A number of people formerly involved in David Miscavige’s international festivals of Shermanspeak and Computer Generated Images have noted that many of the videos showing “accomplishments” are in fact staged by Golden Era and presented as “real”.
Children are rounded up and put into videos of supposed “education programs” that last as long as the cameras are rolling and not a minute longer. Orgs are “filled” with pcs and students consisting of staff and friends, family and any warm body that can be rounded up to make the HGC and courserooms look busy. Relief efforts are rigged just for the cameras. Ribbon cuttings are staged etc etc etc
The footage is never identified as a “recreation” when it is presented. Instead it is heralded as “proof” of “expansion” and “inroads into society.”
Below is an email sent to me last night by our growing cadre of tipsters and correspondents that gives concrete evidence of the deception.
Gold is planning on staging a recreation of the great TeenScreen “battle” that occurred 8 years ago.
It would be a very educated guess that this is part of an IAS Medal Winner video that will be shown in October. There is always one “Anti-Psych” medal winner as this is red meat for the rabid clubbed seals. The IAS event is the biggest night of the year for reveling in the “eradication of psychiatry.” The psychs have been right on the verge of utter obliteration/global eradication/apathetic abdication each and every year — for more years than the Super Power Building is going to open. I was often the chief hypster at these events until I became persona non grata in 2006. David Miscavige used to say that the crowds love hearing about killing enemies far more than doing good, so pump up the anti-psych stuff and make it over the top because its what will bring in the most money (even though the IAS gave almost NO MONEY for CCHR activities).
But if this IS for an IAS Medal Winner, things are looking VERY thin on the IAS Medal winner front. 8 year old “accomplishments”? I guess all the magnificent achievements over the last 8 years have not been that exciting if a meeting at the Pinellas County School District is worthy of flying in a Gold Shoot Team to re-enact.
What is TeenScreen?
Because I didn’t even recall what this was I looked at Wikipedia. Here is the summarizing paragraph:
The TeenScreen National Center for Mental Health Checkups at Columbia University was an evidence-based, national mental health andsuicide risk screening initiative for middle- and high-school age adolescents. On November 15, 2012, according to its website, the program was terminated. The organization operated as a center in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department at Columbia University, in New York City. The program was developed at Columbia University in 1999, and launched nationally in 2003. Screening was voluntary and offered through doctors’ offices, schools, clinics, juvenile justice facilities, and other youth-serving organizations and settings. As of August 2011, the program had more than 2,000 active screening sites across 46 states in the United States, and in other countries including Australia, Brazil, India and New Zealand.
This doesnt sound like something I support — I think there are already too many normal people slapped with abnormal labels in order to justify feeding them drugs. But that’s not the point. If the great Teenscreen Battle of 2005 is a CCHR “victory” how is it that from 0 in 2003 there are now 2,000 active screening sites across the US today? That is about 100X the expansion that CCHR has accomplished over the same time period. In fact, I would be willing to bet there are LESS CCHR chapters operating today than in 2003, and in any event, no more than 20 in the United States.
This is yet another attempt to gild a turd and palm it off at an event as evidence of the “massive forward progress” in “eradicating psychiatry” because you can bet there will be no mention of the fact there are now 2000 sites in 46 states.
Convenient selection of “facts” with an added spin and choice selection of stats could turn Little Big Horn into a massive victory for Custer in the hands of GrandMasterSpin Miscavige.
The Smoking Gun EMail
From: PsychSearch [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: TeenScreen: Pinellas Citizens to Revisit BattlefieldHello!
Golden Era Productions, audio and video producers, wants to film you!
They are doing a re-enactment video of the great Pinellas TeenScreen battle of 2005.
You may recall how alert Pinellas County citizens fought back and defeated TeenScreen’s attempt to infiltrate local schools.
That was the catalyst for future TeenScreen failures across the country.
If you were there for the fight 8 years ago at the school board meeting (see below photo) you should revisit this battleground and take your rightful place in this filmed version of the event.
If you couldn’t make the protest in 2005 – this is your chance!
Bring at least 1 person with you and forward this message to all those you know who care about putting an end to the hocus pocus baloney of psychiatrists.
Where: Pinellas County School District – 301 4th St SW Largo, FL 33770
When: Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Time: 5:30 PM
For many of you this will be after work so hopefully it doesn’t interfere with your schedule.
Estimated filming time – 1 hour.
Let’s show Gold what Pinellas County folks are made of!
Email me and let me know you will be there!
Let’s roll!
Best, Ken Kramer
amaX on WWP saw my cross-post of this article and, well, did something about it.
“I’ve been on the phone all day about this.
Everyone at the Pinellas Co. School District are professional, helpful, and return calls promptly.
It’s been like a breath of fresh air.
It’s been a good day.
Details of my final phone conversation today: According to Debbie Wolfe with the Strategic Communications Office at the Pinellas Co. School District Golden Era Productions (nor any film crew) is scheduled to film anything on Wednesday April 10, 2013 at 5:30PM. Big goose egg.
Security has been alerted to run anyone off the property who might be there to film anything.”
CIC: Thanks for your good work. You have earned a lot of credibility with me.
In France, we received on may 2012 an email from CCDH. It was calling for 200 persons to be filmed by Golden Era Production to make a video on the day when 5000 DVD “macabre profits” had been put under envelopes in France. The truth is that only 30 persons had put these DVD under enveloppes at this time (in 2011). The goal was to show to the world a great expansion and french implication in scientology projects; It was a lie.
Nous devons réunir 200 personnes d’ici dimanche. Parlez-en autour de vous et venez nombreux !
OMG. Such a disconnect from reality!
ROFL! This post is just so funny in so many ways. “Teenscreen”??? Battle of 2005??? (Geesh … nobody ever tells me anything!) But rhis one really got me! – “Convenient selection of “facts” with an added spin and choice selection of stats could turn Little Big Horn into a massive victory for Custer …”
“More bullets fired than in any other cavalry encounter ….”
“Lowest horse / man loss ratio in history ….”
“Geatest seizure of Indian arrows ever ….”
(I shouldn’t laugh, I wasn’t there on either side, but your statement about it is really funny!)
Hello Mike!
Just found your site! Very good idea to separate the blogs (Martys, Steves and now yours), so that all purposes can be met – like “splitting” an org into separate divisions, still remaining a team.
Regarding this article I just can add that it hasn´t been different over here in Europe. In Berlin, soon after the opening of the “Ideal” (idealized) Org in 2007 Gold came over to take pictures of the Dianetics book sellers. We had to go to the famous “Brandenburger Tor” in order to have a Berlin typical scenery. Since IN FACT we had only about 3 people you could have called FSMs or public booksellers – once in a while – , all staff that was dispensable for some hours were ordered to go there to “fill” the picture. In order to not make it too obvious that those on the picture were not active publics – like announced – we had to wear privat / casual clothes or got a red Dianetics jacket over our Staff uniform. Additionally every tourist that was standing around watching the filming, was invited to join the filmed “Dianetics book sellers team”, too. So we made a group of about 40 people.
This was the last time I´ve ever been happy about seeing expansion videos.
Later, when I met Staff of the Gold film team somewhere I asked them why they never shot “live” pictures, “real” photos. I always got a non-answer and was being told that there were “confidential” hatting materials from Ron, which would answer all my questions, which they couldn´t show me. – Hidden data line.
I even wrote an RTC report about this a few years ago, mentioning that those actions were in fact pure lies – giving the idea that there was a big team, when there was in fact no public book sellers team at all. Of course I never got a reply on this.
Chris — thanks so much for your two comments. They are perfect. So good in fact I am going to turn them into their own post. This is exactly the sort of “Special Correspondent” information that is invaluable!
Miscavige couldn’t peddle the bullshit he does unless there was an audience and a customer base for it. He knows his public and where they are at spiritually and what they want. They deserve each other. All the evil on the whole track has been caused by psychs and now psychiatry is finally dying out after all these eons. Thank you Dave.
Miscavige is right about the killing enemies thing. Long standing love of people on Earth. So … how come the bulk of Scientologists, with all the training and processing allegedly aimed at improving one’s self determinism, perception and sanity are just as fucking dumb and able to be controlled as anyone else on the planet? The hype started in 1950 and the beat goes on.
You have to spend money to make money. A small investment into this video will reap millions in donations as it will be used in briefings to restimulate the hell out of people until they are practically type 3 and throw the checkbook at the begging unit.
CCHR is a special interest group. Special Interest is “Human Rights”. Some quotes from:
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Public and Social Groups
“Public and social groups, from governments to garden clubs, are organized around some agreed upon solution and were organized because of and to support some fixed solution such as an ideology or a quick buck or a dominance system.”
“In such a case you are talking to and at an idea fixed. It fears anything that might shake its pet aberration. Indeed, by addressing it directly as a group by a lecture or a mailing you can solidify the consistent antagonism it feels to anything different to its ideas.”
“Such groups are also a mutual protection society and their members are to a greater or lesser degree personally defensive but collectively aggressive.”
“In a “dog eat dog” world, such as Man is continually told it is, political and social groups have other foundations than a simple wish to assemble or to make things go right.”
“They are not there to make a better society, but to have mutual support for some special idea.”
“We also long ago learned this cynical axiom: “Groups tend to perpetuate the conditions which they are formed to combat.”
“Nobody ever heard of polio until it really got anti-polio groups.”
“Deficient in technology to accomplish their ends and dependent at last on the evil they fight to gain support, the group types listed in LRH ED 14 1 Aug 68 are found to fix into a solidified idea that brooks no challenge and which imagines anything else is a challenge to it.”
“So don’t waste your time except to fix up an alliance and do that only by discussing points of close agreement in purposes not your own subject.”
” We also found it is worthless to dissem to specialized groups.”
“We also had this datum earlier. A franchise based its whole dissem programme on approaching and working with specialized groups and went broke promptly.”
“A certain percentage of the poor response told us to attack the American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association.”
The Individual
“Supported by specialized groups they pretend to “public opinion” in order to increase the impact of the message of special interests.”
“In the hard reality of insurgency campaigns when propaganda is at highest intensity, when all the chips are down 92% just aren’t on either side. They simply wait to see who is winning if they have any ideas at all.”
“This tends to say 92% of a population do not belong to groups. The figure is not too far wrong.”
“The Special Interest Individual is a member of a group united by an idea fixed. He has a SOLUTION. Any other idea he considers a potential enemy of his solution.”
“Thus his comm will occur, hidden or exposed, to forward special interests. When the comm is hidden it becomes disinterested or vicious as it is over the top of the withhold of his alignment with a special interest.”
“Comm is possible only by discovering his special interest and indicating alliance with it. ( MY NOTE: BY TAKING OUT YOUR CHECKBOOK) The comm then will probably be a bit grudging but it occurs.”
“The special interest fellow would comm only on his 3rd dynamic special interest and sometimes even commit suicide on the Ist dynamic to defend that special interest.” (MY NOTE LOOK AT THE SEA ORG)
“We can repeat “Disseminate to those who have problems not those who have solutions.”
“Thus there is little point in disseminating to a university as it has solutions for everything.
There is every point in disseminating to a student as he has the problems.
But even here many students also have the solution-to get a degree to magic carpet them to life and the buck or are in the process of espousing special interest groups.
So one can say one can usually disseminate to a student who has PROBLEMS.
There would be no point in disseminating to a police force. There would be every point in disseminating to a policeman who has problems.
There would be no point in disseminating to the War Ministry but every point in disseminating to soldiers who have PROBLEMS.
The only “risk” one runs is some special interest group believing their prey are being stolen from them.
One can easily make the error of believing special groups are interested in general betterment.
With Earth as it is, prey is a better word than patient to describe a psychiatrist’s special interest attitude. And “prey” is a better word than “citizen” to match the thoughts of some government agencies.
Now it so happens that people don’t like to be “prey” and they resent the large majority of special interest groups the moment they discover they are such.
We who are simply trying to make individuals better and so improve the society,without any other axes to grind or drums to beat thus have the majority potentially on our side.”
Another very good, well documented informative piece on THE BIG SHAM!
Thanks Mike! and others here for shinning the bright light of truth on all this crap.
BTW, the fellow smack dab in the middle of that photo, looking at the camera, has been on “OT VII” for 28 years. I guess, he’s going for THE RECORD.
On another note, just to illustrate how ridiculously out tech and completely ineffective things are in the “ideal org” scene, here’s an email from a letter reg I received this morning from THE International Model of ALL “IDEAL ORGS” – The “Ideal Org” of all “Ideal Orgs”, LA ORG – the shinning example for all “ideal orgs” to strive to.
Try not to cringe while reading his email.
The subject line in my inbox was:
“Don’t Forget!!! :)”
“I just wanted you to remember that the reason that there is a huge campaign that “you can’t do anything about it” etc… is because….
You are dangerous and good looking and ridiculously causative and basically a seriously bodacious individual!
You are a BIG THREAT to all the bad guys!!
Whoo hoooo!!
If you need help with anything or anyone…to get them on the bridge or anything….or just anything….Let me know!! : )
OT, Staff, Cool
You’re on this list because you’re cool. And you care. I can take you off if you want. Just let me know! : )
And you can pass it on!”
Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel indeed.
Steve, Good comments. What is the name of that guy who has been on OT VII for 28 years? Inquiring minds want to know! lol
We in RTC agree that, yes, COB’s events may be nothing more than a a form of loud and gaudy implanting circuses designed to manipulate the hypnotized masses into opening their wallets, but this all can be run out in session in future lifetimes and so is of no concern now.
We in RTC are in fact quite proud of the way in which COB RTC David Miscavige uses his patented “rolling thunder” of turgid, hysterical Shermanesque prose and computer graphics to whip the throngs of Scientologists into a mindless sea of hatred and self-loathing bent on destroying Psychiatry and anything else in its path.
This is in fact COB’s stable datum: Run a scorched earth policy today, destroy everything that gets in his way, and then clean it all up in some far off future lifetimes when things have settled down.
No responsibility today: That is the beauty of the future as COB sees it.
Scraping the dregs of past good news and stretching it is the current Scn Inc indeed! Dave Miscavige is bad news and his PRs pay for release “good news” of more brochures printed. I’m surprised the Gold Shoot team is allowed out to shoot, the Gold Musicians have been in lock down for years and haven’t shown up at events the past 5 years, at least.
Having a bad news year again, Dave?
Mike, excellent article. Angela, thank you for making public the you tube real recording of the meetings. The board members made sure to say that they didn’t act on emails (we all know how the church sends out the word to the clubbed seals to inundate the target with massive email campaigns), and that they didn’t act on any one group’s input (I read between the lines to mean, didn’t act on the COS input). So how CCHR and COS can take credit for the decision to not have Teen Screen in Pinellas County at that time is beyond me. But again, whatever COB tells the seals they believe without question and if an outpoint does somehow come through, they bend their reality and come up with “reasons for” the outpoint so that there is no cognitive dissonance. That tendency is talked about in the Data Series. Mike your article today stripped off another layer of the onion, and false data stripped me and my head is still spinning from it. I knew that Gold got nice looking Scn public all dressed up to show up for Gold Shoots and make the courserooms look full. I was called as were all my friends, many times to go to an Ideal Org and be one of the fake audience members so as to make the course rooms look full. And we all smiled indulgently and did it. BUT this is a whole new level of twisting history and facts and making false videos and taking credit for things CCHR didn’t do. And not having any blood, guts and gore for the event, DM has Gold go they go back 8 years to re-create it. What a lie! Amazing that they think we are so stupid to swallow all that. But I guess the ones left IN are actually that stupid. I’m just shaking my head. Thank you for opening my eyes. I thought I’d seen it all.
Mike, I love these posts. I just goy an email asking me to donate to the ias for way to happiness books. I guess nobody has noticed my comments on Martys blog. The way to happiness always seemed to me to be a scam even when I was an active member of the church. It just seemed wierd. Thanks again for opening our eyes.
I was not by any means in favor of Teen Screen, but, filming a re-enactment video 8 years later, really…
I guess the live coverage video of the event on You Tube (below) wasn’t sensational enough and didn’t sole credit to CCHR or PR to the church. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HjEkh84rgLk
Thanks Angela. Interesting, this video is a problem for them as its a record of what ACTUALLY happened…. I wonder now that you have let the world know this exists whether they will still go ahead?
Mike, Those were my thoughts exactly…
Ken is fully aware of this vid (in fact i”m pretty sure it’s his) and has posted it to online forums in the past. This guy was once a hero of mine, and did more to educate the US public and expose the bs behind TeenScreen than anyone. Very sad that he fights on as a churchie without even realising the sheer hypocrisy of it all.
The false hype about CCHR is one of the most obviously false hypes that Miscavige perpetrates on the public. The growing influence of Psychiatry/Psychology is patently obvious to anyone who interacts with the world at large. In 1996 at the IAS event Miscavige revealed his master plan to eradicate the psychs by the year 2000. And in 2013 all they’ve likely got is a delusions-of-grandeur claim of ending TeenScreen?
Mike, although there were 2000 screening centers in 2011, the program was ended in November 2012. What do you want to bet that the IAS will take credit for ending TeenScreen nationwide because of this Pinellas County protest 10 years ago?
Thanks Aeo — I guess Wiki is out of date! But you are right, this is probably what they will do. And like the “Psychs Jailed” and “Institutions Closed” and “Government Funding Slashed” stats they show every year, CCHR is assigned cause for events that have nothing to do with them.
Gawd, imagine the stress poor Ken Kramer must feel under having to get what looks like 100 people to show up on a Wednesday for “an hour” (a bigger lie I have never heard in my life–NOTHING Gold Shoot teams do could be done in under an hour unless it is unpacking a light stand; it is possibly to die, literally, from boredom on a cine shoot at Gold). This poor pud Kramer is going to be toast if 10 people show up. The Gold shoot team will murder him and they in turn will be murdered by the folks back home who will be murdered by the execs over Cine who will hear it from CMO Gold who catch shit from COB’s office who will be torn new ones by His High Holy Tearer Himself. In the news recently here in Sweden is labor camps in North Korea because the only person to escape from one of them and live to tell the tale is in Stockholm spreading the word about what goes on at Int, oops, I mean North Korea. To be honest, it is far worse in North Korea than it is at Int. To be doubly honest, the same mentality drives both places. DM just doesn’t have the balls to be another Kim Jong Un.
Dan, so TRUE about Gold shoots,especially location shoots, agony unchained! The promised “one hour” stretched on and on! Extras would start to leave as they had other appointments to make, other schedules to keep. Then Gold crew on the shoot would get frantic, leave THEIR posts to hunt down more warm bodies to be extras. Stuff of nightmares!
Well he has the mouth for it if not the balls!
“Estimated filming time–1 hour.” ROTFL. After about 3 hours (8:30pm) most of them are going to have to go home, they will be asked to stay and then made to feel bad if they don’t stay, they will get tired, uncomfortable, dehydrated and need snacks (which won’t be in the shoot crew’s budget and some local Scientologists will be told to make it go right and get food for everyone on their own dime), they will start to lack enthusiasm and look bummed out so it will take even longer, then most of them will HAVE to go so they can get to work the next day. The shoot crew will have to finish up the next day, OMG, flap flap flap, so all manner of effort will have to be expended to arrange the space to be used again, people rounded up again (Drag the same ones back for continuity? different ones?) and some lucky locals have the “honor” of urgently putting up the entire crew for the night or maybe they’ll stay in some low-life Flag crew berthing. The crew and equipment needs to be transported back and forth. Just get public Clearwater Scnists to leave their jobs and cart the crew around or pull Flag crew off their posts to do it. Thank goodness it’s near Flag, huh? If they were 4,000 miles away in a foreign country with a pathetically tiny budget and didn’t speak the language you have an idea of what the few local Scnists have to put up with when the Golden Era shoot crew arrives. The shoot crew are brainwashed and robotically think that this is OK. They are the ones creating these great PR videos that show the “expansion” fo Scientology, so everyone get a move, there are a TON of targets to meet before anyone goes to sleep! START!
Thanks gr. Sure glad not to be part of that clusterf**k any more eh?
During the years since LRH stop managing the Co$, we have “progressed” from PR of truth to mostly truth to some truth to no truth.
Way to go dm; here is another ; for you;
Guess where I’ll be next Wedneday….
Fabulous — look forward to your report….
My favorite way of summing up the effectiveness of CCHR and all the anti-psych activities of RCS: In 1960, there were probably fewer than 10,000 psychiatrists in the US (can’t find exact figures but based on population growth alone since then, this is a very safe upper bound; the actual number is probably lower). There were probably about the same number of Scientologists, since the organization was still in the relatively early stages. At that moment, it was easy to imagine that with the rapid growth in Scientology that the number of Scientology auditors would soon exceed the number of psychiatrists in the US, which would have represented something of a victory for Scientology. But fifty years later, there are 38,000 psychiatrists and 105,000 psychologists in the US. There are still somewhere around 10,000 Scientologists. Probably only 500 of those are auditors actually delivering auditing at this point, so the score is not 143,000 vs 10,000; it’s 143,000 vs. 500. And those mental health professionals touch the lives of perhaps 30 million to 40 million people, while those auditors only touch a couple thousand lives. It’s no wonder it is difficult for Miscavige in this day and age to find evidence of a victory of psychiatry.
It will be interesting to see the end product of this video shoot — I am sure it will look like the March on Selma or some other landmark about the civil rights movement instead of a very small city meeting overrun with a dozen raucous protesters. It would be interesting to contrast the video with the memories of some of those who are now ex’s but were there in the original meeting.
I am fully aware that there are problems with psychiatry, and I agree that drugs are over-prescribed to teenagers, particularly ADHD meds to calm down pre-teen and teen boys. In many cases that is hardly the fault of the psychiatrists or drug companies; it is the fault of parents who practically demand that their kid be put on meds as a way of dealing with the usual hormone-fueled energy of those years. Effective parenting and a commitment to putting your kid’s welfare first (instead of the commitment to having a kid as a “lifestyle accessory” as many parents seem to do) would fix the problem, but it takes more work than some are willing to give.
Thanks John. As usual, an excellent comment based on statistics, facts and logic. I wish I had had the good sense to add this analysis into my post…. Appreciate your contribution.
Excellent essay John. You showed the reality of the situation, whereas Miscavige is leading his sheeple into some fantasy land that they are obliterating the ‘psychs’.