See Tony Ortega's breaking story on the raid on Narconon Atlanta.
This is Miscavige's worst nightmare.
Mary Rieser and anyone else at Narconon Atlanta will likely be thrown under the bus if ONLY because Miscavige figures they are so tainted that ANYTHING done to try to help defend them will blow back on the church and him because this whole Narconocalypse is being watched SO closely by the media.
I suspect his biggest concern right now is that this is a breach in the wall that has held back law enforcement/govt agencies from conducting any criminal prosecutions of anything related to Scientology in the US for decades. Not since the GO raids has anything like this happened. Will this small crack widen and some other government agencies will decide they can get through the breach in what has been an impenetrable fortress for more than 30 years?
Miscavige sits on the horns of a real dilemma — what do you do?
Dump Narconon to avoid being associated and as a result have the government win easy convictions and embolden other agencies,
Jump in and defend them with all he's got, become totally identified with Narconon, and still lose because the truth is that Narconon has been utterly criminal and deserve to be convicted? And in that case, the Department of Justice and others will know the church is no longer invicible.
Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
I certainly hope there are some people in the DOJ who are following Tony Ortega's stories. Behand the apparently unbreachable wall is a cesspool. And the cesspool isnt just Narconon. Their sewage just happened to seep out first — it tends to happen when people die under your care. I hope it doesnt have to go that far before anyone decides to take on the church itself.
Damn. Damn. Damn. I swore when I walked away I would never look back. I was there for the first raid, knew more than I should have, and have been gone since shortly afterwards. It always blew my mind that the Scientology survived that one. They shouldn’t have. So many good people took bullets for LRH.
The big difference this time is that Miscavige doesn’t have Heber to prop him up and is so full of himself he would not use Heber but think he was the only one who could possibly fix the mess all those other people made. I sincerely hope
a) the people still clinging to to hope will finally se the light due to this fiasco and run rather than be placated by his incomprehensible lies and
b) the people he tries to push under a bus realize this is finally their chance and push him under instead.
A girl’s gotta have her dreams. Ok back to my hidey hole.
Geeze Christ I just read Narconon tried to bill insurance 166K for someone’s program. They must have the I.A.S. parked up in the Narconons now.
Do not think the IAS vultures are parked near a NN any
The drug addicts were doing just fine fixing other drug addicts. Then the Sea Org came in and took over. Like those people know anything about the streets or druggies. Well there were all the donos to consider. …. They sure fucked up a good thing. It was not founded on the PURIF! Duh! Whatever…. Don’t fuck around in Atlanta because those people are street smart! ALL OF THEM!
Sea Org members are not allowed on the streets with out two escorts. That right there tells you they are thinking they need three of them for every one person they bump into on the street. While they are putting ethics in on the planet.
I’m talking about in CLEARWATER FLORIDA they need two escorts!
In PAC (Anthony building) we could not even go up to the nearest
store in the night when we came home from work even if there were
50 of us. It was forbidden and the guard enforced it. That was in
the late 90’s. There were phones at the store and of course the
scary newspapers. And an SO member could not handle any
criminal element who could be lurking around the area.
That the SO or a non druggie cannot handle and get a druggie off
drugs was (and still seems to be) false data that was perpetuated
as long as I was connected to Narconon especially amongst the
Some prime examples were Scientologists who worked in the LA
Narconon and were or never had been druggies. They were Class
VI or VIIIs. We had a little team which piloted totally drug free
withdrawals to the most spectacular results using purely LRH
Tech. Later, a friend of mine, and I did an invest of NN LA and
I wrote a very crude program (I had no admin tech) to handle ALL
the outnesses and the ED NNLA implemented every point to the
letter. Sure enough, they had an over 6 months affluence trend on
every graph and LRH commended NNs in the end of the year. I
also audited at that NN for a year before this was done.
That’s how I ended up in the SO as my purpose seemed to have
been realized by helping not just on a one on one basis but on a
4th dynamic area. Then came the DM influenced messengers and
things were never the same.
A biblical quote comes to mind regards all things Miscavige:
“As a dog returneth to his vomit, [so] a fool returneth to his folly.” – Proverbs 26:11
Shredders. Now I can’t help remembering. I donated one to my “home” org. God help me….
Many Narconon’s use a company called MedPro Billing to submit the codes and handle the claims. This particluar companies president got busted for misusing prescription drugs a while ago and has some legal woes of her own. She is the weak link for sure and has the capability to turn this into a national issue rather than a local one. Melissa Zacharias is her name. As for Mary, her out-ethics started long ago while ahe was auditing staff at Chilocco. This justice action is a long time coming.
What I find depressing is that there have been numerous instances of criminal conduct brought to the attention of the authorities including wrongful death (Narconon), human trafficking, institutionalised beatings, elder abuse, none of which the authorities have seemed willing to investigate, yet there is a very vigorous noisy investigation for insurance fraud.
Then again, despite all his crimes, Al Capone was finally convicted of tax evasion…
My prediction of this affair, albeit a little wild, is that Mary Rieser will never be heard from again. Disappeared. She knows all and will be kept from the law somehow, someway. People will be thrown under the bus but it will be those without full knowledge of the Narconon system.
David Miscavige will never be brought to justice. He’ll flee just as LRH did with the SO. The big difference now is that with billions of dollars stashed away and numerous church properties across the world Miscavige’s flight will be made even easier. For a hefty sum he can probably buy exile in some country and live out his life in comfort.
Look to Reed Slatkin’s release from prison on July 6 for possible clues to what Miscavige may do. Slatkin likely has millions in offshore accounts waiting for his return to freedom.
Wild prediction? Maybe so and time will tell.
Now that IS a wild prediction. Extremely unlikely IMO. You want to know how to get a whole world of shit landing on you? “Disappear” the target of a criminal investigation….
I’m sure you’re probably right and my prediction about Riesner won’t hold up. Although I still think Miscavige will never be brought to justice. He has too many places to hide.
Regardless, thanks for letting me comment.
It’s quite the conundrum for the little high school dropout. Good thing he has trusted advisors! (what’s that? He trusts nobody? Well, ain’t that a fart in a Barcalounger!
However Mr. Rinder, you have missed an option. How about this; pretend it’s not happening and continue business as usual until it’s no longer viable?
Scientology Inc. executives have a remarkable ability to completely ignore what’s right in front of them. Plummeting attendance, emphasis on donating to causes that have nothing to do with going up the bridge, impending lawsuits, high profile negative media attention, IGNORE IT ALL!
With Narconon Georgia being raided, the Facebook groups of true believers are going nuts warning each other not to listen to the media, and to be careful who you have onlines.
I believe they’re working hard to seal that spit bubble of alternate reality they live in. In order to maintain a theta ‘tude, all this negative stuff must be ignored. Does it keep DM up at night? I dunno. Is he deluded enough to think ignoring it all will make it go away?
I am barbara graham. My postulates can beat up DM’s postulates.
According to an earlier Ortega post, Narconon Arrowhead really started to pile it on with the insurance billings in the 2008-09 time period. Starting in the latter half of 2007, right after Miscavige released his Basics, staff internationally were largely ordered off their posts to call everyone who was or who had ever been on Church lines to buy Basics packages at $3000 a pop. At the ILO level this activity was highly regimented with insane quotas and no sleep, beans and rice and other punishments for not meeting the quotas. In response to this, to perhaps get a few more hours sleep or not eat beans and rice, ABLE International staff starting calling the social betterment groups they managed, especially the Narconons, and essentially forcing them to empty out their bank accounts to buy Basics packages 10 or 20 packages (@ $3000 a package = $30,000 for 10 packages). This destroyed their finances and it is my theory that large scale insurance fraud may have been a response by these Narconons to the financial stress they were subjected to by Miscavige’s insane “Basics Evolution.”
Regarding the direct connection of the Narconons to the Church, consider the Scientologist law firm of Moxon & Kobrin. They are Church of Scientology International “In-House” counsel and their offices are physically housed within OSA Int offices, although they rented a small outside office as well for appearances sake. Whereas individual Narconons may have had local attorneys as necessary, their legal matters were subject to behind the scenes scrutiny and supervision from the Moxon/Kobrin (CSI In House) firm.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, Miscavige you are running out of time.
I would not want to be you, knowing what is coming your way,
Enjoy whatever time you have left in hell.
In the world of business, getting around the protection afforded by corporate status is called “piercing the corporate veil”. This means essentially making an individual, and particulary his assets, subject to the consequences of his actions. The C of S has a very interesting corporate veil. It consists in part of the assertion of1st Amendment rights and and secondly the corporate complexity that allows them to assert the “separateness” of Narconon, Able, Wise, etc. This wil hold up only briefly is the case of criminal prosecution and will be even less effective in the event of full scale legal discovery. About 2 years ago, the company that employed me as a consultant was involved in major litigation. One of the first things our attorneys advised is “do not delete anything that is the subject of this suit’. Deletion is the electronic equivalent of shredding. In today’s world it serves only to be suggestive of guilt. It does not serve to hide anything. Only the resources and effectiveness of the investigating parties will limit the impact on the church in Atlanta and other similar venues. The dirt is there. I would love to be part of the digging.
Legal counsel warn not to do it because It is illegal — destroying evidence.
Is there by any chance a billing code to treat addiction? I THINK that’s what they espouse themselves as experts in doing…to George and Charlie, I completely understand the concerns about differentiating between corn cob and the tech and in this case specifically the Purif program tech. Some people just need to be told by a clinical study that hitting your head with a hammer is the likely source of their headaches while others can conclude without such “scientific evidence” that the pain went away when the hammering stopped. Scientific evidence or no the Purif does what it says it does. I don’t need a study to prove that the program was able to rid my body of radiation when I saw the swimsuit lines of an old sunburn and the sock lines from the old x-ray technique of sizing shoes for people back in the old days to know this was radiation coming out. I didn’t need anyone to tell me it was leaving my body when I was who was feeling the effects of it going. I didn’t need any study to tell me that the anesthetic from years earlier was being released from my body or that it was gone when I knew it was by the fog that cleared. It’s behooved Big Food, Big Agribusiness and Big Disease to laugh away the “anecdotal” evidence. To the reasonable man, the one who can observe and conclude logically anecdotal is not so insignificant.
I DID the Purif and years later became responsible for training the person in charge of delivering the Purif and overseeing all delivery aspects of it to the end result for each person who did their Purification Rundowns in our org. I can say that I saw the Purif as an unequivocal success. The Narconon program however does address addiction which an org does NOT. I’ve seen many folders of narconon patients who went on from Narconon to pursue further services inside orgs and the out-tech in them was appalling one for one as a point of note here. On that alone I find it amazing that more bad luck far sooner than now would have befell Narconons.
I do think that the differentiation between the Perversions of Scn tech/policy lead by david miscavige and the true workability of the tech of LRH’s Scientology is up to each one of us individually. When ever you see someone’s comments attempting to throw the baby out with the bathwater then say something. It’s up to us, it’s always been up to us.
Hey Gayle, absolutely there is billable codes for treating addiction. Counseling, meds, etc. But again a doctor has to develop a diagnosis first. Then, “medically necessary” treatment MAY be covered under an individuals insurance plan. So the point here is, did a medical doctor see the patient, perform and history and DOCUMENTED medical examination which led to the diagnosis?
Furthermore, lets say a person was diangosed with cancer. Clear cut and shown on a CT scan. If a doctor wanted to do Vitamin C IV’s or IV’s of chelation, insurance companies won’t pay for that procedure. So its not just about the condition, its treatments that have been deemed by the carrier as “MEDICALLY NECESSARY.” I can promise you sitting in a sauna is not medcially necessary.
With that being said, my PURIF was lights out amazing! I got amazing changes and wins and incredible body changes (I thought this was spiritual counseling only). You can do anything you want in healthcare if you aren’t claiming your trying to “cure a disease”, and charge cash for it. Bill insurance? Boy you better have your ducks in a row
I’m agog!
I am in the healthcare field, and I actually know quite a bit about the issues that Narconon is being faced with. I was approached in 2005-2006 about putting a sauna in my clinic. I was “all in” back in those days and was contemplating doing it. When I met with my then FSM about it, I started to back off because its a 7 day a week program, and the hours of course would be very long.
Then…they laid out their plans for insurance billing. That is when I said, whoa–you can’t do that. I explained that to bill insurance you must have a diagnosed condition for which you are performing a service. Also, you must meet certain criteria based on the insurance carrier. For example, some carriers require the service you are billing to be performed or supervised by licensed individuals. In other words, running on the treadmill CAN be a billable service if there is a condition that was diagnosed by the appropriate provider. Running on the treadmill to get circulation going to get the Niacin in your system is never a reason insurance can be billed.
Also, what Co$ mentioned was that if there was more than 2 people in the sauna, it would be “group counseling” and they would bill that code. Again, to send in a claim to insurance–TRUST ME– there HAS to be a diagnosis on that form or its not paid. So the question here is “who came up with a diagnosis and what was it?” They are going to french fry this group, and rightfully so.
To add….even if Narconon shreds documents, it doesn’t matter.
If they billed insurance, the insurance carriers will have those records of what codes were billed, and what the diagnosis was they used to get paid. Also, there will be a doctor’s name on the bottom of the claim form who the services were billed under. Even if Mary takes the fall, the doctor who probably never diagnosed these people won’t take the fall and the fraud is right there. They ain’t getting out of this one.
Yeah, burn them in hell. Bunch of criminals. Just the worst kind of human. The whole church has to be eventually implicated and taken down. 🙂
Love it, love it, love it!
It sounds like billing code diddling is universal in Narconon programs. If so, then Narconon Georgia is just going to be the first firecracker in the string to explode, once the insurance companies start taking a hard look.
Narconocalypse! I love it! Keep up the good work MIke!
Sometimes you meet someone and it changes your life!
David Miscavige just ran wild until he met Karma.
(Karma was a bitch).
Now she owns DM.
He’s real unhappy about that. But there’s nothing anyone can do.
They were meant to be together.
The End.
LMAO! That is perfect, Steve!
Burn in hell misscabbage! Burn in hell!!! I will piss on your grave.
Tony — could you let us know how you really feel?
Laughter! I have to admit I am always sitting at his table! If David ever walked out on the streets (which he never does) We could just wait for him on some corner and he could own up on his treason,
His domestic abuses are legendary. He has a track record of being in the wrong place at the wrong time (witness the Internet) while thinking he is in the right place at the right time. He has nothing before him but humiliation for being so very, very ordinary. He didn’t even make it as a “bad guy”. He just ripped off some people exploring the occult, on the same page as a gypsy fortune teller.
Ah, but if he was buried and not cremated, the question would be of what to put on his headstone.
Tony – Your piss-party will have to be well organized first.
Otherwise, you may be waiting in a very long line up and / or traffic jam getting there.
Maybe someone should prepare a souvenir stand……
WTF were they thinking to attempt fraud like this? Did they think this was just some fake reg cycle? Stupidity, desperation, and hubris are a bad combination.
Do not know who “they” are but I do not believe that a true Scientologist
who worked at that Narconon committed this fraud. Someone in the
registrar or treasury areas who were hired from the rehabilitated clients
pool could have done it (if it is true).
Lars — I think you need to raise your confront of evil. The evidence already exists that Mary Rieser falsified the status of NN, pretending to be running a “residential” facility in order to qualify for insurance coverage, when no such facility existed. It’s her documents and testimony that sunk her. She has been a “true Scientologist” for decades (this is a “true” Scientologist accoridng to the tenets of the Vulture Culture). Realize that this culture BREEDS criminality. Internally, nobody questioned them getting insurance coverage, they were happy they made money. Anything is justified as the “greatest good” — as long as it is good for “Scientology” it doesnt matter whether people’s lives are being destroyed (regging people into bankruptcy) or if insurance companies are being cheated or if they are pretending to have a residential facility where people are supervised 24 hours a day buit in fact just have an apartment that was a drug den.
Leave the “they only stole xerox paper” and “it could have been the wogs” stories to the church. Believe me, they will despearately trying to shift the blame — don’t fall into that trap.
This is a result of the Vulture Culture and the twisted view of ethics and morality that are part of it.
Mike, well that is just evil all around as that has now jeopardized
all the other Narconon’s credibility.
The whole concept of drug rehab with LRH tech, which really
works wonders, is now at stake. All the brain power that was in
ABLE INT is now gone by DM’s evil rulings.
Out of the ashes rises the Phoenix.
Lars — I hear you! he bl;ight of the Vulture Culture is everywhere….
So true Mike. “Hooray for our side”! We are so ded ded ex justified!
You can “dead agent” anyone with truth.
It’s the same sort of mindset that causes FLAG regs to siphon cash out of someone’s money on account, just to buy sets of books and get their stats up for Thursday 2pm. Their tunnel-vision focus has been reduced to only a week or two in advance, and the blowback from when the publics discover this robbery, or when the police raid for insurance fraud is over the horizon in the misty future.
The lower level organizations are kept starved for cash by policies that send most of it uplines, leaving little to even maintain the orgs or pay meager “salaries”. Then grinding pressure is applied to keep those cash stats up, and so long as they stay up, no one is going to look too closely at what corners were cut to do it.
OK, when I say a true Scientologist, I do not mean someone
who has converted to a vulture.
So Mary Rieser must have falsified the stats otherwise
ABLE would have queried the GI or she just pocketed
it. Whatever was done ABLE is in hot water too.
Lars — she was being COMMENDED by ABLE. She WAS making the GI. By defrauding insurance companies (and others) pretending they had a residential program when they didnt. I agree, ABLE is probably going to be implicated. But this is the problem of the entire Vulture Culture. It’s a stat push mentality and the only thing that is important is what they are told from “Command” is important.
It’s painful for me to know Mary is going through this as I know her from back in our Mission Network days. She helped me get mine rockin’ and rollin’ and when I was down Atlanta way, I’d stop and stay with her. One thing I know about Mary, she’s tough. One of the toughest women I know. I don’t see her folding like a Kleenex when she’s being shoved. I’ve seen her shoved in the past and she landed on her feet like a cat with 9 lives.
Believe me, it is a “Severe reality adjustment” when you are confronting jail time. It tends to shake all those stable data you have operated on and get you taking a second look at whether your faith in your seniors and doing things for stats or “for the greatest good (ie the 3D)” are really values you want to continue to hold if it means being locked in prison. She may be tough, but a hell of a lot toucher people than her have folded like a kleenex. SHe will not be a martyr like a journalist refusing to diclose a source and she won’t even be a martyr in the eyes of Corporate Scientology.
With this Narconon situation happening on top of the Garcia suit, do you think Davey will pull in more help from his execs? In particular, do you think he might pull people out of the Hole to help? Karen Pouw’s help doesn’t seem up to the task….
This is all well and good and I am happy corrupt practices and people can be weeded out, but from a perspective of someone who got alot out of the purif, I dont want to see that tech get thrown under the bus with the downfall of miscavidge and the cleaning up of the church. I want to see the tech and the church of miscavidge as 2 seperate issues, otherwise we could loose something very special!!
And what do you suggest be done to accomplish that George? I think there are a lot of people that share your view? Do you have a plan?
The Purification Runday must absolutely be stripped of its medical and scientific veneer, because it is just that; veneer. There is no medical or scientific evidence that staying in a sauna for 5 hours at a time and taking massive doses of vitamins helps people get off drugs or is even healthy. It may even be dangerous; many drug addicts have damaged livers and hearts and may actually be doing more damage to their bodies by taking part in it.
I get that the “Purif” is a “spiritual practice” for many Scientologists, but there is absolutely no scientific or medical reason for it. To say that there is to physically and emotionally ill and desperate people is irresponsible at best, and criminally negligent and malicious at worst.
woops, meant to type “Rundown” instead of “Runday.”
Simple, just convey them as separate issues. Ive seen your Ireland interview Mike, probably one of the best of its kind I have seen, explaining the philosophy and what miscavidge has done to it. Two different issues, you have already done it! Thats what I would like to see continue to happen from people such as yourself who have the audience.
Got you
george, I’m with you, but I think that a general rehab of’ scientology’ including the Purif can only occur after the CoS goes down. So that has to be the top priority.
Being a bit of a ‘psychedelic explorer’ from the 1960s myself, the Purif when it came along was exactly what I needed, and I recognized it instantly as THE necessary action for me. It wouldn’t be too much to say it may well have saved my life. It definitely improved my health and mental clarity for decades after I did it; and long after I withdrew from the CoS after the IAS was created. They fleeced me a couple of times, that was it for me with the CoS.
Thanks Valkov! I have experienced on the level I was on just how insidious miscavidges changes have been. He put us on a circular rat run and charged us each time we went around.
So from a personal point of view I know what you are saying. But I dont think it is worth losing the tech and the hard won concessions to bring it down. Bring miscavidge and his rat run down, for sure, but there are some who are lumping LRH, his opinions, the tech and miscavidges cult all together, some people are a=a on this and thats what worries me.
VERY WELL SAID GEORGE, and I heartily agree with you. There are far too many people, commenting, that appear to have only the total destruction of real Scientology technology, and the repute of LRH, as their real goal. Here is my ‘input’.
I, Colin Charles Poulter, being of sound mind do hereby state the following; As a young military serviceman , and being in severe danger from ill health, I underwent one of the first Purification programmes. The result was a complete reversal of ill health to good health and the ability to undergo very arduous special forces selection assessment. There were also some various mental and spiritual benefits of a personal nature.
Since that time I have learned the philosophy and techniques behind the Purification programme and applied it to others to good results as well as witnessing many others receive such a programme to good results, and by thier own statements, also with the benefit of mental and spiritual improvement.
Similarly I have undergone many hours of the communication drills, used in the drug withdrawal programme, as well as studying the philosophy on which they are based. Those drills have been of great benefit to me (and continue to be as they are not a ‘one time dose’). I have also applied those drills to others and witnessed others applying those drills to others always to good results and benefits when done correctly.
I am not an employee of, nor under the influence of, the official Church of Scientology and am making this statement of my own free will and without any promise of reward other than the preservation of very valuable knowledge and technidues that do bring relief and improvement to individuals.
I am prepared to attend at any notary public to swear this statement upon oath.
C Poulter (United Kingdom)
Thank you, Charlie.
It’s perfectly understandable why so many people focus their criticism on LRH and the tech. It is essentially the assignment of blame for what the world has witnessed for decades. Physical and mental abuses, violations of human rights, the destruction of families, forced abortions, financial rape, fraud, suicides, even murder. Rightly or wrongly, there are those who believe Miscavige is simply a product of a system that either allows for (or even encourages) abuse or at least fails to prevent it occurring. It would be easy to dismiss such people for an apparent inability to differentiate between tech and church but when someone has been watching a group of ignorant, irrational extremists for umpteen years it must be pretty hard to come away with any impression other than “the tech sucks” and “LRH was a big fat fraud.” Would you expect anything else?
LRH’s repute will always be fodder for discussion, much like Crowley’s imho. Both were men of their time. Both had questionable ethics. Both used drugs. Both committed acts of extreme cruelty. Both egotistical and hungry for power. Boo!
But they were also highly prolific writers who condensed wisdom into something powerful and practical, who have influenced and empowered people all over the world. Hurrah!
If you really care about “repute” and PR then take it and go out into the world and change some minds. Show people the new product of LRH’s system. One that helps for no exchange. One that effects positive change. One that mankind can be proud of.
Maybe then there’ll be a few less critics in the world.
Im with Ronnie, thanks Charlie!!
Miscavige is an SP squirrel.
If it gets too hot do you think he will hunker down or make a run for it?
I think Miscavige’s where abouts has been elusive for a long time. I remember once, many years ago paying for someone to stay in Big Bear on my credit card. I was reimbursed but thought it was odd.
Saying “Miscavige is an SP squirrel” is an insult to SP’s. I’ve worked long and hard to be a Suppressive but I’ve yet to receive a Golden Rod; apparently, they don’t issue those things for Wogs.
I have a stack of Golden Rod paper. (Real Golden Rod, not that yellow stuff they’re using now.) Maybe I should print some…
Mike, I am curious. In your opinion does Miscavige believe himself to be invincible?
Perhaps I am mistaken, but I envision this leading up to a huge underestimation on his part the likes of Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay.
Bethany McLean wrote a great book appropriately titled The Smartest Guys in the Room in which she explained how these two Enron execs put on such a convincing show that even high level people in their banks kept lending them money even though there were more blatant financial irregularities than you could shake a stick at. Eventually enough people started looking and asking questions about how Enron made its money. That was the beginning of the end and all their political, financial, and legal allies bolted.
For so long Miscavige has been the smartest guy in the room, but people in high places are starting to ask questions…a lot of them. One might ask at what point does the stench become so bad that the church’s non-Scientology supporters run for cover? I have to believe its only a matter of time.
Doug — without a doubt. In his mind he is smarter than anyone else in the church. By deduction, he knows this is absolutely true as they all have to answer to him. So he has outsmarted everyone else. And as for the rest of the world — they are mere wogs.
Mike, how much do think Miscavige actually KNOWS about media coverage and public opinion and the general embarrassing state of the Idle Orgs/no new Scientologists being made basically EVER? I guess I’m thinking that his “people” are telling him what he wants to hear just to avoid getting punched in the face. God knows I would. “Inglewood, sir? Straight up and vertical!! (Don’t hit me)”, “Buffalo, sir? Yes! We made 594 Clears last week alone! (please don’t strangle me)”, “The Superbowl ad, sir? A huge success!! We had 5 billion new hits in the first 10 minutes after it aired!”
I wouldn’t blame them. But I wonder how much he sees the truth.
Delphine — It’s a combination of both your scenarios.
He gets clippings and printouts of all media every day.
But he gets reports from his cowed underlings exactly as you describe — “O, yes sir, those Basics were absolutely brilliant, we have sold more of them than anything in history” and “Yes, sir, Cambridge Org is BOOMING since you cut their ribbon.”
There’s two ways to look at this:
1. More major media would be good as it gets directly to him and will cave him in, or at least stress him out (he tends to explain everything as just the SPs stirring up shit but even if he feels there are more and more SPs attacking him he becomes more paranoid)
2. The stupider is he because he is being fed lies — and thus he makes more miscalculations and mistakes.
Either way he loses.
It really sucks to be Miscavige….
I am hoping for option 2 – cuz it makes him REALLY look like a dick – sprinkled liberally with option 1.
And you know – I think I might get what I’m wishing for . . . . I should use this strategy at Christmastime.
I sometimes think: how is it POSSIBLE that this guy is for real. What a schmuck. But then I think: well, he never went to high school, so he never got his sorry punk ass served to him AND NOW LOOK at what we’re dealing with. 🙂
As an old friend of mine used to say, “Either way you bend, you’re F—-D”.
This was her sage advice to me when we would chat about the insane orders that would come into the Org and what do you do with them?! I am so glad to see the shoe on the other foot now.
Also, and someone correct me if I am wrong on this….this is the type of scenario that in the past would have begun a “Call to Arms” action within the church, to save the day. Yet…I don’t think that David Miscavige can afford to do that anymore, because if he did, it would actually open the door to more people seeing the true criminality that exists.
Bela — excellent observation. I believe the case against NN Georgia is pretty cut and dried. They are going down one way or another. So for Miscavige to launch a “Call to Arms” has two big downsides:
1. People will be curious and go on the internet and Google and a percentage of them will then investigate further up the rabbit hole and into the sunlight
2. When there are convictions, and further revelations about the criminality that has occurred — it will be very damaging to the claims they would have had to have made that this is merely “persecution” — they can’t have a “Call to Arms” to straighten out the internal criminal mess that is Narconon.
But, all that being said, you cannot discount the insanity of the RCS under Miscavige, nor the avarice that drives those IAS regges….
Jp, do you think that this raid will lead back to the church and mire ABLE in the lawsuits
Derek, while they have carefully set up layers of shell corporations to shield themselves from liability, over the last decade post 9/11, financial crime and money laundering laws have been enacted that allow prosecutors a lot more power to dismantle corporate structures like that. If there is significant communication between Narconon Georgia and Narconon International showing that NN Int exercised decision making capability over NN GA, then that will help suits to capture money held by NN Int. And if ABLE had significant decision making influence on NN Int, then they will be able to go after ABLE. Etcetera. My comment above was not intended to suggest that investigators will go directly after Miscavige first (unless they find some interesting smoking gun communications) but after higher up entities in the chain.
Incidentally, one commenter above suggests that Miscavige may be shielded by signing nothing personally, instead having his “communicator” issue the orders. Recall that Bernie Ebbers, the CEO of 1990s phone company Worldcom, never used e-mail and was extremely careful to avoid signing anything for exactly the same reasons. In 2003, Worldcom imploded with $11 billion in fraudulent accounting transactions. So how’d that work out for Bernie? His first parole hearing is scheduled for some time in 2028, when he will be 87 years old.
“Miscavige figures they are so tainted that ANYTHING done to try to help defend them will blow back on the church.”
Classic miscalculation on the part of you-know-who. If she gets thrown under the bus, she’s that much more likely to spill all and cut a deal with the prosecutors and finger higher-ups. Like you-know-who. The smart thing to do would be to reassure her that she is part of the family and then hire her a defense team equal to the quality of the defense team handling Narconon’s side of the case. Then she is much less likely to sell them out. I predict that, no matter how tough she thinks she is after years of TR-0 and after being told that basically all lawyers do is bullbait people, Mary Reiser will fold like a Kleenex when they start putting the case together and give her a big shove.
John — I do not believe the real issue here is that Rieser or anyone could directly implicate Miscavige or any other church official in the wrongdoings of Narconon Georgia. He is too remote for that.
It is the very fact of a conviction of a “Scientology entity.”
But it’s really hard to predict his actions these days — he lives in a bubble so becomes increasingly irrational when he projects himself into the real world.
That depends on what the investigators find on those hard drives. Micro Manager Miscavige might have exchanged some emails that he’ll regret later, although he’d probably be careful not to directly mention any criminal activity.
Rick — there will be no comm from Miscavige. He exclusively communicates to people at Int and they are expected to relay/forward his orders. “Command Intention”. And anything that is written even to those at Int level taht could every incriminate him is not signed. Or it is written in the name of someone else (like Lou).
My guess is he’ll throw them under the bus, like he does to everyone in close association that doesn’t kiss his ass, but even then you’re thrown down under.
Wow! Well said, Mike! Narconon preys on the weakest in society at their most vulnerable moment – mentally, emotionally, physically and financially. So does CO$ overall, but in the case of Narconon, people come to it with their very lives at stake and they’ve lost them far too often. Not to mention losing their souls. It’s about time something like this has happened. A part of me wonders why – especially with Narconon – it’s taken so long.
The irony is, Narconon today is exactly the kind of operation CCHR was originally created to bust.
You gotta know that right now, tonight, there are massive shredding parties with Pizza at every other narconon, ABLE and COS offices around the world, that will run through at least the weekend. Shredders being rented and brought in, complete monsters.
Remember Jaws at the PAC base, that giant shredder, and all-nighters in the 80 to shred and hide stuff too valuable to shred every time there was a suspected raid? I wonder if some of the stuff I hid is still there, might have to go out and look some day, I don’t even remember what the stuff was about any more but am sure I could find some of the boxes hid off base if they weren’t collected! All the stuff that was hidden with attorneys as well!
We are WAY passed the age of shredding… Those computer hard drives and insurance trails can”t be “shredded” …
Correct! Insurance records are not the property of Central Files.
In the 80s? I was still using that thing in 2004.
Yes, that deafening and dust making monster shredder. But I got no pizza!!!
Minus the pizza, Mike. Maybe some stale bread and granola for midratz if they are lucky. I remember these all night vetting parties going through pc folders to razor blade any mentions of LRH in worksheets before he came back to WHQ in the beginning of 1978. And the GO burning tons of stuff in a barbecue pit. Looks like roasted Miscavige will be on the menu one day.
Mr. Koon, Thank you. You made me smile. The other day, I called an Indie friend and asked her how come I’m not hearing about more local Indie parties like it was. Her answer was enlightening — she said that since now there are so many of us, no one of us has a house large enough for all of them. We need summer to arrive as there are some Indies who have good sized lots with some outdoor amenities. Back to your “roasting” Miscavige comment, it crossed my mind that one could most likely sell tickets to that event. However, it occurred to me, you’d most likely have to have an VIP section for the likes of the following (and their spouses): Mike & Marty, yourself, Steve Hall, Amy Scobee, Mark Headley, John Brousseau, Sarge, Gene Denk (for starters) — then, possibly, Diana (w/ daughter; LRH’s granddaughter) & Suzette & Arthur Hubbard, Pat Broeker, Debbie Cook, Bruce Hines, Ronnie Miscavige, Ron Miscavige Sr, Jenna Miscavige Hill, Shelly Miscavige, Ron Norton — then (not positive about these) David Mayo, Kerry Gleason, Bill Franks, Vickie Aznaran, Pierre Ethier (Class XII extraordinaire), et al. And if you believe in heaven, then I strongly suspect that the following would be looking down (at this Roasting of little Davie Miscavige) with a huge amount of satisfaction: LRH (for damn sure), Mary Sue, Annie Broeker, Hy Levy, (most likely soon-to-be) Heber Jentzsch, etc.— I am sure there are many more — just how many people has little DM killed off?
David, You need to submit your plan to outdo yourself in the coming week. Your Flap Stat must be UP!
The line people, less than int or maybe OSA Int level, have no idea of the electronic paper trail being left behind. I would bet that regardless of even the damage being done to themselves by destroying documents, they are destroying documents. Shred baby shred!!
That’s because you weren’t in RTC with Vicki Aznaran and Jesse Prince, they did try and look after us. I sought out the beastly shredder duty as preferable to vetting files with a razor blade or combing through documents trying to figure out what to destroy. I like big nasty noisy moister machines.
Speaking of shredding, I am starting a big project of my own, next week … 20 tractor trailer loads of 1 liter cans of soy oil to shred, recover the metal and put the oil into a bio fuels market.
Dan, STOP!!! YOU ARE KEYING ME IN!!! Also vetting PC and ethics folders of people leaving the Int Base. Just horrible!!!