It’s more straight up and vertical, monumental, milestones as scientology tech shows the world how to handle Facebook.
A special correspondent just sent this to me.
I thought it worthy of a post to demonstrate yet again, the nature of scientology. They are not popular. Their solution is to BUY the appearance of popularity. And then tell the world “Look, we a popular.”
You can bet David Miscavige had planned to announce this “unprecedented” popularity at the Maiden Voyage event in June. Ah well, down the crapper that one just went.
It’s the exact same pattern they employ for trying to convince the world they are “experiencing unprecedented international expansion” by buying empty buildings and showing pictures of them and saying “we are opening new churches in major cities around the world.”
Here is the report:
You can watch the straight up and vertical expansion on their face book website which shows 266,257 LIKES (as of writing this email). Tomorrow it will most likely be a higher number.
Then go to this website where one can check the composition of Facebook Likes.
Ha! Their followers on Twitter are roughly the same makeup.
Where’s the hate button on their FB page?
Ah. Just lean back and relax.
It’s wonderful to have a seat in the front row and watch that unprecedented most wondersome and promised expansion of the CoB* :
the Fakebook site now shows 269,809 LIKES. That’s an increase of some 3,000 within just 2 days:
(*CoB = Cult of Bucks or Cult of Bullshit. Take your pick).
That banner image on the Scientology FB page is revealing in itself: the lobby of the Super Power building, utterly devoid of people. The image is cold, strange, and ostentatious — the very opposite of welcoming. Like the cooked-up “likes,” it seems too obviously meant to impress.
It also seems perfectly consistent with Dave Miscavige’s vision of an Ideal Church, which is pretty much like Miss Trunchbull’s vision of an ideal school in Roald Dahl’s “Matilda”:
“My idea of a perfect school … is one that has no children in it at all.”
Richard Grant, “…It also seems perfectly consistent with Dave Miscavige’s vision of an Ideal Church, which is pretty much like Miss Trunchbull’s vision of an ideal school in Roald Dahl’s “Matilda”:
“My idea of a perfect school … is one that has no children in it at all.”
Thank you for that blast from the past I loved that movie and so did my kids. Great analogy.
Indonesia needs a Super Power Building…no, better 5.
Do it, little man, do it.
Hilarious, pretty damn funny that the US doesn’t even register on the like checker. It went all the way down to 88 in Morocco meaning less then 88 people in the US liked the page. Lolz, its pretty obvious Scientology has a marketing budget without a cap and people that have no f**ing clue what the Internet is. Ive never seen so much ignored and spammy social media adverts in my life. That said, there is no amount of marketing, good or bad, that can polish that LRH smile up anyways. Keep it up Mike!
I’m not at all surprised…
Who the hell goes to their FB page anyway? It’s definitely about the continuous fooling of the already fooled.
This has GOT to be only for the still in cult members. No one else would take that FB page seriously.
Apparently they still think all wogs are stupid…or is this just meant to reinforce the brainwashing done unto their own minions? In any event it’s purely pathetic.
I had a look at the sterntv site and saw no mention of the US in the list. Does that mean no-one in the States likes $camology? I somehow get the feeling that Demented Midget didn’t think that part through.
Facebook is another failed adventure for David “Let Him Die” Miscavige.
Another Bubble that is set to explode.
Mainstream churches either give their parishioners an annual financial statement showing how the money is spent and whether they have a surplus or deficit of funds, or they will make it available to the parishioner on demand–Scientology keeps its parishioners in the dark about how the money is spent and how much the Church is worth–I think they deserve this information.
The latest sorry play made by David Miscavige. He has painted himself into a corner and is now entertaining everybody by how he pretends that he hasn’t. I wrote two favorable comments on the page and they were gone in a few minutes. It’s like a model house that’s furnished but obviously nobody lives in it.
A Potemkin religion.
There’s already an Idle Org waiting for those who opt to move to Asia. It’s in Bali:
Tax Exempt dollars buying Likes? My Congressman, Dennis Ross of Florida, has still not
responded to my question about why is Scientology tax exempt. Guess I need to
try another way to get his attention.
A bit O/T (except in illustrating Shortarse Miscavige’s ineptitude with online video as well as social media) but some fellow-Bunkerites thought you might like this, Mike:
Take a look at the Mormon, UMC and other religion pages.
Hey, I went to the link for FB checking because I wanted to see where David Miscavige’s FB page gets it’s likes. It is not taking the info for David Miscavige Leader of Scientology Page. Does anyone know how to find out where his likes are coming from?
David Miscavige’s FB page is looking really fishy to me. He has 7,665 likes but upon latest news of the new ideal org opening, 96 likes. Repeat, 96 likes. He opens an ideal org gets 96 likes?
Out of his 7,665 fans?
Ho, ho, ho.
They just passed the 8 billion mark. Well done. The church handed out 50,000 WTF booklets. And the success was exponential – straight up and vertical. 3 billion citizens (among them women and children) immediately decided to by internet PCs. Within hours they managed to vote and so did 1 billion body thetans. The remaining 4 billion voted from Hyderabad. Since 47 minutes 112.34560001% are backing dear GAT II leader Miscavige. He was assigned the new ethics condition “super power” 47 seconds ago. Yes! We inform you at the speed of light. Don’t watch TV though! They only tell lies!!!!!!
They just don’t understand social media. The value of a Facebook page is when it is shared and spread through comments from friends and friends of friends. Since they purchased likes, they can’t determine the actual reach of the page. They are so ignorant. They think that this is marketing to a non-Scientology public, but it is social (more like word of mouth advertising), but only amongst its members. Since its members restrict their own pages to only those friends in good standing with the Church and are quick to unfriend people for the slightest provocation, the message of this page will die with them.
I read some of the posting and the comments where there was some. One posting was absurd. It had a supposed LRH quote that a commenter was saying that they didn’t understand. Other commenters started giving dictionary definitions. It still didn’t make any sense. One commenter posted “get a bigger dictionary.” No one would explain what it meant. Idiots. Either clarify what the message is or take it down. However, because it is an LRH quote, no one will do this.
Owww! I felt that right in the embarrassment and shame region!
ROFL! That’s so amusing because that’s what the #Scientology ringleaders want their customers to think: They’re somehow
David Miscavige can buy all the “likes” he wants, but walk into any Scientology org at any time of the day or evening, and if the staff will allow it, look into the Academy, then look into the HGC, and end off with the Div 6 course room, for the actual existing scene, popularity wise, for the Church of Scientology.
Sure, the cult will keep on keeping on with whatever can be done to obfuscate the truth, but he’ll have to settle for either fooling some of the sheeple all of the time, or all of the sheeple some of the time, because even David Miscavige can’t fool all of the sheeple all of the time.
It is inevitable that the eyes of even the most determinedly blind sheeple are opening to the fact that Scientology’s orgs are morphing into mausoleums.
“Scientology is the fastest growing religion in the 21st century. The Church of Scientology welcomes you to our official Facebook page – where we tell tall tales and bold faced lies.”
“We are the science of smoke and mirrors”.
Is there any way to report this to facebook and make them look in to it?
Why would they care?
There is an app where you can pay to have friends added, likes, and comments. My daughter has it, and and has thousands of friends. It’s ridiculous. I thought that is what Co$ facebook page was filled with about a month ago. One thing you will notice if you go to each individual cites page is that there are almost NO check-ins, bad reviews and the ones who give it good reviews do not speak english or from other countries. It is a sad attempt on their part. I noticed this very easily, and thought, “How would take this seriously?”
And those pictures of Nepal! I’m they sent a couple of guys with yellow tee shirt to take pictures, and that is the extent of their help. But they will reg for it. Disgusting.
Waste report on David Miscavige.
What do your donations buy? They are wasted. The Church is buying FB likes with your donations! It’s a waste of money! Normally, (As if the Church is any normal condition) in business whenever you purchase something, it should be something of value. In the case of buying fans, there is no value there, you are basically buying something or someone that doesn’t exist that will add absolutely no value to your brand. It’s another FALSE REPORT! Your donations buy false reports!
So many Indonesians and Mexicans liking Scientology – much much more than the 25,000 Americans. Maybe Scientology should relocate its operations in Clearwater and Los Angeles there. I would support that.
Oh no please we don’t wish that on anyone! Have a heart….
This is a stat push!
Does it get any more embarrassing? Busted for paying complete strangers in third world countries to give you public likes? What is worse is that people working for them are probably being paid 5 cents an hour. David did announce at one event that his purpose was to “Booby trap systems”. Looks like he already figured out how to booby trap Facebook. Lure people in with false reports of support. How cheesy. This should really be front page headlines in the N.Y. Times.
Just another covert form of MASS MARKETING FRAUD.
I’ll tell you how wobbly this type of fraud is. What is the person that arranges these sort of “likes” demands more $$ to keep them there? What is he gets bully and orders his folk to “UNLIKE” if you do not pay your taxes? How would it look for the Church to suddenly lose 200,000 supporters on FB? So ignorant of conditions.
This is pretty slimy, but this behavior is *so common* on Facebook that Scn is not really that far off the reservation here. There’s a whole ecosystem going on with Facebook that’s not always so visible to those of us who mainly use it to keep in touch with our friends.
Besides, didn’t LRH write policy about the “Like Assist” ? 🙂
It also puts the Church in DANGER of receiving a cease and desist from FB legal!
Is that going to be the next big P.R. blow up under the “protection” of David Miscavige?
Great points.
It’s all illusion; smoke and mirrors.
I love that you can find that info and publish the results. How true can truth be – in the church it’s as true as it needs to be to sound good. What kind of a person sets up fake likes of themselves. What would you think of an individual who did that? I know that I’d think that they need counseling to deal with the issues they have about why they care so much what others are thinking about them or why they feel compelled to lie to or what are they so insecure about or what are they hiding with such lies?
I can hear cob and the OSA guys snickering now at how nice that fb page looks with those numbers. (shuddering) It’s a damned shame that something with so much potential has been shat upon to the point of scientology being such a media and household joke but so it is when false public relations is the policy.
The hypocrisy of this organization literally makes me nauseous.
Scientology wants “Likes” but no comments. This shows how open the CoS is to what people have to say about it. It isn’t. Everything must be analyzed and then filtered. It must be squeaky clean and toe the line. No independent thought needed or wanted. Just love us and keep your mouth closed, thank you very much.
Financed by Duggan – click pharms
Is Tom Cruise really buying Facebook likes? That sounds staggeringly stupid. Even he must realize that the only “likes” that matter in his world are box office receipts. I would bet dollars to donuts that the owner of Scientology is doing his best bud a clumsy favor, and buying him Facebook likes on the cheap.
He’s probably not even aware of it. He’s hired someone to handle his FB and other social media stuff – who may or may not be a Scn’ist – and that person is “getting their stats up.” It’s a really common practice in social media unfortunately.
The Church of Scientology – Billy No-Mates, the kid who buys his friends in the playground with sweeties. Pathetic
I’m wondering how long my post there will last.
And 266.000 likes alreadY.. AaMAAAAzing!!!! LMAO!!!
LOL!!!.. It lasted 18 minutes. Is OK.. I screen shot it.
They erased my comment too; I suggested their founder might not be the best person to offer “Study Technology” given his educational background.
I think you have touched upon “basic-basic” for the church. They seek to appear something they are not. You could say this permeates virtually every aspect of Scientology.
Nothing is as it seems.
I think you are being a little harsh on them Statpush. 🙂
The Scheeple will love this. They will have a frenzy of mutual love bombing when the news comes out. I bet by MV they will have 1 million likes, all from Indonesia, India and Nigeria! This is a great move for DM. Everything he does is designed to keep the Scheeple sucking up the kool aide.
This is from a website that sells facebook likes:
“2500 Likes $55
Real Looking Facebook Users
24 to 144 Hours
100% Guaranteed Likes”
All of Scientology’s 290,000 likes could be purchased for $6700!
You have got to hand it to DM. This whole project – building the facebook page, buying all the likes, probably cost less that 10 grand.
But it will be part of blood sucking millions of dollars from the scheeple. And they will LOVE it. It takes a special kind of con artist to run these types of scams. Of course tele-evangalists do it all the time and they are dime a dozen.
If the sheeple love getting sheared … I say go for it. A person cannot get conned over and over again unless he wants to be and/or is in such bad case shape that he feels he HAS to be. No doubt the latter.
An important factor though is that this money is used to hurt people. Not just the stalking and harassment but tearing families apart with disconnection. Then there is the wider problem of blighting neighborhoods with their decrepit idle morgues and not paying badly needed taxes. Downtown Clearwater could be bustling place but instead it’s a ghost town and a freakshow. They also pervert the justice system with their religious cloaking and undermine freedom of speech with their attacks on the media.
The ripple effects of taking money from the sheeple are wide and deep
YES! Flyonthewall you hit the nail on the head and said it well. It isn’t just that the sheeple and whales who give money are hurting themselves. Look what the money buys: private eyes to harass people and carry guns for who knows what purpose, smear campaigns to tear up families through disconnection, they hurt neighborhoods when they let their buildings bought for Ideal Orgs go into ruin because they can’t raise the money to rehab them, resulting in graffiti and bums squatting there. And think of the tax revenue the city is missing from all the real estate because “the church is exempt from paying taxes…” , (don’t even get me started on how a business convinced the IRS they were a church!). And downtown Clearwater and Tampa… what a shame that the church pulled strings and paid off officials so that the Aquarium would be voted down. The dying downtown needs an Aquarium to generate tourists and the money they bring. Yet the church didn’t want it and did all sorts of behind the scenes dirty tricks to prevent a good thing from happening. So when you think that people giving money to the church hurt only themselves, think again, the ripple effect is quite staggering.
What is the analysis for Miscaviage?
Happily enough, scientology has disconquered Ireland.Now, the cuklt has 173000 euros debts, and makes some 50000 a years while it was getting 603000 in 2006.
I find the 2006 603k Euro number unrealistic. Is that the time that IAS {or whomever in the clam corporate world) ‘forgave’ a large debt? I don’t think the Dublin mission made money since Peter Griffiths escaped.
So, who is minding the CO$ Myspace page?
YEs, almost certainly forgiving the debt for the legal case they lost that CSI paid for….
That’s it! I’m moving to India. Now, where did you say the Idle Morgue was located? I need to get on course and also see my IAS reg to make a dono.
Busted. Per usual, Scientology FAIL.
And a truly stupid fail, the kind of fail made only by someone who’s cluelessly tottering on the edge of basic information technology. Don’t they REALIZE how hapless this makes these masters of the universe look?
Did you ever see that picture that Arnaldo Lerma had once of the audience full of peope at a church event where sections of the audience were copied and pasted into other areas of the picture so the viewer “sees” that audience as larger than it really is? The only problem with that picture is that the same lady was in the audience in more than one seat at the same time? How is that possble? People gasp in shock and say “What? Do you mean the Church of Scientology lies?” 🙂
Where, on the Tone Scale is “buying likes?”