Some of you may have seen mention of this podcast pop up on Google News or whatever news feed you watch.
I spent a little time to listen to it out of curiosity.
If anyone in scientology really cared, they would listen to it too. Because these two make a lot of interesting observations about what the experience is like walking into the “model ideal LA org” and subjecting themselves to the OCA/Test line and then routing onto an introductory service. It is pretty creepy and they note specific things that happened to them that really are off-putting. These two, while quite funny and light, make some very pointed observations about the way “wogs” are treated and how strange it is. They acknowledge positives when they see them, but there are not many.
But for the interested scientology watcher, the insight into the current state of affairs inside LA Org is revelatory. Remember, this is the MODEL ideal org where executives from all other ideal orgs are sent to learn “how to do it the right way.” It is staffed with 200 Sea Org Members. And if you listen to the hype from scientology, they start 700 new people on services every week. It is rocketing. It is epic. Milestone. Unprecedented. Straight up and vertical. And they just about have LA cleared….
And then there is reality: Ross was the ONLY person on the intro course he did. The Supervisor worked with ONLY him. The Supervisor came into the courseroom for him alone.
That is what it is REALLY like inside LA Org. It doesn’t look this way when Gold shoots their videos — they round up everyone in the PAC area and do call in for days to get some “bodies in the shop.” The same drill happens when a media tour is scheduled (though they no longer do these it seems — they don’t have spokespeople any longer). They describe in some detail what this “model ideal org” is doing.
This is the link to the story and this is the link to the podcast.
How did the ideal org concept begin?
Where did the idea originate from?
What problem was it meant to solve?
I assume it was the result of an evaluation which was undertaken.
The WHY being that what was needed were fancy, elaborate and posh buildings.
Wonder if a pilot program was done at the beginning, to see if the concept was a good idea.
To see if it actually worked.
Actually produced the desired result of more people doing courses in courserooms.
Or, if no pilot program was carried out to prove efficacy.
That someone just decided to usher in the ideal org program.
For bad or for worse and be what may.
I have explained this many times previously
Great, Mike
Do you have links to your Ideal Org Series list….
Maybe even an Ideal Org Rundown checksheet,…
Which lists all your Ideal Org issues….
Which once one reads through them all,…
One can then Attest….
Receive a Certificate,…
Write a Success Story….
And so forth….
Eamonn – The desired result was increased cash inflow. The rest is exactly as you say, with great results.
But if the increased cash inflow was used to purchase buildings, which were then renovated to fancy them up — what exactly was achieved….
Except to acquire an increasing number of real estate holdings….
What I see is a fast-track method to come up to speed with Christian churches….
When when looks around one sees many Christian churches that have been standing for a hundred years or more….
That hardly get used….
Church attendance appears to have deteriorated since around the 1960’s….
I did my First Holy Communion and Confirmation (Catholic) in the 60’s….
What I remember is the priests speaking in Latin and I hadn’t a clue what they were saying….
The Ideal Org program has basically enabled Scientology to join with Christendom and have all these disused church buildings which hardly anyone steps inside of….
Hello Eamonn – I see no attempt by CoS to increase membership by buying buildings, rather an attempt to increase its portfolio. A logical reason for this might be that since CoS is under attack it desires to increase its war chest for defense. Historically real estate keeps its value and can be sold for cash.
DM may feel he and his flock may eventually need to retreat to California and Clearwater and money defends. All speculation.
I think you may be trying to evaluate the Ideal Org Program in terms of what a normal business would do in a safe environment.
I also wonder how those old and often beautiful churches are maintained.
In my few experiences in Catholic churches I found the Latin and chants to be musical and meditative. Who cares what the words mean. It’s the spiritual feeling that counts in that environment.
You use a dozen words and terms above that would appear in a school of management and I bet you would be a good manager or business owner.
Best, Richard
I must have upset someone….
When I went to the front of my house yesterday morning,,,,
What greeted me was property damage….
Someone had deliberately attacked a tree in my front yard….
Decided to snap one of the branches off….
I think there is a major point that is being missed here. I listened to their blog and it is great. High toned, funny, and even handed, but the church will have listened to it too, by now. My assumption is, that the bloggers will have completed their investigation and that subsequent blogs will be about their experiences. The dwarf will have unleashed the armies of death to prevent the later episodes from airing, including investigating their private lives, etc. Unless I am missing something, these guys are in for a shit storm. If I’m missing something here, Mike, just don’t post, but I think these guys are going to need some help.
You will notice that every known deliberate action has three stages: start change stop. I challenge anybody to disagree. Take this knowledge, harness it and may you and the human race never be the same again!
What I found most striking were the perspectives and attitudes of Ross and Carrie towards their Scientology experiences. Theirs was a typical reflection of contemporary society, one that’s been enormously changed in large part due to advances in technology and mass media. It was a stark contrast to LA Org in particular and the COS in general that in so many ways are still stuck in the Fifties on so many levels. It’s ironic that Scientologists consider themselves far in advance to “wog” society, when in reality it’s completely the other way around.
Hello Mike, this one is definitely off-topic, but I hope you don’t mind my taking a bit of advantage of the great forum that you’ve created here!.
There is a situation in Clearwater today, 6 Feb 2016, and I will alter the facts a bit on this public forum to protect the anonymity of this person, but there is a situation where a very well intended person got in over his / her head and needs a hand.
Been in Scientology for under 5 years, this person got love-bombed and then joined the Sea Org with a clean heart and a desire to help, and though this person is the furthest thing from a homeless person, he /she has recently left the sea org and is literally destitute in CW. He/ she knows nobody there. Very scared. Luggage in tow. I have gotten some money into his/ her pocket a few hours ago, he / she is literally eating some much needed food probably as I type this, but some flanking from my fellow bloggers in CW would be so greatly appreciated just now.
As much as I have enjoyed all of you here since Day 1 of Mike’s blog, I have seldom chimed in and I do know that to that degree, I am a stranger here today.
Mike, you know me though, and I will give YOU ONLY the exact scene and will listen to you if there is someone out there that can lend an interim hand. Contact Jefferson well for further on me, Mike, if needed. I trust your judgement to share those exact details with people of your selection. Just as the bloggers don’t know me, I also do not know them and so with that, I will only connect this person to someone that you are comfortable that they will sheppard him / her for literally a few days while we work out the next steps. I will monetarily compensate if needed, just need to protect this great friend who is right in a crazy spot as I type this. I am looking literally for someone to assist me from a distance while I get this person onto public transport and headed for the already prearranged place where there is safety, warmth, peace, and a sane location to come down off of the really rough experience that the 2016 Flog Land Base has become. All of that is waiting on this end, but the situation is very “right now”, and a hand from a distance would be a greatly appreciated hand right now!
Thank you Mike and I totally understand if you do not post this but if that is the case, would you reach out to me on this and we can speak off-line?
Thank you Mike, the blog is the first thing that happens each morning for me, that has been so comforting, no words for it-
PS to the SP (that’s you, Tiny Fists)- Shame on you for putting beautifully open-hearted people on the street; Just a few short years ago, this person found Scientology, got wins, jumped on board, and you then broke the heart, the spirit, and literally put them on the street. kharma is a mofo, your day will come. I know this blog is monitored by OSA types, so the above is intentionally vague but Mike will have all details if he so chooses.
Hi Sneaky Lil Phuq, My heart goes out to you for your desire to right a terrible wrong. From a distance I wish I could help more but I do so support and care that the one you are assisting can find a peaceful safe harbor to begin to heal. Love, Ann.
Hi Ann,
Well I sure appreciate that and just to be clear (no pun intended…really), you have been a tremendous help to me on more occasions that I can count. You so often chime in, you welcome new people to the blog, you always have a kind word and it is a pleasure to read your comments each day, the care that you spread to others is really quite apparent, thank you so much for that!
Hi Sneaky Lil Phuq, I know how busy things can be, but I had to thank you for your kind words to me.You have been a tremendous comfort and help to me since I fell into Mike’s Blog. Your posts and your spirit have lit up the dark paths I still struggle to traverse at times and you have made me laugh too.Did not do enough of that in Sea Org and after.
I was recalling what I would have wanted most the first seconds hours and days after I blew SO. I feel a huge quilt made out of peace, nutritious food and clean drinking water,a pillow and a mattress to rest on and love care and comfort pouring out of the quilt into me. Feeling safe and being able to start to draw a huge deep breath as me,Ann- was such a release. I sent a warm kind loving thought to the one who left. It will all come right in the end.It will.
With deep respect and admiration and love. If you need anything ask me and I will do my utmost to help.I am Forever,Ann.
Thank you Ann, I look forward to sharing your words directly with my friend, when the time is right, which it soon will be…
Dear Sneaky LP,
Now your friend knows David Miscavige is a PSYCHOPATH
Getting thrown out of the SO with luggage (presumably with
a couple changes of clothes). Not that Bad ! take a win.
There are places for shelter and food just ask police or church
other than C of $. Go door to door and ask for a job.
When life turns around which should be soon get a copy of
“Into the Mouth of the Cat” True story of Lance Sijan
who died in the Hanoi Hilton Prison and received the Medal of Honor.
A single page list of resources might be a memory jogger for a distressed escapee. I hadn’t thought of police or finding an immediate job. Add welfare agencies, schools, colleges, battered women’s groups which offer shelter in hidden locations. The list could be extensive.
Jose, it is an honor to chat with you, you’ve given me so many laughs, thanks for chiming in here and yes, my friend now sees the error of his / her ways and he /she is being well cared for and all will be well. He /she will need a minute to wind down from it, will likely shed some tears for sure, and then will step right on out in to the world and get back to “where he/ she was last doing well”, to borrow a term…
Tim and I may be able to help. Contact me here [email protected] 😉
Thank You Sylvia, I certainly appreciate your reaching out; unfortunate though it may be, I suppose we have no sure may to know one another other than that through Mike, who i trust unconditionally, I will leave it to him to vet who I should or should not reach out to, as I am still very involved with on-lines people and so am still UTR (thus my name here…).
Thank you so much for offering, I hope to make a new friend in you regardless of the circumstances of how we came to be in touch :)!
Sneaky LP
My favorite parts of the podcast:
Reg tries to convince Carrie to do it now and she wants to sleep on it he asks why and she says “oh, well she told me I was impulsive.”
Ross: “They will take up all and more of your time”.
Carrie about LRH: “he says everything like he’s landing on the moon for the first time.” “…a bunch of rules that if I did that that would be good but they’re not really insightful”.
Ross regarding his supervisor: “his eyes were kind of red when I first saw him”. “He was always there no matter what day or what time I was ready to do the course”.
About the videos: “they got after effects plugins and just went wild”. “Lots of cartoonish dialogue that just makes you go ok that’s not any real situation”.
About being supervised one on one: “I think the course was designed for a class if maybe 10 people”. “I realized he’s got material for a classroom of people and I’m the only one here and he’s just following the script”. “The 2 1/2 hour course took me 5 hours.”
My favorite, however, snuck in at the end of part one. They were talking about the tone scale and other religions they’d visited and said
“In Scientology they are all so robotic.”
The reason I found that especially interesting is that another friend of mine was looking at some old Auditor mags from the 60s and 70s with me the other day.
He looked up at one point and said “this is very Orwellian”.
great points.
It’s all an endless loop that boils down to KSW and what would Ron do. Hence Robots, or should I say scientologists?
Somehow self-determinism and thinking for oneself gets lost.
I do luv at the end of the podcast they state the creed of the COS.
That’s what I found so ironic when I was on staff. Everyone was so robotic yet LRH wrote an HCOB about how to handle robotism. Probably doesn’t ever get read.
Just got through killing two birds with one stone: listening to this podcast and doing stretches.
The creepiest part of this whole thing (If I were brand new) is the shit I’d have to sign (“I won’t sue”) just to do one freaking introductory course – which is really just a 2 1/2 hour seminar (which they managed to stretch into 5 hours). The fact that this church has to cover its ass at every turn, I would find very suspect.
The second creepiest thing is the degree of control that goes in immediately. You can almost feel the desperation (“Please be a stat.”) that must exist in each staff member to fulfill their one little function before passing the newbie to the next staff member.
The Big Blue parking lot is rented to the Hospital ?
The same parking lot that was going to have an
LRH Event Hall ? My ,My the Clampire has fallen
so far bubble dwellers have to look up to see Hard Times.
Dear Jose Chung,
I hope Scientology isn’t tax dodging on this income being made renting out their parking lot!
Dear Chuck,
Scientology is one incredibly huge Tax Dodge.
It’s really an Industry of Tax Evasion with David Miscavige racking in the loot.
What a couple of charming people. They are willing to concede that there are benefits here and there but are very sharp to spot and communicate about the outpoints.
Great sense of humor. Looking forward to what they say next.
Maybe it will put LA org on the alert as to who to let take an OCA and who not
This was sure interesting, looking forward to hearing the next editions.
How does Scn management typically react to what I imagine would be considered Black PR? Will the folks in the org who dealt with these two be punished in some way?
And: how likely is it that Scientology will somehow try to make life difficult for the podcasters?
I listened to the pog-cast and I must say the staff at LAO are robots. DLHDM should get real robots with downloaded talking points and do away with 1/2 the staff. Hell, come to think of it, that would be some very funny shit and bring in a lot of curious stoners.
The best thing I learned from Ross and Carrie was that they have been pestered to do a $cieno story for a long time. The general public interest in clamdom wants some answers. Thank you Big Being Couch Jumper and Psych Buster, Tom Cruise. You and you alone are to blame for current state of $cieno public relations. How many mOrgs will be ‘support’ in doing his steps A through E?
The lack of skill in selling the mystery sandwich is the clampires demise. That demise can’t come soon enough. With the lack of any new meat, how long can the Idle mOrgs survive? I am not sorry, DM, video kiosks can’t sell the bologna that the sandwich hides.
Reminds me of all the sheeple I know who think that Tom Cruise is the best actor ever just because he is a Scientologist and OT and all that. I’m a Scientologist and I don’t think he’s all that great.
Scientology has morphed itself into the easiest practical joke of all time. Be like taking candy from a baby to embarrass them as they are so out of touch with the world around them. No wonder they are so solid, very stupid and observant of nothing except the “selfies” they have to keep taking 24/7 to justify their empty buildings and their very existence.
They have taken the inability of self observation to new areas not yet realised by common folks. Those journalists must have had quite the adventure walking into that org. Bit like discovering a new Amazonian tribe or something but only to realise primitive man with witch doctors and such are way more understandable & personable.
Seeing as all they receive is cult communication, day in and day out, it’s not surprising that they are solid, I Yawn. More and more, it really is becoming an absolute bubble. And, I’m sure they have problems communicating with wogs. It’s almost like Scientologists are from another planet…..
Yes indeed. It’s akin to some of those terrorists who hate the west so passionately and are prepared to die for their cause without actually being opposed personally themselves, yet, they wear Nike, hold and use modern industrially made weaponry & prise western medicines. Cutting off your own nose to spite your face is what the scientologist is also actively doing.
Such stupidity is quite remarkable really, albeit very destructive and sad as we all know. Their trip south can do nothing but gain velocity.
Ross (100% American) shows up for his course at 8:50 am and there are plenty of parking spaces and he is the only one on course. Later, Ross says the parking lot was so full that people were double parked!? What? Is the org renting space to the hospital now?
Heck if I really know although I had heard it said or maybe speculated some years ago that yes some patrons of the hospital are renting the spots.
Personally, I thought the spots all belonged to the OT’s who come and practice do their daily activity of ‘postulating parking spaces’ while they head_fly off on missions to clear other universes and other OT_stuff.
The parking lot is full because they are renting space to the Hospital. That is how they keep the “show on the road” and it is part of Scientology Propaganda.
Inside – EMPTY!
That is the “prof” as the fat old turd would say…LOL
Sick people park there… is that what is real?
The ‘wogs’ that own the homes on the East side of LRH Ave have to park in the North Lot because they can’t park on the brick. That takes up the North half the lot.
The bubble is getting further and further from reality. When you see the films of people arriving at Saint-Hill in the golden age, it was fun and people were having a great time. Things started deteriorating with the implementation of “Ethics” and the creation of the Sea Org. DM made a good job at destroying the mission network first and getting all the competent people out of the way. He’s been outstanding at making enemies out of all well trained and good willing Scientologists since then.
Alex –
A great book, written by a student at Saint Hill in the golden age as you call it, is “Inside Scientology: How I Joined Dianetics/Scientology and Became Superhuman” by Robert Kaufman. It is very well written ( a little like Somerset Maugham) and it evokes what it was really like to be a Scientologist back then in that time and place.
It’s one of my favorite books on Scientology of all time.
This book is available on the Internet for free, but since it uses a bad word in the address of the website, and I don’t know Mike’s policy on the use of bad words like these on his blog, I’ll just ask the readers to Google the title which I have in quotes above. You’ll go right to it.
And by the way, as a former student and FSM for LA Org at the time they went “Saint Hill Size” in the 1990’s, I brought a selectee in on Thursday at noon – the week-ending right before they were announced at Ron’s Birthday event that weekend as Scientology’s latest “Saint Hill Sized” org.
There were NO staff members in Div 6 to give my selectee her personality test, and no one else was in Div 6 at all. As in no staff and no public! The place was a ghost town.
I had to get my selectee started on the test myself, and then I had to go find a reg in another part of the org to give her its results. I counted ten people in the whole org at that time on that day – including staff and public. All its course rooms were completely empty.
The Church of Scientology has always lied about its statistics, its results, and what it is actually doing to you when you are a Scientologist. It uses these lies to get people to give them more and more money.
In the real world there is a criminal act which is called…uhhh…. what is that criminal act called again when you lie to get someone to buy something from you or to give you money?
This sparked my memory on an early Scn experience for my wife and I. We went to the local org for our first Div 6 course, in the Div 6 courseroom. We were the only two in there, and remember this was brand new for us. So the Div 6 course supervisor said (remembering the best I can..) “That’s it for roll call….Tom?” Then my first ever comm lag occurred. He looked at me and I looked at him and then said “here?” Then he said my wife’s name in the same fashion.
That totally wigged me out. My wife and I laughed our asses off when we left. I actually thought about that situation when I thought of bringing other people to the org.
Perhaps that is “standard tech” to do roll call, but when it is just the two of us it really wigged me out to have to answer “hear” from there on out.
The only time I hear my name called now is when the wife is wanting something. It’s a sweet sound compared to what could have been.
Alex – I believe destroying (or taking over) the missions was elron’s doing or at least he started it. He felt they were keeping people out of the orgs which was his source of income. I don’t have a reference.
When I was on staff a few years back, there would be very few people on introductory courses in Div 6, staff would do small courses on various subjects, there would be the children of Scientologists, but never any raw public. In the seventies, the atmosphere would be friendly and we would feel comfortable bringing in relatives of friends for an event. The IAS did not exist then, there was no push to do anything
The last of the ‘good old days,’ Alex.
A descriptive reference point to the good old days would be nice. Maybe Pre DM, Post DM? They were two different worlds although the Kool Aid was there. I recall very few changes on the “lower bridge” between 1975 and 1985 with the exception of the introduction of “Dianetic Clear”. I never have figured out if that was the same thing as a “Regular Clear”. lol
I enjoy checking out Yelp reviews of Scientology visits. Reviews divide into two categories: the obvious shills, who gush about the wonders of Scientology and normal, regular people often say the whole experience was “creepy”. The sheer desperation and high pressure sales tactics are evident. Some visitors have reported that Scientologists have pushed them back into their seats or grabbed their arm, or simply blocked the exit in some subtle, but not so subtle way.
Scientology is its own worst enemy. I wonder how many millions of people have been saved from even buying a book due to the cult’s obvious desperation and creepy quality. Or who have made the same observances as Ross and Carrie after they’ve given it a try.
Keep doing what you do Scientology!
We forget all spirt theatens floating around the course room and all the past life intrusions. Scientology is just bringing them up to present time.
Are BTs counted as additional Bodies in the Shop statistic?
Yes they do .. must be this way .. otherwise you could not have 47X as miscavige says .. you need some OT III and above .. who is surrounded by thousand BTs which are all Clear now after handling his R6 bank .. they are all free beings .. beings who need not a body anymore .. only you need a body, for clearing all the BTs .. why? Oh you will not find them without an e-meter .. something is idiotic in this calculation which I have never understood .. but they count freed BTs surely as scientologists .. and all of them sitting in course rooms and study LRH ..
If I went ever again into a course room, I will bring a flower or a butterfly .. I will say, it is a BT and he has to study the tech to freeing others ..
I think I have something missed here .. makes completely no sense what I have written
I remember .. in the late 70’s it was said that an OT III can erase the bank of others .. so with this it looked as a good idea to become one .. today I think scientology is creating a bank which never existed .. anyway, the clear cognition is that you had none in the first place .. but a lot of people had never understood this as LRH truth ..
If you come into the church, you get told that you have a bank (reactive mind) .. if you say, no I have none .. you are on the way to get convinced that you have one because everybody has one .. easy, and your clear cognition is to find out that you had none ..
How crazy is that? How crazy became LRH when he wrote that in scripture? LRH found out himself, that you cannot erase an engram .. he said himself that all is about ARC X, but this was shortly before he came up with ethics .. but this is as I have often said here and in Marty’s blog .. a special SerFac from LRH .. his fear for suppression was famous in all instances .. Miscavige is much brighter on that than LRH ,,
Why has somebody fear for suppression? It is part of living .. you have to handle it if it occurs. Mystical suppression from whole track and your overts about is what LRH has found about .. he blamed us all for bad dones .. and says, if we had not done that, we would be all free .. so we should clear that ..
Something is right in the scripture from LRH .. you should be able to give mercy .. and if not, you should learn it .. yesterday ..
Miscavige counts BTs as scientologists .. surely he does ..
Laughter!! Great post, Friend
Friend – If I recall correctly, one of the reasons you got into “trouble” is because you told your auditor(s) you didn’t have a “bank”. LOL How right you were and that really must have had them looking for a “solution”.
That’s right, DMSCOHB! BTs! Doesn’t every man, woman and child have somewhere between 2,000 & 3,000 BTs attached to their bodies? Even with 2,000 BTs, that’s a full course room!
That leaves the question of questions unconfronted Dude – i.e. how many thetans can you get on a pin head?
Oh, crap! I didn’t study for this one! I’m guessing, 4.2 Trillion? Am I close, I Yawn?
????? I think you got the years right though.
I’ve had a pin for 50 years and I’m still counting. Every time I tell it to stand up, it tells me to PO.
When I was in from 2007-2011, I was the ONLY one in the course room every day, with the exception of a few stragglers and staff here and there. I would say “why isn’t anyone coming in here – this place is so theta (cringe, cringe, cringe) and I would receive the blank STARE with no HE & R because I was dealing with robots who stopped thinking and could not feel.
It was bad (not only was our Org empty but a few others that I visited and ASHO, AOLA and FLAG) prior to GAT II and Super Power and it is really bad now.
I heard five people left staff, three others got full time jobs – all from the the TINY little group in the Org in my City – but no one new is coming in.
They have a few NOI’s hanging out but that is it.
Can’t wait until David MIscavige’s father – Ron Miscavige Senior new book comes out – “Let Him Die”. The media will have a hay day!! More people will leave.
Make sure you rehab someone’s doubt today – suppress Scientology in some way today – it is the right thing to do!! Save Lives – get someone out or keep someone from going in.
Idle, I AM THE MASTER SUPPRESSOR! I can suppress the hell out of the cult. My powers are great…..
Sitting alone in a course room is…Stupid? Pathetic? Ironic? A waste of time? Brave? Foolish? Am I getting close?
Wow Idle Morgue…you post made me wonder if there are not more ‘staff hours’ put in than ‘public hours’ of study or auditing or regging or getting raked over the coals by an ethics warden err officer, or watching scientology provable BS advertisements on in house video screens. It would be interesting to see the nation by nation stats on those hours. It seems like scientology is idling on clearing the planet of war, insanity and where the able are very capable of staying out of the orgs. Well: except maybe putting order into the file records of those who are all long gone. What a trend. Maybe soon DM will be fully capable of ‘doing it all himself’ as he apparently often claims.
Idle Moruge,
Quoting you:
Make sure you rehab someone’s doubt today – suppress Scientology in some way today – it is the right thing to do!! Save Lives – get someone out or keep someone from going in.
1. You have to distinguish between scientology and the church of scientology.
2. Then when you are talking about the subject of scn, you have to distinguish between the good data, and the false and limiting data and the traps.
Because there is a lot of good in the subject of scientology and dianetics too.
Not being able to do the above is one of the definitions of insanity, also stupidity.
Other than a few days in the cos, before getting declared, back in 97, I mostly did scn on my own, by getting all the books in used book stores and reading them a few times over and then doing what ever I could on line from fz sources.
And got auditing from various fz auditors and by co auditing and learning to solo.
I did that, because I was able to discern the difference between truth and non truth, and glean the truth for myself and chuck the rest up to experience.
That effort and data has saved my life many, many times over and made me much more able.
It is true that scn is the only thing that can really help mankind save itself.
Nothing even comes close to what scn can do to help people.
But there is a right way and a wrong way to do pretty much everything.
And the cos hijacks the truth (uses it as bait- the truth is the best bait in the universe, -like cheese for a mouse) and perverts the subject and uses scn for their own evil purposes.
Do not throw what is holy in front of swine, dogs, prostitutes, criminals and other lower and degraded life forms.
The cos is a very criminal organization and their use of scn is a very complex trick which takes a lot explaining to explain to someone who has not experienced it.
The worst thing that could happen to people of planet earth is to have everything scn totally obliterated.
What needs to be done is for properly learned, intelligent and competent truth scientists to study and redo scn and build a better bridge, an honest bridge.
No, the worst thing that could happen to Planet Earth is for the Zika virus to mutate into a deadly form while retaining its multi-vector transmissability. If all of Scientology and Dianetics disappeared tomorrow, nothing of value would be lost. And, admit it, you’d just go back into Jesus-freak mode and never mention the freezone again.
Of course, I’m a 1.1 Sodomite, so I’m doubly worth ignoring in your holy book. Go spread your odor of sanctity somewhere where I can’t smell the stink.
That “odor of sanctity” whose stink you object to smelling is curiously similar to another sort of smell. It’s that unmistakable smell we dislike when it comes from somebody else but is one for which we have infinite tolerance when it comes from ourself.
“truth scientists” presumably being the ones who don’t do doubt…
The kind that does doubt, inside the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology, will have to do the “false purpose rundown” and/or “truth rundown” until they stop doubting and learn to love L Ron Hubbard.
The one who don’t stop doubting read the actual scientific tests done of Dianetics in the 1950s and consider the available evidence…
This diatribe proves that all Scientology is ridiculous, not just the COS.
To simply think is a suppressive act.
I think that what really keeps the orgs and missions going is the Nation Of Islam. Wonder how long that will last?
Well, this is not a boast, but having one student in my course room and mission (Lyon Mission, 1974 or a bit later) was a normal “condition” during weeks. The local was sympathetic, opened since few weeks or months, and all the clients-pcs-students were that way. But we were living in a less than 500 souls village, 20 miles from a cuty – Lyon, and starting to get more people!
Two years later or so, I compared our stats and figures with the Milano Class IV org: we were better… Imagine? Now, the only images or illustrations of the sacred power of the cult lies into the fradulously bought buildings – with no one soul Inside!
Sitting alone in a course room is .. do not know the word .. but it isn’t scientologese as intended ..