In keeping with the theme of do and redo that permeates the world of corporate scientology, LA Org ED’s are shouting from the rooftops that they are “going St Hill Size”?
They have apparently (and conveniently) forgotten they did this already, back in the 90’s, and with much ballyhoo. And that they sold people on joining to “get their OT levels” because they are St Hill Size and “per 339R we have a Universe Corps” (even though they never had one).
So typical of Kool Aid drinkers. They have selective memory.
This announcement is as silly as Obama holding a press conference and announcing: “We are going to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade….” He would be laughed off the podium. Problem is in scientology nobody dares say anything “critical” about announcements like this no matter how ridiculous they are.
And big news, they got a commercial ice machine for the Purif… In the $10 million they spent to re-re-redo the “Ideal PAC Bridge” I guess they didn’t think of getting an ice machine, but I bet they have custom cabinetry and marble sinks.
But give credit where credit is due. At least Melanie and Chel (sisters?) are NOT just asking for money or pitching “increase your status”, they are actually talking about some services. It’s a rare thing these days.
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014
From: Claire Taylor <[email protected]>
Subject: LA ORG is going ST Hill Size NOW!
You may not have heard yet but we are finalizing what “must be done” to go St Hill Size and earn the Universe Corp for all staff by Auditors Day 21 September!!
August is therefore a VERY key month. We have put together a calendar if events, packed with topics your selectees will be interested in. All free events of course.
Our Purification Rundown continues to deliver to an almost full house and we added a third person to our delivery team, a commercial ice machine for cold water and drinks in the sauna and everyone is winning there like crazy!
Our SRD is doing highest ever hours delivered week after week so if your public need a twin call us!! We have lots!
We are still the only org delivering the Way To Happiness Seminar every Sunday 9 am to 6 pm. And the Advanced Personal Efficiency course (given to those who did the PE) every week night and weekend. That’s a 2 1/2 hour service from the Fundamentals of Thought, which is also in a video format with a Seminarist. It’s amazing!!! Send us anyone you know for these seminars!
The Dianetics Seminar and Co Audit continue week after week.
Turn in a selection slip this week and better yet, bring your person in and get them going!! They can keep moving between major services in the Golden Age of Knowledge Course room where Corky Landers supervises with Martha Rubio.
Your help is needed to achieve this history making target!! Let’s do this!
ML, Melanie Lekas ED LAF and Chel Stith ED LAD
And then there’s this. They haven’t yet gotten past the brain but, isn’t this all about postulates? It’s taken this long for the scientists to realize what a postulate really is. This is a little Ron-like…
Yes, Melanie Lekas and Chel Stith are my younger sisters. Glad to see Mel is back on post as ED LA Fdn. ( if you are going to be on staff, might as well be the head cheese). Chel is ED LA Day? Oh my…she was President Cof S last I had heard. I hope they both flourish and prosper!
Thanks Mike
Mike, I always liked Melanie and Marcy. Matt and I had our run in’s. He lives about 5 miles from me. I still cannot figure him out to this day.
Yup, that pretty much sums it up. Most succinctly, I might add.
“Guess what…when the circus leaves town, people stop lining up to buy tickets. Duh!!! It’s not rocket science.”
OMG, that is goddamned funny. A perfect analogy – LRH leaving SH was like the circus leaving town – so it was!
Boy, I like this. They now have the Survival Rundown and the Purif. Exactly the same place we were all already at in 1980, before Lord TinyFists McNincompoop of the Universe took over and blew off thousands of loyal staff, destroyed the Mission Network, the Flag-Folo-Org line and Tech Standards, slammed in suppressive Policy, putrefied the reputation of Scientology worldwide, annihilated the Eval Corps, subverted the Hubbard Confusion Office (HCO), created the International Abortion of Scientologists, drove all orgs and all staff off purpose and out of valence (kold krome kardboard), turned Scientology into one of the most pointless and worthless organizations on the ass-end of earth, giving it the new job of spearheading suppression worldwide with tens of thousands of broken lives, hundreds or maybe thousands of deaths by cancer, oh, and one of my personal favorites: decreed fetuscide as the proper handling for children of Sea Org members.
Lol. Steve.
Thoughtful – luckily you don’t have any charge or chagrin on this – LOL! (I am joking, but not degrading.Ha!) Seriously – you echo my thoughts entirely.
Love your post.I had a flashback to HCO lecture on how the Time it was going take to Clear the planet was 3 years. All from RED Vols by seniors who were dead serious, page by page connecting the dots.
Yup, 3 years and we are all Clear!
Then D.M found the reverse lever and the money hatch button.
Ancient Voo Doo Prayer:
Never Conjure up more demons than you can Conjure down.
“Saint Hill Size” means “we managed to find 20 customers this month.”
I’ve got pollyanna genes that trigger each time I hear hopeful big new developments, er, repeat big new strategic developments!
Wow, at least they are putting Saint Hill sized goals of old LRH ED 339R Int back on their table of strategic hopeful goal!
Whew, new era delusion is right, but as a staffer, I’d be uplifted, it is so on source to rekindle the Saint Hill size game again!
They need Jeannie Danilovich Franks Bogvad Sonnenfeld back though, I don’t think Meanie Lekas (I never heard of Chel Stith) is up for the task! Need an old hand veteran who produced more Saint Hill sized orgs than anyone else in history, and I wonder if Jeannie has been consulted!
To really do the LAD/LAF Saint Hill sized org, they need a Boston 5-10 man command team permanent Garrison Mission, made up of the likes of people they don’t have anymore.
But I’ll bet it’s the years of withering criticism of the strategicaly off source Ideal Orgs that’s embarrassed Miscavige into being more on source to pitch the old Saint Hill sized org strategy redo!
“Pollyanna genes”. I’m stealing that, Chuck.
Chuck, rekindling the Saint Hill Size Org theme resonates with me too, and probably will with many Still Ins, and enough old timers might even be recovered and convinced to come on board to staff so that the org goes Saint Hill size, but then what? The PR is so outrageously bad. Scientology is a toxic commodity. What young people will come in and sign up? If Div 6 doesn’t expand, Scientology doesn’t expand. Achieving Saint Hill size will be a nice win but when they can’t get any new people, what then? Another failed purpose, another loss, and some of them will believe that its their fault.
Is St. Hill St. Hill size any more? Or is this a constantly moving (shrinking) target? $ cientology will probably always have some presence there, but fewer than jedis, zoroastrians, druids or rastafarians. Those zany brits.
Chuck, shouldn’t there be a “Hare” before the “Franks “?
The Kirstie and Max story is now front page on (home page).
Of course the IAS and Idle Org scams are the biggest camouflaged holes in Scientology history. What are they camouflaging? – The lack of product in terms of auditors trained and PCs audited. Which is what we all signed up for, so to speak. The donations scams are simply an unusual solution and a deflection of and to the lack of actual product occurring. Most of if not all the attention is directed on to those things these days. “Clever” eh?
There is another Henderson sister named Marcy Sargeant; from her fb page it looks like she’s still on the koolaid.
Or it might be “…THAT you are” but you know what I mean – ha! It’s been a while….
Thing is most staff didn’t realize that to win at this game you had to more or less (and ironically) slowly (gasp!) build up your area in order to keep the rabid dog Execs off your back until you had done so. Only problem then is that you were either transferred or promoted out of the area that you had built up. This shit has been going on for decades and with no change, well, of course it is down-trending long term but what I find amazing is even that fact is ignored. One could write a big essay on how it could all be changed (LRH did of course – it’s called the OEC Volumes) but with COB and like-minded souls in charge it never will. He’s assumed a valence of the “perfect unreasonable Product Officer (who is only interested in GI)” probably copied from a mixture of “successful” Prod. Offs he’s observed as he grew up and he’s sticking with them – literally. The blind leading the blind. Of course the Treason Formula is as I recall “Find out WHO you really are!”
Who still loves L Ron Hubbard and believes his every word ?
Those still inside the bubble. Not many others I wouldn’t think…
Cat Daddy – for me it is not a matter of believing L. Ron Hubbard’s every word … or believing any of them really. It is a matter of which of his words/ideas has been proven out to me in MY universe. I can disagree strongly and see some insanity in a number of LRH’s ideas on the third and fourth dynamics. AND at the same time I can also decide that many of his other ideas indicate to me VERY strongly as truth (though I realize they may not indicate as such to others). I can name a hundred ideas of his that I think are truth in just the next few minutes if I wanted to (his datums about games and service facsimiles and much of his writing on the tone scale and on an on). I can even take ONE bulletin of his and find points I agree with and disagree with within the same essay (such as “Pain and Sex” – I find his stated “certain truth” of psychiatrists and the whole track to be simply an opinion – and one that doesn’t make total sense to me anyway – an opinion he does NOT back up in any way at all with any actual data; but while I do enjoy sex and hate pain, LRH’s ideas about these two phenomena as synthetic flows make a lot of sense to me.) How about we evaluate each one of LRH’s ideas as themselves rather than either accept or condemn them all as a whole?
Thank you
I agree with you, Joe.
Many indies want to continue “up the Bridge” because they had wins – not artificial, “Woo woo” wins, said just to make people happy.
What I’ve been finding lately, in studying the very old spiritual texts that are available, that LRH, true to where he said he got the ideas, DID study the ancient texts and based his work on 30,000 years of thinking men.
Some of what he talked about, I’m seeing as new discoveries in Quantum Physics, Law of Attraction, etc. I personally don’t believe that he was just throwing crap against the wall to see if it stuck. I feel that, without making him a saint or some such, he was honestly enthralled with the journey and sincerely wanted to find a way out of the trap as he perceived it.
Later on, there was a big, nasty “error in judgement” (very possibly an understatement) and the ethics codes were used for suppressive purposes such as revenge, etc.
But I do think he meant to help people on the tech side of things.
By the way, here’s something that the Law of Attraction is just starting to catch up on.
Ooops. Thought I posted this but I don’t see it. This is the second video that I think really gives some interesting thoughts about the mechanics of how postulates work. Some of them haven’t gotten by the brain stuff (valid too but not to the exclusion of theta) but, just like the Magi of the past, the more we can understand about the mechanics of how things work, the better we are at making them work.
I think that this stuff is proving what Ron said about postulates not being MEST and being senior to MEST, etc.
Yeah, it’s all a bunch of bull shit. ASHO went “St. Hill Size” by delivering touch assists in the HGC. Jon Lundeen even had SO members who needed assists for medical conditions paying for $363 assist intensives and getting touch assists / nerve assists and body comms by public interns in the HGC, and counting all of this as mainline Div 4 HGC WDAH’s.
It’s all a total crock of shit, and management has known all about it all along.
That is the perfect example of scientology style “make it go right” to game the system. All is fair if it’s for a “good cause.”
This is the most ethical group on the planet. Sea Org “officers” putting in ethics on planet earth. Hahaha
That’s why Lundeen has been kept on his post for so many years. He has no sense of integrity or honor. He “stat fucks” and kisses ass and has the moral courage of a pea. In other words, he fits right in with all the others who run the CoS.
So true, War Horse. Yesterday’s hero usually seems to end up as today’s “Who”.
“All free events, of course”. Great! So you’re telling me that I will leave with the exact same amount of money that I came in with? BTW, how much for that bridge in NYC?
Just as an observation, I have yet to see an org go “St. Hill Size” which didn’t then turn around and declare many of the key people responsible for this feat.
In the case of LA Org in the mid ’90s, shortly after “going St. Hill”, the declares started (as they usually do) at the top: Executive Director John Woodruff. Lead HGC Auditor (and perennial Auditor of the Year in the International Birthday Game) Will Andrews was soon to follow. Likewise Div 6er Jim Serra. A few years later, Lead C/S Harry Schmiedeke was luckier– he got away with just a heart attack.
It had been a similar story at AOLA a few years prior. First to go, once again, was the head of the org– Commanding Officer Ivan Obolinsky, who was declared shortly after the official attainment of “St. Hill Size”. This was followed by a declare on Class VIII Qual Sec (and Qual Sec from the original St. Hill under LRH) Lorita Hill. Not too long after, Upper Management declared the Advanced Course OT Review Auditor, Class VIII Ruth Nadel.
And when AOLA– unlike most “St. Hill Size Orgs”– did get a Universe Corps (at least briefly), no time was lost in declaring its C/S, veteran Class VIII David Graham.
They used to say (whether true or not) that there’s a thin line between genius and insanity. Apparently, the line between OT and SP is even thinner.
It occurs to me they were declared because they knew the truth, the inside scoop, the actual facts, about whether these orgs had actually reached “St. HIll size”.
Warhorse, you know a great deal. Love your last paragraph and especially last line, “… the line between OT and SP is even thinner.” So many ways to look at that.
All of this goes to show two of the most important survival mechanisms in this group.
1) Do not win in scientology!
2) Make sure that selective memory eraser is operational at all times.
Keep smiling, move along. Yes, he got the org up but it turns out all this time he was secretly a crim (and actually had a GO crim past, can you believe it??) and that is why we cut off his head. And his cronies? All bad news.
SOP on virtually any given scientology day.
David Graham actually blew by himself, quite well prepared. He had established a routine of working on his VW bus in the parking garage on Saturday mornings and got away easily. I’ll pass on what led up to that since he apparently died.
While living up in the state of WA near the Canadian border I ran into the ex-SSO of AOLA. Nice gal, unfortunately I forgot her name. Does anyone remember her name?
She and Loretta Hill were running a landscaping business up there. Next day she came back -I was selling rugs on the roadside -and confessed that she had been declared and should not have spoken to me.
At that time I was still under the Koolaid spell so I didn’t pursue that commline. I really wish I would have informed myself sooner on the Internet.
This phenomena is due to two things:
1) the constant “blame it on the guy below me” and
2) crashing an affluence brings penalties of 3x the norm, or some such thing.
No org has truly attained St. Hill size due to organic demand of SCN services (even St. Hill). If they had, the stats couldn’t possibly crash so quickly. Demand doesn’t disappear overnight.
Stats have always been gotten up by creating an artificial sense of urgecy to make the target of St. Hill size. The status itself is the goal. The stat itself is the goal. Not the real product the stats represent. People will come in on course for 1-hr per week, not because they want to be on course, but so they can count as BIS for the org. People pay for service not because thy want service, but because they want to help the org make its GI target for St. Hill Size. You get the idea.
Also, there are always CMO missions in these Orgs running tons of stuff. These CMO staff are complicit in the stat pushing of course. But the CMO guys have an out. They are there to get people to a accomplish targets, but they aren’t really responsible for HOW the target is accomplished OR any unintended ramifications stemming from how the target got done.
After all, it’s not their org. They are just their to scream for completed targets on programs.
All the execs know the stats are being pushed. It’s NOT a withold or a secret. It’s a GAME. They are caught up in the short term game of making a short term target.
But once the target is made all the artificial activity disappears, and things go back to normal. Scientology is not very good at honest to god long term planning. It’s always short term.
Anyone with two brain cells could see that these stats are destined to crash. But St. Hill size is awarded anyway and everyone has a HUGE win.
But alas, the stats crash. As they always do after these fake affluences.
What happens next? Someone has to find the stat crasher of course. There’s no way anyone could just use common sense.
The CMO guys don’t wait to catch an earful. The are Johnny on the spot! Reports fly to RTC immediately: “Sir! We are investigating the crashed stats and we will find the SP! Yes sir we will!! We have already discovered that there were massive false reports from Div 4!! And massive financial irregs in Div 2 and 3!! And false promises made by the recruiters that set the org up to fail and blew staff off!! And guess what Sir…we have discovered that the ED and Snr C/S were complicit in these crimes!! We will find their other hidden crimes and ev purps. We are sec checking them now to see if they are L1 R/S’ers!!”
And of course, to deflect attention from their own in involvement, the CMO guys have to bury the highest people they can pin the “crimes” on…and life for these people gets unbearable, and they leave or blow or whatever. (Or they do the TRD, and everything is great after that — HaHa! Joke)
So to be fair, it’s not that anyone in SCN mgmt (except maybe COB) doesn’t actually WANT to see an org succeed. After all if there were any REAL success, they could take credit for it as proof that everything they are doing uplines is great.
It’s just that there IS NO REAL success. And there always has to be someone to blame the inevitable crash on.
If anyone were to actually say “ummmmm, you know you can’t really build an org up to St. Hill Size level like this in 12 weeks and expect it to actully stay that way, right?”…they would be declared immediately. So it’s kind of a lose-lose situation once Int has decided you’re the next org to go St. Hill size.
Unfortunately LRH didn’t set a great example in this regard. After he left St. Hill the stats crashed. Missions were sent in to find out why. Like…really??? Wasn’t it obvious that the reason everyone was flocking there was because LRH was personally delivering the BC? I mean,come on!!
Someone really had to go in and “find the SP”?? Why create all that havoc?
Guess what…when the circus leaves town, people stop lining up to buy tickets. Duh!!! It’s not rocket science.
But again, it’s usually a crime to exercise TOO MUCH common sense when it comes to Orgs.
These are excellent posts. I would like to add one more aspect to the why or what. I don’t know about the staff, but the public are generally not aware of their org’s exact income, nor do they know just how much of it goes uplines and why. So they support their org for decades, and yet 20-30 years later it is still struggling.
By quietly hoovering up the money in the backroom, everybody’s efforts (public and staff) are made nothing of.
Warhorse, you bring up former CO AOLA, Ivan Obolinsky. What is the story on him? We were told that he and the Trea Sec embezzled Org money and blew together and had a 2D together even though both were married to others at the time. Is that what happened?
Vampire Personalities need Blood ?
Get Ice Machine.
Why is this so familiar, I am flat on these
Golden Age of Miracles. Try kissing my ASS D.M.
No-one’s going to read this except Mike because its in yesterday’s comments, but Jose’s “Vampire Personalities need Blood?” just gave me an idea for a Scientology Reality Show with Vampire Regges, male and female, kept in special sea org berthing and not venturing out until dark, then, when the moon rises, being let out. They roam around to parishioners homes, scale up the drainpipes and climb thru peoples’ windows in the dead of night, wearing black capes and those IAS sunglasses.
I read it. 🙂
Reality show, yes. But just like Truman, they won’t realize that they are actually in a TV show until the very end — then they realize that people are watching and that they have to make up the damage done (because somebody saw them do it).
There is always this discussion in today’s criminal culture – “If no one saw me do it, was it really a crime? Am I guilty if nobody knew?”
Welcome to the Truman show, starring David Miscavige. Tick Tock, Tick Tock – the show is almost over Dave. What’s going to happen to you in the end?
Did I mention? Tick Tock.
Get a clue – not even St. Hill REMAINED St. Hill size. Why? Because Hubbard’s incredible admin tech is NOT sustainable.
Not true. IMO it was exactly the opposite – Execs NOT following the policy. Crappy middle managers bending the rules (policy) as unusual solutions and short term think and they have been doing it for decades now. The weekly stat thing was a hindrance because that prompted these types to “find a solution” but even that was covered in policy which was just – ignored.
The weekly stat thing IS the backbone of his admin tech; along with insane condition write-ups. Add to the mix middle “management” barking orders and chronic stat push fatigue = neurotic / psychotic organizations.
Statpush wrote:
“Get a clue – not even St. Hill REMAINED St. Hill size. Why? Because Hubbard’s incredible admin tech is NOT sustainable.”
In order for you to state a suppressive generality like that, you would have to be trained to AT LEAST OEC/FEBC and have spent many years on staff struggling to apply it.
Only then could your suppressive generality be valid.
Hehehe…I have done the OEC/FEBC and spent years on staff
Looks like another completely unrealistic target is being forced on LA Org. Given one month to go St Hill size guarantees that “Unusual Solutions” and “Off Policy” will be the rule, that nobody sleeps or gets enhancement, that staff will be ripped off from other orgs and existing staff will be musical chaired creating complete chaos.
End results?
There will be such a mess it can’t possibly sustain itself for longer than a few weeks, staff will take a huge loss, but DM will have his announcement for his next Dog & Pony Show.
Mike, you say, “…they are actually talking about some services. It’s a rare thing these days.” I am such a cynic about the church that I believe any positive changes are as a direct result of your and others’ blogs. So, I have a suggestion for you OSA people reading this: Tell your boss to STOP ENFORCED DISCONNECTIONS! Even your own parishioners hate it. The world inside of scientology AND outside of scientology knows it exists, you can’t hide the truth of it any more. STOP ENFORCED DISCONNECTIONS!
Speaking of disconnecting: Kirstie “there are no forced disconnections” Alley just disconnected from her non-SCN dancing partner for DWTS.
He’s not even an SCN and she goes disco on him for associating with Leah Remini.
She is amazingly stupid.
Probably she is just very obedient.
Here’s how the sheeple respond to the accusation that the church is forcing them to disconnect from someone: It goes something like this:
“Oh, no! This was my idea. I’m doing this wholly on my own determinism! Nobody forced me to do this. In fact, in the cycle with my EO I was asked what I wanted to do! No one told me to do anything!”
No Still – In will ever admit to being forced, commanded, told, coaxed or even wheedled into disconnecting, until after they’re out.
Everything they do is ALWAYS ” solely on their own determinism”. Now, in fairness, that’s probably true occasionally, not always.
Well, its also true that the only reason they would even disconnect, even on their own determinism, is because they are “following the tech.” So, to that degree, the church and the tech is still the “source”….
STOP ENFORCED DISCONNECTIONS is an excellent idea but the cult lives and dies by it. It literally IS the GUN that they point to the head of EVERY SINGLE PERSON in Scientology. Without the power to intimidate and threaten, the *Church* of Scientology would have no teeth, no power no way to intimidate people. Get SP declared, say goodbye to your “eternity”. And they will use it and use it and use it until EVERY SINGLE PERSON in Scientology has had a either a friend or family member declared SP. Lastly I’ll point out that Hubbard made mention in a lecture that to assign generally bad intentions to a Scientologist was fundamentally in error. Off the rails yes but those rails still point to the cliff edge. Tick Tock.
One can hope that someone sane is reading these blogs and can truly spot and handle out-points and problems within the church and know how much better it would be for ALL concerned (including scientology) if enforced disconnection is stopped.
If it takes til the cliff’s bottom, Doug, I will be there with open arms for my son.
Actually Doug I think that the main lever they have on people is their “eternity”. I believe many still “in” think that there is no alternative and although there are undoubtedly squirrels and weirdos in the Independent field which the Church will point out to their public, if we could somehow point out to those still downing the Kool Aid that they can drink in other taverns so to speak then the exodus would be growing and DM’s grip fading. Many of course have also recognized the gross out-tech in the Church and have already gone.That was the main thing for me that allowed me to sever ties – nothing like a bit of competition when one is confronted by a gang of assholes ripping you off and screaming at you at the same time (although they never ripped me off nor screamed at me – but they might have done).
Personally, I think there isn’t nearly enough disconnection going on. We need a lot more disconnections. Something like 3000-5000 new declares a year should do to begin with. In fact, that might be all that is required to topple the dominos once and for all.
Good point. :o)
“…, a commercial ice machine for cold water and drinks in the sauna and everyone is winning there like crazy! …..” This reminds me of those videos posted on Youtube where the Arizona Org staff were going “crazy” over each donation that was phoned in. Am I missing something here that was released in the last 7 years since I graduated Scientology? Did COB, the illustrious leader and savior of the tech and Scientology* Religion* find and release some previously GO CRAZY TECH? (I think we all recall how some people appeared to “have gone crazy” in the past but they ended up hurting themselves or others, or realizing some final final EP. ) Just curious, as I’m trying to connect some dots here. Maybe Tom and Kirsty were on the pilot.
Hey Dave, Speaking of PAC . . . What’s up with the cover over the sign at your Test Center on Hollywood Blvd? Are you still thinking about yanking another ribbon? Or, are you changing the sign to promote more SCOHB? BTW, don’t be suprised with a new billboard on Hollywood Blvd with your photo (from Wikipedia) and bold lettering: DOES DAVID MISCAVAGE SCOHB? GOOGLE IT.
Melanie and Chel are sisters. They are part of a big Scientology family and are second or maybe even third gens. Several of their kids are in currently or have been in the S.O. too.
Yes, the Henderson’s. There is a black sheep in the family, Mike, who stopping drinking the Kool Aid years ago.
I know Melanie and Marcy from Scientology, and Mike from the Internet.
I like Mike from the Internet.
Thanks for providing new information for me to read. I never knew about Mike Henderson before. All the sisters have names beginning with the letter M, so I gather Mike is their bro?
Yes, he is their brother. The other brother is Matt. Not sure if there are any more…
I got my face ripped off by Matt Henderson, only to find out he thought I was someone else. No apology. What a dickhead.
Matt Henderson single handedly emptied Sydney Day and Fdn back in the 80’s. He face ripped me too more than once about 2″ from my face. I read somewhere where he said that all the staff loved him and bought him a cool jacket as a thank you. I hate him almost as much as dear leader.
Maybe the jacket was a “going away” present. Like “we are SOOO glad you are going away.”
This is a cultural thing in the Sea Org. I knew Matt when he was a kid and when he first started to hold posts. He was an innocent, sweet kid. Not an evil bone in his body. It is the environment and the constant pressure that molds someone like him into the asshole he eventually becomes. There are HUNDREDS of examples similar. Of course, he has responsibility for being a prick (just like we all do), but a kid thrust into that environment learns quickly that to be validated and successful, hell, just to survive — you do what you have to do. And that means never missing an opportunity to “put ethics in” just like Dear Leader.
Glad you made it out. I wish Matt would do the same….
Matt really was a sweet guy, up until shortly after I left the SO, from what I’ve read, when he went off and did all that weird shit in Australia. But yeah, we were taught to scream and shout and be super obnoxious assholes in CMO Pac at the time, and I guess he ran with that to survive. As for me, being a monster dickhead wasn’t something I could fake, so I left.
True, at least they deliver Book I Seminars and co-audits. On the other hand, if a public needs a twin for SRD they have ‘lots’, which seems to imply there are people with no twins as it has happened in other orgs too.
Now, if you were SH size earlier, did you loose that rank and have to do it again? And if so, why was it lost?
I just wonder what the criteria is about this.
I just wonder what the criteria is about this.
There is no criteria, it is all completely arbitrary. And there isn’t an org in the world that was declared “SH Size” that didn’t do it with a massive stat push and all sorts of bizarre solutions to get their “stats up” for two weeks. They promptly crash after being announced (with the possible exception of Milano).
Well I suppose by definition the original St Hill was St Hill size, but that was a L-O-N-G time ago. the mid sixties was a very different climate; the appetite for something new like Scientology was rife (“after drugs there’s Scientology”), the Boss was there which was a great selling point, and of course there was no Internet so little else by way of objective reference points. St Hill itself was just about viable again when NOTs was released and into the early eighties, but since I left in 1987 it’s been pretty much downhill since then. I don’t expect, however a new stat analysis is done any time soon that concludes “Padfield should be put back on post”. That would be sight.
I’ll definitely attest to that as I told at my Comm Ev after I had been made the ‘who’ for the crashed stats of Zurich. It was the trained auditors of the field who got the stats up. Once it was done with true or false stats these field auditors went home and Zurich WDAHs of course crashed. I got so called ‘rehabbed’ by the Comm Ev but then got stashed into the Manor so I couldn’t pipe up and cause more trouble.
How the St. Hill size set up mission could be assigned Power WITHOUT actually creating the necessary infrastructure in Div 4 is still beyond me.
In a PR world that apparently is of little importance….
LA Org went St Hill size in the ’90’s because John Woodruff was the ED. He made Orange County St Hill Size then I believe it took him about 6 months to make LA Org St Hill size. This was before DM destroyed Div 6 which John Woodruff had perfected to an art. It was before DM had implemented the Golden Age of Squirrel Tech. This was before the insane off policy crush fundraising that will financially ruin almost everyone. Of course John Woodruff and countless other top execs had to be declared by DM. So who could possibly create a St Hill size Org today? DM has made it impossible.
John wasn’t making much headway with LA Day in his first months. It was a big flap, actually. The org ‘went St Hill Size’ because all of management came over and forced some of the stats up (and ignored the ones being falsified). Unusual solutions abounded, such as ripping off the ED Mountain View. The team that probably did the most for the constructive work for the org was Kirstie Wilhere’s project to staff up the HGC. And that is the area which lasted longest after everyone left.
John spent most of his time, from what I recall, working on GI. This makes sense because there was a special pay arrangement made with him by the powers that be in management so that he could take home something like 3-6 thousand dollars a month. I don’t remember the exact figure, but it was a lot and it was taken off the top of the GI because staff pay was extremely low. Other execs were making almost nothing; the only people getting paid much besides John were the regges and auditors.
But the Div 6 in LA Day was dead the entire time.
Robyn wrote:
“Unusual solutions abounded, such as ripping off the ED Mountain View.
I was on a 2.5 year contract at the South Pasadena mission at this time.
As part of the crack Int Management CMO Mission fired into LA Org to make it go Saint Hill Size, Ray Mithoff signed the mission holder of my mission onto a staff contract for LA Day and forced her to “arrive” – on threat of instant declare for “blowing” – so that all the stats could be taken for the recruitment.
Besides me, she was the only other staff member at that mission.
When she went on staff at LA Day, *I* was the only staff member at that mission.
It’s really fuckin comical.
When I think of the bullshit that went on around me in Scientology, it’s hard for me to believe I put up with it for even one second.
But I did.
And for more than one second, even.
Well we have all put up with it for well over a second ….. that is the bad news.
Yo Dave, The good news is we are fucking over it. Enjoy your bullshit life in your bullshit cult with the other folk who are also full of more than bullshit. I really shouldn’t be talking poorly of bulls here, I suppose we should refer to it as Daveshit. So the next time someone tries to feed you a line…………remember ……. it is a line of Daveshit now; someone is feeding you a croc of Daveshit and you can tell them that!
Comment: “The LA Org is going Sainthill size next month.”
Response: “That is a croc of Daveshit if you ask me.”
I wish I hadn’t brought up John Woodruff here but I did, so I want to clarify a few things. I don’t know whatsoever what happened at LA Org. I wasn’t there. I was on lines at Orange County for about 12 years. John did create a real St Hill size Org. The stats weren’t falsified. To this day John Woodruff has been the best exec I’ve ever seen. This wasn’t for a short time, but probably for close to 20 years. I believe that in order for DM to carry out his complete dismantling of the tech he had to remove anyone who might challenge him. Execs like Marty, Mike and Heber had to go. John Woodruff was capable of doing something that DM could never do which was to create a real successful Org. I know how badly I was 3rd partied for not going along with DM’s insanity. It’s not hard all for me to see how DM could make John’s life a living hell if he really focused on it. I’m sure there were plenty of other ED’s who got the same treatment from DM.
Paul, I’m not sure if you’ll see this, but I wanted to respond. I know that John was well-respected in OC. I can’t say if his experience with DM caused it, but by the time he made it to LA Day, he was not the person you described. He was not involved in expanding Div 6 activities much at all. He was instead most often found in Div 2 with the regges. Money had become his focus for whatever reason. He could also be quite a jerk, to be honest. If you weren’t what he considered to be ‘on his side’ (i.e. damn near grovelling at his feet), he refused to work with you. He musical-chaired staff around, would be very dismissive to people he didn’t consider to be productive even if they were working really hard, and made no attempts to help anyone floundering. That, to me, doesn’t make a good executive.
I believe he was a better executive than his predecessor, Jeanie Sonnenfeld. But then Jeanie, like John, was also very well-loved among both staff and public. However, she also messed about with staff pay a bit and had her hands in some dirty dealings; for example, pressuring people to book accounts and even sometimes booking accounts without authorization (turning service credit into booksales, which both falsely inflates booksales and can result in doubled commissions). She created cliques and played favorites among the staff, getting them to go to any extreme to ‘get the stats up’ for her. And boy if there weren’t staff who would fall on their swords for her.
Part of the problem for both was also the extreme and constant interference and intense pressure from both continental and int management; because of their proximity, this was more concentrated and frequent than most orgs experience. LA Day was much more of a pressure cooker than any other Class V org I’ve been too, excepting those with the big ‘ideal org missions’ and such.
Anecdotally, in 1996, John was messing about with staff pay–I believe in part because he was getting flak for the special pay arrangement. That was supposed to have been temporary while he ‘boomed the org’. But the org wasn’t booming at all. When I investigated what he was doing, he physically pushed me against a wall and yelled at me quite forcefully about it about 2 inches from my face. I was pregnant at the time, too.
Wow. Obviously you were violating “What an Executive Wants on His Lines”.
SOP. I had the CO AOLA 2 inches from my face asking me what the fuck I was doing when I was a Class 6 Intern. Guess I was violating the same policy.
I would agree Robyn. As some one who worked with Woodruff and was his personal cram off in the 80’s, John was a different person at LA D then his OC Days. He didn’t want to go to LA D but was persuaded by Marc Yaeger. It was Yaeger who said he could have this pay arrangement. Look what happened to him. Anyway Woodruff was never a fan of having Management and CMO all over his back and that was the norm at LA D. It was then he developed bad exec habits.
Wow Robyn. He pushed you and yelled at you knowing you were pregnant? That is against Preventive Dianetics. It’s bad at any time, but especially with a pregnant woman.
I was public at that time so I don’t know anything from the inside.out but the busiest I’ve ever seen LA Org was when Jens and Jeannie Bogvad (now Sonnenfield) were running the show. It’s interesting that most attention was put into putting auditors on post because that’s what LA DAY became known for.
Maybe it was a combination of regges going out to other orgs and saying, “We’re the best!” so people believed them, and honest and sincere standard tech, but people would come from across the country to get service at LA DAY. The halls were always filled with people.
But the thing that really REALLY boomed LA ORG, as I saw it, was the Latin population. Oh man, once the Latin public discovered Scientology, they told ALL of their friends and all of their families. It was HUGE! I thought to myself, “Now, if we could only do this with the African American community.” It was a pretty creamy colored environment, at that time, if you catch my drift.
So, having seen LA ORG be THAT successful, I was really perplexed about why a) the Bogvads were taken off post when the org was expanding and b) why it crashed so bad afterwards.
But I do have to say this about Div VI too. I stopped bringing people in in about 1991 after a botched Div VI cycle at LA ORG. No real reg cycle happened with the public person I brought in, (I was in Div VI before coming to LA – and was really good at it). There was no spiritual enlightenment in the reg cycle at all. Just read the computer spit out OCA and pressure them to start.
Where I came from, the Div VI process was as much of a session as being in session. The person was honestly communicated to by someone who really cared about his/her survival and the person had cognitions about their life right in the reg cycle. They walked out with a higher awareness of themselves than when they walked in. And because of that, they felt that if Scientology could help them that much in that one “session” with the reg, what else could it help them with?
But Scientology, the technical part that worked, has been broken now. At least the tech in corporate Scn. It had so much promise of helping people and improving conditions, didn’t it?
Actually Mike LA Day did have a Universe Corps. I split my time there with OC for 2 years (96 and 97) as the NOTS auditor. I think I completed about 10 staff on OT V. I would audit LA D on week evenings and Saturdays.
Thanks Mike. So they had half a Universe Corps I guess….
Yep, and there was at least one other person there for a year or so, right? The ‘universe corps’ was cobbled together. But most staff were not even Clear and so the Universe Corps couldn’t help them. There was barely a Qual. Actually, some staff were regged for services around this time in order to get up to Clear so they could ‘avail themselves of the Universe Corps’.
I believe they had Jill B (forgot last name). She was a very good auditor. She did my first OT5 at AOLA. She died from cancer at a very young age while working the universe corp.
Jill Graham was the C/S, I was the auditor and Judy Ferguson was the In charge. We all got sent to the RPF mid 97, because I was Sec checking Woodruff and he wasn’t turning around (he didn’t want to re-sign his contract). Jill later died of cancer in 2001, and Judy F got MS. Luckily I am relatively unscathed, probably cause I got out of there in 98. Jill and Judy decided to stay on the RPF.
I am so awfully sorry to hear about Jill and Judy. Your team was so well-loved and respected by all of the staff there.
Fact check: I actually didn’t think LA org ever actually made it to what they call “St Hill Size”. I thought that they were very close to it, or something, and then it was found they were falsifying their stats, and they got penalized in some way for it.
Am I right or wrong?
NO, they were announced and awarded. Of course they falsified their stats. Every org declared “SH Size” had false stats and promptly declined immediately after the “declare”. Just off the top of my head, Orange County, Stevens Creek, Hamburg, Joburg, Stuttgart, Munich, Zurich, CC Paris and probably others I am not thinking of were all declared “SH Size” and not one of them is anything more than an empty shell of a building today.
Remember, THE datum about SH Size is “ABOVE THE MAKE-BREAK POINT” — theoretically this is the stepping off point for “infinite expansion” and it only goes up from there. The staff are being well paid and going up the Bridge to OT and the org is flourishing and prospering and is a self-generating expansion machine.
Yep, I was the Flag Rep at LA Day the first time they ‘went St Hill Size’ in 1995. The GI hit the target for exactly one week; I remember being paid $18 just a few weeks before the announcement and about the same some weeks after.
Div 6 was completely dead the entire time.
The academy stats were completely false. The only thing they really had going was auditing — and that took a project led by Kirstie Wilhere at least a year to achieve (and ‘Day’ auditors working during nights and weekends). But after that project left and the org continued to make no money, all of the auditors they had recruited began to leave.
And all of this took the combined efforts of some of exec strata, FB, and most of CLO. It’s the same pattern every time; the same thing happened in San Francisco in 2006.
Orange County apparently got the universe corp, though, for a while. I had a friend go from Clear to OT-something (currently on VII) through the U-corp when they went St Hill size.
Yes, Orange Count got a UC team. Mike Reppen can tell you all about it. It was unmocked in the late 1990’s, with the RPFing of Jill Graham (since deceased) and Mike.
Yes, I knew that the whole SH Size thing, when it was announced that an org had made it, was not genuine, but I had thought that LA had never even been announced as having made it. Apparently I somehow missed that.
I brought in a selectee to LA Org at noon on the Thursday before the LRH Birthday Event that LA Org was announced as having gone Saint Hill Size in the 1990’s.
My selectee was brand new, and had never taken any service in Scientology, so I walked her into the new Div 6 area to take a personality test.
There was no one there. As in, no public and no staff either. We waited for someone to help us in the big cavernous Div 6 area.
Because I had staff experience in missions, and after we had been waiting for about 20 minutes with no one in sight, I rummaged through the desks in Div 6 and found an OCA test and gave it to her to fill out myself. Then, when she was done, I left it on the Div 6 desk and we left.
We never spoke to, or even saw, a staff member in Div 6 on the Thursday prior to LRH’s Birthday.
LA Org was definitely NOT Saint Hill Size when they were announced as being such by Int Management in the 1990’s.
Alanzo – I remember this happening! And it wasn’t a unique occurrence; Div 6 was always empty.
You can not blame them for forgetting this. Not everybody is OT8 in this church and therefore not healed from amnesia………
For some reason, the lyrics of Zombie by The Cranberries come to mind.
Yet another Groundhog Day
Would that be a Groundhog Dayjavu all over again?
That is so sad. AOLA expanded to Old Saint Hill Size many years ago. They got the Universe Corp for a short period of time and then it was gone. None of the OT 5 staff ever got to OT 7 through this Universe Corp. It was like a carrot on a stick. You think you are going to get something but it is always held just out of reach.