A bit of a breather tonight.
We have 5 “Special” episodes this season that will be interspersed with the “regular” episodes that recount more person stories. These episodes are intended to be more educational and explain some of the terminology and activities of scientology that are often touched upon in the main episodes.
We began with a more detailed explanation of the Bridge. It is something we are asked about often and we touched on it in an episode in Season 1 where Leah and I spent a little time with one of the show producers explaining to him what the Bridge is.
Even devoting a full episode to this subject cannot come close to explaining it all, but I think we covered a lot of ground. As always, I am very interested to hear your thoughts.
Wonder if they are going to put up videos about Bruce, Vicki, Ronit and Yossi or if they will limit their ad hominem responses to Leah and me…
Scientology knows no limit on “attacking the attacker.” So nothing would surprise me.
As I always do, for anyone newly coming to this blog, I include some relevant links to earlier blog articles. And even for those who regularly come to the blog, it is instructive to refresh your recollection as to just how clear the POLICY of scientology is that anyone in disagreement must be destroyed.
To begin to understand the mindset scientologists have about those who criticize any part of it, read this article:
Dealing with Critics of Scientology — The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
And then read this one:
And here is a fairly short explanation of how disconnection is used in scientology (and how they try to spin the practice):
Disconnection: the PR and the Truth
An overview of the efforts by scientology to smear Leah Remini:
Scientology Dead Agents* Itself
And finally this is a post about the lies they tell about their “expansion”:
I re-watched the episode today and I just want to thank you and Leah for such a great job. I really really appreciate how often you used hubbard’s own videos, spoken words, or copies of his written words.
I think this is SO very powerful. It’s not He said She said. It’s hubbard himself, saying it.
It was sooo bloody masterful.
Just masterful use of his own BS to show the world.
I just love it.
and…. as an aside……
I’m an old Div 6er. Lots of stories there – and I just shudder and wonder what the hell it’s like these days, being a div 6er. Who comes in to a North American Org, and wants to know, “what this is about”?
We never had to contend with people spouting the contents of the OT levels.
jeeeeeeeeeeeeeze louise. I can’t even imagine. Who in their right mind gets into scn after hearing all of this stuff?
I’m feeling rather cheerful.
FABULOUS EPISODE! I really loved it for all the reasons mentioned.
I never knew anything about Scientology until my sister recommended your show. Now I’m hooked on learning the truth about it, but more than that, I’m hooked on your courage, integrity and bravery. “Thank you for your service” is a phrase we rightly say to our military … our protectors. People who go to the front lines and fight for our freedom. Sir, thank you for your service. You, Leah , your staff and crews are in my thoughts (boy, are you ever) and in my prayers. #Grateful
From ‘Stop The World – I Want To Get Off’ (poetic license)
What kind of con is this, that left my wallet thin?
It seems I’m not the only one here that’s been taken in
What kind of church is this, an empty shell?
A lonely cell in which an empty heart must dwell!
What kind of man is this, who sold me OT 8?
That whispered empty words of truth revealed beneath the hate
How could I buy this ruse and put my faith in Ron?
Well baby now I know just how I bought the con
Excellent, Moxie! I could just hear Sammy Davis’ amazing voice singing your version.
Thanks Aqua. I could do an album of this stuff!
COS has just made a web news release.
“WE are advising Hospitals and Clinics nationwide, and the Center for Disease Control, to expect hundreds- maybe thousands- err… maybe millions to show up with colds, the flu, and pneumonia in the next few days. Just ask these CSMFrs if they watched A&E and that lying bunch of SPDB’s on Aftermath on Tuesday evening. While we cannot confirm or deny that what the Aftermath SPs exposed their viewers to is real upper materials or not, we can confirm that the list of high crimes on them has grown exponentially overnight. Tell those PTS raw meat WOGs that the ONLY cure for them is to immediately report to their nearest Ideal Org for Auditing. Intensives are available, just ask the reg. Be sure to bring your check book and all credit cards. ML”
“PS: to Mike Rinder and Reah Remini, your A-to-E cycle has been upgraded to require you cycle through A-to-E 47X times. ML”
Holy F*ck F*ck F*ck F*ck F*ck.
THANK YOU. For laying the last 40 years bare, for telling all my secrets, for telling everyone what I’ve been doing with my life, all along, and what I couldn’t explain and wouldn’t even TRY to.
THANK YOU. For explaining it so well.
for telling all of my secrets.
“see? This is what I’ve been doing, what I’ve been trying, this is what my entire life has been about. And this is what I’ve lost, and this is why I’m so fully and terribly lost and without anchor or any reason. This is why I seem nuts. This is why you no longer recognize me. This is why I see you recoil back in confusion as I act in ways you simply can not fathom.
I had such hopes.
I invested so much.
I lost every aspect of everything.
This is why I’m not worried about the fact that I’ll never trust anything ever again, NO PROBLEM with that. Just hoping to get through somehow,I have many reasons to keep breathing… Just need to not feel so fully insane.
T H A N K Y O U.
from the bottom of my heart.
(yes, I want OTHERS to have these wins and I WANT THE ENTIRE WORLD to see this program.
Peace, you beautiful people.
WOW. That struck a chord with me.
I hope you know that there exists a network of others who have felt just like you do today. I’ve read their stories and watched them on Aftermath. You would do well to reach out to this brother/sisterhood for more validation. Continue in your healing and recovery. You are far from insane..
I think that it is helpful for you to explain the Bridge. Some of the comments on neediness and vulnerability are sad. Everyone who believes in something has that, whether or not you see that as bad or weak is another issue.
Clearly it shows how it is an ingenious way to draw people in to the belief system of Scientology. As well as keeping them there. It is interesting to see how people view it now, looking back on what they read. Leah, especially was funny.
As for her mother, the 70’s kids were different than today’s twenty something folk. They were much more idealistic. Also, it seems that she wanted to believe the best in people, as can be seen by her choices in men. That doesn’t make her bad or stupid, that makes her innocent, in a way. Always hoping or seeking the best. That isn’t a bad trait. It only leaves one open to the manipulation of the evil, greedy and selfish out there.
Recognising the strength to stay with her daughter is important to note as well!
Explaining that initially, Scientologists want “good” for the world and that goodness or innocence is being exploited by a VERY savvy systemic method of control, helps us WOGS, get it.
Thanks again for sharing all your stories!
On the heels of World War II, the bomb, the Korean War, the Vietnam war – you can’t blame them for wanting to create a better world.
Just saw the latest episode. Wow… I don’t quite know how to comment or respond. I really appreciate the effort to make Scientology and the con it is more understandable for people who know zip about it. Good work Leah & Mike, I really hope it pans out as you want it to. The waiting aspect of the ripple effect will be most interesting to see how the Church responds to this assault on their senses, or better still, how it filters through to Scientologists via the information coverage out there is big wide world. Time will tell.
Got a real buzz from the OT8 description/conversation, it explained a lot how two of my extended family have gone into hiding after doing it (they also hide from the Cof$ but at the same time still support/recommend it – insane but true).
The most corrupted institutions are the Churches.
Hubbard had a twisted sense of humor…..OT viii is an exact return to the beginning. What a twisted joke, huh? Back where you started from ..10,20,30 years ago….that engrams have these memories- not you! Your free of any of that! LOL
So, according to the last episode, folks are assuming anyone taken in by Scientology is either ignorant or gullible? Well, guess what, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s probably accurate. Most folks with even marginal skepticism would identify all this nonsense as a fraud, con, or hustle. The average Joe probably passes a dozen or so better con artists every day on the street and never even knows it.
But there is some good news, too; and that is you are not alone at being taken in by a cult, because Mormons are even more mainstream, and it only takes a brief perusal of the Book Of Mormon to conclude that cult and its followers are every bit as bat-scat crazy as Scientologists.
Oh, and I’ve been wanting to ask this ever since I saw the guy and heard the stories of physical beatings. How does a 5’5″ Oompa Loompa like Miscavige get away with physically abusing average sized human beings, most of whom tower over him and weigh 50-100 lbs. more than he does? If that dwarf put his hands on me I’d break both arms and snap his pencil neck; and I’m anything but a big guy… 5’9″ and 170 lbs..
I do appreciate the spotlight finally shining on these frauds, and it actually sounds like some significant crimes are being and have been committed. At the very least, RICO crimes seem ongoing; and if somebody rejected acceptable medical treatment for a terminal illness, in favor of something suggested or recommended by Scientology and/or its representatives, that sounds like manslaughter at the very least. I certainly hope law enforcement in all the states affected are on their toes and preparing to mete out justice.
Hi R.W.,
I confess that many years ago I might have thought just like you. But now I am not so quick to judge. You would be surprised to find that many Scientologists are way above average in intelligence and not necessarily ‘gullible’, tho it’s possibly true that many are equally naive or vulnerable…which are entirely different things. Many are very creative and talented, and certainly not lazy…they spend many hours a week studying and working…many a regular day job and an extra 40 or more hours working at their local Orgs. As someone who knew nothing at all about Scientology…then became a Scientologist for 9 years ( for several other reasons that had nothing to do with nativity, but would seem ‘stupid’ to others ;)…it would be wrong to assume that those that are members are ‘ignorant and gullible’. Human beings are mostly social creatures and have an innate need to ‘belong’ and people can get caught up and join Scientology for many reasons,…such as they may be searching for something ‘more’ in life, or to ‘better themselves’ or help others. Most Scientologists I know are good hearted and well meaning…but slowly mislead. The basic courses are easy and innocuous and actually many of them are helpful…the indoctrination of their beliefs and policies are insidious and the truth hidden until you get deeper into it…and that can take many years.
About smart people not being fooled by a dozen cons?….That’s also an assumption. Many a brilliant and wealthy person was taken in by the likes of Bernie Madoff’s schemes…and similar con artists…throughout history. Even the most elite can sometimes be fooled. Authorities and Intel agents uncluded 😉 Scientology is 10 times the con that any dozen con artists could come up with combined. It’s actually one of the best scams ever devised… And it’s very effective for a number of reasons…not the least of which ~because it’s interesting and new to others and those ‘selling’ it actually believe in the ‘tech’ ( principals ) making it easier to get past the reservations of many an intelligent person. They are well trained to crossover a person’s normal boundaries and and overcome their natural skepticism. And they’re are expert at what they do. And they will outright lie…very convincingly, possibly even fool a lie detector test…( saying things like “You can be a Christian or any other religion and also be a Scientologist” ). No. You can’t. But you won’t find that out for years.
The way they ‘love bomb’ is also very hard to resist…even if you’re not an egoist and given to flattery. In the early stages they encourage your gain in confidence and they’re SO positive and even ‘fun’. Suddenly you have 30 attentive happy ‘friends’ who are really interested in YOU and want you to be ‘happy’ too. You don’t see the darker side at all. Not for a long time. Later, abiding by their policies is equally hard not to do…for fear of the ‘punishments’ and inevitable losses you will be made to suffer…not just monetary…but you might lose your family…your friends…your job…your entire social circle and forced to divorce your spouse,…thru the ‘Disconnection Policy’…and ultimately lose your ‘eternity’ if you don’t ‘toe the line’ and dare to express doubts or leave Scientology. And after that you may face harrassment and other mayhem done to you according to their Fair Fame Policy should they perceive you to be a threat or ever get wind of you criticizing them.
A agree with much of the other things you expressed. And I like your attitude about taking on a ‘pencil necked’ DM if he ever dared to lay a hand on you. BTW, he’s only 5’1″…but I bet you could pin him to the wall by his ears in a heartbeat!…All 5’9″ and 170 lbs of you!
Thank you FredEx2. This is the hardest thing to overcome, all the Non Scns asking, “how did you ever get involved in a cult?” And, “Why I would never be taken in…” They assume you are stupid or naive or gullible, but most who got in were none of those things as you point out so well Your comment is good and needed to be said.
Beautifully articulated! I would venture to guess that research (if it exists) would suggest that cult meticulation has nothing to do with intelligence and all to do with emotional and/or spiritual need fulfillment/seeking. (Exempt from this are the 2nd generation etc. members, of course). Assumption is based solely on the majority of contributors comments when asked what attracted them to the cult, initially. Example: Leah’s mom….”I wanted to help people” …My guess, though she truly has a heart of gold, her decision maybe based on her own emotional need in order to find personal fulfillment. Perfect victim. Just thinking out loud…
Well FredEX2, I’m quite certain I didn’t say anything about members being “lazy”; made no mention of work ethic at all.
But the folks who fall for these “too good to be true” cons are gullible; they just are. That’s not to say they aren’t intelligent in other ways, perhaps academically; but from a common sense (which isn’t all that common today) or street sense perspective, they’d be considered a “mark”.
What’s most telling to me is when we see the interview with a much younger Leah Remini at the beginning of episodes, and she’s talking about how the world would be without Scientologists doing all these good deeds; except there never are any. I’ve yet to hear or read about any noteworthy and verifiable charity work. When we see the vast amounts of money they’ve clearly collected to buy up all that property and build these extravagant structures, surely there must be countless projects and accomplishments they could point to and make their case.
Any time other wealthy benefactors start a charitable foundation, establish scholarships or grants for further education, or donate 6, 7, even 8-figure sums to benefit others, it gets reported by the media, even if those benefactors didn’t want any publicity over it in the first place.
Well, this cult has obviously had access to the kind of money that would make it impossible to keep their charitable works a secret if they’d participated similarly to other multi-millionaire or billionaire entities and individuals.
I can’t recall where I read it now, but a story was published recently about Scientology claiming they’d sent tens of thousands of Scientologists to Texas to aid in the Harvey disaster; but someone on the ground there said there were actually fewer than 500.
That’s what I mean when I characterize members as “gullible”; after only a year, if there hadn’t been any news or evidence of charitable work having been accomplished, most observant folks would label that a “clue” that no such work was being performed. I’m not special, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t take me a year to arrive at that conclusion; the first time they handed me those ridiculous canisters in an auditing session I wouldn’t be able to continue because I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing long enough to go on.
mmmm…have a nice sleep.
curl up with your ignorant arrogance and find comfort in your superiority. You were never my people, never would be. Go along, do what it is you do. Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn.
Oh yes, you’re much too smart for the likes of us, why are you even bothering to comment?
Just a bunch of proles.
“Most folks with even marginal skepticism would identify all this nonsense as a fraud, con, or hustle. The average Joe probably passes a dozen or so better con artists every day on the street and never even knows it.”
We come here to listen to the likes of YOU.
Regarding the comment about folks who get involved in cults being ” ignorant and gullible”:
I’d recommend checking out Open Minds Foundation, Freedom Of Mind Resource Center, and International Cultic Studies Association. All are easy to find on the internet and offer tons of information about the general topics of cults and undue influence.
Two models that explain the mechanics of cult control and influence in a concise, comprehensive way are Steve Hassan’s BITE model(for behavior, information, though, and emotion control/modification) and Robert Jay Lifton’s 8 Criteria For Thought Reform.
The screaming, ranting, rabid smears…oops, non-emotional, unbiased and carefully structured replies from $camology will be well worth reading.
It’s been a hard day’s night, and I’ve been drinking like a cob
It’s been a hard day’s night, I should be sleeping with Tom
But when I get home to Gold I’ll threaten somebody’s soul
This makes me feel alright
You know I loaf all day and grab the money to buy me things
And it’s worth it just to hear them say “we’re gonna give you everything”
So why on earth should I care, cos I can get them declared
You know I feel OK
When I’m home no one and nothing seems right
When I’m home punching out somebody’s lights yeah
It’s been a hard day’s night, and I’ve been working like a cob
It’s been a hard day’s night, I should be sleeping with Tom
But when I get home to Gold I’ll threaten somebody’s soul
This makes me feel alright, owww
So why on earth should I care, cos I can get them declared
You know I feel OK
Moxie, now I know who you are 🙂 You keep changing your handle. That’s ok. Another cute one: especially do I like, “But when I get home to Gold I’ll threaten somebody’s sou. This makes me feel alright”.
Dark humor. This would make a sociopath “feel alright”.
Edot: “Soul”. Don’t mind me I’m just going blind.
LOL and I sang along till the end – oh my you too funny Moxie
Thanks Ms.P – I had to channel Paul on this one. ?
Off subject a bit…. so the news broke today that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx came out as a “couple” now that 5 yrs has passed since the divorce from Tom Cruise. With that being said, can/will Katie come forward and help with exposing Scientology further?
Whoo hoo! Go Katie Holmes! This has to be burning up La Cruise. He’ll need comforting from Captain Miscavige
Absolutely not, don’t hold your breath. She probably signed a 100 page divorce agreement that included her ultimate silence. This would also include Nicole K. and of course first wife Mimi.
Well, at least she can be a ‘voice actress’ as a narrator for future episodes of Aftermath. LOL
I’d like to know why anyone would have listened to Hubbard after seeing his nasty teeth. His lack of hygiene should have been enough for anyone to realize stay the hell away from him.
As for Leah’s Mom – she was alone & felt she found a family, so it’s not true what you said about regular people, etc. She was needy & vulnerable at that moment. I have no doubt they pounced on her for that.
The e-meter is so obvious – get all the info about the person for future blackmail. And they prove it – the first thing they do is grab the files when someone has finally awakened & fled.
“She was needy & vulnerable at that moment. I have no doubt they pounced on her for that.”
Which is how they preyed on my cousin . . . how they got a lot of kids either alone at university, in the service, etc. and away from family for the first time.
we never saw his teeth. Back in the day, y’know.
When they showed the footage of L Ron I told my husband he practically has an underbite a very bad lisp and crappy teeth…. maybe he didn’t have a social life so he sat down and made all of this stuff up! I understand the need to belong to something but this would’ve put anybody in financial hardship that wasn’t in the 1%! I mean what do they do to you when you run out of money there’s just so many credit cards you can get and so many times you can refinance your house. And how many bankruptcies were filed because of this cult? I know they would be vastly disappointed in me because I have no credit and I don’t have that kind of cash. So what happens to the people who run out of money? Are they asked politely ( or knowing this organization ) non-politely to leave? I am in awe of the bravery and fortitude that Leah and Mike show every week and I wish for a great strength and peace for the people who come on your show because entire lives have been destroyed and wasted and families have been decimated. My heart aches for the children who wanted parents and for the parents who have lost their children to the vortex of Scientology. God bless you all. The other show that mirrors some of this is “Escaping Polygamy” which people are trying to get out right and left and it is very much a controlled cult like this one and it breaks your heart when you see these families broken and battered. My heart goes out to all of you.
It was great seeing that short video of Hy Levy. He could sell ice boxes to Eskimos, couldn’t he?. I worked with him while he was still public before he became SO. One of the smartest individuals I’ve met, except for his belief that vitamins would mitigate his smoking habit. His desk always had about 10 bottles on it. Too bad he’s gone. Also episodes like this one are a great change of pace. You were the star, Mike.
I guess you could say I was a never in. Closest I came was taking some intro auditing at the Montrose mission in the late 80’s. Prices scared me away. However, I knew lots of scios.
I especially enjoyed this episode. The guests were all excellent, and I love how much carzy we heard directly from Hubbard. And those video success story excerpts…priceless!
wasn’t it just perfect? Oh, wow. All those perfectly timed interspersed tidbits, all those perfectly illustrated bits? Oh JOY!! I’m so happy. Devastated, you know, but vindicated!!!
As a retired LA cop who routinely drove by Scientology buildings I never knew what went on or still goes on inside. All the assaults and the hidden terrors behind the sparkling clean edifices topped with the counterfeit Christian cross have surprised and also disheartened me. As a former law enforcement officers we routinely arrested suspects for the same activities outside. I wish, in hindsight, that some of the 911 hang up calls, where we were met with stony silence, had been investigated more thoroughly. But buildings like Narconon and others were large and time was always of the essence.
“Counterfeit Christian cross”. Well said, This “religion” is so far removed from what Jesus Christ in the New Testament preached its not even funny. Aside from “scripture” from the Founder himself about it all being a myth, check out what Kirstie Alley said to Howard Stern not too many years ago: “We are not a ‘turn the other cheek’ type religion”. Well, that’s true but then why are your churches sporting all these crosses, boring bitch? Ooooh, I really wanted to smack her when I read that.
Kirstie is hoping in her “next” life she has a smaller butt ! Don’t count on it, fatso !
Dear one. Thank you, for caring.
Very, very good episode! One of my favourites. It explains very well the reason why people dedicated their life and their money to go up the bridge. Also, I did appreciate you invited 2 auditors who still believe in Scientology… it is a great respect for those who do not think it is all bullshit. I also loved the simulations of an auditing… I would appreciate more details and explanations of the process though.
For people who were deeply inside that was a tremendous episode.
That was honest and open dialogue between people who knows exactly what a matter is.
Mock process between Leah and Bruce looked as what auditing meant to be, friendly conversation and not the robotic go thru the list of processes.
I really hope that it will be more episodes like this.
Link to this episode below
Victor, thank you VERY much for posting the link. I live in Asia and appreciate this and hope you continue to do so.
Just saw the episode. Wunnerful, Wunnerful!
Dave, how do you like them apples?
Leah: Thank you.
Didn’t COS call for their members to boycott any advertiser on the show? So how are they going to see the Tom Cruise movie that was advertised?!?!? Great show! Great work in bringing light to this cult!
I laughed my ass out when before the preview on Aetv website watched tom cruise ads)))
Makes me wonder how the movie fared in international markets. Can’t be all that great. For this particular film, the studio’s decision was to release “American Made” in foreign theatres FIRST with domestic (i.e. the U.S.) ones last–a very unusual move for a supposedly “popular” Hollywood star. The only reasoning I can imagine why the film studio would choose to air Tom Cruise’s commercial during an anti-Scientology series is to take advantage of the large audience/rating pull of “Aftermath”. I dunno…all I see on Twitter and elsewhere are people (especially women) boycotting Scientology celebs and making vows to NEVER pay for a Cruise-starring movie ever again. Someone obviously wasn’t paying attention.
This was my favorite episode, Mike. As much as I love the personal stories, what you and Leah imparted to viewers last night was very powerful and insightful. It provided context for people to see what Scientology was all about about what your guests were involved with.
yeah! Yeah. Yeah yea yeah YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh. lots, right? I’m just so happy about it!!
The second season just gets better and better! Loved episode 4.
The dwarf must be having a conniption…
Daily seizures followed by scotch to smooth off the edges.
Yo Dave,
I see that your smear site on Bruce went up quickly. You know with all of the lies that You spew forth it seems like the material You created for Bruce was a bit light weight. Certainly You can make him appear a lot worse than that good buddy. Try again.
And by the way, where is my smear site? I feel shorted. (Oops sorry, I know You are sensitive to that word). Anyway, be sure to put in all of the times I raped, pillaged, burned various things and people and performed the sordid activities on the various animals ……… use your imagination Dave, such as it is but make it seem real, you know, like when You do those event thingys every now and then.
Dave: “Marty, handle that CSMF Nudecomer. And I mean terminatedly handle, boy, NOW, NOW, NOW!!! No one talks about me like that and gets away with it, capisce? I never forgive, never forget, I always even the score, ruin him utterly.
“Lou! Pour me a tall one while I give you a stiff one.”
Newcomer and Moxie, individually you’re each bad but together you’re lethal.
Suggest the two of you twin up on the SCBDAI.
Which would be the “Something Can Be Done About It” course. You know, the latest in the Golden Age of Truth series, onlly available out here on the Fringes of the Internet.
What newcomer said. And Moxie, I loved, “Lou! Pour me a tall one while I give you a stiff one.” ROTFLMFAO!!! Now that’s some funny shit!
The dwarf just shrunk. He’ll need to restock his wardrobe. Poor Dave.
He didn’t shrink. The pompadour just went straight up and vertical.
Bad hair day.
Guys! Guys! Please! This is so unfair to COB. Disparaging the man because of his size!
And its just untrue!
Have you forgotten His Immortal Defining Statement existing in perpetuity on the fringes of the internet?
Miscavige As Norma Desmond, haughtily: “I’m still big. Its the orgs that got small”.
A little respect, please.
Hard to respect a conniving impostor of a fake religion.
Very good show, and a good relief from the raw exposure of the church abuses. How indeed will DM respond? I find it difficult to picture the church ‘attacking’ the BRIDGE™. The fact that you include Ronit and Yossi , who deliver the BRIDGE(tm) outside the church, even poses a problem for DM to ‘attack’. Maybe DM will do something creative. This is a new problem, one that is not in the OSA playbook I would guess, so DM is gonna have to do something new.
Your short coverage of the Grades, which are IMO the valuable materials of Ron, did give the public a feel for what starts one onto the path, and that when the tech does help them in their daily lives it can hook a person. The emphasis on the $$$$$ spent along the path parallels the truth that the church puts all of their emphasis on the $$$$, WOW, that should produce sticker-shock to the viewers. The show reveals the honest (and dis-honest) end result of the upper bridge. And as Leah’s wonderful Mother summed it up: “I’m done.”
“DM is gonna have to do something new.” Hmm, like maybe think outside the Ronbox? 🙂
Dear Leah and Mike, Another GREAT episode. Yes, it may have been a breather in one respect, but the information from your panel brings insight and courage to act to many. I am also grateful to the many former members of other high demand groups who post on your Blog. Their insights are of inestimable value because they show the commonality of abuse and manipulation in ALL high demand groups. It also serves to educate others, as you and Leah are doing so incredibly well. And it enables your readers to educate their families and friends and associates about cults in general, what to watch for, how to recognize when someone is attempting a sophisticated Con on them, and to recognize when their hearts, their emotions, are being tugged in one direction when their instincts are telling them to leave. These subjects should be being taught in schools at this time, and sadly are not. Mike, please hug Leah for me. I am so proud of you, and her, for what you are both doing – fellows in arms standing for the truth!
Actually I thought it was a decently “fair and balanced” commentary on the subject matter. It was pretty much the truth.
I’m curious how the Church is going to mind twist this to death. They always do.
It still is a major blow to them if they expect to get new members,
Would be great if the both Seasons could be purchased by us who cannot see the episodes.
Preferably on DVD. Any plans for that ?
Mike, thank you to all who participated in last night’s show. It was really fascinating and contained a lot of information I was unaware of. I think by revealing the secrets of Scientology and allowing everyone some time to digest this stuff, a public outrage is growing. With Leah’s beautiful face on the cover of People magazine and in the news everywhere, I can hope for an end to the Cult’s hold on it’s followers and certainly a complete halt to any newcomers thinking of joining.
Though there was some humor at the table, I was really astonished at the weight of the truth revealed here and I want to commend Leah’s Mom for her unflinching honesty. The love between her and her daughter was palpable and I hope others see by their example that it IS possible to leave the cult and still have your family. It cannot be easy to bare your deepest feelings on national TV. I have immense respect and gratitude for each brave person on every show you’ve aired. It saddens me that they will be attacked viciously by the “church” and I hope they don’t read or listen to the lies that will be told in the futile attempt to discredit them.
You have pointed out that the suicide rate in Scientology and among Ex’s is higher than the national averages. I really do pray that revealing these hard facts about the lies of the cult doesn’t cause anyone anywhere on the spectrum of belief to harm themselves or become depressed about their involvement. As you continue to shed light on the abuses, I think you are giving hope to those who are waking up. So many of us care deeply about them and are doing whatever we can to be a part of the solution.
Excellent show, as always.
I was raised in the Mormon church, but was excommunicated over 20 years ago. Unlike Scientologists who leave, former Mormons can still have their families in their lives as the Mormon church has no policies on shunning apostates. (There was a time when Blood Atonement, the teaching of Brigham Young’s that there are sins for which the Blood of Christ in insufficient atonement. They could only be saved by their own blood shed. This included apostasy, but thankfully is no longer practice today.)
Hearing the comments in last night’s episode reminded me of hearing comments about the Mormon temple from other former Mormons. The Mormon temple is built up as something wonderful, but for many Mormons, especially those who went through before April of 1990, the experience was unsettling. There are the secret handshakes and passwords still in the endowment ceremony. Prior to 1990, however, members would be required to pantomime the various ways in which their lives could be taken should they reveal any of the signs, tokens, and penalties associated with any of the tokens of the Aaronic or Melchizedek priesthoods. One of these penalties involved symbolically drawing one’s thumb quickly across the throat from ear to ear.
Even with the penalties removed, one is left with a Masonically-inspired rite which leaves many feeling bewildered. All but one of the handclasps is drawn from Freemasonry. Until 2005, initiates were required to undergo washing and anointing ceremonies whereby they were naked but covered with a sheet. A male or female temple worker, depending on the sex of the temple patron, would wash the various parts of the body, reaching under the sheet as necessary. Now, I believe that they are fully clothed or at least wearing the underwear which all faithful Mormons who have been through the temple are required to wear throughout their lives.
If you are a Mormon and have grown up as a Mormon, you have spent your whole life hearing how wonderful the temple is. You cannot discuss anything about the temple outside the temple. So if you have questions afterwards, there really is nowhere you can turn because it is seen as so sacred. It would be a violation of your temple covenants to even talk about it.
I’ve often said that if there were reincarnation, L. Ron Hubbard would have been a reincarnation of Joseph Smith!
Ex-A, this is fascinating learning more about the Mormon stuff. I grew up amongst Mormons as a non-Mormon and never knew some of this stuff. I do see the similarities between the secrecy of the OT Levels and the secrecy of the Mormon Temple rites. Can you tell us more about the blood atonement? Is this what was being done in the Mountain Meadow Massacre where Mormons lured their non Mormon friends out to the meadows and then at the word from the leader, they turned on their friends and shot them?
I think what happened at the Mountain Meadows was rooted in something known as the Mormon Reformation. The Mormons had endured vicious persecutions in Missouri. In fact, the Governor of the State of Missouri even gave an extermination order, declaring that the Mormons must be driven from Missouri or exterminated. The US government had sent troops to Salt Lake City. Brigham Young and other Mormon leaders were giving these apocalyptic sermons. This was a period when Blood Atonement was very much taught. There was a natural suspicion of outsiders. Who knew if they were linked to the government?
The victims of Mount Meadows were not friends of the Mormons. They were passing through on their way to California. I remember reading that some heard they were originally from Missouri.
There was only one man prosecuted for the massacre, namely John D. Lee. Interestingly, some of his descendants were my best friends growing up!
In some versions of the Mountain Meadow Massacre, it is said that Brigham Young himself ordered it. Thanks for the information, Ex-A.
And you’re right that they weren’t the Mormon’s friends. However, the account I read said that the Mormons “befriended them” and offered to help them over the pass and walked with them to show them the way and then on command turned and shot them.
My great Grandfather William Leany was there. He was severely injured and never fully recovered because he helped some of them, because they had helped him earlier.
Maybe that reincarnation did occur, the other way around. Smith/Hubbard found a way to manufacture and sell his seeing stones — the e-meter.
Ex aedibus, Scientology has ties and inspirations originating in Freemasonry through Aleister Crowley’s OTO, a fraternal lodge and secret society, which in turn had roots in the Order of the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucianism (all of them, using the hermetic cross on which Scientology’s is based). I often think that Scientology, and to some extent Mormonism, are not properly acknowledged as modern variants of esoteric initiatory orders, with inner secrets revealed only to adepts.
Hubbard dispensed with the ritual trappings of Freemasonry such as ceremonies and outfits (including aprons, which will be familiar from Mormon temple ceremonies), but in some ways hews closer to other elements of it and its esoteric variants such as through their “levels” similar to degrees.
I think it is a fair comparison to see both Scientology and Mormonism as initiatory orders. When you’re growing up in the church, you’re promised “further light and knowledge” in the temple. Many Mormons stay because of the promise of eternal families. That is the carrot which is held before them. There was absolutely intense pressure put on me to remain a Mormon, despite the fact that I did not believe in it. If I left the church, I would be walking away from the family for all eternity.
I just find it interesting that there is such a similar reaction between those ex-Scientologists who attested to OT VIII and those former Mormons who have been through the temple. It’s a feeling of “is this all there is?” There is a higher ritual than the Endowment, but most Mormons don’t know what it is or have never experienced it. It is what is called the Second Anointing. It is given only to couples who are invited by the First Presidency (the top three officials) to receive it. Where the Endowment promises exaltation conditional upon the righteousness of the temple patrons, the Second Anointing promises it. Usually, the only people given this Second Anointing are super devout, so they would never reveal it anyway.
An English ex-Mormon named Tom Phillips received it and revealed what was involved with the Second Anointing. Of course, the Mormon church refuses to confirm or deny the truth of anything he has said on that matter.
Another great episode Mike! Very informative for us “never ins” but probably a huge eye opener for those still in and/or under the radar! The whole scam has just been exposed! There is no pot of gold at the end of the bridge. Just lost time, money and friends and family. Hopefully this is the one to completely empty out the orgs.
LRH, a science fiction author wrote the BEST SELLER of his entire career…..”The Bridge To Total Freedom” which he has successfully sold for several decades, & continues to sell.
I can just picture him, sitting there by himself as he built his “chart” of how to get to OT VIII & how much $$$ he could pull in if only he could SELL his idea to those who were seeking to in his own idea “clear the planet”. During the 1950’s & well into the 1960’s & 1970’s a new world was forming…..the peace & love generation was blossoming & along with it the “flower children” who wanted a more loving, kind, generous world different from the ones their parents lived in.
LRH pulled in many who were seeking a so called better way of life. Those same people gave up everything to be part of what I refer to as a “cult classic”. Word spread like wildfire, & many signed up giving away everything & anything…including their children…to be with the organization.
Problems seemed to arise when it was discovered that very few were EVER “good enough”. There was always a reason why one could not move up the bridge successfully. Or possibly, an error in the books like too many ;;;;;;; meant the book was reprinted & a new book was demanded to be purchased. I can imagine the horror & disappointment many suffered as they felt never good enough to get to even come close to making it 1/4 of the way across that bridge after spending countless hours and mega bucks. All their money gone, credit cards maxed out, working 18 or more hours a day to “buy” their way to entering the bridge, their own children virtual strangers that they rarely see.
I recall reading a good deal of material in 1967, 1968,1969, 1970 about the “Moonies, Hare Krishna, & Dianetics……there didn’t seem to be any real sense in any of it. Friends I knew got involved with the Moonies & Krishna’s….only a small handful got into Scientology. For myself, common sense made me rethink any of it…I am a wait and see person who doesn’t make snap decisions, which save me more than once.
As Leah basically said at the end of the show….even though people expected it to get better…it never did, yet they stayed in for years. Some of their parents & siblings have died naturally or by their own hand, their children are still in the “program” & are virtual strangers raised by seemingly a loveless cult, others like Leah managed to get out WITH their child & spouse & extended family.
Sadly like so many others, close family remain willingly locked in as their personal decision. When & IF, & it is a huge IF…..”something needs to be done”….come to fruition…those same people will still hang on for dear life to the only thing they’ve ever known.
Fear is a great motivator to control people….fear of losing one’s entire family or part of their family. Fear of never being able to financially survive in the outside world because just how would someone with little education going to be able to find a good paying job. Having only pocket change to pay for a room/apartment/food/clothing. Rice & beans sounds pretty good when one has nothing else or no one else to turn to for help. Some who weren’t in so deep can walk away without being “chased down”, in a sense they’re the lucky ones if you can even call it that. They’ve got work on the outside…..hopefully not owned by the organization.
The fiasco over the FLDS Warren Jeffs situation left a bad taste in the mouth of the government. Even after government intervention, life continues with multiple marriages in Jeffs’ cult & also with the Kingston clan who move people around like they are no more than a game piece from a Chess set. Don’t bother looking for “Shelly M.”….she is like certain valuable people (women in FLDS) secured away. These people seem to be able to get away with this, I thought human trafficking for ANY purpose was illegal, right?
HOW can law enforcement simply “take someone’s word” that Shelly M. is “fine” when they have NOT seen her or spoken to her? Wouldn’t one HOPE that the organization would HAVE to produce a vial person who would physically appear in front of them. WHY would they accept a statement without having a one on one contact with Shelly herself……WHY?….because they can.
This episode was more than an eye opener, we’ve seen “the chart” before but to actually hear out of the mouths of those who were deeply entrenched in the organization…the explanation of “registrar” who went on the computer to dig deeply into someone’s personal finances to find MORE $$$ that could be “given” to the organization for classes/lesson to begin & continue to make it through…..all too sad.
Thank You to every one who appeared, they bared their deepest souls to all of us…….
This is an excellent and moving post Ballet Lady, your empathy for all concerned shines thru like a beacon!
This was my favorite episode so far. It ought to be required viewing for all who are on, or thinking of getting onto, the Bridge. I think you’ve improved upon an already excellent program by adding this special episode, and I look forward to more.
NRN, I agree with your name. Without reservation.
How many of these people end up losing everything, go bankrupt, etc. Hopefully, the exposure will help any potential newcomers make the right choice.
Scientology is the apotheosis of mind control operations, conceived by a Svengali-like character named L. Ron Hubbard, with the hidden agenda of extracting maximum dollars with minimum return from those under its sinister influence.
I cry just about every time I watch your program Leah and Mike. It is understandable how people were indoctrinated into this cult. Your mother, Leah wanted to help people and this cult made many promises to help the world and make it a better place . Most people that have joined seemed to be kind souls that just wanted to make things better for the Less fortunate. How heart breaking it must have been for those who went through the courses and practiced Scientology to realize that it was a scam. A money making scam. My heart goes out to them as they are victims too. Victims of a vicious money hungry leader L. Ron Hubbard and now David Miscavige. I am Canadian and Checked to see the status of the cult with regards to paying taxes here in Canada. It looks like they are a taxable business which gives me some relief. I could not believe how scientologists were trained to get every last penny out of their parishioners . Mike and Leah are heroes and so is every other person that speaks the truth about this evil cult. I wait for the day that the little troll D.M. Is in jail and all of his money taken from parishioners is returned in some form. There is nothing kind or loving about a church who treats people so terribly. A church that allows physical, emotional and sexual abuse to go on. I hope Tom Cruise and J.T. Also join Miscavige in his little jail cell. They know better and have access to the outside world unlike most parishioners who are not allowed to read books, newspapers etc. If T.C. And J.T. Do not denounce this fraud they are no better than the lowest of the lowest scum. Actually any celebrities who now speak out for D,M. Need to know the outside world knows they are frauds and will not support their arrogance and illegal actions with this cult. Once again thank you to all of the people who have told their stories.
Mike and Leah, all your shows have been terrific in showing the harm done to members and is so appreciated.
The Roundtable was just what was needed. The public now will know some of what the heck this organization is and how one gets hooked. Thank you so much for concentration on the public view and education.
The question in my mind is: when I see a Scientologist , is there a phrase, a word, something I could say to get them to hear the possibility of freedom?
I drive past Hemet once a week and think maybe we need a group who patrol the road with signs saying Your Ride to Freedom is here.. NO one shoudl be help prisoner in a (SO CALLED) “church”
I was thinking about a full fledged parade drive by about once a month . . . with loud speakers and streamers . . . and messages like:
How can you end human rights abuses when you’re being abused by your church.
Actual “Total Freedom” is had outside the church.
OT8 is a LIE
A celebration like a Mummers Parade . . . except everyone in slow moving cars and trucks
Armored tanks and a SWAT team would be more effective.
Can I drive one of the tanks? And can we go to Big Blue with it?
Yes dude. Now listen to your father and be sure to eat all your vegetables.
WWII blowups with sound effects?
Fair game back atcha!
Sounds good to me.
I’ll supply oranges at half time, if that helps…
I’d be interested to know how many are even at Gold base anymore. Numbers are dwindling cult-wide. A friend of mine who lives closer than I do drove by and then parked on the public road near main entrance for about 15 mins and no one came out. Not the norm behavior, from what I’ve learned and read.
I especially loved how you guys answered the “why” question a lot of never-ins have who wonder how anyone could be “sucked into this”. If there’s one thing I’d love to see other never-ins realize, it’s that there are perfectly legitimate reasons people “got sucked into this” in the first place (and that doesn’t count those born/raised in it, through no choice of their own). It has absolutely nothing to do with someone’s intelligence, culpability, naivety, etc. It has to do with them having the best of intentions to help themselves, their families, and others.
They didn’t have the information that we all so readily have available these days, and we all need to realize that. This is even more particularly true before the rise of the internet, when former members didn’t have the same luxury we have these days to quickly and easily learn about it before we “tried it”.
It’s easy to judge others and self-righteously claim “I would NEVER……”, but psychological manipulation is a real thing, and we’re all susceptible to it, and we’ve all been “sucked into it” in various ways. During a political election season, just think about how “brain-washed” you consider any of your intelligent friends who support “the other guy” to be…..and then realize that they’re thinking the exact same thing about you. Politicians play off our hopes and fears (they offer hope for a better life for you, and they make you fear how their opponent will destroy you). This so-called “church” does the same thing (hope for your eternity, fears of “wog world”).
So please, stop judging people and be humble enough to realize it could have happened to literally any one of us, and that it has and does happen to us in other areas of our lives from time to time. Fortunately, we have people speaking out very loudly about the dangers of scientology right now, which is saving many others from getting involved in this. Most of these former members didn’t have that particularly luxury we now have of just a few clicks away on the net to research this stuff. Please try to be more understanding and less condescending (I know that’s not anyone’s intention, but I imagine it can certainly come off in a very condescending way to former members).
Great observation and reminder. I agree that compassion is the order of the day. As a matter of fact, this series has prompted me to put myself in the shoes of a committed Scientologist, and I can honestly say that there are more similarities than I am comfortable with. I am a committed Christian and believe things that I cannot explain very well. I guess one of the differences are that my church encourages a 10 percent tithe, but won’t kick me out if I don’t. It’s not like God needs my spare cash, its more an encouragement to take the opportunity to give.
Take care and take heart, others know of the struggles to exit a powerful organization and care.
Thank you Mick Roberts!
I was talking with my dad about the episode, and he was all, “who could possibly believe all of that?” (but with more expletives)
My reply was, “You’re asking the wrong question — who would THINK of all of that and then inflict it on other people?”
I was riveted to this show. I’ve already stated above my feelings about Ronit and Yossi on the show. Bruce Hines was very good; so measured and still has that Auditor Beingness :). Loved watching his video of The Truth Rundown. Wish there was time to show that!
I’m glad that Vicki was on too; she was really good in showing how one gets into the pickle of not being able to talk or express how they really feel when going up The Bridge – you wrap your mind around it and see snakes instead of ropes – or else, and I was touched at the end when Vicki was teary with Leah.
I thought the interjection of the events and “success story” videos was really good but I especially liked the little shout out to Hy Levy (RIP) – wish you had the time to show more of it and his life as a reg. I guess there just isn’t enough time to show the full length and breath of this church’s corruption. But Leah and Mike and doing a good job of it as can be done.
Mike! I love when you put up links to read and learn. I have not seen last night’s show but I have it in my dvr for later.
Thanks for all you do!
Marie, you’re going to love episode 4. And I’m hoping for a fourth season. Scientology is being exposed little by little.
I was given “Dianetics” about 30 years ago as a gift and found it interesting. I thought at some point I might check out Scientology further. So glad I did not! It is too bad that this organization has been recognized as a tax exempt church. It is definitely a “belief system” as are all the other cults. The damage they are doing to so many individuals is horrific. Thanks so much Mike & Leah for your efforts.
Every culture and religion has its creation stories, which would seem to be what OTIII is all about. But this is the first I’ve come across that makes a person pay upwards of 40K to hear it!!! This was a good episode, explaining what the bridge is all about. I was in a fundamentalist Christianity religion for many years before being introduced to Scn, and the parallels in some areas are startling. For example, disconnection was a common policy, also the “divine order”, as well as “don’t go down to Egypt for help” ie – don’t go to psychologists or counselors for mental or emotional help. I understand LRH “borrowed” from many religions, so it would seem he cherry-picked and refined the ways that would keep people in line and constantly paying more $$.
I would say that as a Bible believing, evangelical Christian for 45 years there are absolutely NO parallels between it and Scientology. You must have been in a cult that called itself “christian” as there are many of those.
Um… there are parallels, but Scientology is worse than most Christianity at this point. Could be a contest between Scio and 15th-16th century xianity.
Mrs. Merritt Cook, there are many different and varying evangelical Christian churches. It may well be that as regards your church dogma there are no parallels between it and Scientology. But I have relatives who are extremely devout evangelicals and there are several frightening (to me) parallels between how they operate in life to how Scientologists operate in life, including what media they allow in their lives (whatever their pastor says is ok or not ok) and how they vote (ditto). Like Scientologists, they mostly do as they are told by – you guessed it – their pastor. They’re also “encouraged” to associate only with other evangelicals as much as possible. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not painting all evangelical Christians with this broad brush. But I do know these people – quite well, and there are clear parallels. That’s all I’m saying.
Only one was worse: Jonestown.
I just finished watching this episode. This morning, I have deep compassion for all those inside the CoS, those who have left, and those who are thinking about leaving.
It must be or had been, a great personal need of the individual to look toward scientology as their belief system. To want to be a better person, to help your fellow man and to ‘make a difference’ for good in this world is never a bad thing. It is the overt manipulation of these good people that is the evil.
Thank you Mike and Leah for this new perspective.
This was entertaining … Mike and Leah, you are good moderators. The show demonstrated the incredible cost to progress up the Bridge.
I very much enjoyed the show even though I knew everything except the OT VIII cog. Why am I not too surprised by that ep? it’s the punchline after all!
Keep up the good work. A&E obviuosly have their thinking caps on by airing this epidode at this point in the season as it was perfectly scheduled!
I was just wondering if David miscavige and Tom Cruise had to pay all that money?
You’re wondering up the wrong street with that question. They are both criminals.
What is unbelievable is this: Scientologists are essentially worshipping Hubbard as a God. He was a man, who on one hand was most likely a genius but on the other hand totally mentally ill. A “real” church or religion has a doctrine, they hide NOTHING from their parishoners, they are not rich, nor own millions in real estate. They have food banks and regularly do good works. They do not charge you to come and worship, God’s love and Grace are free. This is and never was a “church”! What breaks my heart is the fact that people who have left this cult are now fearful and skiddish to ever belong to anywhere again. Keep in mind….Scientology was formed in the 1950’s, Christianity and the Bible has been around for 4,000 years, there is a reason for that!
Very good point.
I worked in it for over 2 years and saw the wrongs being done so I left.
It took me almost 10 years but discovered the true and living God of the bible.
I hope others will be open and simply ask Jesus to reveal Himself as He did to me.
It was revelation NOT cognition!
May truth prevail in us all…
Wow. Some of these processes and levels seem like a cruel joke, a prank people pay to play on themselves. And the costs are utterly insane. It’s like the prosperity gospel churches, with money as a sign of God’s favor.
I’d love to see how the cult spins having an indie on the show. Denouncing them is going to look like a heresy trial. Indies are not a problem – I believe they are wrong, but I also think every religion that contradicts mine is wrong! I do not believe in the practice of Buddhism, but Buddhists are not the enemy or bad. Scientology does not tolerate any deviation from the sacred tech. The worst medevial inquisitors would approve.
Great points! I wonder if anyone else noticed that the empty seats at that round table could have been occupied by any cult representative, who could have given the corporate cherch’s side of the story, but, like always, they were conspicuous in their absence and notably unwilling (or unable) to defend the cherch and its puny punching pontiff from the very serious allegations of ongoing crimes and abuses that have made against.
The cult would rather snipe from the bushes and mount hysterical personal attacks against those that it has already victimized and defrauded than to face them and respond directly to their allegations.
Such a craven and cowardly cult! This season of Leah and Mike’s cult-ending series is doing a remarkable job of exposing the cult’s inherent malignancy and the truly evil nature of its current absolute ruler. Exactly how many lives will be saved as a result of it airing is incalculable, but as the series hosts have said repeatedly, “If even one person is saved, then it will have been worth it!”
My bet is that many more than that will be inoculated against this virulent meme disease and will never walk through the cult’s front door to begin with!
This famous sign by Dante could well be hung on every Scientology building entrance:
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!”
Had to let you know I live in Mesa Arizona and the Scientology here close jail we only have one left in Phoenix. With your help we can get rid of that one too.
Truly enjoyed the episode it was very eye-opening. I am very grateful as I posted in Facebook today, that I am so poor that I cannot afford some of the basic necessities days. I have to admit it’s something I’ve not been ever grateful for. Although I’ve been grateful for just what I’ve had. I am so sorry and truly understand how people can be persuaded into these situations. I was a girl scout Sunday school teacher mom of 3 boys and turned into a drug addict. For no other reason than to lose weight. Yeah it’s vain, I realize that now. But when you’ve been fat your whole life and alone most people don’t even see you. So when you have the chance to change that you do. Same in Scientology in the sense that you find something that you want to change so you find a way to do it even if it’s not. And watch you guys every week and I am amazed at how far you’ve come and are still willing to go. I am a Christian so my thoughts and prayers will be with you. Although I am not the conventional Christian that attends church. I am the one that tries to live like Jesus. Sometimes I can but even more times I miss the mark. But I will say one thing to both of you you are hitting it on the head, whether meaning to or not. May you continue your journey to save thousands of others and to end their nightmare whether they realize they’re in one or not. Until next week
Never thought that this series would resonate with those outside the cult in that way. My best to you.
I loved tonight’s show. I never got sucked into Scientology, tho when I lived in Germany, they were on every street corner recruiting. I had a creepy vibe about it. I have read books by people who escaped, such as you and DM’s dad and Leah’s book and the one by the guy who escaped on his motorcycle (sorry I don’t know all the names), but even with reading these books the OT-VIII disclosure came as a complete shock and let down. OMG! The biggest con in history I’d bet. You mean that people pay thousands to complete all these levels and revisions of books only to be told in the end that they have completed the last step and now they are ready to move on and discover who they are!!? WTF! RH was off his rocker and yet brilliant at cranking out book after book on his grandiose vision just like he cranked out his sci-fi fiction. And it turns out it was another longer fiction he was writing with volumes and volumes to entertain his victims while he bilked them out of everything. Wow. Just Wow.
So here’s an idea since the “parishioners” are forbidden to look up outside sources. I wonder if it would be possible to charter planes in the areas of their main compounds, fill them up with pamphlets that will begin by praising scientology, but gradually will turn the tables on the whole scam until before they know it they’ve read contraband anti-scientology propoganda and dump the pamphlets out of the planes into the compounds. Some of the parishioners might, just might, be intrigued enough by the favorable lead-in to find out a few very suspicious activities of the church before they realize what they are reading. Just an idea I thought I’d float. Try quietly setting up a “go fund me” page where people who are following this scam can donate to carry such an operation out.
Anyway, continue the good fight. I think the church is losing members and that their popularity is waning, and you could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
When I learned about OTIII, I felt so betrayed. That this ridiculous explanation of a person’s difficulties in life was, first, believed and, second, kept secret by so many people I respected, knocked me over. Now I hear that, in the end, the whole effort was for dealing with a fallacy. All that money, all that sacrifice, all that missed time with my family, all the deprivation, the pretending, the avoidance of medical care and self care. No wonder people left. I feel sorry for the poor souls who completed OT VIII and are leaders of OT Committees in an effort to be able to do the next level and discover who they are, when they already do, and always have known. It is L Ron Hubbard’s punch line of an elaborate joke.
Two questions:
1. With his genius in uncovering the truth about the universe and creating a “Tech” to master it, why couldn’t L. Ron Hubbard do anything about his own teeth?
2. In seeing the old footage of Mike and Tommy Douglas, it reminded me of that footage where John Sweeney was interviewing scientologists for the BBC. Mike and Tommy stood there in the wings chomping on gum at a furious pace. I have seen this before with scientology spokespeople. Mike, is there any reason for the gum chomping, or was it just a purely random thing? Millions of us need to know.
Not to worry. If you feel at all fucked up after OT 8, all that means is that you’re dramatizing your next level and all will be fine after you do … OT 9!!! (after a redo of your purif, objectives and a full round of FPRD of course).
Right. You’ll need several redos. To get you “set up”. And that phrase can be taken definitively 🙂
Mike….tonight’s episode was excellent. Very informative for a Wog at any level….beginner, intermediate, or advanced. I did not know that OTVIII just brings you back to where you started….as Yourself. Plus…the footage of DM selling his semicolon bullshit was hilarious ?. Loved that. Doesn’t all of his altering of LRH’s original tech make him a Squirrel???? and therefore, a pint-sized SP?
Cheers for tonight’s show. ????
The most useful episode, so far. Being forewarned is being forearmed for our young people that may be snared by this cult. As we can see there has been some tax trouble in Toronto and now Montreal https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/05/18/church-of-scientology-owes-city-over-100000-as-yonge-bloor-site-languishes.htm. Continuing great job on the series; good work for you and the best of luck.
Link showing page not found.
Loved this episode. Keep up the great work. Thank you.
I always notice and apprecite the hard evidence that is presented on the show. The footage that showed the CO$ recruiters being told to get the parishioners money or get another credit card was shocking. I have read about that but to see footage and hear the attitude is just appalling. I also appreciate the quotes highlighted right out of the text. The show is so well done. Thank you for all that you are doing.
ex-scientologist Steven Mango recently spoke to how this affects him now that he’s out. All this credit card debt has crashed his credit score, so it make it difficult for him to find a job. Taking that at that credit scores effect housing etc,
“But one’s creditworthiness, as reflected in a FICO score or a credit report, now affects a lot more than the ability to borrow money or buy something on credit. It can affect whether you get a job, what you pay for insurance, and even how your personal relationships work out. . . Federal law also allows landlords to use credit data in making a decision on whether to rent you an apartment.”
Co$ is burning ex-members in as many ways as possible. Even if they don’t come out with books, youtube channels or on Leah and Mike’s show.
Fabulous show tonight… Very informative, Mike. OT 8 cracked me up. Seriously! Such profoundness! It’s like a huge grift…one big con job. Very sad.
It’s a worldwide con & business. And their business to extract all of your money.
It reminds me of the end of that fabulous 1967 remake of Faust, Bedazzled. Peter Cooke made an excellent devil.
Ronit was the best auditor I ever had—so compassionate, such a consummate pro and really cared about helping me. I love that woman. Now that we are both out, I have the perspective that this says everything about the state of Scientology today. DM took everything he could out of the very best people, sucked the life out of them and drove them away.
Your instinct and Leah’s for content is right on. You have such a varied and wide audience that everything you do inevitably speaks to someone. Personally, I appreciate how you are able to convey to never-ins how smart people with the best of intentions get drawn into this cult with false deception and then further kept in by manipulative lies. It helps others understand the mindset of how cults trap people and keep them in. It’s too easy to be dismissive of how people like us who spent our lives in are morons—and maybe we were—but it’s more important to understand the mechanism that keeps cults going and preys upon people even as we speak.
As I said before Mike, you are doing God’s work. Stay strong and keep up the good fight.
What is frightening is imagining if David Miscavige had not been incompetent. If he had been a decent leader, many of those driven away might still be living in the fantasy land imagined by LRH, still drained of their lives and finances, but maybe treated better.
We should be thankful that David Miscavige is a posterboy for how NOT to run an organization. His actions and tactics have driven people away from scientology at an accelerating rate, and recruiting “fresh meat” is virtually impossible. He is like the reverse of King Midas. Everything he touches just turns to sh**.
Ask any person at work, on the street, in a grocery store, anywhere, what they think of scientology, and you know what they’ll say.
It’s over, David.
“We should be thankful that David Miscavige is a posterboy for how NOT to run an organization. ” You bring up an interesting point. What if David Mayo had not been targeted for character assassination? And he or someone else from the “technical” (auditing-therapy) world had inherited the reigns after Hubbard passed? Things could have been much different.
How much is DM and how much is co$ policy? One gets the impression with how much co$ policy is dedicated to micromanaging, that there is a policy on how to wipe one’s own ass.
I’m glad this show included Ronit and Yossi. Her sweet husband really tore at my heart strings when he broke down; it is so interesting that as we do these shows and start reliving the trauma, so many of us break down. Note to OSA: It was NOT scripted or dramatized. Leah is just a very good interviewer, knows how to listen and pull strings and in the process, we go to that place in or hearts and souls where damage was done by this oppressive/suppressive group/man.
I’m glad Ronit and Yossi were on the show. While many who get out of the the church unravel, they get to a point where they don’t want any more scientology ever. But I think it’s good to know that outside of the church, if you want to continue, it is not oppressive. You’re allowed not to believe, which changes the whole nature of it. One won’t be punished with some negative label (No Case Gain) or worse, as Bruce Hines pointed out (A Suppressive Person Declare) if you state you don’t believe it or you didn’t get the gains out of it.
Thank you Leah and Mike.
Perfectly stated. Cults have been able to manipulate people for decades. It could have been anyone if the circumstances were right. I certainly believe that most “Scientologist” are intelligent and well meaning individuals. I fear that Miscavige will see the end coming, liquidate and disappear without ever having any punishment for all the fortunes and lives he has destroyed. Evil little tyrant!!
Spent many wonderful hours of auditing with Ronit. Just a lovely, lovely, lovely woman!
She cares so much about getting you to where you want to go. She never made it about her or money, it was all about results.
One of the most influential people I have come across in my life and I will always be deeply grateful for the help she gave me.
Mike- my best friend and I watch ” together ” every week. She is in Colorado and I am in South Dakota. This episode really clarified a lot for us both about exactly what all the bs is about. I have read half a dozen books by former Scientology members- when will you write yours?
I liked Leah asking the questions and allowing responders to speak. Her interview skills were the best tonight, in my view. She was cute as ever and the mom daughter dynamic was great.
Mike, you shined tonight. You are a good speaker and make complicated Scientology concepts clear. I know there is so much more of you to tell. I honor what you are both doing.
I hope you get to the OT 8 anti christ thing. It’s actual history and people should know who Ron was. The good and the bad.
At times I felt you guys used Scientology terms that others would not know. It’s hard not to I know. But you usually cleared it up.
Thank you Mike……. thank you ?
Jesus fuck man. Yes there may be lots of wrongs, and there may be a few rights. The thing is, there are a lot of karmic forces in action here (karma being intention, deed). If you want a start a witch hunt I’ll just come out , come onto the show and take back the freaking church and make everything better. But that ain’t gonna happen. Look, I’d love to say, “hey sistas and bros, Xenu is handled. Thanks for everyone’s help!” I’d love to say, “thanks everyone, we did great at clearing the planet, but there is still a lot of work to do.” And I’d especially love to use the line, ”you will be made whole.” like in the show Breaking Bad. Id love to say, ”Hey Sea Org, here’s what were going to do now”. And I’d love to use the loot for loads of good. I’d love to just come out and say, “Yes Yes Yes, I’m the worst of the worst!! Only going to get better from here.” perhaps in due time. The thing is, I actually believe in myself. And if that anti- Christ shit is true (so far so good) it’s the only thing off limits. Look, I’d love to be all peace out, but apparently Jesus is going to come throw me into hell – but I just made peace with him in the flesh, so that’s bullshit. If some other imperialist wants to rule the earth- Fuck That. I put my foot down. I’m going to do what I can, now fuck off. And I love you.
Say, what?
Waiter? Yes, I’ll have whatever M8 is having.
Could you BE any more confusing?
Blue pill mmm ahh. What? 😀 I honestly don’t know where to dig up the suitcases of cash.
I have to wait ’til tomorrow to watch it, but I’m looking forward to it!
I just saw it. You’re going to love it, Gus!
So sad tonight, after watching about the young suicides. Their religion failed them. They were beautiful children.
Actually the sane compassionate people around Taylor Tweed failed her, not her “religion”. Especially her mother Cathy Tweed. The “religion” didn’t fail at anything it behaved exactly as Hubbard intended it.
So anyone watching tonights episode can now ‘attest’ to being OT-VIII, without giving a dime to Miscavige’s scam! Great job.
… but what about when David Miscavige reveals OT IX and OT X? He’ll need more dimes for that, won’t he?
The joke being we’re all OT8 to start with. You can also bypass OT9 and 10 by accepting we’re all just here, doing what we can with what we have.
I loved tonights episode. I am not a Scientologist but always thought, all of the people showcased appear not only to be Well Read, Polite, Obviously hard working, strong ethical people. It helps so much to know that its a Long Con that yall get roped into. It makes me so angry that the “man behind the curtin” knowingly and WILLFULY took advantage of you all. And now its David Miscavige doing it.
Who can I go to, to start or begin a way to tear this criminal organization apart. The slave labor, or the IRS scheme should be the linchpin in their coffins. Please direct me to where to go. Either as a post or twitter etc. I dont know where to begin to help these victims.
Courtney, it is good to see you are motivated to take action.
I’d advise you to check out Jeff Augustine’s website, The Scientology Money Project, which will direct you on how to take action against scientology and strike them where it counts, by depriving them of the only thing they really care about, money. (All that talk of planetary clearing and helping the universe is simply a sideshow invented by Hubbard. What he was really after was money, and he even said so.)
How to contact the IRS:
IRS petition to start an investigation into scientology’s tax exempt status:
Once the money stops, the world will be a much better place without scientology.
Thank you. I am going to start today!. I will put My money, My time, My effort into tearing this criminal organization down. (“MY…” are of course a counter to what Scientology is stealing from its believers). I appreciate your response. I really do!
You go, Courtney! Give ‘me Hell!
Should be give ’em Hell. Damn autocorrect.
Clearly Mr. Hubbard was in need if some serious help. Permently out to lunch!
Hubbard was a whack job…totally out of his mind.
As always a powerful and clear (see what I did there!) vision of the process. With these panel discussions, I always wish there was more time for each of the people to share more. I could have listened for an hour to the other silver fox.
Your work is important and impactful. I hope you know that. We are with you.
I just wanted to add a great big “ditto” – I was just thinking the same thing.
As someone who has been following the show from the start, want to express my sincere appreciation to all concerned that this “special” episode was created & aired. My recurring comment to my wife throughout the run of the show has been a desire to have a better overview (sort of an “aerial” view) of the Scientology structure as it pertains to “regular” folks. I gained a great understanding of the steps involved.
My greatest confusion has come about as I try and understand how one “transitions” from say, “Joe Public Free Stress Test Taker” to potential “Joseph Q Public, SeaOrg candidate extraordinaire”. (Having served many years in the US Marine Corps, you’d think I’d “get” the organizational pressure, but….)
Again, many, many Thanks to you, Leah, all the production crew, producers, EVERYONE associated with this effort. You’ve all made a difference, and I’m certain you all have many friends you’ve yet to meet..
Mike – the show was great. We even had an UTR watching the show at our house.
My good friends from around the globe were calling us and texting.
They were blown away how you and Leah described how Scientology uses the bait to trap people with empty promises and deceit and fraud!
They said “Scientology scams”( the words they used) people into joining.
One called Scientology “the dirty bastards”.
They were shocked the amount of money $cientology charges!
This episode was excellent!
Can you and Leah get into how the cult charges money up front?
Scientologist staff tell you your reactive mind will try to stop you from “Going Clear” …. so you have to pay up front thousands of dollars.
Then you route on to the service ….
and then you sign the lawered up legal documents without legal representation….
and you are lied to about why you have to sign the legal documents.
Remember to expose these very expensive services are delivered for free by slave labor people – who are also lied to.
Awesome work!
I had no idea it was a 2 hr. episode so only caught the second hour. Loved it, very powerful informative episode.
Four years ago when I landed here and on Ortega, I had no idea that the OT levels had been published on the internet (obviously living under a rock) and was a bit shocked when there was chatter about it. I’m thinking now that many that are “still in” and many on the fence who are not “searching” on the WEB also have no clue about this and if they do would never read about these levels. Therefore, I love that you discussed the “secrets” of OT 3 and OT 8 because I’m thinking that many on the fence have tuned in to Aftermath out of curiosity after all the hoopla surrounding the show. Now they are in the know.
I’m hoping these revelations of confidential data will send droves out the door that haven’t reached these levels. Especially considering the prices, hello?? Even the OT 8, it’s time to go, there is no OT 9, etc.
Also loved the respect shown Ronit and husband for their beliefs. And loved Leah’s heartfelt comments to her mom in the end.
“Scientologist staff tell you your reactive mind will try to stop you from “Going Clear” …. so you have to pay up front thousands of dollars…”
That’s not the only thing they tell you the reactive mind will try to stop you from doing. If you’re telling a reg you can’t give him/her any money because you don’t have any, they’ll tell you “that’s just your reactive mind preventing you from doing the right thing. The right decision is the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics, which is giving money to the IAS/LRH Hall/Super Power Bldg/Ideal Org/ etc. etc.” Somewhere way down the list is you “going up the bridge.”
Yes, not giving them any money is just your reactive mind talking. That scared feeling in the pit of your stomach as you take out yet another mortgage on your house is just some old engram getting restimulated.
You’re just being banky. You need more processing. They actually tell people this.
People get C/S’ed (programmed by a Scientology technical supervisor) for auditing actions that often make people worse or open a huge can of worms, then they run out of money and stall. So it’s not just unethical sales (registrar) tactics that lead to ruin financially, many people are left in the middle of Scientology counseling programs with no money to finish them, with their hopes dashed and feeling betrayed. It happened to me big time and this was at the “mecca of technical perfection”. My story is typical.
The Mecca of Unethical Deception. (MUD)
Hey Mike, I found it to be so funny that the city of Clearwater let Florida aquarium get the lot, you can clearly see that DM is like a child that didn’t get his way and now he’s a poor sport saying the burden will be on the taxpayers, DMs cult is trying to bully a wog now, it’s chipping away at Scientology bit by bit it’s just not going their way!
I’m so proud of you and Leah are pressing on !
If you and your family are still here in Florida stay safe in this hurricane!
What a great episode. Explains the whole process, and it answered most of my questions. I would imagine that new membership has decreased severely over the past year and a half. Just in case, it would be nice if parts of this episode could be maintained online where they can be easily located by anyone googling “scientology”. I enjoyed the break from the personal stories; this is a good mix of material. I’d also like to see success stories to inspire those who are contemplating a leap but are too afraid. Oddly enough, halfway through tonight’s episode, there was a commercial for Tom Cruise’s new movie! Attention movie producers: wrong target audience!!!
I saw the commercial and had to laugh as the last line spoken came from the mouth of Cruise: “It’s going to get really crazy!”
I saw the Cruise movie trailer and chuckled. I’m sure the movie studio wanted a popular tv show to publicize their movie. They picked the right show for maximum exposure!
Hysterically funny that the studio would pay A&E to publicize his movie during Aftermath. Isn’t this like flowing power to the SP’S, Tom? First the broken foot now this. Anyone else would be hauled into ethics for their PTS handling.
Yeah, what’s up with Big Being #3 And Then There Is Me? How is he pulling all this in?
Time to redo PTSSP,, m’boy.
The following commercial was American Horror Story and the theme is Cult.
Love your nic!
I thought the timing and placement for the movie trailer with Tom Cruise was most unfortunate for Tom Cruise. Absolute worst timing to plaster Tom Cruise’s mug on the screen just seconds after OT8 was being dissected. The association is killing him in the court of public opinion. Keeping Scientology Working is the battery acid that so reliably destroys everything.
Keeping Scientology Wanking.
Like the wanker, yanker dwarf?
I like to think of him as Jerkoff Junior.
No, Doug, he’s pulling this IN. Get that, please! HE is responsible- totally. Big Being Number 3 is PTS! He needs another PTS Rundown. He needs to redo his entire Bridge. His responsibility to Scientology is enormous.. There is not an infinity of time. The fate of every man, woman, and child in this and all other universes rests solely on what this Holllywood actor does. The world is watching. These are Big Boots. LRH is counting on him. Tom, don’t let LRH down. Redo your whole Bridge, just to be safe. Number of times over the material, etc. etc. The time is now.
Excellent!! Could not believe the end phenomena of OT VIII………..so weird and actually funny but not really funny when someone had to pay to get all the way there……..keep up the great work and explaining all this BS.
Hello Mike–
This was a nice change and very informative. I admired the way you explained the principles in as dispassionate a way as is possible in the circumstances. I do have a vexing question, though I have been reluctant to ask. Listening to the experiences of long term participants, I wonder if the betrayal expressed, the pain experienced and disillusions suffered, make it impossible to believe in anything now. I mean, do you–can you—believe in God? Is prayer possible?
My heart is broken for the individuals who are brave enough to bear their souls to us. I pray for each to find peace and understanding, to heal their families and hearts.
Keep up the great work, “be not weary in well doing”.
I’d like to answer how I feel about God now that I’ve left this godless and soul-less group. After being in over 30 years I was told on more than one occasion and read how Jesus is an implant as is Mohammad, and more. I was raised Catholic and never understood God or Jesus but blindly believed in both until I got into Scientology; at which time I was led to believe “we, as Scientologists” were each a God. Now, after having left this so-called Religion/Cult, I meditate and prayer daily; and yes, I finally do believe in God. But, it took going through all the OT levels, courses, ethics checks, ad infinitum and eventually leaving to find Peace, happiness and God.
We each can take many different roads in seeking the truth. For some, these roads can be painful and be many miles long.
Wow, thaks for sharing that. I wondered the same thing but never wanted to ask. I am so glad you are out and glad you have found peace, happiness and God. Very encouraging to know that. (I am never in but friend has a family member that is long time in.) Thanks again for sharing!
I’m never-in. I was raised in a Protestant Church in a small town. At that time, in the 60s, church was an integral part of the community. We went to Sunday School then service Sun morn and Sun evening. Wed night Moms choir practice, then services, Thursday jr choir practice.
Vacation Bible School in June, Tent Revival in Aug.
So! I am heavily indoctrinated. When I was 18, I refused to go any more, except to my Grandparents church on special occasions, out of respect for them. But by then, having actually read the Bible, I found inconsistencies, about which no one could or would answer. I thought I didn’t believe in “God” until I saw a baby being born, and began to study A&P.. Then, I thought..”Something, not sure what” but had reservations about the male dominated scriptures.
This is turning into a rant? But, I started reading about other religions, found what I thought was the ANSWER about ancient cult steps to enlightenment, and the 16 or so Saviour stories, plagiarism vs oral tradition, language translations, etc.. I tried to talk about it, but no one was particularly interested, and one friend asked me if I was doing drugs. Lol, cause I don’t, never did.
Then I gave myself a break. Because I can search and search, argue, discuss, debate and might or might not find an answer. Or, I can take the most positive teachings of my childhood, and apply them to myself, my community, and my world. I have more inner peace, hence enlightenment knowing I don’t have the answers, don’t have to have answers. It’s ok. It’s ok for me, and for others.
I have no problem with any religion, if it is not abusive to members, or those with different beliefs. I support and applaud Mike and Leah, A&E, and all the contributors to this fearless expose. Rock on!!
Such a good question.
After realizing how just how much I had given myself over to someone else’s beliefs and values, once I got out, I burrowed deeper into my own ideas and values, holding them tight. So no, I have zero interest in now once again abdicating what I believe to God or any other formalized belief system. Never again. I learned to believe in myself.
My significant other experienced something similar. After a lifetime of being in a soul-sucking cult, he gave himself over to…having fun. He netted out that there is not “something else” out there. Life is about finding out what’s important to you and then living it. He is travelling, being active, taking up new hobbies. Living a full life of fun and extroversion and never looking inward searching for some deeper meaning. Life is about having what makes you happy– finding the joy in life and then just living it.
When you’ve spent your life searching for something and not finding it, the last thing you want to do is go back into the lion’s den.
otviii – I’m with you. After being “in” for so long, right now I’m still decompressing. The last thing I want to do is get involved with another church.
I do still believe I’m a spiritual being and find myself praying but I don’t need to be in a church to do that. It’s all a journey.
“I do still believe I’m a spiritual being and find myself praying but I don’t need to be in a church to do that. It’s all a journey.”
Beautiful, Ms.P.
The only good thing about being a more or less fully believing scientologist was the certainty about your status as a spiritual being etc, after all Hubbard had proved it hadn’t he? When you get out and find that very little scientology was ever proven it throws the whole concept into question. I didn’t have a religious upbringing before getting in and this is back where I am now, I’m certainly not ready to jump onboard with any other religious organization.
I was betrayed like many others. My path outward included a healthy dose of critical thinking and rational inspection to unravel the lies. Those improved critical thinking skills have served me well in the aftermath of Scientology. I am less confused about the existence of a “god” that ever before and have “evolved” into a thinking atheist. Perhaps for others as well, the healing process has proofed me up against getting into any other cult. Been there done that. I respect others beliefs though, something I wasn’t so good about when I was a Scientologist. I regained my belief and trust in myself since leaving Scientology.
A quizillion up-votes Doug!
@wanttohelp: That’s a great question, and there are probably as many answers as there are ex-scientologists.
Here’s my answer: I was in scientology and suffer PTSD due to my experiences. I have a service dog who helps me in amazing ways.
I sometimes joke that some people find God, I found Dog. That’s kind of close to the truth.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say I am an atheist, but I see people who claim to be good church going people who find it ok to sin every day of the week then go to church on Sundays and be absolved of their sins. That to me is the same hypocrisy practiced in scientology and the reason I will not subscribe to an organized religion.
I was at a friend’s cafe one Sunday and a man left without paying but shortly returned to pay his bill. He joked “it’s Sunday, I’m Cataholic, God would strike me down if I didn’t pay my bill.” Karen replied “I’m atheist, I have to be good every day.”
That’s the deal with me. I don’t have any absolution if I treat people poorly or act in a way which is horrific. Scientology taught me it was okay to punish people, it is not. I have no right to look down my nose at anyone or judge them for their lifestyle or how they are acting, nor do they have the right to do that to me. This includes people who continue to practice scientology.
After I left, I had to learn to be a good person again because I had been taught how to disrespect others, how to act superior to others, how to be dispassionate, how to be inhumane. Relearning how to act in polite society took time. I now can act the way I was raised by my parents to act.
As for my dog: I can yell at my dog and she easily forgives me and licks my face and lets me know she understands I’m having a bad day. She’s loyal, she’s kind, she’s always happy to see me and she would protect me with her life. She is totally aware of her surroundings, but lives in the moment.
Every day, I just try to be more doglike.
A great show! I always wonder when Dave is watching what goes through his head on how he can retaliate…but honestly, What can he do? There’s no opposite for truth ☺️
So proud of all of you. ☺️
He’ll need auditing but, Oh, I forgot….he doesn’t audit anymore…
Yo Dave,
What Joan says …….. I suggest you rewatch the episode……..without the scotch ..good buddy!
After this episode, Dave is redoing his SRD (Scotch Rundown).
I can imagine David Miscavige maneuvering around his biggest donors and remaining celebrity figure heads as a “circle the wagons” action to save what is left. I also think he already knows what is coming and why.
Really special show tonight, Leah and Mike. So glad you showed what it cost to do the bridge. And exposed the end phenomenon of clear, OT III and OT VIII on national television, showing everyone the “this is it? this is what we paid for?” Great to have Bruce Hines on as a technical authority, and giving examples of he grades auditing processes. End result showing that Scientology is a total and complete scam that sucks people for money and delivers nothing. Loved that you had the Charney’s on as indie Scientologists whom you could sit with at the same table and have a conversation. That was awesome. Especially loved the dialogue between Leah and her mom. Very honest and heartwarming, yet so sad of the life and money that was wasted over all those years. Just glad that they are together and have moved on. I’m sure this is going to be a game changer for any scientologist who watches this show. Who could continue on the bogus bridge after this? Thank you for your excellent work ?
“Who could continue on the bogus bridge after this? ” Hi Karen my thought as well. I think the answer is “no one” if for no other reason than last nights episode just made illegal PC’s out of every single viewer. Can you imagine some poor sap telling his auditor that he realizes his problems stem from other spirits stuck to him? And of course he couldn’t say WHY he thinks that because then he’d get declared for watching the show. Last night’s episode was a deal breaker for Scientology from a “technical perspective”. Miscavige should have been smarter about Leah Remini. Should have known that the cult meat grinder mind bender guilt tripping machine would have eventually pissed this woman off royally. Love her or hate her, Remini won’t stand for it and she’s the one to take him down. Should have seen her coming Dave. Should have seen her coming.
Yo Dave,
Whadaya have ta say about that rank thingy now good buddy. Looks like Leah don’t need no stinkin Cult ranking to remove yer gizzard.
So when are Ya gonna git yer SuMP fired up? Ya need to give the world a sermon from on high Dave. Tell it ……………. just do it Dave and git yer shit squared away before ya lose the rest of the flock.
Mike, I thought it was GREAT. And I loved the beginning, when you were being self-critical and she called you “gorgeous.” Nancy and I sat there watching it, completely astounded at “the Bridge.” A great program.
That was adorable! And Leah’s right. You’re definitely a fox 🙂
I wonder if the illustrious Tom Cruise is aware that a commercial for his new movie aired during the show? Oops!
Watch Hulul’s “The Path” (recommended by Aaron Smith-Levin) and it airs about every commercial break. Which is hilarious.
Annnnd has an intro video on “The Path” today https://youtu.be/-X7X7tkB5SY
a drama about a cult and the parallels to co$
That is righteous! Love it! Looking forward to tonight’s show.
Tom’s movie producers PAID to SPONSOR this program! LOL
I guess he showed us!
I bet Tom fires his producers over this.
He doesn’t have the rank.
Nor does he have the file.
When do you plan to submit your Liability formula to Leah and Mike for their signatures? LOL
Have you fired up your memiograph machine and Issued Tom his official Treason assignment on genuine goldenrod?
(David Miscavige, swilling scotch, ruminating out loud to long suffering Lou)
“Ha ha ha! All this entheta, comin’ at me! Yes, it HAS TO BE TC’s fault! And JT’s and Krusty’s!..Oh, and the Imperial Governor Princess of the Valley! She’s part of the problem too! They haven’t been donating what’s needed and wanted in the Correct Order Of Magnitude! .(Big sigh, faraway stare). Oh, if only I didn’t have to wear these Big Boots…”
Lou, with eye roll, “More scotch, dear?”
So you can go all the way up the Bridge, finish OTVIII spend give or take $1M and at then end of VIII they tell you that you are really no different than you were before you started and you really being to find out who you are with IX and X? So this is LRH having a laugh? Did he giggle when he wrote that? I mean holy shit. I would be pissed if that happened to me.
“You are really no different than you were before you started.” “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine” X 10,000!
What a great reference, lol
Mmmmm, Ovaltine!
Vegemite is good, real OT stuff that!
OT 8 – find out who you’re not while discovering you wasted all your money on NOTs.
When I get to the bottom
I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and turn
And I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again
Wow! Wow! Wow!
That episode was amazing Mike! Loved the fact you exposed the Clear Cog and secret OT levels. I can’t imagine how crazy David Miscavige is right now! Please continue.
The fringes seem to be engulfing you and your cult.
Well Leah, is right Mike. You’re gorgeous. And your Aussie accent . . . if it had been you that spoke to me in that mission, I may have well succumbed. LOL 😉
But as always when the subject is OTIII – I start wondering about stuff. This time a thought I’d never had before, crept into my mind with this episode . (when thinking about the events of around 35 years ago). It was/is rather unsettling, and is another “why?” to add to the pile.
Great job. i thought it might be a boring rehash of information but it wasn’t, It was engaging. You, Leah, and your guests Bruce, Vicki, Ronit and Yossi are to be commended for that.
It is funny that Tom Cruises new movie was advertised on A&E during Leas proadcast
Thank you for exposing the fraud and insanity that scientology is. You’re doing the right thing.