Tonight’s episode scratched the surface of a subject that many wonder about.
What is David Miscavige like and how did he get where he is?
Understand, he was NOT anointed by L. Ron Hubbard. Though he likes to show a declaration that HIS lawyers drafted for L. Ron Hubbard to sign in the Ron De Wolf probate case and takes a statement Hubbard made about “good scientologists” in Portland and claims it is about him — Hubbard did not choose him.
In fact there is NO written or recorded statement of what Hubbard wanted in his succession other than his will. But his will does not anoint David Miscavige to any position. In fact, the only time in his life where Hubbard failed to provide a briefing for scientologists about what he intended was when he “causatively left his body.” At every other juncture in scientology (and many other times in addition), Hubbard briefed scientologists. He was proud of this.
Way back in 2010 I wrote a blog article about Miscavige based on one of Hubbard’s writings about the “Aberrative Personality” (this was Hubbardspeak for sociopath or Suppressive Person). Though I have a different perspective about Hubbard and scientology than I did 7 years ago, this article is nevertheless instructive. Even applying Hubbard’s standards to Miscavige, he does not look good.
On David Miscavige’s Behavior.
Neither Jackson nor JB overstated anything tonight. And in this episode, as with all of them, much could not fit into the allocated time.
Of course, scientology will claim they are liars and they are nobodies and they know nothing and focus everything on THEM, while ignoring everything they SAID. Will post about that tomorrow.
As I always do, for anyone newly coming to this blog, I include some relevant links to earlier blog articles. And even for those who regularly come to the blog, it is instructive to refresh your recollection as to just how clear the POLICY of scientology is that anyone in disagreement must be destroyed.
To begin to understand the mindset scientologists have about those who criticize any part of it, read this article:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
And then read this one:
And here is a fairly short explanation of how disconnection is used in scientology (and how they try to spin the practice):
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
An overview of the efforts by scientology to smear Leah Remini:
Scientology Dead Agents* Itself
And finally this is a post about the lies they tell about their “expansion”:
David Miscavige and Bernie Madoff would make interesting cell mates as malignant narcissists without a kingdom. Lots in common.
Hey Mike what is your opinion on L Ron Hubbard. One of the people interviewed said he liked him. I see David Miscavige is a monster, but do you think Hubbard was just as bad?
It’s Hubbard’s vision and policies that ARE scientology. The lies and bs, as well as the things that people find valuable that are distillation of truths that he claimed ownership for (in some places while claiming they came from “thinking men” who came before him in others).
Miscavige is a product of Hubbard.
But personality wise, Hubbard had some redeeming features. In addition to being hot-headed, self-centered and unflinchingly unsympathetic, he could be funny, generous and kind. Not because he was putting on a show, but because he seemed to genuinely gain pleasure from it. Not so Miscavige.
Yea, I kinda figured it was like that. The way I see it is there has to be some good things in the technology and philosophy, otherwise no one would get into it in the first place. Do you think there is any way to experience those things without getting brainwashed? Or is there nothing good in it? I know the good things were ripped off and not original, but all religions are unoriginal.
How can the other celebrities still believe and follow this cult? Iv watched every story since the first season, i just dont understand how they cant see the truth and get out. Iv stopped renting their movies and completely stopped following their careers. Iv lost my patience with their ignorance for staying in this crazy cult. How can they keep indorcing this organization and this sico cult leader. ??
I also, wonder the same thing. I have no interest in supporting the celebrities that are too dense to see what is going on!!
I began watching Aftermath at the beginning of the first season. I missed the couple of episodes, but I have this spiffy little thing called *On Demand* with my cable company. (I really love On demand) So I began at the beginning. I was horrified at the stories of abuse, enforced imprisonment, the destruction of families. Parents cut off from their children, children from their parents The incredible destruction and complete subservience of a person’s soul that is required.
I watch and I cry, I swear that is enough, but it isn’t. Not yet. The courage of each contributor to stand and say, this is what I did, and this is why. This is what it cost me. The cost goes way beyond dollars and cents. The loss of contact, of maintaining the family unit is soul rending.
Please Leah and Mike, don’t stop. Please don’t stop until the practices of abuse and disconnection are gone. You both have my admiration and my prayers and best wishes that now that the dam is breached, it will utterly fail.
I lived in Idaho Falls about 35 miles from the Teton Dam that failed in June 1996. Iddaho Falls is on the Snake River down stream from where the Teton Damn was. I know that it washes away everything in it’s path. Scientology needs and *dam* good washing.
Thanks always for exposing the truth
I am very glad you have this series out, Mike. You and Leah are really pioneers in this. Sometimes I do wonder if there will be repercussions but then, the good you are doing by sharing all of this knowledge is worth it! My husband and I watch faithfully each week and learn so much. God bless!!!
I just discovered something — if you search Google on simply “Leah Remini,” the Scientology attack site is linked right at the top of the page. In a GOOGLE AD. Otherwise, it’s on the second page of search results.
Does this mean that Scientologists are not allowed to go there in their many millions to click on that page and drive its rankings up?
I have a hard time believing that anyone could follow a Sci-fi author to this extent and BELIEVE this nonsense. I do understand kids that are reared in the lifestyle would be so devoted, because it is all they know. My love for my family is so strong, that nothing could pull me from them.To enter this as an aduIt and not laugh in their faces is beyond my comprehension. I am NOT judging, by no means, just trying to wrap my head around it. I think Mike and Leah are bringing awareness to this cult and I pray they will get the right Organizations to take notice of the many crimes commited. I wish you all well. I am in your corner, cheering you on! Congrats on the award! It was well deserved.
I posted something on facebook about the show. Basically a hurrah! they WON the Emmy. One of my cousins said he had read several LRH books but that Dianetics was way way to whacked for him. But the people responding to Aftermath was 100% pro Leah and Mike. People are listening, though for people like me that were never ins, it takes somo perseverance to lean all the language and shorthand.
I think that you have to remember the time when Dianetics hit the shelves. A time of questioning everything and a time when it seemed that the *younger generation* was seeking answers. Simply the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. *Listen to me, here is a way to get rid of hate, here is a way to use you mind to end hate, war, strife*.
That is a powerful message, what they were never told was the cost. Not the money cost, nor the mental and emotional cost.
Though Dianetics was published in 1950, in most places it didn’t get feet until the 1960s. Hey young people, instead for firing up a dooby, save the world. Hey young people, sex doesn’t set you free dianetics will. Don’t listen to the folk music or Rock and Roll, it’s distracting. For your self into what you mind can do.
No one knew it would cost them hundreds of thousand of dollars. No one knew that you were looked at like a slave. You did what you were told, went where they sent you, and if you questioned anything, the repercussions would be vile and dangerous.
While I grew up through the sixties, I had older sibs. I remember the rebellion in the music, the call for human kindness. I remember the call to leave the pathetic *morals* of your parents. The timing was ripe to convince people we could *begin anew*.
To the people stepping forward, the believed that. Being the mother of three, I can’t imagine how it would feel to have them pick a seriously twisted philosophy over their family.
I don’t have the words to describe my feelings from last night’s episode of DM behavior . Disgusted, appalled, furious, disgusted (it bears repeating). I’m not even going to call him a human being. He is a lower life form. It’s like watching preditors in the wild on Animal Planet. As I listen to these stories, I cannot help thinking what his father must be feeling as he watches a child of his loin systematically, purposefully, and joyfully treat other human beings to this degree of evil intention. Let alone how he himself was treated by his son. Father Miscavage must be in so much pain and feel absolute shame in his son’s behavior (though absolutely none of it is his fault).
JB & Jackson are heroes. Accepting that they were brainwashed and mind controlled by this pissant and the wacked out ideology they had systematically drilled into their heads will go a long way in their healing. Forgiving themselves is a start too but I know how long this will often take for trauma survivors.
Awesome episode but I’m still pissed off. Trying to pray it away but it’s proving to be challenging.
Govt agencies need to get off their asses and do the right thing. Screw the fear of violating 2nd amendment rights. The priority should be protecting human rights.
Final comment: cult lawyers should be ashamed of themselves. I pray that their conscience and personal ethics prevail.
Ok, I’m done…but still pissed, obviously.
A missing element: Miscavige was in charge of overseeing the corporate sort out and structure of the church as personally ordered and directed by LRH, instead of implementing it once LRH was gone he hid it away from everybody and started systematically removing every high level executive, to the point of destroying them or locking them up in the hole so that nobody could question his hi-jacking of the church. So not only was he the sole communication line to LRH before he died and could change anything he wanted, he also was the one in total control of the corporate sort out and the assigning of Lifetime Trustees to the top church entities as designated by Hubbard personally which he never did, he locked it all away so no one would know they had any power over him. A very clever evil little man. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Terri, I know that your knowledge of this goes deep. A lot of the shenanigans were documented by Larry Brennan as he was Special Unit I/C and was on the Corporate Sort Out Mission. Much of this info is at ESMB and other websites for posterity.
Indeed and it’s important but the general public doesn’t even know ESMB exists.
If more and more of us keep these types of comments going, more people can discover these truths. Maybe Leah and Mike can find ways to bring more of this information to light on their show.
Terri Gamboa,
Ah, so that was the sequence of events with regard to Miscavige’s early machinations to lay the groundwork for his goal of total authority and power over Scientology. Thank you for sharing this. He was clever, alright. Too bad that his cleverness has always served his own evil purposes. its one thing to be a stupid SP but a clever SP is always to me “wasted talent”.
Terri, thanks for the info. It is so diabolical how DM took over. The part where they had distributed a little booklet listing LRH’s chose for Pat and Annie Broeker as Loyal Officers was then the next day gathered up, every one of them, by DM’s order, and then shredded. He really got rid of the evidence, didn’t he?
Yes he did and if some one has that still I have seen the order as it floated in the indepts.
Wow wow wow wow……even more POWERFUL than any previous show, so glad you are now touching on the subject of Miscavige and his dirty deeds !!
Excellent job and very well done to Jackson & JB for their specifics and details and for being so articulate. So glad this is being watched by millions, Miscavige will have nowhere to go and no one to trust him ever again. The end of his reign of terror is near…..
The thing that strikes me about each person that speaks out is that how kind hearted and sweet they are. Men who were trying to do good in the world and be strong men of action but were living in a world based on lies. They may have acted violently or forcefully but that was not coming from their hearts. Women who wanted relationships with friends, family and husbands but sacrified family and their children for a lie. It makes me so sad for them. None of them signed up to squeeze money out of people or abuse people. The attacks that come out on their character are so obviously absurd lies. The people on the show don’t name call, spout vile rants or make vague negative comments. They give very specific, to the point, facts that are often backed up with documentation. (Mike, your letter addressed to the Hole! Absurd but so glad you kept it.) Anyway, I just wanted to tell all of you that meant well and got trapped, that I am sorry that happened to you. You deserve so much better. So in awe of all of you who are speaking out. Thank you!
chicken, I often make the point to others that almost every former member of the CoS I’ve met or had dealings with has been a great person. Many are smart and caring and decent. They talk about recovering their pre-cult personality. All of which means that for many (possibly not all) of those still in, there’s hope.
Read the stories in the Pitch about vacant buildings they have purchased that are in Kansas City and Ohio and possibly more.
Why isn’t the Church of Scientology paying its downtown tax bill? –pitch Kansas City
I’m watching the Evening News right now and wondering – “Why aren’t you showing David Miscavige? Why isn’t last night’s Aftermath 2 Breaking News? Yes, the devastation of Hurricanes Harvey and irma are terrible (I particularly think of the hapless SO flunkies forced to stay in Clearwater). BUT. The ongoing, inescapable fact that the IRS, CIA and our government continue to ignore the crimes being – not just uncovered, but showcased – leaves me with a deep, deep disgust. Have they been bought – have they been so threatened by The Big Sci that they fear to engage? It seems so…
I hear you, understand and share your concern. That said, Aftermath 2 is a documentary which details a good deal of history in the cult. As such it is not strictly classifiable as “breaking news”. This documentary is serving an invaluable purpose: it is informing BROADLY what has heretofore been known for many years but only NARROWLY, very narrowly. Also, the cult has vociferously denied all the data from aftermath and any news program on TV that reports it as “news” is going to get sued by the cherch. Mind you, the cult doesn’t DARE sue Leah, Mike or any of the people who contributed to the program with their true stories. No way will they sue any of these people! But they could, and would sue a TV news outlet broadcast it as news, The cult is in a bind: they know that Aftermath is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to millions of people. As well, those responsible for Aftermath and contributing to the program also know that they’re telling the truth BUT this truth is not provable under law. NOR is it disprovable. So all the cult can do is deny and call it all lies, keep the smear sites up. They can’t sue for libel because all the data is true and they know it. If they had any legal legs to stand on they’d be suing Leah, Mike, everyone who came on the show.
(Mike, if I’ve said anything wrong here in this response to Briget feel free to correct me. )
I think Mike Rinder has great strength for meeting and helping people when he was a big part of it. You live and learn from mistakes and take a giant leap forward to help others. He is a great example of saying enough is enough and separation from this cult. It is great to be able to talk to someone who has been there, and has understanding, compassion and empathy and you can tell Mike has all of this .. I would love to know how many people DM has made disappear or has died because of something he has done. I really want to know about Shelly.
I believe reliving these stories for Mike has got to be retraumatizing for him. But oh so healing. I commend him and all the contributors for their risk-taking.
Both Mike and Leah prove one thing. You don’t need multi thousand dollars session to heal yourself. They have stepped up and said, I am very sorry for the harm I may have caused you. I hope, one day, you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
I would like to wrap the cords of those cans around minijerkwad’s neck and then put them where the sun don’t shine. SOo they made them *sleeker* they are about as evolved as the * gimmicks* on the Enterprise’s bridge back in the sixties.
If ludicrous rancid blubberass (LRH) was alive I would love to see HIM keelhauled. Rotten rat bastard…..
I loved Sci-Fi books, but if I had to find any realism it would rest with Heinlein. His books at least showed a deep value of humanity. Some fairly deep philosophical insights. Blubbered was never even on my radar.
Heinlein ever claimed that he could teach us Martian. Tolkien never claimed we would become evil if we learned Orcish, patient if we leaned Entish nor wise if you learned Elvish.
Blubbard tried to teach a whole mindset wrapped around a promise that could never be kept.
It is hard to leave even when you are not physically restrained by razor wire and high tech security systems. That people make the attempt and some succeed says something about the human spirit and the desire for freedom. I wish there was a way to reach these people and offer them refuge.
So, true the mind can be just as big an obstacle to overcome as any wall or fence or locked door – the prison of belief.
I think of all those who did blow and were found and were “recovered”. I wonder if they really thought they had no choice; and that the ch**ch had the right to make them go back. So, so sad.
I believe there is an uprising in the making at International. It wouldn’t surprise me if there was a mass exodus….Leah is the Moses of modern time. (please don’t infer that I believe she is a prophet with this comment. Just an analogy)
As always a great episode. Though I liked “the rise of DM” a lot, can’t wait to the “Fall of David Miscavidge”
We’re all hoping for that, mark. It’s our dream come true.
The fall can’t happen soon enough
Nor HARD enough!!!! Enjoy your 9 x 9 prison cell Davey. No Single Malt Scotch, no daily fresh seafood delivery, no special tailored multi thousand dollar suits !!
I bet the “cherch ” still claims all ex Scientologists are liars and making stuff up…hmm let’s see. Aftermath started airing in Dec 2016. All these ppl are fabricating! !
Not a chance. ..members that are still in. Wake up !!..the end of Scn is near.
Mike, last nights show was the best yet. Now I HAVE TO ask you this… How in the hell is DM still walking free? I’m just a lil ole lady from Kentucky. Even this hillbilly right here can see through all of the bullshit. Why can the FBI not see through all of the bs? The ONLY logical explanation I can come up with is either a) Scientology has infiltrated throughout the fbi and they are corrup; b) the Scientologists have infiltrated into other countries and now it seems it is an international crisis.
I do have a question. Have you and Leah and the others been in contact with the FBI and do they regularly contact you all? Curious.
Katie – read up on the “Religious Cloak”
Churches can commit crimes, get members to cover them up, then carry on with no accountability.
Call the FBI and ask them why they are not doing anything about criminal David Miscavige and his evil cult!!
The more noise we make – the faster we shut down Scientology and put David Miscavige behind bars where he belongs.
I’m praying that the wheels of justice are spinning even though we can’t see it. “Never show all your cards until the final card is dealt” is what I’m thinking.
I agree thats a good question
I find it amazing that intelligent people believe all this crap. Miscavage is no better than Hitler or Idi Amin. I also cannot figure out why they would believe the writings of a second-rate failed sci-fi writer ! Who or what do they worship other than money and power. It is ni different than the FLDS. and Warren Jeffs!
The cult does have very good brainwashing technics. Which includes plenty of fear.
If someone lives in an environment that has little to no interaction with the world outside that environment? They are isolated. Isolation is a brainwashing technique. Even for those not in Sea Org, Hubbard created Suppressive Persons, and Trouble Source. Following his policy to avoid people that didn’t love scientology created isolation.
“Scient…schools and business networks tightens the net more.
To further it, members walked the walk, and talked the talk. No new ideas.
Totally agree thanks for sharing
You have to understand: $cientology is very, very sneaky and slow with their mind control techniques. Members don’t really even realize it’s happening. Like Mike said in an episode during Season 1, it’s like a “slow-boiled frog”. It happens over a long period of time. And before they know it, people are completely sucked in and totally believe all the bullshit the CO$ says.
As far as believing what a hack Sci-Fi writer says, many of them may not have even known about Hubbard’s awful sci-fi until after getting in.
Don’t get me wrong, I find it insane that people are involved in this cult, but after following and researching for a few years now, I understand why.
Love every episode and think Mike and Leah are heroes. I was surprised the below information from The Truth Rundown was not addressed. I guess because it relies only on Rathbun’s account of the details.
“The last rivals for control of Scientology were Pat and Annie Broeker, who had assisted Hubbard in his last years. The founder had elevated them to “loyal officer” status, a higher rank than Miscavige, a captain.
The Broekers also had custody of Hubbard’s last writings, the cherished upper levels of Scientology auditing that he wrote by hand while in seclusion. For a church that depends in large part on auditing fees, the papers were a gold mine not only spiritually, but financially. Miscavige wanted them. Rathbun reveals what they did:
The day Pat Broeker and Miscavige flew cross-country to meet church lawyers in Washington, Rathbun positioned a team of about 20 men outside the Broekers’ ranch in Barstow, Calif.
During a layover in Chicago, Miscavige called with the signal for Rathbun to phone the ranch caretaker. Rathbun told her that Miscavige and Broeker had called with a message: The FBI planned to raid the ranch in two hours. If they didn’t get Hubbard’s papers out, they might be lost forever. The woman let Rathbun and his guys in.
“It worked like a charm,” he said. Miscavige’s rise was complete. At 26, he answered to no one in Scientology”.
Yes I recall this , and now Anna is dead, where’s Pat Broeker apart from being made silenced, and monitored.
He is rumored to be still under surveillance by private investigators hired by Miscavige. All these years later and still a target.
Bad shame he remains in that position because if not the time before the death of Hubbard would have be precisely the missing evidence what was and lost .Very evil intent by D M.
It makes you wonder what Diana might know or hidden from and to what extent of surveillance is she currently under.
Diana is the only one of the Hubbard clan to still be involved, and as far as I know is still at the International Base serving in the Sea Organization.
She was never too involved in the technical or research side of the subject, and was not around Hubbard much in his last days. So she has no deep secrets to hide, and what she does know has certainly been shared with Miscavige by now.
Pat Broeker was the one who might have had some hidden knowledge from Hubbard, some copies of writings or his notes. But after spending millions of dollars on private investigators, raiding his home, and every other form of dirty trick Miscavige has been unable to extract anything useful from Pat.
It seems far more likely that Hubbard never discovered anything useful while he was in hiding, that he descended into despair, attempted suicide by e-meter, and finally died of natural causes. For more information, read the last chapters of the book “Going Clear” by Lawrence Wright.
I am of the opinion that he never discovered anything useful in his entire career, that his “discoveries” were all part of his attempts to create a high control group. But others don’t take such a sweeping view and I respect their opinions.
Be that as it may, certainly Hubbard made no useful lost discoveries in his last days.
Dear Lord, my hearts breaks when people continue to come forward with the stories of the abuses they have endured. Leah and Mike have made a major breech in the damn. Each story widens that gap.The courage and regret comes through so strongly, Then to have each and everyone called a liar is just pouring salt into a wound that may never heal.
I continue to hope that the Sheriff’s office pulls up at *The Hole* with warrants and closes it down. When will justice prevail? Each of these people is so victimized, their voice is heard, now it’s time for even the enforcement officials in the land of fruits and nuts do their jobs and CLOSE THESE PLACES DOWN!
Make that damn dam…..
The dam is damned. Whoa! That’s heavy…
Hopefully this will eventually happen .exposure exposure exposure ,
“…there is NO written or recorded statement of what Hubbard wanted in his succession other than his will.”
But there was a fully delineated chain of command and a very detailed description of how all of the literally hundreds of posts within the $ea Org were to be organized, based on the org board, which Elron created and continued to revise, which is the direct embodiment of his intentions and desires for the organization he created. So, in that sense, you could say that what Elron wanted, with respect to the form that $cn should continue on in, couldn’t be more explicitly spelled out than that.
To watch as the entire top management strata were eliminated by DM from the positions within the $ea Org, which would have acted as a check and balance on his power, is to see the organizational structure that he wished the cherch to continue on in destroyed completely.
The fact that still-in $cilons, who’ve watched all the familiar faces disappear from cult events, just like Leah observed, should be a huge clue to them concerning how utterly corrupt the corporate cherch has become, with no one to blame but the tiny tyrant, because he’s the only one left with any kind of real power within the cult.
How come no one else has the courage and personal integrity to inquire about the many other missing execs, in addition to Shelly, who’ve been quietly disappeared by Dear Leader?
You know that you’re in a killer mind control cult for sure when folks at the top of the pile disappear without comment or explanation, but you can’t inquire about what’s become of them or try to contact them directly for fear of being targeted for interrogation and punishment for doing so.
GET OUT NOW, that’s just no way to live, nothing to be proud of and there’s no possible good that could ever come from treating folks in the way that this sadistic sociopath treats those who’ve had the extreme misfortune to fall under his tiny thumb!
Praise an prayers for all.
Even an unbeliever like me?
Yep!! No charge!
Most especially for an unbeliever like you.
This was an incredible episode. it struck me that a huge difference between CoS and other cults is that, frequently family members of people in cults hire others to kidnap and deprogram them from the brainwashing they have received. it’s really controversial, I know, but maybe understandable. They know people are being manipulated into thinking a certain way by very specific and successful, often very subtle, scientifically studied brainwashing techniques.
What is TOTALLY different about this place is the amount of resources and money and time that is taken to kidnap people who STOP BEING BRAINWASHED and “blow”. I have never heard of any organization going after people who, of their own free will, decide to leave. It would be one thing to pester apostates for a while trying to get them back in the flock (and some churches do go after attrition that way). But LOCKING PEOPLE UP in a virtual prison and hunting them down like dogs? I realize the people who do it are brainwashed, I get it. They think they are helping people who are in danger, like some sort of intervention. But these are adults, with civil rights. Isn’t that sort of thing against the law? Chasing down hundreds of people and hauling them back to punish them further?
I realize that a lot of this approach was programmed in by LRH – he created the philosophical slippery slope of the end justifies the means that makes someone like DM ripe to abuse power in a way even worse (btw – below is a good book on Cluster B personality traits – that often overlap – most sociopaths have narcissistic traits (easy to feel you are the center of the universe when you literally have no compassion or empathy for others) – and it speaks to the fact that many of them are very high-functioning in society. They can fake their way through with glib charm, but underneath that they are dangerous, dangerous people.
(also as an aside for the Napoleon complex folks – yes, he was 5’7″, but in the early 19th century, that was normal height – he only appears short to us today after decades and decades of better diet and vitamins – so we invented that erroneously to explain his tendencies).
I just cannot believe that this doesn’t violate all kinds of laws. I am sure that anyone who had been brainwashed (especially from childhood) could get complete immunity testifying in court about what this megalomaniac does. It is truly, truly criminal. And brainwashed people would be discredited as witnesses.
Calling scores of people “liars”, who all pretty much have a similar story to tell, is pretty naïve. If this man was not behaving like a dictator and controlling the flow to all outside information, he would never, ever get by with this crap. I tend to think of CoS the way I think of Soviet Russia. Lenin put the philosophy in place and Stalin consolidated power at the top and killed off his rivals (not to mention tens of millions of citizens). Let’s hope that Glasnost comes to the CoS. Because good always stands up to bad in the sunlight – it’s only in the dark that you can fool people into thinking bad things are something else.
Thanks for your post , very easy to read and informative .
Will this episode air again, or shown on AE on demand? I have no power due to hurricane Irma so I couldn’t watch, and couldn’t even DVR it. The episode I was most looking forward to, too. Actually, I look forward to all of them!
I watch it on – each new episode shows up the day after it airs.
Do you have a msart ohone or tablet. Download the A & E app
They have been showing previous episodes on Tuesday before the premiere. Chechnya your a&e listing next week .
Check your listings, I meant.
Mike and Leah. Great show. More like this please. Mission Holders conference. Org wide ethics programs (middle management in the late 80s, INCOMM, Exec Strata, WDC). David Mayo, corporate restructuring…. All possible subjects.
I think back stories are important to the Exes, recently out and the UTR. Very few people are likely to wander into an org and sign up for anything these days. When i was in I knew there were things that were not right, but I had no idea how NOT right they were. There were also a lot of things that went on that no one would talk about, it is good to cover those as well. The Mission Holders would be a good one to get out in the open, along with the others PWD mentions.
“16. I was aware just before Hubbard’s death, that certain IRS
indictments were about to be handed down against Hubbard.
Miscavige reportedly said that “the only way to stop it now is if
the old man [Hubbard] dies.””
The above is an excerpt from Vicki Aznaran’s (former COB of RTC, the position David Miscavige now holds), deposition in a lawsuit with the church and David. Read more here:
Cindy, not trying to see something that is not there, but is everyone okay with how LRH actually died? Nobody thinks there was anything hinky about it, right (cuz there sure is motive in regards to the above)? Could ex-officers put together a lawsuit to claim that DM staged a coup to illegally circumvent policy to take over the org? It sure sounds like he did. Whether people who leave CoS still believe in LRH or not, if they were denied material compensation by his actions while they were members or it ruined their lives and livelihood, couldn’t he be liable personally in a civil suit for damages? Especially if the government looks into his abuses of power and using church funds for personal gain. (Never mind the mafia-esque “disappearing” of his enemies and rivals). Has everyone he gutted from the org just been harassed into oblivion? Can the heirs to their estates sue if they are no longer living? I wish I knew.
You ask good questions, Cecybeans. I don’t know the answers. It would have been really good if the coroner had done an autopsy on LRH’s body when he died. But DM saw to it that he didn’t. So no evidence came out that way. And DM hurriedly had the body cremated only 24 hours after death, so no evidence could be gained from the body or autopsy. So now all these years later, I don’t know how they would approach it. But it would be good if as you say, some ex-execs brought a lawsuit. Maybe an angle to take is that the execs have been imprisoned for years for no reason (no legal reason). Others who are lawyers might know the answers to these questions.
Wow! This is not the first time I’ve been presented with this info but it’s easily the most direct and impactful. Very powerful stuff! I really wish all those deluded “still ins” that I used to count as friends would/could watch this. There’s a special place in hell reserved for people such as David Miscavige.
Many readers must wonder why the law hasn’t stepped in and brought the likes of DM to justice. I expect there’s more than one reason for that but perhaps Mike & Leah, as an extension of this episode’s theme, you might in a future episode (maybe next season, as there’s sure to be a next season) want to look into the role non-scientologist and former Assistant Commissioner of IRS, the late Meade Emory allegedly played in further Scn corruption via IRS … and infiltration …and DM’s possible placement etc. (PDH anyone?)
Not to mention the fact that CIA had reasons of their own to sabotage Scn as its existence seemingly had military and national security ramifications.
Awesome show you two! You’re performing an invaluable public service! Karma in action!
Hey Mike. An old friend of my husband just texted him a pic of you, Leah and her at the Emmy’s. Her name is Birdie. Don’t know if she knows one of you or just asked to take a picture with you guys, but whatever the case…
What a small world!
What a powerful episode last night! Kudos to Mike and Leah and team. This should be must view material for all fence sitters and UTR’s and anyone who leaves the church, JB and Gary Morehead were so courageous to tell the truth and admit what they did while working right under DM. I’m sorry they went through what they did, but so glad they saw the light and got out.
When I saw the org board with all the execs’ names and how he disappeared each one of them through buying them off or imprisoning them, it made my blood run cold. This is like a Shakespearean murderous tragedy only 100 times worse.
And poor Shelley. She knows here he bodies are buried, so he has to silence her. One thing I was disappointed you didn’t say (and I know some of it ended up on the cutting room floor), but I wish it had come out that Annie Broeker escaped and got as far as the airport boarding the plane and was brought back just by a man (won’t give him any more publicity) who chased her there and called her name from the other side of the rope, and because of the prison of belief, she just dutifully turned and went back with him. She was only inches away from freedom. Then she was held as a prisoner more or less until her death. That should also be known.
Wow, that old blog on DM’s behavior! LRH nailed it like he was warning ppl about him. Too bad everyone inside is so scared of him, they could use “scripture” to bring him down…
I am so beyond disgusted with this cult, Miscavige should be in prison and it’s.easy for someone his height to be a tough guy when he has bodyguards around him, coward that he is. I cannot believe how aggravated I am at the people who follow this clown, they all need lobotomies. Keep up the good work and thanks to the all the victims who have the courage to come forward.
Read the stories in the pitch and vacant buildings they have purchased that are in Kansas City and Ohio and possible more
Empty shells, right?
Great show last night Chief. Jackson and JB were both on the money.
Wow, once again I’m speechless after viewing the latest episode. My heart goes out to any rank and file following orders only to workout later they assisted in evil acts and pushing an agenda forward they would never in wildest dreams ever willingly agree to being part of creating such a scenario themselves. It rips you apart and makes you feel helpless.
Per my training in life the solution is relatively simple but I’m not allowed to state the obvious but it has to do dismantling (by means necessary) the Sea Org chain of command from the top down and rendering all Scientology policy, its creators, modifiers and legal advisors within it null and void.
Even Hubbard said something like, “when an organisation hurts just one of its members it is the beginning of the end of that organisation” – geezers… how do you even begin to think with such hypocrisy!
I’ll sign that memo, I Yawn. BTW, hypocrisy is the cult’s middle name.
Sounds like a plan!
I don’t know that people fully got the significance of Jackson’s statement that as the Security Chief at the international base he over saw the hunting down of 200 – 300 escapees. One has to understand how desperate a person needs to be to attempt an escape from that base. First, the person is leaving behind their friends and many times their spouse and even immediate family members. They are leaving the religion they have been totally dedicated to. They are out on the desert, in a guarded compound with microphones, cameras, motion detectors, dogs, lights, fences with razor wire, etc. Every person is accounted for officially at least 3 times day. Everyone else in the compound will report them immediately if they do anything unusual that could indicate a potential escape attempt. The person attempting the escape (except in very unusual circumstances) will not own a vehicle, cell phone, credit card, bank account, etc and will have little to no money. If they are not a U.S. citizen they will have to flee without their passport because it is held under lock and key by the “church”. If they do make it out of the compound they know they will be chased down like an escaped convict by both staff members as well as hired professionals. The amount of effort that will be invested to recapture the escaped staff member can not be overstated. If the person can some how over come all of that they need to start life again from nothing. The few hundred staff members at the international base are the “cream of the crop”. The most qualified, trained, dedicated Scientologists. What kind of a hell must the base be to make 200 -300 staff members go through the above? Obviously they can not just “route out” or request to leave. These people are held against their will and are willing to literally risk their lives to escape. WAKE UP FBI and IRS. This has been happening for years just 45 miles outside Los Angeles!!!!! Wake up Scientologists who support this with their labor and money.
Note, when the person is caught and brought back to the base extreme efforts will be made to break them so they will never want to try an escape again. It is no joke. Their life will never be the same again.
Yep. That happened to my Daughter who was deputy CO/CMO-IXU working in the HGB building on Hollywood and Ivar St., 5th floor, right under Daves feet!
The Cult went to work on me via my daughter by sending her, Mike Sutter, Marion Pouw, Hansuli Stahli and a couple of other MAAs to my office unannounced in the summer of 2010 to conduct an SRA.
That they would show up like that and send my daughter to the office to summon me to the motel room they were staying in WAS an SRA. Especially since Haley could never even get an LOA to come home for Christmas, Thanksgiving or any other holiday for that matter. And all of a sudden she is in the lobby of my office!!!!!! WTF? (Well I did know WTF but I was still surprised to see her)
The whole process was designed to let me know in no uncertain terms that I was fucking up and if I didn’t wake up and smell the roses then things would get very bad. So I tried to find some middle ground to be able to have time to talk things over with my wife and family but I was also visiting the internet to find out what I was not being told. In case their is any doubt, middle ground inside $cientology is more commonly known as quicksand!
When it was apparent that Mr. Oh Tea Ate was choking on the SRA attempts, Haley was busted down and put through the truth rundown as I am sure it was explained to her how HER overts and withholds were the cause of her fathers disastrous actions (she failed to locate and handle an obvious Ess Pee) to say nothing of destroying the family. She was broken. I don’t know where she is or what she is doing today but she did marry a fellow from Russia a few years ago. I hope they can find a way out someday.
If you can find your way home Haley, I will be here for you. The home phone number is the same as it has been for the last 37 years. Your bedroom is the same as it was when you were 16 and decided to join the SO. I did repaint it last year with one of your favorite colors. Good luck in your endeavors.
Newcomer – you are one of my faves here – wow just wow to your situation. I pray Haley will find her way home, how can she not with a great father who has kept her room in tact, you are a hug-able and lovable father.
I don’t know how long it will take but I bet she will return. I feel your pain.
Just when I think I can’t despise this organisation any more someone else has a new story. I am so sorry for you and your beautiful daughter.
This is just not right!
That is very sad, Newcomer.
Thank you retelling this story. Tell anyone that will listen not just because it helps you and others but in my similar world it seems that is all we can do! Shame on our Law enforcement and politicians letting this continue for so long.
Stay strong and know there are millions on your side.
Coop, your story just broke my heart (again), and I already knew some of the back story already. That is so cruel that they gave her the Truth R/D and broke her. I hope and pray that she finds her way out and remembers the phone number and calls you. You’ll be waiting with open arms and that will be her salvation.
That’s so frightening Mat. And its horrible to remain still when we know what’s going on. I was thinking yesterday that perhaps we should have recovery groups start up city by city like AA. For all persons who have been effected by mental abuse. Its not easy to recover from abuse. Its worse then an addiction in many ways. Its too bad that the guys at Into can’t leave. At least I could prepare and leave without the physical restraints but the mental ones were fully in place at PAC.
There is a psychologist in L.A. that has helped over 20 ex Scientologists. I’ve heard from one person who saw her that it really helped. Professional help does exist for those who want to seek it.
So true, Matt. They broke Annie Broeker and Shelley Miscavage and Heber J and probably Guillame and others. It is evil.
To hear how they have microphones underground, fence shakers, razor wire, sharp knife like things pointing inward and outward on the fence, have a guard tower like in the prisons, and Jackson said he could listen in on any phone call at any time as he was wired into all the phones and etc. And they could not even call 911 in an emergency. This is beyond a cult. It is unlawful detainment and imprisonment. And they are made to give their SS number, their credit card number, their address, phone and address of all relatives and friends, so that they know where to look when you leave. I don’t even think bail bondsmen get that kind of info on their clients.
And US postal mail is not delivered to crew. It happened to me at AOLA in the 1970s. 3 years ago I united with relatives and compared letters I received to what I was told was sent. I got one from my favorite Aunt Jenny but her daughter and her granddaughter both told me how she loved me and sent me many letters 🙁 I only have one and I’ve saved all my letters since I was a child in my own CF I kept for 15 years prior to LRH admin tech. I KNOW the Dir Comm was directed to re-route somewhere.
I found out 2 years ago from my brother my father attempted to get me de-programed and received a call from the church to ‘lay off me’. Now I know why the letters were not received.
Messing with mail is a crime but how can it be proved? Near impossible.
Mat is right, some stay on the RPF for years getting “rehabilitated/reprogrammed” after initial escape attempts.
In that specific regard, the incredibly sad story of what became of Annie Broecker after her failed attempt to escape the cult perfectly illustrates your point there.
Even sadder, though, is the thought of all those who are too frightened and too cowed by their tiny master to ever attempt to stand up for themselves in the first place.
Annie dead , Her mother Jean Tide man very old last known to be at clear water .( if not dead already) and would likely knows little.The fact that he isolated her tells a lot.
And with a straight face, they will deny that they do these kind of actions. And this is a religion? This is a militant business.
Mat, since DM hasn’t been at Int for a few years, it may be easier for the crew to leave?
Unfortunately, I doubt that. The prison is in place. I am sure that all blows and blow attempts are reported to Miscavige on a daily basis as they were in the past. In earlier years most of the crew had berthing outside the compound which is how most of them were able to attempt an escape. These days all Int crew berth inside the compound.
They have more liberty in a state prison.
Much more.
And they at least get three meals a day that may not be tasty, but are wholesome. Their cots are not a dirt floor and is hot climates they do have AC.
Thanks Mat. All important points that together realistically weave the ‘big picture’ scenario surrounding those merely contemplating escape from Scientology’s Orwellian double think prison where:
“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”
― George Orwell, 1984
At this point, I have to conclude that the IRS, FBI and other relevant government authorities are enabling this wicked cult based on some hidden benefit — whatever the reason these entities are in fact acting as co-conspirators with the cherch and are culpable.
Who benefits? Follow the money!
“These people are held against their will and are willing to literally risk their lives to escape. WAKE UP FBI and IRS. This has been happening for years just 45 miles outside Los Angeles!!!!! Wake up Scientologists who support this with their labor and money.”
Dear Mat,
You write: ‘The few hundred staff members at the international base are the “cream of the crop”. The most qualified, trained, dedicated Scientologists. ‘
I think not. IMO Long long ago anyone with talent or skills have been beaten down into a robot, driven insane and utterly ineffective, mis-assigned into an area they know nothing of, or has built up a ‘persona’ pleasing to DM. I think DM would instantly destroy any staff evidencing any level of qualification in any area of the org board. He must do this in order to maintain the illusion of superiority in anything. All he wants, and has, are YES SIR! staff.
Even Hubbard later on did this, and set the pattern for DM.
Well said Mat. Maybe now is the time we take a couple of buses to the Int base and demand they let everyone out of the hole and we load them up, DM hasn’t been there for years so if enough of us go there with enough force we could overpower those that are there, they are so squashed as human beings it shouldn’t be hard to do. DM is probably in the Super Power building in Clearwater as he even abandoned his building behind ASI in Hollywood due to too much exposure. Poor guy, sounds like he is beginning to be on the run, kicked out of spaces like Hubbard was and nowhere to go…… it’s narrowing down now, might have to leave the country pretty quick…….
Well Terri – maybe if we went down to the navy surplus and dressed up with fake orders from LRH, no that wouldn’t work. (I remember when Vince Selley blew he did something similar – big fail)
Maybe if we came dressed as FBI but that’s not legal.
We’d have to have drones dropping flyers offering help but then who there is to read them. Would you have. I would have marched it right in to security.
Send Victoria Secrets boxes with cell phones to the gals? Not every one is going to jump the fence in the middle of the night and it’s probably worse after Claire managed to do it.
The security would phone the cops if we got on church property and all the crew except PR and security would be hidden away and kept busy with some made-up hill-10.
I love your refreshing hopes 🙂
Maybe drones could drop flyers saying if you want to leave, stay alert because help is on the way. Don’t mention which day. And then have helicopters come in and let them climb up those rescue ladders into the helicopter.
You think Dave watched this episode about him?
He’s so vane he probably did. And then he looked around for someone to beat up.
Your comment made me ponder what and how a Scientology lawyer would justify it all to themselves as direct and honest evidence of humanity violated to them is irrelevant. They would watch stuff like this so they can come up with legal arguments and suggest strategies against it. There’s your real enemy’s lieutenants!
He’s so vain, he probably thinks this show isw about him
LOL! Nice!
Maybe all of the not used clips can be made into a download for a fee. Ask Leah. There would be many who would pay for a B roll download.
If Scientology is all about family, then why did they break up Jackson’s marriage? Why did they put the responsibility on his shoulders to convince his wife to have an abortion? It seems to me that DM was more worried about his reputation, and his position within the organization than anything else. LRH should have named a successor in the event of his death.
But great show guys!
Because Scientology is NOT all about family. Never has been.
It is of course nothing about family. Families are all about genetic entities so why bother except for the Pee Are value?
There are SO many stories of the church lying and bad mouthing family to families, friends to friends.
What else is there to do?
So sorry about your daughter. I pray you will find her in good health.
What’s the word? Evil.
The really weird and damaging thing about Scientology is all their time, is down time. And look what they do with it!
I am learning more and more what kind of hell you must have endured Mike. I hope you are very proud of where you have come. This man is scum!
That is what fills in the space above Him Kathy. It’s always good to see a ring of scum on the fermenting vat.
Powerful stuff. One thing, I heard David Miscavige referred to as a psychopath. Actually, I understand that a psychopath do things because they have no concept between right & wrong. I think a more accurate term would be sociopath, they know the difference – they just don’t care
I would say a narcissistic sociopath fit like a glove.
Another great episode. I think this one was perfect for the ex-scio. and the still-ins that are sneaking a peak at the shows.
The “inch” wives remind me and have the exact crazy look in their eyes as all those women in the Charles Manson case that praised him til the end. Not being snarky here, I followed that case as a teenager and they freaked me out then and these inch wives freak me out now.
Those ‘inch’ wives were very carefully taught what to say by the dwarf.
Like the tatertot Charles Manson was only 5’2″..David Miscavige is 5’1″ Two guys with a HUGE case of little man syndrome.
Other personality traits have also been linked to Napoleon syndrome – for instance risk taking behavior and jealousy. The term ‘Napoleon complex’ is used in reference to Napoleon Bonaparte who many believed conducted his tyrany and invasions as a form of overcompensation for his short stature.
But at 5’7″ he wasn’t any where near as short as DM….. TC is 5’7″
Jill – “Like the tatertot…..”, LMAO – you’re right Napoleon complex is perfect description.
My favorite Heinlein: “Never threaten a small man, you’ll frighten him, and he’ll kill you”
Heinlein was a very astute commentator on the human condition. Lazarus Long made a lot of sense. Jubal Harshaw even more.
Napolean, was almost 5’7″, which in his day in France, was not short, as the average height for frenchman was 5’5″.
He was accompanied by the Guard, which were tall men, so he was shorter than his bodyguards, not the average person.
Understood. That is just the label it has been given over the years.
I especially loved how Inch Wife Jenny kept referring to Him fully as “Mr. David Miscavige” every time she invoked His name. Never just Mr. Miscavige or COB or David or His Holiness, always “Mr. David Miscavige,” even if she said it twice in the same sentence!
This last episode focusing on current leader David Miscavige was most informative. Perhaps Scientologists will hopefully avail themselves of this episode in particular. It does not include any mention of confidential technical data. It explains a lot about Miscaviges rise to power and, some of the people that got pushed out of the way who were trying to apply the best they knew of Scientology for the sake of Scientology’s stated aims. Like a runaway train Miscaviges increasingly sadistic and cruel impulses tore through good kind people who were only trying to forward the best hopes for Scientology. Perhaps one of the most evil things was how Miscavige leveraged others people’s devotion to Hubbard as a manipulative tool to dominate and nullify others and forward his own personal agenda. This is a study of a very troubling sociopathic person who was in the right place at the right time for a hostile take over of Scientology. You can’t even make this stuff up. I recommend Scientologists read the declaration of former Scientology executive Vicki Aznaran. She held the post of Inspector General RTC.
Thanks again Doug. Well said.
Thank you for the link to Vicki Aznaran’s deposition, Doug. One thing that stood out (and there are many) is on point 16, she says:
“16. I was aware just before Hubbard’s death, that certain IRS
indictments were about to be handed down against Hubbard.
Miscavige reportedly said that “the only way to stop it now is if
the old man [Hubbard] dies.””
So the facts are that after DM said the above, LRH died while only David Miscavige was on duty with him as he had given the others the night off. After LRH died, DM convinced the coroner to NOT do an autopsy on the body. Then DM ordered LRH’s body to be cremated only 24 hrs after his death. Link the dots.
That’s incorrect. DM was not at Creston when LRH died.
I thought I read in Marty’s book and other places too that DM was at Creston when he died.
No he was not there
Thanks, Mike. I wonder if he could give the order from afar and have one of his sycophant servants carry it out? Just a thought.
No, you are barking up the wrong tree. The few people WITH Hubbard did not consider they answered to Miscavige AT ALL.
Cindy, who said DM was at Creston and gave everyone else the night off when LRH died? I didn’t read all Vicki said – is it in there?
The part about giving two or three people the night off is in Marty’s book and on the blogs too.
What? LOL. Marty must have really lost his marbles if he wrote those kind of whoppers.
As happens in life sometimes, we come to the realization that what we thought was so wonderfully fulfilling turns out to fall on it’s face. For some the realization comes to them as if by magic as in “WTF are WE doing”….others in the opinion of the organization step over the line & are stripped of their jobs, & are merely demoted, placed in the hole, excommunicated, or tossed aside like last week’s bread.
How very sad that is, to spend decades in, some from infancy, in an organization that is no more than a money making machine. Robbing the POOR to give to the RICH, what a reversal in roles that is. Seeing what it costs to literally pay for “the bridge to nowhere”, only to find out you are who you thought you are, BUT….then you’ll have to ante up MORE $$$ for levels #9 & #10 to find out if THAT is even true?
To hear JB talk of the physical assault abuses & ridding the then “higher ups” within the organization to grab power for himself, was lighting another candle on the truth…to hear Jackson’s heartbreak over his convincing his wife that she HAD to have that abortion…..the tears he shed over the loss of that baby & then the separation from his wife in the end….how Jackson basically “did what he was told to do by DM because it was Jackson’s job to be security & force DM’s will upon others, what “church” DOES that?
We’ve heard these stories time & time again, Mike briefly spoke of his OWN punishment in the hole & one could easily read the pain etched in his face even talking about it…& to hear the denial that DM did not physically abuse others, to learn that Jackson had to come up with the idea to put bars on doors, & secure the windows so no one could crawl out & escape……the cameras, recording devices, bright lights, motion sensors….a HIGH security prison within the grounds of what is said to be “a church”.
A “blow drill” devised to capture those who ran off, as if they were on the Nation’s Ten Most Wanted List….to forcefully bring them back & then punish them with hard labor for running off….again..what church does that?
People who know what awaits them if they try to leave…for Sea Org being chased down by a seemingly pack of wolves, the smear sites, disconnection, abandonment by family & friends…got the younger ones .no real education, no job, no money, no place to go for comfort or respite, the depression over their unhappiness within “the organization” & THEY are blamed for feeling unhappy…….the thoughts or suicide are their only answer in their minds because they can’t talk to someone who can help them. For the older ones….the same….not much of a difference to “blow” when one is in their 40’s & has no job skills or education to fall back on…& then leaving with maybe if lucky, a few hundred dollars in their pocket.
I truly think Scientology WILL survive in different formats as does the different branches of the “Christian religion”, not all will agree that Scientology should be run one way or another. There are those who will stay no matter what, it’s the only thing they’ve known their entire lives.
Thank You JB & Jackson….IF there is even a remote possibility some “still ins” or those flying under the radar Or those close to “blowing” saw this episode…I hope they RUN as fast as they can out the door.
l truly can’t believe the authorities can’t do something about this cult. They physically and mentally abuse people – isn’t that against the law!!! They remind me of the wild leftist in this country with all their lies and fake news. I don’t mean all democrats – just the crazy ones like Clinton, Soros etc. I’m praying that the work you two are doing will shut this Miscavige guy down – he is pure evil!
I also wanted to ask why Scientology has a CROSS on their building (I know they call it a church) but they don’t believe in God or Jesus which the cross represents! The one True God’s Wrath is coming and this man won’t know what hit him!
I love Wikipedia:
The Scientology cross is one of the principal symbols of Scientology. It is most often used to represent the Church of Scientology.
The cross closely resembles the Christian cross, but differs from it with the addition of four diagonal rays between the conventional horizontal and vertical arms. The eight points of the cross represent the eight dynamics in Scientology:
The Self
Creativity, sex, and procreation (family)
Group, society, community
Species survival (humankind)
Life forms in general
Matter, Energy, Space & Time (physical universe)
Spirit (self or others as a spiritual being)
Infinity or Supreme being
This is open to all, what does it actually mean to those who have lived under it’s arms and rays? Is there some deep symbolism? Of was it just a way to make co$ more acceptable to the masses?
Why didn’t they just use an eight point star or something! Their need to be counted as a church (via using a cross) is just sick – especially taking money (loads of it) from their people! And just how did they help anyone except to demean and crush them and rip them off. There is no love for each other in a scientology church it’s all about ones self and the planet! Don’t they realize their was a creator of the planet and it wasn’t a mere man such as this RLH guy! It’s very, very sad to me what this so-called “church” has done to so very many people!
This was a powerful episode.
I was very moved by their stories and the heartbreak they went through in their recountings, as we each seem to do. What David Miscavige does to people…. Isn’t it amazing that he is STILL in power. (When I think of people that have gone to jail for far FAR less….)
Thank you JB and Jackson.
Me too, Mary. It was tough to watch episode 5.
This all comes down to David Miscavige’s “napoleon” syndrome.
Is that the same as ‘Little Man’ syndrome?
There are two Cindy’s writing here.
How can we tell you apart?
I see double quite often, sic… burp… crunch… buff… crash!
That’s nothin’! I see triple!
This episode was yet another example of why this show won an Emmy: it has BALLS. Mine I k ow you said this show “scratches the surface” but to expose David Miscavige’s personal secrets about his rise, his abuse, and his evil persona is an extremely ballsy thing to do. It laughs in the face of Miscavige’s past threats. It belittles him as the giant tyrant he envisions himself as. Most of all, it strips him bare of a false persona that he wants his followers to believe. THANK YOU to JB and Jackson for speaking your truth. You are good men and now your testimonies are helping to change the world. You joined the Sea Org because you wanted to help–and YOU ARE.
I think back to Leah’s comments before Season One, telling the producers that “you can’t be pussies” and you “have to have balls to do this show.” Leah, Mike and A&E team including all contributors–you are breaking down the wall of Scientology’s fortress/facade as no one has EVER done. Justice is being served in the public arena. Leah is at the top of my list of heroes and Mike you are right there with her.
I’m stunned, have to watch this episode a few more times…Riveting.
Brilliant and authentic!
I’m truly speechless (or I’d say something much more profound).
Pat on the back and hugs for you and your team!
I have wondered about Scientology for many years now. I think way back when Dianetics first came out and my mother, an avid reader, wanted to purchase it and I literally got angry with her and told her not to go near it! My mum was a stubborn woman but, thankfully, she never bought it.
Every since your and Leah’s first season I was deeply disturbed not just about the adults and their stories, but the young adults and children and the terrible things that are continue to go on with them. I found a story written by a young lady several years ago and she described the abuse that had happened to her that started when she was only 12 years old. It reminded me, very much of the abuse that was going on at the FLDS by Warren Jeff’s and his brothers.
I just have to wonder with all of the new Revelations and accusations that are coming out of Scientology why haven’t the FBI started some kind of investigation?
I don’t understand how allegations of psychological and physical abuse can go on for so long without some kind of in depth investigation.
I see Scientology as no different than any other organized cult. Jim Jones and David Koresh, both ran cults & look how those turned out.
This place plies the members using a number of brainwashing techniques, the “E meter” which has absolutely no scientific validity, fleecing members out of tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. Telling people they are exhibiting signs of being an oppressive person & threatening to disconnect them from their family even their children!
Even their symbol for their so called church is a cross not unlike those of other legitimate religions because if they use that Cross symbol it must be a real church.
Isn’t there anything that can be done to put pressure on the FBI to do something?
It’s scary to think that Miscavige just might have the Kool aid at the ready!
You are abolutely right. I have read a great deal about the flds and see all the similarities. At least the flds does believe in God, albeit somewhat misguided. The Scientologists only believe in money and power. Do they worship? If not, it is NOT a religion.
The FBI has investigated, but ultimately decided not to pursue any indictments or prosecutions:
Tonight’s episode was so powerful and difficult to get through as a viewer, I can only imagine the pain of your guests. My heart went out to Jackson recalling the guilt and the pain of losing his wife and their unborn child.
I can only hope the governmental powers that be will take notice before another Jim jones tragedy is making the news. This is a real possibility.
To all of the courageous men and women who have come forward with their personal stories of abuse and heartache I applaud your bravery
Thank you Mike and Leah
If what the Church of Scientology is saying is true about all these ex-scientologist then some of them deserve some fucking emmys for their performances like Jackson. (By the way I am being sarcastic)
What kind of busted ass church starts websites dedicated to trash talking former members who speak against the church. Don’t they get it that it actually doesn’t do them any favors and only makes the church look worse giving credence to the allegations that the church will try to ruin the lives of people that speak out against them. Good job disproving your former members!????????????????
Shows how crazy the mindset is because they don’t get how much their hate websites just makes them look worse or prove the point of the show.
Exactly. Mary, you nailed it.
I nailed it once. But it was my foot. I never nailed again.
Ouch Old Surfer Dude!
Actually Mary I’ll take it one step further and say that it goes to show how DANGEROUS they potentially are and usually to their own. Imagine bumping into a Scientologist at the grocery store and have to answer a direct question about “why we have not seen you on course in a long time” and answer up without flinching with some acceptable PR lie and make your escape. Imagine what it would be like if you didn’t join the STAND group and certain people were asking about your allegiance. It must be a shitty time to be a Scientologist who knows that it’s a messed up scene somehow but you don’t know who you can confide in.
In the episode were mentioned Dede and Gale reisdorf, are they sister of Gary Reisdorf from season one?
I found that part v interesting. I did not know that about Gary’s sisters. Can someone tell me if they are still in?
No they are most definitely not in. They live in San Diego. Gary and Lois remained no connected to them is why they got declared.
As usual link to the episode:
Thanks Victor.
Yes, thanks Victor and please continue posting the RT link here; for some reason I am unable to access it so early when I do my own RT search day after airing.
Mike, tonight’s episode was emotionally draining.
To watch good people express their gut wrenching experiences in scientology, and to see the look of betrayal in their faces, it is all so heart-breaking.
What good is scientology, really? Miscavige is certainly a broken human, there is no question, but he is simply following the letter of the law, as envisioned by another broken human, L. Ron Hubbard. The sooner this dangerous experiment in manipulative mind control ends, the better the planet will be.
To those still in, you are most likely good people. Please get out. The world may soon see you not as victims, but as enablers or accomplices. Your fellow members are having the same doubts as you, though they may not express it.
“Please get out” is a perfectly acceptable reasonable message but imagine all your friends are Scientologists and your business contacts and your son has friends who go to the local Org. I know many bright people who are TRAPPED in this situation and must be totally silent lest they risk a SP declare. I get it. To them I say “keep your head down” and stay away quietly in droves. The Church of Scientology does not play fair and they cannot be trusted. If you announce your resignation you are FAIR GAME. If Scientologists fear the Church of Scientology, they have good reason to. They could be next with a smear website or their PC folders gone through. I think as the heat builds they are going to make things even worse. Expect more defections and horror stories. I look forward to SEASON THREE.
Keep up the great work. The more you expose them, the less power they have.
It was a true honor and pleasure to meet you at the Emmys in the press room. Again, congrats on the well deserved award and here’s to healing for all.
And by the way, my initials are SP. ?
I noticed that. Hope no one is following you.
What kind of good things dies Scientology actually do? All this talk of clearing the planet but I have heard nothing about anything that they do other than enslave.
I think you have pretty well covered the subject. All other activities seem to be done to achieve the main goal you stated.
The other activity that Scientology DOES in spades to support enslavement is to LIE, especially to their own.
Yo Dave,
Can’t wait to see YOUR comments today about Your previous slaves!! No doubt it will be the HOLE truth and nothing but the truth………………………rrrrrright ……little davey boy.
So ……. was last night a one bottle night or too ….. good buddy. Speaking of too Dave, tomorrow will have that special time again where You get to count up your wins against the oppressors of freedum. Count em up Dave, tell us again how You are winning the good fight against humanity.
Son of Sam claimed that he got instructions from his dog.
Being a life long cat lover, if I could actually communicate with my cat is would be more, Oh Ohohohoh yes scratch my ears JUST there. To, while putting on bandages, I TOLD you not to scratch my tummy. Or, Dammit human slave there is a HOLE in my food bowl, I can see the bottom. I don’t care if there is lots around of food up the sides hole,
I used to *talk* to my cat Furface, I didn’t know what the hell he was saying, but we had long conversations anyway.
My cats rule the roost.
*laughing* Mine too.
Last week it was 3 bottles, last night it was 4 bottles.
They’re mostly clearing the planet of Scientologists. Godspeed.
Now that’s making things go right! Only 20,000 Scientologists left. Soon we’ll be talking about them in past tense.
7 – 8 billion vs 20k – we can take ’em.
I cannot breathe after hearing Jackson’s story and seeing him break down. He is clearly a good man put in terrible situations by faith and fear. Watching your face during discussions of the abuse is also difficult. You went through it and it looks like you’re going through it all over again. I will repeat the same to you. You are a good man put in terrible situations by faith and fear. Nobody had the right to hurt you or treat you badly.
Your entire comment, seconded
“You are a good man put in terrible situations by faith and fear.”
That seems to be the sole stock in trade for every remaining cult member. I think the term ‘live by the sword and die by the sword’ applies to the situation. What is the catalyst that brings a person to the point they will make the decision to say NO MORE!!!!!!
It seems that this conundrum is applicable to a wide variety of issues facing mankind these days, the least of which is our favorite cult.
Yes, rebellion is brewing big time on many fronts, not a great deal of sanity involved but rebellion none the less. The world sure has an increasing messy side and the pot is boiling. Be nice to see something like Scientology brought to justice, that would be a good start for a better future for all of us on this planet.
Is anyone or any organisation really responsible for justice without hidden agendas or hamstrung by legal systems devised to protect the guilty?
Why do so many ex wife’s stay in Scientology? The men seem to be shown the door, and the ladies stay, reminds me of the FLDS, does DM have some sort of hold over them? Or are they less physically threatening to him? It just seems odd.
Ah yes, you must be referring to the infamous Stepford Inch Wives of scientology, as exposed to the world by Anderson Cooper.
If you were to place a witches cauldron in the middle of that coven of liars, I think you’d have a great halloween party. I know their ex-husbands would say they are victims too, but yeesh, did they ever embarrass themselves.
The cult will go for whichever spouse is the most tractable but IMHO, women have been especially vulnerable to this treatment from Men down through the ages. Dave operates no differently but being ‘in a male body this lifetime’ (air quotes for the still -ins) he is well suited to deliver His special treatment to women ….Where is Shelly?
Yo Dave,
Mailed any of your special dildos to any women in the workplace lately? Get on it good buddy!
But first, test it out on yourself, dwarf boy…
He lost it!
I hope it involves the use of a large mallet!
I believe it does.
What can one expect from DM……LOOK how he treats his OWN WIFE…..need I say more? She obviously has “the goods” on him. She knows far too much about many things & she is a very high security risk to HIS safety, she could blow him to pieces & I am sure she has the evidence to document it as well. DM has made sure she “magically disappeared”, away under security & guard so she can’t escape his clutches….she’s far to dangerous to him.
To make it short & sweet…..”Shelly knows where the bodies are buried”……any testimony she would give, & she certainly would be guaranteed not to be prosecuted along with him by the authorities….. would be her husband DM’s death knell & he KNOWS IT.
What fear DM must live on, as he said he has to watch EVERY day what “S.P.” might suddenly turn on him…..& take him out with their testimony of documentation. I wonder, as “dedicated” as those closest to him seem to be, ….. even his buddy T.C. is a threat to him.
The walls are shaking…..he must keep himself well under the influence of the booze to get through even one day…..Idols with clay feet fall….the walls of Jericho will fall & everyone is only going to worry about THEMSELVES. No one is going to want to spend the erst of their lives in prison to protect HIM…..Best Wishes DM…your day of reckoning is closing in fast.
Bonnie, for one, its much harder for a mother to leave their children. The men that left often left wife and children. For me, I left with my husband of 24yrs. remaining. He is still there and 4 yrs ago made sure 2 of our 4 children disconnected. It was STILL worth it to leave.
Once again a very powerful and moving episode! Truly moving. You could see the psychological and spiritual struggle both men have gone through and from appearances are still struggling with. It really hit home!
Bravo! Thank you. Thank you for uncovering a rat. A well trained, in Hubbard black ops and psycho manipulation: rat.
Boy Dave, if I was the media, this is shark feeding time. Can you imagine all of the pent up anger that the media feels. They’ve been afraid of all of the lawsuits that Hubbard commands you to use as threats. And of course ‘ruin them utterly” if you can.
Following this demonic doctrine Dave, has brought you to this place. That, and your own greed for power. Then again, Ron had that taste for power. And he schooled you in the art of heartless ruthlessness.
It’s only going to get worse Dave. And onlookers who are still in…….. have integrity to know what you know. That’s what it use to be about remembering?
Last word should be “remember”
Yo Dave,
Better check Your scotch reserves good buddy. What Brian said …… spades. Hey, why not have Ding a Ling mail out Your one size fits all dildos to the media? That ought to shut them up! You always come up with such great ideas Dave. And the great things you said this morning about JB ………… really astounding and of course addressed every issue he raised. Very, very well done Dave! You are my hero!
In fact, I’m getting so worked up I might have to contact Mike Ellis and see about doing my zee to tee or whatever you call it with the new Gag II stuff you spewed out a couple years ago. Whadayasay Dave?
Another informative and heartbreaking episode. Each weak an ex-scientologist is brave enough to tell the world their story of exquisite pain suffered at the hands of this extremely abusive cult. The hard part comes when they become visibly upset. I am sure more than a few of us dab our eyes as well. David McSavage is a text book example of a sociopath combined with narcissistic personality. He is beyond dangerous and reminds me of Adolf Hitler sans mustache.
He always reminded me of Josef Goebbels. Google their images, side by side. Frightening, isn’t it?
Perhaps DM also will end up like him = suicide,,,Excuse me, drop his body to join LRH in developing OT-levels and rescuing other galaxies etc.
Just perfect for the remaining scientologists…
Interesting. I’ve read quite a bit about both Hitler and Stalin. Miscavige is more like Hitler, flying into rages, blaming everyone else for his screw-ups. Hubbard himself was much more like Stalin: personally vengeful, sadistic and suspicious. Maybe I’ll go into this in greater detail when I have time.
Different people during different time periods yet the same behavioral characteristics. Interesting comparisons. Brave men and women of the free world took care of Hilter and his legions of death. Frightening that McSavage still bounces around his fortress hiding his sadism and destruction from the world. ( Think: Howdy Doody on a coke fueled binge ) In last nights episode when Leah quoted McSavage’s, ‘I spend everyday of the week looking for SP’s’. I saw the typical sociopathic -I am the only one who can do this-victim/arrogance/blaming attitude. If your job is such a burden dude, get a new one.
Great episode! Lawyers! Don’t get me started….anyone remember Max in 2010 exposing the crooked lawyers of Scientology? Whitchcrafts been eradicated!
I never saw that thing about Max in 2010 exposing crooked lawyers. Can you provide a link?
I can’t help but think the only reason Hubbard failed to give a briefing when he died is because he knew he was a complete utter failure.
Miscavige took the reins of power just like he learned from “the old man” – reminds me of how Stalin took control when it was his time.
Just destroy everyone that stood in his way.
Tonight’s show was powerful, ( but I say that every week) you and Leah are doing something important, I can’t thank you enough.
“I can’t help but think the only reason Hubbard failed to give a briefing when he died is because he knew he was a complete utter failure.” That sounds about right, Nan. Yes, Miscavige’s behavior was certainly Stalinesque at that point. As Stalin was to Lenin (sick and dying), Miscavige was to Hubbard. Main difference is that Stalin was an unequalled master at this sort of thing; Miscavige isn’t.
I can’t help but think LRH did give a briefing but it was stolen by DM. Makes much more sense to me. LRH used to even do daily OODs notices back in the day. He continued New Ys and various others after he was in hiding.
I didn’t know the man (LRH) thank God but have learned enough about him and read his brainless uttering to believe that this imbecile was psycho smart enough to not leave anything to chance. He was all about EGO so his legacy would have been way too important to him. He definitely left a written, detailed command of succession. I have no doubt about this at all just based on the psyche of LRH. Those exec’s who have been silenced were silenced because of this very reason.
That’s part of the reason I think that Flag Order (promoting himself to Admiral and the Broekers to Loyal Officers) was in fact genuine.
The Old Man was nothing if not meticulous. It is much more likely that the Flag Order was genuine than that there was nothing at all. I doubt it was a forgery.
On that note I find it interesting that Miscavige never forged a document from the Fatman putting Him in charge. I reckon it’s because he knew that such a note would end up being subpoenaed at some point and subjected to document examiners far more skillful in detecting forgeries than Dave or anyone around Him was at creating them. He didn’t want anything tangible extant as it could be used as evidence. He didn’t need it anyway; the sheep just lapped it up as He knew they would.*
I don’t think the little prick ever forged any technical certs for Himself either. He’s not even a Cl. IV but everyone thinks He’s a genius at all things technical, and He even “CS’d” Lisa MacPherson His Very Self (that EP speaks most eloquently to His technical expertise).
He’s the COB of RTC, and RTC administers copyrights. That’s an Admin post, not a Tech post. He’s a pencil-pusher, not an auditor. He pretends to be a tech expert, yet I’ve never seen any certs on His office walls in any photo of Him. You’d think He was a Class XII and OT XV or something, but no training certs, no auditing certs. Whose names would He put as signers on those certs anyway? I’m sure nobody ever asks about that and if they did they’d be told it’s confidential, they don’t have the fucking rank, and then they’d be RPF’d.
He’s a pretty sorry-assed dude.
*I often try to work in a semicolon wherever appropriate just to piss Dave off and it pleases me greatly when I can. lol.
The fact that their was an indicator of evidence destroyed by order of D M which was announcing loyal officers Annie and Pat Broeker was one key factor ,I do agree with you that L R H might have left evidence , and DM covertly gave orders to destroy , he has since been a walking with M/W’s . overts and crimes and probably because he is being protected he will have already have many lined up to take the blame
Hubbard blew. Never submitted a CSW to bug out to Target Two, just left us with all those needle marks for us to ponder over. Maybe Miscavige did kill him. That would be a hard bypass of the old man huh? Of course I’m being flippant. Or J&D. Can’t decide which. Stuck in a maybe perhaps. I must need a repair list.
Keep doing what you are doing! My family watches every episode. Do not stop until the bad behavior stops!
I’d say sociopath about sums it up!
He’s far beyond sociopath, Cheryl. We’ll have to figure a new label.
A tombstone would be a great label, an urn full of of ash, landfill or ocean floor site maybe, or simply a vacant space where he use to be.
(I’m running a special of ‘of’ today, you get two for the price of one).
I love the urn of ashes. That would be bitchin’!
So… My two daughters and I are EX & ANTI SCIENTOLOGISTS, but we still get 3 identical IMPACT magazines at my house, even though they have never lived in my current home. I have tried to get IAS to stop sending stuff to me. It’s been nearly 20 years since I have done anything in Scientology and I have lived in 4 places since then (and yet they have my current address). Are we counted as 3 of those IAS memberships stats that I saw reported in the blog about “Expansion debunked?”
If so, I’m sure there are countless other Ex-Scientologist still being counted as IAS members. If so, then the stats reported in that blog are not accurate.
I wonder if telling them that you all are now seeing psychiatrists will get them to stop. Sometimes it seems like psychiatry/psychology is the water to their wicked witch, the stake/garlic for their vampire.
“Inoculate your kids! Have them visit a child psychiatrist 4 times and Scientology won’t touch them”
I’m sure ex, dead, and ex dead scientologists are being counted.
Wow Ginny, just today my wife gets a call on her cell phone from the CoS in Florida asking for me. My wife was never in Scn so I don’t know how they got her cell.
I started getting “Celebrity” mag and “Impact” within the last year. Don’t know how they found me as I also have lived in 4 places since I left Scn 25 years ago.
Ginny to get off their mailing list, I suggest calling the contact number in the Impact mag. Ask to speak to the IAS rep. Tell that person all the reasons that you are no longer a scientologist. Warn and inform that person about what the organization they are in is really about. That person is likely in an information bubble and actually does not know. Refer them to the internet which they won’t have access to.
If you get more mail, repeat above process. It helps if you actually care about the person that you contact and want to help them. I did this back in 2012 and I got zero mail since then.
Simply asking off the mailing list doesn’t work.
I take the positive view of all the scientology junk mail that they are wasting lots of money printing and sending it out to people like us, it easy to throw in the recycling bin, however if you want to have a go at stopping it here is a link with a few tips:
I’m in the same boat – out for decades (ex SO) then the calls and mailings started up again – long story really and lots of complaints from others I’ve seen. I keep telling them to stop….
It works much faster if you get yourself declared. And you can speed up the process by using the return mail envelopes to send a messeage back to someone in the local org. They love to hear about your wins from leaving!
Now you’re talking! Photoshop yourself standing with Leah and Mike with a huge smile on your dial and send it to Miscavige at Int. That should do the trick. Also include a label off a medicine bottle, something like ritalin or an anti-depressant, download one from the net, just for good measure. You should find your Cof$ junk mail will disappear instantly. If it doesn’t, TR3 it to Flag, the ship as well as your local org! Gee, I’ve just given myself the warm and fuzzies!
“All choppy, nattery rumormongery letters dead-end in the DEAD FILE. …no further magazines or procurement letters go to the person. …the line [is] cut completely.” — LRH, HCOPL 7 June 1965 Issue II, Entheta Letters and the Dead File
Write back. Attach a copy of Hubbard’s handwritten OTIII material. The Clear Cognition. An article or two from this blog or elsewhere. Enturbulate! Do it well and you’ll be Dead Filed soon enough. They have to stop, per their own policy.
On my last call I think I convinced the caller that I was a junior of the name he was calling and that Sr passed away 10 years ago. I am at a disadvantage in that i get a lot of legitimate calls from number I don’t know, so I need to answer. Curiously, the recent calls have been from a part that does not know I did any training, only that I went through AOLA back in the 70s, makes the “that was my deceased father” more believable. I also throw in “OT3”, “Xenu”, and a few others for good measure. So far, knock on wood, it is working.
Calling up someone whose last service was 45 years ago shows how desperate they are.
You don’t get it.
There are hundreds of people who have known and worked with JB and Jackson, now out of your bubble. And they KNOW you too. They are able and willing to testify to their character, integrity and creditability. And they KNOW you too; pathological. And they can independently corroborate
Trot out your few emaciated victims to perjure themselves and . . . YOU ARE A LOSER.
JB and Jackson; good people. You; NOT.
Keep up the good work and you will be DONE shortly after Koskinen terms out on November 12th.
Yo Dave,
It’s time for You to resort to Your SuMP. Pull out the stops big boy!
Hell, I forgot, You might get an Emmy if You can put together a stellar performance. Make it like one of Your IAS events Dave!
I don’t think SuMP will ever be used. It was used for fundraising.
I agree OSD. He who says that power is derived from the number of people who listen to you will never speak.
Think it’ll end up on eBay?
Doesn’t everything end up on eBay?
Great episode !!