While the “church” of scientology has kindly nicknamed me “Lady Killer,” the strange reason for this deserves some context.
This post also serves to demonstrate the twisted and false nature of the statements, videos, tweets, ads and emails that scientology is sending out to try and “dead agent” everyone involved in the Going Clear film. I am no special case — all participants are getting the same treatment. I happen to have details and specifics concerning the things they say about me. You can be certain the statements about the others are no less false. It is of course interesting that the actual “tech” Miscavige is supposedly following says to DISPROVE the statements made — not to try to discredit the source and ignore the statements made. In that regard, the latest scientology “response” to Going Clear reported in THR yesterday is instructive.
“[scientology] attempts to rip apart Gibney’s sources in the film with ad hominem attacks,.. but fails to tackle any major revelation in the film.”
With respect to me, scientology has been showing images of a bloody woman’s arm, claiming that I inflicted “permanent” grave bodily injury on my ex-wife (and thus the strange lady “killer” moniker — they apparently don’t understand what the term means).
They are spreading this as far and wide as they can through paid Facebook and Google Ads as well as on Twitter and on their Freedom site and in their letters to the media.
Here is a recent paid tweet one of my friends received:
Oddly enough, when I try to see this myself, I am blocked. I guess they don’t want me responding to their lying tweets…
Freedom of speech is such a hallowed thing in scientology.
They have three main attacks on me:
1. I was “dismissed for gross malfeasance” — funny thing, I walked out when I was the international spokesperson of the church, on the Board of Directors of Church of Scientology International. This is VERY well documented as I was in London at the time dealing with BBC Panorama (see below). There is video footage of me being the international spokesman — not “removed for malfeasance.” In fact, they begged me to come back. No “dismissal”. Though they DO now say I “abandoned my family.” Which is it? I left or they threw me out, in which case they broke up my family rather than me abandoning it.
And strange thing about all this “malfeasance” the church has “gotten rid of” (every former executive is alleged to have engaged in gross “malfeasance” after they are gone). It begs the question: How is this organization SO rife with such terrible people? Violent psychopaths. Liars. Cheats. Isn’t this the church that claims they have the “tech” to handle these things? It is a very damning admission by scientology that their tech DOESNT work if there are so many at the top of it who are degenerate, criminal “DB’s” (in scientology lingo).
2. I am an admitted liar. Based on documents/confessions from when I was in the church and would say anything to try to satisfy Miscavige. Apart from the fact that the church keeps telling the world that all their former officials WHEN IN THE CHURCH were liars (one could assume by now that everyone in any senior position in scientology is a liar and you would not be far wrong), once again, isn’t it the most damning admission of all that scientology “tech” doesnt work? That senior officials of the church routinely “admit” they are liars? And there are so many of them? The church wants everyone to believe they just get rid of the bad apples and everyone else is pure as the driven snow. I can assure you EVERY senior executive in scientology has “admissions” and “write-ups” they have been forced to do after being accused by Miscavige of lying to him. It happens almost daily. Interestingly, not a SINGLE admission by anyone that they lied concerns statements made after they left the church.
3. I assaulted my ex-wife. This is really the subject of this post. On its face, it could be true. There is photographic “evidence.” There is a story of how she “screamed at me to stop.” I could be some sort of monster. Only people that know me personally would have any evidence to put this into context. It’s not like the first two points where there are self-evident contradictions within the very statements.
I don’t normally bother with anything scientology says about me or anyone else, but this presents the perfect opportunity to tell more of the story of the type of abusive behavior scientology engages in.
Many people now exposed to the church’s reimagining of events won’t be familiar with what happened at the time even though it was fairly widely covered on Marty’s blog and in the St Pete Times.
So, for anyone interested in the facts, I am republishing the accounts of the incident where Cathy (my ex-wife) sustained a graze on her right arm. And as a note, it is ONLY her right arm that is mentioned in the report at the time, and this photo appears to show a large bandaged area in addition to an abrasion on the skin. The large bandage is there for effect. There is nothing under that bandage. Instead of putting a piece of gauze and a bandaid over the graze they had a large bandage wrapped around her arm NEXT TO the graze and included in the shot. I grazed my arms, hands, knees, shins like that a hundred times when I skateboarded as a kid. But this incident has now morphed into a full scale assault by some sort of crazed lunatic –a “lady killer” and a serial “wife abuser” who caused permanent injury to his timid ex-wife.
Cathy (my ex-wife); Taryn, my daughter; 4 senior church executives (Jenny Linson, Guillaume Lesevre, David Bloomberg and Sue Wilhere) — all from Los Angeles; along with my brother, Andrew who lives in Australia were despatched by David Miscavige to “confront me” in the parking lot of a doctor’s office in Clearwater, Florida.
I did not approach them or seek them out in any way.
Two PI’s followed me to the doctor’s office, along with these 7 people. They rolled in in 3 cars. To a parking lot not visible from the main road, in fact a considerable distance down a private road and at the back of a suite of doctor offices. With the 2 PI’s observing from a distance, all 7 of them descended on me as I was talking on the phone waiting for my now wife who was at the doctor. I was aimlessly walking around in the parking lot while engaged in a phone conversation.
You will note that I asked that the police be called. Not my ex-wife claiming an assault. The Pinellas Count Sheriffs interviewed the people who did not run away (the 2 PI’s, Jenny Linson, Guillaume Lesevre and Dave Bloomberg literally jumped in cars and fled the scene as soon as 911 was called and before the Sheriffs arrived) at the time of the so-called assault and they concluded these people had followed me and that the grazes on Cathy’s arm were “incidental contact” as I was trying to walk away from her and the others who had flown thousands of miles to seek me out. In fact, they issued a Trespass Warning on my ex-wife and the others as a result of this incident. But of course none of this information appears in the church “Dead Agent” material.
Here is the full story, starting with the report I wrote about this incident that evening.
It was published on Marty Rathbun’s blog as “Miscavige Meltdown” – I reprint it below:
It was a beautiful day in Pinellas County, sunny and warm. I was standing in a secluded parking lot in shorts and flip-flops talking on the phone while I was waiting for Christie to come out of the doctor’s office (nothing wrong, she consults on nutrition). I was not really paying attention to anything but was engaged in conversation. I turned around and suddenly there were 7 people dressed in “business attire” walking towards me, now about 10 feet away: Jenny Linson, David Bloomberg, Sue “David Miscavige is Scientology” Wilhere, Guillaume “on no post but from International Management” Lesevre, Andrew Rinder (my brother), Taryn Rinder (my daughter) and Cathy Rinder/Bernadini (though she uses another name she kept screaming that she is my wife?). They looked more than a little out of place in their “power suits” (except my brother who was dressed in a polo shirt and looked normal).
They started right in — it was just like being in the hole — 7 people surrounding you yelling and screaming “You are a fucking SP”, “Stop doing what you are doing”, “You are going to die”, “You are trying to destroy Scientology”, “You are hurting your family”, “You disconnected from your family”, “You are killing your mother”, “Stay away from Benjamin” (this last was a little strange given the statements that I refuse to communicate with anyone in my family) etc. etc. etc.
The rabble was led by Jenny Linson and Cathy Neal/Rubio/Rinder/Bernardini – doing a perfect imitation of DM frothing at the mouth and yelling obscenities. Guillaume said virtually nothing. Bloomberg tried to be Mr. Big and told me several times “Stop what you are doing.” Sue Wilhere said nothing. My brother who is an OT 8 but not a Sea Org member was the most civil and sensible and actually seemed to want to communicate something other than screaming “You’re an SP”. My daughter Taryn is a Gold staff member and is indoctrinated into the wonders of Ideal Orgs and I feel some pangs of guilt that I raised her in the SO and that she is now caught in the web of lies. And of course, lurking in the background were the ever present PIs in sunglasses.
When I told my brother that I would talk to him without the assembled peanut gallery, the screaming only increased with “Tone 40” commands from Jenny to “Shutup and listen” and “you ARE going to hear us”. I think he was a little surprised to see what he had gotten himself into. Little does he know what really goes on – but perhaps he is going to now realize from personal experience that the “goodness and light” image that DM tries to portray isn’t quite what it seems.
But, DM couldn’t have foreseen that his little ambush squad would approach me when I was on the phone with John Sweeney from the BBC in the midst of a recorded interview! So, everything the DMbots said was recorded as it went down by the BBC. Of course, they were under strict orders from DM about what they were to do, so they just barged ahead with their craziness. That’s the breaks when people in fear are operating on orders – they cannot make a decision if something changes. No “think for yourself”…. In fact, when I informed them they were being recorded by the BBC they seemed to take it as a challenge to their manhood (womanhood? bitchhood?) as if I was trying to trick them (cunning SP that I am). So, it was all recorded (audio only unfortunately) and they couldn’t have done a better job of convincing the BBC of Miscavige’s insanity and that everything that is said about how people are treated by him and that they will sign perjured affidavits is absolutely, utterly true. You often hear “he pulled it in” – a much overused justification that some (including DM) use to explain their overts on others – I couldn’t help but think that DM just “pulled it in.”
Jenny kept screaming about how I WAS going to listen to them (I guess she thinks I take orders from her or else she is going to take away my eternity?) and I told her and the assembled others to “Fuck Off” (if this ever airs on US TV there will be a LOT of bleeps though they will get the unadulterated version in the UK). I then attempted to get in my car and leave. A scuffle ensued with Dave Bloomberg, Jenny and Cathy holding the car door open as I tried to close it to drive away and my brother taking my keys out of the ignition as I grabbed his hand and bent his finger back (until he told me I was going to break it and I let go). It wasn’t good odds. So, I got out of the car to go into the doctor’s office to call the police. More scuffling ensued as I tried to make my way 50 feet to the door. My sunglasses were knocked off and someone trod on them (my brother later insisted I take his nicer glasses to replace them).
By this time, the doctor and her staff had heard the ruckus outside and she came to the door and told me I could come in and nobody else was welcome. Cathy and Taryn barged their way into the doctor’s office saying “he’s my husband” and “he’s my father”. She told them she didn’t care who they were, it was her office and they weren’t welcome (the rest of the gang were blabbering incoherently at the door). During the scuffles, Cathy had somehow sustained a cut on her arm that was bleeding. The doctor tried to 8C her out of her reception area and Cathy started yelling at the doctor “He’s my husband, and you have my blood on your hands”. Pretty bizarre. That was after she had shouted at Christie in front of the Doctor in her reception area “You, you’re a fucking little bitch.”
The doctor asked if I wanted her to call the police. I told her yes, as I wanted the record made then and there as no doubt the Church would try to claim that I hurt Cathy’s arm and (of course they waited until there were no other witnesses to approach me 7 on 1). I have no idea how her arm was grazed, Jenny Linson might have bitten her in the throws of her frothing insanity for all I know.
The doctor locked her doors and she and her staff were too scared to venture outside until the police arrived. They were literally terrified. She even called her next patient and canceled the appointment. More excellent PR area control for Scientology in the Clearwater community!
The doctor also called the paramedics due to the blood on Cathy’s arm. The paramedics arrived within a couple of minutes and the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department (6 cars) showed up about 5 minutes later. Of course, the real chickenshit rats scurried away before the Sheriff’s arrived – Linson, Lesevre and Bloomberg jumped in their cars and drove off as I waved fondly. But Cathy was stuck in the ambulance, so Sue Wilhere stayed with her. So did my brother and daughter – the only two civil ones amongst them. Everyone made statements to the Sheriff’s, as did the doctor and Christie. I am sure Sue and Cathy would rather have left, but they were kind of stuck.
Just before the Sheriff’s arrived, I asked where my car keys were. The assembled mob said “they didn’t know.” I told them that would really be a problem as soon as the police arrived – and suddenly Sue Wilhere “found them”. Childish isn’t the right word for this sort of behavior.
Now, for anyone who thinks I should have “pressed charges” I can assure it would have been a waste of time. This sort of thing is orchestrated to be 7 on 1 (not counting PIs) with no witnesses for a reason. These people will say anything – even under oath – and would simply claim that I attacked someone first (not true) and it would be a long, drawn out procedure that would, in the end, accomplish nothing. And make no mistake, it was a carefully staged (if botched) operation, they waited until I was alone as my brother said they had seen me yesterday (and all I did was ride my bike with Christie and Shane to the park so they were out stalking in the neighborhood). The police DO have all the statements from the witnesses and they issued a trespass warning to the Church people who didn’t flee. There was little else they could do.
Don’t worry, because better than criminal charges that go nowhere – it was all recorded by the BBC as it went down. And that is far more devastating in the long run.
As for my brother and daughter (who I did manage to speak to alone for a few minutes), I told them they both looked good and I was very happy to see that. I also told them they don’t know what is going on and challenged Taryn about the Ideal Orgs and how off policy it is and whether she thinks Miscavige beating people is acceptable. And with my brother, I asked him if he knew what inurnment is because Miscavige is engaged in it and he is going to destroy the Church through his out ethics. Of course, under the circumstances they aren’t going to agree with me. But maybe they will think about it. My brother asked me for my phone number so he could call me to have dinner, just him and me “if he can get permission.” I gladly gave it to him and told him any time. But if he is going to ask permission, it’s never going to happen. One day I hope he will decide to do it on his own.
If anyone needed current proof that the activities of the Hole are still ongoing, it was played out in full living color today. It was vintage DM, gang-bang yelling and screaming, attempting to drive in anchor points and intimidate. Problem is that it occurred in the parking lot of a doctor’s office in Clearwater. The doors weren’t barred. There was no Security Force muscle and there ARE phones with which to call law enforcement. So, it didn’t work out so well for DM. In fact, as has become his personal trademark, he delivered himself yet another massive footbullet.
Meanwhile, he sits stewing in massive MWH phenomena, lashing out with wild animal reactions, wondering which of his crimes is going to be exposed next.
And he should be worried.
There was a follow up post the next day “Miscavige Meltdown Update”:
There have been many comments in response to my original posting, including a great deal of support and many good wishes from friends too numerous to count. I wish to thank you all. It would have been literally impossible to respond to each person individually.
The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office completed their report about the incident last Friday and it contains some interesting information. Cathy Neal/Rubio/Rinder/Bernardini told the sheriffs that it was all just a big coincidence. Apparently she just happened to be driving around Clearwater with her friends (my brother from Australia, daughter, her and Sue Wilhere from Los Angeles) and in a stroke of pure coincidence saw me and decided they wanted to make the point to me that I should be communicating to my family. Strange though that she omitted to mention that Jenny Linson, Guillaume Lesevre, David Bloomberg and two PIs were also present? Or that the doctor’s office is in a secluded glade and can’t be seen from the road and is at least 10 miles away from the closest Scientology facility. There was also no mention of the fact that my brother had said after the melee that he had seen me the day before? Another coincidence? Also strange that she claimed to be upset about me not communicating to my family when she was screaming at me to “leave Benjamin (my son) alone” (because I had gone to the Fort Harrison the week before to attempt to see him). Also strange that she was the one who wrote to me on 4 July 2007 when I had communicated to the Church that I wanted to see her, responding “Fuck You” and that the divorce papers would be forthcoming (they were and she was the petitioner, with Jeanne Gavigan In House OSA attorney filing the divorce).
No doubt, there will be more spin control attempted on this matter as the St Pete Times are writing a story following the release of the Sheriff’s report. Of course, the Church will have to come up with some sort of justification for the insanity. Based on what is in the sheriff’s report, their response is predictable: claim that I caused the graze on Cathy’s arm (the sheriffs took reports from everyone and concluded that her injury came about as a result of “incidental contact”), that I broke my brother’s finger (being the crazed lunatic that I am, out searching the streets for my family members so I can corner them 7 on 1 and launch an attack) and that this was all just a “family matter” (with Jenny Linson leading the charge accompanied by 3 other non-family SO members from International Management there?). DM only has one response: never defend, always attack even when the facts are plainly contrary.
It is a foregone conclusion that they are going to shoot themselves in the groin yet again as whatever they say is going to be reported by the SP Times, even if it isn’t believable. But that will leave the door wide open for the BBC to prove them liars once again. DM cannot see beyond today.
If the real purpose was to talk to me, it really would have been so simple for my brother to just call me – as he wanted to do but didn’t have “permission.” Or my daughter. If they honestly wanted communication, why send nasty letters from the IJC address telling me that I am the worst kind of SP, have no concept of Scientology, make no case gain and various other nasty things obviously written at the prompting of others. And coincidentally (there are a lot of coincidences?) the first series of letters arrived after Monique Yingling’s failed attempt to silence me in Denver where I told her that communicating with my family was EXTREMELY important to me, but I would not let it be used as a method of control over me. No doubt DM saw this as a “weakness” and has been trying to exploit it ever since. The second round came right after the BBC interview (which was filmed by Church PIs) where I expressed the same sentiment. Perhaps I should give those letters to the media and let the world decide whether the C of M really has any concern for the unity and well-being of my family. I haven’t done so up to now because I don’t think my family acted on their own but are trying to protect their lives and families by toeing the DM party line as they know the consequences of not doing so. The unmitigated hatred that is displayed in those letters is not the brother, sister, mother, daughter or even ex wife I know. It’s sad to see people who I know to be kind, decent and caring lose all humanity.
But this shall all come to pass. DM cannot continue to run an empire based on lies and operating through fear. The more drastic the responses, the closer it is to the end. A cornered rat becomes most insane and lashes out the hardest when the coup de grace is about to be delivered.
Here is a copy of the Sheriff Report:
Later in the year the audio recording made by John Sweeney, along with a transcript, was made public in another posting entitled “Miscavige Meltdown — The Proof.” (Unfortunately the audio link is broken). Two of the participants in the “confrontation,” Jenny Linson and Dave Bloomberg subsequently became infamous when they carried out another “confrontation” of Mark Rathbun at LAX that he captured on video and posted on his blog. Their modus operandi had not changed.
Here is the text of the posting. I deleted the now broken audio link, but the transcript is still there.
One of the most widely read posts on this blog was published on 24 April 2010, Miscavige Meltdown. It was Mike Rinder’s account of an ambush staged by seven Miscavige flunkies on Mike in the parking lot of a doctor’s office where he was waiting for Christie. The seven were Miscavige’s deputy Jenny Linsen, ED Int Guialluame Lesevre, David Blumberg, Sue “David Miscavige is Scientology” Wilhere, Cathy Rinder, Taryn Rinder and Andrew Rinder. Here is the the link to that post for those unfamiliar with it:https://markrathbun.wordpress.com/2010/04/24/miscavige-meltdown/
The BBC broadcast a short sound bite of the ambush. Here is the entire sound recording of the event. It is followed by a transcript. The recording was made in the United Kingdom via a cell phone Mike was holding so it is not the greatest quality. I suggest starting the audio recording and follow along with the transcript. If you can make it all the way through, well done, and pass on your increasing ability to confront evil.
As the audio link is broken, and I haven’t been able to get the full thing recovered yet, I have excerpted a section that contains most of the audio used by the BBC Panorama “Secrets of Scientology” program. You can watch the entire show here if you wish.
A kind reader just pointed out that the full audio is HERE. Tony Ortega (of course) had uploaded it.
Rinder confrontation transcript:
April 23, 2010
Mike Rinder: Hello
John Sweeney: Hello Mike, I don’t know why we got cut off there
MR: Yeah, I don’t know why either
JS: Ok, so essentially…. um, um….you did sign depositions, or affidavits at this period, but they, you certainly didn’t, you didn’t lie and you didn’t ask anybody else to lie?
Cathy Rinder (CR): Fucker
MR: Hey John, guess what…
David Bloomberg: Mother Fucker
MR: …. my brother, my daughter, David Bloomberg, a whole gang of people just came here in the parking lot.
Several people screaming at the same time: Mike, Fuck you, Mike, Fuck you, …….etc
MR: You get out of here
Jenny Linson: You look at your daughter. You piece of shit.
MR: Oh, Fuck off Jenny.
JL: Fuck you.
Several people screaming at the same time
CR: ….. I don’t care
MR: Can you hear what they are saying? John can you hear this?
JS: I can’t, I’m afraid. Who is that?
CR: Look at your daughter
AR: Talk to us
?: Shut up
Taryn Rinder: I’m your daughter, Mike
JS: Hello
MR: Are you listening?
JS: Yes
CR: You deserted us
JL: You deserted your family, you won’t talk to your family, you won’t see your family, you brother is here, your daughter is here, your wife is here
MR: I’ll talk to Andrew, I’ll talk to you
CR: Oh Yeah?
JL: ….and they want to talk to you, you deserted your family, you deserted your family you piece of shit, you deserted your family
CR: You walked out on me, you Fucker
MR: Screw off Jenny
JL: You walked out on your family
Taryn Rinder (TR): And you tried to fuck with Benjamin, you tried to fuck with Benjamin
MR: Taryn
TR: You’re trying to fuck with me. You’re trying to fuck with my home.
MR: Taryn
TR: Your church, and my church, you’re fucking with everything I believe in
CR: You leave Benjamin alone, you knock it off
MR: That’s fine Cathy
CR: No, it’s not fine, you fuck off, you fucking stop
JL: Your family came here to talk to you, and you refuse to talk to your family
AR: Talk to me Michael, talk to me
JS: Mike are you OK?
AR: Don’t be a dick, don’t be a fucking dick
MR tries to get into the car. Car horn….. (Andrew trying to stop him and take the keys and his arm pushes up against the car horn.)
AR: Don’t be a dick man, Look just talk to me, Talk to me
MR: Andrew, I will talk to you but not with all these other people
AR: Talk to me now, c’mon
MR: Ok, get in the car, get in the car
AR: I can’t get in the car, you don’t even know what it’s taken for me to get here, you have no idea what I’ve gotta go through, It’s just not Ok, you can’t do this to me (concurrent to car horn).
MR: Andrew
AR: You can’t. It’s my life Mike
MR: It’s mine too
AR: I got it, it’s just….you just can’t do this to me. Ok?
Car horn
AR: You’re breaking my finger
JS: Mike, mike, can you…
MR: I’m not
JL: Talk to your brother, Stop what you are doing and listen to your brother, stop hurting your brother
AR: Mike talk to me, talk to me
MR: I will talk to you, get in the car
JL: Stop hurting your brother, stop………your brother
AR: Stop giving me crap
JL: Stop hurting your brother, stop, listen to your brother
MR: Don’t you take the keys
AR: I came from Melbourne to talk to you
MR: I want to talk to you
JL: Mike stop
MR: I’m willing to talk to you, but I will talk to you in the car, you get in the car and I’ll talk to you. I’ll drive off.
AR: Take the keys out
MR: Get in the car
(scuffle of noise, shoving, wrestling of something….)
AR: ……..My sunglasses
AR: Don’t you go anywhere alright
MR: I’m not going anywhere. I’m just going to shut the door guys.
Other people talking…..
AR?: I’ll get it then
DB: …….. the phone
MR: Ok Dave, go ahead.
JL: Mike this is……(?) you cock-sucking piece of shit
MR: Oh, Jenny you’re really helping
JL: Oh yeah, let me tell you………….
MR: Forget it Andrew, forget it
AR: I’ve come a long way
JL: That’s it
People talking, not discernable
JL: Don’t go anywhere
MR: Don’t do that. It’s not OK.
MR: Andrew
(concurrently there is scuffling, shoving, wrestling of keys, phone or something)
JS: Hello? Hello? Hello?
Disconnected, JS calls back.
JS: No they’ve all, they’re still in, I’m still recording myself. I need to, let me see how he is.
MR: Hello
JS: Hi, Mike, It’s John…. I’m….uh well
CR: Want to keep going? ….. Fucking……stupid…..
MR: I would like it if you would call the police
JL: Look what you did to your wife , look what you did to your wife
MR: Call the Clearwater police and send them to
JL: Look what you did to your wife, look what you did to your wife
CR: Look at it Mike
JL: look what you did to your wife, look what you did to us
JS: Call the Clearwater police, what number?
AR: C’mon, Mike don’t do this, confront me, fucking confront ME
JS: Could you tell the others that we are, that I am recording this conversation and we want to use it for….
AR: Stop being a Fuck-wit, Stop it
MR: I just want to let everybody know that this whole conversation is being recorded by the BBC
JL: That’s fine, That’s fine, because your wife and your daughter came to see you and you diiiiiisconnected from them, they came to see you and YOU won’t see them
CR: You walked out on us
MR: Did you get that on tape John?
AR: Good, but you can talk to me
JS: Yes, um, who was talking there
AR: Mike
MR: That was Jenny Devocht
JL: First of all, I said fine to you, I didn’t say fine to them, your family came to see you and you won’t talk to them, and that’s…
MR: Oh, fuck off you little piece of shit
JL: No, you stop it Mike
MR: Jenny, piss off
JL: It’s CATHY that’s talking to you
CR: I’M talking to you
MR: No, you’ve got a little, you’ve got a little gang here
JL: Your brother’s here, your daughter’s here, you’re married to her, you won’t see your family.
CR: I want to talk to you
AR: Just talk to me, man
JL: Your family is here to see you and you refuse to talk to them, that’s the truth.
AR: C’mon, talk to me
CR: You won’t talk to me Mike
MR: You’re right
AR: But you can talk to me
MR: I’ll talk to you, I told you already I’ll talk to you, I’m happy to talk to you, but I won’t talk to you with that little bitch shouting in the background……
AR: I know, I know, I got it
Holly Johangten: Mike, can you come here please, you (directed at the other people) are not welcome here
JL: His wife is going with him
TR: I’m your daughter
JL: She’s his daughter
CR: I’m his wife
JL: His wife and his daughter are here, it’s his daughter, his daughter, and his brother
MR: Hey
HJ: You are not welcome in here, and you are not
JL: His daughter…..
HJ: Do you want them to come with you?
MR: No
CR: Ma’am, I am, ma’am…..
HJ: I don’t care, this is my place of establishment and I would like you to leave right now
CR: No, I am married to him and I am going to talk to him
HJ: (Directed at her receptionist) Can you go take care of her needles for her please? Thanks.
CR: I’m talking to him
HJ: Would you like me to call the police?
MR: Yes, please
HJ: Please leave
CR: I’m going to talk to him, OK?
MR: Would you please call the police
JS: Are you asking me to?
HJ: Get out now
MR: No, no John, I’m at the doctors because Christie was at the doctor
CR: He is my husband, I’m going to talk to him
HJ: You’re not welcome here, I don’t care
JS: Right
MR: And I’m in, I walked inside the doctors office and the doctor was a little upset
HJ: I don’t care whose daughter you are, please leave here right now
JS: Right, OK
MR: Because there is a bunch of people screaming outside, and demanding to come in, and my daughter tried to push her and…..
HJ: Can you shut the door please?
AR: Yeah, sure. Mike?
JS: Right, has this ever happened before at all?
MR: No it hasn’t
HJ: It’s not up to him.
JS: And this was a half hour conversation that we had before
MR: Right
JS: Who knows, Um……
CR: says something in the background (not discernable)
MR: Oh, get the fuck out of here, don’t cause more trouble, you’re already causing enough trouble.
CR: Oh yeah, you won’t talk to me
MR: What do you care?
CR: You stay away from Benjamin, you mother fucker
MR: What do you care?
TR: We care about him.
CR: I care about that Ok
TR: Me too
MR: About what?
CR: About Benjamin
MR: Oh, and like that really hurt him, right?
CR: You better stop
MR: After you, after you…..
CR: You have no idea, Ok.
MR: Good you made your point, Bye
CR: No, fuck you, you’re going to stop it
TR: No
MR: Bye
CR: You’re going to stop mucking with our lives, and your fucking kids OK?
TR: And with me
MR: I am not
CR: Yes you are, you are going to stop
MR: Oh, why because you told me so?
TR: No
CR: That’s right
MR: That’s not going to work, Cathy
CR: I’m telling you, you better stop, you better stop
MR: You better wake up.
CR: You better fucking wake up, buddy.
MR: You better wake up to what’s really going on
CR: You have no fucking idea, Ok. I don’t give a fuck. All I know, is that what you’ve been doing and what you’re doing now is committing SP acts every minute, of every fucking day.
MR: And if you think that that has an effect on me, you’re wrong
CR: I’m not …..
JS: And who is talking now Mike?
MR: Cathy
CR: I’m telling you, you are going to stop
JS: And that’s um, that’s your ex-wife? Does she know that I’m recording this conversation?
MR: Yes, they all know that you’re recording this conversation, John.
TR: We don’t care. This is my comm cycle to you.
MR: Taryn, I’m happy to talk to you.
CR: You are not listening to her. Listen to her Mike.
MR: Listen
CR: You have no idea.
MR: Oh, yes I do.
TR: Well then, that’s the problem.
AR: Get off the phone and talk to her.
MR: Yes I do. I have a very good idea.
CR: You’re fucking nuts. Ok.
MR: That’s true. Obviously.
CR: ……You have a fucking axe to grind and you are not in present time.
MR: That really impinged.
CR: Yeah, let me tell you something….
AR: Yeah….
MR: That really impinged, that really impinged. That really, that really impinged.
CR: You are…. to us, and effecting my entire family. You are not going to do it anymore, and you are going to stop. STOP doing what you are doing. It isn’t worth it, Mike. For what?
MR: To save you.
TR: Oh, no. No.
CR: Fuck Off.
MR: Oh yeah, well I really appreciate that.
TR: No fucking way. You know it. You know it. And everything you do….
CR: Oh really to save me, oh yeah, that’s your intention? (pointing at her arm)
MR: Oh, like I walked up and grabbed you?
CR: Yeah, you did.
MR: Oh right. (Laughing in disbelief.)
AR: Hey, Knock it off, knock it off. Mike.
MR: I want to talk to you Andrew. I have no problem talking to you.
AR: Then do it. Hang up. Talk to me.
MR: I will talk to you, but I’m not going to talk to you with an audience.
CR: I’m staying here.
AR: I got that.
MR: I’ll talk to you and T. I’ll talk to you and T.
AR: Good then lets do it.
MR: Bye John.
AR: Bye.
JS: Bye.
And this is the incident scientology has used to broadly smear me as a “lady killer” and “wife abuser.”
But while doing so, they have utterly failed to address the damning facts that are exposed in Going Clear.
Soon, people will be able to see the film for themselves and make up their own minds. And that is what worries Miscavige more than anything.
Mike Rinder,
Scientology is crap and you need to fuck off and die.
I’m just catching up with all that has gone on. Here’s something that these fools need to start thinking about…there are cameras EVERYWHERE now! Heck, I live way out in the country on 22 acres of land and I have cameras in and out of my house. How would it look if the cameras record video of 7 people confronting you when you were minding your own business? How about the fact that many of these cameras also record sound…so they would pick up the fact that they are on the attack, not you. How would this hold up in court when they try to spin their bs? I can’t wait until the day comes when your children, brother and other family members wise up and realize they have been lied to by DM.
“(one could assume by now that everyone in any senior position in scientology is a liar and you would not be far wrong)”
IMO, anyone who has been “in” for any length of time must lie when the subject comes up, PARTICULARLY if there’s any chance that their telling the truth might get back to a senior or HCO staffer. At a minimum I suspect they’d get hit with a “verbal tech” charge or some such balderdash.
Dear Mike,
I read the original “Miscavige Meltdown” piece on Marty’s blog back when you posted it and I thought it was an excellent article. I also listened to the audio of the assault and it sealed the deal for me. I haven’t thought about that article and audio for some time now but the memory of it stayed in the back of my head and I understood the truth of the situation. I felt really bad for you and Christie when I read and listened to the events of that day. These people aren’t content to shun and scorn a person, they have to lash out and attack physically and publicly too. You tried your best to communicate with them, which fell on deaf ears. I hope that the memory of what you said to your family members sticks in their minds. I’m at a loss for words to articulate how I really feel about it.
It may have already been suggested since I haven’t read the comments but I think it would be a good idea to include this post on the list of ‘Important Articles’ on the right margin of the web page. I have a feeling that many new people are going to be looking you up on the internet after the 29th and this is a great way to share your side of the story and enlighten people who are obviously interested.
You have many supporters in people who can discern facts from lies. Don’t forget that, stay strong and be well.
Thanks Pepper. Good suggestion. Will put it on the front page.
Happy to hear this Mike.
I’m sure that like a lot of people I became interested in this story and Scientology in general because of the upcoming HBO documentary and other media (especially the two BBC documentaries). I had no fixed opinion and knew little about any of it. I went over to the “Freedom” website and watched the very impressive and polished video about Mike Rinder. It certainly is well presented and convincing. Then I found this blog and read the transcript of the entire now infamous confrontation between Mike and family members et al. Still on the fence there is one line in the transcript that was the pivotal and key moment for me to form a view. And it is this:
CR: You are…. to us, and effecting my entire family. You are not going to do it anymore, and you are going to stop. STOP doing what you are doing. It isn’t worth it, Mike. For what?
MR: To save you.
To me, this says it all. Mike clearly has a sincere and benevolent agenda. The “Freedom” video is a “hit piece”. Mike Rinder is the real deal, with truth on his side. I read the transcript with a few people and when we came upon this one line we all looked at each other and knew right then and there, Mike’s not nuts, evil nor any single thing put forth in that asinine ‘Freedom” video.
The world is changing. The connectives of the world’s population via social media and ever emerging technologies and applications make some modes and means of operation impossible to sustain, and the way Scientology conducts itself will not thrive. It may survive because there’s always going to be people that need such things in their lives. Research has shown that there is actually a defined area of the brain that seeks and actually requires faith based beliefs. The amassed wealth and the placement of Scientologists in positions of power (social, legal and political) will not lead to a sudden death, but the organization will slowly contract, membership (parishionership is you will) revenue streams will become anemic. And the world’s view of the “Churches” validity will become increasingly dismissive, if not downright hostile.
So, Mr. Rinder, the world is watching…and we’re on your side. People aren’t stupid. How bad must the present practices of those whom run the “Church” must be for a good and decent man to have to choose to walk away from his son, daughter, mother, brother, all his friends, colleagues and his faith? To have to make that choice is inflatable to me. And to choose to walk away doesn’t make Mike Rinder the cowardly lothario retched scum-of-the-earth man the “Freedom” video and the Church of Scientology purports, but rather a hero, albeit a tragic hero, he’s done a painfully brave act and sacrificed everything for his family, not in spite of them. Like I wrote earlier: MR: To save you.
Best to you Mr. Rinder…the world is watching.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Mike, your brother’s statements to you says it all. Your leaving has made his life unbearable because of Miscavige’s insane retribution for your escape from the church. From all of the stories I have read, it seems Miscavige’s uncontrolled rage against males who were close to him is much more violent than against women executives who have left. Is this because of an adolescent rage over being “betrayed” or is there some other reason, such as jealousy that your life no longer includes him? Whatever the reason, Miscavige’s response to any problem is primitive, abusive, and ill conceived. No sane adult acts the way he does.
Like other serial abusers, he uses shame as a weapon against everyone around him, a technique that abusers use to divert attention away from their own bad behavior. It also backs the victims into a corner where they are more easily controlled. They are made to feel so flawed, and ashamed, that they spend all of their time trying to atone for their failures. This how an abuser maintains control. He will drive home over and over again that the victim is so inherently flawed, there is no way out of the corner. Miscavige clearly used shame to terrorize your wife, daughter, brother and others into believing they were worthless and the only way to atone for their inherent worthlessness was to confront and shatter you. Of course, even if you had been “shattered” Miscavige would never let them out of tyrannical and abusive grip.
What happened to you is shocking, and the abuse that must have heaped on your family by Miscavige is beyond comprehension. I hope Miscavige is publicly shamed and humilated by the exposure of his actions to tens of millions of people world wide when Going Clear airs.
I’m reminded of that old Honeymooner episode where Alice putting on a sultry act for Ralph to annoy him, (“Cut it out, Alice!”) draping herself over him, calling him “Killer”, saying, “You know why I call you ‘Killer’, don’t you, Ralph? Because you slaaaayyy me…”
Honestly, we really should acknowledge COB as Source for our laughs. C’mon, guys, altogether now for COB: “Hip hip, hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!”
A Non Scn friend commented to me that as the old Scns are dying out and that even Tom and John are getting older, coupled by the fact that no new young people are getting in, he thinks soon DM will not have any flock to lead. So I came up with future book or movie titles for him. Can any of you clever posters think of more titles?
“Shepherd without a flock.”
“Tyrant without a populace.”
“Midget without a soapbox.”
“The Man Behind the Curtain Exposed.”
“Narcissist Without an Audience”
Wife Beater would have served their purposes better, but what the hell. They could have used Fetishist to sound really cool. In closing, you could say Dave is a very spiritual man as he consumes an inordinate amount of spirits.
Mike, I would be honored if you let me be to be the president of the “Mike Rinder Lady-Killer Fanclub”. We could sell tee shirts, posters and maybe even erotic nightwear for the ladies. I would also suggest you write an advise book on how other men can seduce the ladies. It would be a best seller. It seems to me that Jenny and your ex miss having intimate relations with you. How can I tell? They kept using the f*** word which must indicate how much they missed the wild sex they experienced in bed with you. I assume this kind of “dirty talk” really turns them on!!!
I am sure David could only dream of getting this kind of attention from the ladies! Who knows? Shelly may have been dismissed when Davie found Mike’s picture under her pillow! 🙂 , Ann p.s. As your club president, I hope you will spent one afternoon teaching my beloved husband some of your “lady killer” moves!!!
Mike, “LK” is now officially your nick. 🙂
In light of the what happened to Lisa McPherson, I’m not sure that the appellation “Lady Killer” is a good choice of words.
I saw the video of that confrontation on Tony Ortega’s YouTube channel a while ago. It must have been a painful experience. Using someone’s family as a weapon against them is low. Really low.
I, too, felt a pang of jealousy when I saw the “ladykiller” accusation, because I’m secretly in love with MR. It doesn’t matter that I’m old enough to be his mother or that he is happily married with a family. There is something about the guy that makes my heart ping. So when I found out that “ladykiller” in Scientologese meant something entirely different – it actually meant his ex-wife got a bo-bo in a scuffle and blamed him, I was so relieved. Now I can continue to love from afar and watch is YouTube videos alone with my 100 cats.
Love ya, Crocodile Rinder.
Well, no-one should be put through that. Stay strong, Mike.
Oh, and readers passing by who are new to the topic might like to inform themselves about how they communicate to the their reaction to all this being tax exempt…
Jesus. Do people in the COS actually believe that the crap they publish on the “Freedom”Mag web site influences anyone’s opinion negatively about the subjects of their attacks? It does not. People are not as stupid as DM would like to think they are. M a y b e some bubble dwellers would be “influenced” just because the COS said it, but even that does not work. I have actually suggested to more than one bubble dweller that they get more information about these “external matters” by checking out the FreedomMag site. More often than not the result has been that these people distanced themselves from the cult or cut communication entirely. People do have a nose for the truth. So, like you say, Mike, none of this COS response makes any sense. If one tries to make sense out of insanity it can drive one nuts. This stuff does not make sense on any level.
My postulates are with you that your children, brother, and other family members will someday wake up to what, or rather with whom, they have become involved. Something will impinge upon them personally in a big way and then they will confront the rest.
Mike, haven’t had a chance yet to read all of the comments so someone may have said something about this already, but I found your point #2 particularly significant. When I first started reading “the blogs” many years ago, I wondered how Scientologists could at all rationalize the idea of so MANY of the top people in Scientology being accused of being degraded, out ethics, criminal, etc. After all, most of these people are highly trained in Scientology, the majority of them OTs and/or experienced auditors. Per DMSMH, the Clear acts as a rational, in ethics being because he has no reactive mind. Later on, LRH used the excuse of “cleared cannibal” as a reason for irrationally acting clears, that is to say, that the clear was acting rationally, but within his education and within the mores of the culture he came from, thus a “cleared cannibal” But of course, that couldn’t be the case with the accused Scientologists as they come from a Scientology culture and have had training and education in Scientology materials usually for decades.
By the way, you see this phenomenon at the org level too, where someone like Tony DePhillips (or myself), people who have been associated with a particular org for decades with an earned admired reputation are suddently promoted as degraded or suppressive or highly out ethics with the majority of staff and public in their area completely and quickly buying into it. Actually goes along with something I’ve been saying for years: nobody invalidates the gains of Scientologists more than other Scientologists. After all, if Scientologists themselves truly believed in the states of clear and OT, wouldn’t a reg quickly accept any response from that person as coming from an unabberrated individual and thus leave him alone? (and certainly accept the data coming from such a person and not feel a need to “handle” the person)
An interesting subject to explore. But a personal confession here. I was an org CS when someone came around to my office to hand me the goldenrod on David Mayo (who was the most admired tech terminal in the world for years – the day he came to my org, I didn’t go to meet him because I was ashamed of my appearance, hadn’t shaved, wearing an old shirt, didn’t know he was showing up that day). When I read the goldenrod story of a squirel, I felt … pretty good. Why would I feel at all good when one of the most admired and senior Scientologists in the world was revealed to be a total low life by Ron himself? Well, probably because it made ME the better man or Scientologist. I was still IN, he was out. I had a higher status than I had a moment before reading it. Aberrated? YOU BET. I made great case gain during my 36 years in the CoS, but not enough I guess in my own eyes at that time.
Yeah, so maybe everyone who knew you, Marty, DeVocht, Headley, Karen, etc can simply say something like “She may have been a Class 12 trained by Ron, but I”M the better person, the REAL Scientologist ethical being,” I do think that all the phenomona associated with service facs is one of LRH’s greatest pieces of true work, but it is ever perplexing that most Scientologists are completely clueless about this. Scientology is supposed to result in ethical, aware, sane individuals … but so many of the long term highest executives in its church for decades are alleged by that very church to have been criminal crazies. This is THE biggest outpoint in just pure thought that has happened in this whole “Scientology story” of the past decade … and yet, your churchies, with all their data series training don’t spot it. Maybe by their sixth re-do of the student hat.
After the newest redo of the student hat, they are qualified to wear dunce caps.
Haha, you “Lady Killer” you, Mike. You’d think they would use one of those many dictionaries around. What a fail.
Another pertinent Nietzschean quote:
He who obeys, does not listen to himself!
I’m curious about people like Jenny Linson who, by all accounts, appear to be absolutely batshit f—ing insane. I mean is she batshit insane in her day to day routine, because i don’t know how she would be able to function like that, or does she turn on and off her insanity like a faucet?
More like a toilet.
kinda like the Energizer Bunny
If all the people in the world to be against psychiatry, Jenny Linson should not be one of them.
***of all the people (stupid autocorrect)
Twelve showings tomorrow, the day of the LA Marathon!
Good way to get out of the 90+ degree heat, except for Dave.
Wow, Going Clear in addition to playing at The Arclight Hollywood is concurrently at The Cinerama Dome. High visibility!
I think everyone’s missed the Why of “lady killer”. Remember, these yo-yos believe in engrams (which don’t exist). They believe that people can be “re-stimulated” by reading or hearing certain words. They think that seeing the words “lady” and “killer” in close proximity will make people revert to some time, probably in the womb, when an abortion discussion was taking place (the most likely place to hear something like that, according to Hubbard), and immediately link a sense of revulsion to Mike. This will work about as well as John Carmichael stage-whispering to an Anon, “I smell puthy”. Carmichael became a meme and a joke the moment that video was uploaded.
Or maybe there is something to this engram business. My first name given at birth was “Ronald”, which was changed when I was formally adopted at two months old. I’ve always had trauma about being adopted. And now, fifty years later, I hate Scientology and especially Hubbard with a passion. What do you dianeticists out there think of that?
It is shocking to me how standardly stupid Miscaviges “attacks” have been showing themselves to be. I just happened to read the “horrible” things Jason Beghe did in FREEDOM (and boy has that paper deterirated over the years since RV Young was on it ) and find constant similar non addresses to every issue brought up. Then I stop and remember what I really think, that Miscavige WANTS Scientology to fail,the tech alter is ed to minor workability;the SO corrupted and robotized to an SP (him) etc. Scientology is shrinking as it would have to acting as it has, and I don’t think it bothers him one bit. His purpose was to close the door.
Your purpose though has been to shine the light a bit and now I am finally starting to see.
Don’t you wish that you could follow in the footsteps of Ron as a Lady Killer, just like Mike?
Too in love with himself.
Too Off-Source.
Yes, you are right, I agree… – wife beater would have been much more appropriate. I do not understand who came up with “Lady Killer”, certainly not a fitting description at all for you Mike.
I never understood the title of your blog “Something Can Be Done About It” – could you explain what “it” is?
It is whatever you want it to be. This is the catchphrase used to promote scientology “volunteer ministers” — no matter what the problem is that you face, “something can be done about it” by a “scientology volunteer minister.”
These really sound like peaceful, church-going people. What a broad vocabulary, too.
Once upon a time, there was a British writer. He wrote 5 books that were languishing in remainder bins–understandably so, as the fellow was barely literate. Then, lightning struck. Undaunted by his past lack of success, he went for #6. This one became a run-away bestseller, a huge one in fact!
Was it because #6 was well-written? Far from it–literacy still eluded the aspiring novelist. Was it because it was original? Only if one overlooks the fact that the exact same idea had been published before by someone else (under the label of speculative non-fiction)–and that time, no one had really noticed. Was the book particularly noteworthy? Only for the tremendous liberties it took–deliberately or in ignorance–with several disciplines of history while claiming to be fiction based on accurate history.
It’s easy to explain that such a humble effort (and an even inferior subsequent movie adaptation) would fail to earn the author the literary respect he craved. What is much more confounding is how the book made its author both a household name as well as very rich!
Yet the answer is so simple: controversy! Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code became a runaway bestseller because it created a huge controversy with people who actually had very good reasons to point out how the book was nothing but sensationalism based on extremely poor research. Despite its lack of intrinsic merit, it managed to “smash the author’s name into history,” so to speak–at least for a while.
Now can you imagine what happens when a Pulitzer Prize winner teams up with an Academy award winner to tell a story that no one has been able to undermine? A story that is actually factual! A story that begs to be told! Now all that is needed to create a runaway hit is outrage and controversy–the more the better!
But wait, we no longer have to imagine this scenario, do we?
It became a bestseller because it was well written with lots of intrigue and action.
MM: See, and therein lies my point. Every year, hundreds of books come out with lots of “intrigue and action” (let’s leave the “well-written” part aside). Most sell a few copies (a novel is considered a “success” in the industry if it sells 6,000+ copies). But how many inspire a regular “mania?” Where people go on tours to visit the sites that the book talks about (only to find that they’re on a fool’s errand as the author did not know what he was talking about).
That’s where hype comes in–even in the form of negative publicity. Dianetics was widely panned when it first came out. And we all know how that turned out.
This applies even more so to a documentary. How many people care enough to watch those? For example, I never knew until recently that Gibney made a critical documentary of the Catholic abuse scandals. Maybe if the Vatican had dead-agented Gibney, I might have noticed?
Anyway, I’m glad to see that the “church” is underwriting a campaign to make this into hopefully one of the biggest documentaries ever!
Nothing is nice or good when dealing with miscavige, nothing!
His ability to introvert and intimidate comes naturally and yet he himself spends his life locked away in seclusion. His enemies are numerous, it is potentially everyone he has ever known or will ever meet. His favourite weapon is a lawyer and he creates liars out of the people in his organisation. The money he has access to is not his, he is the perfect example of a master criminal. He has no remorse, no guilt, no humanity. Christmas to him is a sham along with Thanksgiving – he has no family to share them with, they know him too well and where is his wife – poor Shelly, what did you do and truly, how are you?
He can’t afford a friend, their growing knowledge of him is deadly but he loves submission. Tom Cruise? Take a good look at him along with Travolta et al, miscavige knows all their personal auditing secrets, they are being controlled in the most vile fashion imaginable and not a single word has to be said about it, there doesn’t need to be – that is the true feeling of betrayal’s fear, that low gut retching sensation which redefines vulnerability. Personal confront has no place is such a scenario for those with much to loose, the media is a beast of a thing with an insatiable appetite for the personal foibles of the rich and famous.
The public at large don’t know who miscavige is nor do they care. But his career has been to singlehandedly reduce Scientology to a fool’s mission. Like a viper and a thief in night he stole the hearts and minds of good people who only wanted to help and set life free from tyranny and ignorance. His slippery past is on the cusp of being exposed for the world to see in a format most of them will understand instantly, and like a wounded beast he lashes out. You are in the firing line Mike and anyone else who stands up to him, yet he remains in seclusion. He epitomises what a coward is and does.
Miscavige’s demise will come as breath of fresh air, won’t that be a grand day?
They need to some word-clearing. From Urban Dictionary:
lady killer
an especially handsome man (or handsome woman, depending) with debonair, genteel manners, a slick demeanor, good taste, and an eye for attractive ladies.
they just don’t make fellas like that any more.
Mike, you have my sympathies for the amount of time you had to have put into all this documentation. Miscavige is such an asshole.
Two things keep coming to mind as I have been perusing the almost hourly bad press regarding Scientology:
1. The Streisand Effect. Really? Really Scientology? Do you really have no idea that in the age of the internet, this is a thing? Lordy, lordy, lordy. They are Streisanding so hard they’ve pretty much bought and paid for the film’s Oscar nod.
2. So they’ve shot their wad, attack-wise. I mean, these are all the things they’ve been using/saying, and keep using.
Do they not understand how the 24 hour news cycle works? Now that these media outlets and news agancies have gotten the cult’s “side” and published it, they aren’t going to keep republishing it. And there’s two weeks to go before the film goes viral!
Do they not understand the fuckfest they have in store for them when millions see this on HBO? All that will be out there is Gibney and Wright’s excellent reporting. The public outcry and outrage are going to be the story.
And fucking Cruise and Travolta will be voted off the island. Those two knuckleheads, who are so obviously laying low prior to the TV release, are clearly holding back statements based on advice from publicity wonks so that they can frame their stories in such a way to mitigate as much public relations damage as possible. Since Miscavige got rid or drove off all his most competent people, he does not have that luxury.
I just listened to the entire audio of that rather bizarre encounter. I must say Mike, you sounded even and coherent although the entire fiasco. Quite impressive considering the level of attack and negative energy being thrown at you. What a jaw dropping head shaking scenario. Miscavige must be about 10 miles deep in layers of unreality.
Gross malfeasance! Shit Mike, have you seen a doctor?
A note on a peripheral but telling point: In its letter to THR (an article which you, Mike, have linked to), the “church” pronounces the following: “We agree with a reviewer of the documentary who has described Mr.Gibney’s film as ‘pointless scaremongering.'”
When you look up that particular critic, it becomes clear that he did indeed not like Gibney’s documentary. In fact, he has gripes with Gibney’s work in general. However, that SAME critic goes on to describe Wright’s book as a “masterpiece of narrative reportage.” In other words, it’s the old “the book was so much better than the movie” lament. So this critic’s problem is not with the materials; he just did not like the presentation.
So, one would imagine the “church” picked a quote representative of what “the critics” are thinking about the film. After all, that’s what one would do when trying to make a legitimate point. You know, one of those arguments actually based on, well, evidence…
As with all things scientology, thank Xenu for the internet as it provides a real-time view of what the movie critics’ community REALLY thinks: According to metacritic, 8 critics review the film as “positive,” one is “mixed,” zero are “negative.” Rottentomatoes tabulates twice as many critics. According to it, 17 were positive, 2 were negative. This leads to a score of 89 (out of 100, where 60 is required for a “positive” grade).
To put this score in perspective: Tom Cruise achieved a rating of 89 or better for 8 out of 73 of his movie/TV projects listed (11%), John Travolta 10% (8/79), and Kirstie Alley not quite 4% (2/52). And, if you must know, despite David Miscavige’s input, Battlefield Earth scored a roaring 3% of critics’ acclaim (probably some lone critic who had to remain in good standing with the “church”).
One shudders to think what the scores would be, were one to tabulate the percentage of exposes which draw favorable conclusions of the “church.” OR the percdentage of people who have tried scientology and actually stayed in the “church.” Or the percentage of LRH books that do NOT contain hare-brained claims about science, history, philosophy or the great thetan’s biography!
As the saying goes: The problem with half-truths is that we always tell the wrong half!
I’m so sorry about what the cult did to you. Thank for all you have done for us-ex-sci.and what you will continue to do. I’m so happy you fight for us after all the shit they put you through. I too have lost close family and I know we can get better to some extent but I won’t rest til I can talk to my family again. Thanks again. You will be a hero to me for all time.
“Lady Killer” is the best they could come up with? I should have loaned you some transgressions from my folders.
Mike, you don’t know me but of course as a watcher, criticm Bunkerite and concerned humanist for a long time, I feel like I know a little about you, having observed your journey from point A to point Z with admiration and prayers. I’m a writer too and right off the bat your gift with the English language jumped out at me – your intelligence always shone through everything you said and did (even, God forbid, what you did for Scientology!). Re-reading this transcript in the context of the present-day – from everything that has happened since the incident to everything that is happening at this very moment – it just jumps out at me how bravely you have handled everything you have been through, and how you have stood tall through it all. Not only have you borne the weight of it yourself, you have also taken it on yourself to risk even more slings and arrows by standing as a beacon of truth for others.
Please accept my respect and admiration and I’m sure I speak for many, many others who may have more direct reasons to thank you.
I do believe your kids will come through this somehow. It’s a gut feeling, but I believe it. There is clearly sanity and integrity in at least 1/2 of their genes.
I’ve read this before and thanks for re-posting! Just as unsettling this time.
This behavior of the Scientologists is the best evidence one could want to show that Scientology does NOT work. You do NOT become able to communicate, free from hostilities of life, able to spot the source of problems and make them clear, etc. — and you do NOT become free of the imagined reactive mind, you do NOT become able to be at cause over matter, energy, space, time, life, and thought both subjectively and objectively, you do NOT become able to be stably exterior with full perceptics, you do NOT become able to effect immediate change in the real world via postulates, … and so on.
As to “lady killer” — who cares. It’s a compliment at least in American English, meaning someone who is quite charming and attractive to women.
I think it was in the movie Addams Family values that someone looks at Gomez and says what a lady killer he was (meaning handsome, etc.) — and Gomez simply responds, “acquitted.”
So again, Scientology, through a failure to learn English, deals what is meant to be an insult, but in using the phrase “lady killer” really hands out a compliment.
What a bunch of failed-word-uncleared idiots!
Zombies moaning for brains would be a model of rationality and decorum compared directed swarm attacks like that.
It’s seems amazing to me that these powerful, enlightened, “at cause” beings, Scientologists, are so mentally delicate and vulnerable that they must continuously be protected from “supressive persons” and any criticism of their “religion.”
It’s because this discovery of a workable technology, apparently on a par with the laws of the physical universe, when applied does not produce states as unshakable as the physical universe.
Mike Maddux,
You actually make two amazing points in that short post, and I’m guessing you are being facetious and know the exact reason why they aren’t allowed to read this stuff.
1. If the “church” was “all that”, journalists would be welcome, not banned as members, because the large majority of the articles written would be glowing.
2. How can a “church” that is supposed to make people so able be full of fragile people who can’t even read criticism?
I once said that the reason I met my ex husband was because although my father told me about the concept of evil, I had never seen it in real life so didn’t know how to recognize it when it entered my life.
I believe, and I think most of us reading this would agree, that if people were allowed to read the articles, the truth would shake them out of their hypnotic state.
That is one of the most telling facts about the cultishness of Scientology. Members must be protected from outside ideas at all costs.
“It’s for your own good.” – Office of Specious Affairs
Graham Berry – you are another “big being” who did something about it. THANK YOU!! You paid a price to expose the criminal organization called Scientology and we appreciate everything you did. Big Hug!
Heh – Scientology has a list of HERO’S on their website called “Freedom Magazine” – all those people ‘
A deep heartfelt thank you – to you all.
You know you are a big being if you make Freedom Magazine Website put out by the evil cult of Scientology!
Mike – You are loved and supported. We love your blog and would do anything to help you. You truly are “doing something about it”.
Everyone can see right through the Scientology propaganda and mind control methods – “attack” never defend.
By exposing this on the internet – you are saving lives.
I bet a few more will leave the cult after reading your blog today. Thank you!
You let us know if you need help with anything. Exposing the criminal and abusive way Scientology tries to silence the critics is very effective.
The courts won’t handle Scientology – but we can stop people from going in…and that is exactly what we are doing!!
VERY WELL DONE and we love you!
Here is a little of WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY….for those lurkers considering if they should stay in…
Interveiwer: Jenny Linson, What attracted you to Scientology?
Jenny Linson: Why, I love people and I wanted to help. I wanted to serve others and I thought Scientology would free mankind…so I wanted to be part of that.
Interviewer: How long have you been in Scientology Jenny, and what is your post?
Jenny Linson: I have been in for 35 years and I work for the Ecclesiastical Leader, David Miscavige as a communicator and handler. I am in the Sea Organization where I signed a billion year contract where I am not allowed to leave, speak ill of the founder or the leader and I can’t talk about anything I see happen in Scientology. My job is to handle anyone who makes Scientology look bad, even if it is the truth.
Interviewer: Can you explain after 35 years your “wins” of being in Scientology working as a volunteer for the leader, David Miscavige? BUT – Before you do Jenny, we have a tape we want to play for you from some episodes you had in 2010-2014. Please listen and then tell us how you help people?
Interviewer plays tape: Jenny Linson is saying “you cock sucking piece of shit” to Mike Rinder. Then more of the “fuck you” “fuck you” “you cock sucker”….for about 2 hours.
Interviewer plays next segment: Jenny Linson is circling Marty Rathbun in LAX airport saying “No one gives a FUCK about you Marty”…over and over and over.
The tape ends and the Interviewer says: ” Jenny, can you tell us your wins from your helping people and serving David Miscavige, the leader of Scientology?”
Jenny Linson: “Fuck you – you piece of shit cock sucker” and storms off.
And THAT ^^ folks, is Scientology
After I went into Sea Org, then B1, I was taught how to lie. Completely and convincingly. I was drilled on it daily until I could lie easily and with conviction.
Why I chose to throw away the years of living life honestly and truthfully the way my father taught me to live a life of lying, cheating and stealing and justifying that it was the right thing to do still boggles my mind.
The reason I say this is because after I left, at one point I tried to tell what happened to me and people began to attack me, telling me I was lying. I just walked away rather than fight with them.
I have no reason to defend whether or not what happened to me was true. I lived it. I know it was true. The taste of lies on my tongue are bitter and well left to my past life.
The problem with that is that when you are living your life in Scientology, you are forced to lie on a daily basis. This is true not only with staff but public, you are forced to even lie to yourself as to how you feel. Mike will happily attest to that.
The Catch 22 to this is that what you leave the “church” and attempt to tell the truth, the people who taught you to lie and forced you to tell those lies in order to survive, turn that against you and accuse you of being a liar (because you lied in the past) when you gain the integrity you lost over the years and come forth with the truth.
IMHO anything coming from Scientology is tainted simply by the source of origin. The people are trained to lie and will do so at will. Therefore, I seldom read a Scientology press release because it will be false.
I will read most offerings from ex-Scientologists because I believe they are struggling to regain their sense of balance and rediscover the truth.
That being said; COS vs Rinder? Rinder is telling the truth.
You go lady killer. I just hope your wife appreciates the fact that you are recognized worldwide for your sex appeal. LOL.
Thanks for telling this aspect of your story.
No-answers are a bad habit I’m just waking up to. It’s a very diluted version of TR-L, but widely used.
Mike Rinder,
Keep auditing the process as you are getting TA.
Mike, Thank you for posting all the details, time, place, form, event of their overts on you. The docs you incuded are needed and are strong evidence that the church once again lied lied lied about you and about how your wife got the scratch on her arm that she tried to make look bigger by placing a bandage over perfect skin next to the scratch. And the lies that you abandoned your family are easily disproven. You are applying the actual LRH tech on “How To Handle Black Propaganda.” The church doesn’t follow it’s own scripture in this regard and in every other regard. I’d say you have a strong case for a slander and libel suit against them.
Mike you are a very kind, considerate and responsible person with a tons of courage. I can only imagine what it means being stalked by PIs, attacked harassed and smeared by these crooks. Not to mention to see ones relatives falling victim to this gross insanity. It must be at times really heartbreaking. The fact you keep going shows what a great person you are.
When I started to look at the church a few years ago, to see if they had improved (haha), the first thing I noticed their complete and utter lies and fabrications they issued to the media in response to the Truth Rundown. The Truth Rundown gave some credibility to the abuses, but the responses of the CO$ were the most damming pieces of evidence that this organization is rotten to the core. Truth and truthfulness are completely foreign to them. They beat anything and anybody when it comes to turning the truth upside down, lying viciously and showing no regard for any actual facts.
They are in a bitter fight with the truth they cannot win. In this light the smear campaigns actually do some good by further exposing their soulless rotten core to the world only accelerating the demise of the CO$.
I believe David Miscavige is telling the world about himself through Freedom magazine. All the labels he uses seem to apply to himself or perhaps his BFF.
CoS has become a sleazy joint.
Sorry you are going through this shit. Your brother was there and witnessed the fact that the “Freedom” “report” is a crock. You had a bit of a heart to heart with him and most Aussies are straight talking dudes. Is there any way to get a message to him that says “Read all about me in Freedom magazine. Andrew, you were there. Look how you church lies. Does that not concern you.? How about speaking out that they have totally distorted the incident? Read my blog – a large number of scientologists do already. And while you are there click on the letter to my family button to find how I really feel about them”
Such class in that audio coming off those toolbags.
I am impressed no punches were thrown.
Ultimately though that is the sort of response they wet their knickers over.
Gotta say though the best sound in the world is hearing “Fuck Off” in Aussie…lol…it just makes me smile. 🙂
David Miscavige has no respect for his own family. He will exploit anyone, anytime, and anywhere to keep the spot light off himself. So glad the movies are coming out, and the books will help as well.
Where’s Shelly, David Miscavige? Where’s Barbara? Where’s Lori’s children? Anyone seen Lou? Where are you David Miscavige?
“Lady Killer”, “Handsome Devil”, these are idioms that are compliments. A charming, handsome man – well, take the compliment. The cult really has twisted the language so much with jargon that they don’t even know how to use lady killer correctly. Boomerang. When I first saw this, I thought, gee, this must be about philandering, but no, they really don’t know what the words mean!!
The reviews are in for Going Clear:
“Fantastic! Powerful! Gut Wrenching. Sad! Shocking! Revealing! – OSD
If you haven’t done so already, go see “Going Clear – The Prison of Belief.”
The theater was packed and all had a great time there. Michael Mallen and I attended the 5:15p showing.
This film is a blockbuster!
Sounds like you had a great night OSD. Can’t wait to see it!
was great to see u there…
Right back at you! Nice theater too! They even had a small restaurant and bar.
$cientology is left with nothing but the Chewbacca defense. The recent Pouwgrams sent to anyone reviewing Going Clear are just another exercise in snake oil salesmanship. The really funny thing is, these ‘pouwgrams’ are among the best advertising that Going Clear can get.
What is larger then a footnuke? A footnova? We need a new level of foot destruction to describe the current state of $cieno public relations.
Yet every loyal minion still has their nose to the grindstone, they have ‘alliances’ with other Idle mOrgs, so now they have to work for 2 or more places that need massive amounts of sheet rock to look like a mega mall Brookstone. If you have money or can get some, you are on the reg list. Not even your Fair-Issac credit score can protect you.
I urge all exs and anyone with real experience with clam harassment to get a small video/sound recorder. Having a record is the best defense.
“I urge all exs and anyone with real experience with clam harassment to get a small video/sound recorder. Having a record is the best defense.”
Over at the Hollywood reporter they printed Karin Pauws entire response to Going Clear.
Her response was exactly the same as Heber’s back in the day.
It is the exact same philosophy of dead agenting tech. The same bold faced lying rhetoric that Scientology has been using since the beginning.
When you feel frustrated at the continued lying from church officials about ANY criticism:
I think a great media project would be to collect all of Scientology’s media response to critics. Those responses in writting and on camera.
Then get LRH’s quote on no absolutes in the MEST universe. Then try to find one Scientology response that says, “ok, you have a legitimate view. We need to improve that. Thanks for bringing it up.”
Not one response from Scientology has ever admitted any any any wrong doing ever.
That is an absolute. The evidence of this type of response presents the self evident truth that they lie.
Then find all references from Ron on how to deal with the press and criticism. All references on how to deal with the press, by Ron, should be compiled and sent to all media outlets.
By doing this we can empower the media to the truth behind the constant lying.
What we are seeing in Karin’s response to critics is a time honored technique that all black ops Scientologist’s learn from Ron.
But sometimes I feel Indies do not want to present that actual writings to the media because it would be yet another black mark on Ron.
When the media knows the script that church spokespersons use, it will be easier to cut through the lie.
Please, if someone has these course materials that train Scientology PR people, make a compilation and send out to all media world wide.
I think this is a brilliant idea, Brian. On it.
I earlier had seen the John Sweeney film and I remember thinking that the people who were screaming at you were CRAZY. (And I saw that at a time when I still didn’t have an opinion about you one way or the other.) I still think so, but MORE. The Sweeney tape is really damning of them.
And I think Jenny L. is a mad dog. Any encounter she participates in (Marty at LAX) is going to make her and whoever she is with look like screaming meemies.
Footbullet big time for Co$.
The saddest thing about all of this, and your film of trying to speak to Benjamin at FLAG confirms it, is that disconnection is horribly alive and well (sorry, Tommy D.) and that you have lost contact with your children and the ability to let them know that they have a loving father.
A big difference between your precise exposee, including documents, dates, names, and so on versus the manic ranting of a mad man going insane where no specifics, no dates, false accusations, and so on are used to try to undermine his ‘enemies’.
However, his worst enemy is himself and his crimes, so no matter how much he rants, matters won’t be solved; and, just to keep the tradition, he has a wrong why.
I bet is disturbing to have to see all these lies and thank you for taking the time in giving the facts. Yes, the film shows much more of which the leader does not even mentioned.
Oh, and knowing you the last think I will believe is that you are a lady killer and, if you are one is because of the great photo and personality you have. Now, that can ‘kill’ ladies!
DM and the Co$ should bear in mind the catchphrase “Pot calling the kettle black”! Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us their continual footbulletings are becoming thermonuclear!
Before today, I thought a “lady killer” was a hot guy who had the women swooning over them. I confirmed it by looking at a dictionary. So much for Scientology’s vaunted dictionary tech.
I have a small confession. I do kinda swoon over Mike’s voice, love the accent.
Damn! Wish I had been known as a “Lady Killer” in my younger years. I was always the “Buzz Killer.” Not quite the same…
DM reminds me of Admin Know-How Series 15
“There are two uses (violently opposed to each other) to which Scientology orgs can be put. They are;
1. To forward the advance of self and all dynamics toward total survival.
2. To use the great power and control of an org over others to defend oneself.
When a decent being goes to work in an org, he uses 1.
When a suppressive goes to work he uses 2.”
Looks the only purpose of corporate Scientology is to defend DM.
A big fat MU on ladykiller. Endlessly inept.
It still shocks me to think that I ever supported this group. The way these people treated you in that parking lot was so deranged it’s hard to believe. And their lying bull pucky after the fact is ridiculously juvenille. It would be funny as hell if it were not so evil, and if so many people weren’t being harmed by them.
“HBO has 114 million subscribers across the globe…”
Of all my friends, only one is a subscriber. However, several of us are going over to his house to watch the Going Clear documentary.
I wonder how many people worldwide will soon see the insanity of miscavige and his cult. I wonder how many might just venture over here and read what you just wrote about how you were treated by family who have been driven insane by their own prison of belief.
I suppose it’s possible that literally hundreds of millions of people, by the end of this month, will see what a psycho the leader of scientology is. They will also see how far the “church” will go, and how much they will lie in order to cover their previous lies and obfuscate the lies and misrepresentations which have been extant since it’s inception.
If the useful parts of the subject have any hope of continued existence, those who care about it are going to have to face up to the hard, cold truth of the bad and the ugly.
HBO has a new feature called Now. For $14.95 you can purchase a month subscription and stream it. All you need is an Internet connection. It’s less than a price of theater ticket.
Spread the news. Here’s the site with info.
Thanks Brian, that streaming HBO is what I needed. I already have the popcorn.
Wow, I am in. HBO is a must have.
Btw. Mike, is libel also religiously protected? Is there no chance to sue them?
barefacedmessiah, when suing for Libel or slander you are suing because of DAMAGES. One needs to to show damages (and prove them) in order to make it worth while. It is neither here nor there that a religious entity is involved.
I checked the streaming HBO deal. It says it is premiering in April on Apple devices like Apple TV and IPAD and IPhone. Unfortunately I don’t have these devices.
Also, HBO NOW is US-only…
Most US cable companies would love the opportunity to possibly aquire a new HBO customer, and to that end, would be happy to offer you a three month free trial as bait. Just call and waffle a bit. Then set a reminder on your calendar to cancel.
“It still shocks me to think that I supported this group.”
Me, too, LDW. And, Mike, when I first read that Miscavige is calling you a “lady killer”, I thought how amazing that he would be complimenting you like this in that as most of us know, this is a term for a man who attracts women lots of women very easily. Reading further I understood that Miscavige actually meant the term literally! This is too funny! Carry on with your amazing stupidity, cult, you’re doing splendidly.
“But, DM couldn’t have foreseen that his little ambush squad would approach me when I was on the phone with John Sweeney from the BBC in the midst of a recorded interview! ”
When I read this story back when it happened, I pictured Davie plastered to the grill of the Karma Bus. LOL
‘When I read this story back when it happened, I pictured Davie plastered to the grill of the Karma Bus’
I wish Regraded Being found an opportunity to work this image into one of his priceless cartoons 🙂
When I read “lady killer”, I thought oh some other stuff they came up with regarding Mike. Nope, just the same old BS. Someone really needs to get a dictionary.
Mike, sorry for all the crap you have to take. Be assured that ex-scientologists can see right through them. Now the general public will see it too with the documentary.
One of these days, your children will come back to you.
Study tech has escaped David Miscavige evidently, but then Mike did so aptly point out recently that David Miscavige is not a Scientologist.
“You can be certain the statements about the others are no less false.” Since I am also included in Freedom magazine’s horrible and sleazy smear campaign I assume your comment also includes me. Your comment nearly brought me to tears after 21 years of being on the receiving end of the continued publication of allegations that had all been subsequently recanted and disproven but are still being spread by church; to my great damage and distress. Mike, to the extent your comment includes me, I sincerely thank you for posting it. It truly means so much to me that you in particular, because of your previous position in the church, would state it. Thank you again.
Graham, it definitely includes you.
Thank you so much Mike. Now you have really caused me to well up with teary eyes. Few things that have been written to me have meant so much as your comment has. You are a good and decent man, and you and your lovely family deserve the very best in life. With much emotion and great appreciation, sincerely, Graham.
Graham, I can imagine what you have had to endure as well. Thanks for what you have done to help end this reign of terror implented by this “church.” Your post brought tears to my eyes as well.
‘Going Clear’ has opened up a whole new world of accepting one another as a united force against an enduring evil in our midst that needs to be decimated, to put aside the past, and allow the healing to begin. Your integrity & sincerity clearly showed itself in the documentary, Mike, and I only wish you & your loving family the very best in the future.
Graham, I knew very little about you when I saw that bullshit they said about you and even I knew it was exactly that, bullshit. Most people who know nothing of Co$, or the fight against it, see it for what it is too. Disgusting propaganda.
You are a good man Sir. Nothing they say or do will ever change that and they aren’t swaying anyones opinion now. Wishing you and yours the best.
Dear Graham, Thank you for your posting here (it sure touched my heart) as well as your support of the Angry Gay Pope.
In the movie review of the Alex Gibney/HBO Films Documentary, Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief that I posted to Mike Rinder’s Blog last night (and to JennyAtLAX*), I failed to mention that I had the pleasure of sitting with Angry Gay Pope (“AGP”) & Company.
When I arrived at the Arclight Hollywood just a few minutes before showtime, I dutifully took my seat. The first showing of a movie in a city that sleeps by day meant that there would invariably be a few empty seats, and there were. As I wondered if I knew anyone in the theater, I heard AGP’s most distinctive laugh! They sat ten empty seats away in the row above me. “I’d recognize that laugh anywhere,” I exclaimed as I shook hands with the AGP for the first time. He suggested I sit with them, so I moved over.
Sitting with AGP made the movie going experience that much more enjoyable. In fact, two people sitting in front of us moved just as the movie began, with distaste dripping from their collective lower lip as one declared, “Let’s move away from the ‘comments’ section!”
I found joy in laughing wildly with the AGP & Company almost every time David Miscavige, aka Four Feet Thirteen (“FFT”) leader of Scientology Inc., came on the screen. It felt good to finally realize the pent-up feelings of my own distaste for Scientology Inc’s Poster Child (it’s interesting to note that through “ShermanSpeak,” FFT never ever actually says anything one can understand).
I do, however, regret having sat three seats away from the AGP because I missed out on almost everything he said!
* https://jennyatlax.wordpress.com/2015/03/14/movie-review-going-clear-scientology-the-prison-of-belief/
Take heart, Graham. The more the COS lies, the more they prove what liars they have always been.
You’re a good man, Graham! A very good man…
This Old School stuff does not fly anymore.
Like the Chinese Cultural Revolution, it will fall apart.
Just another day in the circus life of ‘the most ethical group on the planet’. Their insanity is astounding.
Mike: I have a copy of the parking lot audio. You are welcome to it.
Thanks Kevin. I was reminded that Tony O had put it on YouTube and have now linked to it in the story….
Cool. For me that tape was a “smoking gun” of sorts. I resigned from Scientology shortly there after as I could no longer see myself being associated with a group in which senior members of Scientology acted in such an outrageous manner.
“There are two different types of people in the world, those who want to know, and those who want to believe.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
“A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows.”
-Mark Twain
Good one!
Worked like a charm.
The full audio is here, remember?
Thanks, I totally forgot. Added it to the post. Blush.
I’d heard this before but listening anew it’s actually quite chilling how demented and psychotic these people sound. This is how fully-frocked, non-bitter apostles of this “Church” behave. Incredible.
In order for Mike to be a “lady killer”, Cathy would have to be a lady.
Cathy, as evidenced, is no lady.
Cathy: (on the phone with DM monitoring) Mike, you listen now. You listen to me, you’re going to listen. You are committing SP daily and nightly acts and you’re not gonna do it anymore. Stay away from Benjamin, stay away from Marty and Christie, just stay away okay. You have no idea what you’re dealing with here, okay, you just don’t know who you’re fucking with, okay. We’ll leave it at that. And while you’re at it, stop breathing too and just fade into the woodwork and let us go on salvaging this sector while…
Mike: Cathy, I’ve got you on speakerphone and Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright are here with me.
DM: Hang up the phone and get back in The Hole.
Cathy: Yes sir!
(End of transmission)
Glad you clarified the “lady killer” comment, I thought they were alleging that you (while in the SO) had affairs, were a “womanizer”.
Yes, that’s what I thought…except that I didn’t believe THAT. It boggles the mind… When Mike said that someone didn’t know what “Lady Killer” actually meant I realized that they are stupider than I thought possible.
Merriam-Webster: lady–killer
noun la·dy–kill·er \ˈlā-dē-ˌki-lər\
: a man who is known for being very attractive to women and who has relations with many women
Seems like they haven’t word cleared it?
From Addams Family Values, where Gomez and Mortica meet their new nanny:
Miscavigology is insane, criminal and nasty to an extreme. It can have “religious protection” and the money to buy the best lawyers and furniture, but it matters not. The truth continues to pour out into the general public in an ever growing HUGE wave. The more they try to lie their way out of things, the worse they make themselves look. All their “handlings” confirm who and what they are. The cult has been contracting for 3 decades and now the plug is really being pulled. Their failure is inevitable.
Yea, I hate to say it, but I am proud of the First Amendment and its protections because it is a strong statement in the belief of the individual to chose. But as far as the church of scientology (miscavige) is concerned, the individual parishioner better know what they are signing away when they sign something with this church. Now that individual has forfeited his right to protection of the laws of the land.
So, I agree with you Matt, this church is losing members and gaining none because of what is becoming more and more known about its evil ways.
I do have a dust mote size particle of hope that it will lose its tax exempt status but I won’t hold my breath.
What’s the process to lose tax exemption in the US?
Unclepin, I think you have to have someone in the D of J that has the power and even cares and then they need the money too. Now I have no hope.
Thanks, McCarran.
I was googling the topic and found this article, where the subject is the possibility to revoke non-profit status based on sexual discrimination.
Co$ is prime target with its homophobic ‘scripture’, which is very much alive and practiced on a daily basis, it’s jaw dropping what goes around in casual conversations alluding to LRH’s take on the subject.
unclepepin. won’t work with a church in the USA. SCotUS rightfully squashed that like a bug. (note the date of the article)
Love to you Mike. The vile filth of the cult is a burden we all share – may it end soon xxx
How they altered the facts is totally insane. It would be libelous if they couldn’t hide behind the 1st amendment – although I doubt our country’s forefathers anticipated this kind of behavior from a “church.”
To refer to you as “lady killer” is egregious. But, it is so easily seen through. I would be fairly certain that anyone, other than a kool-aid guzzling fanatic, would discard their words as they are so obviously attempting to smear you.
I love the quote above from Hollywood Reporter. They just attack the person. They say everything they are saying are lies. Everything. I’d say 99.99% of people with 1/2 of a brain sees that kind of response for what it is.
Why doesn’t Miscavige speak up for his “church?” I think the answer to that is quite obvious: he is a coward and a bully (that’s actually redundant).
The onslaught of legal cases gets more and more testimony into the public record, until the dam breaks from too many cracks.
It’s a perfect example of how over-the-top ridiculous the church is in slandering critics. Aside from the fact that it IS slander as has been proven before, there is this simple fact:
I defy you to find one single, credible organization that deals with violence against women that would try to use a “clever” play on words like “lady killer” in describing domestic abuse…
And that’s what the Church never gets. Miscaivage, or whomever came up with the “lady killer” quip was probably exchanging high fives and thinking they’d scored some type of serious zinger. Meanwhile, the rest of the world looks at it, and thinks, Jesus, what a bunch of creeps.
This kind of thing is not surprising. I was only out of high school 1 year (1 YEAR) that the Ethics Officer at NY began promoting that me and my family were former devil worshippers, that my parents were supposed to have gotten me involved. I was accused of having a “hidden history” of suicide attempts (3). Anything, the church could confuse anybody into believing EXCEPT the fact that they themselves were spotted doing something wrong by me for one, for which a correction was available. That is what the Church of Scientology stands for. 🙂
DM gives new meaning to “Branch Davidian” with his own special kind of Waco.
Or did you mean “wacko”?
Oh yes, Mike… they can’t do anything but lie, as per “Church” founder orders as established since the fifties. I was treated the same, with some ten complaints – one was signed by you know, your then friend Rick. The cult is cultishly and most probably keeping on o,ntently its terrorist image who could either kill you, or keep you for years in RPFs, or blackmail you till the end of your life.
That your wife helped them then is indredibly ridiculous. They are getting furteher now: they use against me a fraud whom I helped for years against scientology, giving him their poisonous drink of the lrh’s old man poisons..