Well, here is a new promo piece about Ideal Orgs and there is no mention of anything related to scientology.
No mention of auditors made. Releases. Clears.
No mention of helping people off drugs. Or doing anything.
Just collecting money!
So, what are they waiting for? It would seem their plan is to begin “Clearing Austin” after they collect another 7 million and then finish “renovating” their existing building. Nothing like “having to have before you can do” which has become the mantra of scientology, in direct contradiction of L. Ron Hubbard.
Guess what Austin — the same people that walk past your door today are going to need clearing 2 or 3 or 4 years from now. There will just be MORE OF THEM. Yet, you have ALL THE STANDARD TECH — there is not going to be anything NEW COMING. You not only have Hubbard’s Tech, you also have Miscavige’s Golden Shower Tech.
So, how come this org is doing absolutely NOTHING today? They likely have not made a SINGLE Clear in the last year. I don’t know for sure, but that is a pretty safe guess.
ALL effort in scientology today is to get money. It is nothing to do with moving anyone onto or up the Bridge.
What is remarkable is they are so proud of this, they put out promo pieces that tout their “production” this way.
Doug Parent says
How about we mention the “Ideal” Storm Leah Remini and Mike Rinder getting ready for season two! GO TEAM!
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass says
An “Ideal Org” has become one which brings in money but does not have to deliver anything.
The IASA is the most ideal org there is. It brings in millions, even billions and produces nothing and is not accountable for anything.
It is criminal and should be shut down and its leaders and henchmen jailed.
John J says
Has any considered that these Ideal Orgs are not so much simply money collecting scams as they are money laundering mechanisms for wealthy people, who may or may not be Scientologists? A “transaction fee” could go to the IAS.
imalrightitstherestoftheworld says
Golden Shower eh….getting pissed on by the little midget Dicktator MisScumBag
Aquamarine says
“Golden Shower Tech”…omg, I needed that. Thanks for the chuckle, Mike. Yeah, these people are SO far off base its beyond pathetic. Really, there are just no words…its amazing//hilarious/tragic, all at once, all mushed together, somehow. Well, crying about it won’t change anything so I’d rather laugh. The injustice being perpetrated on them is so blatantly obvious but then, Its only money, after all. They’re getting scammed, bigly, and at some point they’ll have to confront it. Poor stupid devils.
secretfornow says
Does anyone have any copies of IMBs – International Management Bulletins or other management issues which lay out the ideal org program and the promises of its purpose and envisioned results?
I’d like to see those posted broadly. They’re the evidence that can haunt DM later.
Local Org staff all promise and mouth the “party line” about how the Ideal Orgs will draw people in and boom the area. Once in a while I carefully questioned what sounded like, “having to have before one can do” and the answer was stuff about Management Strat from DM.
I found IMB 116, this one talks against fund raising as a solution.
I’d like to see the things with DM’s name at the bottom and the field of dreams promises in writing. We’ve heard the promises and speeches for years.
Wynski says
secret for now. Those won’t haunt DM. He doesn’t answer to anyone on the inside and those issues have no value outside the bubble.
Don’t woory though. Pretty soon he’ll the CoB of an empty hall.
Aquamarine says
secret, my experience was that many of the still ins did not know or read policy. As for the ones who did, the old timers, staff and public I knew DID know and HAD read it, e.g. those who were admin trained via the OEC, or who had been around before Miscavige cooked up lack of Ideal Orgs as a Why, when the thing they were all trying fo was “Saint Hill Size” – these people had the Ideal Morgue Boondoggle justified in their minds somehow and refused to discuss it with me. In fact, they accused ME of having MUs and needing crammings or an ethics handlings – THIS, despite my showing each of them the precise LRH reference as proof that what they were doing was out admin, unworkable and NOT the way to expand AND what he virtually BEGS staff NOT to do! orgs NOT to do! There it was, the reference, LRH the man himself…didn’t do a thing for them.
I know, its incredible! I was myself incredulous. It astounded me, actually.
Each time – and I tried about 5 times, with different people – I don’t give up that easily – each time it was like talking to a wall. I was still naive. I hadn’t read the internet yet, any of the blogs yet. I was still very much on board as a Scientologist trying to follow policy!
And, again these people I absolutely KNEW had been highly admin trained and auditor trained. LONG term Class V staff! No matter; no luck, no joy.
All they did was utilize their CONSIDERABLE communication skills to dodge my questions, non answer me, bat my comm right back at me like the problem was MINE, not theirs! With straight faces and good TRs they did this! Well, I gave it about 5 shots, with 5 different staff, one of them a lifelong Ethics Officer! No go!
So I gave up. I decided something was wrong with them, mentally, and I didn’t know what it was. I gave up.
Now, the others, the oblivious ones, the ones who had never read any policy and didn’t want to, who had no interest in informing themselves – I classified this group as the “we go with the flow” people. They were a little lazy, some of them, a little dumb, some of them, all of them easily led, trusting, sincere. I didn’t bother showing them any policy. I knew where they were coming from, which was pretty much only from their emotions, their faith, their strong desire to help. I understood them, and liked them, mostly.
But the OTHERS, the highly trained ones, the long term, experienced, staff members – whew! Trying to get through to them WITH LRH …whoo! THEY blew my mind, back in the day. And still do!
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass says
Acquamarine: You are correct. I was in the SO for 23 years and was terminated 15 years ago. Even then it was as if the people I dealt with no longer even pretended that their actions were on-policy or per LRH. They just arrogantly expected me to go along with clearly off policy activity because they said so. That anyone is fooled by the “Ideal Org” ripoff after the “Basics” ripoff and the others shows that the intelligence level of Scientologists is decreasing.
secretfornow says
Wow. Good on you for actually trying. The ideal org thing was born after I was org staff, so I’ve kept my mouth …um, fairly shut. Not all the way, but reallllllllly carefully placing a few ideas. I spoke carefully and diplomatically to my Flag Maa.
I was trained and also knew of the policies it violated. When I was org staff I stood up and fought back. After, I was staff for groups and org public and really didn’t do any fighting. The ideal org program was illegal and non-lrh and BS from the get-go. (and for me, “non-lrh” no longer means anything at all as to “rightness”. It’s merely a designation of source.)
It’s funny… but we who’ve been around and on staff saw so many odd things come down the pike. I learned to pick my battles and keep my head down and “wait until this latest nonsense blows over”. but the ideal org stuff isn’t blowing over so readily.
I knew the red-on-white and the green-on-white so thoroughly and was so on board, I was so much an LRH devotee that it didn’t matter what the flavor-of-the-week Execs said and did. They were people. They weren’t lrh and they weren’t the tek.
I wrote tons of KRs on outnesses and waited.
I stopped going to “Reg events” years ago, so I never got my hands on any copies of any DM/management issues which tout the efficacy of the ideal org pgm. Hence, my interest in seeing a copy of anything in writing. It’s a passing small fancy. We all know that it doesn’t actually matter if it’s “off policy” or not. It wouldn’t work regardless.
I figure little tiny insignificant scn was perhaps little tiny growing back in the day when there was no internet or all the exposés.
There are more people who believe in Irish faeries than scn, as is proper, safe, and sensible.
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass says
If DM and RTC were actually doing.their job they would be nailing people for calling these “Ideal Orgs”. These are certainly not what LRH was talking about in the PL. Instead of enforcing that tech and policy be bu the book, DM and company are the biggest squirrels on the planet.
Brad Kimberlin says
My mother went rough in 1968
& joined Sea Org I was like 10 years old
Was packed of to Baja California with. 30 other kids. Over the course of the next 17 years our family was involved with the church of scientology. Having been through auditing levels and completed
OT 7 the long and short ? The best part of a lie is the truth the closer you can keep a lie to the truth the more believable it is
Auditing is a conduit to the spiritual world
Not to get all freaky deaky. If you believe in God and that this is a created world
& we as humans are a spiritual being
Auditing opens us up to spiritual influence
Basically entertaining Demons
Who pose as disembodied theatans misspelled that. It’s a Scientology term.
As Robbie the robot from lost in space
says DANGER DANGER Will Robinson!
Anyway they are like a bad penny I still get promo from them now they have my cell number just got a text message they are having a flag thing in Anchorage Alaska June 24th don’t walk away RUN !
I’m not the most articulate guy didn’t help that I missed most of fourth fifth & sixth grade being indoctrinated into Scientology
as a child. If you are reading this you no doubt have some concern about the spiritual realm I personally believe in God and that Jesus was the Christ. I’m not making a pitch for religion man has screwed that up royalty. IV always believed there was something more to our existence than 70 years or so then death and nothing ? Looked around and have come to the conclusion my best is never going to be good enough to earn me an eternal life. Please don’t go join a screwed up church thinking you are going to find GOD get your hands on a bible read John ready proverbs 8 & mediate on it
The miracle of salvation is just that it’s a supernatural event between you and God
Though the Christ ( his name wasn’t Jesus Christ) he was the Christ. Anyway thanks for reading my rant my prayer for you is to find your way to God God Bless
davidcransonblog says
Well said. GBU
Luv2LuvEm says
I wish we could upvote comments on this blog.
Cece says
Remember Mike that it’s likely many of these staff and public do not know any other way or they’ve forgotten. Of course any that see the contrary actions thought-stop. It’s quite amazing LRH figured out how to get his followers to patrol themselves. Security Checks simply record the events in-case a bit of the barrier gets broken by the outside world. This was the data goes to OSA to patch the leak.
My disconnected Daughter #3 and her two children live outside of Austin. I supported her extra-curricular (non-scientology) training despite her dad wanting her to continue her auditor training (she left SO a Class IV). Now she’s making 45$ an hour and I’m quite sure her dad is now calling to benefit from the extra dough. This ‘church’ has become more transparent but only to us outside looking in. It won’t be long now and only skeletons will be left. I’m hoping the UTR person’s get out of the way soon and we can really see what is left. Thanks for all you are doing to help 🙂 You have given so much hope to so many that we will have our families back together ~ my life is much better and I’m planning my own ‘trouble’ now. They really should have left our children alone.
Wynski says
CeCe, they should be afraid. VERY afraid. Someone who can confront grizzlies as a kid can mop the floor with any of the dolts in the church.
Gus Cox says
“…Now she’s making 45$ an hour and I’m quite sure her dad is now calling to benefit from the extra dough.”
I’m sure he is. I have a friend in a similar situation – her parents got in during the hippy-dippy 70’s, and wanted her to go to Apple School and maybe, if she wanted to go to college, to go to the stupid Hubbard “College” of management or whatever (which only offers an A.A.S. degree that isn’t transferable toward a Bachelors and costs $60K). But she didn’t want to be a clam, and wanted to be normal instead of living in shitty apartments and rooming houses and all that.
While they squandered whatever they earned on scientology, she ended up going to regular school and then college, getting a proper 4-year B.Sc. degree, which she paid for completely by herself with college loans and a part-time job. She makes 6 figures now, while her parents are in their 70’s, have no savings, and all they know how to do is scientology. At least they weren’t SO so they get social security checks. But guess who gets a phone call on occasion when they run out of money before the end of the month, or need the car repaired?
One crazy time was when the stupid Basics came out – Dad called her neeeeeding $3,000.00 like it was an emergency. It turned out that with a barely-running car and barely-paid rent he was trying to scrape up $3K to buy a fucking Basics package! That didn’t go over well.
To their credit, they never disconnected from her (of course, later they couldn’t or they’d starve). To her credit, she helps them out – but the deal is no more talk about scientology and trying to “salvage” her. And she won’t send them cash except maybe small amounts because she doesn’t want them giving any of her money to the Cult. Instead she gives them gift cards from their local gas station and grocery store.
Their own “church” sure as hell isn’t helping them.
Derek says
It’s very sad and outrageous. Those ‘horrible SP’s’ (on level ground with Stalins, Hitlers and Kims etc.) have hearts 10x the size of their mankind-loving, in good-standing ass-sucking scientologists. I know that conditions are improving on SO bases, more pay, even heard a rumor that RPF was cancelled, all because of the love and care and ‘greatness’ of those ‘orrible suppressives.
And the cherry on the cake is that they don’t even know that they can thank ‘SP’s’ for it!
LRH was right about what he wrote about greatness, too bad scientologists seem to all have a crashing mu’s on that quote.
Espiando says
You can’t deny that they’re playing to their audience. They have two specific audiences. The first is their membership. This promo isn’t designed to inspire or inform. This promo is designed to shame. Austin Morgue is attempting to shame their public into giving more, more, more, giving until they hurt in every known way. It just screams, “We have all these people reaching their next status. WHY AREN’T YOU?!” You can’t fault them for being subtle.
The second audience is “Int Management” (i.e., the Toxic Dwarf). They have to show, constantly, that they’re fulfilling “command intention” by soaking their public so that Dave can sip of their sweet, sweet tears, a intoxicant more important to him than single malt. They’re doing this to keep Sea Borg missions away from the Morgue as much as possible. Of course, it’s not good enough. Nothing will stop Davey’s lust for cash. But they have to try. It’s the only way for them to survive.
As for its location, there are still states with “corruption of youth” laws (and you just know that Texas is one of them). Texas would accept Scientology recruitment as corruption of youth, the only benefit to their religious freakitude (I’ve lived there; I know). Just a reminder, Austin staff members: Socrates was sentenced to death for exactly this crime. He took hemlock. Make your suicide plans now and beat the (very small) crowd.
Dan Locke says
There’s many Scientologists who see this sort of thing and they are not impressed. Most people have left the Church – quietly. They screen their incoming calls through a speaker phone and don’t pick up when someone from the orgs call. They don’t bother to send back the surface mail as that would raise a flag and prompt a visit from someone at the org, so they just dump it all at in the circular file.
The org might have that intent – to shame – but I’ll wager that effect is simply not registered on the majority. I think most seeing such flyers are simply annoyed. The typical response something Trumpian: “Sad!”
Aquamarine says
Dan Locke, what you say indicates to me. I personally know 2 long time Scientology families who’ve moved away to state which don’t have Scientology orgs. One of the states doesn’t even have a mission. It has to be true that both families have quietly left. When I was in I wouldn’t have considered for a minute moving so far away from a Scientology org or mission. And these families aren’t rich, by a long shot. They are definitely budget conscious, so the expense of plane rides and hotel accommodations to visit the nearest orgs to where they are would be not be chump change. And then there are events! They can’t attend events! Actually, it looks like this question has been fully answered 🙂
Wynski says
This is just sick. AND stupid. I remember a large school & church campus built in Sarasota, FL a few years ago. 500 students + church + playground, athletic fields and other buildings. All hurricane, fire, termite & tornado proof.
For only $12 million.
Gus Cox says
Wow. Any Ideal Morgue would wag its tail and piddle on the floor with happiness if they ever got 500 people in there.
Idle Morgue says
Idle Org = Idle Morgue = Psuedo Science = Billion Dollar Industry disguised as a religion = Torture Chamber = Facade = Fake Movie Set = Dog and Pony Show = Trap = Cult
The next few years will be interesting.
No one will be going in when Hurricane Leah is done with this cult! NO ONE!
threefeetback says
Your diminutive cult of a few billion is a small blip on the radar. The return on expended resources is low due to your voracious vindictiveness. This makes your cult of members, and former members, special interest groups. The venerability of self-victimization of those IN and OUT — idolizing a Hubbard or a Maher — prolongs the insanity. Once the Russian cray cray fades, your cult will be up another notch on the scales of Justice. Slow but sure. In the end, neither Colombia, France nor New Zealand will be of any use to you.
I Yawnalot says
Stupid is what stupid does… Scientology redefines itself over and over with appalling but increasing stupidity. Oh my… what does it take for any semblance of common sense and Scientology to be used in the same sentence?
Nothing makes sense with organised Scientology unless you’re a criminal or incredibly stupid!
thegman77 says
What is the “75 new alumni” stat? Never heard that one before. Being close to a university, someone must have learned a new word! Of course, the “stat” is never explained, just claimed.
Terra Cognita says
“new alumni” sounds like an oxymoron to me. BTW, the origin of oxymoron is from Greek and means, “pointedly foolish.”
Old Surfer Dude says
Really? I thought oxymoron was a stupid steer.
Cre8tivewmn says
It’s so cool! Unlike college, no tests, classes or graduation required. Give enough money and you’re an alumni!
Pacificador says
“Alumni” has been redefined by Scientology as just another status achieved through financial donations. From a fundraising letter that Mike posted in a piece here in 2014:
“We also have a new status “Founding Ideal Org Member.” To become a “Founding Ideal Org Member” you need to make a donation of $5000 or become an Alumni. The Alumni Status is the foundation of an Ideal Org. All “Founding Ideal Org Members” will receive a special pin with the KC Ideal Org logo.”
PeaceMaker says
[I am going to re-post this reply comment because my original is still stuck in moderation, and I now see that I put in some mistaken name/address information – Mike, can you fix that, and delete the first one that is identical to the following? Sorry, and thanks in advance]
“Alumni” has been redefined by Scientology as just another status achieved through financial donations. From a fundraising letter that Mike posted in a piece here in 2014:
“We also have a new status “Founding Ideal Org Member.” To become a “Founding Ideal Org Member” you need to make a donation of $5000 or become an Alumni. The Alumni Status is the foundation of an Ideal Org. All “Founding Ideal Org Members” will receive a special pin with the KC Ideal Org logo.”
Valerie says
Little do they know, they probably have 75 real new “Alumni” every day. People who graduate from the con of scientology and move into the real world again. Shall we start stating what class we graduated from
WhatAreYourCrimes says
It’s over Miscavige. You just haven’t faced up to the reality yet.
The vibe feels good, really good.
The real assault on the paranoid little sick freak Miscavige is ramping up, but hasn’t started yet in earnest.
Those in, get out now, while you still have a chance to redeem yourself.
Those in, who are of heartier and braver stock, gather your whistle-blowing intel to become heroic thetans, your stories will inspire books and movies for years to come. Maybe Tom Cruise might even portray you in the coming years.
Those out, tell your stories. Because without you, this collapse of scientology would not have happened in the first place. Your bravery will never be forgotten.
jim says
Dear WhatAreYourCrimes,
FWIW Reading your comment I got an instant read and dirty needle from David Miscavige himself on your calling him: ‘little sick freak’. Thought you might appreciate the truth of your identification.
Gus Cox says
Captain Miscavige, I’d like to indicate that you are a sick little freak. Thank you, your needle is rock-slamming.
Stephen Hutcheon says
Miscavige’s Golden Shower Tech – too funny, if it was not for the fact that so many people have ended up in a financial death spiral, due to donating to the Ideal Morgue program with Credit.
Aquamarine says
I’m still laughing at Golden Shower Tech…Miscavige’s obsession with “gold”…everything emanating from him needs to have a “golden” label slapped on it. Not dissimilar to our current President’s gold fixation, his gold toilets, everything has to be gold, or trimmed with gold… Miscavige and Trump, the Poster Boys of the cliched nouveau riche. These two would definitely get along. The former would play the latter like a violin.
Aquamarine says
Mike, OK, you deleted the comment I made after this one above. Ok, you’re right, it was over the top. I’m working on my evil purpose now 🙂
Gary Johnson says
It’s a crying shame too. That building is in one of the very best locations in Austin. It is smack dab in the middle of a break-neck fast paced growing, multi-cultural, open minded city. It is next to a prestigious university with over 50,000 young students and faculty who are undoubtedly in the midst of seeking answers to the meaning of life.
But there it sits. Mired in nothingness. Maybe a couple of sad faced staff coming out to smoke every hour on the hour. or two. But a symbol of greed mostly. A symbol of how freedom works in America. A shining example of how a few people can profit and prosper with complete impunity hiding behind the first amendment. A beacon of how they can profit and prosper riding the backs of gullible marks and stepping on anyone who gets in their way. Riding the backs of good people who truly believe themselves to be indentured servants.
Yes….No doubt about it….That building…..The ultimate facade….
WhatAreYourCrimes says
“A shining example of how a few people can profit and prosper with complete impunity hiding behind the first amendment. A beacon of how they can profit and prosper riding the backs of gullible marks and stepping on anyone who gets in their way. Riding the backs of good people who truly believe themselves to be indentured servants.”
Gary Johnson, your description of scientology is spot on the money.
The tide is turning.
We are all on to the long con of despicable organizations like scientology.
Like madame Defarge in a Tale of Two Cities, many unimportant people have been taking names and recording the injustices.
Ask yourself, would you change places with David Miscavige? Would you trade places with Tom Cruise?
I can only answer for myself.
PeaceMaker says
They do mention 7 new Highest Evers.
I scratched my head over how they were managing to make such claims, when it seems that by every measure that can be ascertained from the outside – including statistics that can be determined, like the number of clears made – they are doing worse and worse, year after year. Usually, there is some underlying truth that can be ascertained, because apparently the staff, at least at the lower levels, still retain some of the normal human compunction about lying outright; instead, they often can be found playing childish word games, saying something that they know will be misinterpreted, but rationalizing to themselves that they’re not out-and-out lying.
I finally figured it out after one of these promo pieces let slip what their trick really is. They are claiming statistics for new staff members. Bring on someone new, and they will have “highest evers” as they start from zero, and begin to learn how to do their job. Reassign staff, or give them new areas of responsibility, and you get the same thing. Scientology orgs have lots of turnover and reshuffling, so there is endless opportunity for that. Some of it may be other similar tricks as well, like counting the number of people doing some newly released material which, again, starts at zero.
Scientology is turning lying through statistics into a virtual science.
Paul Cocovinis says
Oh no PeaceMaker, it’s not a science – it’s an art. Perhaps they’ll be trying to sell that some day soon too. As a seminar or something. Don’t laugh – it could happen…..you know what it’s like in those places!
Ronit Charny says
Exactly, how they call this production? The money motivated machine of DM organizations, there is only one post, and that is a registrar. Disgusting and evil!