Another inadvertant disclosure of the real scene inside the bubble — this time from Clive Rabey D/CO of the FSO.
They have been trying to reach the target of “10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs” for 30 years or so and are still not even close. And this is a CUMULATIVE stat. It’s not 10,000 this year. Or even 10,000 this decade. It’s 10,000 from the beginning of Solo NOTs.
And still they cannot make any headway. I have written about this before.
10,000 of the world population in 1985 (4.5 billion) would be equivalent to 15,770 of today’s population (7.1 billion). (I am ignoring the fact that the twisting of the quote that they claim says they need 10,000 is from the mid-50’s and so adjusted for the increased population, the 10,000 should have been more like 30,000 at the outset and 45,000 today). Net gain toward the goal over 30 years adjusted for expansion is 663. It makes that tortoise look like a cheetah.
This stat is the ultimate reflection of the health of the RCS. It measures more accurately than anything the [purported] goal of the church — moving people up the Bridge to achieve the highest states of awareness. Everything culminates in this, or it should. If not it is surely a failure.
Just the simple math of reaching 2/3rds of the target in 30 years means it will be another 15 years before the full target is reached. But Clive gives us even more. Apart from his problems with addition (6,433 are done, that only leaves 3,367 to go — to reach our target of 9,800?), he is “targetting” to reach the goal of 7,000 this year. That would be 567 in a year. Or about 10 per week. Which is the TARGET (clearly not a target that has been even approached in the previous 30 years as 10 per week for 30 years is 15,000). They will not come close. There is no target that is ever set like this that is ever met (the only ones that seem to be are fundraising where they really care). Even with that, he is planning to take until 2020 to achieve the 10,000 target and until 2030 to achieve the 15,770 target (ignoring any further expansion of earth’s population).
This is hardly indicative of a massive, straight up and vertical scene of people “rocketing up the bridge”…
Nor does it seem to take into account the scare tactic claims that “this civilization does not have long….”
You have to wonder at the IQ of someone that keeps spitting out the same tired rah-rahs over and over. Has he never stopped to think about what he is saying? Or that it’s the same thing that has been being said for decades? Isn’t it just a little bit embarrassing? And wouldn’t you feel just a bit strange if you believed that the people you are talking to are the most enlightened beings on earth and yet they are so rock dumb stupid that they don’t spot anything amiss? Cognitive dissonance much?
Anyway, here it is in his own words….
Clearly people are balking on going to Flag as they are kept there until they have nothing left and get kicked out the door. Everything is about how if you come to Flag you will get to return home relatively quickly. A major “success story” from someone who went to Flag in July as a NED case completion and went all the way to OT VI “Phew, I’m a different person from when I arrived!” is hardly earth shattering. It’s not the result being pushed, but the speed…. (7 months is fast?)
No outpoint is big enough to be noted by the clubbed seals it seems.
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2014
From: Clive Rabey
Subject: Re: Completing the First 10,000 On Or Through Solo NOTs targetHello!
I thought it was time for a quick update on the First 10,000 On Or Through Solo NOTs target as we need you heavily promoting this vital campaign out there to all your area Scientologists. As of last week we are now at 6,433 in our quest to get to that 10,000 figure – 3,367 to go! We are aiming to be at 6,500 by LRH’s Birthday and 7,000 by the end of this year, so we do need to get you to urgently promote this message and get you area OT Vs to arrive ASAP!
With all that is happening in the “Cathedral of Scientology,” (the new Flag building), Super Power, the Cause Resurgence Rundown, the greatly increased Ls delivery, as well as the Golden Age of Tech Phase II Student Hat, Survival Rundown and other technical courses, moving to the top of the Grade Chart is within easy reach for all!
And in the Flag AO we have the brand new Solo Auditor Course and Advanced Solo Auditor Course (New OT VI Part A); we already have over 200 completions on these incredible courses, with public moving rapidly and smoothly through and onto their next OT Level with more certainty than ever. As one of our Solo C/Ses stated, “These are a whole new breed of solo auditor!” On the non-confidential course they learn the tech perfectly and then when they start to audit they demonstrate that perfection right from their very first solo session!
And finally and very importantly adding into the mix is the amazing Mark Ultra VIII meter and everything that means for precision handling of one’s case.
All aforementioned aspects combined make the attainment of the first 10,000 On Or Through Solo NOTs target very doable in the very, very near future!
It is vital that all New OT Vs especially get enlightened on the above and are gotten to move up to Flag with no delay!
As an example of what is now possible, one OT V, a mission holder from LA who had never been to Flag before, arrived at Christmas to get onto Solo NOTs. Less than 5 weeks later he is on his way home, Solo NOTs materials in hand, now one of the 10,000.
Or there is the OT V from France who had completed OT V some time ago speaking little to no English, he had assigned 8 weeks for the trip. Needless to say he had to work out what to do with the more than two weeks he had left over at the end as he was through all his OT Preps, OT Eligibility and OT VI Part A, B & C in just over 5 weeks.
Or there was the girl from EUS. She arrived as a NED Case Comp at the end of July 2013. Just last week she went home with her Solo NOTs materials, less than 6 months after arriving and having completed OT Preps, Solo I, Solo II, OT Eligibility, R6EW, the Clearing Course and New OT I through New OT VI. In her words, “Phew, I’m a different person from when I arrived!”
It’s more important than ever that we get your area OTs and especially all OT Vs to arrive to get onto Solo NOTs. If they need other actions before starting on New OT VII get them onto those as fast as possible right there in your local org, so that they arrive for Solo NOTs that much sooner.
Let me know if there is anything that you need to help get these people arrived and especially those who are already New OT V Completions!
ML, Clive
Nobody actually SAYS ‘phew’. It’s comic book talk.
It took me three weeks to get through one intensive at Flag. I say around for hours on end waiting to go into session and then every stupid thing that came up I ended up in doing ethics handlings for. It seems that you are kept there so you can make the place look busy and to spend money on accomo’s and every other thing that they are regging you through. I hated Flag. The service was shit.
I agree Robert with Mike’s reporting. The last thing I got from (the Bubble) was from Cal Cole at AOLA – a survey with a pencil. I wrote back thanking him for the great pencil. Next month I got another survey and pencil. This time I thanked him again for the pencil and put edits “FD (False Data, omitted time, altered matter of importance, etc” in the message margins and sorta answered the survey.
Next I knew I was investigated and a year later (after my X & OSA sending my daughter to ‘handle’ me) declared. Thank you thank you. That solved a big problem for me I have had for nearly 40 years 🙂
Please get the shore parties ready to treat hydration, starvation, scurvy and broken hearts. We’ll need enough counselors,doctors and hospice for about 4,000 per reliable information.
Mike thanks for your reporting.
Yes, the ship had an underlying calking problem (the architect, contractor & Gereral Engineer are long deceased)and is out to far to reach shore before it goes down. Now how to get the crew off safely – that is the problem.
Wow FOTF2012 I’m impressed! Thank you for saying all that.
Roy Macgregor,
You really indicated exactly what Miscavige has been doing.
If one takes the auditor’s code and reverses it, that’s what he has been doing to public Scientologists at all levels overly and covertly for decades.
What he has been doing to staff is covered in the criminal code. But apparently he doesn’t think that code applies to him either……he thinks.
Yeah, they do like victims better than people at cause. The only people they seem to like at cause are the ones that they have sanctioned and have on a leash.
Mike, I just want you to know that we all look forward to your report, especially because it is every day…. it’s the only real, regular newspaper for the Indies. Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker is fabulous for news. He’s a great reporter and writes exceptionally well. But, you give us a view from inside the bubble. Thanks.
It’s also the only real, regular newspaper for the RCS. Mike’s had to pick up (or keep) the hat. They sure don’t have anyone else on that post.
Any single one of your reports is damning Mike. Day after day after day….it really emphasises the insanity that is binding the ‘chosen ones’
It always seems as if Scientology is it’s own worst enemy.
Here is one ‘solution’ that Clive Rabey could use to calm down his bad conscience about the Solo NOTs stats. With all of the OSA spies around in the field he could start counting the ones that ARE auditing on the OT VII level IN THE INDIE FIELD. There are now quite a few 😉
Q: Why are Kool-aide drinkers unable to screw in a lightbulb?
A: First, they have to see the light.
Scientology is for all practical purposes permanently stamped as a pseudo religion. This observation is borne out to be true and reinforced by the corporate entity RTC’s modus-operandi which is played out daily.
Individuals with meaningless titles coupled with worthless brevet ranks only reinforce the viewpoint of most of society at large.
Mr. Rabey’s butchering of the English language is not an anomaly. It is unfortunately quite normal in the RTC along with other church entities, it’s very disappointing to see it.
It is my opinion that Scientology cannot be saved the patient is still breathing however the brain is no longer functioning. It is just a matter of time before the autonomic systems begin to shut down. Watching a patient slowly expire is never pleasant however after the dominoes begin to fall it cannot be stopped.
Scientology could possibly continue in small groups of adherents to it’s teachings if reforms were instituted. Raw Meat, Stats and Fixed Donations are just a few of the distasteful terms used.
If one truly wished for the teaching of Scientology to continue Altruistic acts would need to become SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Those who would instruct and teach adherents would not expect to be compensated. However if the student chose to give or buy the instructor a meal or some other gift that would be their choice. Or maybe the student would give the instructor room and board in exchange for teaching them.
This would be a very slow process that could quite possibly evolve and the number of adherents might grow albeit slowly.
Teaching those who wished to learn would no longer be a monetary exercise. Spreading the teaching of Scientology would become the goal and an altruistic lifestyle the norm.
Taylor, just whom do you think is going to pay the rent? And how? Buy food? Decent clothing? Transportation? Are YOU living the lifestyle of which you seem to be pushing on others? In my mission days, our auditors were paid the highest wages of anyone in the group, INCLUDING the mission owner. We considered them the top of the heap in value to the organization. They were the ones who produced the greatest value for the mission…and the pcs.
Doctrine of exchange. Indies happily burning everyone who doesn’t agree with them at the stake. Calling questioners “haters” and “SPs”. People trapped in the abusive cycle. Somehow, I think your scenarios has a snowflake’s chance in hell.
Dollar Morgue, I’m trying to make sure I duplicated your comment correctly. Did you mean, “RCS burning everyone at the stake that doesn’t agree with them…etc?” I don’t see Indies being that suppressive to burn everyone at the stake who doesn’t agree with them…. what did you intend to say? Is this a typo?
Taylor, Auditing is being delivered in the Indie field for money and it is doing well in the free enterprise system. People are gladly paying the going rate IF and only IF the auditor is standard and good and has good TR’s and high ARC and applies the tech standardly to good result. And the going rate is much less than the church used to audit. If people were to audit for free or for “a meal”, there would be far less auditing going on as these people would have to get “regular jobs” t pay the rent.
Here is an excerpt of an article about numbers of Solo Nots (from 2010) which may be of interest:
“ … Now, let’s talk about cancer and suicide on Solo Nots. Here are some data for you guys.
There is a tag status for each Solo Nots auditor:
Green tag: audit 4 to 6 sessions daily and comes on time for his 6 months check.
Grey tag: audit less than 4 sessions daily and doesn’t come on time for his 6 month check.
Orange tag: Not allowed to solo audit because of out ethics situation.
Purple tag: Not allowed to audit because of illness or sickness.
Black tag: Disaffected with the church.
See the way it works? One starts the level with a Green tag then, depending on his “ability to be Cause over Life” one keeps his Green tag or, follow the dwindling spiral to Black tag.
There are about 5,300 Solo Nots Auditors worldwide and about(depending on their current status):
1,000 Green tags
1,100 Grey tags
900 Orange tags
800 Purple tags
1,500 Black tags
The 10,000 on Solo Nots is just a dream. There is only 1,000 of them auditing regularly.
I was Solo Nots D of P Europe and i personally met the following Solo Nots Auditors. They were all with advanced cancer: … “
Sadly that article you quote is accurate. In my family alone we have had two cancer deaths, 1 cancer remission (but very BIs currently), and 1 Alzheimers. All OT VI or above. The only healthy OT is my dad who refuses to have anything more to do with Scn (he had multiple strokes and heart attacks until he disconnected and is now doing great). This put me is so much doubt about Scn that I decided I was better off not doing the Bridge and becoming a Buddhist. I can’t begin to tell you how much relief I experienced when I discovered the Indie movement.
Death by cancer and disease is an all too common. It’s the sad story of many scientology families. And it’s the story of my family as well. It’s also the thing that opened my eyes. An OT should not suffer such things – they should be able to fix themselves with their OT powers, but no such luck and they continue to fall ill and die. Often scientologists do not seek traditional treatment for their illness, so they get worse and die. All the while clutching the cans and hoping they can audit it out.
I was a “Green tag: audit 4 to 6 sessions daily and comes on time for his 6 months check.” for years and got a KR because they thought I ‘could’ do more …
And just how many of those OT VIIIs have since been declared!! Bet they don’t subtract us!
RCS uses people even after they’re dead. Look at it this way: how sad is that?
Clive doesn’t have a held down 7, he has a held down 200. I know it’s hard to hold on to your $ in the COS, but really Clive, save up some bucks and get yourself a calculator. 6,433 + 3,367 is what?
Perhaps your other calculations are a bit off too. Ya think?
It can easily cost $200,000+ in C/Sing fees, review auditing, travel & accomos, required greasing of IAS maggots and other reging circus to get through Solo NOTs. Not incl. are the costs in lost wages, contract and production time having to be away from home for extensive periods.
Out here OT VI/VII can easily be done for $5,000 max (By properly trained Class IXs+ higher), and lots of pre-OTs have been already auditing away on it for some time.
Rehash of the Solo Auditor’s Course fine-tuned for Solo NOTs. The GAT I checksheet of Part A had almost 120 pages, the original 80s one around 10.
I see the arbitraries of redoing OT Preps & OT Eligibilities are still there. Add another $10,000+.
bla, bla, bla…”Cathedral of Scientology” are you kidding me? Using the word Cathedral is a big fat misuse of that word!!!
Not if you refer to it as a Cathedral of lying, cheating and stealing!
Well said, Christine and Coop!
And Mike, when you look at the numbers Clive gives as to how many are on SN, is that a net number after subtracting the ones who died on the level (yes there are those who died while on the level) and those who stopped auditing due to various reasons (mainly ran out of money) and those kicked off the level and those who completed the level and moved on? I personally know many of the people I did OT VI with are no longer auditing on the level. So when he throws around the 6,000 on the level figure, is that taken from beginning to now, and is it not subtracting for those who completed the level, or are no longer auditing on it now?
So as a never-in, why do you veterans think the cancer rate is seemingly so high?
It would be fascinating to know whether the cancer rate really is higher, or are they just ignoring signs until it’s too late. I suppose the high stress levels could make one more vulnerable, but in that case it seems the SO would have an even higher rate.
I don’t think the rate of cancer is actually any higher. It’s just that with Scientologists disease goes untreated because they believe they can audit the disease away. They don’t believe that they are susceptible to the everyday, human condition, so they ignore symptoms and try to postulate/glow them away. They can not accept the fact they are simple humans.
Stress is often blamed in promoting disease in general (including cancer).
C of S certainly generates excessive and useless stress.
Anyone on NOTs who’s been out for a while will have destimulated somewhat, and will know what’s in store: an overdue 6-month check, new meters, retraining, student hat, donation, and worst of all, invalidation of gains and prior training, and a really shit atmosphere. Clive Rabey gives nothing away as to what the benefits in exchange might be; after all, you dropped off the bridge so something must be up. It all sounds so horribly cold and one-way.
I went to a couple of Clive Rabey “briefings” some years ago. Both were version of the same.
It felt like being in detention in school. He was condescending, scolding us for being in Scn for decades, but not yet being “on the level”. (Never a thought that the church might be doing something wrong that was resulting in so few long-time scngists on OT 7)
His briefing was very much presented as a “now-you’re-supposed-to” serious duty to the 4th dynamic. It was not even presented with the idea it might be, gasp, fun!
My take away was that few, if any, of the then-currant solo auditorswere having fun. And that this fact was so well known and accepted by the SO staff, that Clive’s briefings were geared partially to disabuse you of the idea that you would enjoy or have fun on OT 7. And to make you feel guilty for expecting that, i.e., those namby-pamby lower case level types who were only in it for the wins!.
Clive seemed to imply that at the higher levels, it was “a deadly serious activity”, one undertaken by high-responsibility level OTs who could say “fuck it” on the first and second dynamics for years on end and give their all to the church and the fourth dynamic.
I could tell that Clive really believed this. My perspective now is that this was where he found a balance point to live with his own cognitive dissonance.
I can see now that this was/is part of the “Sea Org attitude” being pushed out and down into the field. SO members are the most dedicated (read: indoctrinated) scientologists there are and a similar level of indoctrination occurs with those able to stay on the level. It has to.
Bottom line was I like myself and my life too much to put myself through that.
+1 Good for you, JD. Well done on getting out and holding onto your dynamics.
“It all sounds so horribly cold and one-way.” It only sounds that way, Poet, because it IS that way. Warmth, caring, being interested, helping…all those are long gone, at least since the early 80s. All that’s asked for now is money, money, money and all that’s offered in return is status, status, status.
Quite right, thegman77, the CoS is only about money-motivation; the rank and file members can only feel introverted by lack of it.
I suggest DM start claiming 100,000 have completed 7 and we now need 1m. Otherwise someone’s going to notice (they will either way), and people will feel disheartened that in all the “millions of members” only a meagre 6000+ allegedly made it to the top.
What is it these people are looking for up there, anyway? I’d really (honestly) be interested in what those who did audit the level wanted from it before they went on it, and what they then felt they got from it whilst on it and how it helped them later in life (beyond vague statements alluding to ‘huge’ gains).
So does “perfection” include grammatical errors in comm? SIGN ME UP.
I would like to see the actual list of the 6433. Last time I saw the list, my name was on it and I have not been on Solo Nots since GAT 1.
I was drinking the kool aid when the promo and hype came out about 10,000 people needed on Solo Nots, I could never understand what this quote had to do with all this rah rah.
The 6 mos checks were just excruciating. On one of my 6 mos checks, someone I knew asked Richard Reiss (Senior C/S) if you were at Flag for 6 mos for a 6 mos check, did you need to have another 6 mos check before you left Flag? He said no.
Some people were kept at Flag for months and months for a 6 mos check. I knew people that lost jobs they had had for 20 years and some that had their business collapse during these long 6 mos checks. Some that had their spouse leave them while they were on a long 6 mos check. But of course, it was their fault. They pulled it in or were PTS and then had to stay longer!
I remember EVERY time I got in my seat for the plane ride home, I would breathe a huge sigh and thank every God, Budda, star, etc that I was going home!
My prediction is that the C of S is NEVER going to honestly get 10,000 on Solo Nots.
Cindy that is horrifying! There’s another common “blow” from the Level – getting cancer, diagnosed at stage 4, and dying quickly.
Unfortunately, that is also happening, Madora. So sad.
“My prediction is that the C of S is NEVER going to honestly get 10,000 on Solo Nots.”
Cindy, the current C of S is incapable of “honestly” doing ANYTHING. LOL
And don’t forget solo auditors need shiny new emeters @$5000 each!
They need TWO of them. Each.
If it were true that 6,000+ were auditing on SN now, then the HGC’s would be full to bursting with SN auditors on 6 month Refreshers. And they are not. My last trip there was only one or two waiting for session on a busy day and I was the only pc on my auditor’s lineup. Where are these 6,000 who have to appear every 6 months for Sec Checking?
for a religion that is supposed to be “the fastest growing religion” and is supposed to have “expanded more in the last 5 years than in the past 50 years combined”, 10,000 of anything is paltry……and they haven’t even got that.
the number “10,000” just doesn’t mean what it used to mean, it doesn’t carry the same sounding weight it used to……….with inflation in all areas, from population growth to economics, 10,000 just gets smaller everyday………and then you can’t even achieve that?
that also provides some insight into scientology’s peak years (whenever you think that was), even when they were booming they couldn’t pull 10,000 solo notters.
even if there were only a few hundred thousand scientologists during ANY point in time, then they still should have been able to have 10,000 of those people on solo nots or at least pretty close.
if it weren’t for people being damaged, scientology would be of no concern whatsoever.
and i think it’s a main reason why agencies like the FBI don’t bother with them……….when they look into it, they see a floundering group of people that will eventually do themselves in.
if they thought for one second scientology was a formidable force, that they were growing and gaining steam, miscavige would already be in jail.
Whitestar – WOW, you hit it on the nose.
“and i think it’s a main reason why agencies like the FBI don’t bother with them……….when they look into it, they see a floundering group of people that will eventually do themselves in.
if they thought for one second scientology was a formidable force, that they were growing and gaining steam, miscavige would already be in jail.”
I’ve been racking my head with WHY hasn’t that mother f’er been hauled away. You make a great point and I can’t help but add these !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing the comments, and by personal experience, it is true that the active ones, out of the 6,300 reported, many have left or died; this in addition to the ones that are NOT actively auditing on the level which are about 2,000 (figure existent in 2005) so you really have about 5,000 (lets grant them a bigger figure).
So the turtle pace is an adequate statement…this has been going on forever and will take many, many, many years to finally reach the famous 10.0000. By then Clive possibly would have found new words to request others to arrive to Flag, this if the Church has not crumbled by then. Good luck.
an ex solo nots DoP explained the stats.
1) The 6400 is the total who have ever gotten onto the level. It is NOT the number who completed.
2) Those 6400 can be broken down as follows about like this:
a) completed: maybe 1500 (whatever the total 7 comps really is…who knows)
b) on the leve still: I have heard 1000-1500
c) blown: who knows…I am one of those. i believe he said 1/3. so 2000+
d) sick, unable to continue due to cost, etc: another 1/3. 2000+
There it is. Terrible, terrible stats
Of course, Flag acts like there are 6400 on or 6400 completed. It is just as per the usual…lies.
This reminds me of a line out of the sitcom Good Times:
We are poor, and poor is one of three things people don’t want to be. Right next to sick, and dead.
“And in the Flag AO we have the brand new Solo Auditor Course and Advanced Solo Auditor Course ”
This could mean a lot, starting with retreads ordered for everyone for sure. Wonder if they are recalling people.
Wonder if this “new” GAOT has created a mass exodus. The first one did. Cancelling the certs of every auditor on the planet was a justice action.
I wonder who has been ordered to do retreads now? Constant shakedowns.
They are recalling people. My step mother was recalled to do the new checksheet. She’s been on the level for 30 years, is bankrupt with her house in foreclosure and can’t afford the plane ticket, so they are buying one for her and giving her the course for free. Desperate anyone? Even with all that, she doesn’t sound very keen on going back there.
Why am I not in the least surprized by this?
As a previous solo nots auditor off and on since 1986 I have to wonder how they are computing their statistics. I routed on in 1986 and attested in 1987. Then I was back on for Solo Nots Certainty. Does that count as a “new start”? As I never attested the second time, do they still have me listed as routed on the level? Inquiring minds want to know. Also are they counting all the people who WERE on but routed off, or never came back or “blew” or whatever?
I have always wondered how $cientologists were able to spend weeks, if not months, t Flag. In all seriousness, how does an average person get to spend that much time away from their job?
I have my own business. I have seen others there on the brink of losing their jobs and I’m sure some have lost their jobs. Being on OT7 was considered the MOST IMPORTANT thing in this or any other universe!!! So what if you lose your job!! You have the rest of eternity to live in an awesome OT state!! In fact, getting through OT7 will make you CAUSE OVER LIFE. You may not have any money, but you are still cause over life….
Myself, I never got fully at cause over life until I resigned form the cult. 🙂
“Myself, I never got fully at cause over life until I resigned form the cult.”
I’ll second that! And in the process found out that those I loved were hopelessly ensnared in the babble of their eternity being at stake …………………….. and there they remain.
If Clive is going to count comps then it would seem that he would at the very least want to remove anyone with any counter intention to the cult…. I mean church.
Yo Clive,
Please remove me from your “on or through” stat as after having completed OT VIII and being a SHSBC grad, I have realized your organization is completely fraudulent. Yes, it took me a long time to finally figure it out but the good news is this: I am free of you and your cult and will be actively working to spread the truth to the world about your actions.
Clive is hiding the really important maths equations. Each poor soul on Solo Nots has to return to Flag every 6 months for a ‘refresher”. What they have done for decades now is pump these dupes through every new fad that comes along and get them to pay huge money for it. First it was FPRD, then it was OT 5 Review programs, then it was “You’re not clear”, I could go on and on. But the real math is 1800 people on solo nots at any time times 2 trips a year times at least $10,000 a trip = 36 million dollars a year. That is why he keeps pounding the drum for more people on Solo Nots. Some years its more like $20,000 a trip – and that’s 72 million a year. A million dollars a week just from those 1800 people on solo nots would be a normal average. And when that slows down, they pound, pound, pound for new people and get busy thinking up new “actions” to interject.
A fascinating sidenote on the not clear fad that I would like to mention here. If you are on Solo NOTs or were on Solo NOTs anytime in the last 15 years, chances are very good that you were told you were not clear and were give 2-6 intentsives of NED to “get your to clear for real”. You get audited for a while on NED and when you are about ready to flip your bin, you get told, “congratulations, you are now clear, you can keep going on Solo NOTs’. This sounds all well and good, like you lost 50 grand but you came out OK. Actually for anyone who knows the technology of auditing, this is not all well and good, this is a horrific instance of the worst out tech you can possibly perpertrate. You see the strenght and power of a persons Clear state comes from the ability of a person to know exactly and precisely when and how they went clear. When you get that wrong you really mess up the whole thing and people don’t really “feel clear” anymore. It’s like you read a great book that really helped you, and later someone convinces you that some crap textbook you read is what really did it. As soon as you believe that, the help you got gets lost or obscured. So what that whole not clear thing did was hobble an entire generation of Scientologists. And that my friends is the deeper story behind David Miscavige and his technical “advances”.
… and now it will be, Purif, the “new” TR’s and Objectives, then back onto OTVII which will be completed real fast after that because THAT, of course, is what was holding up your OT VII case. Then onto Super Power! Whew! Glad that got sorted out.
I’d like to meet ONE person who was happy to be on OT VII and go in every 6 months to be asked stupid, onerous, punitive or tailor-made sec check questions. Just ONE. Please come forward.
Roy, you nailed it.
When you get on Solo NOTs there are 2 important but missing LRH bulletins (that were there, but have been removed) that basically explain how to audit and where you are going.
Being a member of the 10,000 only means you have been parked in a dead end alley way. You’re screwed because there is no way you are going to see these materials unless you get out.
I don’t know why these 2 LRH bulletins were removed (they are back in the Indie packs) but I know you are screwed without them.
And they are…?
The key word in one bulletin is “inspection” and in the second bulletin it is “transparent”.
Yes, what Robert said is quite true. I was amazed when I read the SOLO NOTs materials on the internet, after being declared. Those 2 issues clearly state what you are going for and the best way to get there. Neither are on the SOLO NOTS course. I believe they are part of the NOTS auditor materials, but are not given to SOLO NOTS auditors. I aligned so much after reading them.
Both “inspection” and “transparent” can found in any of a dozen or so HCOBs of the NOTs Series in the Class IX course. There are 2 exclusive Solo NOTs bulletins which are not released to the new Solo NOTs auditor when he starts his course, nor are they on any of his checksheets or course packs, but are only issued directly by RTC via C/S application.
Sheldon can you help ID those 2 issues with dates or a name?
Being quite new here I have got an MU on Indies…..what is the origin and meaning of this word?
Why am I not surprised that they’d withhold vital information.
Seems be a common ailment at the Church which these days seems to run like the CIA on a “need to know” basis and any information like that such as the actual EP of NOTs is probably considered above the Solo Auditor’s “pay grade”.
That said
There has been constant efforts since the coup took over to sabotage the Advanced Courses from omitting whole levels to various other Tech Degrades like the one you mentioned.
I think one of the biggest invals of NOTs and the biggest justification for alter-is was when it was “discovered” that David Mayo wrote the HCOBs.
Like as if this was a shocking revelation.
I mean Mayo was Ron’s auditor on the rundown fer christ sake and he personally inspected and approved the HCOBs that were originally issued.
CST could remove all doubt about the provenance of these original HCOBs by issuing the recordings of the briefings that Ron gave to Mayo but for some reason they don’t seem too interested.
Instead they seem more interested in releasing stuff by Botwo the squirrel under the DBA L Ron Hubbard Library.
Just some additional infos:
LRH requested David Mayo write up the taped sessions into HCOBs which were later also approved by LRH. NOTs 53 was written by David Mayo which gave case history handling advisories to auditors but was canceled in 1982.
This reminds me of the old joke: Q:What is the sweetest sound you can hear while at Flag doing a “refresher” on OT7? A: The sound of the seat belt clicking as you get on the plane to go home!
Agreed !!!
Hahahaha Tony. Exactly right.
Of the 6,433 “completions” I wonder how many have either died or have left the “church”. I think 50% would be a low estimate. When I was the Treas Sec FSO (1995-2002) my division (Treasury) was responsible for calling the public on OT 7 to collect their 6 month C/Sing fee of $2,000. Their were about 1,500 people actively on the level. The majority were beefed about the high cost of the level, many did not want to be on the level but were under constant pressure to continue, etc. It was like being a dentist for alligators who had been hit too many times with a stick.
I wonder if Rex Fowlet is still counted as one of the 10,000?
Definitely. No doubt. There is NOTHING a person can do to get off of their lists or being counted as a stat.
Yes – and what about all the OT 7’s who have been declared? The stat is just B/S.
Yes! Was just about to type the same question. Does the 6,433 stat include those who are:
* Dead
* Very sick
* Declared
* Resigned
* Designated PTS
* Walked out the back door
* Comped Solo NOTs “back in the day” and have refused to re-do it even once, much less the multiple times Slappy has tried to make them re-do it
Yes – of course. But I don’t think the idea is to actually REACH 10,000. Then there would no game to push/reg folks for. Or of course the game could just then become 10,000 MORE. It’s all a sales game. The number itself is completely INVENTED with no foundation of actual investigated fact at all. Just like 20% …… 2.5% ……. 20,000 to 1 ….. all just REVEALED to LRH somehow …. he just kinda KNEW it. Interesting that Ron put down mysticism
6,433 I was on VII twice. They do not lead you to finish. They kept making the same people ‘stay on’. I have friends who have OTC friends who all ‘finished’ and had to go back up. I want to see the list.
This 10,000 – are they trying to create a body of 10,000 people alive to will somehow help spread the word, or are they just trying to get through 10,000 people as a number? Surely after 30 years many of the 6,433 will have died or left Scientology.
Or else those guys would have been declared SP.
I love the expression “rock dumb stupid.” Perfect analogy. 🙂 Thanks, Mike!
Yeah, I do too. Good one, Mike!
While IN the Sea Org – time stops. Except for one week at a time. THAT is the only time there is. Thursday to Thursday. You don’t notice that you are one year older, two, 10 years older. Because it’s ONLY one week at a time.
Especially as adults, aging/time isn’t as obvious as it is when you have children. Then you mark time by how much they’ve grown or what school year they are in.
And in Florida — hell — there aren’t even seasons so it’s all ONE BIG NOW.
Clive doesn’t even notice he is saying the same thing over and over. Because it’s all “in a new unit of time” and all about THIS week.
The absolute only way to understand the absurdity of this is to be outside of the bubble and we know — Clive can never leave. He wouldn’t be able to breathe outside. He’s never been outside.
He wasn’t a bad sort — just a very blind sort.
Nicely put Christine!
“In a new unit of time”….hammer, meet nail on head.
PS. Hello, Windhorse. 😉
” He wasn’t a bad sort — just a very blind sort.”
And very insane by Einsteins definition…………….”Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results”.
That also pretty well describes those you mention doing the same things each week, over and over and over and over again ……………..thinking they are clearing a planet. What a sad lot they are, wasting away, producing no real products and calling it ‘living life’.
Oddly, as I read it…and Mike’s cogent comments…all I could do was laugh. I can’t even get worked up over any of it any longer. The blindness and stupidity are quite beyond belief. And, all things considered, in the big scheme of things, organized scio is a VERY SMALL BUBBLE! And a leaking one, at that. No one can really say how long it will take…a continued small leak, a few bigger ones…or something which just pops it flat all at once. But it’s over with.
And did you notice that he never named any of those quickie students. They may exist only in his imagination.
And in Florida — hell — there aren’t even seasons so it’s all ONE BIG NOW.
Gee. Getting stuck in the “church” of Scientology Inc is one big engram! And a grouper at that!
I was thinking the same thing — the oblivion of the eternal now. Delivered newly in a new unit of time. Being here. While these are all great ways (in my experience) to deliver a different sort of consciousness, they are also effective thought-stopping mechanisms to prevent comparisons of present time statements with past time statements and spot discrepancies, falsehoods, or logical contradictions.
And ah, the 10,000! Anyone ever watch the series “The 4400”? I has some shades of Scientology in it, except in “The 4400” the people have real OT abilities.
And just now for the fun of it, I did a quick Google and found that, not surprisingly, I am not the first to see the similarities to some parts of “The 4400” and Scientology (see
But hey, if 10,000 sounds like a big number to anyone, do a reality check. 10,000 is a very small town. It’s less than the number of people at a typical mid-size community college. More people than that take a cruise every month. If any business (or religio-business) has trouble getting a headcount of 10,000 in short order, they are in serious trouble. To need a decade or so to do it is indescribably lame.
Here, I fall back on some things of Scientology to resolve. CofS, you are essentially in the condition of Non-Existence, and your leaders are in a state of Betrayal. For the good-hearted of you, do the Non-Existence formula. Find out what is needed and wanted and provide it.
Lessons to be learned: what the public does not want is lies, intimidation, violation of confidentiality, divided families, false promises, unverifiable results, paranoid claiming of enemies hiding in every imagined shadow, Tom Cruise ruining Oprah’s couch, prison camps, child exploitation, abuse of human capital, invalidation of the many good men and women on Earth who may not see things quite the same as you, cold neo-Cathedral-ideal-Orgs wasting resources, inured leaders, harassment, endless court cases, failure to take responsibility, organizational withholds and lies, and on and on.
CofS, you have had 60+ years to learn what is _not_ needed and wanted. Don’t provide that.
For Christ’s sake, if you just stuck with the comm course, Dianetics auditing, the grades, and fundamental training without having to make it into a damn cult, you would be thriving by now.
Very well said!
“CoS, you are essentially in the condition of Non-Existance, and your leaders are in a state of betrayal”.
I respectfully disagree. CoS is in a way lower condition than Non-Existance. Never before has the Church of Scientology been as well known as it is today, and not in a good way.
Unfortunately, CoS is right there with its leader and decision maker, in as you’ve put it, a state of betrayal, which is the condition of Treason.
I think it is even lower than Treason. It is Confusion condition cuz they can’t see what is LRH and what is Miscavige, can’t see that he has altered the tech, and can’t see that no one does one post anymore, all are taken off post to reg reg reg, so there is a confusion of what an org board is, what it is supposed to do and on what their purpose and hat it. The purpose used to be to make auditors, Clears and OT’s. Now the purpose is to reg donations of money for no exchange given. That is Confusion of their own purpose and hat.
Hmm, Aquamarine. I agree with you (and thanks for the correction on condition of Treason as a betrayal after trust).
In Scientologese analysis, I might argue that CoS is in a lower condition precisely because it did not find out what was needed and wanted and provide it (and conversely, find out what is clearly _not_ needed or wanted and quit doing those things).
By failing to apply Non-Existence (and worse, pretending to a higher condition), it has sunk lower and lower in the conditions.
As others have noted, Scientology actually has many of the tools to fix itself. Probably not all, but many of them.
Who starts letters like that?
Aside from TOM CRUISE! of course.
And they wonder why everyone thinks scientologists are both stupid and crazy?
And they would be correct. Insane too…..see post below.