Peter Bonyai sent me a copy of a Hungarian facebook posting that lists the prices the FSO is charging for Super Power.
It is interesting to see how much they are gouging public for the privilege of receiving this rundown designed for staff.
Here is a translation:
0. There is a 5000 USD base cost (officially, to cover the costs of the perception drills, which are not subtracted from the intensives). One also gets special clothing for this, which can be kept. Apparently, 50 Sea Org members are assigned to the delivery of these drills.
1. Medical clearance is needed for these drills too, which costs an extra 200 USD.
2. Usual Tech Estimates: 5-7 intensives for people who are not Clear, 4-6 intensives for Clears and OTs.
Pricing for intensives:
1 – no discount – 5,000 USD
4 – 5% discount – 19,000 USD
6 – 10% discount – 27,000 USD
8 – 15% discount – 34,000 USD
10 – 20% discount – 40,000 USD
12 – 25% discount – 45,000 USD
So, if you buy 6 intensives upfront and then add the mandatory surchage of $5000 for the “perceptic drills” (which cost NOTHING to deliver other than some people in “special uniforms” who “supervise”) you are shelling out $32,200, without including accommodations, meals and mandatory contributions to the IAS/Ideal Orgs/L. Ron Hubbard Hall and Planetary Dissemination.
Of course, the vast majority of people who have now routed on to Super Power paid for it years, if not decades, ago during the prime of the “Cornerstone” cornholing. 50% discounts were offered to those who reached certain levels of contribution, and many then put “money on account” to pay for intensives.
This is why Flag is so desperate — they are servicing people who paid for Super Power years ago, making no NEW income. And they have put such an enormous price on entrance to the SP building, that it is a huge barrier to the shrinking numbers of available public.
This is why there is such a heavy push on the “Flag World Tours” — with 4 or more “highly trained auditors and C/Ses” along with Super Power “technicians.”
It’s not looking good at the “top of the Bridge.” The Freewinds is begging for money to buy fuel, how long before Flag is begging for money to pay the utilities?
The outer perimeters have fallen, Rome itself is crumbling. Miscavige’s “bread and circuses” events are losing their appeal.
The scientology empire is past its “use by” date. It’s only a matter of how long it can continue cannibalizing itself.
The constant problem of a movement/group that sells supernatural results, is no one gets those supernatural powers.
No group in human history has passed the scientific test for making soul astronauts out of people.
Scientology is just another in the long list of mystical power promising groups.
Scientology has a lot more deflecting sub issues going on, that delay people realizing the spiritual fraud of it all.
Every new generation of humans seem to fall for the soul powers and controlled out of the body soul flight telekinetic “OT” powers.
The religion angle lets Scientology dodge scientific myth busting of Scientology’s bigger problem of spiritual hocus pocus promises being fraudulent, since all supernatural stuff has never passed scientific tests, and Scientology by now ought to be have some real OT superpeople.
Scientology never will, since it’s fiction.
I know you have pretty well written all of scientology off as complete fiction, myth, con. Nonetheless, you’ve written a number of articles I’ve enjoyed reading. Your comment today prompts me to state something that has been on my mind a while.
This is an observation I have each time I come to Mike’s blog, or Marty’s blog, or ESMB or any of the many, many other related sites and read the extensive comments that are very critical of anything LRH or scientology. What I note is that many, many, many people who have been “out” or uninvolved for years and even decades are still deeply involved emotionally and intellectually with scientology. They write on blogs, they revile, they argue, they tout, they recount histories, they criticize others and try to persuade others that others’ experiences are bogus. They spend hours reading others’ opinions, responding to others, writing thoughts and opinions, lecturing, debating and so on. So much energy invested – sure hours and hours on some days.
Others have spent decades in different churches, cults, religions, movements, political parties, but when they leave or outgrow these things, they usually move on after a relatively short period and only give passing attention to their past experiments or involvements. This is what I’ve observed.
I ask (somewhat rhetorically): What is it about Scientology that someone could be “out” for 2-3-4 decades and still spend soooo much time and energy upon it if there wasn’t something about it that was quite special or unique. Why do people feel so compelled to try- again and again – to dissuade others that there was anything good about what LRH developed, try to convince others that they were totally deluded and deceived and really achieved nothing at all? I can understand someone having that opinion, but why so some spend so much time and energy on that point. There is so much else to do in life.
I am not expecting an answer from anyone really. It is just something I’ve observed, something to contemplate. For myself, I spend the time because I did find great value and I care.
Wow, Leonore! What a great comment. Thank you for articulating thoughts and musings that have been knocking around in my head for a long time too. You expressed it so well! I have had the same question — if someone has been out for 10, 20 or more years and still expends that much energy debating about Scn and LRH and the tech, WHY? Maybe Marty had a good idea there to do what it takes to “Move On.” I don’t have an answer to your question. However, I have an analogy.
LRH said that the higher the ARC with someone, the bigger the ARC break when it breaks. So someone you knew as a mere acquaintance and then have an ARCX with, it will be small. But a lover that you loved dearly and shared your life and most intimate love with and you then have an ARCX, now THAT’S and ARCX of magnitude — because of the sheer amount of ARC you had for them before the break.
So if that is any indication, to me it points up that at one time these people had a big amount of ARC for the subject and that some of it actually worked and worked quite well with them — they had big wins with it! The subsequent betrayal they felt when it went to shit may be why decades later they are still asserting on the subject. Kind of like the CDEINR Scale going down the scale. Great post Leonore.
Makes sense to me.
Leonore, the simple answer is that those with knowledge of the criminal LRH and the “church” he created feel responsible for keeping people out of the scam. It is having a level of morality that prompts one to help others avoid being sucked into a criminal activity masquerading as something good. It would actually be more odd if ex-members didn’t spend some energy to help others avoid it.
Lenore, this is something I have pondered about too, looking at myself and wishing I could just move on sometimes and let it go. I often find myself wishing that I didn’t think about it anymore and lived a life where I wasn’t in contact with Scientology or Scientologists at all. I have asked myself ‘why’ many times.
I think it’s because I spent to much time, money, basically my life energy on it for so long. I could have had a very different life had I not dedicated so much to Scientology. I benefited from Scientology to a certain point, which I liken to therapy but after a while it did little for me because I don’t believe in the OT3 story. I’m sorry; I don’t mean to offend you or anyone else who does.
I tried to handle this when I was still receiving auditing but no one was willing to have a mature conversation with me and ask what it all meant to me and where did I want to go from there. No, instead I was ‘corrected’ with sec checks and long progress programs. I was deemed a resistive case and was probably looked at as a no case gain, walking implant, antisocial or SP. Maybe this is why I still think about it to a certain point. LRH said that the reactive mind is composed of incomplete communication cycles. To some degree, this rings true for me. No one would communicate with me on this point. It was offensive to them or just made them too uncomfortable.
Never regret yesterday… 🙂
I’m going out on a limb here and this may not appeal to everyone, but consider this: Remember when you got drunk in high school or college and someone said “the hair of the dog that bit you” would handle the hangover? Well, in a way, using Scn to handle the upset with Scn may just work. If you want to graduate up and out of it so that you aren’t tethered to the blogs asserting and debating 20 years from now on the subject, how about you get a good, well-trained and experienced Indie auditor? Go in session and get the BPC cleaned up about the church and related people etc. Get the BPC cleaned up and graduate up and move on. Even if you don’t believe in the OT III part, you can still benefit from cleaning up injustices, wrong indications, ARCX’s, betrayals, etc. So just consider it like an exit interview on the meter. Couldn’t hurt and might help.
Thank you Mike about your answer about my statement about Condition below Confusion. Surely not everything is true in the internet. But this one did pass my own observations .. so I looked for a share and found .. it may be false, what is said there, but it looked right enough to me .. my searxh was for the Ethic Repair List ..
The Ethics Repair List was for interest to me. See, I got 4X more ethics handling hours than auditing. You yourself give Golden Age of Sec Check (which is similiar but not the same) .. you can figure one down on O/Ws for trillion years .. but ethics condition is in present .. it means, you can have as muxh as possible O/Ws in the past, it does not say which ethics condition you have right now ..
Because of my own experience in the Church .. where we have always found out that I am in confusion, something which was true for myself .. but I found confusion as a case state not as a condition which belongs to ethics. Maybe yes, maybe not .. so I asked me what is below such a condition of disorder ..
I found myself that it must be order of others .. and I found if you go with order of others you will run into confusion .. and when you take over you are in a condition below confusion .. means, you feel power under the direction of another power .. your responsibility did decrase much ..
So on, Condition below Confusion means simply that you run everything under the control of another, and that is quite normal in the current church .. I have learned it in my 5.000 hours ethics handlings .. should always find out where I am .. complete nonsens because who do not know where he is now .. as said above confusion is a case state of not knowing where you are really, mix max – therefore confusion, and below that is a mind or a thetan who runs on another thetan or mind ..
The general sense of Condiition below confusion is that you feel power withhout having any power .. and that is the way how LRH becomes a God .. everybody has to read his works in every eternity forever ..
The game of LRH is unfortunately that everybody runs wrong .. he has never seen that ..
I’m just excited Mastertech has released Management By Statistics 3.1 with Cloud access!
“It is interesting to see how much they are gouging public for the privilege of receiving this rundown designed for staff.”
back when I was on staff in the early 1990’s and heard and even read about Super Power,
mind you I was working my ass off being on staff, making it go right to just be on staff,
why I was a little pissed, you might say, and had questions to myself like,
why isn’t super power available right now, I mean I need a little help here and so do others…………..and I was gung ho
and now it’s being sold as a public rundowns as opposed to staff first,
something is wrong with this picture.
All of them horror stories. And more to come until The Collapse.
All I know is that in 1973 an intensive of decent auditing from the org I was in was $625. I got half-price intensives as a contracted staff member at $312.50 for 12.5 hours of auditing. And you could wear what you wanted! Lot of ’70s stovepipe jeans and clogs and baggy pullover sweaters. 🙂
I finished my Grades and went to LA for Power on up through OTs levels for a few thousand dollars. I loved the wins and am thankful I did the auditing and training at that time (compared to staff experience and sea org/prisoner experience later which was life-ruining but I finally escaped.)
Just mentioning this as a little comparison. At the point where I am right now, several years “out,” the things I am still working on freeing myself from are the strange, extreme wacked-out values, “ethics” and rules of staff and the sea org—not the things I realized or experienced from the auditing and training.
But from what I learned in my training then, I wouldn’t do one single course in the “church” now. If you’re still in now, head for the hills and get the rest or your services in the indie field based on the original LRH tech, for a LOT less money and with a lot more care for YOU, not your wallet.
Makes sense Gato. The services you received back in the day and those offered now have about as much in common as a rabbi and the Gestapo.
Gato — your comment reminded me of a somewhat comical incident back in the early 80s. When I was on staff at GO WW, I went out and bought a couple of intensives at St. Hill. The rate at that time was approx 75 pounds, so I got it at 50% off. Years later I was in Treasury AOLA looking at my account and saw an invoice for one unused intensive. I thought, Swell! I have an intensive! The Dir Income went apoplectic. “This cannot be right. No one in their right mind would sell an intensive for $70,” (US conversion rate 1981) and on and on. The Treas Sec came over and looked at the original invoice and just said, “Yup, its good.”
Auditing rates back in the day were based more closely on Reality – as in real world commerce happening on Main Street, not what someone in the church thought was a good GI target to shoot for. That target or that need for income, became the escalating fees we saw in the 80s that took most of SCN out of the hands of most Scientologists.
Some how, those much lower prices made for a much healthier church. Funny how things, fairly priced, just seem to work.
DM is looking more and more like General Custer, Maybe he’s having a past life regression. Well his postulates are not working and soon the sheeple will be singing
Hey MR. Custer, I don’t want to go. Forward Ho!!
If the Fleewinds gets away with begging for fuel money, you can bet Flag Crew will soon be doing the same.
I am pretty familiar with Flag Crews finances from 1988 to 2005 and its a sad story. With 200 staff and an income of over $200,000 per week, they are one of the largest orgs on the planet. Despite this, they would only contribute about $15,000 per week to Sea Org Reserves.
I have seen times when they owed the Sysco Food Co. over $600,000 for which there was no money set aside. Food for the public restaurants was being ordered with no approved purchase order (PO).
Once there was a high number of local homes and businesses (including the Feshbach’s
company) being broken into and robbed. The same was happening to on board public hotel rooms. It turned out these robberies were being done by the person in Flag Crew responsible for the upkeep of Flags buildings. He wasn’t buying himself anything with the stolen money. He was buying toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, light bulbs, paint, etc.
When I left in 2005 the Flag Crew executives were fixated on gas prices. When the price a gas went up $.25 a gallon it was a BIG problem due to all the church buses and vans constantly being used to shuttle the staff and public between buildings. My point is that Flag Crew has a history of living financially “on the edge”.
There is no way that Flag Crew is able to pay for the cost of running and maintaining the Super Power building. One way or another, that cost is being covered by the income of the FSO. It is money that otherwise would have gone up to Int Reserves.
During the 20 years I was staff at Flag, there was an average of 1 posted person in the Maintenance Department and 2 in the Engineering Department for the entire base. Who is going to take care of all the glass, brass, carpets, fabrics, paint, lights, etc as NEW turns to USED? Where is the money and labor going to come from to continue the Miscavige smoke and mirror show? An increased effort to rip off the public, of course.
Thank you Matt. i always enjoy your insider info and writing stye.
Mat, I was never in F.C. but could never figure out why they always seemed to be in a financial mess.(going back >35 years) Was it because of incompetence or, not being allowed to charge market level prices for their services? Or something else…
I think it is because they were responsible for supporting (feeding and housing) all STAFF and students and their only source of INCOME was from PUBLIC. There are more staff than public at Flag. Outer Orgs cannot afford to pay for room and board for their “trainees” that they are forced to send for 6 week training programs that last 2 or 3 years. I think FSO and other units are supposed to pay money to Flag Crew, but it’s LOW priority for them so is often cut. A HUGE percentage of FSO income is sent straight to “Int Reserves” and 14% goes to printing garbage junk mail every week. Finances in Scientology are insane.
Thanks Mike. Yes, I remember FSO and the finance battles with FC now. Also the raping of the FSO coffers.
Gold had a similar problem vis-a-vis being the Estates Org for the whole base. (stupid idea BTW as it pulled the senior execs attention OFF of all other Gold functions) I did an eval for WDO Gold & Chair (Marc Y) that came up with that org board problem as a Why for Gold problems in other areas and was roasted as being wrong as El Ron wrote the mandate for such a set up.
p.s. Giving WDC Chairman the SOR stat was worse than if LRH had Org ED’s using GI as their main stat.
Maybe DM can revise the bridge again and make super power mandatory. Easy bucks.
Really something like Super Power should cost maybe a bit more than a gym membership. The prices Scientology charges are an admission that the goal is not really to help people. More of a punishment for not being S.O. or on staff. Part of it anyway. But definitely not a product that is even in reach of most folks. I understand “Free service, free fall”, but this is like Wrigley’s selling gum for $1,000 a pack. So if you’re really rich, and you really like gum, fine. For the rest, forget it. Not many people on planet earth will be chewing gum.
Interesting Post – thought provoking actually.
GAG I, GAG II, Sooper Power – were these simply marketing hypes that brought in a “whole new line” of products & services, that could be sold, or more exactly, resold to Scientologists, resulting in new sources of income? Or in some way, were they weak-kneed attempts at finding a why for dwindling international stats? This of course assumes that someone, even the wee man, might have some hidden – deeply hidden and clearly not cherished – desire to actually improve the lot of Scientology? I know I’m stretching out onto thin ice here, but the idea did drift in while reading through this post and a number of comments.
Back in the day – 1975 – while on staff at GO WW, I went through the LRH written DSEC, Data Series Evaluator’s Course. There was an MSH run mission that put all GO staff through this course at that time. I ended up getting my gold seal certificate about 9 months later. I was one of maybe 5%- 8% of GO WW that completed this course and successfully evaluated situations afterwards.
So a) it was a tough course to get through and an even tougher internship. A lot of staff never made it through successfully – 90% +. Then b) everyone started searching for whys, like Hunting for the Snark. People became fixated on whys. People got into selling whys, through their submissions to AVU. (Authorization and Verification Unit). That is, “whys” became the golden egg, the saving grace, the ‘thing’ that would make it all better and allow people to sleep peacefully at night. In their quest for whys, they started losing track or lessening the importance of the tech that led one to finding a real why. The end not only justified the means, it was the only worthwhile pursuit.
Like the RCS is doing right now – hyperbolizing any and every existing case state and reducing it down to Wow Bam and POW! It’s all about the glorified ending, which of course, no one ends up actually reaching because the tech leading to this awesome state has been so altered and not-ised.
Anyway this post got me thinking that somewhere, somehow, someone thought of finding an actual why and ended up eviscerating the Goose in the process. GAG I eliminated all qualified auditors in its search for creating an easier path to obtaining qualified auditors.
GAG II – a wrong why based on the delusional success of a previous wrong why, further drove the tech, the public and what was left of the church into the dirt.
And lastly, Super Power – an awesome effort on the part of some deeply tormented idiot, to take what was no doubt a decent action based on a probable right why and turn it into an all-purpose solution for everyone. The Great Elixir, designed to handle everything from shin splints to astigmatism and tightening of the withers. Once again A WHY slammed in through hubris and greed to fix all that had not been previously “fixed.”
In my experience whys are priceless. Not just administratively but throughout every technical action that works. It is the glorious ending that should be sought after, but only as a result of correctly applying the tech designed to lead one to it.
Like everything else in the RCS, the STATUS, the great Ending that everyone gets jazzed about and is thereby sucked further into the mess because of it, is all that is now available. The journey, the great becoming that many of us got into SCN seeking, is nothing more than a desolate stretch of the I15 that should be avoided at all costs.
Argh!! these hooples are such a pain.
Well said Odd. It’s all about the journey.
Interesting pondering Odd.
One question I have is, is dave deliberately killing the church as in very cleverly, incrementally destroying it, either working alone, or with backing, but in the process making a show of expansion, corrected tech now available, corrected books now available, etc.
Or does he actually think he is doing the right thing with gag, et al? And if he thinks he is doing the right thing, surely he must know the actual stats and see that his programs are not working. I mean one of the most basic things you learn in Scientology is to go back to where things were doing well, and put those actions back in.
I guess what it boils down to, is we have here with dave, either a computational psychotic or a plant or a combination of both.
4A, if you demonstrate that all the actions, over a period of time, resulted in the same result, regardless of what excuses were used, then you show intent. This is how true intent is demonstrated in a court of law.
If half the actions resulted in a positive effect, and the other half resulted in a negative effect, then one could conclude that the manager was just guessing.
IMHO, the results are all negative. Anyone with experience has been stopped and isolated and has been left to die without passing on their experience. The tech documents have been altered to the point of unworkable and unsafe. The reputation of the subject has been made unsavory. The central organization (the church) is slowly deconstructing, and the field is in tatters.
Quite effective when looked at, especially when all the money gathered makes a nice bonus for the people wrecking it.
There have been attacks from the start. If the same groups are involved currently, then that certainly looks like a conspiracy. Consider the whole history, and come up with your own conclusions.
I think that a full documented history would be quite revealing.
I do not think that DM is stupid. His intent is to kill the subject. He has support. (It is not possible to operate all alone.) The question is “What / how much support?”.
Agreed 1984, the destruction is sort of very neat, loose ends nicely put to bed, an acceptable front for the sheeple, hell we are even fighting amongst ourselves and in disarray to a degree, especially when compared to the heyday of the 70’s, and Ron, of course is the scapegoat! If it wasnt planned, its a hell of a well ordered chaos!
4a, the description “… its a hell of a well ordered chaos!” is perfect.
It is also a contradiction in terms, and begs more questions, so we keep pulling the string.
“Like” to this conversation and thread – Odd, 1984, and 4a. Outpoints are piled sky high around DM. The sum of so many decades of non-productive or destructive actions, poor products and results, outright lies and deceit coupled with personal greed and self-protection and targeting of most every trained, experienced, respected or loved leader, just scream to me intent to consume and destroy. Sometimes I think we’re living a sci-fi story with layers of reality. I don’t think most of us who really cared about the aims of Scientology can fathom David Miscavige’s mind. How does one understand a sociopath or psychopath, or someone with alternate goals? I think he is operating on a completely different wavelength.
Leonore, It is common to not be able to see the forest for the trees.
Now that we can agree on some of the trees, it is time to step back and re-look at the forest, in a new unit of time.
Forests, like countries have physical / influential boundaries that are not always where they are assumed to be. Instead of focusing on the tactical scene, what is the strategic scene?
Understanding the sociopath may only be a distraction.
Cool and very apt word to describe the C of $, Odd Thomas!
A useless or self-serving organization. A wasteful business run by incompetents. A public sector organization with no useful purpose other than to generate paperwork, internal reports and provide incomes for its executives. (from the Urban Dictionary)
“The scientology empire is past its “use by” date. It’s only a matter of how long it can continue cannibalizing itself.”
Very powerful statement Mike and I couldn’t agree more. It is going to be quite interesting to see how things play-out as things accelerate toward the inevitable fall of the scientology empire. It is great to have a ringside seat — I’ve got my popcorn.
I shouldn’t be surprised at the predatory pricing structure for SP Rundown, but still it’s mind blowing. Thirty years of hype and “Planetary Clearing will become a reality”; a rain forests worth of promo on the subject; hundreds of millions having been collected in advance donations and building costs; an opening event the like of which the Galaxy, nay the universe, has never seen before, and it comes down to this: fork over another $32,000 and be amongst the other dozen or so suckers wandering around the long lonely corridors of the SP Building. Pitiful. As statpush says, SP is a busted flush – now what Dave?
Flag has many problems, ‘monies on account for training’ are a huge accounting problem. All that money is in the bank, but if CO$ is following proper accounting practices {yeah that could happen} it has to be marked as not spendable until the training is delivered.
By forcing all the old money to work at new Stupor Powerz prices, DM gets to move the money to the ‘profit’ pile. Flag is going to be working a long time to get these ‘monies on account’ ‘spent’. Like they weren’t already spent.
So where is the cash to keep the AC on coming from? From the Golden Age of Sec Checking, just like you said. That is the only new service that has to be paid for in new cash (or does it? Can ‘monies on account’ be used for sec checking?}. The SP rundown itself is still just working on that pile of old money.
The ‘donations’ must already be funding the day to day expenses, all the other money has already been spent or sent off shore.
Zemoo, there is no rule that they can’t spend money received for services until those services are delivered. That isn’t how it is set up.
Yes, SL4S is right, FP#1 is riding on GI not VSD. So if those services paid decades ago must be delivered at today’s utility costs with virtually no new income from public paying for services then the day when the doors don’t even open ‘for business’ will soon come.
That ‘Sunland mission moves to Foothill mission, your account has been transferred’ will be the modus operandi until they run out of public that has account balances worth going to even the small claims court. So, yes ‘your account’ will go and see the world 🙂
In the accounting world, prepayment for services that can be refunded are not credits or debits, they are more like a savings plan or Christmas Club account. The money may be a credit, it may be a debit, it’s more like a security deposit for a rental.
That is of course, in the proper, legal world of accounting. I can not accuse the CO$ of proper practices, but the courts might find some problems with the way ‘monies on account for training’ are converted to donations. Vance Woodward is suing CO$ for not returning his training money. The Garcia suit is about fraud and donations, a very different kettle of fish.
The real question remains, what or who is paying the current deficit?
Yes, I know that Zee, having had a company that had MILLIONS booked as services that are “used” over the period of a S/W license. (see GAAP) HOWEVER, those accounting rules don’t apply to a non-profit religion engaged in accepting donations for religious activity. THUS, it is not relevant to the CoS. Apples and asteroids.
“So where is the cash to keep the AC on coming from?”
Nancy Cartwright?
One foot on a banana peel the other foot in the grave.
More apt, banana peels to the right, banana peels to the left
banana peels in front ! Into the Super power building the loyal strode !
Check,cash, or money order,CHARGE !
Mike, I had been wondering if you were going to do a posting on the Sup Powerz for a while now. This just for the Perceptic’s drills right? Or anyone please let me know??
I wonder if you could estimate/guess from the OT minutes what their GI is per week just from Super powerz? Just ballpark knowing approximately how long the courses take, you have to stay at their hotel etc. Or maybe you might post something on the whole subject later.
Thanks for your time hope my question does not sound to stupid
Taylor — not a stupid question. I am going to be doing a posting on Flag stats, including Super Power probably tomorrow. So I will expand it a bit as your raise some good points.
Give some honor to LRH .. the Super Power project was dedicated to staff , not to puplic .. I think LRH did know that some failures did occur ..
Think about the first process .. condton below confusion .. that is great, but I know since years that you go down from confusion when you lost your confusion which Scientology did gave you ..
Not sure what you are talking about “First process condition below confusion”?
Super Power Rundown Series 1
correct me if something is wrong about my data found in GOOGLE
Well, not everything on the internet is true…. If you want to know what Super Power actually consists of read the write up from Dan Koon.
Meanwhile, out on the fringes of the internet, more and more whispers are quietly being listened to by the non-fanatic miscavologists. “Did you ever see that email Debbie Cook wrote?” “I think she might have been right?” “And I just read some very interesting stuff on a website called Friends of LRH…did you see that?”
Just in the past couple of months there have been nine people who got in comm with us about their secret plans to escape, hopefully with their families intact. These nine are all aware of a number of others who are doing likewise. These are just the few people who have come on our lines. And we are really out in the middle of nowhere. Lord only knows what rumblings of disaffection are occuring in the Florida and Los Angeles hubs of the most secretive religion in America.
The more miscavige’s tax-collectors push, the more people will reject their advances. Escape is the only option.
That’s powerful news, Les.
Wow, LDW, that’s great news! You’re doing an incredible job of helping these folks out of the cult! I wish there was something I could do. Keep up the great work!
Great Les,
What a comm lag that is but better late than never to get out!
Hi Les;
That is very good to hear!
Hmm, I wonder if DM will try to move off to “Byzantium” once “Rome” falls?
This 32,200 USD translates into 418,000.00 mexican pesos. The average high executive in Mexico earns 24,000.00 pesos. So, in about 17 months a very rich mexican would have gathered the initial sum of 32,000 USD which, as you noted, doesn’t include travel, meals and whatever donations the org may manage to rip off of him.
Yes, his greed is cutting the Bridge to the point that rice and beans have become the daily normal food for staff. Is just a matter of a short time before all this collapses.
I sure hope you are correct about that Sylvia and i happen to agree on the ‘short time’.
We’re all hoping that the inevitable happens quickly. My uncle flew bombers over Europe in WWII. He was shot down and captured by the Germans. He was put into a POW camp. One early morning he got up and there were no guards in sight. They had heard that Patton was on his way in their direction so they all simply left. That’s what I’m hoping for. They all just give up and leave. Well, ‘leave’ in the sense that they all go back to their families.
Silvia I hope it is a short time. I imagine the timing will have to do with when outflow (not including investment $) is exceeding inflow. At that point he’ll start slashing expenses somehow. For some reason I don’t believe that he’ll kick out SO members wholesale until the very end. Doesn’t seen like he wants to lose absolute power over those people…
He needs his slaves around to provide worship and the feeling of power. When they are no longer useful he will dump them on the street.
“The scientology empire is past its ‘use by’ date.” Classic, Mike! And I believe they’ve been past their “use by” date by a couple of decades.
Yes, cannibalization is most dsfinately the correct word to use.
The posting was removed since by the administrator of the Hungarian Scientologists’ Facebook group, stating that “prices cannot be posted online”.
BTW, one of them even posted a video recording of “We Stand Tall”, performed by David Pomerantz at the FSO Graduation last Saturday, which I added to my collection, thank you 🙂
Meanwhile at Saint Hill, apparently you get knighted by the Captain himself for completing the Basics (the ceremony is performed at the graduation, complete with swords etc)! And they proudly post the pictures on Facebook! Amazing!
“BTW, one of them even posted a video recording of “We Stand Tall”, performed by David Pomerantz at the FSO Graduation last Saturday, which I added to my collection, thank you 🙂 ”
DO WANT! Could you please post a link somewhere?
It is publicly available here:
Who ‘we’ white man?
“The posting was removed since by the administrator of the Hungarian Scientologists’ Facebook group, stating that “prices cannot be posted online”. ”
Yes they should be posted online because it lets us laugh at them (the prices). Running around a pole and testing which way west is, or the oiliness of my gall-bladder is something I should be paid for, not the other way around, let alone for 45K. I am sorry if I offend anyone but if anyone believes this “perceptics” stuff just because LRH wrote it and with no additional evidence (“win” stories don’t count because they are anecdotal and we have tons of evidence that such stories are unreliable, not only in scientology, but everywhere else) then I have a bridge to sell them. The only justification one would have is if they believe that LRH is God. That is fine but but if one believes that they must be be prepared to empty their wallet and go into deep debt. Believing that LRH is God is a very expensive belief — whale-busting. And what if they are wrong?
Well, I don’t think any form of belief stands up well to scientific proof. It doesnt matter if that belief is categorized as religious, cult or any other “ism.”
You are correct that anecdotal evidence proves nothing. Saying that because it is anecdotal means the person didnt experience some change/improvement/desirable result doesn’t prove those didnt occur either.
The problem with scientology is its claims of being “scientifically proven” or “it works every time” or “if it didnt work it was not applied correctly” and the amount of money that is extracted from people based on these false claims — NOT that it claims to provide any benefits to people. Every religion, every cult and every “isms” makes claims of what it will do for you. You may not believe them, but people in free society have the right to believe and buy anything they want. It is when they are defrauded and lied to that the problems begin.
You are certainly free to avoid scientology like the plague. But I don’t think you can truthfully take the position that nobody gets anything out of it. There are plenty of people who would assert otherwise based on their experience. Are you really in any position to say they are wrong? I don’t think so.
I agree Mike and would say that I still believe that I got benefit out of my earliest auditing sessions, as the trauma I “worked on” has never seemed to bother me since. But because I believe that that has value to it doesn’t mean it follows (for me) that Hubbard is God and everything he wrote was Gospel. Of course anybody has the right to believe that, but my point was (poorly articulated) that that does not have good evidence for it and thus needs to be believed via “faith”. Logically the following concept/association is fallacious: auditing (trauma’s that occurred in this lifetime) works, therefore everything Hubbard ever wrote is true. Again of course anyone is free to believe that, but that doesn’t mean it is logically justified. But as you point out, that rarely ever stops anyone from believing similar concepts.
What I forgot to consider in my post was the indie movement, where one can receive the benefits while not receiving the wallet-emptying negative consequences that they do while in the cult. It is the cult I am against and the horrible atrocities that come out of it, not the benign practice of the practices, although I might be skeptical of their efficacy, as I am of the preceptics.
After having been in a couple of cults myself (I had a brief but very traumatic brush with scientology), I have come to value critical thinking — it is important to me that my beliefs be justified by sound evidence. So that is where I was coming from, but I realize that perhaps I am in the minority in that.
Thanks for clarifying. Nothing to disagree with you about here.
Just to add Mike… my point was not to prove that all scientoloy practices are not beneficial, it was more to assert that everything that LRH said was not true — that he is not the one true God. As an atheist I need good sound evidence for any god. But I uphold people’s right to believe anything.
” Are you really in any position to say they are wrong? I don’t think so.”
Well this is the great trap behind every cult/religion and belief system. Everyone gets something out of something. You could try TM and find that meditation works. You could speak to a rabbi and find solace in his words and feel you got something out of it. And go right down the line from one belief system to the next. There is something to be gained out if every activity.
The danger lies in bridging that gap between, “I got something out of it” and “there is some truth to this”. All of the sudden there is that tacit validation given when you get a “win”. It worked this time therefore it works. And I think you were making a similar point about the tech Mike.
But they ARE wrong. They should be told they are wrong. And it’s entirely a correct position to say so. Validating even a part of this cult is validation. Its tantamount to a drug addict saying drugs make him feel good and us saying, “well, you are getting something out of it so it can’t be all bad”.
I don’t think that is a tenable position.
“This is why there is such a heavy push on the “Flag World Tours” — with 4 or more “highly trained auditors and C/Ses” along with Super Power “technicians.”
This makes sense now. Besides the problems of getting new money to pay the electric bill on that monstrosity, there has to be major problems of BIS. Those major contributors are not so likely to pass medical and I can’t help wondering if scientology MO’s are the Only ones allowed to hand out passes. I usually see young and robust looking people in the promo pieces. I have not heard a peep about the endocrine, pain, and other torturous sounding machines listed on the blueprints. Has anyone? The Running Program (Cause Resurgence) and the Gyrotating alone should be problematic.
Miscavige had a darn good reason, several of them, to not open that pandora. We can thank the Garcia’s for forcing that hand. Those of us who knew what that rundown was basically all about knew the humongous lies about it over the decades would be his downfall. Super Poor is all there is now.
It’s clear from their own promo and talk amongst the field, that Super Power is NOT living up to the hype. We’re coming up to its first anniversary. And in that time I know of only two individuals who have done it out of dozens I know. There is no buzz in the field or even much of reach.
The “Solution to Planetary Clearing” is bust.
Now what Mr. Miscavige?
Next? GAS — the Golden Age of Sec Checking. A massive breakthrough. Undiscovered notes showed that everyone should be getting at least 50 hours of sec checking BEFORE they start on ANY major service because it has been found that the primary reason for lack of expected gains is unhandled O/Ws. And with sec checking now made 100% on Source, just like LRH wanted, each prepared sec check is done to an F/Ning list — in other words the only way to ensure someone is REALLY clean is to go through all the questions and THEN assess the list of all the questions until it FN’s. ANd with that, you GUARANTEE wonderful success stories at the end of each level.
“Lack of expected gains”….very funny but yet
so true in this new age of tech.
If GAS is to be done before any major
service, then Grade II is but a thing of the
I still can’t figure out how one fn’s a list using
the 3 swing fn rule. Does each question have to
swing 3 times? It’s kinda like what would a fleeting
3 swing fn look like?
Well I’m sure with the new GAS, auditors will be drilled
to flawless metering so as not to miss even the tiniest of
reads… fact if the need does anything but fn it will be
considered a read and the auditor expected to drill the poor
pc to an inch of his life to guarantee that pc wonderful success
It will be found in GAS that the auditors code will no longer
be needed.
Well Potpie, you raise a very good point.
THere will be new Assessment TR’s (thus requiring a new PRO TR’s and Metering Course and a re-do for everyone) as you are quite correct: each item on the list will be required to have a 3 swing FN before assessing the next item. And because the entire list has to FN in one sitting, there is some new tech that allows pcs and auditors to remain seated for up to 8 hours without having to take a bathroom break — the new 100% on source, standard tech Mark 9 Ultra Bottle and Funnel. With several seconds between each item called out by the auditor as he watches for the required 3 swings, these “final assessments” could be VERY long (and lucrative)…
Oh my God! It could happen!
Haven’t they been piloting this for years? 🙂
Yes, almost as long as they were “piloting” the “new” Grades. And the Warehouse 8.
And the first candidate is Dave himself to prove its efficacy. What, not likely you say?
And of course there will be new needle phenomena
introduced on the metering course to let the auditor
know when the standard Mark 9 Bottle and Funnel
is in use. Don’t wanna miss one of those 3 swing fn’s.
Oh Mike, why didn’t I think of that!
I see from the responses that the bodily functions will be taken care of as well.Great!
How about some IV for nutrition so no breaks need to be taken?
Now how about a little bell that rings every time there is a 3-swing FN?
That will also help to keep the pc awake or wake him up again, well maybe a little
whip might come in handy.
This new tech is getting more and more interesting….
Where can I sign up for it?
And after that list has FN’ed with not even the most
minuscule slow or stop in the FN there is the second
list which deals exclusively with COB, with all kinds
of variation of his name and title and if you have any
kind of o/w’s or evil intentions on him. Oh wait, I had
a similar list done on me already in the RPF, never
mind – we can take that list!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike, I heard GAS Golden Age of Sec-Checking here first. I read down thread via Battlefield Teegeeack that the Hungarian FB has dropped the list. No doubt the Sea Org Khmer Rouge’s child enforcers have that FSO on the cans in an exercise spreading sunshine, enlightenment and real ARC.
What a GAS.
Don’t forget the snazzy outfits guys. We all need to match for the new GAS. Uniformity is IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!
The uniforms for GAS (Golden Age of Sec Checks) can be black with the little whip or riding crop used to whip a horse. Those have been part of the MAA’s arsenal for decades now.
I remember being on an auditor course and was assigned a SO pc for Sec Checking because “stats were down” or “they didn’t come completely clean” or “she wants to route out” or whatever the reason. And the MAA from her org came to personally instruct me to “dig deep and get it all cuz I know she has more she’ds hiding…” She came dressed to the gills in full HCO uniform, with the riding crop whip that she slapped against her leg a bit as she ordered me around, (trying to intimidate me.) But my attitude was, “not my circus; not my monkey…” She instructed me to make a huge note of which overts were gotten off in session that were not included in her OW writeup. She was so out of valence and offensive to me that I decided right then and there to NOT make note of any OW’s that were not in the writeup, and to just audit the pc for case gain and only for case gain. (That was always my intention, but I doubled up on that intention after her out of valence display). And I did. She had a big win in the sessions etc. I don’t know what happened to her but I sure hope she got out of the cult.
Yeah, but, isn’t every single scheme they pull out of their collective asses the “Solution to Planetary Clearing?” Soon it would be the “Solution to Planetary Clearing du jour.”
Mike, you may have spoken tongue in cheek about GAS (Golden Age of Sec Checking), but I wouldn’t be surprised if that doesn’t roll out exactly as you predicted.
And not surprising that people aren’t rushing out to do Super Power. It isn’t an actual step on the Bridge and is a side action that you can do as an elective. People can’t even pay for their Bridges now with the prices what they are and the IAS hitting them up too, so they are curtailing buying the “extras.” And did anyone notice that the Way to Happiness Rundown which used to be an elective, side-of-the-Grade Chart action, is now on the Bridge itself and is mandatory? Not only does Miscavige alter the tech, he alters the Bridge by adding more money makers and by re-cycling OT’s through the bottom of the Bridge again and again.
Dave is like Midas, except that everything he touches turns to shit.
Hi Mike;
This pricing is so predatory, as is all CofS pricing. If anyone ‘up there’ was sane, they could reduce the costs of services by 75%, spend hundreds and hundreds of millions on cleaning up the pr, and actually make the CofS viable again, and still have money in the bank. Such a waste of dreams.
At this point I don’t think that would help.
Hi Visitor;
I think it could be done. It’d take a group with the sole dedication to do so, and it would take years, and it would no doubt require alterations in policy, but it could be done, but it won’t be done since no one in the CofS has the integrity to do so.
Saying it can be made viable again is like rationalizing that the first few investors in a Ponzi scheme actually made money.
Hi Bystander;
If the ‘fundraising’ were to stop, and an actual honest and viable exchange put in for the money it receives, then things could begin to be turned around.
Bob, the CofS ha ALWAYS been reliant upon a scam. Either the scam of “Clear” or of “OT”. How would you make that “viable” exactly?
Hi Swampy;
I can’t comment on the ‘Clear’ or ‘OT’ workability of the past decade or two, but earlier on those states were of great value. I know many/most here consider the whole of Scientology a scam from the outset, but there are many, me included, that benefited greatly from our experiences in the CofS.
No doubt the CofS would be in much better shape today if LRH had gone for a long walk rather than write some of the policies he wrote.
Any organization with the ability to gather funds, has significant ‘volunteer staff’, and an extensive infrastructure available to it as does the CofS, could do a very great deal of good if it ever decided to do so.
Bob, as a Flag tech staff from EARLIE than 2 decades ago, I can say with 100% certainty of objective, verifiable results matched against El Ron’s claims, The State of Clear & OT as SOLD (see full definition) was a TOTAL scam. But, I welcome any OBJECTIVE, documented evidence you have that backs up El Ron’s major claims about such…
With the quantity of IAS reserves available I would think the life support system could be extended for many years, not that HE would like it but it could be done.
1. Medical clearance is needed for these drills too, which costs an extra 200 USD.
So they charge $200.00 for you to answer questions to some untrained MLO who will then either say yesyou are healthy enough to start, or route you to a MAA to find out as to why your ethics are not in to be able to start?
Go figure…….
The self cannabalizing continues,
What a thought…..Flag could get to a point of
not being able to pay utilities?
No A/C?……brutal.
And if one thinks staff tempers are flaring now
wait till the A/C gets turned off.
The OTC meetings would have to be held
at Starbucks down the street from Flag.
But then HE could come out and proclaim
that a “building preservation” eval concluded
that the buildings maintenance policies are being
applied by the blind who are of course being
led by the blind. A brilliant why that of course
would lead to the GAOBP I……Golden Age Of Building Preservation I.
Immediate donations will be needed to launch this
new age 21st century method of keeping all Flag
buildings in perfectly flawless operation so as to
ensure their existence onto the future and beyond.
GAOBP 1 will take precedence over any GATII
activities until further evals are conducted.
Buildings are MUCH more important than Training
and Processing.
Besides HE doesn’t look good when HE sweats.
“you can’t depend on any churches, unless there’s real estate that you wanna buy”…Lou Reed
it sure would be nice to turn that big ass building into a beautiful 5 star resort that re-brands Clearwater as a beautiful international tourism destination instead of a very clear and spotless town full of uniformed smoking zombies.
After having lived in CW, I know that wouldn’t be worth the investment. The “draw” for that part of the State is the beaches (Gold Coast). Otherwise, it is just a hot, humid, mega-roach, mosquito & gator infested hole. Any high end resort needs to be on the beach in that part of the state.
Only thing then going “straight up and vertical “would be the building temperature.
“The scientology empire is past its “use by” date. It’s only a matter of how long it can continue cannibalizing itself………”
While for some, the collapse may seem sudden, I have to remind myself at times that the demise of the cult was contained in it’s DNA in the begining and that the turbulent 80’s signaled it’s inevitable downward spiral. Kind of like watching a relative waste away with declining health to a slow disease. After awhile you start to wish it would just end and save everyone involved the anguish. The only difference is say, the cancer patient is well aware of the fact that death is on the doorstep, the Scientologist continues on in denial to the last gasp.
Bread and cornholing circuses are all that Miscavige has ever done. Great post Mike and thanks to Peter as well for the info.
Mike…spot on with the analysis and self destruction of the biggest religious scam ever dumped on genuine people seeking help…in the end and after the shit has finally hit the fan, the “bad guys” lose.. just look at the past dictators and their temporary spoils. They all meet their maker!!! .
Couldn’t they use reserves to keep up the illusion longer? What else will they do with it? There’s enough for the lawyers, PI’s, keeping Miscavige comfy AND everyone else isn’t there? I mean we’re talking BILLIONS here after all. It’s like the squirrel with a mountain of nuts stashed away who lets himself starve to death
But that’s Avarice for you…
Various commentators have said that, as far as the Tiny Tyrant is concerned, he views *all* the money in the Reserves (icl. IAS funds, etc) as ‘his; He doesn’t want to spend ‘his’ money on something as feeble as making CofS actually function properly. He only spends the money to cover legal clusterfucks (settlements in Ryan Hamilton vs Narconon part 94, No-Limit legal funding in Rathbun vs The Cult, payoffs to PIs… It’s the pattern going all the way back to Wollersheim) which are thing that might affect him personally.
FWIW, I hope DM does starve… Metaphorically (as in, he fails to see the writing on the wall and misses his chance to escape to Bulgravia)
But in Dave’s mind, spending the money would make him a downstat.
It’s as simple as that. He won’t do it because his stat (reserves) will drop. His stat matters more than anything else.
That is ironic. King of the ant hill and he is as much a slave to stats as is the lowliest paper shredding, toilet cleaning Sea Ogre in the basement of PAC is