Thanks to all who expressed their support for the Garcia’s and the first victory in their federal lawsuit in Tampa. They were much appreciated.
It is a long road to travel to ever exact any measure of justice out of the RCS, but the ruling of Judge Whittemore set the tone for the journeyahead. If I was one of the church’s attorneys I would be very careful about wearing out my welcome with a very smart and no-nonsense Federal Court judge.
As I looked over at the sunken-eyed OSA staff and the cluster of overpaid attorneys it got me thinking about what life is like inside the bubble these days. Especially in the legal department. The Debbie Cook hearing in San Antonio in February 2012 set the stage for what the Queen of England would call an annus horribilus. In fact, I do not think there has ever been such a disastrous year in the history of Scientology as far as legal situations go….
In chronological order, and channeling some Shermanspeak and Miscavige patented “rolling thunder” (without the crashing noises and his straight up and verticalness exploding out the top of his graphs), let’s review the last year (if may have missed some things, but they would only be piling on at this point):
All began a little less than a year ago with the payoff of two former Private Investigators who had been following and spying on Pat Broeker for two DECADES and then were sent after Marty and me. Miscavige unilaterally decided to stop paying them, so they sued. Some nasty press ensued and the case was quietly settled. But not before they had revealed a lot of the slimy underbelly of the Empire of the Vampires.
Also getting the year off to an unprecedented start, was the Oregon dentist who was ordered to pay a former dental hygienist $348,000 for trying to force her to do Scientology.
But that just got things rolling as in October, a wrongful death lawsuit for Stacy Murphy filed against NN Arrowhead, NN International and ABLE International really began the avalanche in the war on drug rehab abuse.
Within 6 months, NN Arrowhead, NN Int and ABLE Int were sued over deaths of 6 more patients in individual wrongful death cases.
But that was not all. An Oklahoma reporter who had done the program, Rachel Peterson, sued Arrowhead alleging exchange of sex for drugs at the facility.
The Federal Government joined in the fun, raiding NN Georgia.
And in May, the EEOC jumped on the express train gathering momentum like a bobseld down the Matterhorn — suing Dynamic Medical Services in Miami for forcing employees to take Scientology courses.
There was no dancing around the Maypole when the California Supreme Court then denied the Church appeal to prevent them having to turn over Laura DeCrescenzo/Dieckman’s pc folders, and on 2 July, in an unprecedented (but possibly precedent setting) catastrophe, they handed over all her folders. The church is still trying to get the US Supreme Court to accept their appeal in a last ditch effort to make it difficult for OTHERS to also get their pc folders, but in the next few days that is likely to be rejected too.
The legislative branch also entered the picture and “Stacy’s Law” was signed by the Governor of Oklahoma after a 43-0 Senate vote, tightening drug rehab facility regulations in the wake of the Stacy Murphy tragedy.
And then in June 2013 a Class Action lawsuit is filed in Georgia against NN, NNInt, ABLE Int and RTC. Things are looking bleaker and bleaker for Narconon — they are hit with sanctions for lying and destroying evidence, and in addition to the deaths they have also been defrauding insurance companies and making false representations to government agencies. The lawyers in Georgia now bring in Religious Technology Center alleging it is the ultimate control over the Narconon network. Everyone has heard Miscavige take credit for all things Narconon for many, many years claiming his humanitarianishness is proven by his outstanding record of getting people off drugs with the “largest private drug rehab network” — the lawyers in the ATL think its time he also took responsibility for the lies, fraud, abuses and deaths that have taken place in Narconon. As a note here, Tony Ortega has done an outstanding job of reporting on the ongoing Narconon implosion. You can go to his site and click on Narconon and read story after well reported story about the tsunami of hurt that is what remains of Narconon.
Moving outside the US, in September the French Supreme Court heard an appeal by the church trying to overturn a fraud conviction. This is the case where the church walked out of the hearing in the Appeals Court in protest that they were not being fairly treated. It seems unlikely the Supreme Court will have much sympathy after so arrogantly dissing the French judicial system. They will be ruling on 16 October. No doubt the church will then try to appeal to higher European courts.
But things are not looking good there either. On Sept 19 the church was rejected by the European Court of Human Rights in their request to shut down a long-running criminal investigation by Belgian authorities. With that ruling, it is highly likely that the Belgian authorities will move forward and follow with a prosecution similar to the French case.
Which brings us all the way to Miscavige’s worst nightmare. Monique Rathbun. After years of taking the abuse that Miscavige believes is his god-given right to dish out to anyone he nominates, Mosey resorts to the only remedy she has left. She sues for an injunction against various PIs, CSI, RTC and David Miscavige. The judge issues a temprorary retraining order against all the defendants. Yes, that is correct, the “Pope” of Scientology and “international religious leader” is under a court order preventing him from harassing Monique or sending anyone else to do so on his behalf while he hides out in his luxury suites with his servants and sycophants. Hordes of high priced church lawyers descend on New Braunfels Comal County Courthouse for the first 2 days of hearings. They try their usual tactics of derailing the case by seeking disqualification of Monique’s attorneys. But Judge Dib Waldrip disagrees with the arguments of the silk suited carpetbaggers. He denies their request and also orders discovery move forward to determine whether Miscavige really has nothing to do with Texas — as he swore under oath. Meanwhile the court order enjoining him and the others from harassing Mosey remains in place. The next big hearing is scheduled for October 18.
Which brings us all the way to the church attempt to disqualify the Garcia’s lawyers in Tampa. This is considered an extreme and unusual move for normal litigants. It’s routine for Scientology. And judging by the ruling of US District Court Judge Whittemore, it will be just as routinely rejected.
And THAT is a year to remember! Or if you are in OSA, a time you are desperately trying to forget while praying things are going to start going right. All they have to cling to is the faith that Dear Leader knows all the answers, so when he says “file this motion” or “make this argument” it will work. But the shinola he dishes out from on high is becoming more recognized for what it really is. And so too the judiciary, media and regulatory agencies are catching on that the arrogant flaunting of “wog” laws and attempted enforcement of “Scientology think” on the legal system is unacceptable.
In my recollection, never in history have there been such a long string of significant legal defeats.
The once feared Scientology litigation steamroller seems to have veered right into the ditch. And the more they lash out with badly planned and poorly executed legal maneuvers, the deeper into the mud they sink. I doubt they can back themselves out at this point.
Of course, in the legal arena the wheels turn slowly. A lot of money thrown at situations with high priced lawyers can delay things even further. And there will be small victories for the church here and there… But while the church has been akin to a steamroller in the past, ultimately what they confront is a the force of a glacier. It is even slower, but in the end, nothing stops it. The judicial system has a way of balancing things out in the end.
Justice may be blind, and it may at times also be very slow, but when all is said and done, it is not stupid. In the long run right prevails. The church had a number of years of good luck. The tide is now turning.
It is from people standing up and speaking out and saying enough is enough and having their day in court that this cult will be stopped. Books and newspaper articles are great for spreading the word, but for actually stopping the monster in its tracks it takes a judge.
Thanks for the overview. In particular, “The once feared Scientology litigation steamroller seems to have veered right into the ditch. And the more they lash out with badly planned and poorly executed legal maneuvers, the deeper into the mud they sink. I doubt they can back themselves out at this point.”
It may simply be that all the smart ones have up and gone, and COB isn’t left with much else in the way of prudent advice and assistance… LOL
Mike, thanks for this latest brilliant summary and for all that you do for us and for the cause of truth. And sorry to be a bore, but I join my voice with all the others’ who want you to write a book We certainly are a demanding bunch, aren’t we? Well,its your fault for writing so well 🙂
Wonderful recapitulation of events! Thank you for this.
It’s about time the CSI’s opprobrious behavior is slowed down and hopefully soon grind to a halt!
Brilliant again and vital. Moti is already busy, translating into Hebrew, for posting on
There is this myth about the church’s power, resources, fearsomeness. I say, BS!
Ron says somewhere, don’t have it at hand, that one can be Tone 40 only about pro-survival goals, criminals have no Tone 40. This applies to DM’s apparatus. They are hated and insane, how can they succeed? How can anyone take them seriously or be intimidated by them?
You are right about your assessment of the legal system. Ron mocks “WOG” justice but unfairly. He attempted tp create a better justice system in Scientology but, I hate to say, failed (see my earlier articles on this blog).
The wog courts as I know them in Israel are slow but fair and ultimately dish out well-deserved justice. They are transparent and above all other authority, fearless and proud.
Our ex-president is in jail for 6 years for sexual molestation of his secretary. Our ex-prime minister is in court for receiving envelopes stuffed with dollar bills.
It is happening, slowly, but undeniably. DM is blind but will hear the crash when it comes.
Thanks for what you, Luis, Marty, Mosey and many others are doing. Dani
Dani, you’re exactly right to call BS on “the church’s power, resources, fearsomeness.”
But that’s only because brave people like you, and Mike, and other contributors to this blog have had the courage to stand up against Dave M’s dark engines of revenge. His empire is crumbling because — and only because — good people have chosen to fight. This is a lesson, it seems, that history keeps trying to teach us, though we are sometimes slow to learn.
Mike, I seldom comment here but I want you to know I read your blog every day and really appreciate your content. It is very much needed out here, the way you are keeping tabs on these developments and putting them in perspective. A big thanks to you for doing so.
“Submit the article for publication.” +1
Second the motion! Nothing to lose by doing it.
Wouldn’t it be fun if we could all request the return of our P.C. folders. Maybe 1 thousand of us. Next year is just around the corner Dwarf Boy!
YEs, great idea. We should all request our folders back, AND get a class action lawsuit going to get money on account and donations to the IAS returned.
Uhm… would it be appropriate to say ….. as we used to back in the olden days …. that the Church of Scientology …… is …… PULLING IT IN! Ha ha ha ha ha ha …….. delicious irony …. overt motivator sequence with your breakfast, sir? (the new greeting at all Flag dining locations)
After reading the breakdown of what a year it’s been for the C of S. I thought to myself Mike must kiss the ground everyday and thank the Universe that he’s no longer cooking in that Frog Pot! It seems to me that 70% of the job as spokesman is dealing with the aftermath of poorly made decisions by Miscavige. I really enjoy how you layout the facts day after day. Beat them over the head with common sense (a weapon that the leader seems to not posses any of.)
Thanks for all you do Mike. You are a brave soul. And, a lot of people have got your back, so continue to be your fearless self.
Your legal summary reads like 100 car trainwreck. Damages all over the place…. and, when coupled with disastrous PR from mishandling Leah Remini, DM and RCS is in a tornadic dwindling spriral unprecidented in ANY 63 year old organization.
David Miscavige is out of favor with the Gods. Seriously bad omen in Texas:
Omen if Florida:
They named it that on purpose!
Karen De La Carrier is in favor with the Gods.
The picture tells me they didn’t even make it to the graveyard.
Thanks for a good dose of Shermanspeak, I was beginning to miss it. Like Moti said earlier, your only fault is being comprehensible. But then, nobody can string together 350 words of nothing quite like him. I see his future in political speech writing 😉
Thanks for all the work you do. COB stands to lose everything.
Thank you Mike for all the brilliant work that you have done and continue to do.
Now we know the future reg sales pitch line for the remaining Co$ public. The regges will say that because of the straight up and vertical stats the SP’s are going nuts and the public needs to donate more than ever. It important to keep in mind here that while it’s true that SP’s will attack success, it’s also true that sometimes attacks can occur simply because it’s deserved. if anyone takes a few minutes to investigate the truth here it’s clear to see that the majority of people now attacking the Co$ are good people just seeking justice.
That’s right Paul. And the church is pulling in motivators from all their overts. But in true DM fashion, the registrars will choose only one quote or sound bit to forward above all others or to twist and spin to their purposes. That thing that the squirrels attack when they are doing well and expanding is one such example of ignoring all the other related LRH quotes and using this one to spin it to get more money squeezed from the sheeple.
How I used to hate hearing the, “We are so successful and the SPs can’t stand it” excuse as a prelude to hitting up for major bucks..
When I wised up about the real reason for present time attacks, I began responding immediately to such preliminary whinings with my own Tone 40:: “With what violation of LRH Tech or Ethics did ( ) pull that IN? What did ( ) do or not do to create this?”
Boy, you should have seen the open mouthed blank stares! Cut’em off right at the knees, LOL!
Mike, great piece. I thought I remembered all the recent cases, but I hadn’t. It would be helpful if those still in could learn about all these losses. The guest editorial idea is a great one.
One of the best lines ever….
But the shinola he dishes out from on high is becoming more recognized for what it really is.
Thank you for that very well written summation. It puts things into context and reminds us of all the important and effective things that are going on right now to see justice done for those who have been harmed by Scientology.
These are very interesting times.
Who would have ever fucking thought?
Excellent summation, Mike. Miscavige is barking into some serious head winds. The only place he is getting any respect from super kool-aid drinkers. I’m sure he would love to be called by the president like Billy Graham or even Tony Robbins. He is so far from getting any real respect in this world it warms my heart.
The more these debacles seep into main stream media, the more kool-aiders will have to deal with it. Please keep up the awesome work. You are a gem.
It just sucks to be miscavige;;;;;
Beautiful just Beautiful
Totally. Who wants to be in eternity with no real friends?
Thanks Mike. Love to you Christie and the boys too!
Besides the many events listed here and the ones added in the comments, there are some more areas to keep an eye on over the coming months (in some cases, perhaps years): Belgium was mentioned, and the criminal investigations/prosecutions there are ugly losses in the pipeline; In France there are most likely still several other very ugly criminal investigations/prosecutions in the pipeline; In Russia, there have been concerted attacks on the Churches/Missions/LRH materials that were already very ugly several years ago, and I suspect they have not gone away at all. The only thing keeping Scientology open in Russia the past several years, are some positive appeal results in the European Court of Human Rights, but I doubt those rulings have brought the Russian situations to an end. Another one that happened this year, was the adverse ruling in the UK in its bid to get its chapel declared a place of worship (the Church’s attempt to get “religious recognition.” That one went to the Supreme Court and is pending a ruling. Yes, there could be a lot more ugliness on the horizon around the world, and more wheels to fall off, catch on fire and explode – quite in addition to the very ugly list in this positing.
This is a wonderful article, all of your write ups are excellent.. Some very funny pictures also.
Somewhere in Europe a Scotch factory is working overtime and the workers haven’t had time to thank you./
Thank you Mike Rinder and family
Mike, You’ve allmost outdone Sherman with the Shermanspeak (TM). Your only fault is being comprehensible.
Thank you for the summery. I’ll soon translate it to the holly language of the Hebrews.
Mike, I’d really love to get my PC and Ethics folders back from the Church in their entirety – without duplicates being available. I don’t like them having them. Do you think this will be a likely option and how do you think it would have to be done?
Seems like a good (worthwhile) lawsuit Mike.
I feel there are a LOT of people that would like their folders back.
Any ideas you can express on this open communication line? Mass Action? Class Action? Lost Cause?
I feel there are a LOT of people that would like their folders back. Any ideas….Mass Action? Class Action? Lost Cause?
From Mike’s article above:
Sounds to me like there’s about to be a precedent setting judgement on the ownership rights of pc folders which should open the doors to all of us being able to get our personal records back from the CofS.
David is on a losing streak.
That would be a beautiful thing if we could all file a class action – which would be rather inexpensive if hundreds of us filed it – to get our folders back en masse.
Go Mike Rinder! Your words are the real truth….
Great summary of recent events!!!
I’m in the middle of “Church of Fear” by BBC reporter John Sweeney. I’m shocked at how David MIscavige talks to you, Mike, and Tommy Davis (via his mistress Lou) — the texts between you three when the BBC was working on their Scientology story were leaked. Totally abusive, totally disgusting, and what a fucking lunatic he is.
Miscavige is an uneducated, naive, thug with a narcissistic complex (see Wikipedia for that accurate psychiatric diagnosis), rageaholic (again, see Wikipedia), with an army of brainwashed slaves and millions of dollars (or more) at his disposal.
Does Tom Cruise even know what is said about him in these books by well-respected journalists??? That guy is your BFF, Tom? Maybe you should withdraw your support, Tom Cruise?
Superbly written article, Mike! You really set the benchmark for insight and capturing the essence of everything Miscavige. I really admire you man and always have.
Yes the glazier is pretty soon going to turn into an avalanche of more legal and PR disasters…once the avalanche stars you may get buried in it….and this is what will happen to the Devil Moron and his minions.
His micromanagement has failed and he has lost control of the many responses of the media and the legal field…plus the ones that stood up and spoke agains the abuses.
Thanks for all you do Mike Rinder. You are a true hero.
It seems obvious to me that David Miscavige can not even think with the information in the Way To Happiness booklet. Clean hands make a happy life.
Meanwhile, after all of the efforts to unmock Nicole Kidman, and destroy her relationship with her children, that woman rose above the suppression and improved her situation!
Clean hands make a happy life.
Indeed. With the amount dirt on his hands, I can’t even imagine what sort of hell DM lives in.
Not only have the wheels come off but it looks like they have come off an tired old hearse. A lot of good and bad folks made their way to their final resting place in that old coach.
Dave you and the “church” you built are next. I will be bringing some cold chrome steel lilies to the service to place at the grave site.
Excellent summation of the “year in review” thus far. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I also want to personally and sincerely thank you for all of the hard work that you have done and the level of confront that you have had to use to see that the abuses of the Church of Scientology and David Miscavige are brought to light.
Many of us have had bad experiences with the church yet didn’t really have a platform from which to speak out nor the inside information with which to verify the myriad instances of abuse. You have created that for us. And it takes a lot of guts to step up like you have and lay your life on the line on behalf of others.
I remember the time we first conversed when I was struggling to make the decision to come out publicly on Marty’s blog and risk losing my wife Karry’s entire family (they’re all scientologists) to disconnection. You were very kind and told me that I should not feel any pressure to speak out and that your only concern was that I do what was best for me. You fondly remembered the times that we had spent together in the Sea Org and told me that you were glad that Karry and I were doing well and you were sure that we would see each other again.
After that, I determined that my best course of action would be to get an auditing clean up regarding my time in scientology and in the Sea Org. It was a great decision and soon Karry and I were able to make the decision to publicly and formally leave the Church of Scientology and begin speaking out about it’s abuses. Between your assertion that all you wanted was what is best for me and Karry’s insight that her family would, “eventually find out (the truth) for themselves anyway.” And, “They might find out the hard way, but sometimes that’s the only way to learn.” I was able to publicly unburden myself of the abuses that I personally suffered at the hands of Church of Scientology members. It was a tremendous relief at the time and continues to be to this day.
And although Karry’s family did in fact disconnect from us, I have (thanks to you and with each passing day) every confidence that this situation will soon come to an end.
You, Marty, Karen De La Carriere, Steve Hall, all of the authors of scientology exposé books and innumerable others that are fighting the good fight to see that justice is done have my undying gratitude.
Thank you brother, I love you.
Scott Campbell
So glad you and Karry are out. It’s not so bad out here in “Wog World”. And, there are so many people here willing and able to help. I am sorry Karry, and so many others, lost her family due to the Church of Scientology forcing them to disconnect. Hopefully, reconnecting with all your old friends and making so many new ones has helped a little.
I always wonder what is the purpose of achieving eternity if it means misery? Do people really want to be miserable for all eternity? Isn’t it better to be happy and at peace now and forever?
Thanks for your very kind words Scott. Love to you and Karry. You are the good guys….
Lovely collection of legal disasters you’ve mapped out for us, Mike. Major kudos to you. They help, too, to dissipate the idea that they are a legal steamroller so big that no one can win. They’re not and that is clearly defined by what you’ve written. I can hardly wait for further developments in Mosey’s fight against them. Methinks the varmints have suddenly found themselves in a battle where all the floors *they* have to walk on are well greased. And Der Wienershnitzel Boobus will continue his fixated and very rigid control of his attorneys, thereby guaranteeing many more and more expensive falls in their battles. Sooner or later, some US senator or congressman is going to realize there is a huge opportunity opening for serious media coverage and will begin putting pressure back on the IRS. Having their tax exemption lifted would quickly do the job.
And if the Little One tries siphoning off any further funds for a potential run when he finally sees the ceiling coming down, it will be far more difficult to so in the current financial world. Prison lies that way, too.
So please keep up the great work you’ve been doing.
The string of legal situations and losses is a natural outcome of the following factors: 1) The fact that Legal and OSA generally has been perverted to follow a false purpose, i.e. the protection of Miscavige and his insane, sleazy and sometimes illegal policies and practices; and 2) The attrition over the past decade of the executives and staff in or over the OSA NW that had the most intelligence, the ones who e.g. in the face of a suit for a refund or repayment of monies paid in for services (or even straight donations such as to the IAS) would see to it that org involved paid the refund and corrected the staff – not figure out a way to make it impossible for people to get their money back, as promised in LRH policy. These executives and staff either were taken out by DM or have left because they got sick of fighting against the tide of DM’s internal corruption in the Church.
All this is true Mike and it is right. It has been a great year for all those who have been suppressed, bullied, taken in fraud etc. by the church.
Let’s keep on doing what we are doing and keeping an eye on promoting not the church but the philosophy as it should be to people around us. That’s also a concern.
I do appreciate all that you and others are doing about against the oppression of the church.
“And THAT is a year to remember!”
Oh ‘forgive’ me Mike if I get the picture of you speaking at an event giving that great summary, with a glint in your eye as you report those facts, as if to say, ‘take that!’
As you’ve said many times, “it sucks to be Miscavige!”
Like the headline photo. The coffin in the hearse, way cool.
It boggles the mind with the platoon of lawyers, all on retainer
plus hourly rates hovering around $500. an hour. D.M.s billions
will lose many zero’s before this is all over with.
Jose, what are DM’s billions, or even millions? Does he have an inheritance, a job, HuH???
That’s OUR money he’s burning, our sincerely spent check for “causes”, projects, programs,
and other bullshit that never saw the money intended for it. I think someone should seek to locate and freeze these assets in the hope that someday a few might be made “whole” or maybe 1/10!!! again. I mean realistically, seeing that most SO staff have no Social Security (in the U.S.) to collect, probably can’t even qualify temporarily for unemployment, at least the few dollars could help them depart and restart. My understanding is that is in great part one of the biggest barriers, No funds, no $ for a bus ticket to even leave with. Crap, ex-cons get a few dollars in their pocket, at least in the movies! When I was a CCHR spokesperson, our greatest success came in crashing the stock market price of Eli-Lilly (psych-drug manufacturer), From that I learned the wallet is where the “soft underbelly is”. Hit there and they fold over and start downward. I can be so mean!!
Great article. Thank you for this fantastic summary. I enjoyed reading it.
Oh, and another case you missed, one that doesn’t directly figure in the implosion of the cult, but which does generate a rather embarrassing PR headache as they try to whitewash a longtime staff member from the collective memory. That’s the case of Devon Newman, the head of PR at the (not so busy) Las Vegas Celebrity Centre, accused with her child molester housemate, of hatching a “sovereign citizen” plot to kidnap police officers, put them on trial in a “citizen’s court” and then execute them for their “crimes.” Google “sovereign citizen” for an intro to this movement of people who engage in all sorts of magical thinking about how laws they don’t like (like paying taxes) don’t apply to them, and how they can get millions of dollars of free money from the government if they file the right paperwork. They’re a bizarre and often scary bunch (and their track record winning cases in court more than slightly resembles DM’s).
The housemate, convicted of multiple sex offenses and a whole bunch of other nasty stuff, is a real piece of work that clearly should not be wandering the streets. At the recent bail hearing, bail for the roommate was set at $600,000, given the seriousness of the plot and the chances that the guy’s basically a walking time bomb. When it was Newman’s turn a minute later, she asked the judge to let her go on her own recognizance, as if she had been busted for public drunkenness or some trivial charge. The judge said he’d “consider her request.” And a fraction of a second later, he said “Denied.”
I strongly suspect that Newman thought when she opened her mouth in court that she was going to go all “Tone 40” on the judge and that would make him unable to resist the suggestion, leaving her to walk out a free woman. I bet she was genuinely surprised that she got shut down so effortlessly.
And that seems to be a metaphor for Miscavige’s larger legal troubles. He apparently thinks that if he demands things of his lawyers with enough force, threats, and invective, that the universe will bend to his “Big Being” will. Alas, that’s like trying to threaten gravity when you step off the cliff. Look how that works in the Roadrunner cartoons for old Wile E. Coyote. Miscavige is starting to be an object of comedy and derision like the cartoon character, instead of someone respected and feared. As a slightly snarkier version of the Road Runner in those cartoons might say, “Meep meep, asshole!”
Thanks JPC. I knew I missed things 🙂
Yes, but there’re too many church implosions to keep track of! How about slumlord Denise Gentile’s (DM’s wayward twin sister) DUI arrest and hearing on marijuana charges?
Your blog gets better everyday, Mike. Thanks!
Wile E Coyote. Because he doesn’t learn.
I went as far as looking up King Cnut (or Canute, if you like) on Wikipedia, but it turned out that he learned from his mistake.
David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige doesn’t look like he knows how to do that
Fantastic, Mike! Thanks for the summary, excellent news all round!
Davey boy, cut the crap, drop everything, and just sod off, yeah?
Nice Weekly Report and statistical analysis Mike. At the end of your statements all that is missing is DM reaching over to strangle you for putting bad news on his lines. Do you miss that? I am sure at this point Dave has had Martin install yet another grounding rod in his office and all of his vehicles so he can hold onto them constantly to keep his head from exploding from all the “entheta” coursing through his body.
Great summary! I was similarly reflecting on the last year or so. The Annus Horribilis starting 1st Jan 2012 with Debbie’s email rapidly turned into an Annus Flatulus and is now a full blown Annus Faecem this year.
Also occurred to me that no matter how sheltered public are to “entheta” online, it is now so prevalent and all-encompassing that it will be impossible to avoid it. Even 5 – 10 years ago I would inadvertently come across an article that was less than flattering about Tom Cruise or suchlike. Now you can hardly turn the page of any paper or switch on the TV without some hideous SP spouting vile and heinous lies about He who has re-defined the term “Religious Leader”.
What a great summary of the wins of the year so far…they are wins because the truth is being exposed despite every action DM has ordered. You don’t have to scan the horizon to see off policy actions taken by the CoS any more…they’re appearing almost weekly. I see many, many more legal threats coming to the CofS in the US, EU and ANZO, and sure wouldn’t want to be in Legal or PR these days! The most accurate image I can think of to demonstrate this is that great picture Mike Bennet took of Warren McShane in the Texas courtroom recently. Warren looked like death warmed over, exhausted and afraid. And it’s going to get much worse. That “straight up and vertical” phrase I heard about…does that mean “Legal Expenses”, and “Number of Lost Legal Actions”?
Yeah, I recall first seeing those pictures out of the Texas court room, not only Warren, but Allan Cartwright and Neil Levin of OSA all looked like death warmed over…
Mike, you might want to check your blog posts to be sure they’re tagged correctly. Usually when I click on either All Posts or the blog header I get your most recent post, but nothing you’ve posted since October 2 is coming up. I had to go hunting to see what you’ve been saying since then, which would make it difficult for people who don’t have much time on a safe computer (and you know who they are) to keep up with you.
Congratulations on a great job on the stand in Tampa on Thursday, BTW. Tony O had it right – we see what you did there, and it can’t be good for a tiny tyrant’s blood pressure.
I had the same problem using Internet Explorer. Try hitting the F5 key – if that doesn’t work clear your browser cache. This sometimes happens if the host has added a plug-in or updated WP/plug-ins.
I’m having the same issue on my home computer. It’s working fine on my work computer though. Weird. I’m using Firefox on both machines.
Your report is far superior to that of the Tampa Bay Times Editorial. This could have been headlines and front page news on that paper. You’ve got the gift.
Mike, after reading The Oracle’s comment, an idea came to me: Why not send today’s blog posting of yours over to the Tampa Bay Times Editorial section to run the article as an editorial? It would be the best one they’ve ever run and would get DM even more bad publicity and would shine the light on the evil doings. Submit the article for publication there.
They might give him free online access in return. No harm asking.
There was a lot of ground to cover in your article, which does a great job summing up the tsunami of disaster on the legal front this year. But I think one detail you omitted about the Debbie Cook case was extremely significant in setting the tone for and predicting the disastrous outcome of the cases to follow. (I’m working from memory here so I may not get the details exactly right, but this is directionally accurate.)
One of the biggest pieces of crazy legal maneuvering, one that showed that Miscavige has completely and utterly lost any ability to think rationally the way those of us in the reality-based universe must do, came when the cult’s lawyers tried to argue that Debbie Cook’s lawyer should not be allowed to present a defense because it would a) reveal confidential information and b) would prejudice the Court against the cult’s rights. That is exactly what the other side is SUPPOSED to when they present their side of the case. Everyone has a right to be heard and to present their side when they get their day in court. It’s such a basic principle of law, extending back almost a thousand years of English common law, that it’s beyond belief when a party in a case makes such an absurd claim. Yes, that’s right, DM forced his attorneys to argue, “Your honor, you can’t let them tell their side of the story because then I might lose, and that’s just not fair!” That sounds like a whiny six year old, not an awe-inspiring “Big Being” with absolute power over MEST.
I can’t imagine how humiliating it must have been to be George Spencer, a respected local attorney, arguing such a crazy, doomed position in front of his home town crowd, knowing he was embarrassing himself in front of not only this judge but every judge he will be in front of for the rest of his career — judges read newspapers and they certainly talk among themselves. My sympathy, of course, is limited by the amount of money he made off taking that dog of a case, and by the fact that he could have spent a few minutes with Google looking up previous cult legal escapades to realize that these guys are poisonous. And my sympathy is further limited by the fact that he came back to represent the cult again to argue the disqualification motion in the Monique Rathbun case. But that has to be the low point of anyone’s legal career: standing up and trying to argue with a straight face that the most basic workings of the legal system should not apply in a case.
As usual, a cogent comment JPC. Of course lets not forget George Spencer re-upped for some more embarrassment in this case. Apparently he will take abuse and do things that are demeaning and embarrassing as long as his bills are paid. At least I did it out of some misguided sense of purpose and loyalty…. i may be stupid but i aint no whore.
YOu got that right, Mike! You got scruples. And balls if I may be so bold.
George Spencer is playing a dangerous game, and he knows it. He’s losing two big games — the reputation game (and that means 2014-16 revenue) and the legacy game (he’s 62 years old). He needs to gut up and do the right thing for himself and his community. George, you’re killing yourself! And you’re writing an awful obituary fou yourself, too!
On day 4 of my fast and after a tossing night of sleep, there is nothing more appropriate to wake me out of the doldrums than the rhetoric of Mike Rinder’s Blog. This morning’s is again, no exception. What I have read above sets my heart a fluttering with joy presented by the International Spokesperson of the Independent Church of Scientology. The only place where everyone wins! And we are winning. As Michael Hobson said on my Pirates and Bums Club site, “Hold onto your hats, gang. The game is *ON*. David “Darth Midget” Miscavige’s effort to get rid of Monique “Mosey” Rathbun’s legal team has *FAILED* !!!!!”
And then the new Tampa win of the Garcia’s, were you chimed in, “Which brings us all the way to the church attempt to disqualify the Garcia’s lawyers in Tampa. This is considered an extreme and unusual move for normal litigants. It’s routine for Scientology. And judging by the ruling of US District Court Judge Whittemore, it will be just as routinely rejected.” This certainly has given me and all others the wakening of a beautiful day.
Thank you Mike Rinder for your knowledgeable description of Dwarf Midget’s ongoing downfall! I can’t wait for what is coming next here at Rinder’s Blog. EXCITING!!!
You are on a roll, – love it!
Mike, as I said before, “THE “A” TEAM HAS LEFT THE BUILDING”. Your ability to capture and convey the essence of the legal situation is one proof of that. Thanks for the synopsis and for following your conscience. Your part of the proof that, as you stated, “right in the end prevails.”
Great summation of events! No wonder I have been glued to this ever since Katie woke me up by splitting so spectacularly from TC. Your amazing book was one of the first books I read…. Under cover on a Kindle. :-). Once I was halfway through with that I figured would already be deemed an SP so I just read everything else. And that made me realize, “By Jove, there really IS poop in the soup!”
Thank you again for your heroic handling of all this. And many blessings to you and your beautiful family!
Zana — I think you are mixing me up with Marty. I have not written a book.
You should write a book! With your humor you really make the insanity hysterical. The “copper rods” story from the fishing videos is a classic. Loved your comment in Tiziano’s video: “Now if I see an accident I can call 911 and they may actually be more helpful than me”.
But you should write a book Mike! I love your astute commentary and wit. And you’ve seen and lived through so much. A book would be great and maybe even cathartic for you to write it. Interesting that Davie is trying to win these lawsuits without his right hand men to help him: you and Marty. It sucks to be Davie without Marty there to help handle his lawsuits and you there to handle OSA. Payback’s a bitch.
Mike, you’re gonna write that book, because we’re just not going to leave you alone about it until you do 🙂
When you do, I’m going to order three hand signed copies!
The wheels are well & truly falling off. Thanks for playing a large part in this.
Mike thank you for a very excellent summation of all the lawsuits. When you put them together like you did, it paints an even bigger and more formidible picture of what the church is up against. The tides have turned. No one likes a bully and the courts are now showing that. Justice and Karma are coming together into Davie’s own Armageddon. I wish there were a way to get your article delivered by email to all the Kool Aid drinkers and SO staff. They need to see this.
Mike thank you for taking the stand, for carrying on the good fight, for all you do and have done for the cause. You are personally helping me confront the evil, and move through the stages of decompression of someone who has left a cult. I can’t thank you enough.