The Portland Wagon Train keeps on rolling.
Here is the latest “WISE International” (Event Call In Unit IC), hype about the absolute VITAL importance of seeing this video of a speech given a month ago — complete with ridiculous, fawning over the magnificence of “COB.”
Obviously none of these people know the REAL story of Portland, just the Miscavige whitewashed version, and of course they forget the Crusade moved from Portland to Los Angeles and lost another massive case that WAS eventually paid to Wollersheim. If you want to know the real story of Portland, read Marty Rathbun’s book Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior.
From: “WISE International” <[email protected]>
Date: May 31, 2013 2:45 PM
Subject: One Time Showing In Your Area – 1 June 2013
Cc:Dear Mark,
I earlier wrote you that history has been made.
Now I am writing again directly as a business professional and as a Scientologist as it is important to me that you are in the loop.
A very special event just premiered at Flag last week—standing room only—and I have included statements from those who were there below.
On Saturday, 1 June 2013 will be a one-time showing of a presentation from Chairman of the Board, Religious Technology Center, covering the Battle of Portland, with key facts that even those who were there 28 years ago didn’t know!
Insurmountable odds were overcome to turn defeat into a monumental victory. And all this leading to 11 May 2013, where history was made all over again with the opening of the Portland Ideal Org!
Again, this presentation is a ONE-TIME showing, on Saturday, 1 June 2013 at your Org.
I want you there with leading WISE® members and ScientologistsTM from your area so you see this all together as a team.
See below for more.
Contact your local org now to save seats for you and your friends and your family.
Please do reply and tell me that you are coming!
And who else will be joining you!
Thank you for being a teammate.
Best regards,
Scott Waldroff
WISE InternationalP.S. Don’t hesitate to spread my message to anyone and everyone you feel appropriate.
“I have no words. This is the time! We are going to remember this for a long time. It is so incredible that we are this close… I’m very excited about the future that is coming.”
“Oh my god! I am so emotionally overwhelmed! It was so amazing to hear the back story on Portland and how you could tell it was near and dear to COB. It was so beyond amazing and I don’t know what else to say as I am completely speechless!”
“The ribbon is officially off the box. The present isn’t open, but the ribbon is off the box! I loved the back story of Portland—absolutely fantastic! I am still blown away and am trying to figure out what to say. It is very cool to have COB here and to talk to us and give us the whole story—I am so excited!”
“Somehow this event was so personal for me and I had such a very big win and cognition in listening to COB. What I really feel about this event makes my words sound glib. Oh my god, the professionalism and the appreciation of the team from 1985 just blew me away. It’s a privilege to be here for this briefing and I want to know more, in fact I’m hungry for it.”
“I am SO proud I am here right now at Flag. I REALLY get that the world of Scientology as we know it is about ready to change and the planet is going to be the most different place you can imagine. What COB said and what it means to Scientology and to duplicate how far we have come and how far we can go now in Scientology is mind blowing. It is validating of what I am doing now and I want to play the game even more.”
Not to be outdone, the Valley Doorknobbers took the Shermanspeak statement and regurgitated it without any changes.
I think I underestimated the power of this — Nobel Peace Prize is underselling it. This is the next GETTYSBURG ADDRESS!
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Valley Life Improvement Center <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, May 29, 2013 at 4:48 PM
Subject: Fwd: After 28 years COB “opens the vault”
It was what many called the Gettysburg, the turning point, the pivotal event of the first half century of our religion. It was what galvanized us together and gave us the momentum to do the momentous things that followed: expansion and more expansion! To those of us who were there, the single word, “Portland,” is all one needs to utter to evoke that watershed moment in our history, along with the thousand memories forever etched in that spring of 1985 that permanently transfigured us each personally and all of us as group into a force to be reckoned with .That was 1985. Now, twenty-eight years later, Chairman of The Board RTC, has “opened the vault” at last with the full hitherto untold story of Portland — just how high the stakes were, just how evil Evil can be, just how powerful Good can be, and just how much of a win was pulled off — so much so that it inspired the famous LRH ED “Winning,” in commemoration of it.I hope you’ll join me this coming Saturday evening, June 7th, 8 pm, on LRH Way for what I understand will be the ONLY showing of COB’s briefing on the inside story of Portland!Let me know that you’re coming — even if you’ve already been confirmed, This will be beyond cool. Pass it on.ARC,Michael Lewis
Now, just what IS all the fuss about?
Here we have some notes taken by a staff member from the “Staff Only” pre-showing of the ONE TIME ONLY, MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO ON EARTH “COB Portland Address”:
Miscavige was intro’d by Erin Banks as the person who had conceived and led the 85 battle of Portland and he is now here at the opening of the org.
He spoke about live and die. He said how many people were at Portland – some just children packed into a Winnebago by their parents and brought here on a trip 28 years ago – now young adults. That in 85 the government was coming for Scientology. The GO went PTS but before government could get them they (the church) had already isolated the culprits and thrown them out.
He made quite a point of saying that the church had thrown out a lot of baddies. He mentioned RJ38.
He briefly mentioned a bunch of baddies (internal) who planned to more or less overthrow the hierarchy then grab all the money for themselves (divide it up). Also said something about bankrupting the church. “take over, corrupt the tech, then close it down.”
The talk glossed over the Portland thing. Very lightly said court case was lost. Had been lot of hassles from lots of governments around the world. There were the psychs saying religion brainwashed. Deprogrammers filed law suits – government call the people filing these “government agents or informants” so they got immunity (this was also said to have happened with others) including “apostates” (the term was used several times).
Then the IRS entered in.
Portland was a test case.
There was a woman who did a few weeks on a comm course and she testified against the church – anybody could testify.. 11 week trial. 17 may 1985 judgement was handed down. $39 million.
Psychs were witnesses.
Decision was made. They had wakened a sleeping giant. You had to BE a Scientologist in action. 15000 gathered opposite the court house, 28 nations.
At some point he made a strong point, inter alia, that LRH was no longer leading (managing) and then also was not there (deceased) and we survived both incidents.
The overall flow and tone was quite light (where were the strong emotional moments I had heard about?) – all just brushed lightly over – emotion conspicuous by its absence.
Scientologists (or “them” 0r the bunch who orchestrated the Portland protest) were in court doing something or other and the judge said all the anti witnesses were evil characters and the threw the case out.
Psychs – dust
Deprogrammers – dust
No more denigration of any religion
Apostate government informants – out
No more denigrating of religious leaders
LRH tracked it all on TV and when they won he wrote a victory (paean?)
“Proud knowledge of accomplishment” (it was a few lines long.
OUR TIME IS NOW – full momentum (all said very quietly and calmly and pie faced).
Planetary lift-off – Ideal Orgs just like this one.
Ideal Org income must be down and he is single-handledly getting the stats up.
Three cheers for COB! Words fail me.
God they must be joking. “One Time Showing Never EVER to be seen again!!” ?
What, do all the DVDs self destruct at midnight? Miscavige turns in to a pumpkin, taking all his “secret” wisdom with him?
Or, his speech was so fantastically inspirational, so moving and important that the CoS needs to bury Miscavige’s burning light under a bushel for eternity instead of put the thing on YouTube where it could go on to disseminate and inspire millions?
Where is the damn common sense?
Of all the utter horseshit.
I’ve hold this LRH ED 354 INT, WINNING, many times in my hands reading it. Now when it’s actual I can’t find it. I have read it many times but would like to reread the stuff written in it. Where can I find it?
Love from nostalgia trip
I’m beginning to wonder whether DM really IS working up to a Kool-Aid moment. If the goal of CoS is ‘planetary clearing’ then could it be possible that in his usual counterfeiting way DM is working up to saying ‘Look we’ve got all these Ideal Orgs, we’ve completed our mission; now it’s time to be off to the next planet’? Quotes from the letters like “It is so incredible that we are this close” and “I REALLY get that the world of Scientology as we know it is about ready to change and the planet is going to be the most different place you can imagine” and “Our ultimate victory” on the Portland poster on Ortega’s blog make me wonder.
“He briefly mentioned a bunch of baddies (internal) who planned to more or less overthrow the hierarchy then grab all the money for themselves (divide it up). Also said something about bankrupting the church. “take over, corrupt the tech, then close it down.” EXACTLY, THIS IS PERFECT FOR CRIMINAL MIND HCO PL, THE PITY OF IT ALL IS THE ABSOLUTE BLINDNESS OF THOSE AROUND THIS CHARACTER…
I think the overall strat plan cob had for his debacle in Portland was why so much pressure was brought to bear on the untruth about that photo of the Portland crowd. cob had to quash all exposure that was going to leak in to the water the kool-aid is made with. the “we did NOT photoshop that picture” is the kind of truth cob’s world is built upon. what a coward. what a criminal. what a black mass.
Boy, they were dead wrong saying the Masquerade was being cancelled. It’s in full force and happening now.
Defination of masquerade: Falso outward show; façade; pretense.
Example: a hypocrite’s masquerade of the truth.
DMtology turns my stomach!!!
Another good one: “DMtology”. You guys are smokin’.
“Scientologists (or “them” 0r the bunch who orchestrated the Portland protest) were in court doing something or other and the judge said all the anti witnesses were evil characters and the threw the case out.”
Can anyone shed some light on what this reference is about? (What is “doing something or other”?)
I suggest you read Marty Rathbun’s book Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior — he describes precisely what went down in Portland without the need to make himself sound important or right. Discerning what was said by “COB” in his recasting of history 28 years later is like trying to figure out the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. The only reality in the room is his. And it is not messed up by letting any facts get in the way of a proclaiming this as Gettysburg II.
I know. After every scientologist saw the video, the audience might be close to 2500. 🙂
COB took over the church
COB has corrupted the tech
COB is trying to bankrupt you!
The above provides the makings for a great protest sign to warn the seals before the events on June 1st:
David Miscaivage tells you “others” are trying to bankrupt the church, “take over, corrupt the tech, then close it down.”
”Overts speak loudly in accusation.” LRH
I was thinking the exact same thing when I read that.
I could not have said it better than you did.
Freudian slip, Mr McTiny nu… er Fists?
I’m wondering something: do you think these people are so “blown away” because they actually had never personally really heard about Portland before? Wow, COB! What a revelation! I had no idea this happened, wow, there really must have been 15,000 people there and we totally won!
I mean, it’s clear that most Scientologists in the church are completely ignorant of even recent history… or else, Dave wouldn’t get away with selling the same thing over and over again… “We’ve just completed a massive editing process to get all of the books and training just the way LRH intended.” I mean, how many times has he pulled this same scheme already?
There were 15,000 people in Portland in 1985 and there were “2500” at the Portland Idle Org event last month?
Did DM let it slip that maybe the church membership has gone way down in his 30 years at the helm?
He’s already overworked pretending that 500 people and a bunch of shrubs were 2500 people, and now he’s going to pretend a lot of history. You can’t expect him to do everything! Come on, clap your hands and pretend as hard as you can, or Tinker Bell is gonna die!
The “Arbitraries Cancelled” bulletin from 1999 comes to mind.
Look at the BS Dave was spewing in this bulletin:
“This review discovered numerous arbitraries which may have affected your rapid progress up the Bridge.”
“You can therefore be assured that your route across the Bridge will be just what LRH intended.”
“I someone has told you it takes a long time [to be full OT], or you feel that way even if they haven’t told you, let me indicate that is FALSE DATA.”
And yet making it up the bridge is an even slower and more costly process now than it was then.
Why can’t people see that GAT II is just another rehash of the same bogus promises?
I found changes to make in the books (never mind that I made plenty of changes myself) so now you really need to buy more copies! I found things to fix in these courses (never mind that I am fixing my own changes) so you need to do them again! I found arbitraries and I’ll cancel them (never mind that I created them) so you can move faster!
“I someone has told you it takes a long time [to be full OT], or you feel that way even if they haven’t told you, let me indicate that is FALSE DATA.”
And yet making it up the bridge is an even slower and more costly process now than it was then.
BINGO Dirk!!
The real story behind this event evolution:
1. David Miscavige spends hours of his valuable time tearing up proposed Portland opening speeches and reaming people out. He is forced to send yet MORE people to the hole and get Danny to write the speech that totally focuses on HIM and how HE SAVED THE DAY. (Never mind the millions of dollars in judegments against the CofS). He loves the final speech and is glowing with the “proud knowingness of accomplishment”.
2. He shows up to Portland to deliver this masterpiece and the attendance is so small that there are huge stacks of unused chairs and the artificial tree line has to be moved inwards to make the space SMALLER. David Miscavige is FURIOUS with the crap attendance. But fortunately the whole area has been declared a filming area and so no bitter defrocked apostates can get in.
3. Then the area is riddled with Anons and apostates with cameras and they manage to get not only close ups of him practicing his speech but also of the tiny crowd. Everyone is laughing their asses off at the tiny Daves tiny flop. Dave hits to roof.
4. OSA Int is then ordered to get out a press release to “handle the flap” and the handling it by lying about the attendance (saying it was 2500 when it was really 500) and they photoshop the attendance photos! Then they get caught and it goes VIRAL further humiliating David Miscagive and making him look like a tiny flop. Dave hits the stratosphere.
End result? David Miscagive rants and throws things and orders that EVERY Scientologist in the world be forced to see his masterpiece and understand how HE SAVED THE WORLD . Voila! You now see the full cause and effect.
The real Portland event back story? He and TC were too busy advising Will on “After Earth” to oversee the preps for the Portland event.
Good one! 🙂
For a moment there I thought you gonna say “and orders EVERY scientologist in the world to the hole” Hah. It is great like you have it. Yeah that one has gotta be the worst attended events ever unless someone has some other data….
Yes, but you forget that AFTER the replay of the Portland thing, there will be big time regging for money for Ideal Orgs. It is a fund raising event after you get the “true data” about Portland. That is just the hook to get the flock there, and then watch out! Let the fleecing begin!
FEAR > COB’s fear of the growing influence of the independents on his followers.
Thus the preemptive warning shots against possible internal attempts to remove him from leadership:
He briefly mentioned a bunch of baddies (internal) who planned to more or less overthrow the hierarchy then grab all the money for themselves (divide it up). Also said something about bankrupting the church. “take over, corrupt the tech, then close it down.”
(this was also said to have happened with others) including “apostates” (the term was used several times).
Apostate government informants – out
The apostates were evil then; and they’re evil now; don’t listen to them; don’t let them hurt me!
“1984” meets the Bizzaro World meets the Marx Brothers, with of course the requisite dash of Alice in Wonderland (the real “policy” of the CoS – it’s all in that book, folks). But on the inside? From the perspective of on lines Scientologists? You just …… believe ….. life is beautiful ….. the future has never been brighter …. Flag is indeed the friendliest place on Earth …. COB is the greatest leader in the world …. and yes, this is the year for the Cubs.
Here we can clearing see DM, the narcissist . I see the word narcissist overused these days, especially in politics when people disagree. In psychology narcissist has a very exact definition with certain characteristics. Two of them particularly come to mind here. First, they demand that everyone adores them. Second, if you question or oppose them you have made an enemy for life. Probably the most well known narcissist of all time was Adolph Hitler. I’m sure everyone has a memory of seeing him on film giving speeches while everyone gushed over him. Does anyone think that anybody had the privilege of questioning the decisions of Adolph Hitler? Now that DM has purged himself of all opposition within the church, he is free to dramatize his true narcissism.
To anyone sitting on the fence regarding DM, consider one point. Do you think that anyone is allowed to question his decisions? Being above question is not a quality of a good leader. Confidence and power don’t guarantee sanity. They are also qualities of a narcissist. There have been plenty of narcissists in history and their stories never result in a happy ending. I see the same for DM.
Why is data not known for 28 years, and only now being revealed? Sounds like a history re-write now that some of the main players are gone or holed-up! This is an example of how SPs can be ‘so clever”. Well, at least clever by the standards of those still “in”. Desperation, propitiation, false gods. Too sad.
Exactly. As Mike pointed out a few times before it wasn’t any huge win much less a tradition. No one remembers because as you said all the old-timers are gone or gotten rid of and only the salivating brainless teenage followers are left. Plus a few stragglers who haven’t figure out how to get out w/o major consequences.
Looking Forward = Phil Bruemmer.
I don’t want to create any mystery for OSA.
I’m sure the mysteries they are living in are quite enough.
“He briefly mentioned a bunch of baddies (internal) who planned to more or less overthrow the hierarchy then grab all the money for themselves (divide it up). Also said something about bankrupting the church. “take over, corrupt the tech, then close it down.” ”
Thank GOD COB, RTC and Int Management prevented this from happening!! (Yes Dorothy, once upon a time there was an Int. Management).
Just imagine what things would be like today if David Miscavige had been put in a tow sack with a bunch of rocks and tossed into the Allegheny River just after he was born. Goodness, Scientology might have been corrupted!
In the letter I noticed that „Scientologists“ is a Trademark. Then I no longer can call myself „Scientologist“. I could be charged of trademark violation.
Can someone register the name ex scientologist or whatever that we can communicate without legal troubles?
Basically any newspaper or web page refering to „Scientologist“ (TM) with proper notice of the owner of the TM can be charged.
Can someone file charges against Scott Waldroff as he uses this term without that notice. And he had the TM or „R“ not on all words in his message.
Now, that would be entertaining trademark litigation to watch: The Church of Scientology v. Scientologists.
A “One time only event” to hear David talk about something that happened almost three decades ago?
There must be a scarcity of new topics to discuss. A history lesson delivered by David!
Assumably, event attendance has been so poor of late that only the Dwarf himself can put the asses in the chair.
I didn’t get the impression that he’s really going to be there in person, just a showing of a video (although I’m sure that his holeiness POB blessed the DVD).
“this presentation is a ONE-TIME showing”
What’s the etiquette for standing and applauding a video POB? I’d guess exactly the same as if he was physically present, with observers timing the applause.
“His hole-iness: “. Very funny, Rick , this is a keeper. This and “Sciendollary”
Not connecting the dots here. How does abusing & imprisoning Wollerscheim has anything with getting tax breaks?
Maybe a talk on shoulder-to-shoulder efforts to clean out your pocketbook whatever you have left.
Did I read this right? An opportunity to get a buck out you is being passed up? Must be a better buck they’ll get out of you elsewhere.
No thanks. Pomerantz’ & Roberts’ hold ups at gunpoint were not memorable.
So the Gov’t was after the fallguys, not the church? Was the GO not already dismantled in 1985? Are they weaving different events from different timetracks together?
Isn’t the purpose of this event to grab more of parishioner’s money? DM divides up money and shares it with others?
Well this supposed apostate gave and gave and gave.
There was never any mention of any self-installed entities referring to themselves as “Religious Leaders”. Self-appointed criminal leaders need to be exposed though.
A very special event just premiered at Flag last week—standing room only—and I have included statements from those who were there below.
Standing room only because DM McNasty was playing musical chairs with the few remaining execs.
OMG! I can’t tell you how much I love COB for all he is doing. He is like Abe Lincoln! In fact I think he is in comm with LRH and they are going to Clear the Planet for real now!!! It just doesn’t get any better than this. I am speechless!! I ..I….I think I am going to burst with joy and the love, the LOVE is palpable, there is so much good news..I mean we are at the cutting edge of history in the making thanks to COB. The cob seems to be getting bigger and bigger, to the point I am afraid the cob might burst….
“Somehow this event was so personal for me and I had such a very big win and cognition in listening to COB. What I really feel about this event makes my words sound glib. Oh my god, the professionalism and the appreciation of the team from 1985 just blew me away. It’s a privilege to be here for this briefing and I want to know more, in fact I’m hungry for it.” Regurgitating those spiritual epiphanies left and right, taking on the color of Tom Cruise and his blabbering insanity. “Yes siree Bubster, Step right up to the Alter of Mest. Let us cleanse you of your apostate thoughts. We will find ones that you didn’t even know you had.You shall be squeaky clean and worthy of our shiny mest. Shiny happy people in shiny mest. Hey You! Step away from the curtain. There’s nothing going on behind the closed doors here. We believe in transparency. See? See that over there? That’s our transparent GI Board showing you how much we have raised and how far we still have to go.” Over and over, like an engram with a repeat command enforcing the life being sucked out of all involved, with only zombie particles remaining. Dust would be a god send. At least one could get out the vacuum and suck up the left over particles. And as far as Portland goes, there’s another whole track engram being stirred up thanks to the Frank Sinatra wannabe. Salem witch trials come to mind. I am so grateful that I am no longer part of that insane asylum and got out when I did.
There IS NO GLORY forthcoming in present time, so “HE” has to re-live a past history that he re-writes, thus “the history never told”
lipstick on a pig is still a pig – pig in a poke.
the old-timers still in must be scratching their heads till it bleeds on this one.
OBTW, a grateful Thanks to the staff who provided that inside report. Great stuff!
“Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center…”
Jeezus, I guess “Mr. David Miscavige” just wasn’t long enough. I expect, in a few months, to see His Grace, HWMNBN, referred to reverentially as “Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige.” That might suit his immense ego for a while.
What a tool.
He briefly mentioned a bunch of baddies (internal) who planned to more or less overthrow the hierarchy then grab all the money for themselves (divide it up). Also said something about bankrupting the church. “take over, corrupt the tech, then close it down.”
Hmmmm ………………………”Overts speak loudly in accusation.”
“Scientologists (or “them” 0r the bunch who orchestrated the Portland protest) were in court doing something or other and the judge said all the anti witnesses were evil characters and the threw the case out.”……………………………………………………….Who was doing what exactly?
My thoughts exactly. The pot calling the kettle black.
On Sept. 15, 1981, LRH put out an HCOB called The Criminal Mind. Note the date of 1981,just before dm took over. Here are a few a quotes;
Was LRH writing about dm?
Am not on a real keyboard, so cannot express adequately what tripe all of this is – Miscavige’s flat-out lies, Sherman’s appalling “writing,” and the whole pathetic Kool-Aid culture down in Clearwater.
I will say only this: Sherman, Trevor would puke at what you have become and, worse, how you can’t write for shit: “… at last with the full hitherto untold story of Portland….”? FULL HITHERTO UNTOLD STORY?!?
He’s turning over in his metaphorical grave.
🙂 Amen to that.