It seems to be all hands panic stations inside the scientology bubble.
In violation of Hubbard policy and all earlier practices, they are now “spreading the flap” by announcing it to all scientologists and “encouraging” them to write letters and sign a petition to shut down The Aftermath.
This really is an unprecedented action in the annals of “attack the attacker” history. Scientology usually does its best not to make their public aware of “bad media”, knowing most of them will not look at it anyway. Standard practice is to pretend it doesn’t exist.
They must be deluged with reports of bubble-dwellers watching or hearing about the show and figure they have nothing to lose — everyone knows about it already.
And so they are “inviting” the sheeple to send letters of protest. But when you are “invited” to do something in scientology that means you are expected to do it. As a scientologist, you do NOT respond “but wait a second, why do we care?” or “I’m not convinced everything on the show is lies” or anything of the sort. That is an instant “invitation” to ethics, sec checking or even being declared.
Here are a couple of the letters that are circulating:
Good Afternoon,
We are cranking up the pressure on advertisers and asking that each of you contact five trusted Scientologists and ask them to send a letter expressing their heartfelt opinion on the damage created by the anti-religious show which they are supporting. Below is an example of what you can send. Our goal is 2500 letters out by Monday, I know that is asking a lot, but it is going to make a difference. The only variable is impact and that is governed by the number of letters we send.
Thank you for your help.
Joel Phillips
Hello Friends,
I’m pretty sure you are aware of Leah Remini’s show on A & E attacking Scientology and further that is has been nominated for an Emmy in the “Best Informational or Series Special” category. Unbelievable.
Currently, we are helping on a campaign to counter and stop this insanity.
What is needed and wanted right now are letters (emails) to the *sponsors* of this show. We want them to back off on their support, and without their support, the show will likely be pulled.
If you would be willing to write an email, guidelines follow. The content needs to be original from you. Here are some points you can use to help you, but please put them in your own words.
a. Not to support religious hate and bigotry since this leads to violence against people and property.
b. This country has seen enough bigotry and hate speech. It does not need support and validation of it.
c. Remini’s religious hate campaign has caused hundreds of threats of violence against Scientologists and our Churches.
d Emmy support of this hate and bigotry will be a dark day for the Emmys and for American entertainment.
e. If what Remini says were true there would be a conviction, a judgment, a police report or something. There is not. The only convictions were against people who listened to Leah Remini’s hate campaign and committed felonies through doing so. Three have been convicted to date.
Just start your email with Dear Sirs. Don’t worry about the particular sponsor. You will send your email to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> and they will get it to the right recipient. You also need to send a bcc to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>. (STAND is Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination.)
We want to flood these sponsors with our letters of protest.
If you are willing to help, please write an email asap. We need them now. They don’t have to be long, just make the point. You can even say you will be pulling your own support of their business if they don’t stop sponsoring LR’s show.
_Don’t forget to bcc Joel too._
Any questions, just ask.
Thanks MUCH in advance if you decide to help.
ML, Tina and Joel
Dear Friends,
I would like to ask you to please send an email to the advertisers of the A&E network to discourage them from funding the Leah Remini show on A&E. We have the ability to reach all the advertisers by sending our letters to [email protected]. My letter is attached for your info only. Please don’t copy it but write one of your own. Suggested points to cover are:
- They advertise on a show that supports religious hate and bigotry which leads to violence.
- This country has seen enough bigotry and hate.
- Remini’s claims are false.
- Letters should include personal communication and experiences as Scientologists.
- If this advertiser continues to support hatred of my religion on this network I will be forced to cancel any business with you and tell everyone else I know to do the same.
Please do this as soon as possible.
Alethiea Taylor
Let’s just break this down a bit.
The network should not “support religious hate and bigotry since this leads to violence against people and property” (note the similarity of wording between these letters — they are virtually form letters being sent out to people to tell them to send form letters). If you actually think about this the fact is that the show is EXPOSING religious hate and bigotry and violence. The hate that scientology spews is being seen by the world every time they put up another whinesmear site. Their violence against children is being exposed, and there is more to come.
“This country has seen enough bigotry and hate” – could not agree more. Which is why this show is so important to expose what they are doing in the name of religion.
“Remini’s claims are false.” So far, not a single “claim” has been proven false. There is a lot of whining, name-calling and claiming that every person involved is a liar and trying to make money. And that is about all.
“If what Remini says were true there would be a conviction, a judgment, a police report or something. There is not.” Now, people in glass houses really should not throw stones.
In fact, there ARE convictions — remember Mary Sue Hubbard and 11 others went to Federal prison? L. Ron Hubbard was convicted of fraud in France. Tony Strawn and Jasja Barendsen convicted of sex abuse.
There ARE judgments. Larry Wollersheim. Julie Christofferson.
There are DOZENS of police reports. There is a 300 page file from the FBI reporting on their 2010 human trafficking investigation.
These are just some things off the top of my head. This is scientology’s silly argument “there would be something” and there are many somethings so I guess this proves the point.
Is there something current? No. But that is just a matter of time…
And while on this subject, if everything Leah Remini says is false, why hasn’t scientology sued her? This is something completely in their control. Unlike scientology, Leah Remini cannot hide behind the “First Amendment”. And they don’t need to meet the legal standard for a criminal prosecution of “beyond a reasonable doubt”. So, how come no lawsuits?
And now, to the petition.
Let’s not forget scientology has variously claimed they have 10, 11 or 12 million members around the world.
In fact, they routinely claim they have more than 10,000 scientology orgs, missions and groups.
Why then after a week can they only muster 5748 signatures?
This thing is being promoted to every scientologist.
Then again, we cannot be sure that they even scraped together 5700 people when our old friend did a little digging on the names on that petition.
If every signatory is actually 1/20th of a person, it means they actually found 300 people to sign their petition.
I don’t really think everyone is a multi-person signing repeatedly. But it tells you how desperate they are.
Even the numbers that can actually be counted they try to falsely inflate!
Mike, I’ve been wondering this since the show first began. With all the exposure as to how Scientology really works, are you and Leah concerned there will be violent backlash against certain members of the “church” from DM himself? I am completely riveted and 100% behind the work you and Leah are doing to expose this billion dollar of bullshit cult. I’m just curious if there could be ‘behind close doors’ violence occurring with each show exposing more and more of their insidious lies and evil that DM may do unforeseen to some of his own ‘followers’. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I could see this little ‘manlet’ doing some serious damage to others (even severely physically beating them or even death) as he watches his empire possibly fall or at least tarnished in the worst possible ways.
One comment besides a commitment of funds.
Who do we go to, to start a inquiry of the slave labor, (Sea Org, and children/minors). I dont know how they get around not paying a minimum wage, but 120hrs a week to work with 20 bucks to your name is Slave Labor. Undocumented workers in the fields make waaaay more than that. Who can I go to, to start looking into a lawsuit. Can I personally sue over my outrage on this issue? (Which just happens to be the smallest of THEIR “CRIMES”).
MIKE. I would 100% pay the production out of my own Family’s budget, to allow you and Leah, (and the whole team) the ability to continue this IMPORTANT work. I feel that you will be saving the future “victims” from going thru this nightmare. So, if A&E is “pressured” by 300 people, I will pay you guys personally. I can also start a charity to fund more as well.
Keep up the good fight. We (the viewers) are smart. We can see right through the “victim bashing”. They aint fooling ANYONE. My heart goes out to All of you affected by LRH, AND COB’s delusions and control.
I cant believe my family name is being slandered all over this cult crap by my ex-wife.
I will keep watching this blog to see what else comes up with my surname attached, otherwise keep exposing the lies, great work.
Its better to live a life of truth than to live a lie of a life.
Disgusted !!
I just recently started watching this show and am blown away by this atrocity that is the CoS. From an outside perspective, I am having a hard time grasping why more people are not leaving the church. Can someone explain to me why these people don’t leave the church??
Also, do you think the leaders of the CoS are genuinly just insane people who think what they are doing is okay? Or do you think they know that what they are doing is wrong and just continue to do it because they are terrible money-hungry people?
Thank you! Would love to be as informed as I can be about this because I want to start fighting back!!
Please keep this show going, it is riveting. I will gladly sign anything to help take down this atrocity of a so-called church. It’s quite funny how we are not able to comment on THE TRUTH’s bs on youtube & their website regarding what horrible people you and Leah are yet you allow it on your website and just look at all the people who felt compelled to comment. Quite frankly I believe you may have more comments on this one website than they have on their petition sent to every church member……it’s rather comical!
Throughout history there have been many religions that have came and died out. This abhorrent example of religion gone wrong will die too. It’s only 67 years old or about. There were worse examples in history of way-out doctrines that have been laid to waste.
(Can’t speak to the validity of the article, but you get the idea)
LRH attained his goal. To become a filthy rich megalomaniac and exert TOTAL CONTROL over the flock. So most religions have similar ends. Scientology and LRH will be a footnote in history someday.
They really need to revoke their tax exempt status, then the cult would self-destruct and finally someone could put that bitter, little manlet, David Miscavige, in his place 😀 love this show!
Lol Karen, good job 🙂
I have no words no express my admiration for what you and Leah are doing. This is the culmination of a process that started long ago and involved many. It all helped to open our eyes and heal our wounds. It also supported our conviction on what we had seen and provided hope in starting a new life. Now it will help many to make up their minds and to stay away from the trap.
I love that they accuse Mike and Leah of doing the show just for the money. Even if that were their motive, they deserve the money the show generates. After all the pain, having their families torn apart, being mentally, verbally, and physically abused, as well as giving the CoS millions of dollars, they absolutely deserve to make money off of exposing this terrible organization. More power to them both, and thank you for being brave and speaking out.
I am a Christian and have been blessed with knowing an awesome God and many good churches that I have attended in my lifetime. But even in Christianity there are cults. I’ve heard of Scientology but never faced it myself. My mother got bored with a church she was going to because they weren’t functioning properly and was dealing with some hard issues in life (long story) and a psychiatrist who I’m assuming was into Scientology introduced her to “Dianetics”. Didn’t take her long to realize how messed up the basic theology was. I knew it was a cult but didn’t know HOW bad it was until you and Leah started exposing it. This organization is just about pulling people in (that are searching for more) into a “religion” with lies to use, abuse, and make A LOT of greedy money. It goes against basic decent morality. It’s evil and very disturbing. Mortifying to see what it’s doing to people’s lives. I’m so sorry anybody has to go through any of this especially the children. My mind is blown and my heart breaks. Good for you and Leah for exposing them. Take heart in knowing you are making an impact, and apparently a huge one for them to be actively fighting you where they usually stay very quiet about themselves. There’s someone (probably quite a few) out there watching and you are keeping them from making a huge mistake. God bless you guys. Keep fighting!
Sounds like the IRS campaign to receive tax free religion status many, many years ago. Get their members to write letters and call the goverment and complain until they get what they want…….it worked back then. I hope A&E doesn’t suffer the same fate. We need this show.
Can the exes get a class action lawsuit against the cult?
I’m watching every episode and signed the petition for the IRS. My interest in Scientology started when I kept seeing the Dianetics book at garage sales I took my mother to. I looked up L Ron Hubbard and his life and how it all started and was incredulous. I admit I did some joking and bashing on those involved. I was so surprised when I found out who all were into it and also disappointed. Your show explains to me how it can happen and makes me angry for those preyed upon and manipulated. It also makes me sad for the pain it has caused for families. Bless all involved for sharing and informing us all of the abuses so that some change may be effected. You are strong. You are supported.
Mike, I am an avid viewer of “Aftermath” and applaud yours and Leah’s fight to bring the total lunacy that is Scientology to light.
I am not, and never have been a Scientologist. I don’t even know any Scientologists (as far as I know).
Listening to the stories of people on the show is jaw-droppingly shocking, and I don’t shock easily as I have been a nurse for 35 years.
I can’t help but notice the similarities between Scientology and Nazism or communism. Sea Org. Hitler Youth. Having family members and friends turn others in for non- party thoughts and actions. Being stuck in camps with razor wire and guards. Sympathisers and collaborators filing reports on others to curry favor or save their own asses. Being tortured and treated as non-human if you disagree. Blaming everything that is wrong on a group of subversives and attacking them ruthlessly. One crazy- ass man standing in front of crowds of cheering people with the light of zealousness in his eyes. This same cuckoo- for- cocopuffs nutball with a bunch of crazy men in his entourage.
Hmm. Too close of a corollary for my taste.
Keep up the good work and stay strong.
You may want to look up Robert Jay Lifton’s books. There are direct parallels between the techniques employed in the “re-education” camps of Communist China and cult mind control in Scientology and other cults.
I can’t help your numbers on A&E, because I don’t have cable, but I purchased the full season on Amazon today. Hope it helps send the message to advertisers that there are many more who want to see Aftermath – to see Scientology exposed more broadly to the general public – than there are members complaining about it. You’re doing something very important, as you well know. Thank you.
The church has suffered 2 big blows to the enemy this year alone:
1. The choice downtown piece of property the church so coveted in Clearwater and wanted to own to build a playground for its parishioners is no longer an option to be bought by the church now or in the future.
2. Tom Cruise went “PTS” and broke his ankle on the job.
What will #3 be?
Obviously Leah Remini’s Emmy award.
Signing off, until the Emmy’s. 🙂
I was elated and so proud of the Clearwater Aquarium for rejecting scientology’s $15million bid to buy a coveted piece of land and instead took the $4million from the City of Clearwater. I’m sure there was a lot of bullying for that deal to go through. After years and years of witnessing scientology ‘get its way’, I was actually kind of shocked. Guess their power IS slipping. Cant wait til they’re a thing of the past and gone for good.
And yes, I do not knowingly support any film or project of any scientologist…..just more money in their coffer. Have NEVER paid to see a Tom Cruise film
Ditto on not knowingly supporting any Scientology celebrity films or tv shows. I stopped watching Tom Cruise in 2005. There are plenty of us who have known this organization was a brainwashing cult for many years. I admire and thank Leah and Mike for their work. I’ve been streaming their show on Hulu and it is very well done. Keep up the good fight!
And for every scientologist that intends to boycott sponsors of Aftermath, a much larger group intends to support the sponsors. I am part of that group. I suggest we also write letters, but in support.
Here is my simple routine…
1. Do not purchase tickets to scientologist celebrity films and projects, and boycott the sponsors of scientology projects, films, etc.,
2. Support the critics of scientology by purchasing the products of the sponsors.
I am not alone.
It’s funny that you wrote this. Just the other day, someone suggested that I might like a show. When they told me that it was “Sneaky Pete”, I automatically knew that I would never watch it because it stars a Scientologist.
Dish, you’re my kind of dish.
This is the kind of action that is meaningful, however small it may seem, to help bring down this evil organization. When multiplied by thousands and thousands of people, ….well, a flood only starts with one drop of water.
I recommend telling your friends and family to do the same as you.
How do we find all celeb scientologists? I only know a few. Who is a Scientologist on Sneaky Pete?
I agree! Stand and be counted.
I agree! But it would be helpful to know who belongs to the cult. I did just cancelled The Handmaids Tale and Hulu because I learned Moss was a Scientologist!
I was bummed.
I do know tom cruise and john tavolta, and krusty alley, who just blocked me on twitter, dammit.
Well, it was fun while it lasted! Lol
Any other significant celebs?
I think i read somewhere that there are no A list celebs under thirty who are Scientologists. Even the National Enquirer has been getting into the act and publishing what has already been known for decades about Mr. Pope-on-a-Box.
I was in love with Handmaid Tale. Great show. It blows my mind that Moss can’t see the similarities.
She really doesn’t see how they are alike. She even told a fan on Twitter, or somewhere, “scientology is nothing like that”
I suspect she can, but isn’t speaking out for the usual reasons, i.e. having family members in the cult.
I totally agree with banning all Celebrity Scientologists movies, TV programs, endorsements, etc. It breaks my heart every week, as I sit on the edge of my seat & in tears of total AWE of what this CULT has done to people’s lives!! I absolutely admire Leah, Mike and all ex-Scientologists for speaking out!! God Bless them all!!
Tonights episode broke my heart I have a daughter…….. who could tell people not to listen to her cries for help and to turn their backs on her and call themselves a mother. Still crying.
I feel your pain, CG. I was forced to disconnect from my Mom. This organization is simply vile. It serves no useful purpose. It’s a stain upon the planet.
I agree Canadian girl. I am a mother, grandmother and soon to be a great grandmother. I could NEVER imagine turning my back on one of my children. The poor young lady asked for help and then was systematically tortured by the so called church. The church made her life a living hell. She had no-one. I could not even believe that her so called mother said her daughter made the right decision by committing suicide. What kind of evil creatures belong to that church? Their time is coming to an end thanks to Leah, Mike and this show. Still crying over this.
It’s interesting that the phraseology used to appeal and enocurage members to take action is done in a way that doesn’t mandate member action (in writing) however, I sense the sinister undertone to this message and the metaphorical gun to the head of the members, especially when they implored TWICE to be sure to BCC the jackhole. Built in tracking system for them to be used against members who do not participate. This is so vile.
Hey Scinos, just copy and paste, okay? They feed them everything to say. Actually, they feed them everything, including rice and beans.
Today I looked at the heading of Mike’s blog “Something can be done about it!”
I’m Betting Dave ain’t so brave anymore Booyah!!!! One of the strange words I’ve picked up from my daughter and son-in-law they’re both army staff SGT’s
IT takes that type of almost Military drive behind what you’ve been doing,
If Dave were any type of decent man sadly he’s not, well he should call one of those forced event meetings,
Walk the final walk with his fancy suit and do what Lance Armstrong did answer honestly, those are two of a kind both psychopaths both very Narsastic, you could see Armstrong shake holding back tears when he lost all his sponsors,he said when asked by Oprah Winfrey , he said that was not a good day it was a $75 million dollar day, Sorry Lance, you were a big bully what did you expect,to you Dave
C.o.b.the undisputed dictator of Scientology throw in the towel buddy,
It’s going to take more than few letters to sponsors to shut down AFTERMATH!!!!
KEEP IT UP MIKE And LEAH, every show is
Making a huge difference
You know, I’m sure those two uber-famous ‘stars’ are completely immeshed in the CoS, but what an exercise in putting one’s imagination to the test: WHAT IF Trav or Cruis were to defect? Would the cherch actually believe it could sling mud on two such historically vocal supporters without repercussion or serious legal ramifications?
Of course, this mind-scenario would only work if you could visualize those in question ever digging deep enough within themselves and seeing reality rather than elitism.
Leah and Mike = groundbreaking wayfarers – – – – Keep up the good work
The big celebrities who still cling to scientology should be well aware. The argument that they are ignorant of the human rights violations of scientology is no longer valid. The longer they stay in scientology, the more they are exposing themselves as being complicit.
There is only one choice for them, and every scientologist, not just celebrities, must face it:
1. Remain in scientology, with the foul smell of being remembered by history as supporting the violation of human rights.
2. Leave scientology, and if guilty of any violations make sure to atone for those crimes.
The big celebrities in this cult are practicing willful ignorance. They’ll be washed up in a few years, with health and other problems. Look at Kirstie Alley; she’s already washed up, a boring, babbling mess for years now. Moss’s devils will come home to roost also. Cruise will be a laughingstock trying to be an action hero into his 60s and 70s because he doesn’t have the brains to produce or direct. Travolta (and unlike Cruise and Alley, I’ve always liked him) is washed up, a flabby has-been with ridiculous hair pieces, playing out his sham of a marriage and pretending not to be gay. And its a shame because I sense that he’s a decent , kind person, I’ve always liked him. But he’s a weak being, character-wise.
You can’t pretend to not know what you know when there’s cruelty and injustice involved. If you really don’t know, that’s one thing. But you can’t not know what you know, when you’re involved in something that’s hurting people, destroying lives and families. Pretending doesn’t work. Life doesn’t let anyone get away with that. “Ask not for whom the bell tolls”…etc.
End of Sermon.
“You can’t pretend to not know what you know when there’s cruelty and injustice involved….” Thank you Aqua, for this last paragraph particularly. It does bring into focus the public you know are hearing things that they’re choosing to ignore. It’s truly a tragedy of their own making when crimes and abuse are invalidated by people who have now been informed, like it or not. Public scientologists are now complicit by their silence in the face of evidence plentiful enough to warrant questioning. I know the church says questioning is a crime, however you cannot be executed as you might have been in Germany during the reign of the Nazis. This is history repeating itself. I don’t mean to infer that all of the public are aware, but more than even many know the truth is being spoken on A&E. Shame on those that see and don’t say something. Shame.
The antics of this organization just continue to get more and more bizarre. What sane, rational people behave this way??? Talk about needing a psychiatrist.
Why has the Justice Department of this country remained comatose as to the blatant crimes that are being committed by this criminal organization? This is clearly not a church by any standard.
Snow White, the Justice Department is hampered by the designation of Scientology as a religion, the IRS is hesitant to change that and doesn’t have the resources to fight off Scientology challenges, and legislators cater to traditional religious groups with dubious practices as well as to rich new churches. On top of it all, there’s even a sort of religious libertarian movement afoot, represented by the effort to remove restrictions on political activity by churches, that aims to radically limit government oversight over any activities claimed as religious.
I do think there are reasonable legislative and regulatory measures that could be agreed to – and that would get the support of legitimate religious groups – that would tend to hamper and even expose exploitative and abuse groups like Scientology, such as prohibiting groups with religious tax exemption from executing restrictive corporate-style contracts (including, particularly, gag clauses) with members and workers, and requiring large organization to have properly audited financial statements available (as is done in many other countries).
Write your legislators and the IRS.
The Australian newsman had the answer when he outlined how his country is in the process of setting up a council on charities modeled after the one that exists in the UK. That council opens the books of every organization asking for tax exemptions as a charity or religion. The organization has to show how it spends all its funds and also prove they perform a public service that will save taxpayers funds that would have been spent in human services. If they can’t meet these requirements they don’t get a free tax ride. I think Scientology is the poster child for abuse of taxpayers, but they aren’t the only organization not benefiting our country but getting a free ride at our expense.
Emmy award nominated. Hmm.
Dwarvish Maniacal’s rage at not being able to crush ANY opposition into silence must be almost at the calm before Krakatoa exploded for this to be done. Fear of this excuse for a human is a great driving force in $camology.
I plan to write sponsors and thank them for supporting this important, award-winning programming.
If you find a list let me know. I wanna patronize them
There would be plenty of current “somethings” if Scn, Inc. would not demand that legal problems be only addressed internally, and when that doesn’t work, try to seal every court record that involves it. Debbie Cook, for instance.
Planetary Clearing is in Reach.
” …….. asking that each of you contact five trusted Scientologists ….” Whoa. This speaks volumes about the climate inside the bubble. Must be a lot of people looking over their shoulder wondering where the next KR is going to come from if they don’t show up for an event or don’t return phone calls from the local Org and IAS.
Dear mike:
I have truly been worried about CoS being able to harm you and anyone on the show. I went to college in the 1970s and lost 2 friends to cults never to be seen again. I know the seriousness and the heartbreak.
Please take care. Hope your family reconnects someday. I too am an optimist.
Debbie rushing
Branson Missouri
Amen. I knew a lady in college who lost a friend in Jonestown and I know a friend who was harassed for about a year and a half after leaving Scientology. I called a number in a spiritual magazine and got those jackassess. You would not believe how fast i slammed that receiver down! And that was just after I read Richard Behir’s article in Time magazine.
” …….. asking that each of you contact five trusted Scientologists ….”
What exactly is a trusted Scientologist and what can you trust them to do?
Yo Dave,
Perhaps you can have one of your bots post up an answer here ………………. good buddy!
And BTW, you want me to find five of them? Gheesch, that could be not only difficult but very time consuming ……………….Dave.
What if the “trusted Scientologist” refuses to write those letters…..scheeezzz….does that mean you would have to write a Knowledge Report on the person who refused???
As soon as the fraud of same person signing the anti-Aftermath petition was exposed, quantity of signatures froze to nothing and then and were to 8-9 a day ! LOL
Fantastic, Karen#1!
…and Cate abruptly deleted the petition from her FB page tonight after some people (including myself) started asking her exactly what these “lies” were.
Pretty shy for an OSA spy….
Curious, do they have attorney’s? Love to hear their legal argument regarding these incidents of physical and mental and sexual assaults that have occurred with depositions done with FBI and local LEO (law enforcement operations). There should never be a time limiting some one to report a crime of aforementioned crimes. Murder has no limit to prosecute and the same should be for sexual abuses in all these cases and the ones to come. So many have suffered enough laws need to be changed so these victims get their deserved justice. The scars of sexual assaults are not all seen, murder your dead that is that. These victims endure it day by day with support from friends, family and us the viewers.
Keep at them Leah and Mike we are behind you two and here to support the cause to end this cult.
Betsy, the cult could sue for libel but this would be disastrous for them PR-wise. The last thing they want is more publicity about “alleged” abuses.
This is truly the cult’s “Stand up and we’ll count you” moment, where the proof of their laughable claim of having millions of members is going to be put to a test of the cult’s own unintentional devising, based on the actual number of $cilons and supporters that they can coerce into signing this online petition and sending in those form letters of protest to the series’ sponsors .
If the Leah and Mike’s series is the cult’s biggest perceived threat, then shouldn’t the cult with its millions of followers be able to influence its members to stand together in support of their fake religion in far greater numbers than they currently are? Based on the cult’s pitiful showing, it seems very likely that, either the cult’s membership size claims are wildly inflated, or those millions of cherch members just can’t be bothered to publicly support their religion in even this minor way.
I’m going with the “wildly inflated membership size” alternative for the moment, until the numbers are all in and we can know for sure, but you can judge for yourself…that is, unless you’re a $cilon, in which case just having thoughts about the mere possibility that your cherch could have been knowingly reporting false stats will get you sec checked and interrogated about YOUR crimes.
So please, if you’re a $cilon who’s reading this, DO NOT ask yourself why a religion with millions of members can’t get more than a few thousand of them to stand up for it publicly.
Great post, Harpoona. You made it occur to me that this petition is also a way for the cult to determine FOR THEMSELVES exactly how many Sheeple they have in the pen. Of course, a number of UTRs will sign too, so its not going to be dead-on accurate, but then they can just get lists from each Scn org of Sheeple who haven’t been on services and/or donated etc for a certain amount of time, and tally up what can be presumed are the UTRs to be deducted from the total, to get a fairly accurate figure. Oh, and, of course, they’d have to deduct all but one of the “Kates” :).
Can you *IMAGINE* the *QUANTITY* of spam mail from the cult when you have 28 incarnations and addresses ?
I guess I need to setup my own home brew mail server to make sure I get them all.
I started my letter writing campaign earlier this year:
January 4, 2017
TV Programming Feedback
[email protected]
I have been avidly following the Leah Remini: Scientology the Aftermath show. This has been some of the most powerful tv I have ever seen. Of course, the people and the stories are what is most compelling but the entire narrative, editing, production value, continuity and music all have been superb. To me, this is emmy caliber material and I congratulate all those at A&E for the efforts. Leah Remini and Mike Rinder have been strong and articulate while at the same time able to reveal a human, compassionate core that resonates so much. This has to be very hard on them.
Scientology has a policy of always attacking the critics. Everyone with something critical to say is a horrible person only speaking because of their own crimes and always a bigot. They appear not to be capable of any self reflection or correction of awful policies that are destructive to the most basic human values of love, family, compassion. The hate sites they put up to disparage the critics are so predictable and vile. It is almost as if they are trying to reinforce and showcase their own hateful policies that are so well demonstrated on the show. This, a church.
I don’t exactly know what the popularity of the program is but in my circle, it is widely seen and much discussed. I again would like to applaud A&E for withstanding the pressure brought to bear by Scientology and for exposing this organization. I am of the mind that people are free to believe whatever they want but are not free to commit hurtful acts ad lib. It’s the deed, not the creed. I think this show is so important that it will have the literal effect of saving lives and families.
Although in some ways this is the most comprehensive expose that I have seen, it seems that there are so many more issues and stories that won’t be able to be covered in an 8 episode series. I truly would love to see you extend this series to another season or more. If there is any way I can help to make this possible, whether through supporting sponsors, spreading the word or in some other form, please let me know.
I don’t often send out letters to networks in praise of programming, but I am just so impressed with this program and by extension, with A&E Networks. Keep up the good work.
With appreciation,
Glen xxxxxx
[email protected]
Glen, that is such a beautifully written and articulate letter. I have sent praises to A&E feedback also, but nothing as magnificent as yours. With your permission, I may steal parts of it. Well done. Applause.
Thanks, of course.
This is awesome, Glen. Well done!
Oh boy! I detect a fake move. COS’s tiny leader is using this ridiculousness as a fake. While everyone is looking left, he’s gonna take off right…..right to a private plane with his passport and the COS’s account #’s to it’s foreign bank accounts and ALL THE $ he can carry and get the hell out of Dodge! He’s gonna leave dumb ass Marty to take the fall just like Hubbard left his wife to take HIS JAIL TIME!
I can’t understand why he hasn’t headed for a cushy island already. We shall see. I wouldn’t take my eyes off him for a second! I bet he’s heading to a non-extradition country as soon as people look the other way. Just saying!
Regina C-G,
Because on a “cushy ISLAND” he won’t get the attention and adulation he continually craves. Miscavige already leads a VERY cushy life.
Endlessly rich and well cared for, for a long time has enjoyed all that money can buy.
He is also completely insulated and protected by his lawyers and his SO subordinates.
But, safe on some island, he’d be out of everything. Out of the limelight. Someone else would be in charge. Intolerable!
As a narcissist, and bully, what gives him nightmares is the concept of “No Attention”.
Becoming “irrelevant”. No people upon whom he can force his will. No power. No one LISTENING to him
The only way he would voluntarily give up his position would be to avoid jail. My opinion.
For some time I believed that DM would flee at some point. But your analysis is more correct and has changed my view. DM has too many servants, money, perks, etc. while staying in $cn. To leave would deny him his ‘greatness’.
And you are also right, he fears jail more than any other condition he could be in; he would then pull the handles to eject because DM would then ‘in present time’ for total loss of freedom to control the world.
He’s preparing..there is no doubt.
The show is getting ratings and Emmy nominations. I doubt A&E would ever pull it. I also don’t think but I am probably wrong that the ads during the show are show specific. They run the same type of ads during multiple shows so an A&E advertiser is not going to pull out because their ads are being shown all the time.
I am a customer of some of their advertisers! I’m calling them today to thank them for their advertising on A&E.
Not very sage of them to take this approach to letting the few ogres left know that there is something very interesting to watch on tv concerning their very toxic brand. I’m going to send an e-mail to Joel thanking him for the information and inviting the last five sci-friends he has to my viewing party tonight.
In violation of Hubbard policy and all earlier practices, they are now “spreading the flap…
David Miscavige is in a blind rage and thus doesn’t care because you and Leah DO have the rank to inform the public at large and he is just a cowered hiding and attacking via others.
And… it’s all his own fault, he pulled it in royally. Well, he should have treated you better, and he should have treated Leah better.
He must be whipping up his OSA goons in a frenzy to produce all those ‘dead agent’ smear sites and videos and screaming allover social media that all the persons who tell their stories are all liars, ignoring that that behavior just confirms what is reporter what’s happening behind the PR facade. But It’s too late.
Thank you Leah, thank you Mike!
Yes, the walls are closing in on Miscavige. He’s behaving like a cornered rat.
(With apologies to rats in general. Not my favorite animals but they are God’s creatures, after all, which is more than we can say for HWCBN.
It must be hard to think up different names to sign multiple times. Im surprised they haven’t went the route of going to YP,COM and jotting names down.
True story, but off topic: When Kansas was being settled you could create a county by sending in the names of 6000 settlers and county administrators along with the layout, etc. Once you turned this in the state would send funds to build a courthouse. Two trappers spent a long cold winter in their sod house writing the required 6000 names and other information. Once they got their money, the entire population of Harper County (the two trappers) ran off with the money.
How about these names:
Ben Dover; Mo Nopoly; Rose Budd; Ima Fool; Rich Mann, I.O .Money; Nun Sense; Lotta Funn; I could go on and on, but you get the idea!
We are all with you Mike and Leah and all the brave participants
We are with you!
I love it!!
What would long time members think about this directive since it would be, as Mike states, a violation of Hubbard policy?
When Scientologists wet their pants, that hardly constitutes a flood.
LOL! That is the best come back I’ve heard in a very long time.
Mike can you get us. List of Aftermarh sponsors so we can write and encourage them to keep sponsoring the show?
Please! This is a great idea!
Also, we should flood [email protected] with the same letters. 😀
OMG! That’s brilliant. They gave us an email address! aaahahaha
Great idea!
“We want to flood these sponsors with our letters of protest.”
As my Grammy used to say when someone whined about wanting something they couldn’t have — “Yes, and people in hell want ice water, but that doesn’t mean they’re gonna get it.”
In order to “flood” them with letters, they would need enough members to constitute a flood. But those days are long, long gone, no matter what they might want. Too bad for them — good news for everyone else.
Once this cult is fully exposed and the FBI and IRS shut it down I sincerely hope the assets they accumulated are sold and then divided among the members. Thank you Mike and Leah for showing us how intelligent and decent people can get caught up in something like this. That’s what scares me the most. I can see how it could have happened to me.
I cannot believe they are conducting this letter writing campaign. It is obviously doomed to be completely ineffective. The letters are going to be a joke, with however many they get sent in all saying “the show is filled with falsehoods” but not one letter writer able to say what any specific falsehood is. It completely violates their internal PR policy by advertising the show to their public members. And if the architects of this campaign do not know that it will be water off a ducks back to the show sponsors and A&E, then they are terminally stupid. Panic…yes and more: Stupid Panic.
Whoa, hold on bucko…..WRITE LETTERS????? C’mon now….isn’t it their OWN policy for “the organization” to READ every letter that their members write & they to “approve or disapprove them”….based on content of course.
Holy shit balls….I can just see it now….without proper schooling what kind of grammar are these letters going to include?
Deer Sire
I em rightin to protext that TV show wear them lyes are being tuld about my church. Pleze pull the show.
Where is the anti Mike and Leah page? I need a laugh.
They have a bunch of them.
And it’s not making any difference. These childish allegations, of course, are just made up. It just shows how desperate they are. The dwarf must be pissing in his pants. Wouldn’t want to be the laundry person…
The distillers in Scotland might have a concern about one of their large volume customers heading for the scrap heap though. Malt is Miscavige’s only friend and they know it.
Yes, McCallans will experience a sharp drop in business if Miscavige goes to jail.
They might even go belly up.
“Wouldn’t want to be the laundry person.” LoloL!
C’mon Aqua, you know I can’t pass up something funny.
Keep up the good work. Love the show. Congrats on the Emmy nomination-well deserved!
Mike, should we do our own letter writing campaign to A&E and to the show sponsors to tell them we are proud of them for sponsoring a show that tells the truth?
Could it get any more desperate? Pretty soon these petitions will just be “David Miscavige” signed a thousand different ways threatening not to buy any more cases of scotch. I can’t wait for tonights show!!!
The church says if these claims were true, there would be investigations, arrests, jail time, charges brought, and no charges have been brought against them. Well, they should know that it took a long long time to bring down Al Capone, but eventually he was brought down and put in jail over his tax situation.
I see a funny skit here. Regraded Being, what about this; Cartoons of DM signing the petition and then saying, OK, I have 200 more signatures to fake, I’d better change my handwriting. I’ll just use my left hand now… and now I”ll stand on the soap box to be a different height, and now I”ll get off the box and reach up over my head to sign the paper, and now with the pen in my mouth…. and we see DM contorting his small little body in a million funny ways. That image made me laugh.
That mental image made me laugh too. He is an evil little character.
It’ll be easy for Miscavige to sign his name in multiple ways. Isn’t there a list of hundreds of names for him somewhere? On Tony’s Blog I think.
David Miscavige
David Mismanage
Dave Mismanage
David Miscarriage
What an opportunity
It will be glad see Leah reading on prime time that internal campaign asking the sponsor to stop the program
Also lets write the sponsors to bring support and by let them know that scientology is making a campaign asking 5 Scientologyst to send them format letters
Lets rise up A&E fans on FB
Total freedom is arround the corner thanks to your well efforts
The red “Panic” button made me laugh. Apparently Mr. Miscavige has a red “Reset” button which he presses frequently.
The lies about Leah Remini and The Aftermath constitute a wholesale insult to the intelligence of most Scientologists. There will never be throngs of Scientologists protesting outside of A&E corporate headquarters or marching in the streets singing “we will overcome” because the numbers are too miniscule. There will never be another battle of Portland because most of those people left Scientology long ago and many of those people disavow it today. David Miscavige’s desperate arm waving and ugly condemnation of good people who were once long time devoted Scientologists is very very unbecoming. Detestable actually. Scientologists are good people just like anyone else. I doubt they appreciate being lied to and quite frankly I wouldn’t blame them for deciding to watch season two of The Aftermath and deciding for themselves what they believe.
+1! Outstanding post, Doug! That lays it out in a nutshell.
I agree. I have found EVERY single one of the victims and their stories to be so genuinely moving because you can tell that they are all GOOD, EDUCATED people. If you dont know, you dont know. I think when your “in it” and are truly working on yourself, and dont know the reach it would be super easy to be abused. I think that all X Scientologist are probably some of the Best employees and family people. Better than most due to their ethics. Its so sad that people are making fun of, or bashing bc that doesnt help. Now, am I praising Scientology? Um, NO. ANY decent person can be duped. Its important to remember that 90% probably grew up in the Cult, and have NO IDEA that there is a better life outside. What keeps them going is family, and the monetary commitment made.
Thanks for the post.
As my stomach turns seeing the preview of next weeks ” Aftermath S2″. The heart break continues for all who are affected by this cult. I thought that no CoS member was allowed to view anything via social media. So now the rules have changed uh. Every member who left them is becoming a powerful storm on the horizon, with their strength and us the ones who have been shown so many lies and deceit. We are an Army of many who stand against violence to others and sexual abuses. David you do not have enough people to defend you and the ones still standing by you will turn on you, you can bet on it.
To all who I may never meet personally you all have shown me strength and pure guts to stand up and save yourselves. You are loved and highly respected and I will stand with all of you for how ever long this takes. The battles are set lets do the right thing arrest and convictions no less. They say ” the pen is mightier than the sword ” yep Arrest Warrants, Search Warrants….. they be coming. God bless each and everyone and Leah and Mike you two are so powerful yet compassionate caring trusting and a no B.S. gets by you all. Let’s keep this going we will save lives of individuals and families.
What worries me is they will actually succeed. COS seems pretty desperate, so no telling what they will pull to stop the show.
“What worries me is they will actually succeed. COS seems pretty desperate, so no telling what they will pull to stop the show.”
Relax Sharon; there isn’t a chance of that ever happening. Their desperation will be their own undoing, so it is actually a good thing for us that they become as desperate as they can possibly get.
They will rant & rave away. But nothing will change. Scientology is on the wrong side of history.
And on the wrong side of life too.
They’re on the wrong side of everything. And that’s becoming more prevalent. Sucks being in Scientology…
Thank you for this article and your helpful point by point analysis.
I believe we can now apply the cult’s go-to LRH datum as re “signs of success” to OUR side.
You know, the one wherein LRH assures everyone that the SP’s only howl when Scientology is winning?
Well, what are we hearing now, from Miscavige?
That’s the howling of a mortally wounded, furious little cult.
Music to the ears, n’est-ce pas?
Oh, and, OSA, last, but not least, thanks so much for the talking points!
I’m just going to reverse them when I write my own letters to these sponsors informing them of how much I heartily approve of their sponsorship of Aftermath. The A & E network people will be CC’d on this comm too.
Also, OSA, getting five of my friends to write letters too is a FANTASTIC idea and a doable target. Thanks, guys! You’re the best!
Gee, I go away for a couple of days and when I return to a computer – this news… & Excellent it is! Scientology is wounded and is finding itself exposed on open ground. Time to turn the heat up on these cretins but they are apparently doing a great job of doing it themselves.
“Just start your email with Dear Sirs. Don’t worry about the particular sponsor. You will send your email to [email protected] and they will get it to the right recipient.” (read that again and soak in the freedom of speech and self-determinism just oozing from the religious scam organisation know as Scientology).
I was particularly tickled by them wanting their followers to write a letter of complaint, send it in and THEY will forward it on the “right recipient.” Oh my… just watch their stats of letters out boom with that particular, ‘trust me’ scam. One letter will equal a thousand with a bit of electronic signature wizardry. The other gruesome aspect of the in-house hysteria going on inside the Scientology bubble will be the witch hunts that will develop on who doesn’t respond with the correct amount of command intention fully dramatized. It’s a vicious, nasty world in there and they are reeling with no to attack other than themselves. What an ugly thing organised Scientology is, just like a big, juicy cockroach squished on the carpet being licked up by the dog!
HA! I thought for a moment that I was the only one to catch that directive: “Just write the letter (here’s what to say…BUT IN YOUR OWN WORDS!) and send it to us. Don’t worry about addressing it to a particular sponsor…WE”LL DO THAT FOR YOU, (after we check to make sure you did what you were ordered…errm…told…ummm…err…asked…to do.)” LOL!
Mike, just make sure the network and each advertiser has this information so they understand it is an orchestrated, single-source campaign. They’ll ignore it if they know in advance and have the background.
IRS Commissioner Koskinen terms OUT in November; then the fun begins. Tick Tock.
BTW, the bigots tried to shut down a conductor in Santa Monica, but the place was sold out. LOL (think: the tide has turned against you)
Has your Mark located Tom’s PTS Item?
Hey Mike. Great blog today (as always). How about posting the email addresses of Aftermath’s sponcers so we can email them thanking them for sponcering yours, Leah’s, A&E’s et al very important show? We can then share the email addresses and encourage other $cientology Watchers to do so as well? I’ll gladly email them and share and encourage others. KAW! Keep Aftermath Working!
But … but … won’t all this letter writing take people off of the Central Files filing? That’s the freaking MIND of the Org fercryinoutloud! These letter writing promoters are out to reduce the reach of Scientology by other intending getting past the D’s!
Kaye, sweetheart, put down the champagne and get the Flag MAA on the line pronto! On second thought, just pour me a tumbler of Mr. Daniel’s …
BAAAHAAAAAA 5K signatures vs millions that watch the show. I would bet money you have over 5K tweets evertime there is a new episode ( by different people).
Try again scientology. Maybe even think of taking the high decency route this time.
Still a bunch of entitled teenagers crying about how life isnt’ fair on one side, but insisting you make your own happiness (and fairness) on the other.
This is beautiful ….. it is causing panic and more confusion because beings have been regraded since the beginning of Scientology and nothing makes sense in the cult.
The members are starting to LOOK – they know something is wrong and word inside the CULT is people are LOOKING and LEAVING!
No letters will be written except those under the tiny thumb of David MIscavige – which amounts to a few hundred.
Continue Mike and Leah! You are “doing something about IT”!!
“And while on this subject, if everything Leah Remini says is false, why hasn’t scientology sued her?”
The last time Scientology sued someone (Debbie Cook), it was a PR disaster for them. If Scientology sues its victims and whistle-blowers, the courtroom becomes a public forum for them to expose Scientology’s abuses & criminality WHILE UNDER OATH.
David Miscavige learned this lesson from Debbie Cook when he sued her for violating the unenforceable non-disclosure agreement she signed in order to get away from this “church”.
Debbie Cook’s testimony:
Wow Mike. Scientology asking Scientologists to circulate a petition to ban Aftermath 1&2 from the airwaves. What word in the former sentence do I not understand?! Lol. Actually the actions of the entire cult make me dizzy and very upset. Their day is approaching and responsibility for all the suffering caused will be extracted. Scientology does not deserve any positive words from me and all who have felt the brass knuckles inside their ” velvet glove ” ?
Ann, nowadays the CO$ has velvet knuckles inside a severely dented brass glove.
Very good to see you Aqua. You know I like your style and comment. Thank you my Dear Friend. Hugs & Love ?
You know, that they are “asking” (more like ordering them) the sheeple to sign that petition is ACTUALLY a good thing for us. Why? Let’s think about this for a minute; Scientologists are never encouraged to look at anything about Scn online or in the Media. In fact, looking at such material at least means a trip to ethics for a reprimand. So Scientologists never really find out what is going on in the “outside world” as they call the “Wog world”, haha. But now that they are being DIRECTED to know about the existence of an “anti” Scn program, there will be quite a few of them whose curiosity to look will just be too much, if only to understand what is happening. And this can easily plant a seed of doubt in their minds.
DM is ACTUALLY being very stupid by doing that, for that reason, and the other one being, that their ACTUAL membership is exposed. This short list of theirs – if compared with their allegations of “millions” of members – is a solid proof (and provided by THEY themselves) of their REAL membership. This datum can be used to wake up some still-ins to the reality of it all. So I think that this “petition showcase”, is actually to our advantage, and it only shows how DESPERATE DM must be.
Agreed on all, Thetaclear. It is IMO VERY good news that the Still Ins are being told to write letters. With this order, Miscavige effectively admits that this toothpaste is out of the tube.
Back in 2012 when I was UTR I got an email explaining away all the points of Debbie Cook’s email.
Having never been to Flag, I never got that email from her directly.
But, courtesy of this very concerned Koolaid drinker, I learned about it, and went straight to it on the internet!
The cherch can be so helpful, sometimes!
“The cherch can be so helpful, sometimes!”
Isn’t it marvelous, Aquamarine! 🙂
Yes, mah-velous, Thetaclear 🙂
Thetaclear, another way to look at it, is that they are just continuing a process that is somewhat intentional if not deliberately thought out, of winnowing down their membership to those who are most loyal and obedient. At some level, they don’t want members who aren’t compliant and self-censoring enough not to look at “entheta” even if it’s brought to their attention, and seem willing to risk having to “declare” them, even though they are also seem aware that their membership shrinkage is becoming dire.
Perhaps Miscavige is trying to run the whole organization like the Sea Org. He appears to have culled both down below 10,000 people.
I agree completely, PeaceMaker. CO$ is in total bunker-mode. Only the most loyal, compliant and unquestioning cultees are welcome in the bunker. As for the rest, good riddance!
Karen DLC,
Thanks for the info on OSA.
So……. Kate Sage has multiple personalities. Did she have them all along, or did Scientology induce them? I’ll take option #2 for $300,000.
Mmmm….Yes! Scientology can help with that. She needs a lot of money.
Maybe this is their reason for sending one body through the purif 20 times? The Primary rundown 20 times? The grades 20 times? Does she knowingly attest each time to ‘who’ did the action each time?
What the COS does these days makes my head hurt.
Logical post Jim, it seems that Kate is simply naming her BTs. And who said Scientology wasn’t fun and worth hours& hours of self-entertainment?
Hilarious, Jim! ROFL
I have no idea who sponsors Aftermath. I use commercials as a time to brush my teeth, wash my face, do some dishes, etc. Maybe, I’ll pay attention to the sponsors and write them and A&E letters of support. Hmmm, maybe not. I’m too busy enjoying my retirement after a successful nursing career no thanks to the 10 years of my life wasted in Scientology. Haha. Do these idiots really think their threats are going to work? Asswipes!
Mike, I’ve been spending a bit of time analyzing the respondents of the anti-Leah petition, looking at where they’re signing from, etc. The rate of addition of new signatures to the petition is slowing to a crawl. This well-organized campaign is coming to a halt.
And the letters that the cult wants people to send will never happen. It takes perhaps 2-3 minutes to sign Leah’s petition. But writing a letter takes much longer. The number of people who will do it is far less than the number of people who signed the petition.
And those hundreds of letters will have zero effect. National boycotts of national brands never work, and the companies subject to them have done enough research to know it. Even boycotts ordered by churches or other groups with millions of members never have a financial effect. So the companies advertising on Leah’s show will not even respond to the letters from aggrieved Scientologists. They certainly won’t meet with anyone from Scientology to try to placate them.
Only local boycotts of local businesses have any hope of succeeding. And even there Scientology has failed. The boycott of Clay Irwin’s “Lucky Anchor” bar in Clearwater after he published a video of Tom Cruise’s penthouse condo under construction is proof. Few restaurants can tolerate a sustained drop in business of 20% for a couple months. Irwin not only tolerated the ineffective boycott of his pub by cult public, but announced he’s opening a new place right across the street, doubling down on his ability to attract business despite having Scientology as an enemy.
What? You’re saying that the coffee I refuse to drink is still for sale? Yep. It is. If boycotts worked, Tom Cruise and John Travolta would no longer be making movies. Their popularity is waning, but it is a long-haul process, not an overnight process and probably has to do with age as well as bad PR.
The people or products who flame out overnight do so because of a massive turn of public opinion based on their extreme bad behavior or an undeniably outrageous act of a company.
If our office was the sponsor of something and we were to receive dozens or, let’s say even hundreds maybe thousands of letters or emails (if the existing scientologists were stat-pushing and using fake email addresses) here’s the deal:
Those kinds of letters are routed to the same person or department. Each of these letters would be very similar if not identical. The people in the department would understand that they were a coordinated effort ordered by scientology. They would keep track of how many (few) letters were received. This most probably would cause us to increase our advertising with the show those people were trying to stop as we would see we were making an impact and only mindless automatons were being adversely affected by our advertising.
Hubbard tried very hard to convice people that attacking the attacker worked. But Leah and Mike aren’t really attacking, they’re just telling the truth. The lady (David Miscavige) doth protest too much methinks.
Totally right. Big name sponsors always have their finger on the pulse of what their consumers will accept or not accept. Case in point: the businesses who withdrew as sponsors of Bill O’Reilly’s TV program. It can be assumed that this decision was based on what they already knew about their customers and accordingly, what would be the negative impact on their products.if they continued to sponsor this program. The sponsors of Aftermath have already factored in the effect of any blowback from the tiny cult that is the Church of Scientology.
That once “popular TV Christian family” lost dozens of sponsors once their secrets were exposed…..sponsors left in droves.
Yes, I agree. At the end of the day, Scientology does indeed assist, or it could be stated, insists upon it’s own demise. Any, and I mean any communication it utters, even to it’s own members is greatly sort after by its critics and will inevitably end up being fantastic advertising for things like A&E. Those in the Cof$ are not very smart are they? But if they were, they wouldn’t be in it.
Yes, I think that aside from the kids brought up in the cult who know nothing else, the best and the brightest have already left. The older ones, the ones who know better but still stay in, may be intelligent, some of them, but they are so craven and morally bankrupt by this time that their intelligence has been submerged. Or something. I still don’t really understand them.
Good point Aqua – ‘don’t really understand them.’ I don’t think you can unless THEY CHANGE. That’s the insanity of Scientology, it produces an incomprehsible product. It’s kind of like it walls off people’s personalities and presents a puzzle instead, which can only be resolved by the recipient of Scientology waking up, not the observer understanding them.
“Cruise & Travolta’s popularity is waning…”
Cruise’s latest movie, “The Mummy” totally tanked. I’d say popularity is more than waning.
I think we ought to take a page out of the Co$ playbook. Sign the petition started by Jeffrey Augustine using as many different aliases that you can create!
For those worried about retaliation, simply set up some dummy yahoo or proton email accounts.
Chee, I agree that we should counter the cult’s petition with comm of our own, but I don’t agree that we should copy their fraudulent tactics in using as many aliases as possible.
Let this “cherch” lie and scam. Its who they are.
WE, in opposing their lies and crimes, should not lie. We should be honest and real, ALWAYS, in our communications, because that’s who WE are.
Normally I would not propose breaking laws, etc.
Using a pseudonym or a nom de guerre for a petition is not in violation of any ‘law’ per se (though I am sure would prefer we keep it to one ‘vote’ per person).
I do think there is a certain amount of fear out there – the Co$ has a well deserved reputation as far as retaliation is concerned. If someone is concerned about using their real name, then IMO they should use whatever name they like.
But yea, I see your point in not stooping to their level and posting more than once.
I think the reason the petition doesn’t have more votes is because people are still afraid to poke the bear so to speak. But there’s at least 3,500 people who are not!
One additional thing I found amusing…..Oracle was just posting the other day (on Revisionist Marty’s blog) that Aftermath’s numbers were ‘down’
So, if that is the case, why all the fuss? I did love your point (above) about the howling! How hilarious is it that these folks contradict themselves at every turn?
“Aftermath’s numbers are down…..the SPs howl because we are having an impact…..but everyone needs to sign this petition to get this show (that no one is watching) off the air and make sure to threaten the sponsors that you will boycott their products!”
You’re so right ….. Aaaooooooowwwwwww!
Chee, I hear you. I didn’t say multiple same person signatures on a petition was illegal. I said its dishonest and unethical, and, as such, contrary to what we are protesting. After all, what good are we if we fight CO$’s lies and fraudulent claims with our own lies and fraudulent claims? Won’t work, Bad karma. Cappice?
Put another way, why fight lies with more lies, when we have the power of truth on our side? If we only use truth as our weapons, we’ll always maintain our position in space. No matter our numbers at any given time, using truth, we’ll always be left standing. With truth, our David will slay the Scientology Goliath.
Sorry to get airy-fairy on you, Chee. I get carried away sometimes 🙂
Aqua, don’t worry about being ‘airy-fairy’.
Just don’t get ‘theetie-wheetie’!
And I agree with what you are saying re: karma and you are right.
It just grinds my gears that people (IMO) are afraid to sign the IRS petition because they think they will be harassed.
Sometimes I just want to see the Co$ get a taste of its own medicine, you know?
No worries, I’m not the theetie-wheetie type.
And, thanks, Chee. I understand how you feel. I feel the same way.frequently, reading what Mike and all of you share here on this blog. It churns me up, sometimes, the unfairness, the injustice of it all. I hate injustice, truly I do. Thank God for Mike’s humor, for everyone’s grace under pressure, and humor, here, seriously.
In fact, I’m feeling rather nervous now. I really need something to calm me down. Can you send me a booklet? 🙂
There is no reason to play any games with the IRS petition. I signed my real name and I encourage everyone else to do so also, honestly, and once only.
We don’t need to falsify our stats. Let’s leave that to the co$. The petition has as many or more signatures without the falsification already – and they’re worldwide.
Everyone who hasn’t been a Scientologist needs to keep watching the show and supporting the advertisers. The show has been hard to watch but I have absolutely no doubts as to the truth of the stories. These people are still suffering from very traumatic mental and physical injuries. When these people are crying, my heart goes out to them. I hope they find their faith in their felllow human beings.
“And while on this subject, if everything Leah Remini says is false, why hasn’t scientology sued her?”
Ummm…Even with all the legal power and money they have available, they’re afraid they’ll be “Cook”ed.
And somehow I don’t think even 5,000 signatures, real or not, is going to have much impact when A&E looks at the 1.5 million viewers number. Great job Mike, Leah, and all those taking a stand.
“David Miscavige learned this lesson from Debbie Cook when he sued her for violating the unenforceable non-disclosure agreement she signed in order to get away from this “church”.
Debbie Cook’s testimony: “
If that video is public domain, I wish Mike could use some of that testimony on his show – maybe he did in the first season and I forgot. It is a very powerful and revealing testimony.
My wife just started watching the show. She does some eye rolling over the stupid things that Scientologists believe but her main take away is to say, “Wow, Scientology is messed up.” In the years we’ve been together she hasn’t taken an interest in the subject, but the show has a way of cutting through the “tech” and going straight to the heartbreak which is its end phenomena.
Hmmm, if they can’t watch the show, how do they know who the advertisers are?
I was just wondering the same thing.
They don’t HAVE to know – – they’re just s’posed to write the letters/emails and send them back to the cherch. The CHERCH addresses them to the “appropriate” sponsors!
I think Scientology is collecting and redistributing the emsils.
Great point! They are probably given a list actually, but maybe they have to watch the show. Wouldn’t that be lovely.
All we want is a show somewhere
To Expose all the Cult’s Hot Air
Remini and Rinder are such a pair
Oh, isn’t it just Loverly?
Lots of Truth Out on A & E
Cult Crims pants wet with lots of pee
Poor Dave just went Type 3,
Oh, isn’t it just Loverly?
I think that the beginning of the preface to the FBI report referred to (posted at Tony Ortega’s site yesterday), is worth being emphasized – Mike, I hope you can work it into an episode, perhaps putting it up on the screen like the pieces from Scientology’s public relations aparatchiks.
According to US federal government investigators:
“Based on interviews of former Sea org members (hereinafter Complainants), the Church of Scientology (COS) tricks young Scientologists into joining the Sea Org, promising good salaries, regular work hours, vacation and family visits. However, once Sea Org members begin their service, they are housed and held at secure locations where they work 15 hour days in various positions for Scientology-based companies. Sea Org members are given no days off, and are permitted only limited and monitored contact with anyone outside the camps where they live and work. All incoming and outgoing mail is opened, read and electronically scanned before it is distributed. All Sea Org members’ passports are held in the security office. Approximately 30-50% of Sea Org members are foreign. It is considered criminal to say anything negative regarding Sea Org and if a member expresses a desire to leave, they are put through a grueling and lengthy process that typically results in the member staying.
All Sea Org members are instructed how to lie to outsiders and authorities who might inquire of their living and working conditions. Sea Org members who try to escape or who are disobedient are sent to underground labor camps that resemble ‘concentration camps’ where they live and work in slave-like conditions around the clock building furniture and other material goods.”
– FBI, Civil Rights and Human Trafficking, October 5, 2009
Love this idea, Peace Maker. Might also be good to print that statement and send it to the church in the BREs they provide with their promotional materials.
“Currently, we are helping on a campaign to counter and stop this insanity.”
Scientologists, are you referring to Marty?
No doubt he is on the side of Scientology. What he recently said about Len Zenberg and what he let though to post about Paulette Cooper, was the last draw for me. I’m not posting there anymore because Marty has become a dead agenting propagandist.
Marty is acting like OSA on his site. What he doesn’t let through to post, my posts, now tells me he is back to a successful identity: enforcer.
He couldn’t even pronounce Len’s name. He probabaly doesn’t watch the show. His handlers, whom he whimpishly looks for approval in his videos, probably wrote his controlled propaganda script.
How Marty portrayed Len in his last video, with such a smirking dismissive arrogance, after Len bared his soul in apology for abuse against Paulette Cooper, really affected me.
I wish Marty well, but he has sold his soul to the devil. He is now playing the black hat game. Which means he’s defending Scientology with lies and dead agenting.
Post and repost on Facebook Jeffrey Augustine’s patition for IRS tax exemption revoking.
I hope this link works. We need more signatures. Please sign and repost and ask friends to sign and share.
Send this link on emails to friends, Facebook or any other way you can. Let’s get the 5,000 signatures we need. We are almost there.
Ask your family and friends to send this link to others after they have signed.
I already signed that petition myself, and posted in on my FB page together with an easy explanation for the ones unfamiliar with Scn terms. I did the same with the FBI report on Scn’s human trafficking with a very detailed explanation and some background information. I urge others to do the same, even the Indies, as this is not about the “good parts of Scn”, but about stopping Human Rights abuses. And if they just ignore this with the misguided idea that they would be hurting Scn as a philosophy, then I am afraid that they are supporting criminal actions which is in clear contradiction with the “Code of a Scientologist”.
Marty is playing a childish game, no doubt invented by David Miscavige.
Marty has purposely misprounonced several names, including referring to Australian Senator Nick Xenophon as ‘xenophobe’.
You see, Marty and Dave are such big beings, they can’t even be bothered getting Len’s name correct. Len means that little to them.
And I guess not-so-sMarty thinks referring to Senator Xenophon as a ‘xenophobe’ we will actually begin to believe that.
The problem with the big beings of Scientology is that they look to a drug addled, narcissistic, paranoid, delusional moron for the answers to life.
They have to believe the party line that they are smarter and all around better than us ‘wogs’.
Hey, they can chose to live in a very small pond where they are the big fish, or join the rest of us out in the real world……some of them just can’t stand to be little fish in the big ocean of life.
They should wake up though…..their pond has sprung a leak.
Call me a Pollyanna or a cock-eyed optimist or just plain deluded, but I have this picture of Marty, in the end, the VERY end, turning again, and doing the cult in.
The concept, metaphorically, would something like Miscavige/Julius Caesar with the knives in his back, turning to face Rathbun/Marcus Brutus…”Et tu, Marty?”
Note to OSA: please be sure to fully clear the adverb “metaphorically”. Use it in sentences to full conceptual understanding. We wouldn’t want you to be operating with MUs that cause, as you know, “a vast panorama of mental effects”.
I doubt it Aqua. Once someone starts attacking child rape victims for reporting the rapists the person is almost always, incurably criminally insane.
If I were Marty’s wife I wouldn’t allow him to be alone with any female child…
Yes, I know and analytically agree with you, Wynski. The likelihood is almost nil. But what can I say? I’m justa Donna Quixote at heart. 🙂
Maybe its because I have a soft spot for Marty in that reading his original blog back in the day really helped me a lot. I don’t know if I could have left the cult if I hadn’t lurked for a year and a half there. What he wrote back then, and reading what everyone else at that time wrote made all the difference, and it was a process, btw, but a process that ended in a game changing, correct life decision. So I’m grateful to him. I admit it, I’m Marty Rathbun, and always will be, for his original blog. Today, I find it so difficult, if not impossible to reconcile THAT Marty with THIS Marty, you know? I mean, its not like I ever knew him personally. Anyway, I suppose I just WANT to believe that he’ll flip back again, in the end. Getting the full data would help as I’m sure it would many of us to make sense of his changing sides. Then it could all be confronted and understood if not necessarily agreed with and/or approved of. Oh, well…perhaps someday these facts will be revealed. In the meantime, no resolution of the matter is possible.
And now I need something to calm me down. Damn, I could really use a booklet right now.
I understand Aqua. Back then he helped people. I am so sad that he choose to once again become a criminal. 🙁
Aquamarine, I wondered about Marty ‘back in the old days’ as I only started following $cn two years ago and was a never in. Thanks for sharing about your experience with his blog and the help it gave you when you emerged as it gives me more perspective of why some still think he was their saviour when leaving the cult. I also saw the fishing videos with Mike Rinder and wondered how a likeable guy as ‘fishing Marty’ became the ‘squirrel busted Marty’ and now the ‘I Luv DM, Marty’. The soft side of me hopes that David Miscalculator applied such pressure to Marty that would have harmed his wife/child that this was his only option and he finally emerges (again) from the dark side of $cn. Until then, Marty is persona non grata in my book.
Marty… now there’s a name to conjure up some might big misgivings from both sides of the fence. He poses yet again, quite the treat to Miscavige. It could be suggested his insanity is akin to a time bomb that can go off more than once. If he is truly “on the Scientology take” and suddenly does another switch-a-rooney and changes camps again he could expose Miscavige’s underbelly. At the end of the day, he’s a double/treble agent with gathering data opportunities on and within Scientology or he simply believes he does. An FBI or DOJ mole perhaps? You just can’t make up shit up like he does! He however operates on an extremely simple principle – trust no one, they are all expendable, underlines his actions!
Wonder what he’s like at poker?
He trade in the church was deceit and destruction of critics. Some habits are hard to break
By the way even here (in the generally non English speaking scn community) there are some circles in the water about “entheta tv show and how to handle it”
The desperation is now obvious. They can’t hide anymore and just pretend this doesn’t exist. It seems as though this could potentially backfire on them, big time. The more they talk about it, the more their members might be inclined to check it out and see what all of the fuss is about.
It’s not only increasing awareness to the general public, but could very likely increase awareness (at least a little bit) with current Scientologists, who may then start thinking, start searching, start whispering to each other. That’s a good thing.
Saw the preview show last night. These first two episodes are so horrible in what they expose. It occurred to me suddenly, Mike, that you and Leah are saving lives. Anybody that prevents somebody from joining this church (and you two have prevented many from getting in IMHO) is saving a life from heartache, pain and possibly death.
Nice footbullet here.
“I’m pretty sure you are aware of Leah Remini’s show on A & E attacking Scientology and further that is has been nominated for an Emmy in the “Best Informational or Series Special” category. Unbelievable.
Currently, we are helping on a campaign to counter and stop this insanity.”
I KNOW! It’s as if these guys writing these stupid letters to members don’t think members have any kind of reasoning abilities (although some don’t).
But I thought this is supposed to signify the massive expansion going on in the cult.
Yo Dave,
Don’t fight it good buddy! Your own founders words say it only happens whilst You and Your fellow crims are expanding Your cherch like never before.
If You are really worried about it, why not go talk to Leah. We all know that You are the only one who can do anything about this debacle ……………… Dave.
Help is betrayal remember. The dichotomies of Scientology are numerous so it is easy to conclude, expansion is contraction. So, if we take it a step further, enemies are friends but I don’t think we’re there yet in any sense with Leah & Mike. An empty church is about as far as they’ve gone so far to make them wrong. Dave won’t be happy until all Scientologists take the complete blame for his fuck ups and ugly personality. There’s over a billion reasons he knows he’s a target, the lawyers wait… and Marty chuckles without conscience from the shadows. (There’s jail cell with your name on it too Marty – the fall of Scientology will suck you down with it – perjury and false evidence/slander is a bitch that bites back).
The more Scientology yaps, the more society will scrutinize them. Scientology’s power in the past was secrecy, stealth and black ops attacking of our citizens.
In a word: fear.
That fear is gone. The internet, being the great equalizer, gives us all the chance to research the truths and lies about Scientology and come to our own conclusions.
The truth of Scientology poses the greatest existential threat to Scientology.
Dave, it’s not the SPs who are bringing down Scientology, it’s the demonic, sick and narcissistic policies of L Ron Hubbard that you implement to harm critics.
This protest against Scientology is not against religion. That is a laughable joke.
This protest is against the street thuggery that you have learned and implemented: Ron’s playbook on critics.
The more you, Dave, come out and fight, the more we are going to learn about the truth of
please Sarge help me (Ron) kill myself to free BTs, all critics are criminals
Dave’s physical abuse and violence
This IS the turning point. We the public are now probably in the millions. You, the Scientologist, are probably in the few thousands.
Dave, you have lost all good will from the public. Your PR with society is toast.
Scientology is seen as a societal pariah because of disconnection, fair game and greed.
This is NOT a religious issue, this is an issue of abuse. End of story.
You’re correct Brian.
Nobody is scared of scientology. In complete contrast, scientology is a laughing stock to the world.
If Aftermath wins an Emmy, it will be interesting to see if any scientologists return or refuse future Emmys.
I could see that demand being made. And turning into another footbullet.
Yeah! What a Sophie’s Choice for the Celebs!
An Emmy This Lifetime OR Your Eternity? Hmmm…. food for thought. Better get sorted out on this NOW so that when or if the time comes for a choice to be made…
Celebs, think, for a moment, how COOL it would stand up for your religion this way!
Think of the resounding EFFECTS you would create and how it would contribute mightily to Planetary Clearing!
You could borrow a page from Marlon Brando’s playbook when back in ’72 he refused his Best Actor Oscar for The Godfather in protest of what occurred at Wounded Knee.
He sent a Native American to the ceremony – Littlefeather, I think her name was – to make the reason for his refusal LOUD AND CLEAR.
Well, there’s my pitch to the celebs. Lets see if these Big Beings (who won’t even admit on Facebook that they’re Scientologists) have the Big Beingness to stand publicly against those whom they believe are constantly maligning their religion.
Prove it, Celebs! Put your Emmy or Oscar where your mouth is! Do a Brando!
This show is having quite effect. Leah and Mike are the kind of stat crashers that I could only fantasize about it. In the local watering hole that I go to a couple of times a week (I know I should really be on course getting my ethics in), they are talking about Scientology. The bartender even knows the term “Suppressive Person”. I keep it on the “down-low” at the bar, I mean, who wants to admit they were in a cult for twenty years? I have a feeling DM drinks an entire bottle of 20 year old scotch every time the Aftermath comes on the air, but hey, isn’t that what the IAS coffers are for? In the meantime, I continue to go to the gym and work on my Double Diamond Patron Gluteus Maximus with Honors.
I wonder of DM gets sphincter spasms when watching Aftermath?
To s**t, or not to s**t;
That is the question.
🙂 H’e’s stuck in a Fecal Mass Maybe.
Oh! No doubt! Absolutely no doubt.
F#%^*%# DELUSIONAL!!! Who are their “advertisers?” This is like watching Titanic-play those violins, as if nothing is happening around them. I’m quite sure Miscavige, finds his way into a lifeboat! This show makes my head want to explode ?
They are breaking policy on PR series “the ennemy line”. Actually scientologists who had no real idea about Rimini show will now look. Anyway how to protest a show you haven’t watched?
One should not forgot Rimini is not natively an anti-scientologist. It’s entirely the work of Miscavige who turned her ennemy in suppressing her because she asked about Shelly.
We are ennemies because of Miscavige at certainly 90%. They should do a petition to dismiss Miscavige, and later on to have him jailed.
“Anyway how to protest a show you haven’t watched?”
And here it is plain and simple. how can all those people write letters if they haven’t even seen the damn show? At least they weren’t suppose to!
Because they are TOLD to write them!
I never thought of this?
And who do you think you are going to get a call from if you have NOT sent off a letter.
Yo Julian,
This ought to be a busy week for You. Stats should be in the stratosphere and Dave will be fondling (I mean fawning) over you!
How do these compliant scientolobots even know if the programme actually exists? They won’t know if they can’t watch it?
They did it with their “Kingpin”/”Adulteress” edition of Freedom mag, which they sent out to everyone everywhere. Absolute gibberish and sooo puerile. I didn’t have a clue what I was reading and had to google who these people were to make sense of it all. Oops, big mistake… ??
Always amazed at the desperation and frantic chaos displayed at the higher levels of Scientology when another revelation or story is made public.
I understand they are hiding all this discommunication and abuse toward families and children. But honestly…as a third party onlooker who has never been to a Scientology event, what are they really hiding??? If the reactions of the “church” were puzzle pieces, I would have to say some of the pieces just don’t fit into the greater puzzle. All this frantic attempt at a cover up and a PR campaigns for or against a certain person…it feels like Leah has barely scraped the surface. I would not be surprised if there are several (or more) major scandals waiting to be exposed and investigated. The pattern of reactions and behaviors by the church indicates there may be a great deal more going on. Just my two cents…keep up the fantastic work, Mike Rinder!!!
Average people like me are watching and paying close attention to law enforcement and Congressional attention given to these matters. How can a senator or rep sleep at night with this type of predatory institution in their district??? This church is clearly a threat to the wellbeing of families and children in many communities. To allow this type of environment for families and children in the name of religion…we need a change. It is time.
It’s not unusual for advocacy groups to organize letter writing campaigns,and provide talking points for members, but the one Scientology has put together is so profoundly and obviously dishonest and deceptive that it’s doomed to fail.
I think this is more an effort to provide kool-aid to Scientologists who may be starting to wake up than a serious effort to create an advertiser boycott.
The public perception of Scientology is already on a par with the Westboro Baptist Church, and dropping more each day.
When I first started to read, I thought, Scientology could get 2,500 letters even if they only have 10,000 members left, and that might actually sway some advertisers because normally companies would assumed that many letters represented just a tiny fraction of a much larger group.
But when I see that Scientology, in their typical controlling modus operandi, is having everyone forward their e-mails to a central address, where they will be sent on – after, presumably, being vetted – to the advertisers, I can’t imagine that any advertiser would be much swayed by batches of e-mail that all came from one source. I have to wonder if the Scientology staff organizing this are really clueless about such things; or if this is one of those efforts more intended to have an effected of rallying the membership in defense, when they know it will have little if any impact on the outside world.
Control. Period. They do not want them looking for themselves.
This is perfect Len.
I think Miscavige feels it is OK to “spread the flap” because he believes he has little to lose because sooooo many inside the cult are watching or talking about the A&E program. The “ethics officer” is probably overwhelmed with public members watching Leah and Mike. The public members do this to satisfy their own natural curiosity, so Miscavige thinks adding a petition is not going to make the situation worse. (But it does)
Frankly, the “public” members (that pay the money) do have curiosity about the A&E program. They can see there is no visible expansion while at the same time they have to listen to endless hyper “exaggerations” at the Org/mission.
The real problem for Miscavige is there are now more disaffected members than cult members and more
disaffected OTs than cult OTs. The bully is now cornered in an alley because he can’t con or hide from the court of public opinion.
Miscaviage is spreading the flap because even he is basically good and is getting himself shot so that he will not suppress any more people.
Does anybody think that if cos got all the petitions signed ~ would that make A&E or their sponsers think twice? Or pull their support?
Lets see here. So the cult sends 2500 or so letters to sponsors. Sponsors check viewer ratings and find that only 1,500,000 or so watched the show.
Yo Dave,
I think You are pissing into the wind good buddy!
That is highly unlikely since the viewership of the Aftermath is in the millions yet the number of people who are petitioning are in the low thousands (counting the multiple signings by people).
Numbers don’t add up. Miscavige has to know he hasn’t a prayer to effect a shutdown of Aftermath this way. He’s doing the only thing he can do: Prss the “SPs Are Howling Because We Are Expanding!” button on the consoles of the Still Ins – not the UTRs, mind you, as he knows there’s nothing to lose with this group, but on those fearful, obedient Sheeple In Good Standing, upon whom he still has, in some fashion or another, leverage. He’s playing the only card he has to keep the game going for as long as possible.
Thank you!
As I earlier calculated, the CoS + Indies in the USA has less than 5,000 ACTIVE members (not counting S.O.).
No matter what they get them to do, the numbers are too small to make an effect.
The amazing, shrinking cult. Watch it disappear right before your very eyes! Now that’s magic!
This is at least the beginning of the end. It has to happen but it’s still sad to watch. Like a great big train wreck.
I believe you are correct and NOW the church (david miscavige) will have Leah, Mike, Aftermath to blame for its (his) demise. It (He) can never look inward.
He could, but, all he would see is blackness.
The Scientology machine is truly a delusional one. They have been outed for the fraudulent, abusive cult that they are. Panic is a good word to describe this letter writing campaign. Some other good words are desperation, idiocy, laughable, stupid, desperate………..on and on. Mike, you and Leah have Scientology and their very few remaining minions right where they need to be, which is panicked. Keep that rock lifted up and keep exposing the cock roaches underneath it. This train of justice can’t be stopped.
Mike, you and Leah obviously are making a tremendous impact! Keeping the pressure up is the best possible course of action! Way to go!
It’s amazing to me, observing my POV now, compared to how it was when I was a true believer.
One thing that would have been caught by a sec check I didn’t get, when I was in I knew these policies were bull shit. The withold had a lot to do with thinking our PR sucked and what was being criticized was true.
This reminds me when they packed the entire CW FH RPF into planes and flew us to WA DC to protest, as if we were DC residents. Or, in some kinda voting scam.
What a bunch of hokey poke.
If you do the hokey pokey, you turn yourself around. And that’s what it’s all about…
“Is there something current? No. But that is just a matter of time…”
Just because we are not aware of anything current does not mean there are nothing current. It is only a matter of time until those are discovered. IMHO