This is the second posting in the coverage of this year’s Maiden Voyage. Yesterday’s post is here.
Things got off to a bang at “Opening Night” – traditionally consisting of the “Rolling Thunder” presentation, some hype about the number of inches of sea traversed by the Moneywinds and joking and degrading at the expense of the “OT Ambassadors.”
Dear Leader set the stage with a huge, bald-faced lie — “in full”(?) “just since last year, the number of scientologists advancing up the bridge has multiplied ten times over.” This is just pulled out of his ass. Much like the 46X before and the 5X more in the last decade than in the 50 years previously. Of course there was NOTHING whatsoever anywhere that demonstrates any such thing. No orgs overflowing with people. Not even ONE. The FSO empty. All AO’s empty. And a “new OT VIII emerges every day” – which even if it were TRUE means that up til last year they were making an OT VIII once every 10 days, and their current rate is so pathetically tiny as to be completely insignificant in the overall scheme of things and certainly nothing close to “we are fast approaching power on this planet, and our influence is already vast.”
Apparently the only story he could muster for the Freewinds was from Ecuador. Which is pretty amusing as the Freewinds has never sailed to Ecuador (they cannot afford to traverse the Panama canal, so the closest they can come is their once a year trip to northern Colombia. And how lame is claiming the awards and recognitions “stretch the length of her wake” – which is kind of tricky as she spends the vast majority of her time at the dock in Curacao because it is unviable to burn fuel to cart around 5 passengers.
Perhaps someone can decipher the sentence: “Because what else is an Ideal Org but the whole rationale of OT Ambassadors in pursuit of an OT Civilization”? Gibberish. Yet, they even reprinted it as a highlight of the speech? Must have been some really special content for this to be the most significant sentence.
And all he had to offer was a rehash of the Atlanta ribbon yanking and then an announcement of the Budapest ideal org that has not yet even opened! But that unopened building stands in “the most striking testament thereof” (of something, not sure what) — again, this is the highlight of this section to reprint in the magazine?
So, this striking testament deserved almost a full page:
This building is “a triumph of liberty for all freedom fighters” – that is good to know. Wonder what freedom fighters he is talking about?
And I really wonder where he gets the 100,000 cars per day figure. Is this place on a freeway? The 405 in Los Angeles, the busiest interstate in the US, averages about 380,000 cars per day. 100,000 vehicles per day traverse the Golden Gate bridge.
And of course, the event of importance to every man, woman and child on Earth – the opening of the SuMP!
And of course, the hype numbers came tumbling out – 3.1 million square feet of empty orgs “standing as the embodiment of LRH tech and policy.”
50 ideal orgs “to come” (same ones they have been talking about for decades)….
And here, in testament to the wondrous state of the ideal orgs, is a photo of the Montreal “ideal org” sent in by a passerby today.
This is the REAL state of them “approaching power, our influence is already vast.”
As I said in my first posting. The overwhelming impression is underwhelming.
Consider the mind of the man who seven or more times a year stands on a stage and actually says these words with great conviction, while knowing full well that they mean absolutely nothing. This has been going on for 30 years more than once every second month. What must that do to a person’s mind? I can’t bear to watch or even read about any of these shows anymore. What must it be like to involve oneself so deeply in a charade such as this? This is becoming harder to fathom. In his effort to be right I will bet that COB would still continue this stuck flow even if no one showed up.
50 Ideal Orgs on the Runway huh? I’m no aeronautical engineer, (maybe we can get someone from Embry-Riddle to clarify, they’re just at the other end of I-4 from you Mike) but even empty which they undoubtedly are and will be, they will have a hard time generating enough lift to take off. And if they somehow manage to take off, I wouldn’t want to be near the runway’s skid pads, because they’ll be coming back down extremely hard.
Just like those thousand year old AV-8Bs that untrained civilians could magically fly in the film version of “Battlefield Earth”. The harrier is probably the most difficult aircraft in the US DoD’s inventory to fly, which is one of the reasons that the Marine Corps was adamant about the F-35B keeping a ducted fan but reducing pilot workload by a great deal.
Unless the Cherch has figured out a way to convert bullshit into lift. Hot air, which they’re also full of, only goes so far. They’re going to need some of those OT transmutation powers.
So “somehow,” Budapest has managed to become the “Jewel of the Danube”–without any help from scientology, to be sure.
And yet, that poor beleaguered city knows nothing of “freedom,” and is desperately in need of “freedom fighters,” a “triumph of liberty,” and a “symbol of true freedom.”
So, which is is?
Are they really desperately in need of a group bragging “we are fast approaching power on this planet, and our influence is already vast,” a claim that would have been well at home in certain rallies in Munich beer halls pre-1933.
“We’re going to build Orgs! They’re gonna be great Orgs! You can say they’re going to be ideal Orgs, and that’s right, that’s what they’ll be, ideal in every way. And we’re going to get the public to pay for them!”
Sorry, I accidentally tuned into the Republican convention there for a second. That being said, Davey’s second-in-command doesn’t exist, and he still has more personality than Mike Pence.
Dave be nimble,
Dave be quick,
Dave jump over
That pile of shit
I can’t resist-d.m. Liar, liar pants on fire!
All joking aside:
David Miscaviage is an CON MAN and HE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.
Who the HELL is capable of putting an end to this crap?
If he is willing to go where he’s gone, chances are HIGH he’s also committed crimes of infidelity.
EVERY person that is allowing it should be held responsible. Every single one of them.
The bazillions of dollars they’ve stashed away should be split amongst the people that have been conned.
I vote we begin with the CHILDREN that had no choice in the matter and were sent as SLAVES to this awful group. There is plenty of proof – every single PC folder has the evidence. The kids had NO CHOICE.
Proof of the con: Every video made. Every single promotional piece with their claims and LIES.
TOOT to OT, the Con has been running since 1950. You are a little late with the pronouncement. 😉 Don’t worry though. It started unravelling in a big way about 40 years ago. It is almost finished now.
As promised, I sent the magazine I received back – “Return to sender.” I’m now starting to receive mail from other Scientology organizations. I’m returning this mail too. One or two items per day. I hope my mailman doesn’t get irritated by this. I will try to contact them to ask them to take me off the mailing list.
Don’t forget to include a copy of Debbie Cooks email or a comment about checking out ‘Going Clear’. The mail will stop soon enough!
You know, they sent me a flier, “Gateway” one day not long ago…
I took a sharpie and blocked “TO PURGATORY” under that heading, and on the back?…
RETURN TO SENDER and REFUSED, first, then I tried to appeal to reason, and show some empathy by illustrating the predicament every scientologist is in, the un-acknowledged reality that, really, keeps them in the bubble. It went like:
Are you a Scientologist?
Then you have already abandoned your family.
The rest of humanity has been pegged as your enemy, the creed of your adopted doctrine.
You have been effectively ISOLATED from the rest of world, while being taught that you are “saved” or “rescued”.
And you work for free. Examine your possibilities, it is your future, still, until you say otherwise.
You are destined to be penniless, conscribed, all for abandoning your will and identity to a man who has abandoned his own father, David Miscavige. How far are you willing to see?
So, that was a little bit wordy, perhaps. Staggering truth, however, and sure enough the fliers did stop.
I just wonder if I got to anyone.
No doubt, the guy who calls the shots would not want his minions reading reasonable questions like that.
But, if you want to narrow it down to five words or less, use that red sharpie to say:
RUTHLESS PREDATORY PROFIT-ORIENTED ORG, put a stamp on it, and send it back.
I’m curious about the news on page 26 promising to update us about the Golden Age of Global Dissemination purportedly initiated by SuMP. The world has been waiting, hungering, for some peep out of that TV station.
I’m guessing a smart sci-fi-dollargist knows better than to ask nosey questions about it so hopefully page 26 will tell us when we’ll be able to see this dissemination miracle take flight. Instead, I expect it will cleverly divert our attention away from what the station is supposed to be doing right now and direct it toward the mind-blowing things it WILL be doing in the future.
Heck, nobody reads that rag anyway, they just look at the pictures to see if they can spot somebody they know. People are hip to the fact the church is floundering and all the lies are probably viewed as high tone-level PR. Perhaps some of them consider it a tragedy and they defend the church as they would a disabled younger sibling. It’s an act of bravery to defend the church, isn’t it? Could that be why you almost never see it happen?
Everything this “leader” says about his cult should be understood as self-serving propaganda and rhetoric. The cult still survives as long as the indoctrinated remain blind and shielded from the knowledge and wisdom of the outside world. To believe in David Miscavige is believing in a verifiable sociopath. Your best defense is to assume first that scientology is rigidly closed belief-system, certainly not a church, and their primary purpose and reason for being is to fleece your pockets and your resources until dry, until your mortal existence has met its certain end.
I wanted to believe –
From that I learned the danger of investing faith in the absence of reason.
Pick your favorite or add your own:
David Mushcabbage
David Mestravage
David Mixedsalad
David Musthaveit
David Miscarriage
I just had a silly idea about the use of Scientology language:
“Gone exterior? What kind of talk is that? … He’s dropped his body moved on to Target Two–This is an ex-source!”
Or something like that.
The new Budapest Ideal Org (the grand opening will be this Saturday BTW) is located on Váci Str. It is a 2×4 lane avenue that connects a few suburbs to the north of Budapest with the inner city.
100,000 cars per day is very unlikely, as
1) The entire Budapest metropolitan area has 2.000.000 inhabitants.
2) The busiest route in Hungary is the final, common tract of the M1 and M7 motorways, which connects the most populous the suburban neighborhoods of Budapest to the city proper, as well as the entire vehicle traffic from the western part of Hungary and Western Europe. A bit more than 100,000 cars pass there each day. In comparison, the traffic on Váci Str is 20-25% of that at most.
Thanks Peter
Looking forward to more factual reports like this from Hungary.Davey says there are 16 or so missions.How many are still functioning?Are there any newpeople coming in in Hungary?
“In full” update:
Of shit.
Mike thanks for your column today, as always. I had to look at the calender to find it wasn’t the Thursday funnies but it does keep me laughing as I am waiting in a hospital ER. On the other hand it is so pathetic no-body could make this up. If I was a member of the church and received this issue of The Davey Droppings Maiden Voyage Comedy Hour I would have to be a total zombie to swallow ANY of it. No matter how much koolaid I had imbibed. Enough is enough, the tent is sagging so badly over sad clowns in the circus ring one good rainstorm will collapse this whole thing.
Mike do you think Miscavagie actually believes the ridiculous claims about expansion that he makes? The man is possibly sufficiently mentally ill to actually believe his own nonsense?
Why not? LRH in the end believed his own space opera tripe.
We know DM is mentally ill. The question is: do the sheep actually believe him? And if so, how? Is it really possible for an individual to believe what he says without some part of their minds–as small as that may be–questioning his veracity?
Terra Cognita, yes the sheep believe him. The same way and for the same reasons they believed El Wrong when he said that trains ran on Venus. Which is LESS probable than what DM spews 😉
Depends what kind of sociopath he is.
If he is a narcissist, probably. Narcissists have an incredible capacity for self-delusion, especially for delusions of grandeur.
But from the rather consistent descriptions of people who have met him personally, I doubt he has strong narcissist traits. Does not seem to care that much about his image – if there is something to be gained by sacrificing it, he does it. The accumulation and maintainance of power, at all costs, seems to be the main thing driving him, the main thing he gets off on. His image is a means to an end, nothing more. For a narcissist, it’s the main thing, and they’ll commit incredible blunders, tactically, in order to protect it from perceived attack. I don’t see him committing these blunders.
So I think he is accutely aware that the bullshit about expansion is just bullshit. But that does not matter, as long as he has money flowing and slaves he can humiliate. I’m not even sure he wants that expansion in any case. Expansion brings in unbroken people he does not have enough control on, and from his point of view, that cannot be good.
Mike, This is completely off-topic, sorry, but I understand from Tony’s blog that the new billboard is up in CW. From your knowledge of the area, is it in a good location?
Will you be making a stealth appearance at Friday Graduation to give a briefing on Billboard Tech?
Even admitting that in the religion biz, parishioners completely buy into ideas and promises which have no way of being objectively proven in any way whatsoever (2,000 years ago, a few Jews in the desert were convinced that the Supreme Being came to Earth in a body and then “died” for their sins, was resurrected two days later, and that if one simply truly believed in this story, one was afforded eternal life living with the Creator himself – who of course didn’t actually DIE as you can’t kill God, even when he came to Earth as his OWN son … say what? … and as they say, the rest is history) … even having said that, Scientology is unique in that what is told to the parishioners is EASILY disproven objectively in an environment that is easily accessible either by THEIR OWN EYES in their own orgs, or by hundreds or thousands of easily gotten news accounts.
I outlined the Christian idea above not to make less of it by the way, but to illustrate not only that it is a relatively simple idea which is easily accepted and doable – if one desires to accept and do it – but also because it illustrates the point that when it comes to religion and salvation (which is what is being pitched really in Scientology, I certainly believed in that) … PEOPLE WANT TO BELIEVE! They are no longer in the rational strata of thinking. They WANT to believe SO much (and have in fact decided TO believe) in what Miscavige says that they can be lied to CONTINOUSLY and you can’t get through to them with truth AS LONG AS THEY WANT TO BELIEVE in the lies. We who post here have all had our own individual moment when we decided that we no longer wanted to believe in the face of what we saw with our own eyes and experienced our own selves.
J.P.: Maybe we’ll get lucky and Davy will die for our sins.
Linking the Ideal Orgs to an OT Ambassador’s pursuit simply places the responsibility of stealing, sorry, collecting money from parishioners to build it on the hands of the aOT Ambassadors.
Remember years ago when Miscavige practically forced several OT VIIIs to become EDs of some of the Orgs, like Los Gatos? Since then OT Ambassadors have blindly bowed to Black Heart’s ‘instructions’ to open Ideal Orgs and so on.
Kaye Champaigne, who makes a fortune regging for IAS, will be a good example of someone who has complete obedience and absolute propitiation of whatever the sociopath leader orders to do.
Her and Kathy Feschback. But, come to think of it, where the hell is Kathy Feschback?
She probably did a stint at the MAAs with the teenagers in training and then had a sec check/ tune up to be sure all potential Ess Pees were expunged from her lines. Now she is back to supervising Shelly.
And where is Matt? Mr. super power of all His Ohh Tee ness seems to be a tad out of step as well.
Yo Dave,
Get on it good buddy. If you can’t get them rehabbed with your Golden Age of Tripe II then you will have to do everything your sinking self. Gawd, the ineptness of your stellarness.
But, also Sylvia, this is why fewer and fewer people (OT Ambassadors) want to go to Maiden Voyage. It’s another forced TO DO List. I heard it straight from a horses mouth (OT Ambassador) that would obediently fulfill the OT Ambassadors’ TO DO list every year tell me how fewer and fewer OT’s were showing up, that the were all tapped out. David miscavige’s brilliance at work; he really does not care about the attrition rate.
Dave’s personal statistic is ATTRITION. He continues to move forward with his program to hollow out the membership and put “Scientology” into some sort of perpetual trust modeled after the empty Christian Science Reading Rooms. Then, he can slither off to his village in South France to retire.
maybe he’ll by Johnny Depp’s compound near San Tropez
Even though I have been reading about the cult for the past 1 1/2 years and personally witnessing SCN’ers getting hammered by reges to donate to these future, empty buildings, this articles solidifies it for me. SCN has truly transformed into a real estate company. It is the only statistic that DM can talk about that isn’t fabricated. One can go to all of these cities and see a big, shell of a building. It is real, unlike DM’s phony statistics about 47X expansion. The sheeple are dumb enough to now equate new, empty buildings to Scientology’s expansion.
It is a good thing though. There is no disconnection involved or fair gaming of a building. It would be far better for society if all David did was buy buildings and quit having his flock pay fortunes to chase imaginary aliens stuck to their bodies.
Sending out stupid pamphlets (TWTH booklets) that tell people to not kill others and to brush their teeth daily is also a great idea. I seem to remember Columbia lowered their crime by the exact same percentage as Equador – 65X due to TWTH. Amazing. DM, you go girl!
And don’t forget the 98% drop in tooth decay.
Clearlypissedoff: You’re slightly off. Colombia lowed their CAVITY rate by 65%.
The Guardian’s online edition had an editorial about Colombia today and its path toward peace for the first time in a half century. Strangely enough, not a word was mentioned about The Way To Slappiness.
“Because what else is an Ideal Org but the whole rationale of OT Ambassadors in pursuit of an OT Civilization”?
Translation: “I’m propping up you OT Ambassadors because I expect you to raise enough money so I can yank my ribbon on several new Ideal Orgs in 2016 – I’m sick of doing it all myself.”
The Freewinds did transit the Panama Canal to Ensenada Mexico.
Everyone bussed from L.A. paid a Panama Canal Tax ( $250.)
So for public in South America forget it.
I did a free measels shot because Ensenada had a rampant measels epidemic
never left the ship because of other gross things.
Yeah, that was back in the 90’s. They havent been able to afford it since then.
The ship was very good, the port was a diseased pit of filth and crime.
Did Route to Infinity.
That was back when the diet of the sheeple had a much higher ratio of romaine salad to the amount of word salad double regurgitated by Danny and Dave.
Jose: The ship was cesspool of asbestos. Probably still is. Wear a mask if you go again.
Terra Cog.
I was kicked off the Freewinds and later resigned
from Scientology and the IAS. Finished OT 7 and 8 ( three versions)
as an Indie.
Jose: Damn!
Not only can they not afford it, the old bucket probably could get that far without a serious breakdown (which would require real cash for real services).
They don’t dare get that close to the States, anymore.
Just think, its not a long trip to Tampa Bay. They’re arrival there would look like a ticker tape parade, but it would be writs and warrants.
one visit by ICE( immigration, Customs Enforcement) would be enough.
Then towed to Brownsiville Texas to be scrapped.
Mike, when you say it is docked at Curacao most of the time now, how do they spin this to the OT VIII’s and other Scn public who go to the Ship for services? Do they make them do it in the dock? It used to be promoted that part of the Ship Experience was scuba diving and other water things when not on course. So if they rarely leave Curacao, how do they get around that?
They have scuba diving and water sports in Curacao.
When I was on the ship it was actually a relief to be at a dock where I could leave the ship for a few hours and escape from being followed everywhere by the reg people. They don’t like you being off the ship as you should be in class any way.
And lest there be any mistake about it, mark these words in bold relief as the hosannas heard in the far reaches of the globe come screaming down the corridors of power to all men and women on the planet – to wit, we have arrived at our chosen objective, more radiant than ever before in a self-effulgent, gargantuaness of glory as this universe is shaken to the very rafters by the sustained reach of our golden age of opportunity benefitting not just you and me, but the millions walking through our ideal palaces of spiritual perfection.
I’m breathless…I’ve heard this oral diarrhea before, however it was at the weekly Monday morning staff meeting when I worked for E.I. Dupont. Makes just about as much sense now as it did then.
Shakespeare well described Dave:
“…it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Too literate 😉
A hundred 4th of Julys, stacked one atop the other, could never conspire to mark in a more glorious fashion the accomplishments that we gather here on this day to celebrate. When the Last OT departs this fair Earth on his way to the stars and what lies Beyond, he’ll pause for a moment and turn to back look one last time, then offer a silent prayer of gratitude for the vision of a Fully Cleared Earth that Ron held out before us in golden, glimmering promise in days long past of what has now, finally, been done.
On to the stars we march, knowing that a battle long fought and a victory now won were but the very first in a long line of Pure Theta triumphs to come. I know I won’t stop until my very own home galaxy is re-taken…will you?
“approaching power, our influence is already vast.” An honest version would read:
“approaching dissolution, our empty spaces (Ideal orgs) are already vast”.
+1! Nice revision! They’ve become the kings and queens of empty buildings. They may have the space, but, they don’t have the people to fill it. And…never will.
And what kills me is they apparently EACH think THEIR org is the ONLY one doing poorly while ALL the others are doing great. And this delusion has been going on for years. This situation is totally absurd and funny yet at the same time truly, poignantly sad. In other words, the perfect grist for Regraded Being’s comic mill.
Does Miscavige use his ass as a storage place? He seems to pull so many things out of it. And every one of them smells to high heaven! If so, how does he get them up there? Swallows them down with Macallan? Has RPF staff drive them up with sledge hammers? There has to be *some* explanation, Mike. He does it so often!
“just since last year, the number of scientologists advancing up the bridge has multiplied ten times over.”
Maybe they have started counting BT’s cleared as scn’ers going up the bridge?
If so then the MAA’s better get geared up because those BT’s leave scientology just as fast and need to do A to E in order to want to get new bodies and continue on the “bridge to total scamdom.
C’mon, Mike! Of course they’re counting BTs! What else do they have to count? Members? Falling precipitously. BTs fill in the gaps before Thursday at 2pm. BTs! There not just for auditing anymore!
LMBO OSD. I wonder if BTs can to remote extension courses too?
I commanded all of my SP BTs to head over to Dave’s place in Hemet so they could get proper handling in the Hole. I told them specifically to find Dave’s Hole. That is a remote extension course in itself!
Of course they can do extension courses! The problem is, when a bunch of BTs get together, they always fight over the answers! You’d think they’d get along, but….Nooooooooooo! They’re very petty…..
OSD, Plus the incriminations over who stole whose invisible ink! 🙂
Well he doesn’t say 10x over what exactly. People moving up the bridge last year were 10x the number of people sent to the RPF perhaps?
Right. So it could be 1 person who moved up the Bridge last year and now there are 10…I mean, big deal, you know?