I assume Tampa considers itself “on Source.”
I would be quite certain, that like all good scientologists are supposed to do, they often think to themselves: “What Would Ron Do?”
After reading this, I am pretty sure I know what he would do: declare the “executives” of this org Fair Game and instruct Sea Org members to use R2-45 and reverse processes on them.
He ranted for YEARS about “businesses on the backs of orgs” and “scientologists getting rich off org public” and these were not “criminals” (his word) charging $170 to do a seminar in the org giving their version of LRH tech — promoted by the org. They were for the most part just scientologist who employed org staff in moonlighting jobs. He considered they were “taking advantage” of the orgs (never occurred to him that they were probably making it possible for the vast majority of these people to even be on staff). He was extremely concerned that anyone “use” the org to make money for themselves — even if that was merely giving jobs to the underpaid org staff. This is why WISE was formed — not for the shore story of “getting LRH admin tech into the world” (which they do NOT do) — but for the purpose of “getting businesses off the backs of orgs” by monitoring and controlling their activities (and making some money out of them at the same time).
So, with that background, you can imagine his reaction to this….
It’s a whole new world of scientology.
$170 for someone else to make a profit telling you what “LRH said” on how to “Flourish and Prosper”? I wonder if the secret to success has anything to do with convincing suckers to give you $170 to pick out LRH quotes….
Meshell – Yes, I think you are right about this. They only pay his way there and back.
I hate to say it here because we’re all making fun of Mr. Schwandt, but he actually is one of the few people who seem to understand a lot of the spiritual references in Scientology. I wish that someone would get him to see what’s happening. He’d be pissed and out.
you are sure about? A thetan itself will never wear glasses ..
“Because rhe Tech has been perverted and does not deliver results LRH intended. Also, parishioners don’t walk the route as LRH intended. Instead, they buy the EP.”
Headslap. Yeah, it’s the perverted tech and not the fact ‘the tech’ is totally bogus. Enjoy.
I gave up half way down, saw your comment and pissed myself. I needed that. Thanks Mike for your superb moderation policy and practice. It’s admirable (I’m thinking Remoteviewed in particular.)
All the OTs and Clears you have seen wearing glasses have bad eyesight because they are out ethics. If they got their ethics in their eyesight would improve .
So why do they show guys with glasses on these ads when Hubbard claimed that Dianetics, and later, Scientology, could cure myopia? I have seen OTs and Clears wearing thick glasses; so what gives?
I too am an OTIII Expanded. It is an relatively quick action that is only done at the behest of your CS if what you originated at the end of OTIII did not quite match what they were looking for. From what I remember, it was an audited action that took less than a week to complete. It was definitely not ‘redoing the level’
I hope you have canceled all my comments in your blog .. thank you if done .. Salute (Friend) ..
You did not cancel my comments .. now are still again there (Friend)
Here’s the way I have it figured: These “businesspeople” enable orgs who do not pay their staff because the lion’s share has to be sent “up lines”.
In exchange, they get employees who are used to working hard for peanuts and were happy to get paid more peanuts than they are used to getting paid for their work at the org.
Somewhat in propitiation for the income they receive, some of them then approve perks for these “VIPs” in the form of income from giving seminars and ego boosts.
So, generally speaking, I think that LRH had it right with regards to R2-45 even if it was just hyperbole. He also should also have turned the imaginary weapon on the out-ethics staff who approved selling these “seminars” for the stuffed shirts to bloviate about the Tech second hand instead of selling Scientology courses, co-auditing, and auditing.
And of course at the same time he should have confronted the REAL why, gotten his own ethics more IN regarding money, and adjusted the distribution of Org income so that all hard working, producing staff could make a decent living or at least get by financially as part of the exchange for their hard work and extreme dedication.
How does the mest universe think? Hmmmmm, I see the problem. The Scn community was so much more fun and thriving when there were a lot of small businesses surrounding the orgs, where you could get anything you needed. I stayed at a nice little bed and breakfast when I was on OT levels around 1980, which provided a great, fair service but was later shut down by the finance police. Now Scn is in the hotel and restaurant business, instead of spiritual well being. Wise was a greedy squirrel group from the beginning. It marks the beginning of the mentality that money was more important than the religious/philosophical nature of Scn. I’ve got a lot of respect for LRH for the auditing tech but when it comes to money, he’s got some splaining to do. The result is a few billion dollars hanging out in bank accounts and orgs with no people in them.
That was my first thought too. The “new data” would hardly be new the second time around, unless they found yet more RPF-d transcribers had confessed they’d surrupticiously put semicolons in to alter the new data. Or maybe “It” is so badly delivered that the people on course don’t get it and have to go back to see if they can understand it at the reprise. After all COS makes and art of charging people several times for the same stuff….. and “standard” is only a relative descriptor ’til we revise it again.
I think of this as a taste of the future of Scientology. Eventually when all the orgs close, you will only be able to get scientology books in metaphysics/ psychic bookstores where they will be placed between the tarot and numerology sections. People like this will be wandering the circuit giving lectures and romanticizing about the heyday of scientology. Once RTC is out of the way, they will write their own books chocked-full of squirrel tech.
Sixteen hours of this guy explaining to $cientologists (who should already know), what a mock-up is and what $cn. Axioms 11 & 12 are. Seriously? Either they’re dumber than I thought or they’re masochists.
They didn’t understand Hubbard explaining it? Need a different guy to break it down into atoms and molecules for them?
my comment was a reply to Translator about Friend’s comment
thank you for that. Actually very interesting.
So, someone is now OT 8 Expanded – well, hip-hip-hooray! He must be really OT by now. Regardless, his reward for that is that he now gets to start at the bottom of the bridge again with a purif, objectives and grades, all at Flag auditing rates for OT 8.
I think we all know what Ron would do – he blew planet Earth and is not coming back (he is probably living the high life in a different galaxy by now – fewer legal problems).
Seriously, the only thing that is guaranteed to be “Expanded” in Scientology is the IAS bank account, C of $ bank account, Miscavige’s personal bank account, etc.
Over the years I attended a number of “postulate” themed seminars related to various topics of Scientology endeavor such as making it to the OT levels, and then later, how to flourish and prosper while donating big to the IAS and/or Ideal Orgs. These talks were always given by OTVIIIs and they were very hyped and very similar in content. Some were given free and sometime the org charged a nominal fee like $15 or $20. They all covered the same ground: how to make postulates stick, etc. and we’d do drills on this. The OTVIII would then usually have us postulate whatever the current flavor of the month postulate that was being hyped at the seminar.
How I would love to attend one of these today so that I could raise my hand and question the OTVIII seminar leader on HIS postulates.
I’d raise my hand and ask, Do all of YOUR postulates stick? Have you yourself postulated an Ideal Org? How is that going, do you think? If we can learn to make all our postulates stick just by doing exactly what you tell us to do right here in this seminar, why would we even need to go OT?
Oh, it would be fun. How I wish I’d thought of these things back in the day. Oh, well.
Because – and correct me if I’m wrong, as I haven’t done the OT levels – but, is it not true that postulates ALWAYS stick? That if they don’t stick they weren’t postulates in the first place? That postulating isn’t something you need to learn to do, because we’re all doing it constantly, continually, anyway.?Postulating is a knowingness, that something will or will not happen, about some beingness, doingness or havingness or some non-beingness, non-doingness or non-havingness, regardless of the words. Now, the knowingness (postulate, or whatever you want to call it) doesn’t necessarily know HOW the whatever is going to manifest or not manifest. “How” comes afterwards. Point is, a being can’t “learn” to postulate successfully because that’s all a being does ANYWAY, and that’s all that a being does, constantly, and there is no such thing as a postulate that DOESN’T stick.
This was a KTL win of mine, btw. And its ok if anyone doesn’t agree. Its very real for me. Peace 🙂
Schorsch on June 8, 2014 at 6:07 pm
The SerFac is the top oppterm on the GPM that is dramtized or lived out in present time. Thats what I learned. Nothing to it. Nothing special. Nothing impossible to erase. But not handled in present time in current Scientology. On Grade 4 it is only keyed out.
I think he has understand what was said by me .. okay I accept that I use german grammar for english language .. basically I would only give my thoughts about what is missed on the current bridge .. missed since a long time ..
sorry if I made some confusing statements .. but Mike said already that it may not be understood .. so, sorry again .. “Schorsch” is may be also a german and could follow my comment easier ..
Have never said that LRH did run his SerFac on others .. tried only to say that he forgot about what was once important for him ..
I had the same question and was told by a recent OT8 expanded completion, that “expanded” means a re-do.
Mike, Any idea what language / grammar he is using? (Might help to decode the message.)
Davey’s been on the single malt again 😀
OOps! that was supposed to be under the ‘friend’ post
Sam and Mike Rinder,
I think there are a number of commentators that had the same problem with reply under “Friend”. It went to the bottom. Probably due to recent software upgrade?
Great thread.
Wow, this seminar sounds like a deal! That $170 is WAY cheaper than learning it through CoS. No wonder LRH wanted to run an R2-45 on them. DM must not know about this, otherwise he would expect that kind of disposable income to increase IAS status. Talk about counter-intending.
He needs all the IAS funds he can get with Mosey’s case and Luis and Rocio Garcia’s and the Oklahoma, Georgia and Nevada Narconons and Laura D’s California case and Jeremy’s Fraud case and the next legal monster hiding and ready to erupt out of the bushes in a blindside slam. You know, the last straw that will get little Nero. The one he thinks of when he is thinking of sleep.
Schwandt’s seminar may be the only thing left from THE Church of Scientology after Miscavige’s reign is done.
The SerFac is the top oppterm on the GPM that is dramtized or lived out in present time. Thats what I learned. Nothing to it. Nothing special. Nothing impossible to erase. But not handled in present time in current Scientology. On Grade 4 it is only keyed out.
others who know better can confirm whether it’s true or not but i do believe he gets a commission based on how much money is raised at the event.
say for example they reg $100,000 from people at the event, he gets like $10,000 out of it.
so if he can do one type of event per week and get at least ten grand regged, he makes 50 grand a year right there. if he hits just one homerun, like someone donates or gets regged for a million dollars, he gets a 100,000 or more out it.
these people can make quite a bit of money shilling for the “church”.
I have a 1991 version of the Red Vol and interesting that the No. 7 January 1952 has been removed from this version. I looked it up to read it and it is not in the Technical Bulletins. Can you find it somewhere else?
170 bucks for a “seminar”?
Shades of Werner Erhard!
We used to give talks like that away back when I worked in Div VI. We called ’em “Free Intro Services”.
Anyway I’m not with you totally on the ConEvil thang. Many of these “Scientology” Business owners were not as pure as driven snow as you suggest. I’ve worked for some of them.
170 bucks for a “seminar”?
Shades of Werner Erhard!
We used to give talks like that away back when I worked in Div VI. We called ’em “Free Intro Services”.
Anyway I’m not with you totally on the ConEvil thang. Many of these “Scientology” Business owners were not as pure as driven snow as you suggest. I’ve worked for some of them.
Also they were in many cases the reason why Orgs were going to hell since many staff were putting more attention on getting their “stats up” on their “moonlight” jobs than actually doing their post.
Though I will say that establishing WISE poured more gasoline on the fire than actually putting out the fire and gave these parasites more legitimacy than they deserved.
Before it was just a matter of calling a Chaplin’s Court if any staff member or public felt they were treated unjustly by these businesses then after WISE came in HCO got into the act and that inside joke called “WISE ‘Arbitration'”. In most cases taking the side of the business owner.
Duplicating much of the corporatism you witness here in America.
That and the IAS started the whole corrosive scene which continues today of those who have the gold rule.
Ron may have thought WISE a good idea. Maybe like the GO and the SO. It was at the time but eventually it mutated into a greater evil than it was trying to prevent.
Never said, nor meant tom imply, that there were NOT unscrupulous people taking advantage of orgs and org staff. Generally. I think those that sign up for WISE are less ethical than the normal businessman, and try to gain legitimacy by being a “WISE member,”
I totally agree Mike.
My general experience with WISE members pretty much confirms this.
I think Richey Accunto (Non) Survival Insurance was one of WISE first recruits and a “Model of Admin” winner.
Anyone who’s ever worked at that Animal Farm could see the irony in that.
If you go to this seminar, you’re just going to have to go again. Evidently you don’t get it all the first time, so they have a discount for only $100.00 if you go again. So just cough up $270.00 now.
Me neither. That caught my eye right off!
I like to listen to people who where there and know what they are talking about. Thanks
I absolutely hated the “external influence” epithet. It made my skin crawl, and it still does.
Good on ya for trying Mike.
Even as someone who can usually understand broken English from a non-native speaker, this is just word salad to me.
What would LRH do…..? Depends on which LRH you are referring to.
I think there was only one LRH. But many images his PR machine spun into our receptive studenship.
Somehow I get that some folks draw a line and say,” this is when LRH had it together and this is when he lost track.”
In reading the many books out there about Scientology and the Old Man, I have concluded there was no line in reality save when his lies caught up with him and he warred against villains more intensely and hid from the effects of his actions.
I think Friend is saying that way back when, LRH was onto some good stuff but got hung up in his own serfacs which he then tried to get everybody else to run. And if he came back in some sort of ethical condition he would sort out his serfac and this would benefit everyone.
Then he throws in something about SP and pts, Rhodesia and SHSBC and…. nope! Not A clue!
This article brings to mind what I think to be a fundamental problem that was never solved. Achieving a good balance between letting people being successful promoting and practicing Scientology vs people stealing energy from the Orgs and Missions. If the old man would have loosened the reins a bit and let others share in the success of Scientology would it attract a broader spectrum of public and Scientology would have experienced a much greater growth, For example, staff pay and how much money field auditors make? Give me a break, bump it up to make it a real living and you get a much wider level of interest, You give up some short term income to the top but would get it back in abundance. Let the small guys be successful! Of course DM took the “everything must flow to the top” to new absurd levels and the current structure is in a guaranteed death spiral.
(In response to Friend and Mike).
Sorry Friend. I can not see your point.
Like a SerFac: “Logical gibberish”.
How about a seminar on how to counter-Postulate the IAS’s Postulate to take all of your hard earned money.
Herr Schwandt {new Ot 8 expanded, does that mean he has put on weight?} appears to be an expert on ‘postulates’. In my dictionary, ‘postulates’ = imagination.
What is the difference between a symbol and a mock-up? None, you imagined both of them.
How do I make a postulate that really works? Imagine electricity flow and turn on the light switch.
How do I get the postulate to materialize? Tell Scotty to give her full power and beam your ass to another universe.
How do I undo unwanted postulates? Why did you ‘postulate’ something you didn’t want? Time for a sec-check.
how tight is security at these?
someone get in there with a camera and put this one online, let’s see what info $170 gets you, might not have a chance to hear this gem for another six years
How many times does that make that OT VIII has been re-done or altered? Is it up to four now? What is the count?
In the early days when “Friend” personally knew Ron, Ron made a lot of sense. But after Rhodesia and OTiii, Friend felt Ron had abandoned his own knowingness and principles and instead was dramatizing his own Ser Facs in the tech he later put out.
Scientology, the tech, is not in the culture of the church, in policy or LRH books, it is Only in HCOB’s.
The thing to be solved by entity processing is not the fact of entities. (Translator agrees, it it why and how they are connected to you, why you allow it or give means to the phenomenon. Being cause over the connection, auditing them, is an incremental step to freedom from being being effect of them)
Friend feels that an “SP” as currently defined by scientology practice is not someone who is truly doing antisocial things, but just someone that is on the wrong side of popularity.
LRH discovered the idea of service facsimilies, but didn’t conquer his own. We should look to that in ourselves.
Wow, Translator. I think you got it.
I knew “Friend” had something to say, but I couldn’t understand his/her language.
Also, for some reason my comment about Friend did not end up under his/ner comment either. Oh well.
Yes Translator, thank you.
I can confirm what Mike is saying regarding LRH’s viewpoint in the late 70s and early 80s about people “making money” off the orgs. The term “external influence” was coined at the time and anyone with a business outside of Scientology or who employed Scientologists or Org Staff members who could barely even eat on the money they got paid on staff- was classified or called an “external influence” and a bad guy. There were lots of LRH dispatches and orders regarding this whole subject and WISE was one of his solutions.
Of course one of the biggest outpoints in that thinking was that Staff would never have to moonlight if they were paid a living wage or salary delivering Scientology on staff. But no – that would interrupt the flow on money up the command channels to Sea Org Reserves and eventually to LRH as well.
So, let me get this straight…you can listen to an LRH lecture on postulates for $5 or you can listen to Gerhard explain it to you for $170.
Am I understanding this correctly?
“The most requested event ever” and “Back for the first time in 6 years.”
My head hurts from the cognitive dissonance created by those 2 sentences.
“Gerhardt Schwandt talks about Scientology and his highly successful Postulate Seminars.”
In any case, it’s an all day course on how you will get tons of money by thinking the right thoughts. And, as soon as you are convinced of that, you will then be relieved of what money you have because tomorrow money will be pouring in due to your postulates! Preachers do this on TV all the time when asking for money: “You want Cadillacs? God’s got Cadillacs.”
This is just another sign of desperation. No one (with any sense) is coming to “events” anymore, because everyone knows they are just reg events. This is no different. They just put some lipstick on a pig…. who will it fool? The blind.
OT 8 expanded maybe David Miscavige loyalty checks and Internet sec checks.
( typical “Have you stopped beating your wife? questions)
Un-frigg-in believable as it may seem, Mike, there will STILL be those who continue to sign up for another re-tread of a re-tread in the Miscavige Hamster Wheel Inc. The fact that this can result from the latest promo piece, should hardly surprise anyone. Once innnnn the iron-grip of MMC (Miscavige Mind-Control), aka CO$, the command$ & DMAND$ are obeyed literally, as with any ‘hypnotized’ $ubject.
‘Hypnotherapy’, on the other hand, is an intensely interesting subject in its own right, and deserves a thorough examination for its thoroughly workable applications, especially where other ‘therapies’ have had limited success. (ie panic attacks, control of blood pressure, overcoming anxiety, phobias, single minded focus on sport championships, etc.) This is not to be confused with “Mind-Control”, which as we know, has as its sole purpose, the total subjugation of the ‘recipient’.
That sounds “smoking hot”!!
I was thinking as I read it, “how can Mike understand this? He must be a language genius” Ha
OT VIII Expanded means that Gerhard got to do OT VIII twice.
Regarding yesterdays post as well as this one. When someone like the woman who could feel the bacteria on her skin and have reached the top of the bridge, I have a question. WHAT NOW? You have win after win after win after win, now what? The only answer I can see to that question is, The Golden Age of Tech, III. Then I see these advertisements for events that are going to cost you even more money.
I have to laugh. 🙂 I see no problem when Scientology criminals are stealing money from other Scientology criminals. “One dumbfuck deserves another,” my sainted grandmother used to tell me when I was just a wee lad. It’s when these fucking criminals rook and swindle money from mentally challenged marks, rubes and suckers that it’s a shame the fucking FBI doesn’t go in there and clear out these filthy criminals at gunpoint.
What is “New OT VIII Expanded”?
Euphemism for “OT VIII REDONE”
Exactly. “Oh, you didn’t learn how to make a postulate that really works? Never mind, I’m sure parting with another 100 bucks will see you right”. Dismal.
…was in response to Billy Winsock’s comment.
Sorry, Friend, but I cannot understand what you’re saying. I know you’re not a native English speaker. But it ain’t working.
To Just Me 10:39am
It works .. but it is above Help .. you have to establlsh communication per HCOB 22 Dez 1960 II .. and it means you have to go through Miscontrol, Control and Miscommunication .. than you will have it what a real SerFac is .. all SerFac are based on Miscommunication .. but I mean the real SerFac of a thetan not such stuff as discusing something about right or wrong .. per the original bridge you should get it on Grade IV (have never seen one in my 41 years who has grasped that) .. so why you should understand it .. but it is true what I said .. what would LRH do? It is finally the same as I would do ..
But realise, if you have handled it you are not Clear .. you have only put away any purpose to stop others, then you have to learn why and how you stopped yourself .. and then you can go on to be an OT ..
Sorry, but this was my understanding 41 years ago when someone explained me the Bridge .. never done but it was my understandig .. nothing really wrong with it ..
Elizabeth? Is that you?
What would LRH do? Once in old days i was in good ARC with him, and thought very good of him. At the times after his Rhodesia journey he lost some sense about his own ideas, came down to ideas which he did not really explain as he did before .. okay he did explain on the SHSBC that he expected himself as a person who runs on a SerFac .. but here is a break .. surely he said later that no book includes the Tech, and it would be a mistake to believe in such an idea .. adviced the auditors not to believe that, because all Tech were written in HCOBs .. nowhere else ..
So what would LRH do? First I think he himself lost his own way in his last years. He could never handle his concept of a SerFac. He was right with his conclusions, but did mishmash it then all for himself. Invented something like OT III .. a lot of it is true .. only that the aliens are not evil to you in basic .. it is a total failure to believe such stuff .. absolutely .. it is not true ..
If LRH would be there, and without ethics problems .. he would simply go back to his figuring about SerFac and would it expand to the benefit for all .. wonderful work of him .. so the current church do you pull in that what LRH tried to handle .. but unfortunatele he opened the door for that in his last works ..
Everybody may excuse me for my words .. but LRH gave a definition of an SP which do not fit reality. A SP is only a guy which nobody likes .. somewhere in the internet is spoken about as sociopath, following a person who gives with good ARC truth which is untrue .. if you have meet one, you know that you cannot find antisocial behaviour .. following the whole theorie of PTS/SP is bullshit ..
So if LRH would be there now .. he would be throw out every alteration which did lead into more SerFac, because it is his bridge to get that handled ..
Finally what is a SerFac .. Study the SHSBC .. not easy to grasp it .. but if you did you did .. but as like LRH it is difficult to find the way out ..
Posting this in the hope that someone can understand it…
????????????????? Not me. Good luck to the successful codebreaker.
Maybe it’s OSA trying out a new tactic?
Your comments and observations of Hubbard viewpoint are funny and to the point. Thanks
Judge Waldrip summarized it along the lines of “Get our BUSINESS not somebody else”
I am intrigued to note that Mr Schwandt is OTVIII EXPANDED. When did OTVIII get “expanded” WTF
Heathcliff – it means he’s done OTVIII more than once.
The longer you’re in and the higher you go, the more chance there is that you will do the same actions over and over again. It’s the hamster wheel of going up and down, and up again the Bridge. Until you run out of money or life force to do it any longer.
Or you could wake up too…
I could be mistaken, but I thought this guy does this for free, as his OBLIGATION now that he is “up the bridge” – to keep his “OT status” and to keep the ethics officer off his butt. The orgs charge the public and pay his expenses to come then use the rest of the money to put on a regging event – after his event public are pumped up believing all they have to do is think right and they buy more services in hopes of it finally working for them! I could be wrong about this, because he might be scraping in some cash these days – but that is how it worked when I was involved on staff.
The other point I wanted to mention is that he was reamed, big time by AO and had to go through this whole ethics program because this postulate seminar was so popular with the people. The public were calling it, “Gerhard’s seminar on postulates”. I guess the big boy in his high chair (and his copper rods) didn’t like it that Gerhard was pulling in so many people that they had to have it in the AO parking lot and that people were affectionately referring to it as “Gerhard’s”.
The shore story was that there was too much attention being put on Gerhard and not enough on LRH (phooey – he had that it was LRH all over the handouts).
Sounds to me to be a very similar story to Heber being so popular with the masses that he had to go into the Hole. But that would have flapped if Little Davey tried to put Gerhard in the Hole.
I hope you’re reading this, Gerhard. Watch some of the videos. Go to http://www.SurvivingScientology.com and have a look around. You are a true friend of LRH. Come on out with the rest of us. OT VIIIs, Class 8s and true loyal Scientologists. We’ll appreciate your 5 star cooking too.
I went to Gerhard’s seminar at AOLA. Paid $170. bucks. The proceeds went to the forming Inglewood Org.
I was also reg’ed for Services at AOLA. It’s a fund raiser where the product is you spend tons of cash on credit cards.
.It’s a seminar that teaches you how to spend money,not make money, until you have none thinking you are getting rich.
( Money Funnel)
Only $100 if you have seen it before. If it works so well, why would you need to see it twice?
This is a pretty standard “guarantee” clause for get rich using xxxxxx seminars. If you somehow fail, we’ll tell you again. It also assures a certain number of true believers in the audience to testify to the validity of the information in the seminar.
New OTVIII Expanded? When did this come out?
You know, if orgs actually took responsibility for their staff AND paid them a living wage, there would not be any involvement with Scn businesses. Instead, Scn businesses are viewed as vultures, just hovering to take advantage of the org’s valuable trained staff. Gimme a break, who is the vulture here?
Guess he needs his next IAS status upgrade
Makes perfect sense to me.
Scientology has nothing left to sell has no hope of getting new members so gouging every cent you can out of existed members seems like the only option left.
Also why does a new expanded OT8 need glasses?
“You are only three or four hours from taking your glasses off for keeps.” – L. Ron Hubbard, “Eyesight and glasses,” “Dianetic Auditor’s Bulletin,” Vol. 2, No. 7, January 1952
Because rhe Tech has been perverted and does not deliver results LRH intended. Also, parishioners don’t walk the route as LRH intended. Instead, they buy the EP.
We’ve all always bought the EP. That was the grade chart. Especially the original that had to be altered by Ron himself because there was never a stable exterior OT with full perceptions.
That was the grand daddy EP. That EP sold a lot of 12 1/2 hr intensives.
“This is why WISE was formed — not for the shore story of “getting LRH admin tech into the world” (which they do NOT do) — but for the purpose of “getting businesses off the backs of orgs” by monitoring and controlling their activities (and making some money out of them at the same time).”
getting LRH admin tech into the world
I always wondered why someone would do an admin course anywhere outside of an org.
I’ve given up on Orgs. They just won’t let you be solvent.
Several of the staff in Hannover Germany would just smile and hand their pay checks back to the FBO, it was always some pitiful amount. We all had moonlight jobs. Just wasn’t working out financially.
And even worse was the fact that our public knew we were in bad shape.
We were supposed to be the ones helping them, not the other way around.
I suppose expanded means. A redo I suppose. Never heard of OT Vlll expanded.
How can there possibly be “new data”?
Yes, completely off purpose. If you really want someone to get better you do talks, or introduction talks, or whatever you want to call it for free so you disseminate, with honest purpose in mind, on how someone could get or do well.
Is like if the Catholic Church would charge you because a renown priest would give the Sunday sermon.
The sad truth behind this greed is the “really not care about any one else” and, when you have lost that, your soul is rather sad and alone no matter how many millions you do have.
Honest care makes life a happier one.
As far as what LRH will do, you have provided an answer which I concurred with.
You concur with Fair Game, R245 and evil mind tech to drive someone crazy? Tell me it ain’t so Silvia.
And Silvia, the Catholic Church does not charge for Sunday Service; for any level of monastic.