In March 1982, with great fanfare, L. Ron Hubbard issued a “game” to all scientology orgs. They were to 5.4X their stats and “achieve the size of old St Hill.” When this was accomplished, Hubbard promised the staff would not only be well paid, “International Management” would send them a “Universe Corps” team so all staff could “go OT” in their local org. This was a really big deal — these were the “buttons” of staff. It was impossible to live as a staff member without additional income and it was even more impossible to save enough money to travel to an AO and partake in OT levels. Life as a staff member in a scientology organization was a bleak proposition. Poverty and no hope of going up the Bridge. Here was a solution, all they had to do (according to Hubbard) was to get “on purpose” and “think big” and all would be well.
Management (it still existed at the time) pored through old files and determined “the size of old St Hill.” It was initially issued as 200 full time students in the Academy, 1000 WDAHs per week and Gross Income of $100,000 (and other stats considered to be commensurate with achieving those quotas). There were other versions of the quotas at different times, but this is generally the range considered to be “SH Size.”
Very few orgs ever came even close. Some managed to stat push their way to achieving these quotas for a week or two and were quickly declared SH Size to “prove” to all the other orgs it “could be done.” They quickly collapsed again after the camera crews left and the applause died down at the event where they were announced.
This went on for 20 years with little progress.
But apart from the staff disenchantment, the lack of SH size orgs presented another problem. In the late 80’s David Miscavige announced that the requirement for the release of the non-existent OT IX and X would be all orgs achieving the size of old St. Hill. As time wore on, people became discouraged that this would never happen. And these were people that mattered. Not staff, but whales.
So, Miscavige came up with a “Why” for orgs not making it to SH Size. He presented it in one of his elaborately staged events and explained that the problem he had so brilliantly discovered was that the orgs were “trying to do too little.” After landing that bomb he pitched his solution: “ideal orgs.” The “ideal org” was supposed to resolve the reason orgs were not capable of achieving St Hill size (“because they didn’t have all the requisite pieces in place, like trying to deliver an auditing session without a meter…”) And with this masterstroke he basically put the ball in the whales’ court — he told them THEY were responsible for raising the funds needed to make all the orgs “ideal”. They could now only blame themselves if they didn’t have OT IX and X.
That was in 2004.
I received this promotional piece in the last few days that reminded me how false Miscavige’s ideal org “solution” was and is.
Sacramento opened as an “ideal org” in January 2013. It was an org that actually raised enough funds from its parishioners to do it themselves. They have some big hitters in their field.
But it was 3 YEARS AGO. Why aren’t they SH Size yet? They are “ideal” and they haven’t even made it to the “make-break” point where staff can afford to live on their weekly pay? Let’s not also forget that Hubbard also proclaims in his “Birthday Game” issue that it only takes “a matter of weeks” to expand to SH Size…
And of course, Sacramento is not the only one — I don’t know of a single “ideal org” that has newly been declared “SH Size.” Not one. And there are dozens of them stagnating in all their marble glory – going all the way back to the FIRST ones: Buffalo, Madrid, SFO, and NY. And since then there have been Malmo, Melbourne and Madrid, Berlin and Brussels, Dallas and DC and too many more to mention.
Now Sacramento is “going to get the lead out” and go St Hill Size. It’s going to be an “E ticket ride.” Yet for the last few years, the “OL’s” from Sacramento (notably Dennis McKenna) have been going around to other orgs to “tell them how it’s done”…
Everything in scientology is a facade.
If what she is saying is actually true, why haven’t they done it in the last 3 years?
Because everything is the promise of the future. Something that is going to happen. Unless of course you don’t do your part, in which case, if it doesn’t happen, it’s your fault. Another specialty of scientology — blaming all failures on YOU.
Just remember this well.
St Hill size Org was built by St. Hillers who were (in the majority) all subsequently
found to be Suppressive Persons.
Yeah, good point Karen! SP’s rule. It seems.
I still wish to know who are the 270 or so clears that Ron cleared as depicted in DMSMH.
Are they declared too?
Oh, they are ‘Declared’ all right– Ron ‘declared’ that they existed, along with all his “pulled from Greater-than-St-Hill-Org-Sized Buttock- based “research”.
Talk about Virgin Births! Jesus’ putative mother had nothing on Ol’Unfaithful!
LRH gave birth to over two-hundred ‘clears’ and ‘decades of research’ without so much as a real vagina!
Just reached up his ass and pulled ’em out!
Well Karen, here comes the breaking news. It turns out that ALL of their SP declares were issued in error my dear. 🙂
There’s only two ways you can leave Scientology:
1) SP Declare
2) Die
Everyone leaves Scientology.
So I recently talked to a long time Scientologist from Sacramento, still on lines. This person said Sac Org is doing really well, in the top 5 on the planet, and about 5x stats from a year ago. They’re bringing in decent money and paying staff well, and making about 2 Clears a month, as auditing is going faster than it used to. This person also said that prices went down a while back, that regular intensives used to be $3,200 IAS and now they’re $2,000 or so, so that is helping with auditing income. This person said they’re getting new people and also recoveries.
I know it’s nowhere near SH size, and at 2/mo, well, it’ll take billions of years to clear the planet, ha! But they actually do sound like they’re relatively upstat. I can’t imagine that there are that many new public, although Sacramento is building its new basketball arena right across the street, so they’re getting a lot of activity near the org. I know we want to hear how they’re failing but I am just reporting what this person said.
That’s cool. I always appreciate hearing this sort of information.
You do know that trusting data from people on staff in orgs about how well they are doing is a dangerous proposition. They have learned from the master at every international event how to pretend everything is epically monumentally mangnificently infinitely fabulous.
But take them at their word — 2 Clears a MONTH? Remember the hype about GAG II — 50 hours of auditing is supposed to get you through your grades and 50 hours gets you through NED (I bet it is MUCH faster than that as everyone now knows what the Clear Cog is even if they don’t read the internet, that cog is a real money-saver). Two per month means they are delivering in the range of 100 hours of auditing a week. (Even at 100 hours a week they should be making 4 per month). And that is $16,000 in income. In a $10 (?) million building. THeir electricity bill is probably consuming 20% of their available income. I would love to see what the “decent wage” is.
And let’s not even consider the other part of the “ideal org” pitch. That these orgs will generate new groups and missions and other orgs. Ignore the other orgs — there hasnt been one of those for a decade. There aren’t any new missions, they are getting fewer and fewer. Same with the groups.
The problem with scientologists these days is they are the biggest purchasers of their own bullshit.
Agreed. Scientologists on staff always say the org is doing “great!” In my experience of nearly 30 years as a public not once did I ever hear a staff member convey the concept of any non-optimum operating state, e.g. “We’re really struggling here”, which I observed frequently to be the case but they’d never admit to this – not that I ever pushed them to do so.
Also this false PR was implemented when asked about their personal lives. Their moonlighting jobs were always great. Their marriages were always terrific, until one day they’d get divorced.
For years I bought the facade and truly believed that these people were very happy. Their facade was so convincing that eventually I was became embarrassed to admit that I had finance problems, or relationship problems. One day I realized that it was all false PR and a pretense, and their lives sucked 10 times worse than mine did.
Mike, you spoke for me. This was my first reaction. However, you’ve said it much more eloquently and from a strong position of knowledge. Scilos have indeed bought their own bullshit. They’re drunk and delusional on the koolaid.
:The problem with scientologists these days is they are the biggest purchasers of their own bullshit.” So true, Mike. This was an excellent article today. Thank you for all your work.
Thanks for the update Obnosis. It will be interesting to watch. During my years on staff we would experience occasional periods of expansion, but none of it proved to be sustainable. By observation, many things have to be in place for an org to function properly. Given the low pay and long hours, it is difficult to keep things operational. Staff eventually get tired, get ill, get stressed, get harassed and eventually the “well-oiled machine” breaks down. If the org doesn’t implode, the CLO will ensure it does.
Hubbard’s system is doomed. Weekly stats, ever increasing production, ethics conditions, no reward for upstats, punishment for downstats. Horrible stuff.
“Occasional periods of expansion”, you mean for a week or two in the year; and I bet you all celebrated. Yes, we had that in our org, too.
When a scientologist starts spewing dimensionless numbers in the place of actual quantities of named things, you can be SURE that they are lying.
Hubbard said that at a time, if I’ve studied my Scientological history correctly, that orgs were actually getting new people in and their nefarious activities were more under wraps than they are now. it was before all senior management had been declared and thrown under the bus and before the Time magazine article, before Lisa McPherson and before the mission holders massacre. People were still interested in joining the church, and the people IN the church had a prayer of making it to “St. Hill” size. Now, it would be impossible. they’ll never get the people through the doors and they’ll never be able to keep the ones that do come in.
This is where I have to wonder if DM has had a plan all along to destroy the organization, bc the promises made in this “game” could have been kept, right? Staff could have been paid a living wage, and could have gone up the bridge. Had this actually happened, had he thrown these people a bone- even just one or the other – the church would be much stronger than it is now. I really have to wonder, was Miscavige ever a believer? or did he just realize that he could slip into the seat of Hubbard and live a life of luxury while satisfying his own disturbing predilections?
Hi sashiebgood, I liked your post.You make really good points about dm.I honestly do not know the total answer as to his behavior.All I feel is he is dangerous and evil.I did not know Shelley but from what I gathered here,she has detractors and supporters.In either case ” disappearing ” anyone is unacceptable to me.If the powers that be in our government really really cared they would not take hardened SO members’ word for squat! They should investigate these reports on their own with no bias.Wait, I forgot in 2016 any group with the word religion in it is a live wire to the FBI, IRS, etc.Like all the billboard advertising companies caving into dm.Money talks and the billboard must walk to find a free home.Methinks the Dissconnection Policy is 100% in full use and cos knows it.Love,Ann
St. Hill size?!?!?!?!
OMG. I got out in the early 80’s and “St. Hill size” was old then.
A Scientology org is INCAPABLE of getting to St. Hill size. This is an empirical fact. There have been 100’s of centers called orgs, missions, celebrity centers, city offices, Gung Ho, etc. groups and they NEVER MAKE IT to St. Hill size.
This is not for lack of trying. The magnitude of the effort is staggering! Millions in TV ads, promo, thousands upon thousands of hours of labor, millions spent on book campaigns, promo films, and let’s not forget all the silly uniforms. Super Bowl ads!
The Scientology organisation does not work to create a viable org. No way, no how.
The reasons are many. Here’s a few:
1. As soon as there’s a upswing, the SO vultures dive in to rob every new recruit and their money.
2. The tech isn’t good enough.
3. The pricing makes auditing an option for the wealthy only.
4. If you’ve got a life outside of the COS, you’re targeted by Ethics.
5. The “admin tech” gives stupid people way too much power which generates flaps. The flaps suck up energy and money that isn’t available.
And nowadays, there’s so much exposure to the abuse, it must be nearly impossible to get anyone to stop associating Scientology with lunacy.
The last bullet point is “USE scientology all the time ..”
But they are, they are…
And don’t forget the impossible bureaucracy.
When I was on staff at CCNashville we too heard the blather about going Saint Hill size and the Universe Corps. Hell, we were told that we would be Saint Hill size a mere three weeks after the doors opened! Well, as you can guess, it never happened and from what I can see it is a long ways off from happening.
I don’t normally complain about your posts and always really enjoy them completely, but did you have to put a picture of that dick, with that cheesy-ass grin at the very top of the page? At least the trophy is taller than he is so that made me feel a bit better.
He has such small hands ?
Those are not the only thing that’s small…
I think he has small socks as well….
and such a shit eating grin! That’s what a boatload of Daveshit will do for you.
I almost never actually read the flyers Mike posts on his blog, unless he highlights some egregious text. (Thanks for making it easy, Mike!) Anybody who had to grow up listening to that type of Tone 40 talk every day of their life will understand. But today for some reason I read Kay’s series of exclamations – maybe her correct spelling and grammar encouraged me to hang on until the finish.
What a letter. It’s amazing how Kay makes everybody wrong while pretending to make everything go right. My childish memories of magical OTs paint pictures of strong, slightly arrogant yet ever demure women and men who occupied time and space like superhumans. Then, as I grew up, I felt like their arrogance came to eclipse any remnant of the demure.
Nowadays, these OTs are like honking geese trying to make you go somewhere while they flap their wings, nip at your calves, and wave their heads back and forth like a flock of epileptic fowl. The only surefire OT skill that hundred of thousands of dollars will get you seems to be an uncontrollable urge to place an exclamation point at the end of every sentence.
I wonder how old Kay is. The “E Ticket at Disneyland” reference is an indicator of how old that could be. Yet she still emoted her icon in the last sentence. I’m surprised the cognitive dissonance doesn’t make her brain explode. I would feel bad for her if the subtext of her letter wasn’t so obviously nasty. You can practically hear her gnashing her teeth while she natters under her breath at all the downtone losers in the field that she, personally, has to somehow motivate so that Sac will go Saint Hill Size – with the ultimate goal to get the next damn OT level released already. She hopes that maybe the next OT level will finally be the one that will actually give her the OT superpowers she has been promised for so long.
” these OTs are like honking geese trying to make you go somewhere while they flap their wings, nip at your calves, and wave their heads back and forth like a flock of epileptic fowl”
ROTFL. Thanks for the great mental picture.
“The only surefire OT skill that hundred of thousands of dollars will get you seems to be an uncontrollable urge to place an exclamation point at the end of every sentence.”
Made me laugh.
‘I wonder how old Kay is. The “E Ticket at Disneyland” reference is an indicator of how old that could be.’
I had the same thought; I don’t believe the letter-system of differently-priced tickets at Disneyland, in which an E Ticket got you on one of the best rides, has existed since maybe 25-30 years ago. The reference would be meaningless to anyone under about 40 years old. Of course as a Scientologist the lady probably hasn’t been able to visit Disneyland for that long or longer, either, between staff salaries and being regged, etc. So she might not know.
If it weren’t for all those SPs nullifying their powerful OTs, they would have been successful, too!
The UNDENIABLE fact of the matter is, there has NEVER been enough demand for scientology to make and maintain an org “The Size of Old St. Hill” even in the largest cities on the planet. EVER!
Now, if THAT doesn’t tell what you need to know about the efficacy of the “tek”. Nothing will.
First of all, does anyone under 35 know what an E Ticket is? The Disney parks long ago got rid of their ticket gradations. This is a big clue as to the age range of the target demographic of this missive. She’s assuming that everyone gets the reference, so I’d say that her target audience is 55 to Dead. Where are all of the young people who aren’t second-generation? The answer is: nowhere. No one new is coming in. So Sac Ideal Morgue put out a flyer that will try to rah-rah the aged and decrepit.
And then there’s the flyer itself. I counted two sentences that didn’t end with an exclamation point. Yes, we all know about Exclamation Point Tech and how they abuse it, but this is ridiculous. It just makes her look (from the wog perspective) like a complete and utter lunatic. She reminds me of Lieutenant George from the fourth season of Blackadder: annoyingly upbeat and cheerful even when the privations and situations in the trenches of WWI stare him right in the face.
The saddest thing is that there’s no escape for her. She’s stuck in this mindset, afraid to show any kind of hesitation lest she be dragged into a sec-check she has to pay for. So it’s be excited and outwardly motivated, or else. She truly has no hope. At least Lieutenant George became Dr. House.
Here’s the problem as I see it and I could be wrong on this so feel free to agreeably disagree. In the olden days, Scientology was promoted as a fad that everyone who was someone needed to belong to. Hence the Celebrity Centres. This was when names such as John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and the like were bandied around. Then in the early 90s came Yehuda Berg and his Kabbalah Center and then that became the cool thing. Maybe now all the Hollywood stars worship trees or something but that’s my theory on what happened to Scientology.
“The olden days” were PRIOR to Cruise & Travolta. The major client was the “hippy”. It was a “spiritual awareness/ability” mktg play to an already mentally prepared and somewhat dulled audience.
Hi Mike Wynski,I have enjoyed your posts.I have a slightly different viewpoint on the hippie aspect of joining the Sea Org in the 70s.At Asho F only one family were hippies and they were homeless and the parents and two teen age daughters only lasted a few weeks and the two sisters stayed abit longer.. They had no idea what the SO really was.But our CO and many AshoF SO members happened to come from very high paying jobs in more than a few cases with one SO member with inherited wealth that he received when his parents passed in a plane crash.Aso the head of Div 6 was a MIT graduate who was sucked in.
I found in the beginning we were all pulled in by Ron’s ability to make one feel in joining SO you were making the biggest leap of your entire existence.We all may have been dull witted at times due to lack of sleep and good food,but not because that was a natural condition.Anyway just my take on my experience.All of what we post fits together as the weeks go by.All that is posted here makes sense and I love learning new things from all of you.Love,Ann
Yes Ann I remember AOSH on Temple St. and the Ship down in San Pedro. I was just referring to the VAST majority of the demo that got into Scn. Which were the Boomers. (AKA hippy generation). Of course there were others who were outside that demographic.
Hi Mike! – I volunteer to be a poster child for the dulled out ex-hippy crowd!
Sorry Richard but the subject of this thread: has already applied and been accepted for that position. 😉
Hi Mike Wynski, Thank you because after I sent my post to you I said Ann he was posting about a different group that got into cos! I get a flunk for old age brain!Love,Ann.
Hi Ann, I find Oldzheimers creeping up on me too. I can remember my phone # from 50 years ago but cannot remember my current cell # to save my life. 🙂
Hi Mike Wynsky, I hear you and boy isn’t that thr truth.Sometimes with the memory game, I feel like ten, but spiritually lI know I am a lot older.So happy I can post here and not feel alone.Love, Ann.
Oh man I was the slave that had that Saint Hill model made what a joke. Just to see DLMDM with that model
made my skin crawl. Oh man doesn’t he look like a funeral home coffin seller or a grief counselor? Sorry don’t want to invalidate coffin sellers or grief counselors. Ok more like an asshole.
Oh, but it’s OK to invalidate assholes?
Willie, that’s an insult to all assholes everywhere…..
Hi Willie AKA Good Old Boy, Liked your post. Dm looks like a wax work funeral casket seller with bad Botoxing.I am happy to have my body cremated.You know a totally fresh start.Love,Ann.
Yeah yeah! Same old claptrap. Do this, pay for that. Keep polishing that turd, people. You can create as great an ARC triangle with Source as you want, expand as much of your “space” and as many of your dynamics, but it won’t make your “tech” any more appealing to a world that despises disconnection and human rights abuse.
There’s a reason why there are more exs than scientologists in the world. There’s a reason why 99.9% of churchies eventually ditch Hubbard when they leave, there’s a reason why your orgs are running on empty, why your PR is abysmal, why you work like a slave but achieve nothing.
Hubbard said that if you ever come up against conflicting data you have a responsibility to find out what is going on. He told you to look. So why don’t you?
Are you that unbelievably arrogant that you cannot open your mind to even the teeniest tiniest possibility that your product does not work as promised? Sure, you’re more confident, empowered, “certain”. Life is easy peasy when you only have to think in black and white. But you are not a god. You still need your body afterall. You can’t read minds. You don’t have perfect recall. You are not at cause over matter, energy, space, time, thought and life. Because if you or anyone of your colleagues were, you wouldn’t be in the shit you’re in now. Your leaders wouldn’t need to treat you the way that they do. You might not need to treat your colleagues or staff the way that you do either.
Why is it that the idea of a world ruled by the church haunts the majority of people – including many scientologists no doubt, if they were truly honest with themselves.
Remember your family? Those people who love you and would never turn their back on you no matter what? Call ’em. Just once. Just to say hi. #universalsolvent #loveinspiteofall #secretofgreatness
“You can’t read minds.” You’ve obviously never met my wife!! LOL
Great comment on a great post. Thank you M West, Mike and to all the other helpful beings here.
“Polishing the turd” might become an instant classic!
Staff 1: What are doing now?
Staff 2: I’m polishing the turd.
Staff 1: Oh, shit! Man, I’m sorry.
Staff 2: Tell me about it! My life is all about polishing the turd. And I don’t like it!
Staff 1: You’re not thinking of blowing are you? Hey, where did you go? Hey, you gotta come back! NOW!!!
“You don’t have perfect recall.”
According to him he does
What’s Dave hiding behind that smile?
The lifts in his shoes?
The fact that he is standing on an apple crate?
Probably something a bit more sinister. To paraphrase LRH, “If you were looking for Hell and found Scientology, it would certainly serve.”
Again .. blaming all failures on YOU .. is basically the general way of Hubbard .. but he blamed also mothers in Dianetics and psychiatrist and implanters on whole track .. what I mean is, he tells you that you agreed with the evil .. and should fight it .. you can only do that when you follow his tech .. the only way to get you free ..
But what if you do not fight your enemies? This part is not included in the tech of LRH. In tech .. to erase the influence fom the enemies .. so that you are free again ..
This can be used by everyone .. by every staff .. if you are not happy .. you have an enemy around or in your mind .. yeah, it seems basically true .. if you think about OT you may have a long long long gone enemy .. but maybe you were never an OT in the first place .. you will always get the wrong questions in scientology ..
“Scientology is fun!” I have never been a Scientologist, but I have heard a lot of things about it. But I have never heard that Scientology is FUN.
It use to be fun in the 80s. The Mission network was raved about back then until miscavige destroyed it. By 1990 it all went to shit. I’ve listened to others deny this and ridicule me relentlessly that it could enjoyed back then or at any time, but funny thing is they weren’t there with me. How do they know and are so certain about another’s experience? Generalities working on both sides of the ledger.
Too many experts and too few honest people connected with Scientology – it’s all a nasty, delusional fantasy now.
Nothing good comes from being a member of the Cof$.
No, Scientology is, in fact, fun! That is, if your definition of “fun” is getting 3 hours of sleep a night & eating rice and beans. Working 112 hour weeks with no time off. Being told you’re a CSCIDB. And being beat up by the the toxic, evil dwarf and sent to the RPF.
Excruciatingly fun! Almost as much fun as chewing on tinfoil.
It was. Forty years ago.
Hi Peter,Good to meet you.I agree with Thegman77, there were fun and funny times in Sea Org @ Asho D & F and other Orgs and AOs too.There were certain moments when we were all together as a Team and had been through so much together,there cannot help but be a bond.And in my time 74-78 there,believe me we SOers could laugh and we did especially during CF filing parties!
Then it all went to hell in a hand basket as the True Face of the Cult turned and I realized I was a slave.And I blew.Love,Ann.
Yawnalot is correct: In the 1980s, when I was actively involved, Scientology could be fun. As long as you didn’t rock the boat or ask too many unapproved questions. The nasty stuff was there, certainly, but L. Ron Hubbard believed in both the carrot and the stick, and he was quite good at making sure the carrot was nice and juicy.
I, along with a lot of other people, generally agree that David Miscavige has focused exclusively on the controlling aspects and has surgically removed any fun that was formerly available from Hubbard’s invention.
Hi Infinitely More Trouble, Thank you for another concise great post.You stated what I had posted too about “fun” in Sea Org with points made so well.Yes yes Ron knew how to make that carrot glitter in different hues for the SOer he wanted to control.He was a master at that.Love,Ann.
“Scientology is fun” and you have not have fun???? WTF??? Well – Freemindfreehearts – Obviously, You have not been to the Fraud Scam Base (FLAG) where there are carnival barkers galore and the fun never stops….
until you have been bankrupted and sent packing with “you can’t have services here cuz you thought about a Psych 54 million years ago….and you are an Illegal PC…
oh, this is told to you AFTER you put $140,000 on account for your “services” but remember … NO REFUNDS…it is a dirty, filthy word in Scientology!
Then they have you watch the “doom and gloom” videos – and ask that you donate your TIP to one of their non-E “Front Groups” used in the propaganda to give the apparancy of being a Church that does humanitarian work….
Part of the CON – Talk about SCAMS. Scientology – the Science of torturing people and calling it FUN!
You’re right. Scientologists are a very serious crowd. They carry the world on their shoulders in my ways than one. That’s not fun!
I remember the promise that the Universe Corps would come to Paris Org to make staff go up the bridge and the push to make it Saint Hil size. We got about 20 auditors on training and some time after there was gag II so everybody had to redo the Student Hat get into the basics, etc. and very quickly the amount of new requirements just invalidated the experienced auditors, created too many barriers for those on training and that was the beginning of the end. It all went not Saint Hill but swiftly down hill.
Yes… I don’t understand. Scientoloy is heavily supressed by Miscavige. And he is generating haters. In the 1970 orgs were so full with students and PCs.
Nowdays either in the chruch or in the field you cannot get trained almost nor audited. Trs in the church and out of the church mostly stinks. Tech is gone. And stupid hater accuse Hubbard and the tech for this shitty scam which is the church of scientology. But Hubbard and the tech are long gone. The only group which survive is Ron’s Org and their expansion in 30 years is very conservative.
Please recall the course room in any org in 1975, the missions, the number of staff, audting hours etc… And people happy and winning. I’m not a churchist not even a Milestone 1, but I saw what I saw. Tech made happy people. Out tech and SP management makes rebellion, haters, unhappy, sick and dead people. I witness it, even on myself.
Please, please if someone from the church read that : fire Miscavige!
Germans failed to eliminate Hitler and Germany became ruins. Push the tyrant out, reform the church, it’s maybe not too late!
Hmmm.. so the orgs were fun… when Ron was off on a ship somewhere, or holed up in New York City in hiding….. That intrigues me.
And who may I ask was the person who put a child in a chain locker on the ship? Who threw people off the ships for “out ethics”? Who created disconnection? Who created fair game?
You’re correct in your memories. I go back into the 60s at the NY org. Jammed, even during days. Foundation was swamped. Even when we called for an ‘all hands” for some job which needed doing, both staff and public would show up in droves. Party time! Did the tech work? Yep. Happy students, happy pcs. Gains all over the place. And getting someone to sign up for next service/intensive was a matter of getting out of the way.
Where did it all go wrong? Can’t really say. But by the end of the 70s, there were obvious problems. My own view is that the SO killed it. In NY, we thought them very odd people, extremely out of touch with real people. Even the concept of the SO killed it. Ron sort of went berserk with power (and fear) and Miscavige is almost a natural result.
FG, the hula hoop was a lot of fun too but it was a fad just like scientology. What makes scientology a fad is its fabulous promises and people believing them. In time they begin to see the promises are lies and gross exaggerations. In time people get hip to what’s going on and they lose interest, become angry out of disappoint ($$$) etc. In other words the enthusiasm is OVER!
Yes, being on course was loads of fun and there were experiences of exhilaration from processing and drills but like all experiences, they ended. It was a magical time for many of us (not for Paulette Cooper et al) but a false promise is like a ponzi scheme. In time it’s found out and nobody gets their money’s worth.
Scientologists have NEVER distinguished themselves as a superior demographic of people. That very fact is what delivers the fatal blow to the reputation of that promising “technology”. Let us see if it can help the UNable. There might be hope for it yet if its properly squirreled.
Hi Roger and Peter above – I think a big part of happy was that we believed we were doing something good. The personal wins were something new to us.
I came into scientology after five years of Transcendental Meditation in which I experienced samadhi regularly. It didn’t enlighten me so I decided to check out the state of “clear”. I also was an avid reader of J. Krishnamurti and had lived in a kundalini yoga ashram. The personal ‘win’ wasn’t new to me nor was the subject of ‘higher truth’. I credit those influences for the brevity of my tour in scientology brainwash land. (about six years)
Being on course was a lot of fun because we all thought, as you say, we were doing something important and it was highly interactive, a fabulous social scene. It was centered on discipline and virtue. Those two factors bring stillness to the mind causing it to reflect the bliss your true nature with lots of shakti (energy). Former scientologists miss that scene for understandable reasons.
Fortunately the very thing we seek is our Self and that is an ever-present and free commodity. That Self has NEVER been touched by adversity. It has never been damaged nor compromised. Scientology has people running down a rabbit hole with that “whole track” past life, baloney. I apologize for the lecture but this knowledge is the love of my life.
Hi RogerHornaday, Your post is beautiful.Like ripples that flow outward from a completely still center.And you made it six years in! You know you get The Apollo Gold Star for that! Laughter,xo Ann.
Roger – I appreciate you sharing of yourself. Having no previous background in philosophy or other practices, my current path is mainly assimilating the wisdom of others as best I can. You provide me with valuable insight. Thanks, Richard
brainwashed land – lol; discipline and virtue – excellent descriptive words; self has never been touched by adversity – it started a process of self discovery and we become stronger
and as always, great quips by Ann – laughter!
FC, orgs & missions started going down BEFORE Miss Cabbage took over. It was inevitable as the “tek” doesn’t deliver what was promised by a million light years. = extinction.
I was there in the 1970. I can witness so many new public arriving every day. And not the son of bla bla. None had a son at this time as 80% of public were under 30. Something was awfully right that it works so much. Scientology at this time was not the paranoiac totalitarian group it became. Or I wouldn’t have started. You know I was hippy style, fucking free and stone! And I became a trained auditor. . When I started in 1973 I swear to god that there was no meter check, no PTS check, no security fuck. Just sit your ass on the chair and do TR0… And that was the miracle. Being in present time! The biggest revolution, the summum of wisdom, and that was only the beginning.
Disconnection didn’t exist, SP none new what it was, old story, IAS not born yet, OT eligibility nobody ever invented yet this useless thing, sec check nobody practiced it. Fundrising? Not even in a dream! It was scientology and the demand was huge, please those who were there, remember…
I was on course, and I got so much help for so little money. They cared for me, nobody ever regged me. I was regged the first time in 1983. I couldn’t believe it. And I was OT3 already, did the levels without eligibility prior to 1982.
You forgot the ideal scene, and you believe that scientology is the scientology of RTC.
RTC are ennemies of scientology, they destroyed it. Miscavige is the greatest possible ennemy of scientology.
When Miscavige became the boss there was SP declares all around like a Stalinian action. One had to be blind not to see that it was a take over. they fired Mayo senior CS int and Mary Sue. Hubbard went in hiding, and Miscavige et Broeker ran the show… until the dawarf got rid of Broeker.
Scientology went out valence… God it was no longer scientology. And the wins to be had became dependant of your acceptance of the new management and their SP rules.
Um, ok. I was just stating the FACT that the orgs started going down BEFORE Miss Cabbage took control of anything. El Con was in charge. So, not relevant to anything you posted about your experience. Your personal experience is one thing. The state of orgs world wide is another.
FG – freedom is the truth and one must go ALL the way down the rabbit hole to find it. Google and watch Jamie DeWolfe – LRH’s great grandson…he will gen you in on LRH.
Ideal Empty, it’s possible that Hubbard had many flaws, and was sometime becoming an authoritarian paranoid mother fucker, and so what? Maybe he hit Sarah Nothup because he was jealous. Doesnt make him a stinking fascist like the dawarf. He was just human not a god like they want him on the church. What count is what he wrote and if it was working. Maybe it didn’t reach “OT” whatever people wants to put in this state, but it made many people happy. Yes tech well applied result in happier and frier people.
He died miserably like the most of us, it’s sad. We couldn’t mourn him because the crooks invented this story of he went to continue his research without the body. And gullible people we believed it.
That he was not stronger than death doesn’t make his work less. Auditing can help and to bury the good things of scientology in hatred is not to help. there is a middle path on the subject as once was saying Marty Rathbun.
Ideal, terminal kool aid drinkers will RARELY go down that rabbit hole and confront what is REALLY there. Most will probably die, like El Con, swatting at ghosts while thinking they have found something that “tastes great but is less filling”. The longer one was fooled, generally the harder to confront that fact of having been fooled…
Poor Kay Daly has been assigned an impossible task. Sacramento Org has to go SH size and it sounds like an ORDER from high places. But first she has to do a few impossible things to make that impossible order happen. She has to get local scientologists enthusiastic about it. She needs to get them to sell books and get paying customers in the org. Considering the odds stacked against her the least her bosses could do is provide her with a time machine.
It only took a few weeks to build St Hill. I suppose they never bothered to look at why. I’m sure Hubbs understood but conveniently never bothered to mention it in 339R. The only reason that happened was because St Hill was the only place you could get Power processing or maybe rub shoulders with the great Ron on the SHSBC. Monopoly. Did St Hill stay St Hill sized? No. Ron moved the cash cow to the high seas and St Hill went back to just another struggling org.
“I can only say we are about to expand quite rapidly” — lol, yes indeed, you are on an E-ticket ride in your own fantasy-land that’s for sure Kay.
Fair call – that was the winning formula at SH, never to be duplicated elsewhere, no wonder he wrote KSW1 but that failed miserably, like Scn Policy does. Perhaps it should be something like, Keep it small, keep it simple & keep it a hobby, not an singular income source.
What’s that Leo Sayer song? “I’m a one man band…”
Nice post Mike. Over the years have come to know many of the good people of the Sac staff and field. Names like Bob Graves, Wendy and Steve Hecthman, Don and Dee Pearson, Ron and Vicky Walker, the Alley family, John and Pam Fief , Jeff and Patty Cota, ……….the list goes on. These are good people who believe they are doing the right thing.
It continues to amaze me how the belief systems that we willingly adopt form the basis of our actions and prevent us from observing what is right in front of us. And when those belief systems get challenged, emotions run high.
The $cientologist however has a solution to those emotions. Stamp em out! We don’t need no stinkin case on post! Reminds me of the movie ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’. I should have paid more attention.
I never believed that $cientology could really be morally corrupt ……….. just misapplication of the tech.
Riiiiiggggghhhhhhttttttttt !
I recall being at Flog in the early 2000s and Bob and Sherese Graves were splitting up after many years. Sherese told me that that she was joining the See Ogre because she at last needed to get her ethics in. To help her accomplish this she had purchased 100 hrs of sec checking so she could go into the SO clean as a whistle. At the time she was going to be working directly with Karen Hollander to clear the planet within the next few years.
I have never heard of Sherese since. She believed she was doing the exact right thing!
10,000 years from now some intergalactic explorers
will find some Saint Hill Size trophies in the rubble of a planet
once called Earth.they will figur e out these marked Punishment Centers
in a society of giants taken over by Sadistic Midgets.
As such the History Books of the Future will warn future human race
survivors of the disease called Hollywood and worshiped the Goddess
Kirste Alley and subordinate Demon Tom Cruise.
The Demon Tom Cruise: AKA the stupidest man on Teegeeack…..
Ah yes, says the good folk from the Sac OTC … “we are going to expand quite rapidly” … uhm … yeah … as we have for the last couple of decades and of course especially since GAT II ….
Here’s the thing about going St. Hill Size (200 students, 1000 WDAHS, 100 Gs ….) … do Scientologists have any reality on that actually happening? Or the imminent clearing of the planet? or the soon to be destruction of psychiatry? or the ….
Well, let me put the answer to that this way. As Scientologists, we pretend that it’s real. And at the same time, it feels KIND of real … in a pretend way … not as real as a canker sore for example, or toilet paper or no toilet paper, as the case might be. This is our pretend universe. We nod our heads, clap our hands, and get the doable targets done that are pushed hard THIS week … and then go on to the next week and clap at muster and write up pretend conditions formula steps … We humor our seniors, but here’s the real deal … we humor each OTHER and WE HUMOR OURSELVES!!! We pretend we will go “OT” some day … We pretend we are getting rid of psychiatry, we pretend we are going to have 200 students in the Academy one day (even though we’re still working on getting over 10 in there at one time and have been for ten years) … but we don’t REALLY believe this is ever going to happen, it’s not THAT real …. BUT … we kind of think it might happen if we just do the “standard” thing and “get on source” some day or maybe COB will find the right why as he does periodically … we pretend something is kind of real, and then forget we are pretending … (didn’t LRH say something about the reactive mind starting this way?)
Are you spinning yet? Then do like staff members do … just nod your head up and down and agree to it all … kind of … and then pretend you are expanding on your post and that we are clearing the planet …. wow, those OTC members are freakin’ GO GETTERS!
Just don’t piss anyone off, or pretend time is OVER, baby … and you will NOT be happy ….
Joe – That’s a fascinating look at the current mindset.
In the 1970s the LA org was bustling and the missions were expanding. I recall no great push toward planetary expansion although I was mostly public. It was more like get the auditing and training that already needs to be done delivered.
The first round of monthly price increases that began sometime in the 1970s was blamed on keeping up with inflation. It caused a huge increase in gross income. Training and processing was paid for in advance and waiting to be delivered.
The second round of monthly price increases was considered by many in LA to be just a money grab and caused the Great Exodus or the David Mayo era as some call it. For the life of me I can’t recall the year the second round of monthly price increases began. Someone Please post that date so I can straighten out my “time track”. laughter
As I recall, the next increase was the following month. I couldn’t believe it. It was so obvious that they were going to kill the field entirely, which was precisely what happened. The theft of the Mission system cause the great flood of scientologists to leave. They *knew* it had become criminal.
What YEAR? Laughter – help!
@Richard: The initial price increase started October 31, 1976 and continued at 5% per month for quite some time, IIRC into the 80’s.
Auditor 129 November 1976 page 2.
Important Announcement to all Scientologists
For nearly a quarter of a century, Church donations have remained at set figures which have not changed much.
During this same period of time, however, inflation in the United States and elsewhere has increased the cost of delivering our services by a staggering amount. The cost of living in the U.S. for example, has gone up 87.6% since 1950, 40% of that within the last 5 years. The price of some commodities has increased as much as 900%.
Wishing only to give service, the Church has not raised most of the donations it has requested in all this time.
But this has resulted in making it more and more difficult to deliver the quality of service we want to. Trying to stretch your donations as far as possible has also made it difficult for Scientology staffs to be paid enough to live on, especially with the rising costs they personally face.
To give better service to you, we have no choice but to adjust our donation requests. L. Ron Hubbard has directed that there be no large, sudden increases which would create great hardship for parishioners. Rather, he has directed the situation be remedied through gradual adjustment.
Accordingly, please be advised that as of midnight October 31, 1976, the requested donations for all services, books, meters, courses and processing have increased 5%.
On November 30, 1976 at midnight, these donations will increase 5% over October.
This will continue with each month until further notice. The donations listed in this issue of the Auditor are in effect throughout November 1976.
Where the donation for any service or Item is FULLY made in any month but not taken until a later time , it WILL be delivered at the rate paid.
This policy shall apply to Missions and Churches of all levels in Scientology, excluding at this time, only the Flag Land Base.
The above has been summarized from a directive to staff by L. Ron Hubbard, Founder, dated September 16, 1976, in which he writes ALL persons donating for services should be given the full reasons for this slight increase: “so that our staffs can live, so that we can take better care of our buildings and so that we can give better service.”
Please contact the Registrar at ASHO for further information and assistance in reserving your next service.
I was going to say also that I believe the price increases stopped because there was a massive exodus when they finally became unbearable. Thank goodness I’ve slept since then so my memory may be incorrect.
Thanks Valerie – There was a SECOND round of price increases sometime after 1980. That led to David Mayo starting his squirrel group (laughter) in Santa Barbara. Maybe someone recalls when that was. Scientology needs an historian – laughter
The Mayo thing occurred in 1983 or 1984.
Cindy – HOORAY! I have a surviving “Minister Certificate” from 1980 but darn if I could figure out my time line from there. Now I know I was Pastor Richard for at least 3 years!
Richard I beg to differ LA Org had a few moments in the 70s when it was on 9th St in LA. But it was fueled by the good ole favorite Stat push. I as a dumb teenager in the Sea Org in the 70’s used to run errands to LA Org- think Vic Scelza and Howard Becker post Bill Franks. It was an ok org. Sister to CCLA ant the rest
That could be. I might have been looking at things at that time from the viewpoint of a happily programmed Scientologist.
And during those lucid moments when you quit pretending for a bit, you instantly feel the guilt of being counter-intention. You quickly thought-stop your doubt and double down on the pretense because you don’t want to be the one whose negative postulates ruined the game and denied the goal.
That is right, the famous phrase of “you are responsible for your condition”…ah, but only when something went wrong you were of course blamed/blasted and or accused of counter intention and out-ethics.
On the other hand, when something good happened for which you were responsible, the source got assigned to the HCOB, the Policy, the RTC, LRH or whatever.
Insane, isn’t it?
I always thought that “you are responsible for the condition you are in” was valid advice. I still do. But I realized that “responsible” was the “ability to respond”. Scio uses the word as “to blame”. When something is not going as I’d hoped, I am the correct person to do something about it, to “respond” in some way as to get a change going in the direction I need. And that includes looking at what I *was* doing which *might* have had anything to do with the kerfuffle. Hubbard himself was pretty lousy at his use of words and what their real meaning might be. (I was raised by a writer father who kept dictionaries all over the house and there were always 3 or 4 copies of a thesaurus around. If I asked the meaning of a word, he’s reply, “Look it up.” When I said “I don’t know how to spell it,” his reply was always “figure it out”. Now *that* was education.
@SILVIA, unfortunately even now, more than 35 years after the fact, there are times when something will go wrong in my life and all that goes through my head is “you are totally responsible for the condition you are in.”
Depends on what your meaning of “responsible” means. If it means that you are in charge of your life and can handle your own misunderstandings and/or errors in a situation, that definitely means you’ve accepted responsibility. If, instead, your response if, “Oh, I’m to blame for all this”, then you’re pounding on your own head and feeling guilty for living your life!
@Peter, which is what they wanted us to feel. It takes me a few minutes to get over that part sometimes and realize that I am not TOTALLY TO BLAME for everything that happens in my life. Then I’m ok again.
There seems to be a weird parallel between business failures and Scientology in general. I’ve seen so many business fail because they couldn’t or didn’t see opportunities properly, had enthusiasms but no workable strategy or couldn’t adapt to changing conditions, markets etc. They hung onto old or failing routines and operating basis es and went belly up pretty quickly.
And in Scientology it’s “oh LRH did it at SH! Let’s do what he did.” Tech alterations and destroyed products aside aside it seems obvious to me not one SO or staff member has a clue what they are doing in or for the real world and rely on some magical and totally fictitious, ‘tow the line and all will be well.”
Scientology had its chance and blew it… there is no one to blame except the people who had the power to run it from above.
The other more gruesome aspect is that it hasn’t failed at all, it was always destined to fall into greedy money grubbing hands and the easy option of “Goodfella management,” was a natural progression. Miscavige could easily turn it all around if he wanted to, fact is, it’s doing just fine by his standards.
Yawn, I think Scientology businesses fail because the Scientologists who run them go personally out ethics on finance for their Bridge and for all the donations. Just my opinion, but the majority of Scientologists I knew had awful credit (by their own admittance) and in general were very bad with money. “Income greater than outgo, plus reserves” and lots of other common sense finance policies were ignored. Anyone who bleeds a business or stiff’s his workers because he has spent their salaries or commissions on himself, is going to fail. My 2 cents.
“Scientology had its chance and blew it”
You REALLY expect that a scam is not eventually discovered, disseminated about and then shut down by, if nothing else, people being aware of it before it being pitched to them?
Interesting “theory”.
Hi SILVIA, Thank you for a post that is so true.I lived through the insanity that is Scientology,especially as it pertains to your post.I applaud what you wrote and all you wrote happened to me.Enjoy your posts.Love,Ann.
blaming all failures on YOU .. seems true, because the tech and admin is perfect per statement .. it is you who do not apply it .. you have counter intention .. you have your bank in action ..
It remembers me .. when I could not write a success .. I had to re-do it .. it came never in the mind of others that it simply did not work what they have done .. never, it was in all cases my fault .. always .. so they began a review and a review on the review and a review on the reviewed review .. and so on .. finally nobody knew what we did review ..
But it was simply that I had no success story given .. I mean, I wrote down: It was nice to have that done (CCHs) .. but that was not accepted from qual ..
Inability to write a success story is basically not my fault .. it is a problem for scientology and not a problem for me ..
Truth Friend. But that truth destroys almost everything El Ron wrote as ALL cases were supposed to be identical and thus “fall” to the exact same procedures, etc.
Very well said Mike, I’m not going to quote you on this to others.
That was the problem I had, Mike. There use to be a Dianetics Group in San Diego unaffiliated with the C of $. When they would audit someone, they would say: “So, what’s on your mind?” Or, “What would you like to run?” My ruin was I had an overwhelming stuttering problem. And the cult told me they could fix that. Problem was, it was NEVER, EVER addressed. Hubbard’s idea that it should be a single platform for everyone in auditing was what I had a huge problem with. I guess it was fatso’s case that we were all running.
Interesting that you mention that OSD. After a couple years I came to the conclusion that Fatso wrote all the crap (processes) based on his own mind. And that tells me it was one F’ED UP mind indeed!
I know….I’m sorry….my bad. I’ll try and do better. I’m gonna go off and write up my O/W’s now.
amy, there’s an ethic officer looking for you. He’s carrying something golden……
Hooray! Free at last!
Free at last! Thank God almighty, amy is free at last! Nice job, amy!
LOL. But that’s exactly what those poor staff members are doing right now. Especially the one whose flyer leaked to Mike Rinder’s blog.
Mike, so appropriate for Rons birthday.
And 2004, isn’t this when Dweeby MisStuffige coined the term “straight up and vertical”. I know at the time this did not sit so well with old time scientologists. It negated Hubbards “gradient scale” maxim.
The MO for all Seaborgs and Sciebots is: study and audit the past and work for an unattainable future and invalidate the present.
Well there goes the validity of the SRD and Cause Resurgence Rundown.
The cherch is now churning out one product. Delusional robotic slaves. This begs the question of what kind of man could continue to perpetuate this evil activity. Hopefully Ron Miscavige senior will shed some light on this with his new book.
Each of the items on the to do list are vague and generalized nonspecifics. “Coordinate thereby and therewith”? Ummm…ok.
As a whole, if I were still in and reading this list, I would be thinking “isn’t that what we have been doing all along”?
And “imbue it with Source at a whole new level” makes it sound as though Shermanspeak is taken to a new level.
All in all, the flyer makes me think they are saying: “Keep doing what you have been doing ever since you got into scientology only this time it will work.”
Any person capable of thinking for themselves would understand that same old same old is obviously not working. Too bad the target audience of this flyer has learned not to think for themselves.
Valerie, all they do now, in any Model Idle Morgue, is busy work. With no new people coming in, doing busy work makes them look like they’re actually producing a product. They’re like busy little bees buzzing in and out of the hive with a slight inkling that it just might all fall a part. Sucks being on staff……
OSD, “all they do now is busywork”. That’s not new. When I was in Sea Org, 80% of my day was spent with busywork and I was a SHSBC supervisor, so I actually had an official post that offered some sort of service.
It is interesting that you would post this. A friend of mine asked me “what do all those people in Sea Org do anyway?” and my response was busywork.
You are made to feel important while doing nothing and having to stay up all night to do it.
Wow! I didn’t know ‘busy work’ went back that far! I had in my mind that it might have started in the early 90s. But, busy work is what goes on in these Model Idle Morgues. They really don’t have much else to do.
Yeah, OSD because I had “an important post”, I actually managed to escape a lot of the busywork, but I really had to make myself look busy while on post in order to do that.
I did not, however, escape all nighters (one of which was merely because our stats were down so we all had to spend the night updating CF and then report to post the next morning).
The problem with not escaping the all nighters is that I had “an important post” and I had to be there bright eyed and bushy tailed before the first student appeared. Made for some reallllllllllly long weeks, and was when I first developed my crushing migranes, and would have to run to the bathroom to throw up while appearing to be uptone.
Interestingly enough, my migranes disappeared almost completely after I stopped staying up all night for days on end. Hmm, imagine that.
Congratulations on that excellent handling, Valerie 🙂
You took responsibility for your condition 🙂
Busy little Bee’s not getting anything of value done – staying up all night erecting the Yellow Tent in the park for ‘Gold’ slaves to come take photos – polishing brass door knobs for all the new students to pile in after the release of Stupid Powerz and GAT II – and none come…
Those Bee’s quit then come back – quit then come back…same ole 40 people in each Org – mostly related and tied around each other to ensure Scientology keeps scaming…
Staff members – Spinning round and round – going up the Bridge and down…
Never noticing that NO ONE is coming in…no expansion is occurring anywhere but they are so busy they don’t have time to LOOK or think….
And when they finally stop and look – it is too late…
they have wasted their entire lives giving to a con man for a scam called Scientology
+1! Outstanding post, IEIM.
I think every Scientologist should do a tour of duty on staff at their local org. If they make it though their 2 1/2 years, they will come to realize:
1) The contempt held by the general public on the subject of Scientology
2) How truly broken and dysfunctional Scientology organizations are
3) That Hubbard’s “advanced” technology is unworkable
4) How bat-shit crazy “management” is
5) That annual events are mass deceptions designed to defraud its members
One doesn’t need to do a penal sentence on staff to understand those things statpush. Anyone that’s been involved for a while can see it.
Now that’s one of the more workable statements of strategy I’ve seen. Well said statpush.
That’ll sort the chaff from the wheat and spread the reality around nice and thick.
Delusion and Scientology’s organisational objectives, one and the same.
Great demo of total dishonesty of both popes of the cult: Hubbard, then Miscavige.
Between other mandatory stats to be reached to be declared “SHill”, was the five comma fouur expansion per year. Not one org ever reached that more than two years in a row.
So, Not one org will ever do that, and SHill never reached it as well, most probably – that’s why we’ll ever see stats invented by people here and there.
That’s how WE can demonstrate that management by stats such Hubbard himself created it is wholly off- (our out) reality since ever in scientology.
PS: Europe is a total failure. I’ve gotten some figures and names, and guess? Almost nobody in Copenhagen but few russians, some italians and ONE french name only. Where do come the other european customers? Perhaps in UK, but I doubt a lot it’s much better there.
“Because everything is the promise of the future. Something that is going to happen. Unless of course you don’t do your part, in which case, if it doesn’t happen, it’s your fault. Another specialty of Scientology — blaming all failures on YOU.”
This paragraph explains ALL of the vast tautology of Scientology. Starting with the false and never accomplished promises of the state of Clear from the book Dianetics (DMSMH) Hubbard told one lie after another while building out the cosmology of the his religion.
There are some superficial benefits to parts of Scientology…but they are the same sort of benefits that one can get from associating with a less hostile, less dishonest and less money-grubbing group. There are hundreds of self help groups and benign religious organizations that can help individuals or serve as a group for people who want to help others. Scientology is NOT among them.
The actual motives of the senior leadership of Scientology are completely different from the motives that drive the lower ranks of the Sea Org, staff and public memberships. The leadership of Scientology is unworthy of support and more rightfully belongs in jail for the fraud and abuse perpetrated on the rest of the membership. When that jailing occurs it will be time for a real “ideal” celebration.
while building out the cosmology of the his religion .. scientology is not a religion .. if I remember right Hubbard said it would be an applicable religious philosophy .. this makes it not to a religion .. how?
Friend – As much as everyone wants scn to not be considered a religion so the IRS will revoke its tax status, it still qualifies as a religion. Apparently current members are indoctrinated to regard it as such.
Yeah .. stupid people think stupid things .. most of people can only think one thought at one time .. how do you want to think with such abilities .. yeah, it is thinking what another has told you in which you should/will believe .. it is human behaviour ..
It is not tradition that one speaks out for himself .. it is tradition to say what another said .. and this is stupidity .. but if you can only think one thought at a time you will never come out of that ..
OT is to have millions and billions and trillions viewpoints at once .. it is like LRH, he got that very good .. only that I did not share his viewpoint .. got that?
Acceptance of belief and then enforcement of it happens in some religions. You got it right – it is human behavior. Some people wake up.
Mike, It is so very helpful of you to post what it means to go Saint Hill Size, numerically speaking. The Sacramento field will not find out from reading that flyer what it means to go Saint Hill Size. I wonder if they’ll flock to your blog to find out what’s needed. I wonder if any single member in Sacramento will raise their hand and ask: “How is the goal defined, specifically, in quantitative targets?” Because, $100,000/week in 1982 dollars and 200 full time students sounds like an imfuckingpossibility.
All they know now is to keep doing more of what they already fail at or disdain doing — get on course, stay on course, rope in more suckers, act like a robotic schmuck (“USE Scientology all the time…”), be an Amway rep for books of mid-century self-help quackery, etc. What a dreary existence.
To misquote El Wrong ” the only mistake you made was being there”. It certainly saved me when suddenly anything that happened to me or others was down to me, resulting in years of Sec checking until I finally said fuck off I’m out of here.
It takes time to recover from the abuse.
Oh BTW the whole “Saint Hill Size” game is a total farce as I well know. Just ask the ex ED of Berlin Org (among others).
Hi GBTO, Thank you, thank you for your post.Sometimes I am not sure persons I originated to about the constant sec-checking believed what was being done to me.The year and one half of my sec-checking actually went on that long.As you know well, it certainly can and did happen to us both! I so enjoy your posts.Love,Ann.
Such a stupid promo piece in which the “steps” laid out are so glib (a favorite Scn term). I’ve visited SAC Org countless times as a Sea Org Missionaire in the past and it always was a failing org. Nevertheless, while the message promotes that expansion is on you as Mike describes- most who read this that are still on the Kool Aid will ignore it. Free food and refreshments is more effective.