My apologies for being somewhat out of touch on the blog over the last little while. I have been attending to some business. I was looking for something tonight for another reason and came across this post I did on Marty Rathbun’s blog in November 2011. I thought it very relevant to much that has been said of late and so I am republishing it here for any who may not have read it back at that time. The use of the term “POB” in here was understood by the blog readers at the time to be “Pope on a Box” a reference to the fact that Miscavige uses an “apple box” to make him appear taller (an apple box is a common film-making term for a box used for this purpose to raise actors in a scene).
In any event, I thought this might be of interest today as it is just as valid now as when it was written. Perhaps even more so.
Some Background:
David Miscavige has a long history of financial rape extending back to his days as “Chairman of the Board Author Services” in the 1980’s. There he oversaw theBattlefield Earth and Mission Earth “special editions” and “signed artwork prints” exorbitantly priced rip-offs sold as “investments.” Anyone who owns these virtually worthless “properties” knows how much they are worth and how much bullshit hype accompanied their sale.
Miscavige also directed the pillaging of org book accounts, forcing orgs and missions to buy bookstocks that they did not need (many of them rotted in basements and eventually became worthless when the “new editions” came out) as the income to the Pubs Orgs resulting in increasing HIS stats at ASI (and consequently his bonuses).
And let’s not forget the International Finance Police, launched under his personal supervision, who went to orgs and missions and “fined” them for imagined transgressions and took the money from their accounts without any recourse.
But these were just warm up rounds to prepare him for the multi-million dollar scams to come – the IAS, “Basics” and “Ideal Orgs.”
In late 2006, David Miscavige ordered Janet McLaughlin (President IASA) and her executives, who were in Los Angeles at the time, rounded up and taken to the Hole. Janet’s husband, Colm, was sent to the Freewinds under guard where he was put in lockdown. Colm remains there to this day, separated from his wife for 5 years. He has reportedly tried to escape, but was gang tackled on the dock and dragged back to the ship (Security telling the Port Police that he was “drunk”).
The IAS had appeased Miscavige with extravagant gifts and vacations over the years (and he in turn had been the chief fundraiser for the IAS – he liked to announce to anyone in his vicinity that “he could raise more money with his pinkie, and without ever uttering the word “money” than all the IAS regges put together).
Huge amounts of money were spent by the IAS to cater to POB – and it was funded through a scheme whereby the staff of the IAS were paid “bonuses” that they turned over to form a slush fund for POB/Tom Cruise jaunts/parties/food/gifts.
Despite the well-known arrogance of the IAS executives, their shopping sprees in London, Paris and Los Angeles, their bonuses and perks…. President IASA had become disenchanted with the over the top extravagances of POB and especially with respect to his best friend and “Deputy COB,” Tom Cruise.
Being in disagreement with POB was a one way ticket to oblivion, and Janet made her disagreements known. In fact, she was in LA as she had asked to meet “COB” face to face in order to air her disagreements. He in turn had her tailed by PI’s, her car had a tracking device installed on it, her phones were monitored.
Her “disaffection” gave Miscavige a justification for taking her out. The operation was executed in typical Miscavige total overwhelm style. 30 people descended on the IAS Offices in LA to round up the 5 women and separate and contain Colm.
Concurrently orders were sent to the Freewinds, executed by the RTC Rep Lurie Bellotti, CO CMO Ship Sue Price and Miscavige’s favorite hitman, CaptainFreewinds, Mike Napier. All IAS staff were herded into the Starlight Cabaret, their phones, beepers and computers were confiscated and they were all made to “confess” to their crimes against Miscavige (i.e. any agreement with Janet that Miscavige and Cruise were overly extravagant). The only ones that survived the purge were those who were loyal to Miscavige. As a separate note, Mike Napier is widely hated by the staff on the Freewinds. He is a Miscavige pet who has been protected even though he had out 2D with a shore terminal, and also with the Bookstore Officer Freewinds, while married. He was not beached, nor sent to the RPF, or removed from post. In fact, his indiscretions were kept quiet and dealt with by Sue Price and Lurie Belotti . Napier is a real piece of work, hypocritically vicious “I am unreasonable about 2D out ethics”, including requiring Freewinds staff to get his permission to marry, which he would often withhold simply out of cruelty.
With Janet and anyone in agreement with her out of the way, Miscavige began running the IAS personally. He was in daily communication with IAS Regges (though he falsely claims in legal filings that he has nothing to do with the day to day operations of the church and nothing at all to do with the IAS).
Since late 2006, with nothing but POB sycophants in the IAS , it has become his personal “SS” (the few remaining in RTC and the CMO are his personal “Gestapo”) and as a result the IAS has taken over Scientology like a cancer taking over and destroying a body. Today, the IAS are beyond criticism as “everyone knows” if you mess with the IAS you are “messing with COB.”
The IAS specialize in doom and gloom briefings accompanied by intense pressure to suck blood out of the stones that pass for Scientology public these days. It is ironic that the guy who is running them stands on stage at his international extravaganzas proclaiming massive expansion and worldwide acceptance of Scientology at “unprecedented, unparalleled, unreal and unbelievable” levels.
These days, everyone is fair game for the IAS – more and more SO members show up on the rolls of patron gluteus maximus as they become older and eventually inherent from their parents, along with former SO Members trying to buy their way back into good graces.
And even the RPF are now prospects for the voracious regges. If someone in the RPF has money, all the rules of the RPF are set aside. Regges take people out of the RPF to hit them up (often at 2 in the morning when they are trying to make a quota and there are no other people around, so they happily roust RPFers out of bed to gang reg them). Some have even been convinced to pay over their inheritance to “make up the damage” for supposed offenses that caused them to be assigned to the RPF.
Under COB IAS the pressure to increase income has increased dramatically. The FSO quota for the annual IAS event was $10 million a couple of years ago, its probably more by now.
COB IAS has morphed the IAS, which is not contemplated in any policy, into a massive parasite immune to any efforts to curtail its insatiable appetite.
The Basic on The Basics
When Miscavige originally ordered that the manuscripts be gathered together for all LRH books and compared to the published editions, Jon Horwich and myself were assigned the job of going through the books.
We had a time machine order from Miscavige to get a book done EACH DAY. It also included putting together a glossary for each book. This of course was insane, made doubly so by the fact that Jon and I were spending almost as much time answering questions from Miscavige’s personal staff and his other sycophants demanding to know what we had done and whether we would “meet the TM” as we were working on the books.
In the end, people were assigned to stand over us to keep us awake – we were sleeping a maximum of 2 hours a nite because it was easier not going to bed than being woken up constantly by idiots demanding we get out of bed because we were “behind TM, and if COB says it can be done in this amount of time you are proving you are CI to him and LRH if you don’t meet the TMs and go to bed instead.”
Eventually, Miscavige busted us off the project as “CI” he “personally took it over” because “nobody else could do it.”
He then spent 2 years completing this job (virtually 24/7 if you believe the statements the church makes to the media) he had ordered and beaten us to get done in 2 weeks!
But then, “because COB had put so much time and effort into it” it became the MOST IMPORTANT thing in Scientology. Every part of it, from the editing of the text to the typesetting, cover design, what words are in the glossaries, setting up the printing presses was “personally done” by “COB.” Of course, this is how everything goes in his world – nobody can be trusted to do anything right, so he has to be the only one.
The real tragedy came when the books (and lectures) were released.
Now it was a personal affront to “COB” if the sales were not “highest ever” each week as this was “the MOST IMPORTANT THING in the history of Scientology.” He set his usual unreal quotas – it goes like this. “There are 8 million Scientologists in the world, every one of them needs at least one set, so we need to sell 8 million and if that doesn’t happen I will find who is CI and blow them away.” And thus the insanity ratcheted up to a level never seen before.
Staff everywhere became “book consultants” with quotas that had to be met each day or they could not go to bed. This included ALL OF MANAGEMENT, including WISE, SMI, ABLE and OSA. RTC became the booksales quota police, enforcing that nobody could go to bed without meeting their quota.
In this era the criminality on book lines reached new lows. Huge numbers of people had books debited from their accounts without their knowledge. People were regged to buy sets for others – and they subsequently showed up on the doorstep of unsuspecting public who had separately bought their own copies. It even descended to “loaning debits” – people would be convinced to “borrow” others APs to get sets of books and then “repay” the persons’ account at a later date. SMI and ABLE began taking reserves accounts from the few remaining missions and groups. Mission Starter packages that had been donated in previous stat push campaigns were “converted” into Basics packages.
Of course, the criminality was applauded when the “stats” were reported by the RTC Rep (the RTC Rep ILO, Tracye Danilovich is one of the most incompetent people ever to rise to a position of authority in the church – her ONLY talent is telling POB what he wants to hear and screaming at others that they are “CI”) and then subsequently when the criminality was exposed that same RTC Rep would be indignant that anyone would sink to such levels of out ethics.
The DM Birthday Game
See earlier posts on the subject of Ideal Orgs:
This is the third prong of the master propagandist who sucks the lifeblood out of anyone in his vicinity.
The LRH Birthday Game, as covered in LRH ED 339R and 339R-1 is to make all orgs the size of Old St Hill – and in so doing, make being on staff viable and move all staff up the Bridge to OT.
But POB had a better idea as that was just too damned hard.
Convince Scientologists that what they should do instead is buy fancy (often out of the way) buildings, and call these “Ideal Orgs.” This of course required NO management structure, no Universe Corps of auditors and C/Ses to move the staff to OT and the PUBLIC could be made responsible for getting it done through the “OT Ambassadors.” But even more amazing – they would raise the money and buy the building and it would then be turned over to Int Reserves.
And the side benefit – keep showing the Kool Aid drinkers buildings and keep pounding in that this equates to “expansion.”
Today, all that is required to “demonstrate” expansion under POB’s watch is to buy more buildings (or sell more Basics). No delivery needed. No new people in. No raw public booksales.
The crown jewel of this strategy is been the “Super Power” building. They have convinced people to turn over enough money to build the “cathedral” 3 times over, telling them that the “last money is needed to complete the building this year” for at least 5 years.
This, all by itself, is a massive moneymaker. And without the need to deliver a single hour of auditing or course – in fact, it probably makes more money empty than full! Though POB promotes that this is the tech that will “make planetary clearing a reality” (KTL which was the earlier touted solution isn’t mentioned any more and isn’t even sold or delivered, and there isn’t much talk about 10,000 on Solo NOTs handling the planet either ) he will not complete the building as to do so will result in 2 things:
- A drop in income
- Exposing that the place is a cavernous morgue as he cannot fill it up and it will be apparent to ANYONE.
The DM Birthday Game is about MEST and money. Auditing and training is long forgotten in the world of the RCS. If Miscavige is the Pope, Money is the King.
What Your Fees Buy:
This is what LRH said about money given to the Church. It is something that used to be broadly distributed in the Church but is now hard to come by (for obvious reasons). These are excerpts that make clear just what you were buying when you paid for auditing and training, when there was no separate IAS regging, no Ideal Org regging, no CCHR regging or “donations to libraries” regging. EVERYTHING was paid for through the sale and delivery of Scientology SERVICES.
By L. Ron Hubbard
So the fees you pay for service do not go to me.
A Sea Org member draws only about four pounds a week and his room and board. We run our ships and stations at a cost that would make a cost accountant disbelieve it. So not much of your fee goes to them even though they bear a full burden of management of pure services.
Org staff members over the world work for so little that Execs occasionally get letters from their landladies demanding orgs increase their pay level so staff members can pay their rent.
So not much of your fees goes to them.
Occasionally some org or franchise goes on a big kick of high pay. We very soon pull the rug out from under that. So if your fee went that way for a brief period we corrected the outness fast as we frown on money-motivation like a thundercloud.
Some fringe fellows know that if you had a complete monopoly on the only workable mental technology on the planet you could make billions. That’s why they’re on the “fringe”. So we prevent your fee from going in that direction.
Then where does your fee go?
Since 1950. So-called “mental health” groups have fought to discredit and decrease the power of Dianetics and Scientology.
So a portion of your fee is spent on patching up the damage done, keeping going in spite of attacks and nullifying the actions against the West of a very choice lot of bad hats. If we didn’t have the documentary evidence I wouldn’t dare mention it.
It costs money to bring cases up to US Supreme Court level as we have. The legal defense expenses we have in a dozen countries is not small.
So a portion of your fees goes to keeping the subject available to you and to the world.
We work very hard to keep tech being done well. It is nothing for us to put two people on a fast plane and send them half around the world to straighten up the Case Supervision and auditing in an area so you can have confidence in the service you get.
It is routine to send the highest class people we have to handle “ARC Breaks of Long Duration” in the field or on admin lines or to see they get handled.
Your fee supports a long and complex set of communication lines by which tech and admin can be cared for rapidly.
A portion of your fee just the other day began a survey of a backward country to introduce high speed educational processes to bring their people quickly from the stone age up to present time. The “Peace Corps” was also there on cushy government funds building houses for a big construction company at a nice profit. But we, unsupported, began the effective work actually needed there to help the people.
A tiny bit of your fee neated up an area ruined for Americans by the American Navy.
Small parts of your fee heal up a lot of things over the world.
But the biggest part of your fee stays right in your area. It is used to make training and processing and data available to the next fellow first by keeping the org there and second by letting him know about it and third by making as sure as possible that the training and processing he gets is standard and effective.
Your fee keeps the nearest org alive and functioning and the environment safe.
So little by little, using the fees you give us for your service, your training and your processing, we create little by little areas of sanity.
I doubt that anyone is surprised that this is no longer available in the Church or in the OEC Volumes?
The Vulture Culture is a creation of the COB IAS/COB Pubs/COB Ideal Orgs/COB BS.
Unreal and unbelievable levels of expansion is the honest to god truth. They are not real and noone believes it !!!
+1 . Well said.
Wonder what the town of Clearwater will do with all
those gaudy buildings when the house of cards implodes.
They will be very hard to sell. Who is going to want to buy
the super power building? Maybe for a shopping mall.
When your best hope is going from the management of David Miscarried back to Lron Hubbard, you got big problems..
Mooser, whoi ever you may be,
Going back to the standard policies and technology of L Ron Hubbard
would not cause any problems whatsoever. Possibly you have been reading too much
tripe written by others that read too much tripe written by others . . .
Educate yourself in the technology and policies of standard Scientology before making
such inane remarks.
Exactly so, Silent Watcher.
I’ve heard a lot of grumbling about how LRH did this or that and, really, it amounts, in the most part, in third party. Ron wasn’t perfect and he didn’t want people to think he was and jokes about himself to prove it. But he was genuine in his want to help people. There are many witnesses to this including myself and Mr. Rinder, and many, many of you. I’d love to hear your stories about Ron that illustrate his kindness, his high ARC and his determination to help.
But what I see these days is that people are thinking that this Black Scientology and Black KSW (HCO PL Keeping Scientology Working Series 1) are “LRH”. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was/is massive and willful misapplication of KSW and other policies by DMs tribe of barbarians that have given LRH’s work a bad name, not to mention attempting to destroy our friends and families.
In discussing with other people, under the radar and out, it occurs to me that what we Indies are doing now is applying, let’s call it, “White KSW”.
What are we doing? We are:
Having the correct tech – old timers trained by LRH and those who were in early enough to get the straight dope are well versed in true or “White” Scientology,
Teaching correctly the correct tech – that is happening in “The Courseroom”, with our friends, the Warrens and Freemans, up in Idaho, in an Indie courseroom in LA, and Ron’s Orgs. Probably more that I haven’t heard about.
Knocking out incorrect applications – we are, by applying standard, White Scientology in the Indie field, knocking out the incorrect applications enforced by DM and co., which are meant to suppress and incapacitate others.
Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect tech – Deposing DM is a start for this.
I’ve seen Scientology since the mid 70’s til now. You could still get “White Scientology” in the 70’s. The proof is in the gargantuan expansion of Scientology through the mission network at the time. A good course fills itself up. You, me and we are now creating a renaissance in real Scientology by applying real or “White KSW”. Not using force, duress or the Hole to enforce the tech, just applying it correctly. Honestly, if someone isn’t applying real Scientology that WORKS, people will avoid it. That is the truest KSW there is.
To me, Ron’s note at the beginning of KSW 1 sounds exactly like what is happening now under DM. THIS is what Ron wrote KSW for; a day like today, in Scientology’s evolution (or devolution, as it were). See what you think:
“Note: Neglect of this PL has caused great hardship on staffs, has cost countless millions and made it necessary in 1970 to engage in an all-out, international effort to restore basic Scientology over the world. Within 5 years after the issue of this PL [1965], with me off the lines, violation had almost destroyed orgs. “Quickie grades” entered in and denied gain to tens of thousands of cases. Therefore, actions which neglect or violate this policy letter are HIGH CRIMES resulting in Comm Evs on ADMINISTRATORS and EXECUTIVES. It is not “entirely a tech matter,” as its neglect destroys orgs and caused a 2-year slump. IT IS THE BUSINESS OF EVERY STAFF MEMBER to enforce it.” LRH
Soooooo, how long has this slump been going on? 30 years? What would have happened if we had applied this PL in 1982? 1993? Marty and Mike and others started applying “White KSW” when they recognized that what was happening was total BS and NOT what LRH said to do, as did the early see’ers like Mary Freeman and the early Freezoners.
Basically, if you have had any handling that that seemed “out-tech” or off-policy in the last 30 years, you are probably right. Look who was in charge. If you’ve been in less than 30 years, unfortunately, that may be all you know (including the kids that were educated in this Black Scientology education system) so all of Scientology can look black, indeed. But I believe that LRH was sincere in his years of work to help improve the world. Had White Scientology been used, instead of reversed, what would be different now? That’s my source of grief. All of those who haven’t been helped, who wanted that help, and the result of them being denied it. This is the current world we live in. “We have a brief breath in eternity” to help these folks. We have wasted so much time mollycoddling this tyrant’s demands.
Continuing on on page 1 of KSW 1, “WHAT I SAY IN THESE PAGES HAS ALWAYS BEEN TRUE, IT HOLDS TRUE TODAY, IT WILL STILL HOLD TRUE IN THE YEAR 2000 AND IT WILL CONTINUE TO HOLD TRUE FROM THERE ON OUT.” Pretty astute of him. What are we in now? 2013? Still true.
So now, IMHO, those of us who are out and/or under the radar (who are doing something about it) are honestly reversing the downward spiral by applying White Scientology the best we can AND doing the SO’s job for them; putting ethics in on DM and his version of the “Church” so that White Scientology can actually thrive and survive again to help people through the next generations.
For your consideration.
+ 100
If I was sitting on one billion USD, was the highest OT on earth, had no money engram and wanted to help. If I was able to push my own church into new realms. If I could open 10 or more Orgs with a simple command to my minions. If I really wanted to help ….
BFM. What? I have no idea what point you are trying to make. Were you writing this at 3am? 😉 Tsk Tsk. ;D Can you clarify, please?
Thanks, Jane Doe. The Indies (including others in the “independent field”) are the only ones using White Scientology and White KSW. There. I just took my whole post and put it in one sentence. 😉
you mentioned: “But he was genuine in his want to help people….his high ARC and his determination to help.”
I tried to not mention anything directly. I respect your point of view. Therefore I asked questions, but gave no answer. I also did not point to DM or Ron. There is no black or white – usually a lot of grey.
My questions were solely targeting the word “help” in relation to the historical background.
This answer is also wishy-washy … I know. But it is better for us all to just provide ideas on how you can look at things. We do not have the same background, still we fight on the same side against one big SP. And this is what connects us on this blog; for sure it is not the view on Hubbard. So let’s just stick to the reality that unites us.
Oh, and the time … 3am … I am from London. I guess that explains the early bird story 🙂
Dear BFM,
Thanks for your kind and in-ARC answer/response. 🙂
Yes, we all do come from different viewpoints and different experiences – with LRH and with the subject of Scientology.
I didn’t spend day in and day out with him by any measure so I can only judge by my own experience, as we all should with our fellow human beings.
I have read all or most of the books written on Ron and know about what people have reported about his escapades. For all I know, maybe Ron was trying to do some amends to the human race for some of his transgressions…that thought came to me this afternoon. In many people’s minds, any damage he caused is outweighed by the benefits they receive from his discoveries.
Recently, one person was talking to me about how HORRIBLE Ron was and kept trying to tell me, “If you would only read these books, you’ll see how much of a $@%#@$$##@@ he was!” My friend, IMHO, was electrified by all of the vicious things being said and found it offensive (once he really heard that I’d read all that he’d read and videos he’d watched) that I would still be in support of LRH.
Basically, I told him that I had only so much time/energy and I wanted to choose my battles.
With all respect, Ron is gone now and he has nothing else to do with what’s going on here. He wrote the references but little DM is using them to their most suppressive potential. Would any of us take “LRH Policy” to the lengths that little Caligula has? After having “heard” all of your voices here, I would say not.
So our problem to solve here isn’t whether LRH was sound or not or mean or whatever, whatever. Our current problem is DM and, for some of us, continuing to get what LRH laid out for us as far as auditing and training from people who know what they’re doing.
The whole thing about Ron reminds me of something that happened to me a long time ago. ’86 or ’87. I was waiting at a bus stop when this red-headed British guy started chatting me up. We talked very pleasantly for a little bit. I saw a Dianetics billboard and I asked him, “Did you ever read that book, Dianetics?”
That guy could have grown horns with all the hatred that came out of him. “You know that Hubbard is wanted for X amount of counts in England, don’t you?”
I said, “That’s funny. He’s dead,” and stepped on my bus and rode away. Bwahahaha! True story.
Again, thanks for your response, BFM. I concur.
(Because the last of the 8 million finally went Indie)
Now let’s catch DM.
My job is to reunite families, your job is to reform the cult.
I’d like to see the names of the people under MsCabbage, the ones who actually carry out his orders and commit the crimes, more widely publicized. Do they think “Davey told me to” or “It’s my religion” will somehow absolve them?
“and eventually inherent from their parents”
While many things we get from our parents are indeed “inherent” when the die, and leave us their assets, we “inherit” them.
Takes a long time to get over that concept that words have no meaning, doesn’t it?
OMG Scientology met with Google
Scientology’s power exchange
He is an expert at all of the above and many more…. In the end the only person he is getting over on is himself even though he has destroyed the lives of so many via disconnection and bankrupting people.
Very evil bad dude. Hes a badddddd man!!!!!!
dceptiopn, manipulation, greed and evil is the stock and trade of DM
The re-packing of the Basic books and the hard sell that went with it was the beginning of the end, at least as far as Class V Orgs and the public are concerned (in my opinion).
“Re-packaging”, I meant to say.
Thanks for re-posting this, Mike. It’s actually hard to read, it’s such unimaginable human rights violations. These people imprisoned on the ship are out the jurisdiction of anyone and could just die there. The idea of thugs descending on women and hauling them to imprisonment, like also what happened with Debbie Cook. So disturbing. Some church!!
All you idiots out there who won’t question DM or the Cof$ have blood on your hands.
Is Tom Cruise the most disgusting co-conspirator on the planet??? This cult is his dating service and personal worship machine – what a pathetic human being. Being world famous and super-rich, just wasn’t enough. Tom Cruise and David Miscavige are the only people who benefit from the Cof$, and they are both mentally ill and should get a psychiatric evaluation pronto.
Thanks for this post, Mike. I can not believe how blind I was for 30 years…I knew something was wrong. That’s what I get for going against my own knowingness. I feel terrible for not seeing these atrocities.
It is good you did see, even though it hurts a lot. It is not easy to see what you see when you want to see something different and you know instinctively that it is not ok to discuss what you are seeing. It really takes a lot of courage. Thank god for the Internet – we are no longer divided and alone.
And, SRL, if it’s any comfort, you are seeing WAY ahead of a lot of others. I’ve been looking at all of this since the early ’80s and wondering what was wrong. I stopped bringing people into the org after Ron left. I never could seem to get anyone, no matter how interested they seemed to be, to start a course. And, no way would I bring a friend or anyone I knew from business. This was WAY before I really put it all together with Debbie Cook’s letter. I suppose I’ve been under the radar, trying to wrap my wits around what was wrong for almost 20 years. It’s only now that it has congealed, like a hologram taking form in front of our eyes. Like Dollar said, thank God for the internet. Don’t beat yourself up. You see it now and now you can do something about it. 🙂 We’re glad you’re here.
Mike, what is a golden rod?
An issue put out by HCO — the Ethics Officer. Typically this means a Committee of Evidnece or Non Enturbulation Order or assignment of an Ethics Condition or PTS status. It’s not good….
Doesn’t it refer to the color of the document? goldenrod…that ‘business yellow’ used in tri-part forms etc back in the last century. I just saw a reference to it on a video interview with Greg and Debra Barnes.
Yes == each Division in a Scientology org has a “colorflash” whereby the color of the paper would identify where the communication came from. HCO’s “colorflash” is “goldenrod” a color named after the flower.
A selection of examples of “goldenrods”
In addition to the vampiric efforts directed at parishioners, there must also be internal efforts by Scientology’s central management (RTC) to suck the money out of Class V orgs and missions.
For example, do the U.S. orgs & missions HAVE to buy their promo materials from Miscavige’s central printing facility (located in the Los Angeles area)? If so, this would be a way of further siphoning off funds from the missions/orgs. Instead of each organization getting the best local deal on promo, the money would buy printed materials produced with slave labor at the central printing facility. Does anyone have info about this?
Even though produced very cheaply with slave labor, I’ll bet my RTC-approved OT levels that the orgs/missions would pay more for Miscavige-printed materials than for those locally obtained and competitively priced.
If that is the case (wouldn’t be surprised), it would take away business from local companies, so basically, Scientology would be sucking up money and funnelling elsewhere, providing no contribution to its local environment in return, except elusive, intangible “theta”. In other words, a criminal organisation.
Great post!! David Miscavige has not met “Counter Intention” quite yet…but he is getting a glimpse of what Counter Intention can do to expose his crimes. Thank you Mike Rinder, Mark Rathbun, Monique Rathbun and the hundreds of thousands of ex Scientologist’s exposing the truth. May it pick up momentum with each and every post on the internet and there is nothing David Miscavige can do about it!! The Scientological Ship is sinking fast!!
I recently realized that Scientology is nothing but a BUSINESS – sales quota’s – “Big League Sales” books studied by Staff members, Charts, graphs and threats of punishment if not done! There is nothing spiritual left in Scientology. I hope the whole thing collapses and Miscavige goes to jail once and for all. He makes Tammy and Jim Baker look like “namby pamby panty-waist dilletantes” when it comes to “cults and their crimes”! Tammy died and Jim went to prison! Look out David Miscavige – your day of reckoning is here and you will not get away with your criminal activities and scams!! You did it to yourself! Have fun!
Brilliant write up. As a public, I questioned many of the outpoints but usually was fed answers which were plausible. eg. How come there is no oversight or accountability for the IAS – answer – because it is too costly. Q Why are some courses/ services so costly. Answer – well it costs money to provide it, with buildings and what not. Usually coming from folks who are upbeat, it kind of seems – plausible. At some point it becomes like Q and A ‘ing with a telemarketer – a good one has an answer for most every objection. Mike, the missing data you and others are providing is the only way out of this for those willing to look. Thanks again – and again..
Mike thank you for reposting some oldies but goodies. I wasn’t out when some of them were written, so it has been very good for me to read this stuff. Blows charge! Explains a lot. And I suspect there are under the radars who are just starting to look, so keep publishing some of your earlier posts. It’s making a big difference.
Things are hyping up with this gag 2 approaching. I haven’t totally disconnected from my org but I haven’t been in comm with them either. The amount of regging for money has totally gone into interstellar overdrive. This past week I have had around 25 missed phone calls. Deliberately I ignore them of course and about a dozen messages. And someone knocking at my door. I peeked through the window and recognized the guy I think someone from the IAS as there was an IAS rally last Saturday. I know they are sending all COs and EDs to Flag to meet your royal highness for some meeting. So the regging for airfares was being done, ( not cheap from Australia and to think they have to pay for all the oots airfares as well) . Regging for the IAS. Regging for the Ideal org. On and on it goes.. Total insanity. “Oh by the way we have an auditing program for you ready”. “Sorry mate I’m totally broke”.
I think that was the Intl ED and C/S conference… something like that. At my local org they actually flew some OOTs BACK from Flag for a few days to give a briefing, then put them on the back TO Flag. Imagine the expense… but thinking about money is just PTS reasonableness when the fate of the planet hangs in the balance…
Then the SO has sent a FILING TEAM to help with the CF. Seriously, it is THAT important! (poor staff were probably taken of the RPF especially).
In a lucid moment, I look around and realize this isn’t Scientology at all. It’s more like a remake of a video game, where the only thing left that resembles the original is the name. Although I am aware that the 70s were not fun at all, either, depending on where you were. But this? An extortionist’s wet dream…
“then put them on the back TO Flag”
Sorry, was supposed to say “then put them on a plane back TO Flag”
Mike, how did you last as long as you did when the psychoic dwarf took over?
I so glad you have a normal life now and are exposing all the crime that’s taking place. Thanks for your blog!
There are some indications that things are collapsing. I do believe that most people in the Church look at data on the internet -the public for sure. It is a universal human (or thetan) trait to be curious. Some probably stop themselves from looking, but I bet they are a minority- people on OT7 and hard-core Koolaid guzzlers.
Is it possible they cannot get 10,000 confirms?
They have everyone on the phones, but have died out at 3,000 which isnt enough to fill the tent??
Dear Mike,
I read your Blog vigorously and sometimes do Clay demos.
( I have lots of modeling clay for my work)
Long story short I have had a major stable win on understanding
Marty’s post on the IAS, a must read
Alsoo Lawyer Barry Van Sickle commented in this thread
and two other threads you can read.
Graham Berry and Barry Van Sickle may point you in the right direction.
Alsoo a basic example of a letter can be found here, Adding the Antilles Adress of course.
Mike, thanks for re-posting. As fascinating as it was first time. TonyO tells us the end is near. Really? Can we pop the Champagne?
Dani — no champagne is in order. The death throes of this monster are going to be long and loud. There are certainly indications that things are unraveling, but they are a long way from over….
My goodness…. Thank you for this inside view. With just this data a documentary could be made in how one goes about forming an abyss.
Start with evil and then start adding lies along with treachery, force, humiliation, pressure, misinformation, justification and you have pain in quantity
Pandora is a piker compared to what David Miscavige can dream up and deliver.
I would like to put forward a hypothesis to help answer the question “why all these dono projects?”
My theory is that DM is trying to free up cash from Sea Org Reserves to cover his over-the-top spending.
David Miscavige has an incredibly expensive lifestyle. The Int Events provide him with the adulation that he desperately needs. Just to attend these events he requires a private jet and full entourage including chef, hair stylist, makeup artist, chiropractor etc.
If you were to ask any kool aide drinking Scientologist how much these events cost to put on they would shrug and say most of the manpower is Sea Org. Perhaps that was true 20 years ago but it is not true today.
The Gold special effects people are all gone. Top Hollywood CGI people are the ones who create the visual effects for the events, and it is normally all done at the last moment. So these paid professionals earn double time and triple time for their already astronomical fees. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent just on the special effects pros. But David Miscavige will also not do events without non-Scientologist people on the sound boards, video etc.
Then you have to add $70,000 for the private business jet to fly him in to Clearwater , and $70,000 to fly him home. And the 6 man personal security team to provide 24 hour a day armed security. Every time you see David Miscavige do an event you are looking at around big money going out the door. And he travels in the same manner for various meetings and vacations. Those jets and entourage are kept busy.
Then David Miscagive has multiple law firms on permanent retainer who advise on legal matters, plus teams of lawyers who are handling actual ongoing cases. Multi-million dollar settlements seem to pop up every few months.
Then there are the multiple private investigator firms. Printing and mailing the International Scientology News. Paying the food and operating expenses for all the management staff at the Hollywood Guarantee building (OSA Int and FLO) and same for the Int Base. Just the basic expenses of OSA Int, Middle Management and the Int Base used to run at over a million dollars a week. It’s a LOT more when big law suits are running.
Then there are the frequent renovations of David Miscavige’s chain of private apartments and offices around the world, as well renovations of various facilities he uses. A famous example of this is his main office building at Int which cost 70 million dollars – though that was a one time expense there are constant upgrades being done to his various personal apartments and offices in Los Angeles, Clearwater, Saint Hill and so on. In other words you need huge money to keep feeding this machine. I see many people comment that Dm has tons of money and he does. But he cannot just spend it all without putting himself in a precarious position.
LRH is the one who created the “Sea Org Reserves”. These are actually the reserves of the Scientology religion. He was extremely strict about their use and the primary rule of Sea Org Reserves is that they may never decrease. Should SO reserves ever decrease the executives responsible are to be immediately removed and replaced. This is well known and is also known to accountants and lawyers involved in protection of the Church of Scientology corporations.
So if David Miscagive, hypothetically speaking, was to find himself in a position where he was getting less and less money from the Scientology org delivery and service structure but still felt the need to spend, spend, spend he would need to dip into Sea Org reserves. And as soon as it became known that SO Reserves had gone DOWN on his watch his position as supreme leader would become extremely vulnerable. Anyone who has worked on Int Finance lines knows there is no greater crime for management than having SO Reserves go down.
However if some public Scientologists were to get together and buy an org building worth 3 million dollars and that org building was NOT in the name of the local church, but owned and controlled by the Church of Scientology International, then the value of that building would ADD to Sea Org Reserves. That means that DM could take 2.9 million dollars from some other part of Sea Org Reserves investments and SPEND it on an event or even just weekly expenses and also proclaim the Sea Org Reserves went UP!
(Massive Book sales and “book donos” are another way to get lots of cash into Int Management so they can pay their over-the-top bills.)
In theory it is possible that the “Ideal Org” program could be used to completely strip Sea Org Reserves empty. In the end ALL the reserves of the Scientology religion could be tied up in large buildings that have been purpose built for Scientology and could only be sold at a massive loss.
This is just a theory. What is FACT is that the donations to the Ideal Org program count as Sea Org Reserves. The buildings purchased count as Sea Org Reserves. So perhaps Sea Org Reserves are doing just fine and David Miscavige’s spending is not a problem.
What will be most telling is if these programs ever stop. If they do not in means that David Miscavige is using the program to pump up Sea Org reserves because he HAS to. Given the desperate tone of these campaigns, I strongly suspect this is the case. I would be really interested to hear comments from others on this subject. Is the Ideal Org program simply a device to strip SO reserves bare? I say yes.
This is fascinating Roy. I would not be surprised if you were totally correct. And there is probably enough money in the coffers for Miscavige to keep this going for life. When all the money is eventually tied up in assets that will be someone else’s problem…………
Roy MacGreggor and Wendy M, this was such an excellent and astute and probably totally true hypothesis put forth by Roy and supported by Wendy. YES I do think that is what DM is doing…. using the Ideal Org real estate scam to increase the SO reserves stat and then he takes out the cash by the same amount it just went up until eventually the SO reserves are empty of all but real estate, and by that time he is long gone and someone else is left holding the bag. This is the old Ponzi Scheme revisited with a mest twist on it. I would love some forensic accountants to follow the money trails and find the hidden off shore bank accounts and get him put behind bars. Thank you Roy for this really good look at what is going on in your educated opinion. I have no doubt that you are right.
Duck test: financial schemes. He owns all the real estate and can bounce cash, loans, or bonds around the world all he wants without any ED knowing what goes on. We’re renovating! He uses a few selective WISE companies (McPherson made a good income working at one). Many things begin to add up if you think outside the PR box. What is Scientology doing in a country with the lowest income in the world? The narco country of Columbia. Bringing study tech to the cartel’s extended family? Most of the population makes less than what an intensive of auditing costs. Yet we see them collecting IAS donations in various photo ops.
Now THAT is really fascinating. Thank you, Roy, for taking the time to lay that out.
I’m put in mind of an often-quoted passage from Hemingway:
“How did you go bankrupt?”
“Two ways, gradually and then suddenly”
Very interesting, and a well-supported hypothesis. As the old adage goes, “Follow the money…”
I’ve also wondered about the enormous costs of archival projects at Trementina and Petrolia and wherever else. Massive spending, ongoing maintenance, no income. (Also a place to stash people, and are they keeping LRH originals, or DM squirrel versions?)
My father asked me years ago if I knew about one of these projects (after I left staff) because he had business colleagues who were involved. I did not know, but I told my Dad that I wouldn’t be surprised that the Church would do something like that, and then, darn it… being a good, thought-stopping Scientologist protecting secrets, I didn’t pull the string and politely avoided further conversation with my (now I admit it!) wise father. Too late now.
This is interesting, but who would actually be in a position to fire DM if SO Reserves went down, and would also follow through?
Second, have you yourself ever seen bank balances of SO Reserves, IAS Slush Funds or other major Co$ investments? If so, when was that? (year)
Yes, Brilliant expose and delivery, Mike, as usual.
And, I wanted to say two things about this;
a) in that reference “What Your Fees Buy” (later released as “What Your Donations Buy” according to our dear friend, Mike) Ron says, “For 19 years [this is a 1970 release], using their press control, government stooges and puppets, these psychiatric front groups have conducted a continuous suppressive covert operation against us. Why? They feared that as our power increased they would lose their easy appropriations and fail in their plans for a 1984 world.”
He continues, “So little by little, using donations you give us for your service, [service, not IAS, etc.] your training and your processing, we create, little by little, areas of sanity.”
“And as these areas spread out, releasing and clearing the community, if we continue to be alert and competent, perhaps those areas will meet one country, one continent to the next and we will have a cleaner, saner world. Your donation is supporting the greatest hope that man has ever had and the churches and people vital tot its survival and increase. Your donation does what it takes to get the job done. Thank you. ” LRH
b) So if DM isn’t supporting the latter, wouldn’t he be, in fact, supporting the former? The 1984 people? It’s one or the other, really. Funny how it is that the less he supports the pro-survival goals of LRH, the less his ‘parishioners’ support him. Hence the exodus.
Oh, and bonus thought – “On Human Behavior.” All points, I’m sure, but in particular, everything that happens bad to the PC is not worth mentioning but everything that happens to the SP is very, VERY important.
Fuhrerbefehl from Adlof Hitler 1943 basically says that every solder has to uphold discipline and order. If an officer or other lower grades fail to uphold discipline and order, if neccessary shoot the one that does not comply, then any solder has the right to shoot the failing officer and make order himself. Adolf then in turn personally protects that brave man that brought order.
Fuehrerbefehl Nr. 7 24.2.1943
Ich verlange deshalb, dass jeder Vorgesetzte – Offizier wie Unteroffizier oder in besonderen Lagen jeder beherzte Mann – die Durchfuehrung seiner Befehle und die Aufrechterhaltung von Disziplin und Ordnung noetigenfalls mit Waffengewalt zu erzwingen und Ungehorsame auf der Stelle zu erschiessen hat….
Ich werde jederzeit solch energischen Fuehrer vor etwaigen juristischen Folgen ihrer Handlungen schuetzen….
Source „1939 1945 Der zweite Weltkrieg in Chronik und Dokumenten“ Wehr und Wissen Verlagsgesellschaft Darmstadt. April 1961.
Mike ~~
It’s heck of a good idea to post earlier essays of yours.
There are some GEMS pm Marty’s blog timeless and applicable.
Not only is there a host of new readers but they worth a read again
even if one read them before !
Tory Christmas and I had fun dramatizing the Vulture Culture here ~
So basically, my set of basics isn’t worth the paper it was printed on.
Btw, when discussing the extortion racket, let’s not forget the MAAs. A few years ago, I was in the MAA Office at St Hill, studying something in the Ethics Book, when I witnessed a scene I have never forgotten. The MAA was telling a public that “COB asked for a *substantial* contribution – GBP 5,000 was not a substantial contribution!” The poor guy squirmed and did his best to explain his way out of it, but it was a horrible and really sad sight. I had been away from Saint Hill for a while, and thought on arrival that it was no longer St Hill, it was an IAS base (IAS flags, banners, statue, and staff brought out to cheer someone who had just bankrupted himself for the IAS).
So let’s not forget the MAAs. They are some of POB’s most effective enforcers.
Oh yes, the MAA enforcers. OTVII’s are bait for them. My husband violated his security in a very minor way (left a peice of scrap paper he used for admin from his session – no confidental material on it on his desk in a locked room with alarm set).
The 18 year old girl MAA at Flag (who probably went from Mommy and Daddy’s home straight into the SO and never had to pay a bill in her entire life), insisted that he pay $20,000 for Basics in order to get out of his “condition”.
He refused to pay this and insisted that there had to be another way to handle his condition. Nope, she said, $20,000 was the only way. He told me she was extremely rude and kept cutting his communication.
She actually wouldn’t let him audit anymore and he stayed off the level for over a month with constant phone calls from Flag asking him when he was going to pay up.
He had to fly over to Flag and handle this in person. He told them that he would return all his materials right then and there if they considered him “out-exchange” for auditing on OTVII. When they saw he meant business, they let him back on his level. He did his conditions without paying a penny.
OMG Pepper. I just am speechless. I have friends and myself who lived through stuff similar to that on OT VII, but never as bad as what I just read here. I’m glad your husband called their bullshit. But I seem to remember an LRH reference about how you can’t just buy your way out of conditions and it is actions and doingness that is more needed and wanted than just mere money to get a condition handled. Can anyone help me out with that reference name etc? Wish I could remember it. It would be the perfect way to put those kid MAA’s in their place — with real LRH on it.
Everyone has to process the crimes of miscavige at their own pace, but I notice we all seem to reach a limit. I feel so sad for everyone this monster has hurt and anger for his criminal empire. He is a man with no future he is all past.
I understand what you mean Sarah. I’ve been out 7 years and am still having truth revealed via data & personal stories. The TA still moves but I’d rather know the truth. I got some good indie auditing and it was very helpful. Flourishing and prospering is the best revenge. Justice will find dm.
Fabulous repost Mike. Very enlightening, especially for us non SO, who had no idea how everything got so horribly morphed. Please take any time you need, we’ll talk amongst ourselves. haha!
Ah, you’ve brought up the subject of LRH and money in your post, I see.
Since we’re all friends here and ask questions openly and respectfully . . . I’ve been curious about some of the recent press and book revelations about the size and source of LRH’s estate at his death, which was reported to have been in the range of $400 to $650 million depending on who you believe or not. I wonder how he amassed that much money if “no service fees” went to him. Also, the stories about LRH raiding the missions in the early 80’s for his personal financial benefit. That he was the actual source of the orders for the Finance Police and subsequent raiding programs. I was a mission holder back then and knew several other mission holders from that era. My mission got raided and it cost me dearly and I closed shop shortly after. Became a pure public . . . and that cost me dearly too. Cost me my home and my wife and opportunities in my career. And this was all by 1986-87!
What is the story about LRH’s fortune and, more importantly, did the bulk of it end up going to Norm Starkey * and DM anyways? I realize you may have been on a “need to know” basis about this and know nothing. Or maybe you can tell us something. We deserve to know since it was our money and sweat that created the money.
Forever Lurker
* Official Norman Starkey statement on COS website: “Furthermore, as the appointed executor of Mr. Hubbard’s estate, I went to the ranch where Mr. Hubbard resided.”
There are a lot of questions and no simple answers.
LRH got the vast bulk of his money from royalties. But its complicated as within that there was ENFORCED stocking of books by orgs from Pubs. When Miscavige ran ASI there were massive schemes to force all orgs get to “minimum stocks” which were WAY more than they ever needed. This resulted in “income” to LRH and the stat of ASI and Miscavige which was money to LRH. The church also paid huge amounts for the film treatments LRH did. And ASI sold “collectibles” as a means of increasing income to LRH. LRH was aware of the actions of the Finance Police, they were reported to him each week in glowing terms by Wendell Reynolds via Miscavige. It was all made to look good and how they were putting “order” in and quelling a mutiny. Miscavige and Starkey did not get money from LRH’s estate, other than the pay and bonuses they earned at ASI (which were considerable).
I can confirm the enforced overstocking point. I worked in a Class IV org in the mid-80s, and we were required to use ALL of our book, meter and tape income, to order more books, meters and tapes EVERY WEEK from the Church’s Bridge Pubs — even when we were already way overstocked with all of them. And that was true even when the general income (from auditing and training) of the whole org was horrible, and we could have really used the book income to cover bills.
Also, the mandated retail prices were outrageous, but so were the wholesale prices to Bridge Pubs. Example: A hardcover “Fundamentals of Thought” book was on the order of $50 retail, and we would pay on the order of $25 or $30 for each book wholesale. I’m guessing it cost Bridge Pubs around $5 to print and ship each book.
This is hard evidence of insane (read “irregular” errrr “fraudulent”) financial planning. Overstocking books (to push the commissions up the line) and not paying bills……….and not paying staff. It is theft from the orgs no doubt based on some policy with some sort of half-baked justification behind it. One has to ask what the motives are. Certainly can’t be with an eye on the survival of the orgs. “Help” in the name of harm is an SP characteristic.
“Huge numbers of people had books debited from their accounts without their knowledge.”
I can confirm this! Many basics packs were sent to me from Flag. They had debited my account without my consent. I got a call from the customs authority. I told them to not process the parcels until I was able to discuss the situation with the sender. They replied that each day would cost me roughly 100 GBP. After not reaching the sender I gave up, paid the tax and got the delivery. I thought I would be able to claim my money back and that causing extra holding costs would be used against me. They knew I had the money to avoid such.
Guess what! It was fraud. I still sit on the books, maybe 20 boxes are in the loft.
I see better where the whole book scam originates. Aren’t book sales for-profit? As in not part of the religious tax exemption?
wow Mike…with the basics books that was fucking crazy……the worse thing happen to me inside scientology happen at that time……was so insane was not even funny…really…
I had forgotten about this write up from Silvia Lorens, former Flag and RTC auditor.
In exquisite detail, she lays out how RTC (Miscavige) is up to his nostrils in the day-to-day management of Flag.
Very interesting.
Another exquisite expose.
Thank you for posting What Your Fees Buy. I remember reading a long time ago and thinking that it sounded very reasonable. But reading it now I have questions. For example, is any of what LRH said verifiable such as the Church neating up an area ruined by the American Navy and so on. And what was the Church being sued for back then? I was naive back then. Now I’m a little more skeptical. LRH was not straightforward about his past. How do we know he was being straight when he wrote this? Hope I’m not offending anyone by saying this.
And thank you for exposing the extent of COB’s madness. It is really unconscionable and far, far removed from LRH’s stated purpose.
There is some hype in there. There was no area “ruined by the American Navy”. I dont recall what the lawsuits were back at that time, I am sure with some Google rsearch you could find out.
I would say that most of What Your Fees Buy is hype. The only verifiable part is the part about how poorly paid staff were and are. And for all I know, the lawsuits were valid and our fees should not have been used in that way, IMHO. I could be wrong, but that’s my opinion.
And the fact that LRH died a very wealthy man, just makes What Your Fees Buy feel disingenuous to me. But that’s me
Actually the Church of Scientology was never designed to be a democracy, but for single reign.
Wow, this sheds light on more than what I bargained for.
Does clear up things that I could wrap my head around.
If this was made into a SciFi book and credited to
unpublished works of George Orwell, people would
make a best seller as fiction, tops 1984.
Well Mike, so much for our secret plan to chip in to buy you a crystal ball. You obviously are doing quite well in the prophesy business without one.
I guess you don’t need a time machine either. There’s no other way to explain your finding time in your life right now to keep this blog running day-to-day.
We will think of something. Maybe a kitten? A slightly used tent?
Thanks, seriously, for all you do.
Good one, Richard! Yes, Mike sure does seem to have all this nailed down, to the point of being utterly predictable. Mike’s clarity of vision must absolutely infuriate Miscavige, if he can even bear to read here anymore. Especially because DM seems barely able to predict the next 15 minutes.
David Miscavige is an ass.
You give the ass credit. He is actually the “hole”.
Sarah and Michael I want to make you both right by referring to the King’s English and state that DM is an arsehole.
arse´hole` (ärs´hōl`)
1. excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal.
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.
Back when I was in the church, I had a distinct impression that David Miscavige must be a maniac. I came to this conclusion when I saw all staff members had sales quotas for Basics and weren’t allowed to go to sleep until those quotas were met. Who’s going to buy a set a Basics at midnight so some poor SO member can get some sleep?
Now I know that DM is not just a maniac but is psychotic. Personally editing all the books, overseeing the book jackets, picking out words for the glosseries, setting the printing press – all by himselft because no one can do it as well as only he can. This is a compulsive, self-obsessed wack job and an “only one”, bad administrator to boot.
Have you read Mission Earth, Pepper? I always thought Ron was trying to warn us that he (the emperor) had been held captive and incommunicado by Lumbar Hist. DM has the exact same management style as Lumbar Hist. I highly recommend the series. If you read it again you’ll really see the similarities.
I read Mission Earth years ago and remember Lumbar Hisst. I’ll have to check it out again and look for the similarities in mgmt syle. There’s a lot of kinky stuff in that decalogy though; I once advised another mom not to let her 11 year old son read it!
He slapped his pre-clear when he was 12, Ask Karen about it 😉
Not so much a slap Cat as a “facial nudge “in order it bring her around more quickly to the realization of who was in charge. I am sure he wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t in her best interest.
David Miscavige…..a man in search of a cognition at any price.
I wonder if he goes without sleep until his quota is met? Yeah, probably not. Probably goes to bed and gets up whenever he feels like it, is immediately cooked whatever he orders by his personal chef. Then maybe a light workout and a massage. 30 minutes in the tanning bed and then he calls Tom and they laugh about what big beings they are.
Don’t forget a shampoo and blow dry by his personal hairdresser.
How many churches have “sales targets”?