I did a posting in February 2014 entitled 10,000 on Solo NOTs Update. At that time, they announced they have 6,433 who were “on or through” Solo NOTs.
That is more than 6 years ago. And they were “targeting” to to be at 7000 by the end of 2014… Not even close.
In those 6+ years, they have advanced 1317 or a bit over 200 per year. Of course, that is if you take their figures at face value. Which is always a risky proposition when it comes to scientology statistics. They are stat manipulators and fakers par excellence. You know they have not removed the dead or declared from this list. There are probably at least 1,000 that fall into that category. They certainly don’t count in the “big beings who are shifting the planet” which is what the 10,000 is based on. Hubbard said just 10,000 could shift the planet (as I have said before, if this is true why not just cram all the SO and staff members through? Target would have been met years ago).
They still have 2250 to go. Without factoring in the shrinkage of scientology, that will take them another 10 years.
Yet Miscavige claims “greater expansion in the last year than in the 50 years previously combined” and other such nonsense.
They decided they would set a target of 10,000 back in the early 90’s. Nearly 3 decades on and they are whoooping and a hollering about achieving 7750. Wonder if they will throw themselves a party when they make it 8000 sometime in late 2021?
Make that 7,751 … but I don’t think the CO$ will accept Independent Scientology statistics … ’cause it ain’t GAT or something else to thank COB for.
Why not just CRAM the sO members through, I cannot fault that remark, but then they were not paying $$$$$$$$ 1000000’ssssss of $$$$$
“Yet Miscavige claims “greater expansion in the last year than in the 50 years previously combined” and other such nonsense.”
By expansion, do you mean more $camologists or the size of his hair transplants?
Do these figures include people who’ve been made to repeat things they’ve done before? Maybe the same body can count for several in this number?
Why doesn’t Miscavige go ahead and claim 10,000? The people left in Scientology are so good at explaining the glaring inconsistencies between reality and what they are told, I’m sure they’d make quick work of that one.
I guess then people will start expecting these Big Beings to shift the planet 😉
Keyed out OTs make it in less than the half of the time compared with “true” OTs created in $cientology. In $cientology money, policy and bullshit is more than works made in actual time.
I never understood if this figure is a type of constant (fixed value) or not.
In other words, whether there are 1.5 billion people or 7 billion makes no difference? Or was it a previous estimate due to who knows what calculation and which now should be reviewed?
However it is, it is obvious that it is a gigantic hoax.
When I pressurize a hydraulic or steam system with 3 quarters of the total expected / requested power, you can bet that you notice little difference with the pressure at 100%.
So 7750 out of 10,000 should generate nearly comparable effects. So where the hell are the results? This is physics and demonstrable. Theirs is a hoax and demonstrable.
Hey Dave where the hell is the product !! ??
Scientology is famous for not making its targets. Like in 1982 LRH came out with the birthday game and making all orgs 5.4x their stats in one year. Never happened. Or the target to making all service orgs the size of “Old Saint Hill”. This never happened either and scientology actually contracted instead. Also, does anyone remember the cult video “Scientology 2010 Ideal Org Crusade”? They didn’t make that target either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJJxAbwSRgg
I have a question for Mike or those in the know to make an educated guess please. I was told by a good and reliable source, that DM kept out Steps 1 and 2 of OT VIII so that he can do those two steps as OT IX when he releases OT IX. So the OT VIII’s are only getting Step 3 and not the two before it. We all know and Davey knows that there is NO OT IX at all and that it never existed. He had Pat Broeker followed for 25 years hoping he would lead him to LRH’s OT IX. It doesn’t exist. So it’s been 35 years since OT VIII came out. Why has Davey not released his version of OT IX in 35 years’ time? It would be a money maker for him, so why not release it? I mean how many times can you make OT’s go to the bottom of the Bridge and re do that again?
Your good reliable source is not so reliable methinks. You have the answer to your own question.
He hasnt released OT IX because it doesnt exist.
If there was some plan to withhold “the first 2 steps” of OT VIII he would have released them by now as they would make money and make him look good.
I’ll bet the economic downturn makes it impossible for a lot of people to go on to, or stay on through, the expensive regimen of solo NOTs – at least not unless the CofS eases up on things like the expensive sec checking, and that would likely then lead to other problems undercutting their numbers.
I checked, and statistics compiled by those who follow Scientology show a big drop-off in completeions after the last recession hit. Many of the still-unfinished ideal org project buildings were bought at the peak of the preceeding bubble, and local orgs have never since managed to get them done.
Mat Pesch did a great post on the Underground Bunker the other day.
It bears cross posting:
excellent comment made by 22 year SO veteran Mat Pesch:::
Mat Pesch • 15 hours ago I see the statement by Ben about how happy he is auditing on OT 7, doing his two refreshers a year at Flag, etc. Someone on OT 7 is supposed to go to Flag twice a year to do a refresher which is basically an interrogation and money sucking opportunity for Scientology. A refresher takes about 2 -3 weeks and about $20,000 worth of auditing. Add to this plane fare, food and hotel room, lost work, etc and it costs about $50,000 to do the two refreshers each year.
Additionally a person on OT 7 needs to pay for their solo auditing to be supervised by Flag. The Case Supervision, known as C/Sing, is sold in blocks of 6 months, for about $2,000 a block. Because the people auditing on OT 7 are generally buried in debt they tend to fall behind on paying for their 6 month C/Sing and thus incur a debt to Flag. Treasury Flag is then given the responsibility of collecting the debt owed by the solo auditor.
There was a Treasury staff member that worked full time to get the owed 6 month C/Sing payments collected. It was generally a very thankless and enturbulating job. The solo auditor would direct all their upset and frustration regarding being on OT 7 toward my Treasury staff member. Many times the person wasn’t enjoying the auditing, didn’t want to continue, was constantly pressured (coming from RTC) to continue on the level, disagreed with having to do the 6 month refreshers, their lives were in financial ruins, they were kept at Flag for so long that they had lost jobs, they were hounded by various reg units, etc, etc.
During the 7 years that I was Treasury Sec FSO I always had the person doing the collection calls (a teenager) sit across my desk and use my phone. I did this so I could help keep his spirits up as the OT 7s would many times scream, curse and say the nastiest things directed at the person making the collections call.
Glad to hear Ben is so happy after being on OT 7 for 2 years. I wonder how happy he will be after 5 years, 7 years, 10 years of being on OT 7. Generally, getting a few hundred people to continue auditing on OT 7 is like keeping a herd of cats in a swimming pool.
Scientology pushes the lies and PR in pursuit of the MONEY. That’s the truth.
I’m sure Matt also might be aware of the push by regges onto C/S’s to give TE’s (Technical Estimate) that were geared higher for those who were qualified to pay more.
I believe Ronit or her husband attested to this practice as well. It’s a very corrupt church in this regard as well. I used to wonder when I was in why my TE’s were greater than when I first got onto the level when I wasn’t unethical or doing things that called for me to need more hours. Sometimes I was on a Refresher for a month. Pure torture.
Good comment Matt. Thanks Karen for re posting it. I was on VII for several years and I felt such relief when i stopped auditing on it. It was like, Phew! I can breathe, not have to pay for 6 month checks, not have to be sessionable all the time, not miss out on my family and the world because I’m in session all the time. In short, I can live again — what a relief.
But the biggest relief for me personally was that I knew I wouldn’t have to sit through another horrible brow beating by the IAS forcing you to give money you don’ have and telling you you are shit if you don’t give (in so many words).
I have scrolled down from the comments today because I have always felt from any video or quote from ElCon that the guy was full of sh*t and he knew it with his shit eating grin.
Oh, puh-leez. Are we supposed to believe that a third of their membership are OT 7s? Unfortunately, the still-ins aren’t allowed to analyze numbers using real-world math. They must have a mystical super-scientific system that is beyond me.
On the other hand, if we accept their membership numbers, then this a a pitiful showing of their OT population — a meager .08%. Either way, math will never been their friend.
O/T It appears the prominent members of the Nation of Islam who have died from the Coronavirus include Brother Abdul Hafeez Muhammad, Brother Kevin Muhammad, Brother Roy Edward Lawhorn, Jr., Brother Abdul Latif Muhammad and Sister Pamela Muhammad.
Do you know if any of them was on cult lines?
Gosh, how did they pull this in?
Sorry, I know I shouldn’t joke about death.
But while you are hating me for my terrible lack of taste and compassion, know that it is precisely how their fellow Scientologists’ questions will be phrased.
I completed OT VII – Solo Nots is 1987. I hope they are not counting me in their stats.
Solo Nots in 1987.
I bet you are counted George.
After all you DID get onto and through Solo NOTs…
Count on it, George!
I was Tech Services in the NOTS and Solo NOTS HGCS at Flag. They were talking about the quota of 10000 onto Solo NOTS before I went on the ship in Sept 86.
That they have not made that quota in 34 years means that they never will. And, as Mike said, they probably have not taken off the dead and declared.
Hell, they probably still have me on the crew list of the Freewinds after I ” died” 18 years ago.
No, actually, they took me off the crew list in 1989 to save money on their insurance. They could not afford the insurance, nor could they afford to lose the slave labor.
So they lied and no doubt broke the law; saying to the various Port Officials that I was no longer on board.
Mike Rinder wrote: “…(as I have said before, if this is true why not just cram all the SO and staff members through?…”
The strongest evidence that Scientology’s technology DOESN’T WORK is the fact that they don’t believe in it themselves. If you want to know what someone really believes, don’t listen to what they say. Look at what they do.
Mike you say:
“Hubbard said just 10,000 could shift the planet (as I have said before, if this is true why not just cram all the SO and staff members through? Target would have been met years ago).”
This is exactly the point. Hubbard and then who after him, have obsessed all of us for decades regarding the fact that “we have little time” etc, but then why not just put half the sea org on the OT levels and reach the quota?
Or cut service costs in half or less to get more people up to levels?
If you are REALLY in a damned hurry facing a real disaster you DON’T waste time. You take effective actions!
But they are in no DAMNED hurry. It’s just a DAMNED scam.
That magic 10000 will never be reached. Miscavige might have to release OT 9 and 10 then. All promises in $cientology are empherial.
You mean to tell me that OT9 & OT10 are bogus??? I…I just can’t believe it. I was waiting all these years for it. And now? I’m lost. I wonder how my family will take it. It’s going to be hard on them.
OSD. What is really important is that you have not paid these levels in advance! I heard that could be a scam.
That’s because I didn’t pay in advance! And I won’t do it because it is truly a scam!!! No one can pull the wool over my eyes!
He is probably hoping, not without reason, that all of you that he promised to release OTVIX to will be dead before enough people question him. I know this because I have a sixth sense about it, probably because I am already dead.
Thanks Dave.
This is the most sensible reason I’ve ever heard! Its really quite sensible, actually! Those old OT8s probably WILL die before enough people question him!
O/T. VIDEO: Scientology Clear, Super Power Completion, Cause Resurgence Rundown Completion and PTS/SP Course Graduate Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad on:
Why Join The Nation Of Islam.
“ONTO or through OT 7”. I would love to see the number of “onto’s” that never completed. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 50%, which itself is very telling. Of the 7,750 I would bet well over half are either dead or they are completely out of Scientology. I did OT 7 and I found it to be a waste of time, to be kind.
I agree with you, Matt.
Had they actually gotten 10k onto Solo Nots the entheta level would have dropped, Miscaviage would be in prison where he belongs and I would still be alive.
…They also aren’t counting the ones that finish OT VII, maybe submit to the pressure to do OT VIII as I did, and then quit – try their best to fade away or do as little as possible to keep them under the radar. I bet that’s another several thousand.
I was Tech Services in the NOTS and Solo NOTS HGCS at Flag. They were talking about the quota of 10000 onto Solo NOTS before I went on the ship in Sept 86.
That they have not made that quota in 34 years means that they never will. And, as Mike said, they probably have not taken off the dead and declared.
Hell, they probably still have me on the crew list of the Freewinds after I ” died” 18 years ago.
No, actually, they took me off the crew list in 1989 to save money on their insurance. They could not afford the insurance, nor could they afford to lose the slave labor.
So they lied and no doubt broke the law; saying to the various Port Officials that I was no longer on board.
That anyone in the Sea Org could report “Done sir” to a target of 10000 what all that was gotten was 7000 means a lot has changed since I left.
LRH wrote a PL called “Not Dones, Half Domes and Backlogs”. When I was in the S.O. I would pity any poor ker who was foolish enough to report a ” done” when all they were really reporting was that they were in Non – Compliance and that they should be shot.
As advice on how to “fade away” I have two techniques which have worked for me.
The first one is I be dead.
The second one is to be declared.
I have done both and I can attest that I do not get any comm from the cult.
Either they cannot confront SPs or they cannot confront ghosts.
Bill. Laughing.
In ancient Greece it was said that the gods were afraid that people would forget about them and that if it happened they would simply disappear.
In my opinion hubbard (and he was certainly not a god) had a similar fear and hoped to be remembered and live through it too. And the same is hoped for by the Cult.
But hubbard is disappearing more and more from collective memory and so is scientology.
Regardless of what they tell.
It starts turning the back on them and forgeting them.
I haven’t received any communication since I was declared. That was a positive.
You haven’t received any communication since you were declared? And you just say that was positive??? Hells bells!!! I’d be bouncing off the walls!!! And yelling my brains out!!! C’mon Imaberrated, show some spirit! Don’t make me come and get you!
Loved your comment, Dead Men Tell No Tales. I’lm still laughing.
Thank you Cindy.
Sometimes I am afraid that I am boring people with all of the similar stories. The stories are similar because they are based on factual experiences and observations.
Mary. I think they are counting and squeezing in it everybody they can count somehow. You know Dave need to continue talking about unprecedent expantion.
I just wonder if to witness some planetary OT phenomenon are enough 9.999 or we need forcefully to reach 10.000.