I was recently in New York, literally across the street from St Patrick’s Cathedral. With 15 minutes to spare, I stopped in for a quick visit in the middle of a weekday afternoon.
Literally hundreds of people were sitting on the front steps enjoying the sunshine and doing who knows what. Inside there were probably 500 – 1000 people either sitting in the pews or walking around looking at the architecture, taking photos and shooting videos. They did a cursory purse inspection for women with bags (or men with backpacks) at the door, otherwise access was unfettered and uninhibited. Nobody approached me for money or to take a course or a personality test. The people checking the bags were very friendly.
The building is imposing and the architecture and stained glass windows are impressive. But so was the feeling of peace and openness.
It is a marked contrast to this, just sent in by a Special Correspondent from Seattle.
This is the downtown”Life Improvement Center” of the Seattle “ideal org.” There was nobody to be seen either inside or out. It was also a weekday afternoon.
You can see there are two rather prominent signs — one on the wall alongside the entrance and the other on the glass next to the front door. You can see a close up of the signs immediately below.
This is scientology paranoia at work.
They are so fearful of SPs and the Merchants of Chaos that they try to take pre-emptive measures to keep them out.
Yet if you listen to what scientology has to say, they claim to be the experts of human relations, the masters of communication and the only ones who truly understand the technology of public relations. Let alone the only people on earth who can confront and shatter suppression.
So, why are they terrified?
Do they really believe that signs like this are not going to scare off the handful of people in Seattle who do not know how to Google and thus might possibly pass through the door out of curiosity?
Open and inviting it certainly is not.
For the rusted-on sheepbots the fantasy is much more powerful than reality.
And meanwhile,the stoopid cult has replaced the whole lot of their EU execs in Copenhagen and paid for hundreds or thoçusands of ads to be sent to all the peaople now “active”, like some who had done ONE little services 20 or even 30 years ago! And they try to get new people in Paris CC, where the fournder Alain Frank Rosenberg disappeared…
They hung the unwelcome sign in the most unaesthetic way possible
Even more to point about this door in Seattle – it is really never open. It is located between Fourth and Third Avenue downtown on Pine Street. (The empty ideal org is several miles north of downtown.) Pine Street bridges the retail core and the famous Pike Place Market. This door is also next to an entrance to the Westlake Light Rail Station – probably the busiest light rail station in Seattle. Thousands of people a day walk past this door. I pass by it twice a day and have seen it open exactly twice in the ast year. Once there was a security playing with his smart phone behind the font desk and once there was a young man slouched in the door way making no contact with the throng of humanity passing him by.
The last time I was in a Scientology org a staff member said to me without smiling and in a not friendly tone, “What are YOU doing here?” I had been off lines and was actually pitstopping in this org as part of a work related errand. Obviously, this staff member, who had known me well for 20 years had been told things about me, making my presence in his org about as welcome as a glob of mayonnaise on his new silk tie. I kept my face blank while replying in a civil tone, “I’m waiting to pick up something that ____is leaving for me”.. He said nothing, flicked his eyes over me, then turned on his heel and walked away.
Good that you are a Pro TR’s grad who can look him in the eye and stare him down and make him leave, Aqua. On a different thread, I read today in a magazine that Tom Cruise hasn’t seen Suri, his daughter, in 3 years and they said it was because of the Disconnection policy from the Church of Scientology, and explained what disconnection is and that Tom is towing the line and doing what the church tells him to do. This will not help his career. And it is getting the truth about disconnection out there.
There is something really wrong with a man who would desert a 7 year old child (she’s 10 now) because his church has a “policy” calling for him to ignore his child… wait, there’s something really wrong with a church that has a “policy” that mandates a parent separate from their child.
Tommy Boy is a brainwashed weenie…
Both a welcoming invitation and a threat of prosecution greet you at the door of a scientology org. Those are the horns of dilemma for the Citadel of Man’s highest knowledge. On one hand it is doomed without new people coming in so it had better smile real pretty for the public but on the other hand, the public poses the threat of well-deserved reprisals so it had better growl and show its teeth.
It is in scientology’s DNA to cancel itself out. Mr. Hubbard has been described as a cow who gives a good bucket of milk and tips it over. His DNA is in every piece of scientology. The church cancels itself out by giving lip service to the highest ideals then inflicting insect-like brutality on its members. Scientologists cancel themselves out by starting off genuinely interested in understanding reality then ending up doing their best to avoid it. It’s a zero sum game if you’re lucky. It couldn’t be scientology if it wasn’t defeating its own purposes.
So much money and property, but still so arm……
edit: “still so poor”
Some of the photos in your post are upside-down. They put that plaque up because of behavior of people like me 🙂
Thanks for letting me know. They show up the right way up when I put them into the post? Now have fixed them. Been out all day and didnt notice….
AGP Yes, the cult probably doesn’t want you around any more than they want me. I was told that I could never go back to the ship even though I was in good standing because I had AIDS. Thank you for producing the videos we did with Karen. If you can use another demonstrator I would be honored to help you.
I wonder if the staff is really so vigilant, though. Exhibit A is Ross & Carrie of “Oh No! Ross & Carrie” podcast fame. They were able to take courses and attend special events for several weeks before being found out.
As Scientology keeps circling the drain they are solving the collapse by getting even nastier than they were.
The slow moving train wreck is picking up speed.
The problem with things that circle the drain is, they do not disappear. They just go somewhere else.
In this case the other end of the drain is called “the Indie movement”. Some nut is already trying to incorporate a 2nd Church of Scamology complete with KSW NAZI’s, etc., etc.
Are you referring to Merrill Vannier?
Is that the name of the idiot trying to open a newly register Church of Scamology in the USA? Same guy who keeps lying about El Con ordering that the church be run on a “checks & balances” org board rather than as a dictatorship under the Sea Org & CMO?
Cindy, I looked up the name you posted. Turns out the guy was a G.O. criminal
Here is the link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiVt4TvjpnPAhWJ7YMKHW3NBJ4QFghkMAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Farchive.law.fsu.edu%2Flibrary%2Fflsupct%2F61691%2F61691ans.pdf&usg=AFQjCNGiwKlKNEsV56xCKwU09WoyQLhSNg&bvm=bv.133178914,d.amc
Yes Cindy, I have verified that I AM talking about Merrill Vannier. Did you read the link with the criminal acts he was found to be guilty of by the Bar Association?
The red sign–despite its official appearance and the Seattle Police logo’s unauthorized use–reeks of amateur production.
Just take in the splendor of its main statement. And I will QUOTE as you can NOT make this shit up: “All violations of the Seattle Municipal Code and Revised Code of Washington are prohibited.”
Let’s let that sink in for a moment as we savor the splendor of this officious statement. So, all violations of the law are prohibited? Ya think?
At least, in an act of accidental honesty, they refer to their “patrons and customers” on the sign instead of the usual sanctimonious “parishioners.” Of course, “marks” would have been even more descriptive…
As usual, the mastery of communications “tech” is inspiring!
I love the way there is “No Entry after business hours without the permission of the owner”. If you ask who owns the church they will say “we do – the local parishioners that paid for it”. And then ask “so who is the legal owner that can give us permission?” they will probably go into a huddle and admit they don’t know but say you have to send a telex or request in writing to the President, Church of Scientology International, Hole RPF Division, Hemet CA and someone might get back to you.
Todd you will be happy to know when I contacted the owner with regard to accusations of lying, extortion, overcharging, slave labour, non-conformity to workplace regulations, physical and mental abuse I received a one line letter from a lawyer saying the Church does not condone such practices and has taken steps to to expel suppressive parishioners found to have been caught in such acts.
Maybe we should forward a picture of that sign to the IRS to let them know it is a business and not a church. If they lost church status it would collapse.
These signs are so ridonculous. The first one I came across was on the wall outside the front door of Pretoria Org before the opening. As did other people I am sure, I took a photo of the sign telling me I may not take photos . Because by then I could see some writing on a few walls. What was that about control and only being able to stop things?
Reminds me of the time I worked on Wall Street and every lunch
time I went to the Trinity church at the end of the street. Ate my
lunch in the garden and then went into the church to listen to the live
rock band playing there. It was always welcoming, warm and friendly
plus tons of people spending their lunch time in the house of God.
In the age of the internet, Scientology’s deceptive practices to attract new members face nearly insurmountable challenges.
Body routing, trolling for “raw meat” on Craig’s List, and using ‘front groups” that dare not mention Scientology seem to be the new normal. It is a culture entirely based on deception.
Even the vaunted Tom Cruise has been rendered useless as a result of his disconnecting from his 9 year old daughter,
Beginning with Google, and extending outward into the popular culture as the butt of jokes, ridicule, contempt and derision, the public perception and reputation of Scientology is on par with the Westboro Baptist Church.
The many who have left Scientology joining with a large and increasingly aware “never-in” community that will not be intimidated or “shuddered into silence” prove the veracity of William Cullen Bryant and Martin Luther King who said “Truth crushed to earth shall rise again.”
Great point, Lin. Everyone has a phone. Everyone knows Google. And because of that, everyone is a potential SP. Scientology’s paranoia and secrecy, baked in since its inception with Hubbard, is antithetical to modern technology. I can only imagine the interrogation that goes on to someone who just walks in out of curiosity after checking their phone:
“And how did you find out about the Church of Scientology”
“Oh, I just Googled it on my phone and read some stuff about Tom Cruise. He’s a member right?”
“What did you read? What websites? What did they say? They’re all LIES! Are you a member of the press?!”
“Whoa, chill dude. I just walked in.”
“You have a smartphone? That has a camera. The sign explicitly states no cameras inside this building. I’m going to have to ask that you leave.”
Scientology needs validation for doing this, not condemnation!
I truly am warmed by their signs. One of the oldest tricks in the book is don’t fix something that isn’t broken. The Scientology organisation is setting up its own ‘fuck off’ fences, laying minefields in it’s own back yard and best of all is now being really, really rude to the public at large. Their showpiece of all stats, the tech of statistics itself is speaking loud and clear of the direction their future is going. It’s a big fat no-e they are reveling in and if you believe their ethic formulas they are well and truly treading water with danger and liability is rushing up to greet them with open arms. The rest will follow, time is not being very friendly with them at all!
Maybe we all want something dramatic and hence entertainingly satisfying to happen, like Miscavige to front a deposition or something but tactically patience is the best weapon at times and to keep on doing what brought this situation about.
All the ex’s who have been putting their time in to expose the scam and harm Scientology does to families and anyone who joins that cult should take heart in the development of the “GO AWAY” notices on the front doors of Scientology. What incredible foot-bullets they shoot.
Those signs and their wording may as well be razor wire, same effect.
Hey, Mike! Why was that Dianetics & Scientology building built upside down? Seems a bit strange, don’t you think? Why just the other day…..OH! Never mind…
P.S. Previous experience in cult leadership will take you to the front of the line.
I guess my Osama bin Laden costume is not a ticket to get in.
This is the first time I have seen the conditions of entry placard for a church
Pretty soon they’ll be putting up razor wire…
“This is the Church of Scientology. All are welcome. Stay out or you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” LOL.
In what world does a church consciously put up signs to scare away potential parishioners??? Has Miscavage decided LRH’s money laundering scheme has run its course? Maybe he is repackaging the cult into a real estate company. Well, maybe not. Then his $$$$ would be taxed.
The new Budapest “Ideal Org” building (which still does not have all the required permits BTW) has the same sign (in Hungarian). They are equally afraid all over the world…
You know, Mike, it’s only going to get worse and worse and worse for these guys.
Anyone with access to the internet is a potential SP. An SP is anyone who doesn’t like Dave. Maybe it’s anyone who doesn’t adore Dave. It’s anyone who reads articles on the internet that expose Co$ abuses and questions the veracity of Co$ public relations lies.
“More than 3 billion people are now using the Internet, according to the United Nations agency that oversees international communications.
The number of Internet users has increased from 738 million in 2000 to 3.2 billion in 2015, according to a new report from the International Telecommunication Union. That’s a seven-fold increase that brought Internet penetration up from 7% to 43% of the global population. Of all connected individuals, the ITU says most of them — some 2 billion — live in developing countries:”
Memo to OSA: Perhaps you folks should really look at what’s on the internet regarding your fearless leader and ask yourself the question, “Have we really raked in all that money and if so, what does Dave really do with all that money and is it true he physically beat people and by the way, where is Shelly?”
You might even want to really study the history of your subject and its founder so you can intelligently answer questions rather than spew the disingenuous bull-crap that your seniors feed you. Do you really not understand that anyone can fact check your lies in a mere 10-15 minutes on a google search?
The truth is sometimes a hard pill to swallow but it will, in the end, set you free.
Ah, yes…the internet! It knows all & and sees all! They don’t have any hope…
Oh yeah! Plus it’s the best place to stretch the truth since the headmaster’s office.
It’s either for ya or agin ya! Be creative and tell it how it really is…
Just so OSD,
The internet is just like the ‘red pill’. You take it and find out just how far down the rabbit hole scientology goes.
I’ve been downtown at least three times in the past month, where I happened to walk by or be in view of the test center. It didn’t appear open on any of those occasions, nor was anybody body routing. These times were during the day, both weekdays and weekends.
Wow! Maybe body routing is now a thing of the past for Scientology.
With the internet and the vast world media mentioning Scientology nearly always in the negative it would take some might tough or very stupid body routers to work the streets. It really wouldn’t be safe for them, plus most city people are street wise anyway, even Scientologists. I would imagine the response of a Div 6er to a senior’s request to go body routing would be something along the lies of – “get fucked, I ain’t going out there, do it yourself if you want it done!”
Body routing…that’s just so 1980s.
My guess (and I think it is a kinda educated one from all I’ve heard over the past few years) is that if I walked into a CoS … let’s say the one in Kentucky (never been there or to Cincinnati, like to go some day) and said I’d like to find out about Scientology, I just bet that an interrogation would be in store for me (to ensure I was not a bad guy with bad intentions) … you know … like the foloiwng ….where did you hear about Scientology?, oh from a friend, what’s his name?, Louie Schlomouie, was he active in Scientology?, yes, he was, for a few years, at what organization?, in Montreal I think, are you from Montreal? ….. oh, yeah … WELCOME! (and if you want to come to the event on Saturday night, be sure you have your official card pass to enter, but … all are welcome … yeah … right … planetary clearing is now a reality)
Cincy Idle Morgue might just be different. They’re far away from concentrations of OSA blackshirts and they have Jeannie Sonnenfeld at the helm there, who remembers when things were different regarding fresh meat and how to successfully bring people in. You might actually get a warm welcome there. But they’re an exception that proves the rule, kind of like I imagine HAPI to be when Fearless Leader’s in the house. Any other Morgue, and you’re welcomed with closed arms and the fish eye, and that includes Chicago, where the Cusanos seem to be human but who have people like Psycho Bitch on staff.
Can you imagine the reception you’d get in, say, Joburg with people like the De Beers in charge? Not even a patter like the one you outlined could get you past the palace guard.
The paranoia and suspicion can only get worse, as the last people running orgs who know how to make someone feel welcome die off or get out. And no amount of love-bombing will be able to counter that.
Espi, I am fascinated by the breadth of your knowledge into the personalities that inhabit (both in the present and the past) the Scientology world. And not just the personalities, but the ins and outs of the day to day workings of that world.
As someone who was never in, how do you do it? (I’m only asking because I’m becoming somewhat of a fan) I was in for 35 years and while I have much experience with all aspects of auditing, I know virtually nothing about most of these folks.
I’m really downstat with my Chaos lately. I can’t seem to sell a bit of it.
I’ll take two…
“This is scientology paranoia at work.” It’s not paranoia if there really are people [quite justifiably] out to get you.
LOL! As long as any sign hinting that it has to do with El Con or Scamology no one will want to come close anyway. Fools.
My sentiments exactly, Mike! Scientology is dead. The twitching you see are the body thetans escaping thinking, Free at last! Free at last! Thank COB, we’re free at last…
Here’s to ya and fun times: https://youtu.be/AtLY9oLTGMg
NICE! I grew up listening to the them. I knew Dean Torrance & Jan personally. Dean still lives in my town. For the younger posters, ‘Jan & Dean’ was a surf band.
That’s awesome. Yes, they came from that area in SW LA city region. I was an OC boy
Is that a bullet hole dead center of the crooked cross?
That’s a bullet hole if there ever was a bullet hole. Wow, I can’t believe they have not somehow repaired it or replaced it with a new sign. Indicative of how clueless and apathetic the staff bots are.
I’m a pretty good shot, aren’t I…
Shotgun next time please.
careful there OSD; don’t forget they put Keith Henson in prison for a joke no better than that!
Oh no. You see…. I shot the Sheriff, BUT, I didn’t shoot the deputy…
On this regard we should be thankful; with this unwelcome signs, attitudes and behavior of paranoia carried out since miscavige took over the ‘sacrosanct leadership’ many people won’t approach such an antagonistic organization and, consequently, less people will be ripped off their funds, their families will grow together and they will be free to choose their actions.
So, thus is a plus point for society.
I worked in Army S2 for a couple years during my tour. This reminds me a lot of a sign that was bolted to our entrance door of the Intelligence wing. The big, bold and scary print in red, the police shield and the treats of arrest. Everyone on post stayed clear of the building. Hope this works the same for Seattle.
Oh it will warn the public alright. In the tech of mine warfare, you actually put signs up on minefields advertising the fact mines are there. The psychological aspect of it is devastating, both to the officers who will possibly order men into the field plus it destroys the morale of the men themselves, they now know it’s a minefield they are being ordered into. It’s called channeling the enemy, putting them into zones you want them. All minefields slow the enemy down.
If Scientology was a chess game, it’s like they have been forced to castle after losing their queen. Only their whales and money reserves are keeping them afloat.
By the looks of things over at Tony’s blog, you may soon experience a drone giving a tour up your butt. Those drones are being made the size of insects.
Hope they are not carrying Zika.