sorry excuse for a human this is (and it really doesn’t matter) his or her invective seems to represent the last defiant squeal of a now impotent bully( read Church of Scientology) that has lost its power to cause any kind of effect whatsoever. It is to be derided, ignored, tossed aside, or looked at as a curious footnote to the most minor events of our history. If not for the suffering it has caused in its brief life, it would be a monumental joke. Its most significant achievement would be its disappearance.
Yes, and then Dave’s mistaken pronouncement of 1993 will have finally become true: THE WAR IS OVER!
We stand together !
Thanks for this. As you know I’ve been also under surveillance by various neighborhood’s snitches.
Of course it has been very light, as I’m NOT a whistleblower, since I’ve never been privy to the internal workings/machinations of OSA/Int Management, nor COB’s felonies, nor to the OT levels.
All of my information comes from the internet, books and all the brave whistleblowers.
But last week these Scientology terrorists upped the level of intimidation, beyond their usual patrolling my block, etc.
I had two encounters were two different individuals feinted at a physical threat, they both came from behind me as I was walking the street.
Rest assure that I’m not going to be intimidated, nor that I will stop my support to all the whistleblowers speaking out against David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology terror apparatus.
Je suis Avijit
“U.S. Hindu Blogger Avijit Roy Killed in Bangladesh”
Purgatory is for “Twenty Four Seven”
Twenty Four Seven lives in Purgatory and wonders: What’s the nature of my suffering? What’s my condition? How long must I suffer? He hopes to enter into the Kingdom of Scientology Inc. (“SI”) and that of David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board (“COB”), but first must satisfy COB Justice by bearing his punishment in all its severity.
Twenty Four Seven roams endlessly the halls of Purgatory, a prison ruled by COB’s Divinity. “Have mercy on me, COB,” he wails, face pale, body bent. Only through cruel suffering and the pain 24-7 inflicts on others can COB be cheerful and content.
Purgatory is a dungeon that entraps 24-7; want of reason and ignorance extenuates his circumstance. Like a demon, he twists in torment in COB’s fire and ice; his conduct tainted with deceit, deception and dishonesty. COB commands: Repent! But with each Security Check, ethics condition and amends project, 24-7 is only sliced and diced into smaller bits for COB’s pleasure.
Twenty Four Seven is racked with guilt; bruised and battered, he’s crushed by the might of the Gospel According to COB. Purgatory is a dungeon for his hate, lies, and deceit; pestilence and filth marks his path. He is imprisoned, poisoned with impurities, condemned to live in frightened obscurity, always searching for, but never finding, COB’s forgiveness.
All Praise be to COB.
yes yes yes yes. $cientology IS a terrorist group. I have been blasted before for saying this but I don’t care. They abuse, kidnap, kill, and steal. They do this without any consequences so far. FOR YEARS AND YEARS. I want to know WHO in the US government is supporting this terroist religion. The IRS has been implicitly supporting Miscavige by turning their backs on the truth.
The country is RESPONSIBLE for letting Miscavige run rampant over whomever he wants. It is time that someone from law enforcement, homeland security or the White House!!! do something before someone else dies.
Likely every appliance in the sender’s house is flashing 12:00. It’s a marvel that he managed to post. (He probably got technical help from an eight year-old.)
This quote from about criminal harrassment.
It is a criminal offence for anyone to make you reasonably fear for your safety or the safety of someone you know by…
repeatedly following you or someone you know
repeatedly visiting, calling, writing or contacting you or someone you know
watching your home or workplace
threatening you or someone in your family
No actual injury need occur. The offender does not need to have intended to harm you. If their behaviour would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety, it is criminal harassment. Serious cases could result in an offender being sent to jail for up to ten years. In some cases an offender may be prohibited from possessing firearms, ammunition or explosives.
Sound familiar? Sounds like the Church of Scientology to me.
Its hard to take anyone serious when I knw their spiritual leader is L Ron Hubtard … just sayin
The email is cunningly worded such that the authorities would have no reason to bother tracing it. “I would love to…. but it is illegal here”. It is therefore not a real anonymous threat of violence; the kinds of threats that occur all the time on the internet and are never followed up on because the senders are too scared to act out on them. It should really be treated for what it really is, a whiny inconsequential bitchfest not worthy of a response or even acknowledgement since it is clear the sender is too scared to send a regular anonymous death threat like the average troll denzin of the internet would send. This makes them less that the average Internet troll and that is pretty low.
My sentiments exactly.
Except that the “you’re being watched 24/7” is meant to make Mike fearful and I’m guessing that at least a subset of FBI agents has a massive hard-on for the cult.
And Mike’s genius in posting it is that they’ll up their game and do even more illegal shit. Predictable cult is predictable.
“You’re being watched 24/7”. Mike already knows that.
You’re right, Grathulin, the other threats are all made in subjunctive mode to suggest that Mike needs to be afraid but with no declaritive threats actually having been issued.
Excellent on spotting that, Grathulin. With my training I’m embarrassed at not spotting this myself but I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Cleverly worded indeed.
Having said that I’m still glad Mike reported it to the right people.
I disagree. I take this as a legitimate threat from a wack job who takes the church of david miscavige way to seriously.
I think this should be taken VERY seriously. Think John Lennon. John signed an autograph for his murderer a few hours before he was murdered.
This kind of insanity and threats is part of Scientology. It’s Ecclessiastical “policy.” Written instructions to Fair Game people who disagree with them. These people really have gone ’round the bend. As someone mentioned above…they think they are “saving the world.” Their pretend world that they have spent their lifetime and all their savings creating and supporting is coming down around them. It’s like an addict losing his fix. What will they do? What are they capable of? Who knows?
I hope LOTS OF PRESS is at the screening at the ARCLight on Friday.
Good advice Zana. One can’t ignore crazies. And I think of all the times Mike has busted them with the greatest of ease and much of it caught on video. E.g., Mike removing the church camera from the birdhouse; Mike interviewing the garbage thieves as they stole his garbage. I’m still laughing about that. And they’ve done all the same kind of shit with Marty also and probably worse.
They are for sure desperate. They sense they have lost all real contact with the world around them and in a desperate move try to impose their own twisted reality on the world by creating threats, smear videos and smear magazines. While they think they dish out at the SP’s all they do is to actually turn the light on their own insanity for all the world to see. And on top of it they pay big $$$ in advertising for this.
The more they lash out, the more they lose. Fascinating to watch. They cannot change so they destroy themselves.
In recent days I spoke to some old friends and some new ones who are under the radar. Their silent departure was not caused by anybody opposing the church, it was all facilitated by the CO$ and their thuggery behavior.
The CO$ cannot help themselves other than expose their insanity and criminality to the world. Almost as if their basic goodness is shining through, by actively causing their own demise. 🙂
Yes, right out of Ron’s playbook.
That is an important point you bring up, Michael. Obviously they escalate their attacks from smear campaigns and slander true to their directive: “Always attack” now to actual threats. Since these attacks did not yield the desired results it is only logical in their sick minds to take them to the next level. Now since we all know the threats will not get them any result, what concerns me is how far they are willing to go? I hope law enforcement agencies keep a close eye on this and take decisive actions before the desperate remnants of this cult think they can turn to actual violence.
Gerhard, I don’t think they’re crazy enough to take the law in their hands, but I could be wrong. When one’s mind has been sufficiently warped by adoption of the fair game doctrine, one is capable of some pretty atrocious things.
I want to acknowledge you for being willing to speak the truth and draw the connections necessary for people out of the line of fire to see for themselves the insanity that is the cult of $cientology. I imagine a time when you will be able to sit in the sun and this will all be just a joke in a life well lived.
The thing that blows my mind is that right now, if they have any sense, OSA will be in flat out panic mode trying to find this wingnut and get him out of the US as fast as humanly possible.
Can you imagine if this fruitloop did not have the sense to hide his IP? What if he really believes its OK to threaten Mike as part of his religion, What if the FBI are interviewing him right now? I would make a big bet that when they find him or her, this tooty-fruit will insist that abusing Mike is part of his religious practice and try to get the CofS to defend him. Meantime OSA will be arranging a really high paying job for him Tanzania, struggling to get him out on bail and on the next plane to Dar Es Saleem.
Meantime it will probably turn out the nutcake here is actually staff at the Scientology mission of Yeehaw Junction and thus an official representative of the Scientology religion.
If thats how it plays out and then the newspapers get hold, it will be a shark-feeding-frenzy-festival of you-are-attacking-my-sacred-religious-rites.
If I was in OSA right now, I would be sweating bullets.
I don’t really want to make light of this, because I thinks it scary for Mike, because the person appears to be genuinely insane or very close to the edge.
However the fear that must be running through OSA right now must be something to behold.
Perhaps it was Yager or Bloomberg doing amends.
My money’s on Jenny.
Yes, probably right. That girl needs to get laid!
Are you up for the job, Mike M?
To answer my own comment to Mike Mallen’s comment about Jenny:
It’s a rough job, but somebody’s got to do it…. Oh, on second thought, just skip it…(Ewwwwe)
Mike, Why in the world can a terrorist fascist group get tax-exempt status and who would continue to follow a foul mouthed uneducated bully-pope? I trust you know the best way to protect your family from this madness. Miscavage has to understand you know his game. Now he has gone too far. We have all done shameful things in the past. Fortunately most of us don’t have these things recorded in a folder.
Any organization that threatens others with bodily harm or fear of releasing private info-f**k you. For those still in, don’t let this psycho hold you hostage. Mike and many others have pushed back.
Many you have cheated, stolen, masturbated (oh my!), hit someone, drove drunk, lied etc. that is in the past. Don’t let fear of exposure stop you from leaving. So what? People can be very forgiving and love to see a person start over. You have spent 10-20 years in this bubble, you can always move on. Take what you have learned, good, bad and ugly and expand your life. We miss you out here! Your money can be better spent improving the world. The millions spent (of your money) are wasted on private eyes, lawyers, attacking others and self-promotion. Wouldn’t you rather have control over how you and your resources are used to fix the planet?
Mike, sorry for the rant. As a never-in, at times my heart bleeds for those caught in this destructive cycle. Miscavage is going to self-destruct. I feel sorry for those he will take down with him. Mike is protecting his loved ones. Now it is time for many of you (Miscavage followers) to protect themselves and their loved ones. This comes from the heart.
Very good advice Ann.
“the meaning of Ann is….. “He (God) has favored me”.
Very nice message Ann. I would agree you have been favored.
That means the dwarf and His minions will need to invest in some cryogenics.
This was supposed to be a reply to the great MM vs standalone.
To quote a close friend and ally,
“DM’s Enforcing family disconnection is a powerful form of family terrorism. An insidiously potent tool for the little prick.”
Nuff said!
Mike (sorry….so many posts by me today!). Did you ever speak to the homeowner who had the birdhouse camera pointed at your house?
This is desperation. This is Scientology losing its shit over the impending doom cloud gathering.
To scientology, the Mongol Hoards are gathering on the ridge line, more and more every day and all Miscavige has are a bunch of aging Koolaide drinkers, teenaged Sea Org members, and a dwindling couple o’ billion in the bank.
What is really TWENTY–FOUR SEVEN is the readiness of the escape helecopter, fueled up with enough gas to get to Colombia.
Mike, I got one of those anonygrams (letter from Scientology lawyers calling me a terrorist) back in 2008 when I was protesting with Anonymous. I was hand delivered to my front door. I was wondering if you had anything to do with those.
No, it was me. Hehe.
Mike Rinder had already left Co$ by 2008.
Ah. Guess you are right. Would have been nice to get some insight in to that whole thing.
How bout getting off being so psychotic
How bout stop attacking when you should shut up
How bout an extra dose of transparency
How bout that ever elusive thing called love
Thank you bloggers here
Thank you Providence
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you enlightenment
Thank you clarity
Thank you thank you Rinder…
How bout you not blaming us for everything
How bout you enjoying the light of the sun
How bout how good it feels to finally be rid of hate
How bout leaving it all at once
Thank you bloggers here
Thank you Providence
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you enlightenment
Thank you clarity
Thank you thank you Rinder…
That anonymous email was apparently sent from England, based on the time zone (0000). East Grinstead, perhaps? You should notify local police.
International Cyber Terrorism. a maze of servers to disguise origin
The domain for the e-mail is owned by someone in Helsinki, Finland
All J&D aside…… Do you think that DM was surprised you and Marty spoke out? He’s either supremely confident that people won’t speak because of harassment, disconnection, etc. or just plain stupid.
He harrasses people who are quiet and just want to move on with their lives. What are people supposed to do?
I am curious if you think your (and Marty’s) involvement in Going Clear (and everything else) came as a surprise.
I have a feeling that David Miscavige is incapable of seeing future consequences. He’s insane.
“Those who cannot understand how to put their thoughts on ice should not enter into the heat of debate.” Nietzsche
Excellent quote!
Thanks Bonnie!
I’m a long time lurker, first time commenter, who got out of the cult about 5 years ago. I was a public, mission staff, and then Org staff, and was crucified in the typical manner on my way out. (no surprise)
What I really love about all this, is that they seem to be completely blind to the fact that the rest of the world is laughing at each new move they make. Zero self awareness. It is becoming more and more apparent that they are scrambling SO HARD to keep their little pretend world in tact, and in this scramble all they’re doing is proving to the rest of the world how truly psychotic they are. They look foolish. (As usual!) And they will continue to look foolish, because they do not understand that in the real world, people have something that they don’t have, and will never have in that cult- the power of choice. We get to look at all these “terrorists” and decide for ourselves who the real threats are. And while the media is certainly tainted at times, no one would look at the actions of journalists who are just reporting information, as terroristic, but plenty of people see direct threats sent to another person as terroristic. Does DM not understand that there are REAL legal ramifications for things like stalking and harassment? Ha! What a moron! Clear your words, DM, maybe start with the legal definitions for stalking and harassment? But keep digging your holes, DM. Keep the scramble in full attack mode, please, because all you’re doing is proving to those of us who got out, that we made the right choice…and you’re continuously showing the rest of the world why they should stay far, far away form anything even remotely tied to $cientology.
Many thanks, Mike, (and commenters!) you’ve kept this shy observer up to date and enlightened for years, and I’m grateful and proud to be on this side with you all.
Well spoken just a girl and a big welcome from me to you!
Good for you and welcome to the real world. I know how hard the road out of Scientology is.
Welcome out JAG. Nice to have some new folks in our cult awareness sandbox!
So glad you posted JAG. I suspect not only are there lurkers who don’t post, but I can’t help but believe that there are old time SO Members that can’t wait for David Miscavige to be brought down.
Wow Mike. I think they are understanding the the end is coming. I remember some reference where LRH says, “When the SP’s are howling, then we’re really winning” or something. And man are those guys howling. Also “” That is just hilarious. I looked it up. It is an actual domain but it is being held by someone. I wonder who actually owns that would be interesting. I am sure their “threat” will be chalked up to poetic license or some such nonsense but they are pretty specific with that one.
I am headed to LACMA tonight to see #GOINGCLEAR. I have made no secret about it. I hope there are church people there. I hope they go in and see the movie.
Just me speaking out about it, not even having seen it and I am NOT in the movie (wish I was) but I have had two customers leave abruptly from our business because I am “Attacking them and their beliefs.” The person who claimed I attacked them personally, I had never even met and I had to look them up on Facebook to know what they looked like. So there’s that. Not sorry that they took their business elsewhere. I definitely don’t need that kind of crazy in my life!
Give Dave and his thugs TWTH booklets.
Hi Basketballjane!! Lucky you!! I couldn’t find anyone who was a member. !!! Enjoy!! Can’t wait to hear your opinion. I’m going on Friday.
the emailer really makes me long for a scientology world. what a wonderful place this would be if it were filled with people like them.
I think in part, why bubbleheads and kool-aid sippers often come across crazy like this is because what else can they say? There’s no actual sense to their position that they can draw on. They don’t have much to make a case with so they have to resort to mindlessness, there’s nothing else, it’s either that or you snap out of it right there. Like those 3 amigos that bush whacked Marty at the airport, could they have said anything logical? What else were they gonna do, they had no choice but to resort to mindlessness.
I’m guessing Mike way back when you were standing in London you got a sense of your own mindlessness, you noticed in a way that you couldn’t use your own powers of reasoning and logic because if you did there was nothing you could say that would make sense……. like Hebur pulling 10 million out of nowhere, if he used his brain to come up with a thoughtful answer, he would have had nothing to say, he would have been like “ughhhh…..” ……..and that time instead of staying with the mindlessness, you snapped out it.
The BBC was one of the best things that ever happened to you. You ended up being beset on all sides and finally said “why the fuck am I even doing this?” and your mind had no good answer and you accepted what your mind said, it made sense there was no good answer and you instantly relaxed and felt normal.
I hope that person re-reads what they wrote now that it’s posted here and maybe it might sink in just how off the wall they sound, that they may realize and see in their own words just how far they have gone, how far they are now willing to go in the name of “good”.
” I think in part, why bubbleheads and kool-aid sippers often come across crazy like this is because what else can they say? ”
Or perhaps they simply are believing in something that is completely false. There are many opportunities in life to do this! With some luck, vigilance and a sprinkling of friends we may be able to see the truth. Let’s hope ‘they’ will too.
Yo Dave,
Sorry, I can’t say I’m too optimistic about that working for you good buddy!
The End Phenomenon of this whole thing for me is to take our lives back. Listen to our own inner logic and heart-sense. Contribute our uniqueness and honor other peoples’ uniqueness. Like the end of the movie “Whiplash.” This, for me, has been the big EP. Not to be intimidated by opinions. To show up and be there…wherever I am, even when the wolves are howling around the campfire. Thank goodness for this blog…that we can all come together here and gather strength and courage to stand up and expose the truth.
Thank you, Mike. See you Friday the 13th. My lucky number!
Go Zana!
Umm… Did anyone notice that the last line in Mike’s comments was that the email WAS reported to the various agencies? It’s easy to get caught up in the outrage of the latest self-degradation of the misinformed, but rest assured Mike is always on top of the situation IMHO.
I haven’t read all the comments yet, because I am so outraged by this that I have to respond immediately to what I’ve read here. No one has the right to threaten someone else because they don’t like what they say, no matter what their opinion may be on anything: politics, civil rights, relationships, religion. We all have the right to state our views and opinions publicly, as well as privately. I recall a quote from Hubbard saying this very thing. Suppressing one person’s free speech is suppressing all of us. That is what that message to you was apparently intended to do, so who is the real “suppressive person” here? So much for the “most ethical group” on the planet. I’m disgusted and outraged that you have been threatened. Or that anyone would be. A person has the right to leave their church or religion (or indeed any organization that they belong to) without being subjected to retaliation. This group has done more to turn my opinion into a negative one by their own actions, rather than anything anyone else has said about them.
They are indeed their own worst enemy.
And have been since the beginning…That’s why they keep shooting themselves in their collective feet. They just can’t help it!
And to think I donated two kids to that group. Bar none folks …….. that is on top of my O/W write up list!
Yo Dave, OSA and other Cult members,
You can count on this good buddy …….. I will never rest, never stop speaking out, never bypass an opportunity to tell others about the atrocity called $cientology, never cease to explain the part I played in helping to create such an abortive mess of humanity known as YOUR CHURCH of SCIENTOLOGY.
And I have a confession to make. Doing the above actions has produced a case state so far above anything I ever experienced in the Cult that I recommend it to anyone, anywhere on ‘the bridge’ !!!
What Newcomer said. I hear ya Coop! I’m there too.
I don’t suppose the “bright” person that sent this to Mike, thought about the fact that this action seeks to cut public affinity lines with Scientology in general. Get that? CUT AFFINITY LINES WITH SCIENTOLOGY IN GENERAL.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Terrorism is commonly defined as violent acts (or the threat of violent acts) intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal, and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (e.g., neutral military personnel or civilians). Another common definition sees terrorism as political, ideological or religious violence by non-state actors. Some definitions now include acts of unlawful violence and war. The use of similar tactics by criminal organizations for protection rackets or to enforce a code of silence is usually not labeled terrorism, though these same actions may be labeled terrorism when done by a politically motivated group.”
I think this pretty well sums up DM’s actions since he really took power with the “terrorist” actions of the Mission Holder’s Conference in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1982 and his establishment of the Int Finance Police to terrorize the entire world wide Mission Network!
“defined as violent acts (or the threat of violent acts) intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal, and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants……” This should be DM’s mission statement for his violent actions at the Int Base that probably continue to this day. EAT YOUR HEART OUT “LITTLE HITLER”!
Napoleon Daveytyke.
Being watched 24/7 isn’t that bad. There are plenty of worse things than being watched 24/7, like, for example, watching someone 24/7. That’s a shitty way to spend your 24/7.
Your attacker did a good job of not giving his name, but I’m guessing he’s just over high school age judging by his liberal use of the F word. I would take this threat very seriously and take the proper steps to protect your balls. Go buy a jock strap with a cup, wear it until after the March 29th premier, and then only wear it in crowded places henceforth.
Cheers, bud!
Holy shit Nick – you ARE funny! LOL
Mike, I am glad you reported the email. You are a public figure, this is a real threat, even if the idiot who sent it believes that calling you an “SP” will have an effect on you. If you received this so did others, such as HBO. Any semblance of a legitimate church will be gone shortly. I am hopeful that the FBI will finally take its damn gloves off and treat Miscavige and his operations the way any other criminal enterprise is treated. My message to the church’s “whales” and non-criminal parishoners is, your only hope of saving your church is to make sure that the criminals are gone.
I don’t think there is any chance in “saving the church.” It’s going under. This puss and insanity coming from inside the bubble shows how far gone it is. This week…and all the way up to the 29th…should be very interesting.
You’re obviously doing some thing right Mike.
To the sender of the email.
Thanks for letting us know what LRH would do.
If someone besmirches your religion you should cut their balls off. Nice place this cleared planet of yours.
This coward won’t cut off anyone’s balls cuz he/she’s got none.
I thought it had been confirmed there was one on his/her forehead. I think it was raindog who first noticed it!
Shit is about to hit the FIZ-AN is all I have to say. You can’t treat an army of young SO members like shit for years and not expect it blow up ALLLLL up in your face after a minute.
This goes out to all those M-FERS like Amber, Monet, Discher, Vicky Shantz, those little CMO rats, all those assholes in Security and Snr HCO and Snr Qual who thought they were all that and made life miserable for the young people who were doing the best they could with what they had.
You all know damn well you deserve all the sunlight that’s about to come your way once “we” (you know who I’m talking about) start talking after this documentary comes out..
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Assholes.
Don’t hold back Noni!
Talk, talk, talk..
How about some dox, too?
(Just Kidding: Every story told, under your own name or under a pseudonym, is useful and can help someone – it’s up to you how much you want to do, tho’)
Dankoon is right, does sound like the infamous Karin Pouw aka COB and Mike has him on the run but please take care of yourself , sir!
Mike – you are fucking GETTING IT DONE BROTHER! The “church” is paying you their HIGHEST compliment. They think you are dangerous and HIGHLY effective and YOU ARE NOW BEING ACKNOWLEDGED AS AFFECTING THEIR BOTTOM LINE!
Keep up the successful actions. YOU’VE GOTTEN UNDER THEIR THIN SKINS BIG TIME!!!!
The answer to Is Scientology a Terrorist Group is YES.
The crux of the matter getting a conviction.
Then you have to have a fair and balanced Jury to decide on the facts of the case.
Post 911 people are more fearful of terrorism but you have to have enough proof for a case
and testimony that holds water.
Some of these people have become alarmingly unhinged. Their entire belief system is being challenged with indisputable facts. The facts are adding up to total certainty by the public at large. The certainty is that one should avoid giving miscavige or any of his groups any money; that one should avoid any scientology group like the plague.
I wonder if Tom Cruise is up to the Mission Impossible task of trying to restore the good name of L Ron Hubbard and the church he created?
Hey Tom! Just send out a personal email to each of the 10 million members of the cherch and ask them show up at a Million Member March on Washington, DC to protest this unreasonable persecution of the most ethical group on the planet.
Except unlike Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream speech, it will be I Have A Nightmare.
Thanks for all the well wishes and good advice to report this.
I have done so to local and federal agencies.
Should have included this in the post to save you all some time… My apologies.
That’s okay Mike. I think we enjoy letting you know we have your back.
Yo Dave,
Hear that train a comin’
It’s rolling round the bend
You ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when,
You’re stuck at Int Base prison, and time keeps draggin’ on
But that train keeps a rollin’ your legacy will soon be gone
When you were just a baby your mama told you. Son,
Always be a good boy, don’t mess around with thugs.
But you spewed your hate at Rinder just to fuel your lies
When you hear that whistle blowing, just hang your head and cry
Hear that train a comin’
It’s rolling round the bend
You ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when,
You’re stuck at Int Base prison, and time keeps draggin’ on
But that train keeps a rollin’ your legacy will soon be gone
Oh! That song was just awesome and very appropriate to today’s blog.
Thanks Joan, I’ve become the self-appointed song parodist for this blog. 😉
Wonderful, master!
Thank you oceanic water ninja of Pacific waters.
No apologies needed, Mike. When someone threatens you, it’s almost like they’re threatening all of us. So naturally, we circle the wagons. What this DOES show, is the rampant fear the clown dwarf is feeling right how. I pity the Int staff as that’s who he’ll be taking it out on.
Dear Mike: I’m hoping that one of the agencies you’ve reported this to is the Tampa Times. I just love foot bullet stories!
Dear Shutthefuckupasshole: I think you’ve got Mike shaken’ in his sandals. hmm-hmm, yup.
All of us on Mike’s blog are supremely terrified.
I’m so terrified right now that I can barely type this. Barely…
Your C/S:
1. Have a cold one
2. Go hit the waves
Heading out as I type this!
Mike, I think this video you made of the camera in the birdhouse and the stealing of your garbage is a video that you might post again as a headliner on your blog as I bet many people haven’t seen it.
No worries, Mike.. I’m very glad you’ve reported this. Always better safe than sorry when it comes to physical threats.
The message, for all its bullying tone and obscenity communicates an almostdesperate pathos: “Shut up Mike just shut up you just have to you just HAVE TO shut up shut up shut up shut UP”.
Obviously, the cult, has a problem with anyone other then themselves exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
Not so obviously they are in fundamental disagreement with their own Creed, as in “…and we of the Church believe…” you know, those points about how we should all have the right to voice our opinions freely, and counter the opinions of others, etc.
IMO, the problem is that Church of Scientology says they believe in the First Amendment and their own Creed, but actually, they’re glib 🙂
There is a big difference between the email that Mike received and the threats ascribed to Anonymous. The email that Mike received was the performance of a sacred act by a cherch member, describing appropriate actions to take toward an SP as laid out in the Fair Game scripture. It’s a holy rite, and if this member were called on that email then I suspect that he/she would invoke the First Amendment as protection. This is Religion, plain and simple.
I will bet dollars to donuts that email was written by Karin Pouw. I recognize her style. It’s unmistakable.
They will find out where it came from. I’ll bet you it came from a “KSW” fundamentalist out here in the field. Also whom I suspect of being an OSA plant. Who just hung himself. Dang, if book making were legal I’d pay 50 to 1 on this Dan!
Oracle, please tell us the details of the OSA plant who just hung himself. Who , what, where, when, why?
I didn’t mean “hung himself” literally. Unless I’m channeling…….and the body hasn’t been discovered yet. I meant “hung himself” by sending out a death threat to someone over the Internet. It is illegal. And this person does consider himself above the law. Obviously.
Mike, please call the authorities if you haven’t already. Local police as well as the FBI need to be involved as this is a cyber threat. The email can be traced and the offender can be charged and made an example of.
It is unlikely that the email sender can be found. The spam industry is founded on spoofed address headers and fake domains. That said, a good cyber crimes law enforcement officer could find some interesting things about the sender. No need for a ‘profiler’, the rage in the email is very plain. Getting it on the record is a good idea, but it probably won’t be followed up.
Faking up $cieno speech is not very hard, so that isn’t much of a clue, though sentence construction does point to second class (not quite high school level) education. Could easily be a sea borg playing with his/her keyboard, or as others have suggested, some one doing an ‘amends’ project.
When $cientology tries to equate Anonymous with Al Queda or ISIS, I just laugh. I can’t remember that ad hoc, leaderless group being convicted of any violent offense. Yeah, one ‘member’ (a young man) was convicted in a DDOS attack, but that is not violence. The protests that Anonymous staged against $cientology just brought out the scorn and laughter that so much of society has for $cientology. Sociopaths and bullies hate being laughed at. That laughter is what clams hate the most. And the dancing, and the Rick Rossing.
The clampire often touts the telephone bomb threats it has received and blamed Anonymous. That ‘connection’ has never been made. The suspicion that $cienos themselves are behind such threats demonstrates knowledge of Lroon’s tactics. Spoofing telephone numbers is not much harder then spoofing email addresses. Hell, just find a pay phone and you can do any phone prank you want.
Any and all who have been harassed and threatened by anyone, get yourself a small sound/video recorder. Getting a record of such events prevents a ‘he said, she said’ outcome in a police station. Those who have been threatened by $cientology, tell your stories. The truth is powerful weapon, with it you can fashion the most powerful weapon, laughter. But only if you’re not in jail or the hospital or worse. Stay safe.
I agree that Miscavige was probably behind most of the threats to the church that he claimed came from Anonymous. The same strategy set up Paulette Cooper in the 70s and Miscavige is still using that playbook.
The video they trot out to show the bomb threats by Anonymous was indeed posted on Youtube by an Anonymous account. It was flagged and removed within minutes.
Later it showed up on the DVD meant to ‘prove’ the terrorist nature of Anonymous. For some reason, the version on the DVD had a higher resolution than the maximum resolution of Youtube video’s at the time.
Makes one wonder who the source of the video is, doesn’t it?
Nevertheless, Anonymous was guilty of some nasty pranks in 2008 which should not be condoned (such as running into an org covered in pubes).
This is hilarious! What a frightened little boy. Miscavige is truly the BIGGEST PUSSY there is. “You’re being watched 24/7” . . . ooooooooooooh, scary. Fuck you, Miscavige, ya twerp. And what would LRH think? Who gives a rat’s ass. He was a crazy old man who went down for the dirt nap a long time ago. Fuck him too.
Desperation is a meal served both hot and cold. And it seems the cult is full of it.
Hyperbole, lies, and bull shit…the ingredients from which the founder created his “religious” caek.
Even a touch of truth can completely spoil the taste of Scientology caek, hence the need to shelter the caek in a bubble.
It’s mass produced now….although I saw the recipe on the internet –
Add heaping amounts of hyperbole, lies, and BS….then stir, bake, and charge $100k/slice.
When a sick dog is dying, they tend to lash out. They attack anything that comes near them. Scientology is a sick, dying dog. I am just glad I will see its demise in my lifetime.
Brentwhetstone, dog lover that I am, I prefer the metaphor of a cornered rat. I’ve had several dogs who each lived very long healthy lives, who eventually got sick and died, and not one of them ever attacked me when they were dying. Sorry.
this is silly. if you can file report to Police – do it NOW!
big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
He is a coward.
Mike, do note the OSA sock that showed up at Tony’s to “confront and shatter” us, possibly the same person as the anonymous e-mailer. He belatedly hacked Disqus so that no profile shows when you click on his name (I clicked right after his first post and did see a profile which at that time showed nothing but the one post, but since then his profile has vanished and attempts to click to it generate an error message). The FBI surely has the power to trace further:
I can see his posts. you must be blocked. and it is stupid to post this here because Mike must have his email or IP adress…. and even that does not bring Tonys drama ,here….
big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Mike Rinder, if ever you needed confirmation of the effect of your words, this is it.
Scientology, in all its ugly glory, a punkish neighborhood bully, for all to see.
Mr. Rinder, the FBI can trace any sender. It could be a publicity stunt to promote the HBO thing. If you do not turn it over to the FBI, smart people are thinking that you sent this message to make yourself interesting and promote your causes.
Actually, no smart person believes that Mike sent this to himself. Smart people know how desperate a situation the church is in and how they will resort to any type of intimidation tactics to silence those who speak the truth. Smart people are also pitying you for being trapped in a soulless, joyless existence that you have been trained to deny is your reality.
Break free, Rebecca! Life is SO much better on the outside.
Then they are not so smart. Those of us who have worked in the GO and/or OSA know without a doubt the depths the ‘church’ will sink to.
Rebecca Jaomes, that is about the stupidest thing I have heard all day.
Did you alarm the police or are you afraid that the person who sent it is no Scientologists?
Woah, another cut+paste from a troll comment on Tony O’s blog.
Not getting any smarter but surely getting more frantic
I didn’t think the drive-by trolling could get any sadder than the bunch at the Bunker, but these two today have sunk to new depths of depravity, not unlike their cult.
All should be aware of the current state of affairs of the world today witht eh current threats ongoing along with anypotential misapplied targets or names and companies and those names before prejudging.
to mislead to wrong targeting.The world and people in it has remarkably changed and one needs to be kept up to date what is going on and threats or slander remarks. and the allegations should be observed and reported to the police. The companies should do this and scientology aswell. Dont act blind observe and no what is going on around you be observent.
Just listen to yourselves! Do you even know this group? Scientologists don’t talk to SPs, which means that this message rather is from a prangster. LRH would laugh Rinder, Rathbun etc. off and end of story.
You must be kidding. First of all they do talk to sps , I should know because I am one and some talk to me on occasion . And watch Marty’s videos of the squirrel busters.When they threaten or want to intimidate or accuse , they talk.
LRH wrote the book on how to deal with loud sps , and I wouldn’t speculate on what he would do because I do not care.
Take care Mike , this is not funny.
You know, I actually laughed at that email. It’s so clam. They all talk like that:
“actively trying to STOP the expansion of Scientology”
I mean seriously, who the fuck talks like that but a diehard fucking clam? This idiot’s been in a looooong time. He/She/It can’t even speak fucking English! It’s like Jenny at LAX, “wholesale fucking suppressive acts” or however she phrased it.
These people are so fucked up.
Dave, go to the Bahamas (I couldn’t find Bulgravia on any map) until it blows over or blows up – whichever comes first.
Sorry to tell you this, John D. but this is what they do and have done for over a half century.
Where have you been?
And this justifies replying in kind and making with our own ad hominem attack?
I call troll on John D.
You made this exact post over on Tony’s blog too.
You are a troll buddy and I bet you are shitting in your pants.
What if the guy who wrote these emails is staff in an org or mission?
What are you going to say when law enforcement catches up with him?
John D. I don’t think Jenny Linson et al. were using sign language when they chased after Marty at LAX.
I know it must be embarrassing to belong to a group like this, but you do have the power to leave you know……
All that has to happen is for a couple of Dave’s henchboys to be put down, well, maybe only get a face crushed and some legs broken, some teeth knocked out, or their spine bent out of shape, and the harassment will stop. The rest of these pieces of shit will be too scared to get off the toilet. Of course on any given day, there might even be a Scientologist left in the inner circle who still has some nerve or self determinism left and decide to relieve Davey of his post duties, if you know what I mean.
I really hope this is the beginning of the very NEAR end for that sawed off little punk corn cobb. He is going to be degraded in front of all society one day and I relish the thought of it. The midget of doom will finally get his just desserts. Fuck them Mike.
While it is easy to laugh this off as yet another instance of Fair Game, I would certainly start documenting these threats, including reports to the local authorities. The fanatical mindset is unpredictable. When the “fate of the planet” is at stake, one could justify almost anything. A reasonable, social Scnist may never resort to violence, but we all have experience with mentally unstable members. Couple that with “greatest good logic” and the importance of status, it’s difficult to say what one is capable of.
Take care of yourself and your family, Mike.
Yes Rex Fowler comes to mind.
The writer of that comment is seriously deranged, how could they possibly think that personal insults and threats will help their cause? For an organization which claims to be a church its members sure don’t behave as if they are, they really do sound much more like a terrorist group.
Those quotes from the magazine are words they use to influence your friends, family, neighbors and all government connections to scare, discredit or stop a person. Thank you Mike. -Dee Findlay
Brian says it best:
“Scientology has always been a thug organization.
The only difference between now and then is:
The world is watching. We know who you are and know what you are doing.”
Mike, if I were you I would tell them you will shut up in exchange for $10,000,000. No, make that $50,000,000.00 Why do they always make the destruction of Miscavige’s empire seem like a bad thing?
Jenny, is that you?
Jenny: Shit!!!
Three swing FN, VGIs.
The cognitive dissonance re The Way To Happiness precepts and Attack the Attacker policy must be setting off nuclear bombs in the average GAT trained robot head. The “logic” runs something like this: Rinder, the reason you’re being attacked so viciously is because the church is flourishing and prospering.
🙂 Right on.
DM and the COS are most definitely a terrorist group. They are a very special form of terrorist group. They are a combination of the slickest conartists and the most covert sinister, diabolical terrorists. They are a religionist terrorist group. They are spiritual terrorists. They use religion, spirituality and personal development, life improvement, self help, public service, disaster assistance, trauma therapy, etc. as a cover, as a cloak, as a front to con, deceive, trap, entice, people to join their organization, where they will be taken to the financial cleaners, then made to sign a billion yr contract to be a slave for the organization.
Everything they say or do contains of some sort of embedded lies, deception, or evil of some sort, some where. They are the most slickest, most deceitful, most lying, most twisted, and slippery con artist/ fraudulent/ terrorist, most criminal organization on earth.
They use the highest truth in the world, the science of mental health, a path to enlightenment as bait and as a cover to deceive, entice, suck entrap people into their trap.
They are what is called a systems house. A systems house is a organization or business who carefully and cleverly plan to systematically take people to the cleaners. DM and the CO$ are the ultimate systems house in the world.
Could not have said it better myself and my thinking lately has lead me to the same conclusion. This email signals that there is real motivation for vengeance here. With the well documented history of attacks and dirty tricks against it’s critics, I sincerely hope the FBI is keeping an eye on this terrorist group.
Wow. Well said. Yes… they use Enlightenment as bate. Mental health and promises of creating you into a Superman…they bait and switch. A “Systems House.” I never heard that term before. That’s exactly who they are…or at least what they have turned into. Hopefully the U.S. Government won’t let it go on much longer.
If this truly shocking message really was written by a scientologist (or indie) and not a prankster who jumped on the bandwaggon, then it is testimony that their sanity is stretched closer to breaking than I ever thought.
Mad fundamentalists are very destructive influences.
I’ve watched scn from the outside for a while and realised this: Mike, Tony, Marty et al. are simply reporting on what is happening inside scientology. Scientology will argue they are twisting or manufacturing facts, but the truth is that scientology is happily sawing off its own branch of affinity, without any help from anyone on the outside.
I assume you reported this to the FBI?
Reason I ask, is that when email is involved, it almost always ends up being an Interstate issue, as even if the sender is in your state, the server they send through will be out of state.
“What would LRH think? Rather, what DOES LRH think?”
I’ll answer that. LRH is dead and buried, for close to 3 decades now. He cares about these things exactly as much as if he had never existed.
What LRH thinks is still in present time. It’s called Scientology.
And this violence against critics is straight up L Ron Hubbard.
Ron is not dead. He is alive and well in the psychological profile of his disciples.
Whenever a Scientolgist equates harming critics to save the planet, there you have the answer to the question:
What would Ron think?
Mike, as you are using wordpress and I believe you should be able to reverse look-up the IP of the comment. Unless its turned off in the backend. Let me know if you need any help to get it.
That blog message looks like it could have been writtten by DM himself but the language is too tame. It needs to be peppered with more words begining with C.
Hey [email protected], go back and do some remedial reading on the blogs so you can get your invectiives up to speed.
Dave leaves out the Cee words when trying to be Anonymous.
Organized? Heh. Shows they don’t know a Damned thing about Anonymous. Anonymous has less organization than a frog in a blender. That’s their strength.
To get to be a member of Anonymous all you have to do is decide you are one.
You know, if you consider anyone doing damage to Scientology a member of Anonymous, and then look for the person who is actually doing the most damage, it becomes clear that David Miscavige is a member of Anonymous.
Well, he’s certainly a terrorist! 🙂
Yep. And Tommy Davis was the leader, until he up and quit – or was it Cap’n Footbullet who shoved him out the door? So, now Cap’n Footbullet is leader by default or by crook. Kinda like he took over for Hubbard when the old man got lost in the desert.
Seriously, I am glad you reported this to the authorities. The real terrorists are the ones who email threats, stalk their potential victims (TWENTY FOUR SEVEN), harass women who have never been in Co$, etc., etc. By the way would: “You are being watched, 24-7. TWENTY FOUR SEVEN RINDER. TWENTY FOUR SEVEN.” Be a form of stalking? Terrorizing? Sure would seem so to me.
“it’s illegal to cut off balls in this country”
This is a reference to Ron’s view on R2-45 being illegal at this time. It’s Ron stating that violence to kill SPs is not legal at this time. The basic concept is the same:
One day killing SPs may be legal. The person who wrote this has read, word cleared, demoed,check out and passed on Bolivar.
I think it was Warner Erhart who claimed he was shot at. Ron was alive then.
This is the SAME threat Paulette Cooper experienced. Except it was Ron himself orchestrating the terror.
Scientology has always been a thug organization.
The only difference between now and then is:
The world is watching. We know who you are and know what you are doing.
There was an interesting discussion on ESMB recently of the terroristic nature of Scientology.
I am concerned that as more and more public exposure of Scientology occurs, the likelihood of Jonestown or Branch Davidian type violence will increase.
Miscavige has used violence and the threat of violence for a long time, and it is a maxim that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.
This threat Mike received needs to be treated seriously by the authorities,
+1. Very important post, Mike. This is crossing a line into terrorism.
Agree! The likelihood is high enough that it cannot be dismissed out of hand. We ARE dealing with an insane person here who HAS demonstrated His propensity to use physical force and mental duress (spelled torture) on His subordinates.
What can we expect from such a person? More of the same and it likely will get worse before it is over!
Someone should write back: “Stop, you’re killing me!” or “You had me at you’re an SP!”
“This is crossing a line into terrorism.”
When L Ron Hubbard demonized critics and put them in the same category as HItler, then instructed his black ops “willing hounds” to find or manufacture crimes against them and “destroy utterly if possible”, there, in those writings and sentiments of Ron’s is evidence of the inception of Scientology’s proclivity for violence.
This threat against Mike is nothing new. He probably knows this better than any of us.
What is happening to Mike and Marty and all other high profile dissenters is the actualization of L Ron Hubbard’s philosophy.
Mike and Marty know this beyond a doubt. They were part of it.
I hope with all my heart that the name L Ron Hubbard is finally seen as the source of this.
David Miscavige is simply following how to protect power. A talent he learned from Ron.
This threat against Mike has been made before to others.
To Brian: +100
Dear Brain, What is most hell-erious is if you read and understand both “Ethics and Executives” and “Robotism.” pre-miscavology. You’ll see two of the very important sentences: “Even in a PTS person there must have been out-ethics* conduct toward the suppressive personality he or she is connected with for the person to have become PTS in the first place.” “His overts on the SP person make him blind and non-self-determined.” This next one is Paraphrased: “What he has done to the SP is more important then what the SP has done to him.” -Can’t remember where I read that. There are more policies that mention that you’re PTS because of what you’ve done to the SP. This also tells us when disconnection has to be used, it’s when the PTS can’t keep his own ethics* in. That last part is my own conclusion.
The point I am making is that Fair Game and those policies of attack the attacker, etc Will cause you to become more PTS to the SP according to the above. Don’t fall for this trap!! Just look at your own doings and correct them. Become honest, don’t allow yourself or others to be manipulated into harmful actions and maintain ARC. The SP can’t take that. He Thrives on anything else.
*I am defining ethics as Honesty, Integrity, etc; not High-Stats = Ethics.
The whole cosmology is a Miachavellian mind fuck of cognitive dissonance, and trying to defend anything by quoting various source references is a circular hamster wheel that will get you as far as the running program does.
LRH says in “WHAT IS GREATNESS” March 1966
“The hardest task one can have is to continue to love one’s fellows despite all reasons he should not.
And the true sign of sanity and greatness is to so continue.
For the one who can achieve this, there is abundant hope. For those who cannot, there is only sorrow, hatred and despair, and these are not the things of which greatness or sanity or happiness are made.
A primary trap is to succumb to invitations to hate. There are those who appoint one their executioners. Sometimes for the sake of the safety of others, it is necessary to act, but it is not necessary also to hate them.
To do one’s task without becoming furious at others who seek to prevent one is a mark of greatness-and sanity. And only then can one be happy.
Seeking to achieve any single desirable quality in life is a noble thing. The one most difficult and most necessary to achieve is to love one’s fellows despite all invitations to do otherwise.”
“When cruelty in the name of discipline dominates a race, that race has been taught to hate. And that race is doomed.
The real lesson is to learn to love.
He who would walk scatheless through his day must learn this.
Never use what is done to one as a basis for hatred. Never desire revenge.
It requires real strength to love man. And to love him despite all invitations to do otherwise, all provocations and all reasons why one should not.
Happiness and strength endure only in an absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may well be the greatest secret of the universe.”
This quote is from Tech vol. 6, 1976 version, page 154.
Pre-GAT dude.
Very nice sentiment Dan 351. Too bad Ron proved to be a hypocrite.
He also taught destruction of critics making yet another reason Scientologists suffer from cognitive dissonance.
Lifting finger prints (Paulette Coopers) to falsely indicte her for bombing.
Bolivar “pink legs” and the laps of not murdering to protect power.
It is an insult to love and decency to print on the blog What is Greatness.
I have come to the conclusion that Hubbard wanted to be perceived as benevolent and wise so he stole from Jesus and Buddha.
L Rom Hubbard was never concerned with loving enemies or critics.
What is Greatness was purely PR
Bolivar or Fair Game would never have been written by someone who truly meant What is Greatness.
This is a wiseman smokescreen hiding a more nefarious motive.
What is Greatness was the cheese.
And once you believe he meant it, it makes it hard to see his dark side. Or impossible.
The deception is diabolical. People have been harmed by Hubbard’s philosophy and still someone sees What is Greatness as a solvent to Scientology’s problem.
Actually it is a Christian and Buddhist resolution to this problem.
Hubbard never applied it. He used it to manipulate a perception that would convince us of his benevolence.
It was a lie. Surprise surprise!
Dan, good quote. It is still true, all around.
Reminds me of: “Those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them, and then, you will destroy yourself” — Richard Nixon
Mike is seeking to “Cut public affinity lines with Scientology in general” Really? The ‘church’ needs absolutely no help there – they are masters at shredding the affinity of even their own decent supporters.
I remember arriving at Flag (the friendliest place on earth, don’t you know) and thinking to myself as I read the disclaimers and twisted language of the ‘contract’ for service, this is a lot of double talk even for Scientology. Then of course the non-stop regging begins. I left Flag after a week and promised myself that never again would I grace the threshold of the friendliest place on earth. And this is the ‘Mecca’ of Scn, the best they have to offer? I have also been to the Freewinds, and the experience is no better.
I also used to get nightly phone calls, some after 1 AM, to sell me the basics. I could go on but if you are reading this blog, you likely have you own fine examples of just how much this church cares about affinity.
The theety-tweety social veneer of ARC this and Much Love that, is very thin indeed, and now we have hate mail and threats.
Thanks for all you are doing Mike, be strong, the tide is turning.
Great post.
Mike, please contact the authorities, incuding the FBI.
And be safe, Take the precautions you need to (get some training and don;t be a soft target). It’s probably just someone trying to show Little Boots how tough he is, but don’t ignore it.
It always makes me laugh when someone calls Anonymous a “terrorist group”.
If you’re “terrorized” by black faxes, DDOS, pizzas, computer viruses and a bunch of people calling your phone line to make jokes, you need to acquire a freaking sense of perspective, you snivelling sissy.
I can have one of my friends tell you how she felt telling her driver to step on it when a bomb blast happened just behind her. She was a doctor and could help, but she knew the actual, real life terrorists plaguing her country have a habit of killing people who come to help on bomb blast scenes.
Dear Anonymous:
Please don’t terrorize me with pizzas – especially not pepperoni and mushroom. And I know you can be really hateful, but please don’t include beer.
Mike, as stupid and pathetic as that email is, please take this to your local Police & open a case of harassment/stalking. This is a threat of direct physical harm. Obviously penned by a real nutjob who deserves nothing other than scorn, but it’s really worrying that a card-carrying SCN would communicate something like this. It’s not difficult to locate the source – this person should be brought to book. Despicable.
What are the odds that DM wrote that email himself? Or at least personally approved it?
“You are being watched, 24-7. TWENTY FOUR SEVEN RINDER. TWENTY FOUR SEVEN.”
Does that not sound like it’s being dictated directly by DM?
Yes, it definitely does. He’s more than crazy enough.
“What are the odds that DM wrote that email himself? Or at least personally approved it?”
Ok, I’ll take a short. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, 100%?
Keep up the good work Mike!!
Your blog and all you do is a wonderful example of how someone can totally turn their life in a completely different direction which, even without the added hassle of harassment and the pain of losing loved ones, is a horrendously hard thing to do and make a tremendous success of it.
Am full of admiration of the strength you and the rest of the ‘posse’ repeatedly show in the face of repeated abuse like above.
All they will see when they watch TWENTY FOUR SEVEN is a successful, content family man of integrity and strength.
Hopefully they’ll watch and learn.
That’s very interesting. Many times I’ve heard Christians say “what would Jesus do?”, and the effect is designed to calm someone down, because of course Jesus (or at least the commonly agreed upon mentality of Jesus) would say something like “go and sin no more” or “suffer little children to come unto me”, or just generally turn the other cheek.
Certainly no one would ever imagine the response to be “well I imagine Jesus would probably castrate that person and hang his testicles from a tree”. If I did believe that to be the response, I would no longer want to be a Christian.
Here we have a true believer suggesting that “mankind’s greatest friend” would deal with criticism by using medieval levels of torture, and bemoans the fact that sadly such behavior in the WOG world is illegal.
Whoever you are – if you believe that’s what your ultimate-being-in-the-universe would do, then you probably need to go and have a very long lie down in a darkened room and reflect on your beliefs and why you sent such a horrific message.
Just have to step in. But turn the other cheek means something completely different then most think it means. It has to do with not allowing people to claim to be your better(Social Class) because you are refusing to be struck with the back of the right hand (Left hands being reserved for ass-wiping) instead you insist that they hit you with the palm of the right hand meaning you were equals. This is a way of having integrity in the face of suppression. Which by the way, when combined with respectful communication and honesty tends to shatter suppression. This is my personal experience and direct observation. So always be honest, don’t let people walk over you or others(AKA Personal Integrity), treat them with respect and the problem people will simply disconnect from you. The Church is the ultimate example of this!!!!
Unlike the jokes (in whatever taste they may have been) which Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige reported to the police, this is an actual threat and should be reported. I hope nothing happens to anyone, but the climate of terror instilled inside the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology(1) and the extent of stress on its members makes caution the right policy.
On a lighter note, the shrieks about the “terrorist” Anonymous movement brought back nostalgic memories of being part of a group labelled “copyright terrorists” by the Co$ in print – this would be Real Life protests, but at a small scale, in the mid-1990s.
(1) The mental stress of wanting the sec-checks to stop was described eloquently by Andy Porter very recently, and Jefferson Hawkin’s new book “Closing Minds: How Scientology’s “Ethics Technology” is Used to Control Their Members” sets out how the mind of the clam gets distorted by the coercive environment.
Such cowardice fighting crazy for dominance from within the bubble.
The email author should be brought up on charges and make no mistake, authorities can find out who did it.
After finish drinking my coffee and taking few deep breaths … I must show my gratitude to TINY DICK for validating Alex Gibney’s claims and promoting Going Clear.
TINY DICK stop sending your ass-wipes and douchebags after Mike and others. You are a little short man-child and no matter what you do, you will not grow up nor your little pecker will get bigger – so just go stand in a corner with thumb up your ass.
I understand he does that every night. ” …go stand in a corner with thumb up your ass.” The reason being is he’s knows it’s all going to fall a part and he knows he’ll be headed to prison. And…we all know what goes on in prison. Of course his tiny thumb won’t be close to the real thing…
Unless it was his own………….which ultimately is very likely since no one can do it as good as He can!
It helps being like Pinocchio when you’ve got your nose up your ass.
Cutting affinity lines? And not just any lines, but ones in general with Scientology?
How awful!
This deluded individual ASSUMES the actually have Affinity lines.
Maybe he means Affinity Exchange, the Scientologist dating site?
No wonder he’s annoyed–can’t get a date in person!
What he meant to say was Mike cut asinity lines.
The language in that threat reminds me of mobsters – wise guys. That’s how they talk. Well the mob’s grip on power that everyone thought was absolute, untouchable – was taken down. They’re all bit players now. Scientology’s number will also be up at some point not too far away. Good always wins eventually, evil always loses – ALWAYS.
They are going down with a fight.
Don’t be the last casualty on the winning side of a war.
Yup, this dude sounds like a rabid dog that’s cornered just before he goes down.
While it looks like this email is probably from some kook-aid drinking bubble dweller like John Allender, who is just trying to get out of lower conditions by “delivering an effective blow to the enemy in spite of personal danger” by making idle threats, I would alert Law Enforcement to this. It is totally illegal to use the Internet to make physical threats of harm. These crimes are prosecutable. More importantly, you’ll find out who is behind this shit. Maybe Miscavige himself; it does sound kind of like him. And perhaps Miscavige is too stupid to realize that this sort of thing is 1) highly illegal and 2) traceable.
This is obviously the work of a disturbed individual, and you can never be too careful with them.
Fourthed… I would add –simply stating that “it is illegal” does not remove the intention to create fear. If this nitwit was stupid enough to send this from another state, then this has federal jurisdiction. File with the local police and with the FBI.
Yes! I am assuming you’ve alerted law enforcement.
People like this are crazy and unfortunately many of the final dregs of those still in are of this ilk and CANNOT even come close to seeing how crazy they are. It’s all for the greater good of the church of (david miscavige) scientology.
Isn’t this Ecclesiastical Shit? Isn’t this covered by Religious Privilege? I’m confused.
Mike, you should go to because they can trace this email using IP address as well as other ways and find out exactly who sent it. Then report it to the police with all the info then make sure the press knows all about the arrest and out these guys personally. The best defensive against stuff like this is a good offense. You know, use what they taught ya hehehe
Yes! And tell the news organizations. Have them there on Friday evening at ARCLight in Hollywood. Or at LACMA on Wilshire Blvd. this evening. ! Let them record in person the hate-mongering.
Agreed. Law enforcement should be notified and I’m sure Mike’s on it 🙂
Thanks for lighting the fuse.
Counter Cyber Terrorism will trace this and find that it leads right up your butt.
Like Hillary, you can have some oldschool Incomm stooges wipe and destroy your international servers; but, it is too late.
Are you going to make it to the ArcLight before to heading out to Florida to address the sheeple on the 14th?
You, too, are being watched, by thousands.
Just ONE example: the Texas Court will be updated on your status with the film “Going Clear” and your documented communications.
After reading IJC’s deposition its probably him…
hmmm, besides being really scared of BIG BAD $ci-$cum which has made me take my 10 buddies with me to watch the movie – I am wondering if Little Davy Mc$lappy’s douchebag has learned anything watching Mike “TWENTY FOUR SEVEN” ?
How about growing a pair and talk the talk and walk the walk !?!??
After I read your comment this morning I invited my bodyguard to go with me. He was really interested. Now I feel safe. 🙂
Please notify the police.
Agreed. Make a report to policy and FBI.
Yes, make a formal complaint to the police. And keep the email(s) so that you can bring in your 47 binders of threats if there is a legal lawsuit, or bring it to media for the next expose. Showing your threats received is a way to DA Davie’s victim of terrorists claims.
Also send of a copy to Anderson Cooper, and any other media you can think of.
Yes! A new Anderson Cooper expose on the church with the lynch mob replacing the inch wives.
I’ve been emailing CNN about the recent developments and I can’t believe they don’t want to do a follow up. Especially since Jenny DeVocht showed up at the airport to yell at Marty Rathbun. She was the star of the “wives” episode.
That email is another well stated, cogent defense of Scientology! Danny Masterson could not have said it better!
Danny Masterson is not as cogent or educated like the email sender. At least the sender has joined the proper email domain. It must be a club or something. And so on and so forth…..
Ba dadump! (rim shot)
One of the goofy things that has always interested me was how many of the members swear. A lot. Was this something Hubbard did or is it a post-LRH phenomenon? Masterson certainly does it, and we saw it in the texts from COB, the man himself. To quote Jerry Seinfeld, “the F-word is like a Corvette…..”. This was not a positive remark because he is an avid collector of Porsches.
I believe the clown dwarf told his underlings to swear because it makes them look tougher.
L Ron Hubbard cursed like a drunken sailor. Fowl mouthed is what folks who heard him said he sounded like.
Teachers teach and students learn.
I go past the Blue Whale in LA many times. It is so instructive in the teacher-student relation to see so many Scientologist smoking cigarettes when walking around the complex.
Ron cursed-students curse
Ron smokes-students smoke
Ron believes in delusions-students believe in delusions
Ron said violence against critics will save the world-minions act violently in obedience to Hubbard’s holy writ
There is no Scientology behavior, good or bad, that cannot find it’s source in ethics “tech” admin “tech” auditing “tech”.
Technology is the application of action in an ordered way to have a standard logical outcome.
This e-mail to Mike is the proper application of “destroy utterly” or “blow against the enemy.”
Harrased and terrorizing critics is the standard application of L Ron Hubbard 3rd and 4th dynamic ethics tech.
The more pain and suffering inflicted on critics the better. This way they will go away or just die or go bankrupt.
Indies are outraged about this being done to Mike only because they have not known the truth. The truth is that this same approach has been done for decades.
Done to many many many people from Jerry Armstrong, Nibs, Ron’s X wives, Mayo etc etc etc.
This is how your “church” has behaved for decades. You are just now being made aware of it because of the Internet.
And this violence came from L Ron Hubbard. Just ask Nibs, Jerry Armstrong, Mike Meisner, Mayo and many other victims of “destroy utterly.”
Shows you what a fantastic effect you are having on them Mike! DM plus OSA you would think. I have just done a 6 part breakdown on the lies of OSA and how to spot them. Here is the first video and the others can be seen by clicking on my youtube name under this first video
Neither logic nor sanity are at work in Miscavige’s tiny world. And that email you got certainly reeked of a culpable personal threat. I’ve noted the arrest of people for much less than his threat.
YES! Thank you tgm, one of my girlfriends got arrested…in cuffs, back of car, booking, the whole nine for telling another girl over the phone “I’ll come over and beat your ass right now” (long story, stupid college shit over a guy) so I feel like this email is the same kind of thing.
Mike, I don’t expect you to tell us a damn thing, do what you have to do, but please…people who are being threatened, please at least make a report. I know it’s tedious, and you have to explain a lot to the cop, but I worry!! What they are doing is not right!! Every incident should be on paper somewhere so that one day, it too will be part of 47+ binders that lawyers can take in to court.
Sorry folks, this upsets me. I don’t like that this is happening to anyone who made a decision people make every day, “I’m choosing not to be a part of this church anymore.” People do it Every. Single. Day. on this planet and this BULLSHIT should not be a part of it.
*rant over*
You are so right. Mike, please report it. Things like this get blown off and they shouldn’t.
The E-Mail?
All this e-mail represents is the missed W/H’s of a “church member” dramatized. If a real SP was the target of this e-mail, someone actually out to do others in, it still would not be correct. LRH Says the only power an SP has is the power you give him, so the idea is to take away from the SP or prevent from having not give an SP data for a lawsuit against you. To use Scientology to label people SP’s that are not SP’s is to endeavor to confuse others into harming others with a fake legal OK for them to do that. That is the church, and always has been, somewhere in its ranks at all times I have been involved.
And also at all times I have not been involved. 🙂
Yes, missed withhold for sure! What strikes me is the absolute anxiety in his plea that Mike should shut the fuck up already! Its very telling that he is in fear of being found out for his crimes.
A ‘fake legal’? What would a real legal entail? The Co$ needs to realize it has ZERO legal authority (fake or real)
It sucks to be me. All the intense clenching lately. The upset stomach, etc. It really does suck to be me. Please send help. And some bleach maybe.
You poor, poor little thong! I feel your pain! Stuck up the ass crack of the clown dwarf. It just doesn’t get any worse than that. Well…except for when he has gas…
Yo Me,
Would someone please kick the Daveshit our of me and put a sock in my hole.