They are really pumping this one up. It would normally be in with the rest of the Thursday Funnies, but it is remarkable for a few reasons.
First, Tom Burton rates top billing over D/COB for Lookalikes, Gavin Potter. Yet GP is an “International Keynote Speaker” and “Sea Org Officer.” Those titles just aren’t what they used to be.
Second, why isn’t Tom Burton imparting his brilliance (“vital LRH tech”?) to help all these struggling orgs that are going nowhere (starting with the Moneywinds)? If this guy is so brilliant why isn’t he single handedly changing the course of scientology?
Third, no surprise here — but once again, the Moneywinds laser like focus is on MAKING MONEY. It is apparently the ONLY thing they have any attention on. Week after week their pitches sail out into the great internet void in the sky, announcing that they have the secrets to you making money so you can give it to them.
Meanwhile, they are begging for money to cover their fuel costs so they can leave the dock every now and then.
How can they stutter about social media and all that jazz from LTH’S point of view when it was nonexistent in his time? Just asking….secret alien code?.
Gavin may go on strike. 2nd billing and no picture of himself.
Hi Regraded Being,I really liked your post.I love this blog because Mike lets us communicate & flow lots of viewpoints etc.He only steps in when he feels he should.This is my opinion only, I can’t agree with Beryl that if the indie field is small that is fine too as long as people feel they are not getting the shaft… For me Sci & SO were the sword & auditing is the shaft @ the end.My auditing destroyed my sense of my true spirit with all the sec checks & make wrongs etc. The Tech is the Tech whether an indie applies it or a Mission Org member or a public cos member or a SO member or OSA member.It is what it is! Just my two cents worth.Always Ann B.
Interesting graphics…when did Greenland and UK/Continental Europe switch places?
It is my clearly and long-held understanding is that if Greenland is displayed at the top center of map or globe, then Europe is on the right hand side of the viewer and North America is toward the viewer’s left…
Oh right…they went to scino schools, never mind…
Hi Delilah,Good to meet you.I loved this post spot on! Take Care Ann B.
Regraded Being: “I bury Paul???”
It looks like auditory (speech) backward masking (like “I buried Paul”) does not cause subliminal effects, probably due to the auditory backward signal being too complex to be decodified by the brain. ( )
However, visual backward masking may cause subliminal effects, because it’s not too complex for (unconscious) decodification
Knowing Gavin Potter, he couldn’t sell his way out of an open box!
In the fine print next to Tom’s picture, it says
“Aligning LRH admin tech with more modern technology…….”
Interesting positioning. LRH admin tech is therefore not modern. Therefore it is old technology?
Nice one Tom. That should get you some attention from the fundamentalists.
That’s an effective poster especially with that outstretched hand bathed in a divine light, but just to cover all the bases they should insert a few pictures of food and the mention of chocolate cake.
Hi Roger, My thought exactly! Chocolate cake for us both homemade & you & I know who the third party @ our table would have to be… but he would have to sing for a piece & even then I would laugh so hard I would forget to give him one! Love U Ann B.PS I,promise my last post about him, I can’ t help,it either!
If you really want people to get up the bridge, go back to standard tech and lower the prices.
Beryl, people aren’t that stupid. The word is now out about El Con’s insane “Bridge”. You might find some 3rd world types who aren’t informed yet though. That’s why there aren’t any “booming” Indie orgs.
Beryl, let’s be honest. Thanks to the contradictions all over the Skittles Volumes, Standard Tech has no real definition. The only valid definition of Standard Tech is “what COB RTC says is standard”. It’s been that way for a quarter century now. When Ron’s Orgs have a Bridge going up to OT48 and say that it’s all Standard Tech (and they have a point to call it that), the words mean nothing, both in the cult and in the field.
Beryl, You’re barking up the wrong tree. Standard tech no longer exists. With the release of GATII COB introduced what is now recognized as Standarder Tech. Through this technology millions have been able to achieve stable case gain through status upgrades thereby eliminating the need to waste any time on training or auditing. He is presently engaged in research on what will be known as Standardest Tech. This will enable people to become Big Beings in the comfort of their own homes. I don’t want to give away too much but this new technology is directed towards the enhancement of attention units (on this planet, attention units translate to money). Once a thetan has it’s attention units properly aligned…. WOW!!!! WHEW!!! SHEESH!!!!
YESSSSS!!!!! GRRRR!!!!! I think you get the picture.
So, if you’re still interested in total freedom then I suggest you get yourself a few credit cards together and get back on lines. Steps A-E are now a purchasable commodity so don’t let having been declared be a barrier to your becoming a Big Being.
Well, I know that some of the auditing I received was very helpful, some of it not. And some if not most of it was delivered standardly for that time, before Miscavige altered the tech with the 3 swing F/N’s, sec checks out the wazoo, and so forth. If the Indie field is small, that is fine too as long as the people buying service do not feel like they are getting the shaft. I am out of Scientology just as much as the rest of you.
In order to go free – one must go all the way down the Rabbit Hole. The truth is waiting if you can handle it. It may hurt and not be fun – but it does free one.
Hi Idle Morgue,I think you have to go all the way down the Rabbitt Hole also,& what you posted is so so True!! Thank you Always Ann B.
Hi Beryl, all my snipes are directed at COS, I believe anyone who has been in has experienced some wins as well as deceptions. I won’t argue with anyone about the validity of the technology in as such that it creates wins or abilities. I do believe that the tech can be and is being used to control and enslave people rather than free them. There are people on this blog who’ve left the church and completely reject anything to do with scientology. Others left the organization but are still seeking something they saw while in and believe may really exist. To each his own in that regard.
Where I have observed uniform agreement is that the present Church of Scientology is a criminal organization that scams people with the intent to get their obedience and money.
Hi Regraded Being, Thank you for your post to Beryl.I too believe each to their own, I just still can get emotional & very very sad when there is justification made as to physically & spiritually hurting anyone in or out of cos who dares to criticize or point out what is so very wrong.Agree totally that cos is a criminal org that scams people for obedience & $. I apologize to Beryl I do not blame her personally for her viewpoint mine is just different. More coffee this AM.Always Ann B.
Mike wrote:
Meanwhile, they are begging for money to cover their fuel costs so they can leave the dock every now and then.
So true. My husband was begged for money for FUEL for the Freewinds. He was told by a “very high executive” at Flag that the cost of sailing the Freewinds is $70,000 per week. He said that the exec was dressed in his full military regalia, to further the impression of authority, and that the guy looked and came across as desperate and scared. He actually felt bad for the guy but still didn’t give him any money for fuel. He was surprised that he was now being asked to pay for fuel. This Flag executive was making fuel for the Freewinds a public’s problem who was there to receive services at Flag.
Can you imagine if my husband went to anyone at Flag and asked them to pay for his airfare and accommodations or anything else? He would be sent straight to Ethics!
Hi Pepper, Wow your post about begging for fuel for The Moneywinds is chilling. If the fuel,is needed so badly imagine the unseen state of spaces on that ship! Years ago I would have done anything to be posted on to The Apollo, now I thank my lucky stars & the Angels on my shoulders I did not go.I got enough blue dust port side,I didn’t need any more @ sea. Thank you for your post.Always Ann B.
When I got in and was guzzling the koolaide – the Fleecewinds called me and gave me that “You are such a Big Being” flattery …then asked for $70,000 dono for renos. I told them NO. I never went on the Fleecewinds – after that rude phone call trying to manipulate me with flattery – I felt odd about ever going on that rust bucket. I heard once you get on that ship – they won’t let you off. Most people hated their experience on it.
Hi again Idle Morgue,You were one smart Big Being! I would not touch that rust bucket either. Cabins can be locked from the outside too if necessary.Always Ann B.
Ann, since you were in the Sea Org you may have some thought about this. It must have been very humiliating and demeaning for that Flag executive to have to go to a public and beg for money for fuel. I’m sure that is not why that man joined the SO in the first place.
I’m thinking that the fuel begging could very well have been for David Miscavige’s extended at-sea vacation on his private yacht. Courtesy of the Sea Org and the public.
Hi Pepper,Good Mon morning & thank you for your post.Since I am an oldie SOer I think a blogger who was in SO when David Miscavige took over could help us out with the fuel for his private yacht question.When the SO was born in 67 the cost of running ships & putting them to sea was different plus we were always playing cat & mouse with the FBI & Tax Man.Today David is so cozy with the IRS he only has to worry about how much cash he has on hand for his lifestyle & what country he will end up in if he decides to bail with all the $. That is not to say he does not possess a very cruel streak as Ron definitely did,& I feel David is capable of getting SO & cos members to do his bidding,but the times are different now than when I was in.Ron certainly got very very expensive & elaborate birthday toys sent to The Apollo by Asho D & F when he was on ship or wherever else he was @ the time,& I do not know if David has attractive young girls in hot pants catering to his every need or if he is more a lone wolf in that dept.I think it still must be very costly to keep The$ Winds going no matter where he gets the $ from.I am so happy you & yours got out,that is so wonderful a BIG WIN for you all.Always Ann B.
“Meanwhile, they are begging for money to cover their fuel costs so they can leave the dock every now and then.”
How can an organisation that says it has the answers to everything
do this and keep a straight face?
I think David Miscavige is leading the way on the power of social marketing. Paying people in third world counties to give his facebook page likes. Producing hate videos for Freedom mag. He has perverted “Public Relations” to mean “Public Retaliation”.
Regraded Being: “if you notice the opaque blue images above the outstretched hand, they’re backwards. Look for the word ‘WORLD’”
Have you ever heard of Subliminal Backward Masking?
Hi Ma Bu, Well I’ve heard of it but never used it.Can it repel regs & OSA lurkers you know give them lots of $ to observe & then send them back in time where they have to use a masking technique to get out? I’m really clueless with high tech stuff,so perhaps you can help me out here.Take Care Ann B.
The continents are backwards too. Nice catch, Regraded Being !
I bury Paul???
What I really like about Andres Rodriguez’s talk with a bunch of clams was “…700 people A DAY are flooding into the L.A. Org…” I wonderful what org he was at? Outer Mongolia?
It’s a magical org in his delusional mind. He knows that isn’t true. He’s the Senior C/S. If 700 people a day were coming into LA org, what are they doing? Everyone is on Purif and SRD there, at least 90%.
Andres Rodriguez would need hundreds of C/S’s to fill that need. He knows exactly how many people are on auditing lines.
This LHR guy is worse than Mohammad… His powers mutate into every aspect of life…f crazy…
Tom Burton and Gavin Potter are worthless shills with room temperature intelligence.
Now if David Miscavige can get Charles Manson out of prison to give a lectures
that would be something new, not the same old ,same old Gavin Potter sleep A Thon.
Marked on the Celsius Scale of course.
Food for thought:
David Miscavige legally owns the pen name of L. Ron Hubbard
So anything he writes even if it’s give me all your money
and go jump off a bridge is “ALL” L.. Ron Hubbard technology.
OT 9 and 10 could be Eat shit and bark at the moon after you pay millions to D.M.
for L.Ron Hubbard Advanced tech, all legal with no refund or legal recourse of any kind.
Is there a problem with that? It’s all standard in the RCS, just ask them, they’ll tell you and even if you don’t ask them, they’ll still tell you.
Boggles the mind doesn’t it, being sauced…
This is so demonstrative of the cognitive dissonance within the Scientology cult. Tom is married to Lorin Burton. Lorin is the ED of the Santa Barbara org. Santa Barbara org cannot pay their rent and most of the staff have to work “real” jobs to eek out a living because there is little, if any pay, month in and month out. Would it not make common sense to have Tom, at least show his own wife, how to increase income using LRH’s vital tech?
Bobbo, Lorin runs their successful business with Tom. Frankly, that makes it even more ironic. They create a successful business with which to get them both thru OT 8, but the org limps along at the bottom of the “game” standing for the WUS.
Ah, but Common Sense isn’t common.
So exactly what “LRH Tech” is there about online marketing? The old fraud died before the World Wide Web, an actual life-changing technology, was invented (LRH dead, 1986; WWW, 1990). Internet marketing in 1986 wasn’t even conceptualized. Hell, spamming wasn’t even invented. So, therefore, this whole thing is Verbal Tech, and that’s a big no-no.
We Anons vowed seven years ago to drive them off the Net. Either we can continue to do so, or we can just let these Luddites continue on the path they’re using, and the problem will take care of itself. I say we do both.
Hi Espiando, Thank you for reminding me when the WWW came along.It helps to realize Ron with all his supposed OT ness did not perceive this.One time in session a blow up picture appeared in my mind of the Earth swirling with light blue laser like lines, not on the planet but a little out from it.This was in 74 & I assumed they were ley lines & they could have been,but maybe I foresaw the http://WWW.And all I had done was the HCC bullbaiting & Product 0! So Ron blew that cognition about http://WWW.As to the Luddites I second let’s do both! I did not know before but has my viewpoint changed after all I have learned & read here.Always Ann B.
“…spamming wasn’t even invented.”
I thought CofS invented spamming.
The scientology word swap – “exchange”, it replaces motivator.
In a sentence… we don’t exchange, we’re too ethical for that.
I’m trying to wrap my head around the idea that on the one hand Scientology is endorsing a seminar to help members reach further and more effectively across the Internet to make money, but on the other hand, as Tony’s blog published yesterday in the audio clip of Andres Rodriguez, Grand Poo-Bah of Technical Perfection in WUS, if you look at the Internet, you’ll get pulled in for six or seven rounds of “intensives” worth of sec checks at a cost of $60,000-plus to get any subversive thoughts from the Internet out of your head.
So which is it? The Internet is poison? Or it’s the mother lode of money to earn and then donate to the cult?
Here is the Scientological answer for you JPC:
Money is the goal with Scientology. It is and always has been.
“Get others to make money” was the goal of L Ron Hubbard – Hence, the seminars and constant begging.
The Religious Cloak keeps the Church of Scientology covertly hiding their huge stash of cash secret from the members. The Co$ does not have to be responsible or accountable to anyone for the money they fleece, the lies they tell or the lives they destroy – hence the valence shift into CRIMINALITY that occurred during the life of LRH – that was conveniently kept out of his “Bios”.
All of it was neatly kept out of view of the “trusting” (4.0 on the Tone Scale – LRH) members. I wanted to be high toned too so that is why I trusted. (cringe cringe cringe)
“The Crap said on the Internet about Scientology is getting people to come into Orgs in droves” – said by Andres Rodriguez, is what L Ron Hubbard said to do when the SP’s are howling….say “we are winning” and that is exactly what Mr. Rodriguez is doing there.
BUT – “if you look at the internet and read this crappy stuff said about Scientology, It will cost you $$$$ – is the Tech L Ron Hubbard put in place so he could control the clubbed seals.
So – the only way to control people is to
1. LIE to them
2. Threaten them covertly and overtly with punishments
3. Take away their “self – determinism” with fear and threats – hence the CONSPIRACY THEORY Briefings…courtesy of LRH and David Miscavige.
4. Keep them confused with “the SP’s (SP’s speak in generalities, never naming the WHO) got into the tech and changed it. You are clear, now you are not. We have the CORRECT TECHNOLOGY – woops…no, we don’t..start over and one of their all time favorites: “The Psychs” are coming…The Psychs are coming!”
You see – when you can rise above your own bank and OBNOSE the truth – it “as ises” and Scientology BLOWS and you BLOW.
Hopefully, this may help any lurkers cognite that THIS IS SOP in Scientology.
Thank you LRH Sir – for the tech. You actually helped me get out! LOL
Idle, thanks for the perspective… I hadn’t quite fathomed why Rodriguez was claiming that the Internet “entheta” was CAUSING people to flock to the cult.
But now that you point it out, the connection between the absurd statement that “the squirrels only howl when we’re winning” (not sure that’s an exact quote, but close enough) and this statement is obvious in hindsight. He has to make up incredibly stupid nonsense to “prove” that Hubbard’s “research” and his “insights” into the mind are true.
As a never-in, while I know the various pieces, I don’t have the ability to piece them together the way you have. Thanks for the perspective!
Don’t try it!!
It’s unnatural, even painful, to contort the human head sufficiently to wrap around such opposing dichotomies. Please, please, Mr. Capitalist, don’t break your brain! We all like it just the way it is. (‘Cept for DLHDM…he hates you…)
You’re making my mind warp, John P! I think my mind is now short circuiting. Nothing computes…
Hey Mike, clearly their add says “Admission Is Free”. What exactly is your issue here. After all, free is free isn’t it?
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Now that’s some funny shit! Thanks, Roger!
Is like the Titanic – the Freewinds sort of hit the iceberg the day COB took over the ‘management’ of Scn.
Actually, doesn’t the SS Mesothelioma post-date the Toxic Dwarf’s takeover, if you count the Mission Holders’ Massacre as the de facto date of power assumption? The Failboat is pure DM. It’s the only fraud in Scientology not directly traceable to Sebaceous Sam.
Espiando, El Con & Big P. were in charge until ’86-’87. I saw dispatches from Big P. to DM flogging the latter viciously until ’86.
John, deciding when DM actually took over is a debatable point. However, think about this valid comparison: after Lenin’s major strokes in 1922, Stalin ended up controlling all of his communications. Now Stalin really didn’t take absolute power until 1929 de jure, but the moment that Lenin was non compos, Stalin had de facto power. So that’s why I used the Mission Holders’ Massacre as the line of demarcation, since it was DM and his allies who took control of the apparat at that moment. All DM had to do was knife his allies in the back, just like Stalin did.
And people wonder why I compare the four-foot-thirteen Philadelphian to the five-foot-four Georgian.
Not a good comparison Espiando. Big P. was VERY much in control from ’82-’86. No stroke or other such incident or disability. Were you in upper management back then?
Big P in fact had no control over anything. He was off doing his own thing, buying and selling horses and llamas and other assorted animals. He was not even at SLO for the vast majority of time. It was Annie that ran things. But even then, to a very limited degree. Miscavige basically had free rein.
I think people will look back some time in the future and realise that Scn was doomed when the mission network was broken up. Because when it did it went from being a friendly place (your mission, that is) with people on your side to an avaricious and calculating unfriendly place with Church staff working to destroy its customers. That way it has to fail in the end and there is nothing anybody could have done to put things back on course – except for reestablishing the mission network. But it is too late to do that now as all the shine wore off from Scientology and people can see it for what it is.
ANOTHER Scn nobody pretending to be somebody.
After yesterday’s post we know what step 1 is: write a begging letter and send it to anyone you think has money (and will fall for this).
Hi Mike, Love your post about Scientology Online.The International Keynote Speaker & Sea Org Officer titles are so not what they used to be.And the Moneywinds is having a lot of trouble leaving that dock slip for the open sea nowadays.Needs much $ to fire her up & keep her afloat.In New Orleans Port there are a lot of enormous cruise liners now,& I read when they come back to their home berth here, they shut down all fuel powered equipment & go to all generator or all solar power while in port.Sci pitches are sorely missing the mark.Soon the Moneywinds will leave her berth,turn around, pull back in & presto paying public will be regged out of their money just fast! Always to you & yours Ann.
Encouraging $cientologists to go inline is good, as many of them will discover sites like this one,,, and other sites that tell the truth about the criminal cult of $cientology and its thuggish leader David Miscavige
I was thinking the same thing, visitor. However, knowing, as all clams do, that the e-meter can actually read their thoughts, many of them would be scared shitless to go on those sites.
Hi OSD, Another wonderful post from your always quick witted mind! Always Ann B.
Hi OSD,You got me thinking about one more idea.Hook me up to one of these new fancy creepy Emeters & my thoughts would instantly turn it into nothing but melded together parts & send the auditor to a different dimension! Why didn’t I do that in the SO, would have saved me a lot of pain & misery! Love U Ann B.
This flyer actually has some great advice in the first bullet point.
“Discover why social media and search marketing is a necessary tool in every field.”
Fortunately you don’t have to spend any money or risk detainment in a reg’s office on the Fleawinds to acquire this ‘data’. Searching on the internet is as easy as typing something into your favorite search engine and away you go. There is almost unlimited information to be had out there on any subject in the vast reaches of cyberspace. Much of it is garbage, but someone with some basic intelligence and critical thinking skills can usually sort through the flotsam and avoid scams and misinformation. For anyone out there who is under the radar and lurking (yes we know you are, and that includes a few OSA folks) just try searching ‘scientology’ for starters. Sift through a bit of bullshit and the lights will come on pretty quickly. Welcome back to the real world.
The sunlight on the image of the laptop and smartphone is guiding you to the truth.
Use your internet guys!
I really enjoy studying these flyers as I know they are designed to deliver a pure theta message on a mest via. The only reason I regret leaving the church is because I realize that I’ve failed to reach the high level of knowingness required to be able to understand pure theta communication. For example; if you notice the opaque blue images above the outstreached hand, they’re backwards. Look for the word “WORLD”. Now an average degraded being would look at this and say, “Ha!!! A mistake!!!” and they would be wrong. There are no mistakes in pure theta communications. This means something but only big beings can fully understand what that something is. I did get the part about the outstreached begging hand so at least I know there is hope for my awareness level.
Ok…. enough of that. I need more coffee.
I pray that by this day next year Scientology is no longer a reason why children cannot be with their parents.
Happy Father’s Day. I know the love is there.
“…I’ve failed to reach the high level of knowingness required to be able to understand pure theta communication.”
Was it ever there to begin with? 100% guaranteed?
To me, you are to be forgiven your failure and applauded for leaving the Church of Bait’n’Switch and it’s nasty FFT Pope!
Let me help you as a slightly plus-sized being! You see the hand and it’s glowing glob of energy? That Energy is the ridge formed by theta repelling entheta. (Don’t think about how that relates to magnets, because it doesn’t.) So the portly being’s theta is strong enough the it repels all sources of entheta including tablets, emails, personal contacts, the internet, and finally the entire planet! That is what it is like to be a truly plump being.
Hi Regraded Being, Great post & I just saw that one should call Angel to RSVP the Pasadena Org lecture.I’d watch out for those angels in cos, devils in disguise is more like it with $ bills for wings. Happy Dad’s Day to all,I know the love is there too.Always Ann B.
If Angel isn’t there, can we talk to Buffy?
There’s also something off about the globe on the promo piece. That image is also transposed. How can they plan to clear the planet if they don’t even know what it looks like?
Heck of a problem:
“Internet is Evil and must be avoided” vs “Internet is vital to reach and expansion, learn how.”
Gosh, Zonkos, your post give me a spitting headache! I just couldn’t wrap what’s left of my mind around it.
Can’t have, must have……..oops
“Using affordable or free online marketing”. So basically Craigslist then?
Yep! And in a big way too! However, us defrocked, bitter apostates on the fringes of the internet, are outing them all the time! They call it ‘suppression’ I call it LIBERATION…
Craigslist…where NOT mentioning SCIENTOLOGY in the ad
is considered an ACCEPTABLE TRUTH!!
Why not repost all the Church of Scientology ads with Church of Scientology added?
Also listing the same ad more than once is considered spamming.
Or maybe Tom could start by helping the Santa Barbara org since his wife is the ED there.
I think I need to talk to the IRS and ask them on which line do I enter my tax deductible expense (Charitable donations to the tax exempt Idle Morgue and if WISE is also a tax-exempt charity which demands fees/royalties or license fees) to which I can double dip. Hell if Davey ‘let him die’ boy can do it with his Private Investigators via his lawyers, surely the IRS will also help me exempt my expenses to market my professional services to a 501(3)(C) membership in the tax free Idle Morgue.
It’s unclear that World Institute of Scientology Enterprises is still a charity or is now a for-profit. They’re not on the the IRS’s list of charities, and places like Guidestar have no record of them.
Is there an online guide by CoS for members to properly fill out their taxes and only deduct what’s currently deductible?
If there is, it might give a clue to what kind of scam they’re pulling with WISE.
The Church of Scientology is an organization that runs around pretending it is “full of original bright ideas that help people”, things that are supposed to appeal to people and their pocketbooks instead of the LRH technology upon which the church is LEGALLY there to do business with. Hence NO RESULTS ever, or Lisa McPherson type results. Yesterday, I passed by the New York “Ideal Org”. What a mess. Blasting outside onto the streets was a tape recording from a video playing in the church window proclaiming “Higher states of existence are possible”. The entire front of the church was strewn with garbage bags, food, cigarettes and other trash. Other churches up the block and around the corner that have more people in and out than this C of S does are much cleaner and set a much more welcoming and better example to the public. What happened to the Church of Scientology? Was is ever really there in the first place? Or did people just think so? You be the judge. 🙂
Hi Lawrence, What a picture you posted amazing! What a change from ASHO SO days when the parking lot & front of the Org had to be spotless! Good question about cos really being there? Yes & no physically the ships buildings $ & bodies were,but the nightmare shifted & changed according to the application of the Tech.Always Ann B.