Reaching out to the Chinese community of Pasadena when they are not even scraping the surface on the english speaking population…
How come they don’t have a Spanish speaking mission?
Or how about any english speaking ones?
From: Sara Jonic [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 11:53 AM
Subject: la- Chinese Mission in Pasadena
The Time is Now!We are opening a Chinese Mission in the Pasadena area!This is vital and will not only bring LRH directly to the Chinese community in the LA area but will also bring LRH to the countries where they come from because the majority of the population here maintains close ties with their families and businesses overseas and many travel back and forth throughout the year.Why Pasadena?The San Gabriel Valley region of Los Angeles County in particular has one of the most prominent collections of U.S. suburbs with large foreign-born Chinese-speaking populations, ranging from working-class residing in Rosemead and El Monte to wealthier immigrants living in Arcadia, San Marino and Diamond Bar. Monterey Park is part of a cluster of cities, along with Alhambra, Arcadia, Temple City, Rosemead, San Marino, and San Gabriel in the west San Gabriel Valley, with a growing Asian American population, making up 66.9% of its resident population at 2010.The beautiful Pasadena Ideal Org is located in the heart of Old Town Pasadena and has one of the best locations for body traffic of any org. We are regularly selling Chinese books to passers- by and have sold more Beginning Book packages in Chinese than in any other language.As a matter of fact we had one very upstat family buy 76 raw books in one day and many of those were for family members and co-workers in Mainland China.We have also hosted dignitaries from China at the Pasadena Org and they too are showing interest in our 4D Campaigns as well as in Dianetics and Scientology.We are looking for Scientologists who will spearhead this effort and get this mission started as staff or volunteers.Join us at Pasadena Org on February 9 at 1:00pm Call me at 818-679-9532 if you have any questions!Sara Jonic
PS: This is a bit rushed as heading out the door this morning to Los Angeles so the church can take Christie’s deposition because she filed a declaration in support of Laura Dieckman. Will have some help moderating during my travels….
Good point Oracle. Thanks!
DM is probably hoping that if they market to Chinese in America, it’ll help them in mainland China.
In Scientology Inc., all ideas, plans, programs, targets, problems, situations, expansions … you name it … is ALWAYS resolved by more fundraising.
Well, this is very telling. For people that think the body is not significant and all that matters are thetans, to make an issue about “The Chinese Community” is hysterical.
Are they also making plans to disseminate to the “Puerto Rican Community” in the South Bronx?
Seriously? The ” Phillipino Community” in Las Vegas?
Seriously? Ain’t no Chinese or Phillipino or Puerto Riocans or any other minority in the Church of Scientology.
When Narconon was near South Central it was known in L.A. as “The White Boys” drug program. Because they were the only ones with 2500.00 to spend for the paperback books!
He can’t get white people in the Church and he thinks he will get minorities?
Do these people have amnesia? The Church already WASTED Helen Chen.
Then after everything she did to help others, she was fair gamed by anti Scientologists for something that happened thousands of mile away from her that she had no control over.
The Church fanatics and anti Scientology fanatics fair gamed her from both ends.
Then this:
Are these people in Pasadena theetie wheetie?
If the Church doesn’t kill this woman off the anti Scientologists will.
Both sides get crazy at the smell of blood.
Don’t even want to post the hateful comments fair gaming Helen and her husband by Scientologists and people fair gaming Scientologists because they are protesting against abuse!
The bullying and fair gaming is going on at both ends.
Both people dramatizing a “righteous mind” and both wallowing in the same kid of sadism under different banners.
It worked with Farrakhan and Nation of Islam.
It worked BECAUSE of Farrakhan, Everybody knows who he is. He actually IS a religious leader.
And those people have their OWN church.
Another Chinese mission in the LA Area? What a wonderful idea! I guess DM must be trying to build on the success of Helen Chen’s mission which is just a few miles away.
…. oh, that’s right, Helen’s mission is an Indie mission. Doesn’t count. Despite Helen’s great statistics in training auditors and producing Clears, primarily in the Asian community.
The imitation sounds very flattering though.
Desperate, desperate, desperate. Why don’t they just service these people at the Pasadena Org, or are they just too busy? They could hire the super girl themselves. But nooooooooo, they need a new bleepity bleep building!!!!!!!! And of course, mo money, mo money mo money! I love the “upstat” adjective and “dignitaries”. What the hell is that supposed to mean, they had clean clothes on? They didn’t drool? They could’ve been speaking trashy Chinese (do they have double wides in China?) and who would know. Since the RCS is obsessed with the beautiful people, so that TC won’t be uncomfortable, I guess they have to monitor these things. The public high school that my kids went to had 47 different countries represented, most of these kids were bi/tri lingual. These courageous teachers bent over backwards to handle all this diversity and had incredible stats.
Since the greater LA area has one of the most diverse populations on the planet it might be wise to include all the actual human beings, or at least make an effort. That would be included in my definition of ideal.
Chinese in Pasadena? I think they mean Chinese Americans or Asian Americans. Some ethnic groups do not even like the “hyphenated” American status — they consider themselves _Americans_. And to flat out call them Chinese is incredibly out of touch with modern American racial politics in my opinion. Chinese live in China (and Taiwan), not Pasadena. It would make as much sense to target Obama and Farrakhan as Africans. Consider it another foot bullet on the part of the tone deaf Church.
But hey, they do invite people to both join staff or volunteer. (Oops. They don’t explain that the pay is pretty much the same for both.)
On the other hand,
Maybe the Chinese are being focused on because Captain Miscavige got word that the Chinese are buying real estate in CASH. A backdoor to communication lines with the Chinese people is being created here?
I just read yesterday that one third of homes in La Canada are being paid for in cash. No doubt by Chinese buyers, because Americans just don’t do this in general. La Canada’s real estate is very expensive and has one of the best school systems in California, right behind San Marino (also called “Chan” Moreno by real estate agents).
Perhaps he has a back up plan to unload a few buildings for some quick cash…
The Chinese are a very intelligent and shrewd people, particularly in business. The wealthy Chinese are investing a lot of money in American real estate currently and have been for a while. I have worked professionally with many Asians over the years and have become familiar with their culture over time. They are very traditional and hard working.
I’m sure that when they get wind that the buildings they are smoothed talked to invest in get taken over in ownership by the Church of Scientology, they will be unimpressed and back out of any deal presented to them. It’s all about the money and the Chinese are a good mark right now to pad Captain Miscavige’s real estate portfolio.
I own some commercial property and have been approached several times by real estate agents to buy a property in cash by a Chinese investor. They are difficult to deal with and harangue you down to every little detail. They know what they are doing.
Also, the Chinese are an upwardly mobile people here in the States. They want their kids to go to the best colleges, have professional careers, or businesses that make a lot of money. Their kids study like there is no tomorrow and excel in academics. They will not like the culture within the CoS at all as far as the fundraising, Sea Org recruitment and lack of standard education to name a few. They have a very tight family structure, so the Disconnection Policy will be a major turn off.
As far as the Chinese go, the RCS is barking up the wrong tree.
Let’s just hope that some Chinese billionaire doesn’t get harpooned into the RCS. China is producing more millionaires and even billionaires today than ever. Hopefully they will read the internet!
Someone just forwarded this email to me. Seems like they have a “Mission Holder” and that is about all they have…
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014
From: Sara Jonic
To: Pasadena OT Committee
Subject: [OTC-Mail] from Sara-A New Mission!!
Dear OTCers,
Very exciting news on the Pasadena Mission Project!
Cynthia Lui, the first Chinese Super Power Completion, is approved to be the Mission Holder for Pasadena Org’s Chinese Mission!
The Mission Package is secured and we are ready to roll!
This is a huge opportunity to service a very large community in the San Gabriel Valley, who will get introduced to Dianetics and Scientology at the Mission and then move up to the Pasadena Org for major services!
We are looking for veteran Scientologists to help spearhead this project which will create more Bridge flow for the Pasadena Org!
She is “approved”? Wonder what the requirement was…getting her to say “yes”, after some arm twisting??
The Mission package is “secured”? Did they really get someone to cough up another 40 grand even though HUNDREDS of people have paid that tax to disseminate and it has gone NOWHERE?
She is actually “approved” to disseminate? Well hallelujah!
S.M.I. has just committed another person to HELL. She has just married into the Sea Org and will be beaten threatened and pimped to death for income stats bodies books and donations. By people that have NEVER worked in a mission in their lives!
Oh, Jeeez, how stupid. This sounds like a “Hey, You!” post assignment. Like when that little asshole Miscavige grabbed the only Swedish OT VIII and told him, “You’re now the ED of Malmo” or whichever Org He posted that way.
These idiots saw a Chinese person at Flag and told her, “You’re now the Pasadena mission holder. START!”
I imagine that at some point Ms. Lui will clue them in that there isn’t a language called “Chinese” by the way. China has two languages: Mandarin and Cantonese. They are different, and most Chinese people speak only one or the other (Mandarin being the “official” language on the Mainland and Cantonese being spoken mostly in Hong Kong).
In the SG Valley, Mandarin and Cantonese speakers have evened out over the last ten years or so. There are a lot of both now. Although many Chinese immigrants are making efforts to learn a 2nd Chinese language (it helps in the San Gabriel Valley), this “Chinese” mission will need both languages to get anywhere.
Finally, Chinese immigrants are not stupid. Nor are they all rich. This mission will go nowhere, same as the Pasadena “Ideal” Org.
True about Cantonese and Mandarin. However, the written script is the same, as I recall from my introductory Mandarin classes.
The Pasadena Org is one of the few orgs that does have a nice position in it’s city. “Old Pasadena” is just full of gorgeous buildings with gorgeous people. Even though there may not be a lot of Chinese living in Pasadena; all those listed towns are heavily populated with Chines. Also Pasadena City College grants more associate degrees to Asians than any other city college in the US. It’s a top notch college and is (deservedly) very well loved.
If it were not that Scientology’s become very black and Dianetics very dirty, I would applaud these efforts. By and large these are wonderful people who love to study, have a strong community bond and a whole culture that resonates well with “core” Scientology.
But the screwball facade of modern day orgs fully enveloped and then, finally, fully overwhelmed Scientology’s core values some time ago. So, yes; now it’s pretty sad to see.
It makes a great deal of sense for DM and his minions to focus on people whose first language may not be English, and it’s even better for them if they can make connections with people who may not understand English at all. One of my biggest worries is that warnings do not get out to people in non-English speaking countries because most anti-Scientology content on the internet is in English.
Philip, I think that’s a reasonable concern. (Though I’d note that a quick browse of Twitter turns up a substantial number of cautionary tweets about Scientology in Deutsch, along with a fair sampling in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and other languages.)
I have to believe, though, that immigrant communities in California, especially those as educated and sophisticated as the Chinese, must have an active and vibrant native-language press, including blogs and other media. If there’s a developing story about Scientology attempting to exploit the community, the community itself is not lacking in resources to discover and publicize this.
David Miscavige’s tenuous hold on power depends entirely upon keeping the truth bottled up and locked safely out of reach of his victims. That is becoming increasingly difficult in an age of instant global communication. He may succeed, briefly, with a new gambit here and there, but the blowback will be quicker and more devastating than he can possibly anticipate.
These Chinese did not fall of the proverbial turnip truck. They are educated, shrewd, smart and do DUE DILLIGENCE. Yes, they do use the Internet, very distrustful of foreigners, and very non religious, spiritual, and DO NOT PART EASILY WITH MONEY! ARMENIANS THE SAME ABOUT THE MONEY PART, MEXICANS???
Christie!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! I shoulda filed one too. I am proud of you and Laura for fighting!!
While you are here I should take you and Mike out! Or if you have kids in tow we could do a great play date at the beach! Let me know!
Nora Crest (Sova)
Nora, Thank you for standing up and Giving your name!
Cindy and Nora, can I come play too when the Rinders come to town? 🙂
Why is it that Scientologists feel the need to end most sentences with ! and utilize nonstop hyperbole and urgency in their language? I have never understood this.
Huh. I guess that the experience with opening an Inglewood Ideal Org and a Harlem Ideal Org resulted in 70x expansion that indicated that pandering to an all-new ethnic group…non-English speaking Chinese…couldn’t help but be successful!
I’ve been in Pasadena. I couldn’t swing a dead cat without knocking over four or five dozen ethnic Asians. (That was sarcasm, by the way.)
The current leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, is three inches taller than his father Kim Jong-Il (at 5′ 3″). And he has the reputation of using murder to force relatives to “disconnect”. But that puts him in the same height category as Davey “Can you reach that for me” Miscavige. Will the so-called still-nonexistent Pasadena Mission attract people who recognize the Napoleon syndrome in people that tall and stay away in droves?
There is a new Chinese whale that’s been caught in the LA area.
I can’t say too much about it now here but Sara Jonic is on to something. Time will tell.
I believe Scientology has been attempting to recruit quite heavily in the Pacific Rim area. Especially Taiwan, Japan as well as China to name a few. Scientology has worn out it’s welcome in so many countries that there are only a few left to poach recruits for the SO and $$$.
In Japan there is even a “Tom Cruise day” holiday during the second week of October. As he has visited and spent more time in Japan then any other Hollywood star, or so they say. It is also said that he will spend hours on end speaking with the people of that country.
Also what a Great thing Christie is doing as well as your efforts Mike. Your friends are you friends until you need them and your family is showing it’s true colors by your actions.
My Best Wishes and prayers to you and your loved ones may all of you have a safe trip. The Rinder family is generating a Tremendous amount of goodwill towards a valiant effort.
what really and actually works, sells itself.
if the tech worked there would be no need to push it.
people, like athletes, used steroids because they WORK. timmy SEES they worked for jimmy and so he tries it and they work for him and that’s why billy then goes ahead and does it.
scientology claims to be a spiritual TECHNOLOGY, not a philosophy. clear the word “technology” if you have to and then hold scientology to THEIR claims.
it is the “religious technology center” not the “religious philosophy center”. their super bowl commercial is titled ““Spiritual Technology”.
these are things that are “technology”:
the wheel
the internet
a car
now if you played a game of “which one is not like the other” which one would you pick from this group:
a wheel
the internet
a car
you see technology is provable and scientology claims to be that too.
LRH says such and such has been proven. that’s cool, so where’s the proof?
“we don’t do parlor tricks”.
you ask for proof and it’s taken as if proof is a parlor trick. but then they turn around and say it’s proven.
well if proof is a parlor trick then you saying it’s proven doesn’t mean shit.
Mr. koolaid – “LRN has proven we can do such and such if we do such and such”
Raw meat – “has anyone ever done such and such and so can now do such and such?”
Mr. koolaid – “yes, me.”
Raw meat – “can you prove it to me?”
Mr. koolaid – “i don’t do parlor tricks”
Raw meat – “you’re saying asking for proof is the same as asking for a parlor trick?”
Mr. koolaid – “no, i’m saying i don’t do parlor tricks”
Raw meat – “ok, i’m not asking for a parlor trick, i am asking for proof, you said it was proven, where is the proof?”
Mr. koolaid – ” i don’t do parlor tricks”
Raw meat – “it’s been nice chatting, have fun storming the volcano”.
Has anyone noticed how similar the Chinese symbols for “Scientology” and “bullshit” are?
Does the comm course come with rice ?
1. The perception that Chinese immigrants have a lot of money. Many of them do.
2. The relative lack of bad press about Scientology in Chinese media, or the (likely) incorrect assumption of such a lack.
This is a rare example of a scientology initiative that is NOT crazy. Any organization looking for recruits n that region would target Chinese-speaking immigrants. That paragraph about all of those Asian-dominated communities is accurate, and most of those towns border upon or are very close to Pasadena.
Likewise, any organization (e.g., Scientology) looking for RICH recruits would launch a similar campaign. San Marino, adjacent to Pasadena, is filled with multi-million dollars homes and is sometimes called “the Chinese Beverly Hills,” because it has become the residential neighborhood of choice for wealthy Chinese immigrants.
And, yes, it does appear they are trying to target groups who may have not gotten the message about the true nature of this organization.
I’ll tell you exactly what happened here. Like she said in the email, some Chinese couple came in and bought a boatload of books for some reason in Chinese, all in one go. Desperate for some bright idea of how to get some public – ANY PUBLIC – into their empty building, Sara decided that going after the “hot” Chinese public was exactly the ticket and is now trying to drum up support for a Chinese mission. This would require some poor sucker to front the money for a building/office space, over $30,000 in books and materials from Bridge Publications and then personnel to staff the place. All to meet the non-existent “huge demand” that obviously doesn’t exist amongst the Chinese population of Pasadena.
This reeks of desperation. But if you were responsible for getting new public in and started on services and you worked in Pasadena org, you’d be pretty desperate by now too.
Chris aka Galactic Patrol, Excellent comment. And VVVWD on your great 2 part interview with Karen. I’ve liked your commentary all along as GP and now I see the person behind the name. Welcome to the light.
This is so familiar from the 70s – a complete inability to interpret statistics. One big sale is taken to be a trend by people who have never studied formal statistics (confidence limits, binomial theorem etc.)
But Chinese people are quick to detect the aroma of lap sap, and can spot a xi fat choy at 100 paces.
“We are regularly selling Chinese books to passers- by and have sold more Beginning Book packages in Chinese than in any other language.
As a matter of fact we had one very upstat family buy 76 raw books in one day”
Wait a minute- is this all the same? Some guy bought 76 books and that is the majority of their sales?
Stuff like that is a dead giveaway of no production/non-e.
No details, just “a lot of people are interested, I can tell because they turn their head as they walk by the org… One guy came in to use the bathroom and said he intends to return with his entire family!”
Rots of Ruck on making a Chinese mission.
The Chinese are very aware of Miscavige’s tricks and games.
Cut through the BS and here is the translation. “Incredible news! The chinese speaking population here in the US has absolutely no idea what goes on inside the Church of Scientology!!! OMG, these people don’t even know that we have a 5’5″ leader who likes to punch people! This is the chance of a lifetime to find fresh meat that we can suck for more money. These people don’t read english newspapers, don’t read english internet. Hip hip horray- finally we have found some people who are completely clueless! Lets ROLL!!!!!!!”
Hehehe…great one, Roy
You know what I don’t get? And this seems to be purely a Scientological phenomena. They claim to have this “opportunity” that is [insert ShermanSpeak], essentially it is a sure thing. But, none of these bright ideas are designed to just happen or even happen on a gradient, the require someone else’s time or money.
Imagine if they walked into a bank and pitched their Chinese Mission idea to the Business Accounts Manager and requested a startup loan. Where’s the due diligence? Business Plan? Marketing studies? Financials?
He would ask these questions because its the smart thing to do. Kool-Aid sippers ain’t too bright, and get all juiced up with theta an’ all, and before they know it they’re reaching for their checkbooks. Honest to God, people, just look at it.
The church is like that guy you went to high school with who only pops up when he needs money for his latest money-making scheme (read scam). It’s a brand new invention that will set the world on fire – Electric Combs – yep, just need 20k for patent attorneys, got my distribution channels all setup ready to go…and…and… We’ve all heard it before.
Why do these Scn bright ideas fail? Mainly because they’re bad ideas and poorly thought out, often by individuals who have absolutely no experience or track record in the area. In short, they don’t know what the f*ck they’re doing. But apparently, if you’re OT8 and a Gluteus Maximus it doesn’t matter what your qualifications are.
Here’s a bright idea. Find a Chinese book reader, preferably Dianetics, get him in for some auditing, get him some Book One auditor training, encourage him to start a study group in his home, give him what ever materials he needs on consignment, and help him any way you can. He has his own comm lines, just let him do it. And if starts to gain some momentum, deal with it and the problems it presents. See? That didn’t cost anyone a dime. And if it fails, well, no one’s out of pocket, go and find yourself another book reader. Rinse. Repeat.
“Why do these Scn bright ideas fail? Mainly because they’re bad ideas and poorly thought out, often by individuals who have absolutely no experience or track record in the area.”
L Ron Hubbard may have contributed the books and processes which Scientologist use (I wouldn’t know, but that’s what I hear.) but it’s been lots of other people, probably a few hundreds of them, which really makes Scientology GO as an organisation. People competent in many areas. Scientology used to have such people, but Miscavige has driven them away! Imagine driving away your best human assets, rather than reward them with even a fraction of the emoluments any legal business enterprise would give the executives which have served it for a quarter-century!
And Mr. Miscavige should take note: Nobody spares a man like him any pity if his best execs, the men who to whom the organization’s trade secrets are no more then pillow-talk, set up business directly in competition and takes away the customers and stock-holders. Let’s just say it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
“See? That didn’t cost anyone a dime.”
And the poor guy who got stuck with all those books, and probably a couple e-meters, on consignmemnt? That means, if I have word-cleared “consignment”, he has to pay for them, at whatever punitive rate he agreed to.
Look, pal, there is simply no way to promulgate Scientology without somebody getting screwed.
Bingo, StatPush! And I love your line, “They don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.” That’s spot on! These people don’t have a clue!
Roy, Exactly!
“These people don’t read english newspapers, don’t read english internet. Hip hip horray- finally we have found some people who are completely clueless! Lets ROLL!!!!!!!” Roy M., I think you are right, but the Chinese actually do have Internet connections, and, of course, those in the U.S.have the same access as everyone else. I cannot think of any reason the Chinese government would let Miscavige unleash his fundraising in China.
If Miscavige really wants a population “untainted” by free press and free thought, there are 23 million people in a country about 35 miles north of Seoul that have never heard anything bad said about Scientology….
…and that’s what makes it so vital vital vital!!!! Like—really VITAL! I can’t stand that word anymore. Vital now means frivilous. Something for the RC$ to just get their people to scurry around and do, No Matter What, Come Hell or High Water. What BS.
Guess the Church is revving up its stalker units for your LA Visit….
Sara mentions all of the cities in the San Gabriel Valley by name that have substantial populations of Chinese. Pasadena is not one of them. Having just moved from there, I can attest that Pasadena probably has the lowest percentage of Chinese of any city in the valley. It does have a large Armenian population though, and an even larger Hispanic contingent. Why no outreach to those?
Actually San Marino, which is adjacent to Pasadena, has a rather large, and quite wealthy Chinese population. With Scientology it’s always about the money.
“With Scientology it’s always about the money.” Yep, that is why no outreach to other ethnic groups who actually live in Pasadena.
Yeah sure it could be about money but many Armenians have a lot of money too.
Personally I think it might have something to do with Dave’s “friends” in the CIA and their intel targets.
Anything to prop up the Golden Age of Expansion set. It’s Hollywood. What better place to do it?
Thanks Mike and Christie! Good luck today!
Well…maybe they go now for the Chinese as the Pasadena Idle Org is virtually empty.
This is called ‘going on hoping’.
Highest raw book sales is in Chinese?
I guess the English speaking populace has already gotten the message…. Stay Away! These people are grasping at straws to get money and stats.
I wonder how long this will last after Gold films it for birthday gsme expansion news for the event?
I find it hard to agree to the term “raw books”. I know for a fact that these books have been cooked.
As the story is likely to be too. I betcha these 76 “books” were Way to Happiness booklets.
Nice double entendre 2briancox!
And I agree — may have been booklets. As for sending to relatives who are really Chinese in mainland China? I don’t think so. China even cracked down on Falun Gong as too radical and subversive. I don’t think the red giant will be tolerant of a Church already known to have massively infiltrated a major government (the US, Operation Snow White).
So … good luck with all that. I think the Church has lost its compass (and it never had compassion).
In thinking of the bizarre false information coming from the Church, I am reminded of the ending of the movie Gladiator (the “there was a dream that was Rome …” speech). I think most if not all of us who were “in” had a dream sparked in us. The power of that dream was always within us. It never has to die. That dream will always be ours to own (to “originate” in Scientology terms).
Get a copy of the deposition and post it please.
Welcome to So Cal.
Welcome to So Cal! Call some of us Indies here and let’s all meet for dinner in some restaurant. We’ll treat you and Christie.