The evening of the “grand opening” of the “ideal” CLO EU they held a fundraiser. The crush for cash NEVER takes a break. It flattens all other factors in its path.
Nothing is more important than squeezing some more cash out of the sheeple. Cannot have a day to “celebrate” — nope, it becomes another excuse to round everyone up to hand over more.
And a Sea Org “honor guard” for the whales? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The Sea Org now forms “honor guards” for people based on their “donations”. In the pantheon when of weird scientology insults to Sea Org members, this is on a par with Miscavige announcing Tom Cruise as “the most dedicated Scientologist I know.” These SO Honor Guards had always been reserved exclusively for Sea Org accomplishments.
You think the people in this poster figured they would be called to offer tribute to “building donors”?
No big deal for the average reader of this blog, but I bet this really doesn’t sit well with current SO Members who generally regard the public as the “dilettante class” who are “not good/tough/dedicated enough” to be in the Sea Org.
Cruise is dedicated.
Dedicated to becoming the wackiest and weirdest Celeb for the Dwarf. His films now are quite purile and shallow. Like him.
Expect GAT III to sort him out.
I hope any Sea Orger reading this understands this message: True dedication is not devoting your life to Scientology 100 hours per week for $50 per week for decades of your life. That is not going to get you an honor guard. If you REALLY want to contribute to Scientology and show your true dedication then you will become a famous film star and promorte Scientology or be born rich and give a fraction of your income to the Church.
Keep slaving away, but know that you are a nothing!
This is unrelated to today’s topic but Dollar Morgue’s mentioning of David Mayo reminded me :
What happened to Mayo? Did he die? I’ve tried to find him but all I get on the ‘net is the same old
news from back in the 80’s. Does anybody know?
He is around but very much not a scientologist.
On an unrelated topic, the many Scientology missions web pages at seem to have been abolished and replaced with a generic boilerplate link.
Checked out Tony’s Sunday Funnies today and was struck by how fast the remaining membership appears to be aging. Greying before our very eyes, it seems.
This doesn’t need any Scientology definitions or technologies, the extant ones will work perfectly to explain this; treason against what your own uniform stands for has been dealt with appropriately for time immemorial.
From Judas to Arnold to Mata Hari the crime has been viewed the same by any court system or any relatively sane individual sense of justice once the truth of it is made known sufficiently enough to elicit a survival response.
Calling a spade a spade works too sometimes in the right quarters. The ultimate crime has been generated by miscavige upon the Sea Org and all staff and one could even venture (if one believes what Scientology stands for) the people of earth. No amount of false loyalties, bickering, obfuscation or cover ups between past or current members will alter the existence of above crime.
I just hope it catches up sooner rather than later, the treason deepens by the day.
Didn’t Rev, Dr Martin Luther King Jnr say “To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it?”
If “honor” in Honor Guard means despicable, insidious, unconscionable rip off scamming, extortion, coercion and fraud, then it must be one whopping royal, regal honor for these whales to be so guarded. I assume, of course, that Tom Cruise was Honor Guard I/C.
I have not been a Sea Org member. But as far as I can figure it out being part of the elite and be above others IS the main payment for a Sea Org member. Not money. And taking that away or to spoil it by those actions (money replacing honor) will have an impact on Sea Org members.
Throughout the years inside Scientology I had problems understanding the motto of the Sea Org. “We come back” did not make sense. Now I would say, this we come back is aimed at the future. Currently we are not here (whoever we is) but we come back.
Wonder about the promo. In the background is I suppose the moon and the sun had been in the back of the moon (solar eclipse) and is now coming out of the eclipse and shining. I do not understand the symbolism and message. But putting together what I see here the symbolism is more a bit of black than white. So, the Sea Org is positioned as black order here.
Leave a note for Dargaud Publishing, the company who owns Asterix.
It’s French, and we know how much the French love the CofS.
I must be missing something because I’m baffled by how Asterix, Oblix and especially the druid character, Panoramix, are supposed to “ensure that all ideal org postulates will stick”?
Easy. Getafix will give them the magic potion, Kool-Aid.
They’re going to have to include Magic Potion on the Purif.
Speaking of steamrollers, have you seen an advance copy of the film, “Going Clear”, scheduled to appear at Sundance and to be released on HBO in 2015?
I didn’t know they were making that into a movie – exciting! Thanks for the info!
Oh I see Tony did a story on it
TFB, are you serious??? If this is true, it’s THE best news I’ve heard in a long time! Wow! Released at Sundance! God, I wish I could be there! Holy crap! DAVID MISCAVAGE is going to lose what’s left of his feeble mind.
OSD and De-attested, See it at Drudge and Ortega.
At Least they waited until the night after the grand opening to fundraise. As for all these costumes and themes, it reminds me of Nero’s bread and circuses. Hmmm… Nero really liked to build fancy architecture too….
Honor Guard for Whales !!!!
Aye Carumba
More event pictures of Ms Brandi Harrison. This time in Europe. She’s everywhere. I suppose that’s not surprising really given her post as INT Expansion Something Something Yada Yada but does anyone here know anything about her? What’s her story?
I’ve seen her referred to as “Ms” several times. Isn’t she supposed to be “Mister” when she dresses up in her daddy’s sailor suit?
I’m sure this says something about me that along the lines of my being overly proud, or overly concerned about appearance, or possibly both, but nevertheless, truly, of all the things about IdealMorge fundraising that bother me, what annoys me the most is seeing these people rigged up and acting enthusiastic, in “spirit of play” and generally making fools of themselves in stupid outfits.
Its bad enough that they, most of them, are donating money yet again that they cannot afford, but if only they just could do it with some dignity and poise, dressed normally!
I cringe every time I see them cavorting in those outfits and hoo-ha -ing in glee – I cringe, because a picture always flashes of David Miscavige afterwards entertaining himself with these spectacles, deriding them, making jokes at their expense for looking and acting so foolishly while they’re being hoodwinked in a new unit of time out of more money for his slush funds.
I think of this and it annoys me because on the one hand I’d like to strangle these people for being so ongoingly blind and stupid, yet on the other, I pity them, proudly holding up their trophy’s, believing that they are respected, when in fact, the person whose respect and admiration they crave not only does not respect them but has an active contempt for them.
I wish I could consistently feel either one way or another- consistent resentment or consistent pity, but I keep shuttling between the two emotions as regards these K/A drinkers!
” but I keep shuttling between the two emotions as regards these K/A drinkers!”
IMHO it is a sure sign that you are shedding the tethers of being in a cult. Being able to experience a full range of emotions regarding that experience can only be a good thing. It is the still-ins that are fixated as you have pointed out either in the spirit of play or glee of insanity …….or both!
I agree, Coop. While in, everyone was either always pissed off at other staffers, or in glee.
I equate scientology with being in prison: You don’t know what true freedom is until it’s been taken from you. And then once you get out, you’re like OMG!!!! You mean I can do what I want and be friends with who I want and eat in restaurants, and go on trips and…..well you get the point. The day I left staff in Honolulu, is the day I hit serenity of beingness. It was like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders. This is why I truly hope we can all assemble at my place when the shit storm hits the fan. I would love to listen to everyone’s story that posts here IN PERSON! Can you imagine what fun that would be?! And, of course, it would be epic if Mike could be at that party. You want to talk about going “exterior,” I’d be on cloud 9…
“I wish I could consistently feel either one way or another- consistent resentment or consistent pity, but I keep shuttling between the two emotions as regards these K/A drinkers!”
I don’t know if this helps, Aqua, but when I find myself getting high and mighty about the ‘wilful blindness of those still in’, I remember that it was not too long ago I wished I had the money to play with the big boys and bask in the adulation of the crowds. I also recall when I read a magazine last year, put out by Mayo’s group about 31 years ago, discussing more or less the same issues that are discussed in the ex community today. It hit me then that this scene has been going on for a very long time. Quite possibly for as long as scientology has been around. Scientology itself provides the explanations for why that is, but are those explanations true? Remember when you believed that being critical meant having overts, evil purposes and MUs, and when you derived your value from membership in this organisation.
When I think how frustrating this is to watch, I wonder how frustrating it was for others to watch during the 30+ years I spent as a member/UDR of the cos.
Dollar Morgue, check out the Data Series, where it is a pluspoint to be critical, ie able to spot outpoints. There is natter from overts, and there is the ability to spot an outpoint or situation. Dave has been very efficient in labeling the ability to spot outpoints, as having overts. And because we didnt know the tech well enough, including the admin tech, we fell for it. Hate to say it, but ole KSW1
My eye was immediately drawn to the stupid costumes in the promo and the thought it demeaned the whole process, then I wondered why that pissed me off. GReat minds blah blah 🙂
Aqua.. I know people are getting sick of me saying this over and over but..
” I have Never hated the players. I have only hated the Game. ”
Maybe you can get to that point. It keeps me sane. ( Well, as sane as I want to be)
( But between you and me I still hate some players Cough.. DM.. Cardones etc.
What up ya’ll?!?!? Coming out of the shadows. Moved from CW to LA a while back to get away from the super-crazy SCN spy scene. The church has completely lost control of field out here. No one out here gives a shit about the orgs or is afraid of the MAAs. We just stay far away and mind our own business. There’s really too many people “out” for the MAAs to be able to do anything about it. I got 99 problems, but a piece-of-shit child MAA ain’t one of them (that includes you Julian, you man-child). PEACE!
Welcome, GH! I hope you become a a regular poster.
+100 Guillom. Nowhere are the child MAAs more obvious than at the Flag AO. Antonio (the prick) and Jasmin (the bitch) are beyond compare. I wonder how the rest of their lives will play out?
Have you added your name to the Indy 500 list?
Oops ….. It is Alphonso, not Antonio, He is still a prick though! I suppose he may have morphed into a dildo by now in keeping up with dear leader.
‘Senior moment’ there, Coop? Hey, I have then on an hourly basis!
Hey Guillom, thanks for posting. Are you related to the Hines who was/is a full-time FSM? Is she still FSMing or is she on track like you? Can you convince any more of these people who are “out” to comment on here like you? With enough people coming forward saying that they are done with the church, there is no way that disconnection could be enforced, because that would mean that practically everyone would have to disconnect from practically everyone.
Suhweeeeeeet post! I can see your thumb on your nose from here and I’m about 2,000 miles away
GH.. You just made my entire day.. Thank you thank you! And that is why we are here. To offer you a safe place to land!
When I say all the SO folks, I meant to say the behind the scenes posts that were not seen by
most public.
The SO is a tool….a not so great tool really. Correct me on this but it
appears Scientology expanded on a more rapid rate before the SO was
introduced than after.
I was in a position to see all the SO folks and I audited quite a few. Most were in not so great shape with a constant need of ruds handling, mostly morphing into L1C’s and list correction. That was when they were sessionable by the way.
When they did get into session, it was never on a schedule and almost always being pushed off to many different
auditors, mostly students who needed “practice”. They were treated for the most part like guinea pigs.
And that doesn’t even begin to take about ethics conditions. I wish I had a dollar for all the wrong whys and wrong indications lowly SO members received over time. Hence constant out ruds….just terrible.
Most ethical group on the planet my ass……not even close.
Unfortunately this is true. Here an example:
I remember giving assists to a pc in the hospital on an ‘iron lung’. It was a hopeless situation. He could not breath for himself, being medicated. The family had to decide to end it. When he died the Sr C/S enforced
that I get a session. I did get the loss handled and at the same time got a KR (Knowledge Report) written by the Tech Sec for not taking in a pc because I was myself in session….
That would have been the living end for me in the Sea Org. I was in the Honor Guard many times. That was some of the best times I had in the Sea Org. Getting to show off in those dress whites with a sword. I felt truly powerful and important. Those guys standing there are really lost. They have fallen so far down the rabbit hole that they don’t even know they are supposed to be important. I am pretty sure that the top of the totem pole now are big donors. Which may be why we keep seeing more and more SO members donating. It is probably a pre req to getting your CSW approved to move up in rank now.
BBJ.. OMG I hope many feel your same sentiment .. ” Living End..” Yes!
TM= Transcedental Meditation.
Might I express an early Thanksgiving wish of mine to the Rinder family. May you find Peace and Harmony with all of those you love and care for during this time. Also it is my hope that there is a more rapid decline of the RCS allowing for a quickened re-establishment of familial loved ones.
To all the past, present and future ex-members may each and every one of you find fulfillment, peace and tranquility in this life.
Mike, you as well as all of the ‘Special Correspondents’ are performing a Worthy task educating the never-ins (me) as well as dispensing your daily post of critical information. I learn everyday from you as well as other former members.
Carry on the Good Fight your actions are truly needed by all.
For those sitting on the fence you are loved please consider regaining your life by stepping away from Scientology. It is never to late to strike out to true freedom once again as this World has much to offer to us all.
Very nice Taylor and I would just like to add, there are many very well trained auditors who know their business in the Independent field who are available to ease the shock of having to wake up.
Nothing gets you over Dave and his church faster than a skilled auditor sitting across from you that only has your welfare in mind. The ones I have visited created an environment without “seniors” hanging around to badger the auditor into out-tech, reveal session data or reg me for cash after an F/N.
Yes Yes Yes you speak the truth.
Thanks Taylor. I second your sentiments and to you and your family and to those who are quietly or loudly fighting this evil group or fight against destructive lies that cause harm to good people.
It was a year ago today I found out (while out of town) that I was declared an SP. My husband and son were called into the MAA’s office AO Flag and shown a gold piece of paper with some foolish ideas of Crimes and High Crimes against the church of scientology. I think David Miscavige gets a sick thrill out of causing such havoc to a family the week of Thanksgiving. My “crimes” were discovering the truth about the abusive nature of David Miscavige and trying to alert my husband to those crimes as well as the lies being promulgated by Him and His church and then refusing to get sec checked in order to change my mind about that truth.
I do try not to hate; I’ve heard it’s not good for the soul. But I hate David Miscavige.
Yay Alex Gibney! Can’t wait! (See Tony’s site.)
I hate him too. He needs a good old-fashion ass kicking.
And he needs to stop fussing with his hair as well….
I hate him too. He needs a good old-fashion ass kicking.
And he needs to stop fussing with his hair as well….
Life is a lot easier without any hate in it. Let it go and you WILL feel better.
DM will get his ass kicked one way or the other.
My moment in time also occurred near Thanksgiving. I hope your husband and son have seen the truth and have snapped out of their trance by now.
My moment occurred near Thanksgiving too. Wow. Maybe we should give thanks that we got out!
“We expect it to be a blockbuster film, and it should be a serious problem for the church.”
Than you Taylor and K Francis. Well said. Yes, if your are UTR, please consider coming out. It will help you and will help those that read your story. And do avail yourself of some good auditing with the unaltered tech to help you over the hump when you come out.
Mike, I am very thankful for you and your blog. That is my main thankfulness for Thanksgiving this year.
Here is the best laugh ever had over the word hate and the one I bring to mind every time someone says they hate something.
We were in Denver walking towards the football stadium for a Broncos/Patriots game. A young kid in front of us said
“I hate the Patriots”
his dad said
“Now son, hate is a very strong word, we save that FOR THE VIKINGS”
The people in those ridiculous get-ups (what’s with the blue and white striped pumpkin guy?) look like such fools. All we have to do is sit back and watch the madness. And the SO members go back to their minimal existence. Tiny Dick is assuredly laughing at this while stroking himself. God, I wish my mom had chosen TM over this crap when I was a little girl.
Ha, Steph — I was just remeniscing about my days of being rather actively involved in the TM “movement,” though it may be a little too loose to describe that way. One nice thing was that there was no prohibition of “verbal tech” or talking freely about your “case.” Quite the contrary — that kind of discussion was encouraged and was very helpful, as I remember.
Thanks Richard, I was a little girl when my mom was looking into TM. So did not know much about. If they did not prohibit comm about “case” that is great! Oh well. She is elderly now, but a true believer in LRH anything. It is all she has as stable datum in life now so it’s fine. I just try to be sweet no matter what. But still, would have been nice and saved our fam if she not gotten snookered by Betty Filisky back in the 70’s.
Talking your “case” or “verbal tech” are such beautiful traps. Just brilliant uses of how to trap someone. It worked on me for a very long time.
I reckon the authors and publishers of Asterix and Obelix will be absolutely delighted to be linked to Scientology. For those who don’t know who Asterix and Obelix are, here’s a link.
How about including David Micavix as a new villain in the next album?
Right! Asterix & Obelix were my favorite childhood comics.
To include David Miscavige in a new album, he would have to be Roman as that is what these 2 specialize in defeating. Also as far as I know the authors are dead.
What a disgrace to have these 2 marvellous heros associated with Co$ fundrising. Totally inappropriate.
After a big win over the Romans, they would go out and hunt down some wildboars for a big feast. NO FUNDRISING AT THE FEAST.
I hope the publishing company will get in touch with those idiots!
Let’s face it, the whales are the ones who pay to berth them, pay for their fake navy uniforms and pay for all the rice and beans they can eat so why shouldn’t they have a Sea Org Honor Guard? The Sea Org wouldn’t exist without their donations.
Believe me, the whale money is not spent on supporting SO members. They don’t see a penny of it generally, except those who may earn commissions.
I believe the commission system needs to be more fully explained and exposed.
I think it would raise some eyebrows.
But Mike, as the income from selling services dries up and donations are the only revenue stream, Roland may have a point. Granted, it is a trickle out of the cash machine to make the miserable payroll and slop feed.
With the current trend to non-existence, staff and seorg are going to be all that’s left, with a few whales to pick up the tab.
I assume that no seaorger is ‘rocketing up the bridge’, given the inherent short-sightedness of the Thursday to Thursday existence.
In spite of the mind control and brainwashing, I still can’t muster up much sympathy for those clowns dressed up like sailors. They deserve what they get.
Mike, it puzzles me where the money for the day-to-day running of the “Church” comes from these days since the traditional income from training and auditing must have greatly reduced since GAT. I can only conclude that dono money, especially IAS dono money, is keeping the “Church” and the Sea Org running from day to day. If not then what is the source of that money?
There is still a million or two a week from FSO. Asho and AOLA and the other SO orgs make a hundred or do thousand a week. The tough places are where there are no SO orgs. Like NY, Mexico Africa.
I agree with Subgenius’ comment. When people in the real world learn about the commissions they are astounded. I bet the Sea Orgs and beaten down whales would start questioning what they see a little bit more if they only knew why some are so much more ‘religious’ than others.
It’s all about the money. Hard sell. Lies. Commissions. Everyone should be watching Miscavige’s money flow. Everyone.
Such as the IRS 1subgenius?
The commission system was briefly highlighted when the 1992 financial books had to be publicly opened for the 1993 IRS agreement. (Well, a set of books had to be opened.)
Scientology Sells… And Profits — IRS Files Shed Light On Church’s Finances October 21, 1993, Karl Vick, St. Petersburg Times, Seattle Times
The books (the real ones) need to be opened up to the public again, now that there are people who can look at them and explain them. (As well as spot any evasions.)
RR-B, using that logic, COB should be forming a one man honor guard around the whales, since they pay for his lifestyle as well.
1SubGenius, there was no reply button to your comment but this is to you. If you look at the Truth Rundown done by the Saint Pete Times, (it’s a link on both Mike and Marty’s site), you can see top Flag Registrar Hy Levy laying out how the commission structure works and how the regging and money worked at Flag. It’s worth a look or re-look in a new unit of time. Hy was a good man who whistle blew up until his death. May he RIP.
Dave needs to start doing an honest day’s work, produce something of value that others can benefit from and stop being a freeloader.
It will definitely leave a bad taste in the mouth with Sea org members – worse even than months of beans ‘n rice. If you are a true blue believer and Sea Org member then you will “know” that at some point the armchair Scientologists as we used to call them need to take as much “responsibility” as they do. That’s certainly what I believed anyway. The good news is that it may just be a trigger to some to start the long waking up process. It was just such “think” about TC i.e that he was more dedicated than 100-hour a week/ £20 pay Sea Org members that started John Duignan on the road out – as brilliantly described in his book “The Complex”
I doubt that many, if any will leave because of this. The ones I knew are all dedicated slaves who have the ability to explain away the most flagrant wrongnesses – assuming they ever even see one.
That may be a bit of a generality. SO members are not made of wood. Looking at the amount of restrictions re ‘no case on post’, It would be considered out-PR to mention to a public about an unhandled situation in the SO. Looking just at the surface (the armor) it may look that way but underneath there are definitely ‘tug-of-wars’ going on in regards to trying to assimiliate, understand, apply some insane orders coming down. There would be unvoiced disagreements,
lack of understanding etc. Once I even allowed myself to think about leaving there is the point of just not wanting to be declared SP. With the lack of data, which would give a comparison – being a happily declared, free SP – it is really only a ‘leap of faith’ as the only option.that things will come out alright by leaving.
There was plenty of awareness that ‘things were NOT getting better’, so one tries HARDER to make it better, exhausting self utterly or going into apathy.
Greta .
Thanks, Martin, that addresses the question I was about to ask — whether or not SO members actually realize how badly they’re being dissed here, or whether there’s some kind of thought-stopping mechanism that keeps them from reflecting on things like this. The contrast between saving the planet vs. flattering the whales does seem pretty stark.
Hi Martin,
I am so glad that all I ever made it to was “armchair Scientologist”.
I always did perceive a slight amount of resentment coming from the Sea Org quarter when I was a bot and would be at Flag laughing or something. I would catch glimpses of some Sea Org member glowering at me. One time I came out of the course room with another student and we were both laughing and she said I was manifesting the “glee of insanity” and that I must have “Mu’s”. Lol. I could never get into all that seriousness that I saw in the Sea Org.
I had a lot of respect for Sea Org members but I always felt that the game could have been played a little higher on the tone scale.
Your laughing was manifesting the glee of insanity? Did your SO scold ever catch that video of SO OT8 loony George Bailey cackling like Mr. Hyde? Because if you had sounded like that (which I doubt) then he may have had a point. Or, if you sounded like Tom Cruise laughing on his “you’re in or you’re out” video.
Nothing that bad hgc 10. We were merely having fun which apparently drives some SO members crazy. I can understand that too. If I was getting 3-4 hours of sleep and eating rice and beans and there was a guy fat and happy around me I might get a bit testy also.
When I was on staff, I used to deliberately be VERY happy and positive around our SO command team. I remember the PES used to almost blow her head off in agony at the joy around her. Makes me happy just thinking about it. She did some pretty horrible things to people that I was witness to.
The points of all arguing that SO members can’t see any of the outpoints are well taken and definitely have a lot !!! of merit. Don’t we all know the feeling?
However, there are so many ex-SO on this and other blogs – they and we all did see something wrong, no matter how long it took us and no matter how hard it was at first to face at lease a glimpse of reality.
So, I would argue that ANY outpoint helps them see the light.
If the outpoints promoted or manifested are maxed beyond recognition, so much better.
Miscavige and his hardcore minions are doing a wonderful job at this.
There’s always a bit less-hardcore around …. and he or she could be the next to say good bye.
It doesn’t happen over night, but it does happen.
My 2 cents.