Crazy Lady Lundeen has just announced there are now 6615 “on or through” Solo NOTs.
An earlier post containing an email from Clive Rabies dated 1 February 2014 listed the figure at 6433.
That is an increase of 182.
This means they have added 182 people “on or through Solo NOTs” to the grand total in 9 months, or 20 per month.
Which means they only have 385 more to reach their “next target” of 7000. And at this rate, that monumental milestone will be rolling around in another 19 months. On 1 July 2016.
And they will reach their goal of 10,000 at the end of 2029. (Of course, with a wonderful program like “on or through” they can keep counting even those “completions” will continue to count).
This target assumes they continue not subtracting those who have been declared or those who have simply stopped auditing and are no longer “on the level.” This stat actually measures the total number of people who ever started on Solo NOTs, no matter what has happened to them subsequently.
But there is an even bigger problem these stats predict. They completed 16 in a week this week. To be kind, let’s call it 10 on average and round it all out to 4o per month. They are COMPLETING 40 per month, but only ADDING 20 new per month. Income is going to decline. The numbers auditing on Solo NOTs and thus being required to show up for their 6 month paid vacations at the Friendliest Place In The World(tm) will continue to lessen. Sooner or later they will realize this and we will no longer see any “completions” announced, maybe even a Golden Age Of OT Phase II where everyone is required to go “back on the level” because COB “discovered” that they had been doing it all wrong and only with redone Objectives and a Running Pgm under their belt could anyone RERALLY complete Solo NOTs.
But this is another clear signal of the state of scientology today. IF it were true that monumental numbers are flooding up the Bridge faster than ever, they would be ADDING more than they are COMPLETING.
Yet her TARGET — what they are hoping to achieve that is beyond their true expectations — is 82 NEW people started by March 13, 2015. That is 4.5 months and isn’t even the current rate of 20 per month. She then goes on to list ONE person who arrived and more who are “scheduled to arrive.”
This tells you everything about how apathetic things are inside the bubble.
Despite the rah-rah, the walls are crumbling.
From: Edy Lundeen <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Latest 10,000 on Solo NOTs update briefingHello!
LRH stated:
“So future is the creation of a future illusion and the working toward that illusion to make it a reality.” – LRH
The latest news on the 10,000 on Solo NOTs Campaign:
6,615 on or through Solo NOTs
We are now on an all out International Push to get to 7,000 as our next Vital Target.
Ingrid Bechtold (LRH Host at the Flag AO)
From WUS:
Carolyn Harrison Lisa Benest
Lynda Hubbard Sandy Kleinman
Jennifer Helgeson——————————————-
The Los Angeles Area is going for 4X = 1058
To make our next target we need to get 82 more Clears and OTs arrived to FLAG to get onto New OT VII by March 13th 2015.
Janet Valdez Arrived to stay and get on the Level
Upcoming Arrivals to get onto New OT VII:
Helen Kizler Liam Darmody
Greg Capazorio Riggs Eckelberry
Sherry Dewane Sunja Ackerman
Mark McGoverny Hagit Raviv-Ron
Trish Groesbeck Jamie Fisher
Randy Stryker Judy Hill
Matteo GalbiatiShould your name be here?????
Here are some recent Flag Advanced Org statistics:
Total OTs made 4X in the last year
New OT VII Completions – 7 to 12 a week
Solo Training 2 1/2 to 3 weeks through the Advanced Solo Auditor Course (OT 6 Part A – after Basics Books)
A cross section of recent New OT VII Completions shows that it is now taking from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years for the majority of public to get through the Level.
Tech Estimate for OT Preps: Average tech estimate for OT Preps for those going onto New OT VI and VII with PURIFICATION RUNDOWN and SRD complete is 1 to 2 intensives.
OT Eligibility: Tech estimate for OT Eligibility with sec checking materials now in full use and due to the MARK ULTRA VIII E-METER, almost all OT Eligibility Checks for Solo NOTs are completed in 1 intensive.
It is now taking an average of 6 to 8 weeks to arrive at Flag and go home completed on New OT VI — ready to begin New OT VII — Solo NOTs.
* If you are a Clear, Power Completion, or OT come in and get an interview
* Get the facts on what it will take to get you onto New OT VII in this new Golden Age of Tech Phase II—————————————–
Take advantage of our expertise!!!
Use US!!!!
CONTACT US NOW!!!!323 953 3230
Edy Lundeen
Flag Service Consultant for the Flag Advanced Org (in LA).
And isn’t it amazing how much faster the Sec Checks are now thanks to the Warehouse 8?
Edy, did anyone even tell you that the FSO has been using the guts of the Warehouse 8 inside their old Mark Super Duper 7’s for 10 years or so? But things only sped up when the public were finally allowed to buy them?
Re: Sooner or later they will realize this and we will no longer see any “completions” announced, maybe even a Golden Age Of OT Phase II where everyone is required to go “back on the level” because COB “discovered” that they had been doing it all wrong and only with redone Objectives and a Running Pgm under their belt could anyone REALLY complete Solo NOTs.
“Pathetic. It’s disgusting.”
Mike, You’ve probably seen documentaries covering hypothetical events such as “What will happen on Earth after Mankind disappears” or “The first 12 hours after the Collapse of the US Dollar.” In that regard, I’d be curious to see “The First Week after the Final Thursday Stat Evolution” covering the aftermath of the final collapse. Or “The Last Year of the Church of Scientology” covering how the Int structure may ultimately unravel. On the one hand I can’t wait for their Lehman Brothers moment to come crashing down upon them, but on the other hand I pity the hundreds of SO members in their 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s who will find themselves on the street wondering what just happened and what to do next.
that is a sad thought, what will happen about older sea org members, but it has been happening all along.not 5,000 at one not sure what will happen in the next 10 years.
Well said, Yawnalot. Very succinct.
LRH’s tech can be very helpful to people and has enhanced the lives of many. But taking that same tech and twisting it (out-tech) can be very destructive to one’s life. As you pointed out, Ron did warn people about the other side of that double edged sword. The sad thing is that, at this point in time, many people connected to the COS have never experienced actual in-tech , let alone tech delivered by someone with no hidden agenda whose only purpose is to help them to improve the quality of their life .
Yes, it’s sad and a bit hard to wrap your thinking gear around the fact that literally no one in the Cof$ has any idea of what the tech correctly applied is actually like delivered within a socially minded group. Those that have experienced the wonders of correctly applied tech with no agenda except for improvement are long gone from miscavige’s scene.
That’s probably why those that are in are impossible to comprehend. They simply believe they are advancing but without actually being a product. In fact they are a lot worse off than if they just read a book on the subject and left it at that.
The greater majority of doubters, jokers and degraders and those are anti-Hubbard have never seen it applied correctly, but they sure know all about the subject.
Double edged sword is a good analogy. If handling the problems of life was easy we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Well stated, both Espiritu and IYawnalot, the phrase “socially minded group” I found particularly pertinent. It, the Church that is, became an aggressive, horrendous out-tech off-policy farce. Methinks someone is dramatizing something up the lines and the rest remaining in are PTS to it. Ah! Well! The suppression cannot last forever.
I was in my old Org a while back and overheard a conversation between an auditor and (probably) a Qual or HCO terminal discussing a PC. From what I could hear it seemed that one was trying to convince the other that the PC should not be being audited – the tone was actually quite nasty. Probably the PC was not donating enough or pointing out that it was off-policy etc. Would never happened in earlier years – the Org was there for the PC, not to satisfy some cruel staff member’s dramatizing of cruel purposes and attitude which he had obviously learned from being in such an environment for years. The irony now is that if this staff member succeeded in denying the PC further auditing it has probably done him or her a favor, in that type of environment. I can also just imagine the constant badgering of the PC in session for withholds that don’t exist and the rest of the Executive C/Sing that is going on.
That’s so true Espiritu. The hardest thing for me to come to terms with, in all the stories I’ve read on line, is the gross lack of delivery of high quality auditing to it’s members. Adding to this tragedy, the ever increasing prices, putting it further and further out of reach for normal people, just running a can’t have. The aggressive focus on sec checking of staff, making their only “auditing” experience gross out tech and pure torture, was another layer of can’t have, substituting this crap, for the bridge that they deserved. It’s such a shame that so many, who came in for help never got it.
The really horrible part about all this is the delusion they sell and enforce, albeit to dwindling numbers (thank God!).
The honest reality is with all the alterations, out tech, ridiculous sec checks, the suppressive declare threatening environment, the reverse flow of disconnection policy (replacing love with hate) and the insane creating the insane procedures miscavige has created = what they push off as Scientology is NOT Scientology at all but is reverse (black)Scientology!
It is unbelievable just how insane they have become but I seem to recall Hubbard said something about the dangers of fooling around altering things – but it will get worse, the future for them is solid indeed and what you resist you become has never been more observable.
Whether you believe in Hubbard or not, to fool around with the procedures of NOTs will make you nuttier than a fruit cake – look don’t listen on that one!
None of this is a funny.
One is never firmly in The higher one goes the more slippery the slope.
The closer to David Miscavige it’s not a matter of “IF” but “When”
you get the axe, garbage can, “HOLE”, or some diabolical torture.
It’s not called Kool aid for nothing.
Inflation and false stats.
The “On or through” includes the numerical number of all those who are done and attested.
A huge amount attested but are done with the Church.
So the PR number of “dones” includes those who are OUT.
Another dishonesty in weekly L counts is counting L -11 and L-11 expanded as 2 separate L completions because there are 2 attests to this ONE Rundown.
Do people who complete OT V know that going further involves going to Flag every six months for sec-checks? I’m sure there’s more pressure to move on the deeper one gets into Scientology and the more money the church discovers that you have, but what’s the highest point someone can go and still drop out with little to no trouble? I’m asking because I’m sure they don’t hit you with the “this is a deadly serious activity and the fate of the entire universe depends on what you do right here and now” hard sell until you’re firmly in.
Interesting questions. I guess my first thought is OT5 as presented is nothing like the original OT5. NOTs has been manipulated into a money generating scam – they care nothing of your sanity. If you got as high as NOTs on church lines then… whew, what do you say? You’ve swallowed the delusion hook line & sinker by then anyway and only an (extreme) awakening of the scam you’ve bought into will save you. NOTs is simply a progression of OT3 and somehow they turned it into a OT level, whether you believe in that stuff or not – the group led my dm is a dismal example of just how insane he is.
The “deadly serious” pitch is just that, a pitch. It’s a flim-flam man’s dream what they do. Hard sell – think about it, the term is apt.
If freedom is available one must truly begin to recognise what you want to be free of. COB as a term defines what an implant generator is and that in all reality my friend is anti-freedom.
edge you asked:
“what’s the highest point someone can go and still drop out with little to no trouble?”
Once you pass a KSW checkout (a policy on the front end of every “paid for” course) and you totally buy into what it says, then you are toast. Does that answer your question?
Like cocaine you will need to continue. But it is not to get another “high”. It is to just find out what is behind the next curtain.
Because of Google and the Internet, there is little chance of any English speaking person with an IQ above room temperature getting hooked on Scientology. So, rest assured, you and others on earth are safe.
Yes, it’s valuable technology. And, it’s available to anyone who cares to study. But the cult of Scientology is toast. Done. Dead. Zombie dead.
edge – to answer your question, YES, people who are on OT V know that they will have to go to Flag to do the six month ‘checks’, or “refreshers” as the staff call them. There is intense pressure on OT V’s to sign up for OTVII and it begins while you’re on OT V. If you don’t sign up for Flag / OT VII, this is seen as an outpoint and you will be visited and worked on until you agree to go.
Regarding what’s the highest one can go and get out of Scientology quietly and without trouble is kind of moot. Whenever you want to leave Scientology, you pretty much can, as long as you stay quiet about it and not tell anybody. People will notice that you are not doing services anymore and there are different reactions to it, depending on the person. Some people will ignore it and not bring up the subject of why you aren’t ‘on the Bridge’, others might stay away from you, as they will see you as out-ethics or PTS. If you openly say that your aren’t a Scientologist anymore, or that you will never do Scientology services again, or that you are leaving the church, this is viewed as disavowing Scientology and that is a Suppressive Act. This goes across the board and it doesn’t matter where you are at on the Bridge, high or low.
Incidentally, I encountered hard sell very early on and this turned me away from Scientology. I went back after some time though, and gave it a second chance.
Hi Mike, I am tired of same old things in my life … traded old car for newer model, tried same with wifey – trade a 50 for 2 new 25s but she was not willing go along with my trade scheme.
This brings me to a question for you, when do you think GAT III is coming out? I want to trade my old rah-rah in for GAT III.
Also, what amount of credit will i get towards GAT III?
“due to the MARK ULTRA VIII E-METER, almost all OT Eligibility Checks for Solo NOTs are completed in 1 intensive.”
So what they really mean is before they used the new meter they took 2 or 3 or however many intensives they could get.
What a bunch of crooks.
The new meter is er what?
A modified wheatstone bridge that costs about $100 to build.
The Dwarf introduces an arbitary that you have to have two.
What policy is this small person operating on?
Oooppss not supposed to ask questions like that are we?
Interesting quote attributed to LRH. Create an illusion an work towards it until it becomes a reality. I remember the days when you quoted LRH when you were required to reference where the quote came from (ie — this is a fake one, don’t go looking — HCOPL 6 Nov. 1978 On Creating an Illusion). I realize now the quotes are either
1. Made up
2. Altered
3. Taken out of context
So the reference back to the original quote is probably forbidden in the RCOS.
Right Valerie. It’s a continuation of reverse Scn, to demand mindless compliance, but then quote in improper context. Yet another form of lying.
As Mat above says – dare I ask if they’re counting the OT’s that have been declared or died?
In the last 2 to 3 years they have declared/dead-filed, marked “persona non-grata” or “verbally declared” no less than 29 OT’s.
On top of that, I know of 16 others who are UTR, laying low or have simply “slipped out the back, Jack”…….
So that makes a grand total of 45 South African OT’s no longer in the Church. More than they have “made” in the last 3 decades. And not one Clear made on South African soil in 8 years………
3 OT7’s that I know of went off to Flag this year thinking they were done, and instead got routed onto the Purif and SRD – came back to this country with their tails between their legs……… all 3 of them still glugging the Kool-Aid and sweating it out (literally).
And that’s just you Shelley. Multiply it by all the others who have seen similar and it’s a very large number. I know of around 8 people that are happily auditing on OT VII independently. They are doing it because they want to, with no stress and for little money.
Edy Lundeen and David Miscavige are making a mockery of a sacred L Ron quote: “…there are no absolutes.”
In fact, Edy and Davey have proven time and time again that they are absolutely lying through their teeth.
There are no absolutes except the lack of veracity of their stat reports.
And, one can be absolutely certain they are lying.
Isn’t that the mother-in-law of DIETER STUCKENBROCK, who is the father of UWE STUCKENBROCK (R.I.P.) who was the INT SECURTIY CHIEF and ex-husband of LAURISSE ‘LOU’ MISCAV…. aeh… LAURISSE STUCKENBROCK aka LAURISSE HENLEY-SMITH?
Niece to see her completing it!!! Very well done. 🙂
Not being the prudish type, but just connect those names, do an investigation, connect the dots and LOOK!
After all, LRH had this to say on the subject:
“It is interesting that a review of faltering orgs that got into trouble in their areas each one had a bad sex entanglement high on staff.
“A review of actions of orgs and attacks over the last fifteen years makes it stand out sharply that an org which is mixed up sexually in the higher echelons will not be effective, will have low statistics and can’t defend itself on the public front.
“Such are not attacked for loose sexual relations. They are just too decayed to do a good job of defense or follow policy. So they become subject to attack.”
6 to 8 weeks is a long and costly time for those who have a
job…..but what the heck…..who cares about mundane things such
as that.
Pot pie, they are lying about the time it takes to get on the level. I talked to Megan Shields when she was there to get on and she said it took her 5 months. And Megan is a sharp cookie.
Long time reader. First time commenter. Thank god I got out of this cult when I did. I can’t say the same for my entire family, but eventually I’m sure we’ll all be out. I toured with the jive aces for a while before they got completely brainwashed. Most of the people I knew from the Philly Org have left Scientology. Good for them. Scientology is a scam.
Well done, you! May your loved ones all make a swift and safe escape.
My wife is still counted on OT VII .. but she is not there for anything ..
Edy Lundeen has overdosed on her Beans and rice.Those numbers if they were ever true at one time
has been on a steady decline. Phone canvassing OT’s for a statistic is bogus, counting red pins on
a huge map on a wall at CLO is a joke of epic proportions. Example: I was called on the phone at 2:30 AM
to jump in my car and drive to L.A. to protest Larry Wallershime, of course I said “Yes Sir’ and promptly
went back to sleep. Getting on OT 7 is just as nuts. Wallershine was handled not by protest but with a check for over 8 million dollars. The stalled OT’s ( wise to the bullshit) stay the the same only the management changes.
Back in the day I had one encounter with Edy. We were in line for food at an event, and she seemed to be making chit-chat with her neighbor. Not realizing that she was softening up the poor fellow for a reg cycle, I introduced myself and tried to join in on the conversation. She turned to me, gave me a rough scolding, told me that what I had done was the rudest, most inconsiderate, blah, blah, blah — quickly composed herself and went right back to her chit-chat. That’s the Edy I met at Mountain View Org.
Yep, that’s Edy Lundeen. She kept showing up at my house with her junior to reg me for money. Seems they thought I had an inheritance burning a hole in my pocket. And she would always come at night and I refused to open the door at night. I told my FSM to tell them I won’t open the door at night. He got word to her to not come at night. She texted me saying that unless I called and made an apptmt with FSC and showed up for it, she would continue coming over at night. I told her to stop threatening me.
She reges people with data from their pc folders and pushes the ruin buttons hard to manipulate them to buy, or cave them in enough to buy auditing. She told a friend of mine that because she had reading charge on the 2D (who doesn’t?), that she needed to get to Flag asap because “you could have cancer growing in you right now…” and also said, “so many of our ranks have died of cancer….” That big C button was pushed to get someone to pay money. Whatever happened to enlighten people on a positive note?
Same old blather about numbers. That’s all people are to them is numbers, whether in the form of a stat or a dollar sign.
It doesn’t matter if there are people who are now SP or dead because they are number 2489, or number 3362 and that’s it.
And good luck with the numbers for OT VIII, those are way off the mark. I know people who actually finished OT 7 and didn’t bother to go to the Ship for 8. They had enough of the Ball and Chain and were just relieved to be done.
Mike, the full lists used to be published (I have one from 2000 or so). Do we have a recent one to look at and pick apart? IIRC it listed the ones on and the ones targeted to start.
Fascinating report and for so short a message from Edy there are numerous out points.
-Mateo Galbiati used to be a Class IX…now going back to Flag where his Sec Checking probably will take over 4 intensives as he ‘quit’.
-They are rushing OT 7s through as, otherwise, the SP Building will be empty if they don’t recycle the few OTs they have through the SP Rundown.
-The Ship is very likely suffering from lack of public too.
-“Expanded the delivery at AO as now they include Clears and Power?” Power had been delivered at FSO for ages and was usually done by the Class XIIs. If they don’t count them as part of ‘AO Comps’ then it mean they will have crashing statistics week after week.
The scene is evident – rush now all your OTs (before they kept them for over 4-5 years or more on the level) as otherwise other areas will keep crashing. But the fact is that it is only going to get worse.
One of the persons on that list slated to start VII has been trying to do so for at least 3 years now, is a great person who would really deserve it. Maybe now that they’re so desperate there is a chance it will happen but I am not going to hold my breath….
Zephyr, if they deserve to be on 7 they shouldnt be doing it at flag, really Im not kidding!
Well over half of the 6,615 have either died, been declared SP, been labeled ineligible to continue on the level or have simply walked away from Scientology forever. They will always be counted as “on or through the level” by these bubble heads who want to believe. I did OT 7. You can keep it. Hype, hype, hype.
As usual……
100% agreed. I am also counted but haven’t been on the level for over 15 years. I am thinking, though, that the level of “on or through” that are still active Scientologists could be as low as one third of 6615.
Just as with the orgs, there are those left who will probably never leave. That is all there is to the group and they will do whatever they are told. I am hoping many more will leave, but i am wondering if we have hit the 10,000 total Scientologists who will hang on no matter what.
Scientology means never having to say you’re sorry.
I am sorry for the crap I was involved in.
…and I was causative… ohhh….. yep.
Is Edy (one of the worst racist I ever knew in the Sea Org, referred African Americans as “Blackies”) missing her busted husband Jon?
Probably not. Last time I spoke to her was around 1998 when she and Ellie Feeney decided to just show up at my house to try to reg me. I remember her telling me that her and Jon were stationed in different areas as if it was normal. They had no problem living apart since scientology was more important then their marriage.
Sounds about right Mike!
I stopped auditing on solo nots in 1985. I bet there are at another 500 that died or left the church.i know quite a few.
May they rest in peace and may they BE/DO/HAVE whatever THEY want to BE/DO/HAVE. 🙂
BE/DO/HAVE… that was one of those SP transcriptionist errors.
DM has corrected this: it was meant as DO BEHAVE.
Just do that and what you’re told and all will be well.
Brilliant, clergyman.
*by the way …. would it kill her to have a freakin’ 800 number? Jeez …. Chisel every fucking cent from everyone every second of every day. But if people make up their minds to be continual victims/marks …. tough fucking shit … no sympathy from me for the co-dependents who in their UTTER stupidity allow this house of cards to turn to marble.
“But if people make up their minds to be continual victims/marks …. tough fucking shit … no sympathy from me for the co-dependents who in their UTTER stupidity allow this house of cards to turn to marble.”
Hey Joe, don’t be so polite man, tell us how you really feel about the folks who just have to keep the chains on 🙂
In her literary feud with Lillian Hellman, the author Mary McCarthy said that “every word Hellman writes is a lie, including ‘and; and ‘the’. ” That’s the way one needs to view ANYTHING that Edy Lundeen writes or says. NOTHING she says bears ANY resemblance to the truth. But …. then again … SHE KNOWS HER PUBLIC.
Good advice Joe! And I’m one of the Special People whose name needs to be taken out of the count. They’ve been trying to get 10,000 on SN since 2000. IT is now 15 years later and they’re going backward as they lose more to not auditing on the level and being declared. Somewhere on one of the blogs, a D of P from Flag who “defected” wrote that at any given time 1/3 or more of the SN auditors are not auditing the level and that there are many who stop auditing, die etc . I’d love to read that again if Mike can reprint it for his blog.
“This target assumes they continue not subtracting those who have been declared…”
I never thought of this point before, it’s an excellent one. So they’re probably including completion stats for those declared an also their donations in tallies. One would think (that being the key word) they would remove those completion stats AND donations from their tally round ups because wouldn’t that in some way, ‘taint’ them? Wouldn’t those completions and donations be PTS’?
Yeah – sure would be interesting to know the number of OT VII comps who:
a) are winning in life
b) are “in good standing”
c) are NOT currently re-doing lower bridge actions
d) have NOT got cancer or some other debilitating illness
e) are NOT committing gross financial irregularities and/or are not bankrupt
There may be some out there but it sure ain’t 6433
f) are dead in the water having dropped their bodies and are Qing and Aing along with LRH trying to find a way back in the game. Not to worry good buddies …… it is GAME OVER for the CULT!
d) have NOT got cancer or some other debilitating illness
I find this point quite interesting, it seems to be very prevalent that people in the out community have assumed that because an OT gets cancer etc there is some causative link between these levels and disease. My observations on the OT’s I know, limited as that may be show that the prevalence is no different than that of the non scientologist world. One thing to understand is that cancer and disease becomes more prevalent as we get older especially with wealthier sedentary Westerners. The correlation is that generally the people on OT7 tend to be in the older age bracket, I certainly don’t know too may 20 year olds on OT7.
I would propose that the OT levels actually have NO effect on the health of the individual apart from sitting down all day auditing making the body unhealthier. Of course this is even a worse thought for those who believe Ron’s sermons on the link between the mind and the body, even though there is absolutely no objective evidence to show his statements as true.
I am sure this is a closely guarded secret. If the true data were to ever see the light of day, the church knows it’s days would be numbered.
What I find amazing is that virtually everyone who is “in” knows someone who managed to get on the level and is now either:
a) blown
b) disaffected
c) out
d) dead or nearly dead
How they manage to reconcile this with church “facts”:
a) daily miracles
b) make your postulates stick
c) handle anything on any dynamic in session
d) auditing is “living lighting”
e) cause over life
Who in their right mind, who has the opportunity to participate, WOULD NOT do everything in their power to stay on this level?
Unless, of course, what the church is telling us about the level IS NOT TRUE.
Justified thought kicks in HARD:
a) he’s got out-tech
b) his lower Bridge is out or not really Clear
c) obviously out-ethics, since the tech won’t go in
d) he’s not trained
and I’m sure we have to include:
e) he’s read stuff on the internet
Mentally, they are working overtime to avoid considering the actuality, and that is:
On OTVII you will have to restructure your entire life to be able to go in session 4 to 6 times per day, seven days a week, 365 days per year – TO AUDIT A SEEMINGLY ENDLESS SUPPLY OF BTs! And manage to go to Flag twice a year for routine rape and pillage.
Cmon, what’s not to like?
I beg to differ, pied piper. 3years ago my husband examined the statistics. working with the age group we are talking about and the percentage he came up with for scientologists was pretty dramatic.
It makes sense to me in any case because of the amount of stress people on ot vII are subjected to.Obviously not everybody, but not all people react to stress in the same manner.
This is some important date provided by the EU Solo NOTS Dof P, named Michel, in 2010. This provides a good inside look at what it is like to run a solo nots unit:
You can see the original post here:
I think it might be one of the reasons why targets to get people onto Solo NOTs is being de-emphasized in the cult as a source of income – it’s bad PR and a legal liability to deliver “the level”!
Much safer to push, debug, and drive pure donations for buildings.
If they’re counting me as one of their OT& stats they can go and fuck themselves. One of the happiest days of my life was handing back my materials.
Welcome to the party, Woden! Total (true) Freedom feels pretty damn good, doesn’t it?
You can’t say that 4-letter-word in a public forum!!! 😉
Imagine EVERYBODY saying “FUCK IT!!!!” Ohhh goshh….
That would be probably the biggest key-out sofar on the 3rd, 4th, 7th & 8th dynamic!!!!
It would be a complete other order of magnitude! Can you already feel it..? 🙂
And thinking of these poor chaps, who are hidding their sooooo secret secrets and even
using their NEWEST hardware-technology seecreetly in the Mark VII is just hillarious. 🙂
But the best are those NEW OT VIIIs – those 100% ones [like me/us/ourselves 😉 ]…
Simply show them this non confidential reference:
HCO PL 14 Jan 1969
A stuck picture or a motionless org are similar.
Each has behind it a failed purpose.
They’ll probably nod their heads, but let them also read
the paragraph just below it…
That law (it comes out of OT VIII materials) is so
powerful it would practically revive the dead!
WTF?!?!?!? LRH is talking OPENLY about what is in
the material of the FIRST R-E-A-L OT-Level (OT VIII)?
Makes them at the FSSO go in circles…
ok,ok, only small ones around the pool and inside The Starlight Cabaret…
So, Woden – tks. Feels better now. 🙂
PS: Please don’t get started on the prerequisites for OTIX&X…
As DM once said:
“…LRH has now moved on to his next level of OT research.
This level is beyond anything any one of us ever imagined.
This level is in fact done in an exterior state, meaning that
it is done completely exterior from the body.
At this level of OT, the body is nothing more than an impediment,
an encumbrance to any further gain as an OT.”
Ohhh Pat Broeker…
Somewhere recently I heard that both Riggs and Sunja had already completed OTVII. Are they going to be counted again???
unfortunately Sunja passed away.
If Sunja has passed away, why is she on the “Upcoming Arrivals to get onto New OT VII” list?
I know, stupid question.
So sorry , wrong person, I know nothing about sunja.
Is the Sunja you are talking about Sunja Ackerman?