The efforts to stem the leaks of what is actually happening inside the bubble (as opposed to what is presented at Miscavige Rallies) are ramping up.
No doubt this is due to embarrassing (but true) things leaking out onto the fringes of the internet.
So funny the level of paranoia about FACTS being made known.
One thing that drives Miscavige batshit crazy is the thought (or worse yet, fact) of some information about Scientology that he cannot control. He believes he owns it all. And only what he wants known shall be known.
And so the lengths to which they will go to in order to try and stick their fingers in the ever multiplying leaks in the dike is pretty amusing.
From new photo ID cards to ensure no “undesirables” make it into events (epic fail with that, within minutes of his feeble event in PAC with mass security, “shrub tech”, closing the streets and sidewalks with a movie permit etc) there were photos on the internet — to sec checking and meter checks — to this latest “advance.”
Now they are resorting to “wog tech” and insisting OTC members use hushmail (as if the problem is being hacked — rather than the fact they continue to make more and more disaffecteds and outright enemies the harder they try to control everyone) and sign some a document about shredding OTC lists.
It must really piss them off to read this here.
They just refuse to understand what the REAL problem is.
I assume (perhaps naively) some day they will wake up to the fact that the only noose they are tightening is the one around their own necks.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
I like the boa constrictor analogy. Squeeeeeeeze! I’m afraid the efforts to control and make obedient, those naughty little immortal spiritual beings, especially the oober naughty bloggers, have failed completely. There are no standard thetans! They’ve overlooked a few small points like, the tech is fubar, and auditors, are no longer allowed to have a point of view. These OTCs are like mini org replacements, since the orgs are empty and disfunctional, that’s what they have to work with. And the members have to participate, or can’t move on the bridge. The rcs is now the epitome of aberration, we’ve come full circle.
It’s no longer a bridge but a cul-de-sac.
Too funny Mike 🙂
Obviously OSA has their Counter-Espionage policy down.
So much for Grade 0. Difficulty to communicate freely when there are so many restrictions – so many threats lurking. So much for Freedom of Speech. Difficult to be free to speak and listen with so many convoluted restrictions.
So funny the level of paranoia about TRUTH being made known.
Given all the information as to what the “church” is like these days, and the easy access to this information, I am truly amazed there are people who would call themselves members.
Personally I used to use PGP but now simply send email via google and pepper the emails with as many “key words” as possible to waste nosey people’s time.
What ought to really be sending Miscavige over the edge is that this stuff is probably being leaked by people who are passing multiple sec checks. Apparently, the new Mark Ultra VIII isn’t quite as splendid at detecting bad thoughts as the advertising claims. What a surprise!
And if you don’t have people afraid that they’ll get caught via a sec check, then they are going to keep leaking these documents, no matter how secure their Hushmail accounts may be.
Dave, something you might not have considered: ever thought of using the ARC triangle?
Addenda to last: perhaps you missed it in your search for semicolons. And by the way, it is one of the basics.
Just what do you think you’re doing, Dave? The only solution to all these leaks is to declare EVERYONE. Afterward, those that do A-E will probably keep everything secret. Good luck with all that.
It’s called paranoid, it-sucks-to-be-miscavige, bat-shit crazy. This is what happens when imagined problems are “handled” rather than the REAL problem.
Dumb and dumber.
Are they that fuckin dumb? That list will be in public hands within the month. I wager 3 floating needles and a Target 2 on the fact.
Also funny…I would bet anything that the church learned about Hushmail from reading Steve Hall’s website Scientology-cult. That is where I learned of it.
I wrote the original “List Usage Agreement” a number of years ago when I held the Director of Communication on the OT Committee, and was responsible for sending email communication to the group as a whole at that time. The email/phone number list would be shared with different people on the OTC to use in relationship to their hats on the OTC. On occasion, someone would not bcc the email list – so all the email addresses would be exposed for someone to capture and then use it to promote their business or product, which was considered a violation of church policy. When I wrote the “List Usage Agreement,” its only purpose, as it was written then, was to prevent someone from capturing the list for use for business. The state of affairs certainly has disintegrated since then. The “List usage Agreement” as it is written now will have the end result of cutting the natural logical flow of communication, when the OT Committee needs fast response for their “RUSH – PT orders only, too little too late” emails. And, the agreement will have no effect in preventing blogs from getting leaked emails for posting. It’s like a boa constrictor tightening its squeeze – with only 2 possible results: the victims are unable to live – or they escape.
Thanks for the clarification Marti. Always appreciate getting more insight into things, and this makes sense.
But best of all, your last sentence is something I wish I had thought of…. Perfect.
Have been off lines for some years and have not followed all details and might have missed something earlier, so I have a question regarding OTCs. Are not the activities of OTCs anyhow presented very openly on Int Events? I just don’t understand this hush-hush around this, can anyone explain?
This is great! Now those newly out and under the radar can get the Hush Mail hat straight from the Church. Much easier now.
Well, you know Dave has a lot to hide.
“Where’s Shelly” and “Free Barbara.”
It does suck to be Miscavige. 😉
Sorry, but who’s Barbara?
She used to run the Celebrity Center in L.A., I think. Anyway, she had a massive nervous breakdown, tried to go to her mom’s house (her mom is elderly and Barbara is about 55, yes?), and was spirited away by her husband. No one knows where she is now. Probably the Hole would be my guess or out in Nowhere land with Shelly. Gadzooks, I feel f***ing horrible about her story.
Thanks buttons – it is indeed sad. Happen to know her last name?
Barbara’s last name is or was Oliver. She might have married after that name and gotten a new one. I don’t think they are hiding her per se. I think they are applying the tech for Type III handlings on her which includes getting them away to a private place off the crossroads of life, getting them quiet, space, good nutrition and sleep, taking walks, etc.
Scilons do know that Hushmail was started by Canadian Anons right?
Hello Marc.
I just completed your book “Blown For Good”. Thank you! You’re part of my healing process – and I feel great!
Glad to hear!
The second coming of the USSR – the Union of Soviet Scientology Religion. (I am convinced that LRH and now Davey use the old Soviet Union as the model for how to run the CoS – the parallels are startling).
But … I also do wonder how many onlines Scientologists actually ENJOY this kind of cloak and dagger stuff. I note every now and then here that one does have SOME responsibility in choosing the games that one decides to play. People in the CoS DO in fact have the option of changing their mind about playing all of the current Soviet games. I changed my mind, I know Mike Rinder changed his, as well as all of you who post here.
*there’a a dept 1 and 2 on an OTC org board? (not to mention a dept 3!) Sheesh – how freaking complex can you GET?
Well Mike, it’s all your doing ya know.
You are a “disruption to their corruption”
Stole that line from Lisa Marie’s “You ain’t seen nothin yet”
That song expresses a much agreed upon viewpoint these days.
Great tune, great lyrics.
As Dan Koon always said, a stuck flow (or dramatization) never flows lighter. It only flows harder. And this is a classic example.
The effort to stop just keeps getting more fierce. Pretty soon DM is going to order EVERY person on the committee to sec checking at their own expense and all will be assigned group “Confusion.” Then will come group confessions. Then he will order everyone thrown overboard. Then weekly meter checks. After a few years of continuous lower conditions, some of the OT Committee members will be invited to the Freewinds and put under house arrest indefinitely. It’s DM’s own special patented trademark “Int Base Rundown.”
He’s going to stop, stop, stop until there is no communication going out to anyone, anywhere.
Sadly so, this is where it’s going. The flow will eventually become one giant ridge. All Miscavige would need to do reverse it would be to admit to all his wrongdoing, step down and ask what he can do to make up all the damage. I’m not saying this has the remotest possibility of happening, but something along these lines would have to occur. A huge dose of humility. It’s hard to conceive that deep down he doesn’t know that the end of his reign is near completion. All tyrants are eventually disposed of.
I think – though I’m no psychiatrist – that COB is a sociopath and a dangerous one, all joking aside. I absolutely believe that he does not see an end to his reign – because there is no ‘deep down’. He’s busy micromanaging weird, tiny issues in complete paranoia. He can’t see the bigger picture. This is just conjecture, of course, as unlike Mike, I’ll never have the pleasure of meeting the man.
You may be right. I’m not sure I totally agree with the sociopathic theory. These types of people supposedly have no sense of guilt, but I believe one day, no matter how distant, they will see what they’ve done or become, and at that point begin to make a change for the better. In the words of Oscar Hammerstein, I’m a cockeyed optimist.
Steve I think you are dead on-Stop, stop, stop until finally there is no motion at all. No one should speak, walk, blink or think without permission. If Dave could achieve this then maybe he could feel safe and looking around at the environment he would discover he is alone with only silence and matter left in all directions.
I found out that Dave can be reached directly at, [email protected].
When I wrote him he simply replied, “please tell Mike to stop…I am an Ecclesiastical leader, a leader of men and demand Mike’s respect, consideration and a large ( lets say 250,000.00 ? ) donation just for good measure.”
I’m just the messenger.
Tell the Pope that Mike wants to get in his own punches and choking first. Then if the shrimp is still alive after that, Mike will possibly consider the 250,000 but from the other direction.
I feel these kinds of posts from ‘MJ’ are trollish, rather than being either edifying or funny.
You don’t wanna see a rematch?
I like MJ! He/she often makes me laugh. Not at all trollish:
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally[3][4] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[5] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[6]
Carry on MJ – nice to have your sense of humor here 🙂
Thanks Draco. I love to make others smile or laugh.
As more and more people bolt I begin to wonder about those still sticking with the cult. Some people, like Krusty will never ever admit anything even if Miscarriage is finally dragged to jail where he belongs.
Thanks Chris – Krusty be cool.
OK. So that didn’t work. Here is our new OTC agreement:
As a valued member of the OTC you understand that our sincere efforts to forward command intention are being continually thwarted by lunatic bloggers on the fringe of the internet. In order to maintain security and ensure our success, please read and sign the attached affidavit and have it notarized by one of our many scientology attorneys.
I______________________ do solemnly swear that I will never give or receive any communication to anyone for any reason at any time by any means (verbal, email, face book, letter, sign language or facial expression) unless ordered to by david miscavige or one of his utterly faithful OSA representatives beforehand.
I realize and fully and completely without any reservation agree that I will be billed $10,000 for any unauthorized communication to or from anyone at anytime, anywhere on this or any other planet.
I got one thing to say: Dave, you brought this on yourself.
No brainer. Hand me that pen.
Sure I’ll sign. But first I have to piss all over it to cover up the stink.
LDW – I am absolutely convinced, Sir. Sign me up. I will fight to the death.
The sad truth is, DM would *love* to have a LDW’s version of the contract faithfully signed and adhered to by everyone in the organization.
So it doesn’t count if you’re on a space ship between planets, right?
Still need to sign it.
I would like to indicate that Scientology has successfully been SUPPRESSED! Good job everyone! Oh, Mike – you turned us all on to “hushmail” tech and the cult copied you!! Well done!
The leaks will still leak – we are dealing with human beings and not all of them will swallow the kool-aid. There are more leaving every week and they will leak and leak and leak!!
Davey boy, time to put on your diapers.
Dave, Be sure to have Laurisse cary a few extra pairs of Depends in her purse for those unexpected episodes of ‘helicopter tech.’
Thanks threefeetback, somehow I overlooked that. Wouldn’t want our little pope make a literal stink in public now would we?
OMG! That is hysterical!! I guess I am in the category of “possibly undesirable” as I stopped receiving the promo for events from the OTC a few weeks ago…and I was not even leaking them! But, I am not totally taboo because those in still talk to me.
So funny that they are setting up hush mail accounts! Ummm…ineffective dissemination, cut dissemination lines? I think I read something about that somewhere…
Just the idea of Hushmail shows that they’re basically in fear.
“What would happen if all men were free enough to speak? Then and only then you would have freedom”
LRH, HCO P/L Honest People Have Rights Too
That’s all anybody needs to know about freedom inside the the Church today.
True enough War Horse.
I think that if Dave had any idea how exposed and infiltrated he is (and for how long) he would truly be amazed. I only know, what I know and I’m very impressed. Sucks to be Dave. He is so deep down while thinking he is above it all. Watching it from the outside is kind of sad and comical at the same time. It’s like watching a monkey who thinks he is Hugh Hefner, while it proudly fucks a football……
I guess that means Dave’s got a lot of balls.
Hey Mike, a little off the subject, but it would be fun to have a blog party with all the regulars. Maybe we’d pull in a plant to spy on us. What a blast!
They isolate and cut off the communication of anyone who dares to disagree, disobey or even question them.
Things are are coming around.
Isn’t it strange that no priest or minister complains about the fact that every hotel room in the USA has a Bible, but Scientology must keep everything secret?
Like the dog says at the end of the Rio 2 trailer – “that’s messed up.”
I guess they have no idea how paranoid this makes them look. The Kool-aid drinkers may reach a tipping point where the next insanity given them to agree with causes an allergic reaction, and like a niacin rush, they get all flushed with righteous indignation and just say, FUCK YOU!
Love the visual.
10,000 red faces would indeed be a colorful sight. Hey Dave, how do you like dem apples?
Going down the tone scale into “Can’t hide”
And the only reason Black Heart gets paranoia about the leaks is because of the lies that are being told by the insiders, plus the facts of how disastrous the stats are…lowest ever.
Clock keeps ticking, tick tock.
When you sow bad seeds, you reap bitter fruit.
“The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.”
Just a few more steps to Total Failure.
They think WE are hacking THEM?
Oh, that’s rich.
New RCS goal: Declare 97 1/2% suppressive.
2-1/2% can’t be wrong.
That’s gonna be the least of Dave’s problems. Maybe he should get his BFF to do a PSA vehemently protesting the evil apostates who have betrayed GREAT LEADER with perhaps a contribution request at the end. Whaddya think?
The use of hushmail supposes that the leaks of emails are coming from packet sniffers on people’s email accounts and IP addresses. That would be the only reason to use hushmail.
This would be a very advanced and expensive attack that only someone like the Church of Scientology’s own group of Internet hackers led by Gavino Idda, and funded by someone like Craig Jensen, could afford. I really really doubt that packet sniffers are the way Mike is getting these emails.
We’ll see.
We’ll see if this stems the tide of leaks coming out of the Church of Scientology.
Heh. heh.
Alanzo: I think it may be a matter of “the overt doth speak loudly in accusation”…
You think?
Exactly. And the Obvious to most is that the more you try and constrict communication, the smaller you become. Come on, Dave, get a grip. You are dramatizing.
Annabelle, here’s your RPF Assignment and SP declare for that bit of snideness. Lou, whaddya mean she’s not on lines. CITY!? /%=+_-!!!
Yes. At one point they hacked Marty rathbuns computer. I sent him a hushmail and a bit later I was getting messages from OSA or someone.
Ah, Gavino Idda. A real sweetheart, eh? If I ever see him on the street I may just spit in his direction.
What is a “packet sniffer”?
It’s Dave’s nose next to your derriere dear.
It’s a computer program or a piece of computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic passing over a digital network or part of a network.
Not up to creating a secure web-based email service of your own then, your royal highness, she-who-will-be-obeyed, LongDave, CornCob, Captain Nutter, meccapope. Take some vaseline with you,..
He who shall not be named had better look into a major stockholder position with Johnson and Johnson. That is the only way he will have access to enough to make a difference in stopping the chaffing.
Dave’s about to get on a long term diet of humble pie.
Like Bernie Madoff (who had plenty of whistle blowers pointing a finger hat him), David appears to be approaching stall speed, about to fall off of his perch. Without Dave, the whole house of cards comes down.
Bernie had far more money and intelligence than Davy.
Do you think Shelly will visit him in prison?
MJ, At most once or twice, until she ‘decompresses’.
There is a bigger problem that must be solved.
The leaks are going to get more leaky, the crack downs more crazy
Edit: “As if whoever HAS leaked those minutes…”
Wow, Mike, this is their “handling” for your mega-exposure of all of those OTC Committees’ Minutes! FUNNY! As if whoever is leaked those minutes, if he or she is an OTC member, is going to worry about signing this kind of stuff, you know? And what’s likely is that the OTCs may not ever be told the real reason. I almost feel sorry for them.
You have GOT to be kidding me – they have a “Hushmail Hat?”
Shows just how rampant the stupidity inside the Bubble these days.I’m sure this has all be explained away as “operational security” but who cares about their mailing lists?
Maybe the Belligerent Dwarf is taking pre-emptive action against another Debbie Cook-type email?
Good luck with that, Dave – I think that email went out to a lot more people than You have left 🙂
Obviously it was VERY effective!
I was just chatting with another under-the-radar member today about the hyper-control that OSA is trying to enforce on the RCS members. The mentality is medieval. How anyone expects to control the flow of information or keep things “confidential” within a group of thousands of people with free access to the internet…well, it just boggles the mind that anyone thinks they could.
To anyone from OSA reading this: you are out of control. All of your escapades and crimes (yes, I do mean illegal acts) are being made known daily all over the world by us fringe internet bloggers who actually do care that the truth about you comes out. You cannot stop your members from listening to us. More and more of them are going way out of their way to contact us and get the facts. Because they know that you are corrupting the intentions and aims of Scientology as written and they are sick of it. Just ask them. If you’d stop punishing people for being there and communicating, maybe you’d actually get the Church back onto the aims for which it was founded.
Very well said Chris.
Unfortunately there is no Ctrl-Z for the crimes against beingness that OSA has committed. There is only the responsibility end of the stick for them to grasp. It’s a very stthiy end.
It was founded to make money for LRH and to provide him with a supply of unquestioning devotees to bolster his damaged psyche and fulfil his power fantasies. All the stuff that sounds good is just part of the con.
Philip, Thank you. I take it you have not studied anything written by Hubbard, nor applied anything to see whether it works. Neither have you read the many detailed books written by men who where there at the time, worked with Hubbard, and are now standing outside the Church of Scientology, openly disclosing the internal scams You also don’t know that when Hubbard died the Church owed him some $17 million for unpaid fees. Frankly, you don’t seem to know a lot at all.
And then you have the balls to make a statement as bold as “it was founded to make money . . “!!
No, Philip, read up on what actually happened. And if any man could search and develop the L’s for example, which produces such huge gains, and you would say his psyche is damaged – may there be many, many more fucked up psyches around to develop the path to spiritual freedom like Hubbard did.
We true Scientologists don’t like invalidating or evaluating others – you are free to speak your mind. But this blog is not there to talk crap. Facts, yes. And a healthy debate too.
Hear, hear.
“No, Philip, read up on what actually happened.”
That’s right, Phillip, read up on what really happened. I suggest Warren Miller’s “Barefaced Messiah” which is available on the web, or in book form.
Is that all right with you “Frik”? Would you like to contend that Mr. Miller’s book is untrue?
Pretty much correct Philip. He DID attempt some real stuff along the way (lower level stuff that has some use) but, it wasn’t his main long term purpose. AND, Frik Blaauw, I WAS around. enough to monitor Spec Pjt Ops & Big P’s back and forth comm in real time. (Frik, if you didn’t understand that last sentence it is because you weren’t “there at the time” working close to the Boss.)
If DM only knew the amount of people who are “in” but not really he would have a heart attack.
The amount of people leaking info from inside the church of Scientology, outside of the blogs, is huge. Staff members, public, SO members, people walking off the street from other Orgs. I was just told the name of another staff member who is “under the radiar” but gathering info.
What is so plainly in front of his face yet he can’t see. He probably has people working directly for him just playing along until the time is right.
Good Evening Peons! The Real COB RTC I/C INTERNET DIV66 here for a CONFIDENTIAL BRIEFING on what you MUST NEVER DO! to remain anonymous and protect your security and your First Dynamic from people trying to snoop on your internet freedom. REMEMBER!! If COB were aware of any of this, he would DECLARE!!!!! the INTERNET!!!!!!
KIFW (Keeping Internet Freedom Working) Point 1:
DO NOT!!!! Read this link about how to browse and communicate on the internet anonymously and securely:,news-17754.html
KIFW #2:
DO NOT!!!! Download the TOR Browser bundle, which is a standalone web browser, secured through the Tor network and can be concealed (and even renamed into something cheeky like YSCOHB) in unlikely places on your computer where spies would have a hard time finding it. DO NOT!!! use this link to download the Tor Browser Bundle:
KIFW #3:
DO NOT!!!! Follow the Tor instructions upon starting the browser concerning how to keep your internet activity completely anonymous and safe from prying eyes and hackers and private investigators, like not opening documents you download on the same computer, not watching live 1.1 videos, etc.
KIFW #4:
DO NOT!!! Enjoy the limited but totally safe portal to other people’s thoughts, opinions, and life experiences, etc. where not even the NSA can reliably track you, much less the CSMFs in OSA. (As shown here-,news-17649.html) DO NOT!!!! be optimistic that there is a happy, friendly world out there and people that would love to introduce you to it– ALL FOR FREE!!!!!!!
Very informative.
God this is hilarious Mike, what a bunch of leaky loons.