Someone recently sent me this letter.
It is straight from the horse’s “mouth.”
It should have been clear to everyone when the first “condition” on the release of “OT IX and X” was “enough OT VIII’s” plus “all orgs SH Size” that this was never going to happen.
Of course, it then became all orgs “ideal” so Dear Leader could make the “OT’s” responsible for giving him money rather than him having to do something to expand orgs.
But then, there is this.
The individual prereqs: Class V Graduate Auditor PLUS False Purpose RD Auditor, Senior Sec Checker Course, PTS/SP Auditor Course, HRD Auditor Course and PDH Detection and Handling Course.
The give-away here should have been HRD Auditor Course. The Happiness Rundown is at the BOTTOM of the Bridge. It is the simplest form of auditing. Any Grad V can audit the HRD if you have the questions, there is no “special technique” for this. And you are not going to be auditing the precepts of the Way To Happiness on “OT IX”, the “first true OT Level.” And if you are still PTS after OT VIII, you should not be on OT IX either.
The truth is that Miscavige was actually trying to force OT VIII’s to train for two reasons: Primarily, to keep them occupied with something so they would not keep asking “where is OT IX” and secondarily so he could then use them to deliver in the orgs. It had nothing to do with what you would need to be able to audit the mystical OT IX and X. Senior Sec Checker course? So you can Solo Sec Check yourself for critical thoughts about Miscavige on OT IX?
This plan was dropped when few bought into it. Generally, those who had enough money to make it to OT VIII weren’t interested in training — thus he had to come up with something else to keep them occupied and something to blame THEM for to explain why OT IX and X were not released. Hence the Ideal Orgs strategy, which despite every evidence of being a total failure, he keeps hammering away on.
But this training “prereq” scheme was really destroyed when the few suckers who did start trying to do this line up were confronted with Dave’s first “GAT” and had to start over again in 1996. It was dead at that point. It was cremated when GAG II was launched and it was back to the Student Hat and Purif again.
This is a typical Miscavige letter. All certainty and air of authority. And complete bs. He didn’t mind sending people off to do things they didn’t need to do for something that didn’t exist. It was an “acceptable truth,” that nobody could challenge and hell, if they “got trained” how could that be wrong?
It’s interesting to look at it today — the bs is so much easier to see in hindsight.
PS: Note the signature. This is the guy who complains bitterly about how insulting it is to address him as “Captain Miscavige.”
Didn’t OT VIII used to be the highest? So what happened? Did too many celebs pay their way to OT VIII, so now they had to devise new OTs to keep the money flowing? Were too many OT VIIIs asking “So now I’m here, wherecare my super-powers?”. Ah no, that was a misunderstanding! You don’t get that at OT 8, you get it at OT 80! So there’s still a long way to go and $$$$$$$ to pay!!
If there are any handwriting analysts out there, it would be interesting what they make of DM’s signature.
I have/had(haven’t been in touch for a couple of years) from Dubai who spent 3 years on the Badwind$ doing his OT IX & X preps and last I heard he’s “ready”. I just hope he is wise wnoughto not have bequeathed his several oil wells over to Miscarriage.
My reference to the above comment is HCOB 22 Dez 1969 II “O/W, A Limited Theory” .. which is a nice work from LRH ..
It goes from Independent Beings down to Being Critical of Self .. a chaplain should be handle the way from Communication to Miscommunication or from Control to Miscontrol .. or Help to Failed Help .. so he may also go onto Overts and Withholds to Overts and Witholds by Transfer ..
Worrying Others or Worrying about Others goes to the above said Overts and Withholds .. Being critical or Being Critical of Self is the same because it goes also up to Overt and Withholds ..
I do not say that this reference is complete .. next step would be Stop Critic and then Believe .. and then lower Stop Believe and then Die forever .. I say, that you are a complete Independent Being when you are death forever .. but you are then alone .. and this story was sold by LRH with OT III .. you have to help all this guys who are death and alone .. and certainly you have to be critical of yourself when you do that on your NED for OTs .. otherwise you would never make progress with it ..
A chaplain in good state should say: This is all bullshit. It is all a lie. Never was any being run into the sky because of an explosion. Never were beings sitting 30 or more days around a screen and watching lot of bullshit .. Never was anybody able to transfer billions of thetans with DC 8 like machines through the air from whereever to planet Earth .. and nobody could ever be implanted on Hawaii or Las Palma because this places did not exist on Earth at this time .. this places were underwater at this time .. and so you may grasp why LRH said that you will get lung problems if you look at it on lower levels .. naturally, everybody get lung problems if he stays 30 or more days underwater .. bubble bubble ..
Lets say the Basics are a critic to every scientologist and also to LRH. We have here Being Critical .. and further Being Critical of Self .. it goes hand in hand .. if you went on this Basics project, you are done, you will have everything lost for which you gave your word to LRH .. and in your protest about, you will have missed the existence of a chaplain .. Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun did good work about ..
Lets give a comment, maybe not on top. When I studied LRH for a long time, with the goal to find out what he really wanted .. I found lot of outpoints. One of it is, that the line of policies can not be easily found .. it means you have to figure it for yourself (which I did) .. finally it became clear to me that he wrote at one day for every division a policy .. and so I got more about his idea of the day .. understand?
As said above, I was interested to know what LRH did really want .. not his philosophy, only his intensions how he tried to get that handled. So I studied also the tech .. my database gives me also all bulletin which he wrote at a certain day .. I mean, when I ask fur June 1954 or April 1969 I get all bulletion or whatever and policy on my screen .. this was my way to figure about LRH intentions .. and how he changed this in the years .. it is better than going with the basics .. sure, because LRH did critic his own books, and this is not in the books .. books are promo in basic .. it is no tech in the books ..
I did follow my own interest. It means I asked me about the role of the chaplain. What I will say is, from my view a leader of a church should be a great guru but surely also a gread chaplain .. it means a great guru has to be a great chaplain too .. so I studied bulletin and policy at the same time ..
There is not a lot given from LRH about the role of a chaplain. He stays in Div 6 without a lot of power for him .. although he should have the whole power .. in older times there was no chaplain on post, and if, then he was more in trouble himself as the public was (my observation) ..
The leader of a church should be a good chaplain .. if not, there is no church .. that is all what I wanted to say here .. LRH said somewhere in a bulletin or policy: the ruin of civilizations goes with not having a good chaplain in place, or have none, who will help out if needed .. someone which you can trust ..
I wanted to say that. The church has no chaplain on post who will help you .. but should have .. so on, Mike Rinder or Marty Rathbun or I or some others here .. would be much better on this then anybody in the current church ..
I will say also, if somebody spends a lot of money for freedom of others .. means in all religions that he will buy some sort of freedom .. the chaplain should ask: From What?
Absolutely right, Shelley. It’s a ship on the way to a ship wreck. Captain Ahab Miscavige will go down with the stolen ship, but first he has to make sure that it sinks. Very dramatic. Ahoy Dave. Don’t forget to tie the anchor rope around your neck.
Damn it. I had to go out and buy me a blackberry pie and a 1/2 gal of vanilla ice cream.
What a farce. The stuff that Scientology is touting and delivering now is lower grade stuff that many of the adherents have already done. How anybody can buy into getting case gain from this is beyond me. Go away, DM.
If there was an OT 9 and 10 they would be LEAKED by now.
Mike, this island is a STEAL!
Only $3,000,000. He could buy it and still build a full solar power facilty and be cut off from the world.
Miscavige was always unreal as a leader of the Scientology movement. Both in a fearful and a stupid way! It’s such an awkward position that he could never uphold that high post in a natural manner. It is evident that he is really trying hard to manifest any humane and high spirit values. What a con artist!
I don’t think DM will fake an OT IX & X release because today there is only a tiny OT VIII public that are not dying of cancer or of old age and are still both rich and gung ho….That’s a pretty damned small group for DM to fleece. Ha. Which will get even smaller after HBO… 32 days away
And, don’t forget: BBC is doing a report too. What happened to them?
Dave seems kind of burned out on running his con game. He is probably winding things down for this reason.
So, let me get this straight. The release of levels he previously said did not exist are being used as another excuse to ask the sheep for more money?
I think that about sums it up other than you would also be ensuring your eternity and saving the planet at the same time. How much is it worth to you ……..sucker?
In the gaming world, this is called grinding. Doing repetitive thing after repetitive thing to get the next power level, unlock, trophy, achievement, etc. It’s part of what makes games, games. It can be tedious, and can be indicative of lazy design. And yet, some people love this sort of thing. It taps into an obsessive, compulsive nerve. They are completionists that have to achieve 100%, and they hold that up as proof that they are better and more hardcore than other gamers.
I think this is who the current CoS appeals to. Long after they’ve lost the plot (something about exteriorization, perfect memory and Xenu) they stay to grind away to get the next status and trinket. Every donation gets them one step closer to that next carrot. It doesn’t matter if the goal posts keep moving and new steps get put in their way. These people see it as their goal to get that 100%. The church might claim it is their goal to get as many people as possible to this goal, but for the remaining people doing it, it’s the opposite. The fact that they are few makes them feel better, that there is something different about them, that what they are doing is extraordinary. OT IX and X can be whatever Miscavige wants it to be, it doesn’t matter. The few rich that remain to see it will hold it up as proof that they are the big beings ‘saving the planet’, as their accounts are emptied and the orgs are idle.
Watchdog Committee for Scientology?
Bahahaha!! Yeah right.
It’s along the same lines as the Fox guarding the hen house.
Captain was OK, but now meet CRAPTAINER miscavige!
It just occurred to me that with his Ideal Org ploy David Miscavige can’t lose. Regging for the purchase, renovation and furnishing of new buildings is free money, all gravy to him. The more successful the fundraising, the more money in his pocket, gratis. On the other hand, the slower the fundraising goes, the longer it takes, is the longer he is under no obligation to make OTIX and X available. Wow.
Aqua – and there you have it! “On the other hand, the slower the fundraising goes, the longer it takes, is the longer he is under no obligation to make OTIX and X available. Wow.” This is the ultimate SP or Sociopath or whatever other name we want to give him at his best, he’s got it all figured out.
This was the game from day one, the day it was announced LRH died. And all us silly gullible old timers ate it up. Although in my gut I felt it was all over then but wanted to believe. Ah, 20/20 hind sight and all that….What the hell, at least I’m here and out now!
Well said Aqua!
So, Fleet Admiral Christian Grey has been playing teasy-weasy with OTIX for decades. What a surprise. If only he’d been satisfied with moving goalposts. We’re now officially in the Golden Age of Carrot-and-Stick, where the arbitrary removed is the existence of the carrot. Only the stick remains.
Golden Age of Carrot-and-Stick, where the arbitrary removed is the existence of the carrot. Only the stick remains.
Nice one.
It’s nice that Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is doing such a fine job of running the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology into the ground where it belongs. That means we can take the time off to practise the art of putting as much denigration of the Co$ into as short sentences as possible while staying funny. I can live with being outclassed 🙂
Or perhaps it is the best sort of carrot that is left – the invisible one? Like the Emperor’s new clothes it is such a fine and wonderful carrot you have to be a very special person to see it. Of course, it isn’t there so nobody CAN see it. But nobody wants to be the person who admits they can’t see it, so they pretend they can see it, and tell everyone what a wonderful carrot it is. Well worth all the sacrifice they all have to make.
And then they come to believe their own lies. And that is when they are doomed…
I am the pie in the sky,
looking for you,
I can feed your mind.
Captain Miscavige – steering his ship straight onto the rocks while all aboard cheer him on from the decks and the band continues to play. Pity they haven’t noticed all the lifeboats are long gone, taken by those who woke up and abandoned ship. Those who are continuing this fraud deserve the murky grave they’re going to.
Good point – yes, they really do. They must now be willfully ignorant at the very least that they are donating money to an organisation Ron would have despised and closed down and that the money they are donating is being used to harm people. They must know that or be choosing to ignore it. These whales still donating deserve to lose all the money and deserve to be destroyed by it through the harm their money is doing.
Why does he hate to be addressed as ‘Captain’? Is it because he feels he is a higher rank or does he think people are making fun of him when they address him that way?
He hates it because he is the ONLY Captain that is not brevet rank in the Sea Org. It is evidence that despite what he tries to claim in court, he RUNS THE SHOW. And the corporate entities are mere legal windowdressing, the real control exerted in scientology is by and through the Sea Org and that all Sea Org members are required to answer to him and that he controls all corporations through the control exerted by the Sea Org.
When this started to be put forth in legal cases, he suddenly decided he didnt like being Captain David Miscavige any longer, and you will now see that the church ONLY refers to him as Mr. David Miscavige. But he didn’t relinquish his title, just made it something that is no longer allowed to be said.
So, did LRH make Miscavige a ‘real’ Captain or did Miscavige make himself a ‘real’ Captain?
Self anointed
That’s pretty much what he does with everything, including his wife.
Mike said: “But he didn’t relinquish his title, just made it something that is no longer allowed to be said.”
This reminds me of “disconnection”. The church still does it but won’t say they do it.
Thank you Mike……I did notice that he was called ‘Mr. David Miscavige’ a lot (during the inch wives interview for example). I thought it was odd.
You should have asked Deixler to call you ‘Captain Mike Rinder’ during your dep. Just for giggles.
Speaking of the dep, I was impressed by your responses………although we did not have a video, I got the sense you kept your cool. I’ve sat in on many a deposition and know how contentious they can be. So, here is my attempt to congratulation you in Australian. “Good on ya!”
‘What if he tries to convince them to “follow LRH”!? and creates some sort of “newly discovered” LRH penned document that suggests they take their life?’
He would lose the flock. I’m serious too.
Thanks for the levity, Mike.
I remember sitting at my desk at Mountain View Mission when the prereq was announced “All Orgs Saint Hill size”. And I remember initially wondering how the hell could that ever happen? What about new Orgs coming along, Missions turning into Orgs? I asked those questions to a few OT’s at the time and no one had a good answer. A few assumed it must mean just existing Orgs, but they were not certain. Even just existing Orgs seemed an insurmountable task, what 130 or so by then… and you could see it in the faces of OT’s during the announcement. Just nuttiness.
And the madness, 30 years on, just rolls on. Incredible.
Ronn S I had exactly that thought. A small org like Perth or Cambridge or Port Elizabeth? It is not going to happen. To me that meant management had lost the plot. A massive organizational objective for more spiritual freedom to be offered. A few events had new SH size orgs announced, then it started to fade away and not be heard of again.
What a BS story.
Mike, knowing DM as you do, is there anyway possible that he could pull OTIX and OTX out of his ass?
Sure. Anything is possible.
I think if he hasn’t gone off to Bulgravia to “finish compiling the tech” and then disappears into the sunset before he is forced to come up with something, he could pretty easily take some processes out of Creation of Human Ability or some mid 50’s lecture and turn them into “OT IX and X”. The clubbed seals would lap it up. He could tell them that finally, after all the years of undercut, LRH discovered that people after OT VIII were ready for creative processing. They would buy anything.
I sort of wonder why he hasn’t done this already….
He’s probably got it written up but is just examining the best way to fleece the remaining flock. Maybe 9 & 10 require a super duper unenturbulated space (such as a submarine) where no evil psych/gov satellite surveillance can the “OTs”… 😉
Yeah, though I think an entire island or a quarter of the nation of Costa Rica might be more to his pleasing. And it would be a wonderful fundraiser!
I agree, Toot. They are so without integrity, so PTS they cannot look, and so PTS to DM that they are his robots who will follow his every command, even if that command is to kill off the body so that they can travel unencumbered to Target II to join Ron. It’s scary to contemplate. Oh and an aside, I read that on the Jim Jones thing, some of the people didn’t want to drink the poison and were told if they didn’t drink it, the armed gunmen in the cult would shoot them. Their choice was die by bullets or by drink, but die it is.
It’s very efficient of him that he sends copies of his letter to people in the hole.
Why does it bother him to be called captain? I don’t get it.
Are there humans that have attained the OT8 able to prove they were sent on a never ending labyrinth, realized it then gave up?
In the 70’s I read a story about Jim Jones (in Rolling Stone Magazine). I was very young but I couldn’t BELIEVE what I was seeing…bodies everywhere. It looked like they were willing participants as well. I read and re-read it confused. My own mother was searching for something at the time and went from a declared squirrel group (called The Mereta Group) to scientology.
Since then I’ve read more thorough reporting on the Jonestown massacre.
There are way too many similarities with the sea org and/or scientology and the Jonestown tragedy.
What if he tries to convince them to “follow LRH”!? and creates some sort of “newly discovered” LRH penned document that suggests they take their life?
And I’m serious.
‘What if he tries to convince them to “follow LRH”!? and creates some sort of “newly discovered” LRH penned document that suggests they take their life?’
He would lose the flock. I’m serious too.
Dark piece of literary thinking there WD. Jonestown revisited you mean?
COB is capable of a lot of things but I think his greed will trump everything – when his time comes he’ll probably opt for counting his stash with his pockets full of guns in some jungle somewhere is more his style. I thought he might he might sail off someplace and sit at the dock of some specially selected country but he’d be too paranoid to trust his SO crew not to creep into his cabin one night, naw he’d sit in a jungle with a hired army.
The one known provable fact about miscavige is he doesn’t believe the stuff he peddles, not one little bit of it. But he does know a sucker when he sees one.
Nope Yawn, not my literary thinking. I was responding to Toot’s question by saying Miscavige couldn’t possibly convince the flock as he would lose them. Hope that clarifies the matter.
No problem I see now, clarified.
Still a horrible dark thought isn’t it?
The captain is too criminal to introvert to that sort of thing personally, he’s a kicker and screamer I would imagine if he’s caught at something.
Just a few years ago, I would have thought this was a crazy analogy but now, after examining the available information, I believe there is plenty on evidence to show that there are similarities which should raise concern for anyone who examines it. Here are just a couple off the top of my head;
1. The Peoples Temple and Church of Scientology = Radical religious cults.
2. Jim Jones and David Miscavige = Both are Sociopaths
3. Mind control techniques = Used on the members of both groups
4. Members of both groups = Doing what they are told or coerced to do, if even illogical.
5. Members of both groups = Indoctrinated to the point of believing that their “ultimate freedom” can only be obtained outside of this universe, which requires leaving the body.
I agree Bob. It is something we all need to be aware of. Marty also raises this issue on his blog (point #8).
After witnessing the blind obedience first hand within my own family I cannot dismiss this subject as I would have only a few years ago. The HBO documentary has the potential to push the cult to it’s inevitable breaking point. It has to happen and the sooner it does the fewer will be injured.
Bob, outstanding post! I to have made the comparison between Jonestown and scientology. Your list is excellent. As I’ve said before and I say it again, scientology is just a shade above Jonestown…and falling fast.
While there is no doubting the strength of the hold that the leadership of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology has on its victims (here I’m thinking of the Damnation Navy), there have been no reports of the training for suicide that preceded the mass murder in Jonestown (“murder” because the victims were under undue influence, IMHO).
But the hold is there, no mistaking the force of the conditioning of those born into the Damnation Navy, for instance (described in Jenna Miscavige Hill’s “Beyond Belief”).
I hope this won’t happen. I think it won’t happen because Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige isn’t that sort of tyrant (not because the victims wouldn’t do it).
Oh, and Rick Ross’ “Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out” has case histories about a broad range of destructive coercive organisations, including Jim Jones.
Normally I can look at a piece of analysis and spot holes in it. But, I couldn’t find anything in your analysis, Mike. Spot on – your logic is faultless.
Almost 22 years on from that letter and how much closer are they to releasing OTIX and X? I’d argue that they are even further away because as long as the whales (and lesser oceanic mammals?) keep forking over the cash for the never-ending pile of Ideal Morgues, there is absolutely no incentive to deliver these levels. And besides, according to Marty they don’t exist.
How long can ‘Captain’ Miscavige keep this up? I’d say indefinitely or at least until the whales beach themselves in the shallows. This is a blatant cash-grab to accumulate as big a nest egg as he can before he sets sail for Bulgravia (or at least some South American country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US).
Imagine being an OTVIII now – whatever you do, whatever you contribute, you are never going to do that one next level that finally handles your case.
Yep, I can see ol’ Cap’n Miscavige every evening with His scotch and Learn Spanish Fast tapes… “Hola, llame me ‘El COB,’ motherfucker!”
Axiom – not true. The key to handling an OT8’s case? Self Analysis. Run the following command to total life change cognition: Recall a time when life was cheerful.
That list of courses is just a case of you must BE before you can DO OT 9 &10 and HAVE the gains at that level. What an amazing line-up of STOPS-Just pushing the carrot so far out that no one can ever arrive.
The church is always pushing a “right now” point of view. The world is going to hell and if we don’t do something right now then all could be lost. So the answer then is to push the highest levels (solutions) so far out that they can never be done “right now”?
I like it that he finishes hoping that “your academy is booming”…not that “parishioners” are happy, fulfilled or anything pointless like that. For a head ecclesiastic he certainly fails to indicate any interest in the welfare of the flock. Just haul ’em in and make ’em pay!
OT9 or 10?…..a little LSD or some Psilocybin should do the trick…
When I look back at my 30 year history with the church, the church’s strategy with the OTVIIs was the first seed of doubt.
Think about it, the church claims that it is the OTVIIs that will salvage this planet; that 10,000 Solo NOTs auditors where going to handle this mythical theta-entheta ratio (reinforced by a precise mathematical formula that no one has ever seen). The FATE of the planet hangs in the balance.
So what does the church do? They make it very difficult for anyone to get or stay on the level!!
Are they sadists? Do they enjoy seeing a planet, steeped in entheta, spinning out of control?
I thought back then that OTVII should be FREE! If you made it that far, and the fate of the planet was at stake, well then…step right up…nothing could be more important than you auditing on VII. You would be doing the world an honourable service.
IF OTVII has ANY positive effect on the planet, and IF the church truly had the best interests of the planet in mind, then naturally they would be doing everything in the power to make that happen. That is what a social personality would do.
Sadly, I have concluded it is unlikely that OTVII has ANY effect on the planet, and most certainly the church does not have the best interests of the planet at heart. Fortunately, the planet is not going to hell in a handbasket, and in many ways is getting better – no thanks to Scn.
This is Scn folklore, nothing more.
Of course it is unlikely that OT VII has ANY effect on the planet! Why? IT’S ALL MAKE BELIEVE! Hubbard did excel at one thing: Story telling. Probably one of THE best. But, that’s where it stops.
Yep, he’s an ‘only one’ for sure.
As in “How many sphincter muscles does it take to create as asshole?”
🙂 Cooper, you have quite a mind.
So now calling him Captain is insulting? Seriously? The same guy that used to make us salute his dogs?
Wow! Salute his dogs? I might have missed that one being said before, so this is the first time I’m registering this. What complete insanity. The bullshit we have all endured is truly amazing.
Lovely pic. In England, it’s better than that: Just because someone is offended doesn’t mean that anything that is offensive in the eyes of the law has happened.
It used to really tick me off when LRH would do the same thing….if you do A then I will release B.
Trouble was A was such a grand target it seemed very hard to reach. I would think just release
B for crying out loud. I mean maybe releasing B would accelerate the attainment of A.
And now Miscavige comes along and makes A so totally unreachable that even he had to change the
doingness of A to hit B. In the world of the COS members it is much easier to confront giving money
than it is doing all of that training.
I remember as a kid I would come in the house after playing in the dirt etc. wanting a cookie or something
sweet. My mother would say not until I put my dirty shoes on the porch, change out of my dirty clothes and wash my hands and face. Simple target with a very short runway to those cookies….very attainable with a lesson learned……bang cookies and milk!
And guess what…..the cookies and milk were really there to have!
Correct, this line-up makes it impossible for the majority of public to get it done. Some of them work, remember? And as you noted, it is avery disjointed line-up; Sec Check-FPRD? Of course, for the minor beings that are useless and need to be sec checked (or whatever).
It is never going to happen and, not because of the training line-up, simply because OT IX doesn’t exist.
I also noted the c.c – Snr C/S Int, etc. By the way OSA, where are they?
The Sec Checks, Confessionals, etc. are Hubbard’s main artifice in his mind control game. They habituate people at reporting to the Church, being compliant and generally obedient to Ron or whoever is running the show, in addition to providing blackmail material against parishioners.
In my view Sec Checks are the main tool used in Scientology to break people’s sense of autonomy and independence, they also create confusion in both the Pc and the Auditor, as these interrogation are foisted as “auditing”, following the rules of auditing (HA!), but “I’m not auditing you” insanity.
As far as I can tell these were the main actions that corrupted every well meaning auditor who walked into Ron’s Church and turned them into Operators (hypnotists) more or less in the someway Hubbard wrote about in his “Psychopolitics, The Manual for Brainwashing”.
Conan there is a proper place for Confessionals in a PC’s progress, but like everything in the church it gets abused.
A Confessional can tremendously unburden a person who is sitting on crimes that are haunting him. I’m talking about actions that the person knows were wrong by his own judgment and is desperately concealing them.
I give you an example of someone I grew up with. He was a very depressed guy and pretty caved-in although those of us around him had no idea what was driving this. It turns out he was going to our Catholic Church (1970’s) and volunteering to pass the basket at Sunday service and then he would lift some of the cash and pocket it before he turned in the basket. This went on for some time and eventually it nearly killed him. He was hurting a church that he had grown up in and was stealing from it and knew most of the people who were making those donations.
It wasn’t until he got in front of an auditor that all this came out and he was able to rebound-He really did rebound big from this. Decent people do want to unburden themselves (if it’s safe to do so) and there is a place for it in authentic Scientology.
Oh please, please……
I think K Francis has a point Bro Conan. I think is must be remembered that people were in fact looking within themselves and viewing patterns. Especially when those patterns were known moments in this life.
Unburdening guilt is a valid therapy. Mind control sec checking is not.
People were and are having realizations with some auditing no doubt. It is our innate capacity to go within, look and differenciate that causes cognitions.
The problem is that Ron claimed ownership of the process. Made it about him and his “only one true savior bs.”
Today, past life regression is pretty common place out here in the wilds of “Other Practice Squirrel-Landia.” Eastern thought, practices and theory has become part of the fabric of culture.
Ron definitely was ahead of his time regarding this past life therapy.
My opinion is that Ron got lost in the subconscious mind. He was not equiped to navigate in those depths. His subconscious mind and projections became the Space Opera OT levels. Delusion became church doctrine and true believers could not fathom that “man’s only hope” became hopelessly lost in what Vedic texts call Sanskaras.
But I think he was on the right track with the grades and maybe some of those creative processes.
It is possible that some very intelligent soul can continue the work. But there is some heavy doctrinal garbage collecting to do first.
Ron was a pioneer. But he became mad following no honored road map of moral behavior. He introverted into the world of the ego and spiraled inwards until he wished electrocution as a final means to end his suffering.
When the ego is God, madness is just around the corner,
it’s also spelled Samskara. Here is a link to some views on Samskaras.§ion_id=871
Brian & KFrancis,
Thanks. I’m pretty familiar with the process of introspection, the confession of sins, and the resultant release of one’s karma. Very healing. I’ve done that, being there.
Grade 2, as well as the rest of the lower Bridge, including the point of clear is pretty ingenious and Hubbard was brilliant in the elegance and directness of his techniques.
However, I stand by my observations back in the day as well as currently.
The interrogations foisted as auditing are the main tool to habituate Scientologists into reporting to the Church for though and behavior control. They create confusion as to the aims of auditing and corrupt both the Auditor and PC.
Sorry, but this Implant Station was not created only by Hubbard or Miscavige.
Sorry for posting so much. On second thought that link is too technical with Sanskrit terms and an Indian’s way of seeing.
Here is my understanding of Samskara:
The analogy of the surface of the water, the wavelets, can be likened to out conscious thoughts. They rise and and fall. The wavelets (thoughts) are temporary, like the wavelets rising and falling.
But because of a continuous pattern of wind on the surface of the water, there forms on the lake bed, in the sand, more permanant waves.
The sandy bottom has waves that are somewhat permanant not like the the temporary waves on the surface.
The continued action of the wind (continued actions of human beings) on the surface of the water causes subconscious (sandy bottom of lake) impressions to become fixed and hard to neutralize.
Those heavy things we carry around with us that we somehow intuit as hard issues to resolve are like those permanant waves on the lake bottom.
While our conscious thoughts on the surface of our awareness are more easily dissipated and neutralized.
I hope I’m not getting to far out for you guys.
Understood Conan. There is definitely some control bat crazy shit mind fuck to be deep sixed by the discriminating intellegence of us survivors.
I have been out since 82. I am still finding stuff as a result of these blogs. I was so young, 18, when I became a true believer. My young mind was so impressionable because of the times. We all were experimenters of sorts, us baby boomers.
And Mysticism hit the American shores hard in the 60’s. The Beatles, LSD and all the alternative roads we were pioneering
Ron was at the right place at the right time. It was our interest in the subject of the soul, spirituality and knowledge that gave the Old Man a forum for his real findings and bat shit crazy imaginings.
We were the ones with the power all along. It was our interest in truth, seeking it, that fueled everything. I am happy to say, I have never faltered in that quest. Everyday, every breath, since 1982.
I’ll say one think about Hubbard. He brought together a generation of truth seekers. I loved my Scientology social experience. Made great friends and made great music.
Those parties in the late 70s in LA were pretty fun. Chick, Danny Sherman, Nevil Potter, Stanley, Robin on and on.
We were all Luke Skywalker and Ron was Obi Wan. The planet was ours and soon all the world would be happy and free. We knew in our hearts that our motive was supremely benevolent. What could go wrong with truth at our side?
What I internalized as my expereience of Scientology and Ron, was a dream I made up out of my trust in Ron and his “supremely benevolent” motive.
He betrayed my trust.
So I get you Conan.
Thanks for the link I just read it. I’ m cool with Indian thought!
I was wondering if you read Aleister Crowley’s Essay on Yoga, as it seems to be the main source for Hubbard’s PDC, Factors & Phoenix lectures.
I would love to hear your take on it.
Conan, I read a little of it now. I can say two things.
1) it speaks to the universality of Yoga that devils and sages call it their own.
2) Ron was privy to this stuff. Yogananda was very big here in America. People were being turned away by the thousands from his lectures because of over capacity.
Sometimes I wonder if he took Yogananda’s monthly lessons. Because I have found things in the lessons that he repeated. And Yogananda’s lessons came out earlier than Dianetics. Yogananda was here in 1920.
There are essential “upper level” yoga stuff that Ron recodified, repackaged, spiffed it up with fallacious scientism and Freud, created a para military to secure income and presented it as new findings.
He was a genius. Sorry guys who hate this attribute, but he was.
I believe the thing to keep in mind is: wisdom and a keen intelligence are not the same. Keen intelligence does not even garauntee a decent human being.
What this guy made up out of his own mind and then made a navy of minions is freaking incredible!!!
Amazing! he did smash his name into history. It’s got more money in the coffers than when he was alive!
Tyrant tech, it works.
What! Don’t tell me about those pink legs in the corner. Yuk yuk wink wink
He did not know Yoga truly. He did not.
“work” – what kind of OT needs that?
“PS: Note the signature. This is the guy who complains bitterly about how insulting it is to address him as “Captain Miscavige.””
I hope the next person who gets such an objection whips this letter out.
A view of Scientology’s constant revelation of the newest and bestest:
An incremental addictive status attainment for the ego.
A never ending justification of not attaining stable exterior with full perception.
Or, being in DENIAL that stable exterior with full perceptions was an original goal in Scientology that was promised, or reason we became Scientologists.
The next level will do it.
The assignment of the responsibility of one’s spiritual evolution to an outside source is a trap.
The first step to consciously choosing to be trapped is fear of self auditing. Fear of self looking, fear of self inquiry, because only Ron knows the mind and your mind is too dangerous to be looked at without paying Scientology to do it for you.
Don’t worry, Ron handled the danger for you.
This is the death of sovereign intelligence, courage, personal power and freedom. This is the death of conscious self evolution: the only real road to spiritual freedom.
The tools for this search are there. They exist. They are free. It requires personal self effort.
You have been lied to that there is no other way to resolve suffering.
Just ask yourself, “have I ever met a fully stable exterior person with full perception?”
The test for this is very simple.
It’s become a circus of ego status. I became a Scientologist because I thought Ron was free, was the Buddha and he could teach me to be free.
Have you ever met one, just one, totally freed Scientologist ever?
It’s become like a pyramid sales Amway move up in status for the purpose of getting pictures taken with a smile, a cert and a standing ovation.
And if you are a single guy: easier to pick up chicks.
Don’t forget the pin one would get in Amway.
And one never had to pay so much to get that pin
as one does in the COS. Both groups promote status.
Be a certain status and one can sit in a “special area”
at meetings and conventions…..ya da ya da ya da
Hard to really tell if I have ever met a totally freed
Scientologist. I think it would take a totally freed
Scientologist to really know another totally freed
Scientologist. Hence the problem to the answer to
that question…..who the hell knows?
The truth will set you free. Truth is free and is freeing.
The test is easy, if a person was stable exterior with full perception.
That is a clam of ability. It is easily checked out
I think the free Scientologists are the ones who started thinking for themselves and broke out.
Brina, I think you meant “claim.” I hope no-one minds that I laughed 🙂
And you’re right. Simple test, one million dollars available from the James Randi foundation and no takers.
Now report yourself to “ethics” for even thinking about this…
“A never ending justification of not attaining stable exterior with full perception.
Or, being in DENIAL that stable exterior with full perceptions was an original goal in Scientology that was promised, or reason we became Scientologists.”
You nailed it Brian. MY recall is excellent for the last 45+ years. The amount of old timers who have shoved their head so far into the sand that Chinese are walking on their scalp is amazing. All of a sudden they are like, “No, I came into scn and stayed because of all the NON Clear & OT promises made.” LMAO
This is a classic summation. Thank you, Brian.
” Have you ever met one, just one, totally freed Scientologist ever?”
What comes to mind are those that say they are no longer Scientologists! They are the closest to an answer to that question I have observed! I’m one of them.
Me too! When I’m hiking Iao Valley on Maui, that gets me pretty close to perfection. All the groups I’ve taken there say the same thing. AND IT’S FREAKING FREE!
OSD, a freed being is one who rides the third chair lift up Heavenly Valley and turns around and sees Lake Tahoe – Or a scientologist that is no longer and then does this.
From the top of Heavenly Valley on the Nevada side, one can see Lake Tahoe and the expansive Carson Valley, including the buildings in Reno, 50 miles away.
Anyone who has graduated form the belly of beast of Scn, knows more about the human psyche than most philosophers of the ages.
Right you are Miss Mary! Same thing! When my wife and I hiked Muir Woods in northern California, we experienced incredible positive feelings! Some of these trees were 900 years old! And you can bet that I did, indeed, hug them! Surrounded by such living beauty was simply magnificent! And…IT WAS FREAKING FREE!
The spiritual evolution one goes through after swearing off the Kool Aid can be a slow and arduous process because you have so many LRH absolutes. A stable datum for everything you encounter. And, so many thought stoppers to keep you on the straight and narrow.. But I must admit, you are speeding things up quite a bit. And, I do appreciate the help and your no bullshit point of view. There is a lot of truth in what you say.
When I started 40 + years ago, there was a gradual, constant spiritual evolution including momentarily going exterior with full perception running R3R in 1972.
But, from 1990 to 2005 when I completed New OT V, it was a painful trap with no spiritual evolution at all. This period was a mistake on my part and I can best described my mistake in your words: “The assignment of the responsibility of one’s spiritual evolution to an outside source is a trap.”
Good comments indeed, Mike.
The Bullshitter is imitating exactly what elrong did hisownself!
Changing everything every two seconds, adding prerequisites coming from nowhere but his own maniac hell to ghet more money, and promising some miracles.
Now hance, the bullshitter is soon to be gone with the money, exactly like his guru did when he went to hide in a armored camping-car hidden in a hidden ranch.
And the codes of the accounts in switzerland, in panama, in luxemburg, Netherland Antilles etc etc.
I’d bet the pope of the cult won’t choose USA, rather some small island in the Pacific.
Offering OT 9 and OT 10 when they do not exist is clearly fraudulent and should result in a lawsuit which will be a slam dunk to win. Hubbard never released those levels and never wrote up anything concerning them. OT 8 was the final level where Ron informs us that he is Lucifer and will return as the Antichrist.
The runway issued by the dwarf 22 years ago is long and will be difficult to impossible to complete with DM changing the line up. Based on what the midget has done so far since he has usurped the power there will probably be a GAT III and GAT IV.
I agree with you totally, Dean.
I think that letter is clear evidence of fraud.
If the FDA raided the Church of Scientology in the 1960’s when they saw clear evidence of fraud, and again in the 1970’s when they realized they had been infiltrated by Scientologists – sending 11 top Scientologists to federal prison – why are no government entities doing anything about Scientology today?
Scientology is a criminal organization operating right out on the open.
Why is nothing being done about them?
The Feds no doubt are letting the C of $ fall on it’s own sword.
Alonzo, I’ve always held you in the highest regard. Your biting, take no prisoners posts several years ago were admirable and brave. (I’ve wanted to tell you that for quite some time). And I really miss the Buddha icon.
But, a quick scan through any news outlet, tv, internet, print, will prove to anyone the CofS has become a mirror image of our political leaders today. Rotten to the core, treacherous and treasonous, utterly beneath contempt. So our government and the CofS are interesting bedfellows not to be confused with anything that doesn’t include self interest and greed.
I think the government gets a warm, fuzzy feeling when they see the CofS act out.
Alanzo, I think the answer is that this group is too small to worry about when this country has other problems they would rather spend their small budgets on.
The FBI probably looks at this little, ineffectual, crazy-ass group – its members and ex-members squirming – like watching a worm die on a July sidewalk in Clearwater, Florida; it just dehydrates and dies.
Too many ExScns have appointed the likes of Barack as their new blind leader of the blind.
” Why is nothing being done about them?”
They are not alone. If you want an eye opener start with “The Creature From Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffen.
The rabbit hole is deeper than it seems sometimes.
Filing a lawsuit because Miscavige lied about OT IX and X, is a non-starter in the US. No court would allow it because it involves theology. All Miscavige would have to say is “LRH gave me the details in a vision,” and that would be that. Miscavige lies, and there is fraud, but an inquiry by a court into whether OT 9 and 10 exist would be viewed as involvement in religion, which is a violation of the First Anendment’s requirement that church and state stay separate. Lawsuits over fraudulent fundraising, deaths and misrepresentation by Narconon, demands for refunds, abuse of minors, and assault and battery– these are the lawsuits that survive.
When will the FBI get involved? When it can no longer ignore the growing number of lawsuits against Narconon, or sooner if someone close to Miscavige now comes forward and blabs about something very illegal, such as a pattern and practice of Miscavige ordered illegal wire taps, illegal computer hacking, and/or fundraising that involves illegal money laundering and kickbacks.
Dean, it doesn’t work that way in the US with religious orgs and scripture. For reasons having to do with the Constitution. The only slam dunk you’d experience would be as the plaintif when the judge slam dunks your lawyers head with the gavel.
I thought the position of anti-Christ was already filled – Jon Atack.
Maybe it’ll be double hatted?
In reality it should have been “clear” (the aware will get THAT joke) when one did OT VIII that El Wrong lied his ass off as it did not handle their amnesia on the whole track. 8 was specified as the “first true OT Level.”
I remember when the Snr C/S Ship finished her training at Int and came down to Pac to go to the Ship in ’86. We sat together for a couple hours talking. She told me that she didn’t think it was going to go well. She wouldn’t tell me why. Shortly after that Snr C/S Int left the S.O. The highest ranking officer other than Norm.
Looking back I see that the OT VIII release was the beginning of the end for Scn as a subject. There were no clothes so to speak. A saint could have been running the Church and it would have collapsed, sooner or later…
Those cc:s at the bottom of the letter-it appears they must be taking instructions right from the captain himself, right? Always good to have it in writing.
Fascinating document.
I took note of the CC’s at the bottom too. How many of those people / posts at the bottom are even there? Seems the entire exec strata are in the Hole or declared and out. Where are they Davey?
In the ‘70s, the prerequisites for the original OT levels, which were actual OT levels, were the solo auditor’s course, OT III, and ethics okay. When you got your invitation to do the level, you went in the course room, got your material and went to do the OT level.
Fast forward to April 1993 – Arbitrary, after arbitrary, after arbitrary. What a difference an SP (Slappy Personality) makes!
Looks like you had been one of those that did the OT levels “back in time”.
Yep, I’m an “old timer” watching my former church disintegrate at the hands of a maniac.
So, nearly twenty years ago he was lying about OT IX. Where are the people complaining its still not available?!
They cannot complain. It is the beauty of the “ideal orgs strategy.”
They have not collected the money to make every org ideal. It has been made well known that this is the criteria for “release” of OT IX and X. So the poor fools keep at it. They just “know” that eternity awaits on the first real OT levels, so cannot give up hope of making it.
Not only that, if they do complain, they will be declared. And then they REALLY won’t be able to nibble on the carrot dangling out of reach. Sooner or later they will realize the carrot is an illusion, but at that point, they are not “complaining” they are normally relieved to have extricated themselves from the mind game.
Good answer! Thx
Good point. This is what I told one my friend recently. I am pleased I got declared. If not, I would still be with those guys, hoping, brainwashed… Took me 1+ year to get back in the real life 🙂
I think it was around 2006-7 that the Prisonwinds announced that they were now doing ‘set-ups’ for OT IX and X. I received a lot of pressure to do that action and many of the then OT VIIIs in the Sac area did do them. Seems my own postulate of never returning to the shit (I mean ship) held ……… maybe I should notify the Advance mag OT phenom dept.
Seems that with the eminent completion of the Idle Morgues per your funny’s yesterday, we should expect another round of pro-mo for those same set ups. Why does ‘three intensives of sec checking’ come to mind here?
“Come to the ship for a OT IX and X set-ups refresher. Share your wins, enjoy a latte on the poop deck with Teddy and lighten your wallet !” Move up the bridge with blah, blah, blah …………. good frickin grief!
If the non-existent OT 9 & OT 10 are first REAL OT levels, what does that say about OT 3?
EVERYTHING OSD! The cult says it holds the key to your OTness (spelled eternity) !!! Ha Ha Ha.
I guess der Midget is preparing to deliver more of his ‘negative gain’ OTness levels. Real OT comes from never setting foot in a cult ……………. among many other factors!
Well, considering that OT 3, at least to me, is THE major OT level. You know, Xenu, transporting , what, 13 Trillion aliens to earth and dropping them in volcanoes and then blowing them up with hydrogen bombs more powerful than our current hydrogen bombs. And setting up a giant thetan catcher in the sky to capture the souls of all the dead aliens as the nuclear wind blows them into the sky (Ummmm, but, souls are not physical so how can they be blown up into the sky?) and then forced to watch 36 days of 3-D movies about God, religion and other shit and then everyone on planet has several thousands of body thetans attached to their body. And for $1,000 the cult will help you get rid of them. And the clown dwarf says 9 & 10 are the first real OT levels? That’s it! I give up! I guess I’m just not smart enough to figure this out…
Yea, that was my questions, OSD, if souls are not physical….? Unfortunately, I drank too much Koolaid at the time I asked that questions and shrugged off the answer as my own stupidity. Also, I want to know the church of scientology you were connected to that you only had to pay $1,000 to get rid of them? Did you forget a couple or three 0’s? Plus, there is NO getting rid of them. There are always more.
Oh, C’mon Mary! You know I’m old and senile! I MEANT to say, $1,000 PER HOUR to rid your body of space cooties. When I read the OT3 materials, I was still drinking kool-aid too! But, it always bothered me about ‘souls’ being blown up in the sky by the nuclear wind. How the fuck can that happen?
Well, now I know: It was ALL MAKE BELIEVE. ALL OF IT! And it has absolutely NOTHING with science. Zero! Zip! Nada!
That letter definitely has some historic significance. This letter confirms that DM will continue stalling with the realease of OT IX and X for as long as he can get the flock to keep doing tricks for the dangling carrots. Do you think DM will at some point release an OT IX & X that he himself has created in order to appease the dwindling flock? Or do you think DM will keep stalling in the hopes/belief that LRH will return with the upper OT levels? (though come to think of it LRH hasn’t stayed in comm like he said he would, hmm…)
Surfer Dude – actual question. Have you ever heard any data about how BTs travel with a thetan after death? Wouldn’t he be free of them after death? And what about his next body. Would that have new BTs to fuck him up?
Oh, that letter is positively creepy! “…good luck. Love Dave.”
Indeed it’s all bs just like 9 &10. In the real world there’s a thing called the privilege of rank, it’s generally earned with hard work & dedication. Davey boy stole his and uses it for criminal enterprise. You time is coming cup cake.
The best is….. ” STARTING NOW ” 1993 – 2015 = 22 Years ……I think they finished 😀