Here is the update from Graduation last nite.
Absolutely without question the most spectacular event in the history of Scientology….. (until the next time Dear Leader takes the stage).
He saved the showing of the 1993 IAS event so He could introduce it and He could make a pitch for the IAS. He is, after all, Founder of the IAS, a title that cannot be disputed as L. Ron Hubbard had nothing to do with the IAS. Stealing a phrase from Mel Brooks History of the World Part I “It’s good to be the Founder”….
He started the evening off with some really impressive stats:
– 23 Cornerstone members started on their Objectives in the Crystal Ballroom (159 in total). [Orders of magnitude seem a little off here. If there are only 159 total paying public and he has “200 Super Power auditors” — not to mention the 100 cleaners — they are going to have a lot of idle auditors and a lot of empty auditing rooms, but they WILL be clean!]
– FSO produces 2 million Student Points weekly [Is that good? Just a “number,” who knows, he could have implemented the “GAG II Student Points” which gives every student 5,000 points for applauding a photo of David Miscavige before they begin course each day?]
– GAT II trainees: almost everyone is through Student Hat, Pro TRs completions (weekly/total): 160/1005, Upper Indocs completions (weekly/total): 237/857, Pro Metering completions (weekly/total): 179/478. 150 trainees started their specialized courses (Sup, auditor, W/C’er). [Wow — the 20 times faster Student Hat course seems to be taking some people a LOOOOONG time]
Dave introduced the event showing by stating that “we wouldn’t be standing here today without the IAS” and read this KSW #1 quote:
When somebody enrolls [in Scientology], consider he or she has joined up for the duration of the universe — never permit an “open-minded” approach. If they’re going to quit let them quit fast. If they enrolled, they’re aboard, and if they’re aboard, they’re here on the same terms as the rest of us — win or die in the attempt. Never let them be half-minded about being Scientologists. The finest organizations in history have been tough, dedicated organizations… It’s a tough universe. The social veneer makes it seem mild. But only the tigers survive — and even they have a hard time. We’ll survive because we are tough and are dedicated.
[This is an interesting choice of quote given the circumstances. It is SOOO cliche. But he wants to remind everyone that when they read the bad news about abuse of people or him disappearing his wife that all things are fair and justified in this game called Scientology. ALL things. If it is in a “good cause” it can be excused. Never mind that the “good cause” is supposed to be one that PREVENTS abuse of individuals and guarantees human rights and builds familial relationships and makes people able to think for themselves. If you SAY you are helping people you can get away with stabbing them in the back because it was “in the name of help.” And everyone KNOWS there is no doubt how “on source” He is when he quotes from KSW. It is absolutely the hallmark of a “real” Scientologist to quote from KSW. It forwards the image of “Mr. On Source.”]
Then he told some other news:
– A new, 100,000 square foot building will be built in Clearwater for the Church. [This no doubt is the long promoted “L.Ron Hubbard Auditorium” which they need to get started so they can continue to collect money otherwise Charmaine Roger and her gang of thieves will have no reason to squeeze blood out of stones. It is either that or they a building a facility to keep the folders of all the people who have left the church as they are clogging up all their storage facilities….]
– Ideal Orgs: the number of buildings purchased for ideal orgs is now 50. 4 new Advanced Orgs are in the making. [Wow — “we bought 50 buildings”!!! And many of them sit empty…. Wonder if it includes the ones that have been bought and then resold at a loss to buy a bigger one? And he has been “announcing” the “new AOs” in Mexico, Canada and Africa for YEARS. Now it’s 4. Probably going to hype Italy as “needing an AO” because the ED of Milano asked him why they don’t get their own and he told her “I will take care of it.” It’s about the level of his management skill]
– A permanent Event Tent will be erected next to the Ft Harrison, and it will be ready before the IAS event in October. [This could be a joke. But He doesn’t have much of a sense of humor on these things, so it’s probably true. The question is — WHY? There will be some story that it’s because the Auditorium is too small for Graduation — He HAS to make it appear there is expansion. Maybe when the GAG II training evolution is happening and all staff and public are REQUIRED to attend graduation they overflow the Auditorium, but not normally. They don’t need it for mainline events as they have a hard time filling Ruth Eckerd. And they are “building a state-of-the-art auditorium.” So — why put up a TENT? Same reason he is building massive palaces in places like Malmo and Las Vegas and Padova. To point to them and say “Look, we are expanding. There is the proof.”]
– Completion stats: 16 Purif, 11 Objectives, 13 Grades, 9 Clears, 6 OT levels, 33 L Rundows and 9 OT VII completions. [Gotta say, these stats are underwhelming — obviously a big push occurring on L’s with emails going out telling people they have been discounted. Putting everyone onto Purif and Objectives has no doubt killed FSO GI and so something had to be done — voila, “repackaged L’s” with a special price to try to prop up FSO stats.]
– The OT VII completion who shared her wins this week was none other than the actress Michelle Stafford. She told that OT VII handled her considerations on having a child and now she has a 3-year old daughter. She also told that Scientologists are the real rebels and that’s why she became a Silver Meritorious and made her 3-year old a Patron Meritorius. [The same Michelle Stafford who quit her long running role on The Young and the Restless because she could not work with an “SP” — Michael Fairman, also a regular on the show. It is funny that she had no problem working with him before, but then he became an “overnight SP” and she just couldn’t do it any longer. He did not get a new role. He was the same gentleman he has ALWAYS been. But now he is labeled and she cannot be on the same set. That is not what I would call “Cause over life.” And her “win” was that 4 YEARS ago “OT VII handled her considerations” — wonder what she has been doing since if this was the big thing she handled? But CLEARLY the ONLY reason she was featured had NOTHING to do with her completing OT VII — she was a shill to promote giving money to the IAS….]
Then the War is Over event was shown. [What a treat. After all, most people have seen it no more than 10 times. But you just cannot get enough of the youthful David Miscavige on video….]
Update: Apparently a bit on information was lost in transmission. The TENT is because the IAS event is going to be held at Flag. The IAS event is traditionally held in a tent at St Hill. I guess the fact that the media “infiltrated” the event last year is part of why He wants to do the event here. I can assure you they are rejoicing in the UK. The heat is off them and they don’t have to spend huge amounts of money they don’t have to rent a fleet of Range Rovers for Him and buy all sorts of expensive food and they will not have 3 weeks of little or no sleep and threats of RPF etc etc. Seems like He is planning on hanging around “Flag” for the next 3 or 4 months. Rumors have been swirling that the release of GAG II would be delayed until Auditor’s Day in September, but maybe it is going to be put off even further than that until IAS (though it really does not make sense for an IAS event and if that happens heads will definitely be rolling). He has probably decided He can make more money with US public and that He is going to have His new office suite in the Super Power building and its the nicest office anywhere, so why not just stay here. I am sure people at the Int Base and in the UK are being made wrong for this “You assholes have forced Me to have to stay at Flag” — when this is exactly what He planned all along….
Wow–I love this. His Highness is pulling in his little size 5 flippers. NOT going to St.Hill for the IAS event. OMG!!!! This is VERY telling. Much less in money spent for the events. Yes—make those EU members spend their money coming to Flag instead of the event crew spending the IAS money going to the UK. No June 6th on the Ship and now no IAS at St. Hill. Where’s the glamour? Where’s the coolness? Where’s therTradition??? What’s the PR handling for THAT, huh?? The C of $ is going DOWN! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
Tiny is flat out on the momentous, the unprecedented, the astounding, the life-changing, soon to be world-changing, indubitably planet-clearing GAG II, and so can be forgiven for offering “DM’s Greatest Hits” as as the sole MV Event. The sheeple understand and love him all the more dearly for this, mostly because they’re so damned grateful for having been able, with no loss of ethics, to avoid the usual Midsummer MV Misery .
“Dave introduced the event showing by stating that “we wouldn’t be standing here today without the IAS” ”
That might be one of the truer things he’s said as without it he has no reason to stay around. As long as he has his IAS extortion/ponzi gig going and isn’t investigated or comm eved and RPFed for it why flee?
Tent at Flag for IAS event.
OK Voldemort what Condition are you really in ?
No IAS event at Saint Hill?
Very good news.
Do something unexpected if you want people to come out of their circuits.
I don’t think Miscavige is aware of the consequences of his actions.
In 2012 Miscavige apologized in person to Leah Remini for forcing her to endure long-term brainwashing (Truth Rundown-style security checks) and offered to refund $300,000 she’d paid for that torture. Anybody ever heard of Miscavige apologizing to a public before or voluntarily refunding big bucks?
A month or so ago, Miscavige relocated to Flag to personally launch GAG II and oversee the opening of the Super Power Building. In doing so, he identified himself as the project manager, the visible face of those projects’ success or failure. If they fail, he can’t blame it on someone else. Why would Miscavige not insulate himself from the risk of failure by two or three levels of “incompetent” executives?
For decades, Miscavige showed himself to public Scientology peons only once a year at public events. He was a faraway figure on the stage of hired halls and oversized digital screens. Now he’s gone retail, moving from the red carpet to the metaphorical strip mall of Scientology – Friday night graduation. What would force Miscavige to denigrate his own celebrity by appearing mere meters from public peons who will never be whales?
Yes, it’s desperation time. But is someone also riding Miscavige’s ass, insisting that he put his own skin in the game? If so, who could that be?
I would assume there’s nobody who is pushing him into doing this. Who tells DM what to do? Has anyone ever told DM what to do in the past 25 years, even once?
I think it’s two things.
1: Pure desperation, just like you are saying. The next year is really his last stand. He’s going to finally open his massive empty building, and he’s hoping and praying that it will turn things around for him… if it doesn’t, then the only card he has left is to create some sort of idea for OT IX and release it. All the while he has to keep playing chess and moving around pieces so people don’t realize how tiny the church is now- I mean, he is bragging about the stats he’s giving? They are miniscule. Even if every Scientologist who can afford Super Power crams into the building and starts services right away, it will still be mostly empty. So, he has to hope that the hype will somehow energize the church (despite the fact that the church puts little or no effort into recruiting no members… so he’s going to fail).
2: No trust. He has nobody left around him, or at least nobody he feels is capable of taking on a project and running it. The funny part is that he had plenty of capable people in the past, but because they were capable, they were independent thinkers- so he ran them out of the church, sent them to Happy Valley, or put them in the Hole. Now he just has robots and yes-men, but the only thing they’re good for is saying “yes master” and doing as told. They can’t run anything, so he feels forced to.
I’m thinking this tent idea could be the beginning of a new era in Scientology. “C of S” could become “Circus of Scientology”. Inside Dave could take center stage on a stool while the “OTs” are made to run around in circles while jumping through hoops. Of course the “OTs” would pay BIG money for the privilege.
They would get rewarded with certs and flowers for jumping correctly while the penalties for stepping out of line would be too gruesome to confront, even for a mighty OTs who were cause over LIFE itself!
Lol!! I could see dm with those real high pants with the stripes on them with a whip and a top hat.
Tent Tech.
Voldemort has no clue to how much deep; shit he is in.
The 25 th anniversary Maiden Voyage Struck an ice berg – no life boats.
Mike, I noticed at St Hill they had a fence to keep protesters at bay. In Clearwater, where I live, I know of no place to put the tent that will keep people from getting near it. They can’t shutdown downtown Clearwater. Normally I would be excited about a big gathering to help the local economy, but we know this bunch wont be going to the beach, eating in restaurants or drinking in our bars. At least the rice and bean vendors might make an extra buck or two.
No IAS event at Saint Hill? Now that is a major change!
Something is happening. Miscavige as a cat on a hot tin roof?
I do hope so.
Mike, or anybody else,
I really wonder about the number of OOT. Do they really have that many, and if so where did they get them from?
It’s clearer than ever that what DM is scared of most is having his whales discover that Scientology is shrinking.
The result is a continuous shell game (instead of actually doing things that might help the church grow, like reaching out to the community and stopping abusive behavior). Instead, his approach is to keep beating the dead horse by leeching money out of public to build more buildings. How long until the auditorium gets funded and built- 2020?
I would wager cash that the “event tent” will be permanent and that the days of events at St. Hill are over. Soon, the days of events in LA will be over too, and I think we’ve seen our last event on the Freewinds.
By consolidating, by pulling everything in to Flag, he’s more able to keep up the illusion that “lots of growth is happening.” It’s getting too difficult to do that with things being so widespread… so this is his last stand as he circles the wagons in Clearwater.
Dirk, I think you are on the money (so to speak….)
That’s a great surmise, Dirk.
It made me think of a new Protest/Picket sign slogan: “DO THE MATH! THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY IS SHRINKING!”
And an adjunct sign, “Stop paying for empty buildings and David Miscavige’s lifestyle!”
Stop paying for empty buildings and David Miscavige’s lifestyle! Great slogans that we should picket with.
Dirk, “Your mouth to God’s ears” and makes total sense besides.
From where would dm feel safe?
Michelle Stafford claims that OTVII handled her considerations on having a baby. I know of many who had babies by surrogated moms without doing OTVII.
Here is People Mag ” Michelle Stafford Expecting – By Surrogate!”:
Thanks for the update, Mike. We’ll look for Davey boy once again on the next episode of “The Old and the Feckless”.
Even as cynical as I am, it never ceases to amaze me how this guy can climb up onto his applebox time and again to spout his bold-faced lies. Unbelievable if it weren’t for well-reported evidence such as this.
What happened with the 25th Anniversary Maiden Voyage? Kind of a big one to miss, eh?
Hi Scott. Absolutely correct. Just imagine the current mindset uf der donder und blittzkrieg furkink Fuehrer? ( that is… if you can mock up such an unprecedented level of insanity?)
……..Then, of course the whole show makes sense!!… (ref; all 10 definitions -INSANITY,
—original Tech Dictionary, p.210. )
Thanks Cal,
Hey, while I got ya’, do you know anyone who has a list of Indie Auditors in S.A.?
Send me and email at
You forgot to mention that he also cant be at the Int Base right now because there is a huge fire burning next to it. With his asthma he would not be able to breath. Then add to it the possibility of something happening to the Int Base. If he is gone then he can blame all the Int Base SPs on “not being cause over a wildfire.” It has happened before folks.
Oh God, let’s hope they do not get assigned treason for that too…altho, they are probably still in treason for something else anyway…
Shucks! My mother got tired of Asthma and took bunch of benzos to never wake up. One of the reasons I was a scientologist once upon a time. What happened to the Asthma Rundown anyway? Did it ever work?
Also, I used to think LRH and Dave were OT XV. Sorry for this sad and bitter post. Just how I feel.
Mark I used to love the fires and the floods hoping they would burn down or wash away the base. I couldn’t wait any longer so I pissed off. Cheers.
Update: Apparently a bit on information was lost in transmission. The TENT is because the IAS event is going to be held at Flag. The IAS event is traditionally held in a tent at St Hill. I guess the fact that the media “infiltrated” the event last year is part of why He wants to do the event here. I can assure you they are rejoicing in the UK.
Awww no! We had another welcoming committee prepared for him. Don’t say we scared him off!
It occurs to me that Davey has retreated to the bunker. Perhaps he feels safe at Flag. Like he used to feel safe at Saint HIll? Foolish.
Sam, you nailed it, IMO. I think he’s staying at Flag because he feels safe there because of the OOTs, 1000 of them, for whom attendance is mandatory whenever He snaps his fingers, and their uncontrolled “enthusiasm” and approval of him. Of course, these guys know that they had better display high enthusiasm – or else. For as long as He is at Flag, no OOT will be let go, IMO.
Isn’t a scientologist supposed to be able to confront and shatter “suppression”? With all the data and training available it seems rather pathetic that so many prefer to run away at the first sign of “trouble”. Where’s the confront in that?
One can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to unlock the secrets of the mind, to understand human behaviour and help unite the people of Earth. Yet if a friend, family member or colleague speaks out about instances of abuse, or criticises Miscavige (Co$) or Hubbard (certain Indies), one simply runs the other way with one’s fingers in one’s ears, screaming “la la la la laah can’t hear yoooou!”.
I learnt Running Away Tech™ (RAT) on the school playground. Who’d have thought it would still be in use today, particularly within a group that claims to provide the ONLY workable means of civilising planet Earth.
All that money. All that knowledge. What a complete and utter waste!
Mwesten the answer to your question is yes and it’s fair of you to ask it.
LRH stated that beings are not naturally brave. So it requires anyone to “step-up” and force oneself into courageous action. We are not inclined to turn to bravery first.
I am surprised as a Scientologist that we as a group haven’t become more aggressive and pushed hard against the church. I believe we have been dumbed down from aggressive action because it’s considered uncivilized, unseemly or just not “nice”. We could learn a lot from the Martin Luther King and use of his peace and civil rights marches. The right to gather peacefully in protest is an option to any group though there has been no call for even that.
It looks to me like much of the handling of the church has been outsourced to CNN and Anderson Cooper, NBC and Brian Williams, The Underground Bunker and Tony Ortega, Lawrence Wright and other authors and finally “ time and attrition”. Of course none of the above are Scientologists.
Mike and Marty (and other former staff) have worked hard as well and have done or are doing serious damage. This new blog particularly is delivering some heavy left/right combinations.
The church will eventually fall but, I wish we as a group had more of a hand in handling our own.
Post just updated with additional tent info…
Mike, this is massive and deserves its own post. The IAS event has been at St Hill since the beginning in 1984. The whole event infrastructure has been in place here for it. But since 2009 there have been various “activities” to make sure the attendees got a bit more than just a few hours of photo op videos and Dear Leader. For example in 2009 some rascal made sure most attendees got a copy of the 31 Factors as they got back to their cars. In 2011 He was so concerned about some SPs infiltrating he personally instructed Andy Hutton to try and get that stopped. Last year there was a Channel 4 Documentary crew buzzing around; I got a great interview with OSA son Jordan laveau on the grounds with Him in residence (on my YT channel) there was a large and noisy Anon + others welcoming attendees, a Cult In Your Backyard conference in East Grinstead, great media in the London Evening Standard and the local press AND we managed to get a couple Sun journalists inside who did a great 2 page spread ridiculing Him and His speech. In short, this is a massive victory for us SPs. He always wanted St Hill to be a safe refuge with his renovated suite upstairs in the Manor complete with £20000 hi fi gear. Crawling back to “safe” Flag for the IAS event is nothing less than abject failure and surrender. Bugger off Dave, we won’t miss you. But trust me, wherever you go we’ll be watching…
Martin — actually, the IAS event was held in different locations (Denmark, Paris, Lausanne, Freewinds, Los Angeles) up til mid to late 90’s. The main reason for not doing this event in the UK (not to take away from the good work that has been done by you and others) is financial. It costs a lot to put on the event AND the majority of big money people are in the US and more likely to attend an event at Flag than UK. Every year it has been harder to get that tent filled up. The number of imported Eastern Europeans on IAS chartered buses has steadily increased.
Very interesting Mike, the changes Miscavige’s Events this year. No Maiden Voyage at all, no IAS event in the UK. The last IAS Event outside the UK was in Copenhagen circa 1995. And it’s true, there is delirious cheering accompanied by tears of joy and relief at Saint Hill now. But we see what he is doing. He is staying at FSO to push through (read use terror, threat and intimidation) the release of GAG II and the opening of the Superpower Building, so he can “prove” his massive expansion and answer critics of the SP Building’s long gestation period. I think he he thinks he can open the SP Building now because he can replace it in the fundraising lineup with the new Auditorium, so can just keep emptying those bank accounts out. Its all about false PR and maximizing immediate profits.
Perhaps staying in CW makes it easier, when everything blows up, for Him to hop a boat and flee to an island with no extradition treaty with the US?
Also Flag now has “rent a crowd” (OOT’s) in attendance who have no doubt been through an A – J and are unlikely to throw a shoe or insults at him in the midst of a speech or something like that – (and no Sam D and no Martin P is definitely a bonus for him).
Those OOTs are his captive audience, poor guys, so he’s guaranteed 1000 attendees. Wow, pressure on all American RCSers to attend the IAS event will be beyond intense.
Don’t know Michelle but an inexpensive an easy process would have been:
1. I can successfully have a child.
2. I can’t successfully have a child.
Back and forth between the two to a win and the end of any question about the matter
I remember the C/S had this program for me when trying to conceive:
Touch your Va Jay Jay.
Release your Va Jay Jay
It went on forever and the auditor was waiting until I had an EE PEE – but all I had to do was PEE!!
It did nothing except keep the auditor churning out billable auditing hours!!
hahahaha…. so much I could say…but I won’t…
I’m with you Bela……I think I’ll take a step back at this point. Ha ha….!
“GAG II Student Points” for applauding Mr Applebox – that’s freaking hilarious Mike! Seriously though, how long before there has to be a picture of him in every room at the orgs?
Finally, a permanent Event Tent. Makes sense. Time to do my A to E.
Well, it’s probably for the “Three Ring Circus”….
Hahaha! Yeah, both literally and otherwise.
Tents are so PRACTICAL during hurricane season, too! They make wonderful sails.
Thanks for another great report of yet another miserable grad night, I’m disappointed that Stafford is still shilling. She likes to act so ‘with it’ especially at Y&R Fan Events yet she is so deluded. Guess that’s why she has her head shoved up the likes of Kirstie Alley’s fat ass.
…. and this Michelle chick is an “OT 7” ….. very impressive ability she has to be self determined, observe and recognize differences, similarities and identities ….
The sheeple have been so driven down the tone scale and made so stupid and wooden and circuit driven by their long term involvement in the church of scientology that they can listen to KSW being quoted and not for a moment understand that COB is violating almost the entire CS Series by “CSing” all Scientologists – especially OTs – on objectives.
Once again proving that the only way to get eventual gain out of one’s involvement in Scientology is to put in a number of years on training and processing and then LEAVE and do something else. Continued involvement will just bring one DOWN the tone scale, lower one’s intelligence, make one MORE robotic, and slowly destroy one’s health as well as one’s ability to act sanely.
New poster person for Scientology …. Kirstie Alley …. writes KRs one someone’s “tweets ,,, what a holy mess THIS woman has become.
Scientology celebrities get treated considerably differently to the rest of the herd. So they are all gung ho. It’s the strategy of LEVERAGE. David Miscavige wants to control all Scientologists. Regular people love, admire and listen to celebrities. Ergo, if you madly butter up celebrities, they will tell the herd to kiss your feet and the herd WILL kiss your feet. Ergo, madly butter up celebrities and treat them like little princes and princesses. And viola, there you have Michelle Stafford kissing Voldemort’s ring right there on stage. It only works on celebrities with IQs under 120. Oh dear, that seems to include……hmmm, this is not good news for the Indie movement. I would estimate only another two or three celebs will abandon ship. The rest are going to go down with Captain Miscavige, kissing the ring and dancing to the music as the icy water rises around them.
LOL! 100% agree with just one caveat. I believe JT has an IQ above 120 and probably has gotten a clue about current reality. Buttttttt, A. he is a gentleman, and B. there is so much potential dynamite in his auditing tapes that he just cannot confront the possibility of “rocking the boat” with DM!!!!!!!!
Joe Pendleton: you describe here what I did. But at the time I did not realise it, but now I do realise.
Is there a little throw-up icon in here? Here, I’ll make one up because I’m cause over life: <E There.
DM is clearly studying everything that you're saying, Mike, and anyone else who is criticizing him, like a bad actor who can't stop reading the bad reviews. Narcissistic boy. But the clever bit of him is taking your words as a C/S on how to handle this huge flap. "See! See! We ARE delivering!!! :p Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah." Creep face.
If he can false stat expansion then, surely, he can false state production. Oh yeah, that's right, it's called Quickie services.
In the latest PR Magazine sent to parishoners, Flag was bragging with come-on dissem that their people go from TR’s and Objs, and Grades 0 to IV to NED and Sunshine R/D in 6 weeks. I figured that out and it amounts to a little more than one major action per week. And with no stops in between to enjoy your wins. Can you imagine running Grade 0 in a week? Or NED in a week? or less? It is Quickie Grades exactly described in Tech Degrades reference that is on every course. Reverse Scientology is flourishing.
“Can you imagine running Grade O in a week? Or NED in a week? Or less?” Jane, I’m shuddering and giving fervent thanks to not being at Flag.
Aquamarine, Me too! Maybe they’ll build a big super slide and grease it up and push you off the top and you slide down and at the bottom of the slide they give you your certificate for your Grade achieved! Who needs auditors anyway!
I really hate that KSW quote. It’s true if you parrot of that bullshit then you supposedly look like Mr. KSW.
Well, I agree with part of it at least, let them quit fast. Quit the cult and have a mind of your own.
Michelle Stanford needing to spend hundreds of thousands to handle her considerations to have kids sounds almost comical.
It is all so grotesque and bizarre. It is actually getting to be humorous it is so bizarre. They are like dogs chasing their own tails around. Working and spending to go up the Bridge and getting pushed down the bridge by dm only to try and work their way back up the Bridge again….mind numbing…
And then when one of the fold escapes they attack like pack wolves, ripping and tearing the poor escapee apart, or at least trying to. Then the escapee comes back later as a big Ogre too much for the little wolves to confront.. LOL!! LOL!! It is so C-R-A-Z-Y!!!
Hilarious on many levels. But the 2 million student points? Is that all you got, Dave? 2 million? Let me give an order of magnitude here. In 1979 there was a pilot TRs Course being run at Flag. Students from all over the world were there trying to get passes on their TRs. For months. No such luck. But that one course room did produce Student Points–2 MILLION A WEEK at its peak. That did not include all the other courserooms at Flag, just the pilot TRs Course. And here, more than 30 years later, DM is crowing about a measly 2M from the entire base? With far more students today? That is not expansion, Dave. And you as Action Chief at the time knew the stats coming in from the course since LRH was so hot on the lines. (Of course the 2M in 1979 were horrendously stat pushed with students cycling through TRs0-4 madly on Wednesdays at 1,050 points per run through, but this points out that some things never change in Scn.)
The FSO was doing 2 million student points 10 years ago. Something is really off with these numbers- with all the outer org trainees that are supposedly there whipping through courses that number should be double that or even triple. Perhaps there are no longer ANY public on course? The other thing that is really weird is the OT 7 completions. Hy Levy had tons of info on this and he was in a position to know. For many years OT 7 completions were one or two a week, sometimes none. That would change right before MV when suddenly it would jump up to 7 or 8 a week in order to pack the ship and so that there could be OT 8 completions during MV. it was like that for many years with all completions having to be approved by Flag RTC staff – and that was like squeezing gold from dry dung. But there is no MV this year. The only thing I can think of is that they are so desperate to get pcs for Superpower that they are letting go some of their greatest cash cows -and finally allowing people to complete OT 7. Just think about it. People on OT 7 pay average around 40 grand a year for all the dicking around that gets done with them. There used to be around 1700-2000 people on Solo NOTs at any one time. Probably still the same now. About one or two a week would start and one or two a week would complete- so it would not move much. Do the math- 1700 people paying 40 grand a year each is 68 million a year. That is the cash cow to end all cash cows. So it’s surprising that they are opening up and letting more people complete. The arbitaries on completing are unreal. But since they are arbitaries they can complete hundreds any time they like. These people are really treated like cattle in so many way it makes me want to spit when I think what Scientology tech started out as and were it ended up. The event tent is not a mystery. There used to be around 1400 FLB staff. Even with attrition there are probably still 800 left. Then there are probably 800 outer org trainees. The auditorium at Flag holds at the very most, stuffed full, 1200 people. but right now staff and trainees is at least 1600 staff so even if not one single public attends graduation there are not enough seats. And you know how DM loves to have a cheering crowd. When he does an event, any event, even graduation, attendance is mandatory for all staff. I bet he discovered that there were staff who missed his speeches because there was no space and ordered the tent put up. I would bet a lot of money on that one. Now every staff and every outer org trainee will be able attend and soak up his mumificent impotence and bedazzling repartee.He can have the audience He deserves. 1600 people who have no choice but to show up or face very nasty punishments. A slave audience for a man who is a slave to his own dark compulsions.
“Now every staff and every outer org trainee will be able to attend and soak up his mumificent impotence and bedazzling repartee. He can have the audience He deserves: 1,600 people who have no choice but to show up or face very nasty punishments. A slave audience for a man who is a slave to his own dark compulsions.” Brilliantly put, Roy. They need you to replace Dan Sherman and all his Shermanspeak. You could really write it the way it is and eloquently too! You and Mike tell it like it is so well.
Actor: “I’m a smash hit. Why, yesterday during the last act, I had everyone glued in their seats!
Oliver Herford: “Wonderful! Wonderful! Clever of you to think of it!…
Funny how Squirrelly Dave didn’t quote what Ron says at the beginning of KSW regarding failure to practice and retain the technology as the reason Orgs collapse.
Really no surprise there.
No it was the IAS that allegedly saved our sorry asses!
Actually the IAS is probably responsible for distracting more people off the Grade Chart than Smersh.
As they say the proof is in the pudding and their stats aren’t all that impressive.
Now they’re going to hold Flag Events under the big top.
Seems appropriate for circus the Church of Scientology has become
“OT VII handled her considerations on having a child”
Wow, this blows me away. I would expect this to be handled with a few solo-sessions using the Handbook for Preclears at the beginning of the Bridge. Should I interpret her statement as black PR on the OT levels, is she a NCG case or has OT VII really been perverted that much?
Yes, I just got a flyer for a “Special Reshowing” of the 1993 event… I guess the “once in a lifetime” showing wasn’t, really
I have to admit it’s the first time I’ve had a good laugh when getting org junk in the mail – “Special Reshowing” – I cracked up! Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige just can’t get enough of Himself.
If Michelle Stafford is an ot7 after years of study why is she not listed as a Scientologist on her Wiki page? Why on her own personal website does she not profess her love of the religion. That maybe it was such an important part of her life and how she lives it?
There are a few links but that is really it, that just seems strange to me. If a religion had such an impact on my life that I had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to unravel it’s teachings. Well you can bet I would be telling the world about it across the internet at least at those sites closely associated with me.
I mean Mike you are listed as an Indy, Leah is listed as a former and the list goes on and on. So what if you are an Indy or Leah is a former I still think you are good people along with Marty.
I’m glad she had her child even if it was via surrogate but why is she not out there yelling from the hilltops of America that she is a Scientologist.
That was the featured Success Story?
Michelle Stafford is embarrassed by Scientology like most of the Scientologist’s.
That is why she does not go public. She is afraid of the side effects of people knowing – she is in a cult!
But as OT as Michelle is – she still can’t figure this one out. Perhaps after she does Super Power – she will have her Cog!
I think her wins are sad. All that money and time to have her $500K cog! That is very sad and I feel bad for her. Hope she wakes up soon!! After OT 8 there is nothing else for her except a Sea Org uniform and a billion year slave contract.
If she speaks to anyone who is not a Co$ ‘member’, would that make her an SP by association or something? (This is getting weirder by the minute. “SP Cpntagion” – the latest disease.)
Interesting about Michelle. She was on OTVII for over 10 years! Glad they FINALLY let her finish. That was not her first speech on OTVII handling her “second dynamic considerations”. In fact, every speech I have ever heard her give she says the same things. I am happy that she has a child now. I used to work for her and I actually like her but unfortunately she is in deep. Her BFF is Denise Duff.
It’s actually really sad that nothing has really changed for her and that she gave up her career. I wonder if it was career suicide for her to leave Days. I know she wanted to be a sports announcer for Ice Hockey but was having a hard time getting into the “man” dominated industry.
Not “Days of or Lives” , but “The Young and the Restless”. Did she really leave because of me? I don’t really know, but it would be really pathetic if she did. . She’s now cause over life? Which life would that be? Certainly not the one she was in the moment I told her that I had left the church because of Miscavige;’s corruption, and she was instantly transformed from Dr. Jekyll into Ms. Hyde – seemed somewhat reactive to me. Oh wait, she wasn’t a VII completion then, but still working her way through the level, and under the influence. My bad. In any event. she’s a terrific actress and I wish her the best, along with a realization of the truth.
Thanks Michael. Sorry for mixing up the shows…. Someone sent me a copy of a private FB message Michelle put out when she quit. I didn’t post is as it was a (sort of) private message (not really any such thing on FB) and it made clear that she left the show because of you. She had done nothing to offend me or anyone else so I did nothing with the information. Now I see her shilling for the IAS I figured I might as well comment on the information that had earlier been forwarded to me. Hope you are well, and I wish Michelle well too….
How much holdings in real estate has Co$ per countries? It must be massive by now.
Keep your eyes peeled on the value of the dollar. Printing 85 trillion each month out of thin air cannot be good for an economy much less a fiat currency!
And, of course, in whose name or company are they titled? Who controls them? Who can sell them? What happens to the monies?
Btw, the Mormons are running into many of the same troubles, doubts, exposes of lies in the doctrines, etc. The NYT has a very good, though short, article on it today.
You know too much, Mike.

You are dangerous. You are embarassing the new founder.
You talk too much. People listen to you too much. You need to stop this or else!!!
Great article as usual, but just a heads up, RCS will say it is all lies if you don’t make a quick correction. Michelle and Mike are/were on The Young and The Restless, not Days if our Lives. Thismcommentndoes not need to go public, I just wanted to make sure you had the info right on your blog so they had one less thing to make up an attack for.
Michelle’s imdb
Michael’s IMDb
Thanks Valerie. Mr. Fairman himself also set me straight. I appreciate the correction and I am correcting the post. If this is what the church uses to call me a liar — I will take it! Proof positive that everything I say is untrue….
You know Mike, there are probably enough ex-CO$ celebs to start a new reality show series. It could be titled “As the Church Rots” .
Mike, you do a masterful job of deconstructing David Miscavige’s baloney. The news of yet another unnecessary, hyper-expensive, over-built, super-expensive, ten-years-to-complete building in downtown Clearwater gives joy to no one — not to bankrupt Scientologists, not to Clearwater residents, not to downtown merchants, and not to Clearwater city managers. Oy vey!