This article was sent in by Anette Iren Johansen, who is taking time out from her own blog to act as Norwegian Special Correspondent for Something Can Be Done About It. Thanks Anette!
Where is the massive worldwide unprecedented straight up vertical expansion of Scientology? Apparently it has not yet reached Norway.
No expansion in the richest country of the world? I’m not sure whether the Vikings are cult proof or if this is just the worst example of Scientology’s failed Ideal Org strategy.
There is only one Church of Scientology in Norway. It goes by the name Oslo Org. In 2004 the church moved to the best accessible place to body route people in the entire country – Karl Johans Gate, the main walking street in Oslo. An ideal location. A beautiful 800 m² (8,600 sq ft) place, first floor in an office building located midway between the royal castle and the central station. Here the church planned to expand into their Ideal Org once that ideal building was found and fundraised.
Before the move to its current location the previous org building was attractive and posh. After the move to the fringe of Oslo the apathy is evident in the run-down building. Beware of strong before and after visuals below.
Click the images to open Google map:
Despite being in this upstat place at the most ideal location they did not expand. New public didn’t show up as expected. The attractive appearance didn’t attract new members. The staff were clueless. Bills piled up and the church were literary thrown out on the street because they couldn’t pay the rent. Again and again the public helped them pay their bills and the church was let back in. I think the staff and public started to realize that moving to a future Ideal Org 6 or 7 times bigger than this place was far, far from realistic. The apathy was starting to set in.
More BEFORE pictures:
When my boyfriend Geir Isene, the only OT 8 in Norway, left the church and was later declared SP in 2009, the staff were exhilarated that they had found THE WHY for the lack of straight up vertical expansion. More on that in Geir’s upcoming book. Now that they got rid of their SP, their stats would finally go straight up. At least so they thought.
Instead the org died. The church downsized and moved to an outpost location 3 years ago. I think they have given up. They can’t even afford a sign. In 3 years, no proper sign on the building. Just a banner. Over the entrance and on one side of the building there’s a small banner no one can read unless they stand next to it. The place doesn’t come across as the friendliest place on Earth. Look at the blinds. It actually looks scary. The parking lot is almost empty the times I’ve been passing by. And the building itself says it all.
Click the images to open Google map:
I visited the church just before Christmas to buy the new DVD release, A new slant on life. I saw only two staff there. And they couldn’t find the DVD. So they called the ED and she said they did not order any. In the past there were incidents where public paid the fees to retrieve packages out of the customs when the church was broke. Have they given up buying new releases?
Can you see the signs?
The dwindling downward spiral of the Church of Scientology in Norway.
Just Sharing
This is shocking.
At least Joburg has a sign, though it also needs some help from above these days.
But is also located in sucha stupid part of town. Scn’s in Joburg are hooked on an area called Kensington because LRH lived there 150 years ago.
It is a poor to average income area now largely populated by Black immigrants and drug dealers and there is NO FOOT TRAFFIC. It is an old golf course site that everybody has forgotten about. It’s feeder mission in a busy student area has died a slow death. Closes. Shut. History. Millions of dollars later, but not even 3 years after opening. More Miscavage magic!
Tone levels below 2.0 are misleading
David Miscavige is around 1.0 and lower.
Oslo Org should defect and go indie.
That’s the only answer that I can see if Norway wants to have Scientology.
Sooner the better.
Oslo Org should defect and go indie. That’s the only answer that I can see if Norway wants to have Scientology.
Jose, that is the best, most constructive comment on the thread. It would be a wonderful development, and would probably encourage others to go independent also, but it would depend upon whether there are some very strong personalities in that org. It would take more guts to pull off than the ordinary sheeple has.
They pulled it in. The Cos is managed by a lunatic dictator that has no understanding of reality. Norway is the the battle of Stalingrad for the Germans. Staff complied to the orders and the whole strategy of ideal orgs is just total nonsense, so the battle was lost.
Desert fox
Death by idiocy. In slo-mo. Absolutely sickening.
OSLO I’d always put in the “small and failing org” category. Most orgs for all the years I was in the Sea Org,
Most Indies came from rather good Missions or Orgs. And the good orgs and missions are in the minority compared to the rest of the small and failing orgs that have always been the majority of Scientology orgs, for all the years I’ve known Scientology, 1975 to now.
Nice buildings help lure more got-bucks dupes in, who can, and have always been, pushed up to Flag for he bigger time fleecing.
I wish I had access to the stats system, I would analyze the Bridge flow, and see if the buildings are resulting in more got-bucks arrivals at Flag, or not.
So many sub stats that are not discussed anymore, so Bridge flow is hidden, and likely they don’t even analyse it to see the real scene.
I’d love to hear from Karen Hvass or Curt Hahn, or another other long term Programs Chiefs. .
I don’t think there is any such system in place because that would dfeal with reality
To add to your point, Chuck, a couple of years ago I had the opportunity to look at the OIC of an Ideal Org and was shocked to see 3 or 4 new GDSes all related to fundraising! I knew at that point the whole purpose of the org had been redirected away from training and processing.
I thought of way the Ideal Org strategy possibly, maybe, could have worked – and this is purely hypothetical, just an academic exercise. Have the local org EC hold a meeting with their field and explain to them that they want to dramatically expand the org, which includes acquiring new premises. But, to do that the org is going to have to have a tremendous amount of resources. So, in the effort to raise these resources they want each and every member of the field to purchase their Bridge (training and processing) to the highest level the org delivers.
This approach puts the org and field in a much better position. The org gets a large injection of cash and has lots of people to deliver to. The field go up the Bridge and get something for their money. The result: org stays on purpose making auditors and Clears; public go Clear and start auditing. Win-win.
Instead, with DM’s strategy, the org immediately goes out-exchange, has no public to deliver to because they shot their wad; nobody going up the Bridge, no auditors being made and the field is not disseminating. Effectively the org has burned their field, all in an effort to shortcut a natural process. Now it finds itself with very few public, very low production, very low support from what is left of their field. Basically, the org is starting from scratch, but now with the liability of a greatly inflated FP#1 due to the additional expense of maintaining a lavish building. What a horrible condition the staff must find themselves in: high income demand, few public, low production, low morale. No wonder they are jumping ship.
I see that San Diego has finally sold the land that their future Idle Org was on to a condo developer. Somehow I think that the $9.3 million for the land won’t be going to the San Diego org to buy another Idle Org location.
Exactly my point of earlier. If DM holds the deeds, if it doesn’t serve him to make him look a bigger hot shot, who’s to keep him from selling the properties and/or re-financing them and making the orgs pay the payments. Just sayin’. Just one possibility.
Keep us informed about this, please? I’d love to know where it ends up going. Shouldn’t’ it go back to the parishioners who donated for it? Shouldn’t they have a vote in it?
Looks like the one I visited in Atlanta, They degrade into the same motif. The one in Atlanta now says “Sales Office” on the outside with a well used mattress laying next to the front door.
On the funny side of things, I wonder if, after they fold up altogether and go home, they will read the blogs and find out what’s happening … and die of shock? Poor guys, nobody ever tells them anything.
“I’d like to indicate that slaving for nothing, with no auditing and no training, is ruining your life.”
“Yes (sob) … yes it is!!”
“Wouldn’t you agree, you are very much at effect point of all this?”
“You do realize it may get worse?”
“OH! But you can avoid that! You need a change away from it, yes you do, a change for the better.”
“(Sob!) How can I do that …?”
“You have to demand improvement of yourself, you really do.”
“(Sniffle) I’m good at that!”
“Great! I’m happy to hear that. Here’s a Kleenex … you’re a disgusting mess. You know, there is still hope?”
“There is????”
“Yes, we in the FZ and Indie movement are having a fund-raising for doorknobs and you can get two for the price of one if you act NOW!” (You poor, dumb, bastard.)
What these people really need are really good trauma therapists with experience working with former cult members and an excellent grasp of PTSD and C-PTSD in that context. Seriously.
Yes, Norway is a glorious example of Scientology mismanagement. A Sea Org member, who had been on the ground, once told me her version of the horror story of Oslo. The move in 2004 was apparently solely arranged due to an upcoming visit of a Scientology VIP or Celebrity to that city. I am not sure anymore, who it was, but it might have been Tom Cruise. The concern of Management was, that he might want to see also the org in Oslo. The rent of that place was obviously far beyond anything the org could afford. This was known to management. On top of it, the org could not get out of the contract for many years to get to an affordable location. The reasoning of management was: That way, the org is forced to expand. Just brillant – without any money left for promotion and dissemination, let alone for the survival of the staff! Listening to the details and the hardship on the staffs in Oslo, it is a wonder, that there is still an Oslo Org at all.
This is front page news. For real? An Org was forced to rent a building they could not afford in case Tom Cruise came by? David’s fascination with that actor borerlines fatal attraction. If this is true this a serious breech of fiduciary trust. Right along with the Birthday Party expeses onboard the Freewinds. Again, what was he thinking? I dated a famous actor once, it was alright until he came to bed one night with some fucking green face mask all over his face. Some minty green facial mask for his complexion. That was creepy. I was SOOO out of there. I sometimes wonder if the Church of Scientology is not being led to propitiate to a man whoes wears green face masks to bed, gets facials, waxing, pedicures and manicures. Eyelash dying. We know he gets his hair dyed. the Liberace of Scientology!
All of the above! 🙂
That is hilarious Oracle!
You are right. TC was a host at the Nobel Peace Prize concert together with Oprah in December of 2004. There was a rush to finish the moving and make it posh. I lived in Copenhagen at that time, but I was in Norway to visit my family for Christmas. I was in the org one night helping them assemble furniture etc. It was very hectic to get this done before TC arrived in Oslo. The staff actually discussed if they should buy a bed(!) and make a bedroom for TC in the org, because maybe he wanted to rest while he was visiting. No kidding… TC didn’t show up though and the staff were disappointed. One guy said: “Maybe were are not upstat enough for TC to visit us.”
The old “bait and switch”. Say TC is coming to get the staff to work day and night and then, “Whoops! He’s not coming after all. Sorry.”
Didn’t something similar happen in South Africa? DM was supposed to come and he didn’t? What was the story on that?
Yup that sounds like a good Int logic. There is not one sane person left there if there ever was one. I spent 20 years there and to me there is no difference of then and now. It was always the SO way. Somebody comes up with the wildest most insane idea and everybody goes ” Yup, make them do it!” If they can’t accomplish their insane plans of course than it’s their fault for being so lazy and PTS etc etc etc. Every asshole in the SO has a huge superiority complex and is blind and stupid. I am just saying this based on their actions not personalities. I hardly gotten a single sane order from anyone higher than a section I/C. They would of course be crushed anyway by the brilliance of their superior.
I hear the chirping of crickets
Anette, thanks for posting the ” news ” in Norway. I follow both your and Geirs blogs. Your photography is awsome.
When I used to be working flat-out on the Ideal Org program, I first heard the term “Idle Org” when surfing the net one day and I thought “What a degrade. What a joking and degrading thing to say about how hard we are all working here. That isn’t even true.” But after having worked on the program for years, after seeing the continual no-results, no new public in, no increase in stats, no increase in viability, no promised “if you build it they will come”; well, now I can honestly say that the “Idle Org” program is the most apt description you could possibly come up with for what the Cof$ is doing to its own orgs. The thing that makes me sad about it is not the assured downfall of the Cof$ with this program, but the vast amount of effort, time and intention that the poor staff and public who are still True Believers are investing in this pipe dream. If they would only open their eyes.
I like “Idle Morgue.” With the tech being altered, Clears being told they’re, well, know you, not Clear, a new FN (but not written), it’s where you come to die spiritually. And…they’re all IDLE!
It’s strange, isn’t it? This near-total fixation on new and bigger buildings does seem terribly wasteful and destructive — exhausting and demoralizing staff, bleeding contributors of all their money, and ultimately failing in a public and rather spectacular way. I mean, it’s hard to ignore a huge empty building. It stands as visible proof that Scientology isn’t working.
I’ve seen analyses to the effect that the Ideal Org program has been a cash bonanza for Dave Miscavige. If so, it seems like a very short-sighted scheme. What does he do after the members have left and the organization is effectively moribund? All that money will be a nice consolation for someone like Dave, I suppose — but nowhere near as much fun as running an empire, and almost certain to make him the target of multiple lawsuits, perhaps building on the precedent being laid down by the Garcias. What an ugly end to a long, sad story.
Thank you, Annette. What a degraded building they now occupy. I agree, it fully looks like apathy has set in and is dragging them down. Obviously the wrong “Why” has been assigned once again, with predictable results.
And there you have it: Demon McSeed’s master plan in action.
This brings tears of joy to my eyes! Maybe I’ll stop by next time I’m in Oslo. I’ll ask to use the toilet and clog it up with TP.
I’m not sure there’s a toilet there. The fundraising only got them a door knob. 😀
I would have bought some toiletpaper at least.
No toilets?!? What kind of crappy religion is this? Well, now I definitely won’t sign up! Just think: a billion years without being able to go to the loo…
Better bring your own TP. I doubt they can afford any of their own.
Yes, RE: the toilet paper issue – just like it was at ASHO for YEARS in the early 80’s. It got to the point that you knew you had to bring your own because there wouldn’t be any there.
About that same time was when the SO guys were getting only rice and beans for months and years on end.
The pattern is that the “SP” is OT 8 and no doubt up stat.
Wrong Who and Why which brings about more destruction.
San Francisco Org did the same thing before the Mission Network was decapitated.
!3 states of emergency in 10 months. Wrong Who and Whys were bouncing off the walls
till it was the Mission Network that ” had ” to be Killed. Area never recovered.
Yes – I was told at one point that a bunch of OT 8’s in the US had gone “mad” and had an enemy line on the ideal org programme. I was shocked to hear it – and from an SO member to boot. What awful PR on the state of 8! Oddly enough, the first thing I thought was “I wonder what they (the OT8’s) know?” and not long after the house of cards came down for me. What idiocy to accuse (a number of) those who have attained 8, of being wrong. Its going to be an output for anyone who is still in control of his own thoughts!
The so-called enemy line being LRH references. It’s like with Virginia & Mike McClaughery & Greg & Debra Barnes when Flag declared them for pointing out what the non-interference zone HCOB says. Now we have SO members basically referring to LRH’s words as enemy lines. And getting away with it.
There are nine clips on Youtube were Mike McClaughery talks about the Guardian Office
I thought it was a high crime to invalidate or publicly defame clears and OTs.
DM is our best friend.
That’s amazing. It ranks right up there with an OT VIII who just last year told me that Mike Rinder had been implanted.
Well, that is true Martin. I was. Coming out of it now though….
Bwahahaha. Good job, Mike.
Yes, you were implanted and so was that birdhouse down the street. Implanted with a video camera. hahaha
OT VIII is supposed to be “Truth Revealed”. So they saw the light and the truth was revealed. Just not the truth that DM wanted them to see.
So solly, Challie.
Right, Wendy.
Same thing with the old-time Scientologists. The young people are told that the Old-Timers are just old and tired and sort of befuddled so it’s up to the “new and better” Scientologists to carry everything forward. Sound like Hitler youth to you? Again, check this film clip of the book/film, 1984 at counter number 21:35 to see the SO youth of today:
Well Norway may be the first Clear country! Clear of Scn…. 🙂
Hear that little Davey boy?
This is not the song of David Miscavige:
Only the first part, Hansje – “What have I got to do to make you love me…”
Of course the org didn’t expand. It wasn’t Ideal. Should they have bought that entire block they were located in before, they would now have an Ideal Org and they would be experiencing unstoppable straight up and vertical expansion like Buffalo!
And while Scientology in Norway dies, David tracks his circus tent to Clearwater! Nothing like having your priorities straight! What MUST be done as only opposed to what would BE NICE to have done!
Let me guess, for what he paid to rent that tent the building in Norway could have been renovated and a sign put up? SOME staff member might have been paid SOMETHING for thier years of volunteer labor? Did you know David is NOT a volunteer? The staff are the ONLY volunteers? David takes home the BIG BUCKS while bitching about the VOLUNTEERS!
Sorry, I should have clarified, “while David is tracking his circus tent he intends to pitch for Hurricane / storm season”.
The HAARP boys have the hurricane info.
Oracle, you are just another stupid, incompetent Indie who is out to destroy David Miscavige.
Do you think that Dear Leader has not already thought of the possibility of hurricanes?
Hurricanes will not be a problem. Why?
Because the vast quantities of hot air he generates inside the tent will create a positive pressure that will protect the it from the force of any hurricane that would dare to approach His Onlyness!
Face it, he is a genius. If you don’t believe it, just ask him.
Espiritu, A hard rain’s gonna fall.
I’ve often wondered how much he’s worth as he holds the keys to the bank accounts, right? If wants a million a year, who’s to say no? And the really funny part is SO workers are docked pay for his birthday & Christmas presents! It’s 1984 at Int.
SO members financially penalized on his Birthday? Well, I have to admit that makes a lot of sense. They got that right. Every Scientologist is getting docked and penalized on some level as a result of that man’s birth. They also get penalized every time one of his episodes of domestic violence and domestic terrorism turns into a noisy public out P.R, debacle that drives people away from the front door.
Here goes Jenny Linson. He sends HER to speak for him on National Television. She can’t curb her sadism so she verbally mauls the host in front of millions of his fans who tune in just to watch HIM. Because they like and believe HIM. The rudest guest E V E R! EVER! She suddenly ser facs on him and calls HIM rude! BANG! There goes one or two million viewing audience that will NEVER EVER go NEAR the Church of Scientology!
Do you know who Anderson Cooper is? He is the SON OF GLORIA VANDERBUILT! ONLY the most sincere, well mannered, cultured, high class , socially aware, caring television host on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!
What were they thinking? Cha Ching Cha Ching! Who cares if it costs the Church MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars in lost income? NOT just in television fans! The ENTIRE EAST COAST of SOCIALITES who KEEP the politians in POWER!
Tit for tat! Jenny bitch slapped him on national T.V.! When he wasn’t even BEING rude! He created a PLATFORM for them!
The Church of Scientology, as a legal corporation, is considered a priciple. David Miscavige, in his fiduciary duties, for which he handsomely pays himself for, is only an AGENT for the Church of Scientology. He actually has NO LEGAL AUTHORIT to alter, edit or change the books that L. Ron Huubard left behind. He also has no LEGAL AUTHORITY to alter policy, set up beggar crews, dabble in Real estate, or domestic abuse and domestic terrorism on behalf of the Church as an AGENT.
He does it only because he can get away with it. So far. He has violated every fiduciary trust entwined with his position as a special agent for the Church of Scientology. He is nothing more than an AGENT. He is supposed to act on BEHALF of the Church of Scientology, which is a membership he CONTROLS from another position he holds, (Sea Org Member) which is a conflict of interest.
Hmmm…Do Mosey’s lawyers know this?
Agents are considered by law to be FIDUCIARIES. A fiduciary is a person who essentially holds the character of the trustee. So being, an egent has a DUTY to act primarily for the PRINCIPLE’S benefit and NOT his own. David Miscavige has not acted for the benefit of the Church of Scientology. He has a restarining order on himself right not for domestic terrorism or domestic violence. Spying on people, stalking people, attracting law suits, bad publicity due his abuse against volunteers, none of this is in the interest of the Church and in fact, has bought great harm upon the Church. He has failed as an agent for L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology. Legally, the penalties for failing in fiduciary duties are quite severe. The mere fact that he orders staff beneath him as Sea Org members, and the members NOT TO KNOW about the legal fiduciary trusts he has violated, by making it a penalty to LEARN about it on the Internet, is blatant and complete treason with those trusts as well. What he has done in the Church with the power he grabbed is considered highly illegal in the community in which he lives.
And in addition, Oracle, that he instructed a woman to strike the person of Debby Cook; that would also fall under this illegality too, wouldn’t it? There is already testimony that addresses this.
Smartest thing Miscavige ever said was to answer to what is power:”when people listen to you” I geuss that’s the onley thing that stuck. Less and less people will listen to him as he mostley is talking to himself when he adresses a crowd.
Jesus Espiritu I first read ” his Oiliness!”
Why all this ruckus about a circus tent? If it’s a pissing contest you want, mine is bigger than yours.
I doubt he can top this:
Very good coverage of a very unfortunate scene. A few missions in my own area have been thrown out as well–no staff and/or no money to pay bills. It must be a great loss for the staff to get thrown out, when they’ve been hyped up so much, given unattainable targets they’d fight to achieve every day, and give up so much of their own personal time, interests, family and activities to work 24/7 for a failing organization.
Jesus, the graffiti is more readable than the “sign.” Well, at least the black metal freaks in Norway won’t be trashing THAT church.
Wow, what a stark contrast. That building looks like a slum. Wonder what Davey’s excuse for failure is now? Funny how by comparison Geir and Anette are flourishing and prospering since getting away from that madhouse.
Funny how that worked out for them. I mean, shouldn’t they be DBs by now, begging the tiny dwarf to let them rejoin the “group?” I’ve had the pleasure of “speaking” to Geir through facebook. This is one very intelligent and incredibe individual. He’s very successful and will continue into the future. I remember when the dwarf was insisting he become the ED of the Olso Org. Insisting on it. Geir, of course, declined as that wasn’t his game. The dwarf got mad.
Folks, it’s going to start to get really interesting. All Orgs MUST be Ideal now to get GAG 2. Fundraisingzilla is about to show up.
Looks like Norway is soon to become Ideal.
Definition: Ideal Country – a country whose residents no longer have to be worried about having their finances drained by useless Scientology projects.
As idle as it gets (sigh).
Great report Anette. Thank you.
Signs of dying. I remember when Oslo was doing well in the mid 80:ies.
I hope that someone out of the church takes responsibility for the philosophy and makes it available to the norwegians.