For 20 years, they have been pushing the Sisyphean task of getting “10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs.”
It’s all based on the LRH quote cited at the top of the issue below first published in April 2002 (see post giving the full content of the issue that established this goal):
Based on this sliver of dubious information supported by not a single fact, the big “10,000 game” began.
Way back in 2002 Solo NOTs had been around for 15 years or so, and they had not cracked the halfway mark.
By 2014 they had plodded along to 6433: 10,000 on Solo NOTs “Update”
To this day, they have STILL not made the target….
So, now, apparently, they have come up with a new idea to hedge their bets. Now they are shooting for 10,000 through Super Power. After all, who says that a Super Power completion can’t steer the planet better than someone on Solo NOTs?? Probably 7,000 of these are the same people, but never mind the logic of anything here.
So, now they are handing out numbers for Super Power Comps — supposedly Cary Goulston is #7887. It’s probably a number they literally plucked out of the sky because it sounded good — lots of symbolism with the 7th and 8th dynamics and infinity and OT 7 and lucky number 7…
Of course, this success story is completely over-the-top: he went Clear on the setups for the rundown (seems a bit sketch, I think there is an HCOB about declaring people Clear from auditing on anything other than Dianetics and the Clearing Course where Hubbard states something like “you can’t go Clear eating garbage” or something like that, but never mind, he is enthusiastic so what the heck), he went exterior “hundreds of times” and he can now monitor the saline level in his body at will.
This guy is now a bundle of theta power, thanks to COB and RTC and he is going to set the world on fire. Just wait and see. You can expect international media coverage of the impact he makes in steering the planet.
Super Power rundowns include a lot of “NED” – New Era Dianetics, and many of the auditors are Class VI, Class IX auditors with a lot of skill. Therefore, for the standard in Scientology as those standards currently exist, as a result of running lots of NED, a person can “go Clear” during Super Power auditing. This is the reason. Like Grade Chart auditing, the preclear is running a lot traditional Dianetic auditing processes.
Yeah, I thought about that too. He does specifically say he went Clear on set-ups, but people can also go Clear on SP.
As I mentioned earlier: He said he *attested” to the State of Clear on the Superpower Setup Pgm. The most likely scenario is that his Clear/Not Clear status was checked into with a Clear Certainty Rundown. This “Yes/No on Clear” has been a routine part of setups for just about anyone (who has an extensive auditing history) arriving for Major Service at Flag since the early 2000’s. I’m betting on the CCRD and an Attest based on the results of the CCRD. All part of setting the Case up for Superpower. SOP.
I don’t disagree with you, I do think this is a likely scenario. I’ll just say that Clear/CCRDs have undergone several evolutions/changes since the early 2000s. I wouldn’t call a CCRD a standard setup action for someone arriving at Flag, but I also wouldn’t say they’re uncommon. Some people go to Flag just to sort out their Clear status after all.
One thing I’ll comment on, because I see some speculation about it in the article and in the comments, setups for SP could’ve included actions where he runs NED. The most likely candidates would be PTS RD, C/S 53, GF 40X or repairing past incorrectly run chains. Any of these could’ve included running more NED, so he could’ve gone Clear. Another option is that something in his past NED auditing was noticed when he arrived at Flag and they decided he needed a CCRD.
Of course it’s all BS, Clear isn’t a real state, etc. I don’t believe in any of it, I’m just providing some additional information/clarification
Doesn’t going clear mean you have no more acne?
Per my reading; he didn’t say he *went* Clear on the setups, he said he *attested* Clear.
[toggle scientology world on] The setups probably included a Clear Certainty Rundown. The CCRD most likely sorted out past Dianetic auditing or some such. [toggle scientology world off]. 🙂
When I was in Marketing at the Int Base, we were tasked with calculating out what it would take to fill up the new Flag building with PCs and students. We had to calculate it right down to mission level. How many missions would be needed, how many orgs, how many PCs, how many students, how many Clears, on and on. And we did the calculations, and the figures were SO far beyond what anything that Scientology was doing, that the conclusion (which was never published of course) was that is was several orders of magnitude beyond impossible. Scientology loves to set these impossible goals, as if their optimism could bring them about. It won’t. 10,000 on NOTs will NEVER happen.
Hi Jeff!!
Excellent points. Was always a sticking point for me whenever I heard about this fantasy plans. I was once inspired to waste some time counting up the NPI ( for those who may not know what NPI is; New People In – a statistic measuring how many people came into the org in one week) for the Milan Org.
Again – for context – Milan is an org in Italy by the early 1980’s it was very big – it had expanded quite a bit but was also prone to exaggerated statistics. But it was a fun place to go and see!
Moving on – in the late 80’s I was at the Stats Bu in LA and just for fun I started adding up the NPI on a cumulative basis and I realized that, somewhere in the 1980’s Milan org seemed to have routed the entire population of Milan through its doors.
No wonder the stats were down they had already seen everybody. LOL
I never realized this before, it must be a win I need to write up; that you could laugh, feel like throwing up, hate something & feel apathy all at the same time. A real medley of tone levels fighting each other for supremacy.
I betcha Gary is nowhere on the training side of the Bridge to Nowhere. But has a nose so brown it would have had to have been photoshoped out. That’s got to be one of the best bullshit SS’s I’ve ever almost read to the half way mark!
What a load of desperate dribble comes out of Scientology.
Apparently his success doesn’t include knowing the difference between “affected” and “effected.”
Thank you, CBO… BCO… um.. yeah you, short stuff.
Wait a second… He had been in the cafe “over 948 times” and couldn’t remember the curtains? I thought Clears had perfect recall.
Re: “you can’t go Clear eating garbage”
I beg to differ, Mike. Just ask any Scientologist!
The irony of Super Power is so huge. The running around a pole thing in Super Power was meant as a way to rehabilitate DB’s, caved in cases, and out ethics people. It was going to be just for staff only and not for public. BUT David Miscavage in his ever growing hunger for money, figured he’ll make a fortune if he called it a new rundown and promised super powers to the people who did it and they would pay huge amounts of money for it.
So maybe people who do the oiliness table can clear the planet and put ethics in on the planet by telling you what their internal saline level is, and what their oiliness level is. DM is pretty naturally oily.
Slight correction. The Running Pgm is not part of Super Power, it is just delivered in the same building.
Both the Running Pgm and Super Power were designed to deal with failing, out ethics staff.
Thank you for the clarification.
Cary Goulston is oiliness himself, second only to COB RTC His Oiliness David Miscavige.
There must be some big push happening in scientology; recent “Succcess Stories” have been bloated beyond belief.
In 2002, the population of Earth was 6.273 billion. Now it’s 7.753 billion. That’s 24% more people. Should that number have been adjusted to 12,400 onto or through NOTs? Or, if there is no real, hard relationship between the number of NOTs people and the population of Earth, what is the magic that will happen when the 10,000th person starts, that could not have happened when there were “only” 9,999 people on NOTs? Why aren’t the 7,887 people making 78.87% of the impact that 10,000 would make? (reality check – they actually are – 78.87% of nothing is nothing, which is exactly the impact they’re making now).
10,000 would be .00013 % of the population of Earth. If there are a dozen NOTs people in Clearwater, that would be 80 times that percentage. Then shouldn’t Clearwater be literally Heaven on Earth right now?
Well, unless david miscavige changed the rules again, one HAS to go Clear on Dianetics. One cannot go Clear on Scientology auditing. And absolutes are unattainable.
I’m sorry to disagree with you Mary. This just my opinion. But after all the problems people have suffered, I firmly believe that if anyone is willing to contribute enough money, ……
All absolutes are attainable. With a sufficiently large contribution, anyone can get any printed certificate they want stating they have attained any position they want.
I’m quite certain that if I were willing to donate a few million dollars, I could get a certificate stating I had obtained a “Bona Fide Guaranteed MissCabbage Double Extra Special Clearer than Clear State.
IMO, with enough cash on the table, anything is possible.
My comment was snark.
Clear is a joke. An ABSOLUTEly attainable joke.
This reminds me a bit of a guy at my local org who gave the hugest win while doing the Key To Life course. He was trotted out at events to enable regges to sign people on and for a short period became something of a local celebrity. I never so much as spoke to him, and when I eventually enrolled on KTC he was a bit of a shadowy figure.
I found out later he was something of a homeless guy. He blew the course shortly thereafter never to be seen again in the hallowed halls of scn. He’s back to being a bit of a homeless guy. I have no regrets on doing the course because KTL was a lot of fun. The academy was packed to the rafters at that time. If scn just consisted of courses like that, it would have been great. But no – even back then the seeds of greed were there to undermine a great course. It’s no longer delivered as far as I know.
ONE reason they aren’t getting 10,000 on solo NOTS is that there aren’t 10,000 scns — never were.
Jere, they at least don’t have that many members who are active, and with means to get to “mecca” for expensive courses. 10,000 would be an average of about 75 per local org, and it seems likely they have that many on the books and who at least show up occasionally.
What i think is really out of whack, is that there’s good evidence the CofS still has at least 3,000 Sea Org members and must have at least about an equivalent number of local org staff, serving that relatively relatively small number of “public” members. That’s got to contribute significantly to the high cost of Scientology, on top of which those small numbers of people are in large buildings with high expenses, even when they’re renting properties that are not nearly as big as the “ideal” orgs.
Me too. I finished the Superpowers. All I got was a fake red cape and I still can’t fly. Scientology superpowers is completely horseshit, apeshit and batshit. No shit about it.
What are they going to do when Scientology shrinks to the Storefront Org stage?
that is an interesting question. When the wagons are fully circled in Clearwater, and the outer orgs are not much more than wedding hall rentals, will the few remaining whales still fervently believe they are on the brink of planetary clearing?
Of course they will.