The increasingly nutball Edy Lundeen asks at the end of this email “so tell me what you think.”
Edy, I think you need to sit and stare at a rock for a few months until you come back down to earth and stop acting like some sort of crazy bag lady.
Do you even vaguely comprehend that when Dear Leader releases one of his “new” services and requires all those who are already on it to now do the “new” one, you don’t really have “highest ever.” It would be like having 1000 people enter a 1000 seat arena through turnstiles and then telling them all they have to go out and come back in. You then announce that you had highest ever attendance — 2000 people through the turnstiles at a 1000 seat arena.
Except for one thing. The “highest evers” are pathetic, especially in light of the professed target of 10,000 on Solo NOTs. If an astonishing rate is one a day, and they are at 6300, at this incredible rate it will be another 10 years….
And they have gotten a massive 296 of those 6300 through the “new” GAT II Solo Course. Wow. That’s about 5%. Really? With exclamation points?
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014
From: Edy Lundeen <[email protected]>
This past week we made another 10 New OT VII Comps! With less than a week to go before LRH’s Birthday, this brings the total up to 371 since last March 13th–more than one new OT VII Completion for every single day of the entire year and of course HIGHEST EVER!!
Total Solo OTs are also up in a whole new high range at 21 and 59 just for the past 3 weeks. This is the highest range for over 6 months–and these are of course all Golden Age of Tech II Solo OTs!
Last week there were also a total of 20 OT Eligibility approvals including another six for R6EW/OT I as this line continues to explode!
And AO Student Points were also Highest Ever for the third week in a row at 5.6 million!
With another 33 Advanced Solo Auditor Course completions this past week there are now 296 Advanced Solo Auditor Course Completions and 47 Golden Age of Tech Phase II Solo I Completions! That brings the total to 343 G.A.T. II solo courses comps in our AO course rooms where we are now averaging over 30 comps every week on these major course!
Let me know what you think!
Edy Lundeen
Flag Service Consultant
(323) 953-3230
Mike’s always interesting artwork for this post had me laughing hard. I actually thought it was DeMon having a snit! LOL
Ever wonder why a whole bunch of legendary SO regges died about 5-7 years ago? The late Ruthie Discher was a good friend of mine for over 30 years. I think she knew what was happening and checked out.
Yes I knew her as Ruthie Silverman, a true friend to me for decades, and my first reg at the org. Also the beloved AO reg, Enid Byrnes died. Who else do you know that checked out at that time. Is Steve Kemper alive?
OMG, so shocked and sad to read that Enid died. I loved her. She was my first AO reg back in the ’70’s. So theta and nurturing. Gees, that’s young, not sure she made it to 60.
I don’t know her age at death, but cancer took her out. She was so well loved. And as one poster said, it is interesting that a lot of good registrars and even the Sr. CS at Flag, Richard Reese, all died within 5 to 10 years of each other. He suggested that maybe they saw the handwriting on the wall and just checked out. One way to leave the base, that’s for sure. I don’t know but there may be truth to that theory. Who else was he talking about that is now gone?
Right. Enid was so wonderful that she charged my credit card $10,000 to give to someone else to buy a block of auditing before the Thursday at 2 deadline.
The pressures are so great coming from the little shit Miscavige to SO staff that they’re liable to do anything to prevent a shit storm from smacking them in the face.
Is Cal Cole still around?
Thansk for this reminder. As a never-in, I see different parts of the issue but forget one horror when I read the next. It is so important to see the different parts of the insanity in context with the next part.
Knew Edy way back.
Think she had been on Commodores Staff before becoming a missionare.
Anyway at the time I met her I thought she was quite competent and now she’s turned into some kinda of looney tune.
Guess that’s what over exposure to David Miscavige and his team of miscreants AKA RTC can do.
Funny what she says at the end of this email as if she or anyone else currently in management really cares.
Usually if you tell them what you really think you end up in front of something similar to a Soviet Tribunal. What they call a “Comm Ev”.
Been there done that.
Spent my time on the “Truth RD” for telling them what I really thought.
Yeah right.
What I really think Edy is that you, Lyman, Fred, Diana and anyone else I respected and admired at one time is take down Davy’s little team like they did with Mary Sue at one time.
That’s what I think.
Mike – I truly love reading your blog and the knowledge and wit you have is a perfect marriage. Today’s first few paragraphs had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe! And the bizarre part is Truth is Stranger Than Fiction. The turnstile example is so accurate and they just don’t get it.
Thanks for the blog and for all you do.
“Let me know what you think!” OK, I think that corporate Scientology is a joke, I think your numbers match the Flat Earth Society, I think a lot of people who LEFT Scientology are pretty bright and its too bad they aren’t still there putting out fires for the Dear Leader. What do other people think?
I remember when we used to use stats for what they were supposed to be used for. To MEASURE what happened, how many this or that. You could then compare what you have now to what you had last week or last year and see if anything needed fixing or make sure you kept doing things that did get you more now than what you had before. Extremely logical.
After being at the int base for a while I realized that we’d count up our stats, but it didn’t matter anymore if they were up or down. All you were judged on was whether you got stuff done for COB or not. You could have a nice affluence graph next to your desk and if you didn’t get some submission “up” in time you were an incompetent CI asshole. If your stats were crawling along the bottom of your graph but you answered somethihg correctly in a meeting to COB, you were golden. Or if you were off your own post for days and had crashed stats that was totally fine because “it was for COB.”
So it makes complete sense that the turnstiles register 2,000, because that’s what COB wants. The REAL stats don’t matter–they haven’t for what…20-25 years now? He just wants glittering statements to enter his little pathetic world and that’s what he gets.
Dat’s life in da bubble.
Someone is slipping LSD into the kool aide. The inmates are more deluded than ever. As the heinous crimes are uncovered Little Davey’s flock of sheeple are digging in their hoofs and refusing to look up from the ground. What is white is black, what is up is really down. Anything you say is wrong by default. Anything Davey the Sociopathic Narcissistic Mad Meanie says is law. We are talking to a wall.
“Someone is slipping LSD into the kool aide.”
2FF! I couldn’t stop laughing! Too F*&%^(G Funny!
I heard through the grapevine that there were only 4 power FSM’s this year. If I recall there used to be way more up on stage. If there are only 4 people on the planet that can get 100 people in doesn’t that indicate a slight problem. Anyone else recall the PowerFSM numbers of years gone by.
I’ve said it before. because expansion has become so massive all events will become studio productions, replete with a select audience and actors, that will be “beamed world wide” so as to fairly serve and include the massive global public who would other wise not be able to participate in said event!!!!!!!!!
that way they can control every aspect and CGI it to the hilt.
then getting “invited” to attend this super spectacular massively ideal event will be played up as a big ticket.
and it will create satellite events at local orgs for public to come in and attend the event “live” where they’ll have cameras (read big brother) and just like monday night football, the director can cut live to any org.
so as bIG dAVIE hits an ebb in his rolling thunder, the director cuts to a cheer going up in some org somewhere once in a while and no one is the wiser.
“we are so large we can’t possibly all gather in one place, with the emphasis on large. And we also decline to debate what is a voluntary religious practice of defining the term ‘large ” –Karin Pouw
Oh boy.
Yeah over 100 on stage at a few New Years Events
All show, no substance and not even good entertainment.
Shaft revisited:
They say that COB is a sick muthaf*****
Shut yo mouth
I was only talkin’ about COB
One of the keynote incidents that told me that the “church” was sliding down the rabbit-hole was seeing 100 “power FSMs” on stage at an Int Event. And the top FSM that year was a guy who had given a Dianetics lecture to an auditorium full of herded college students. No books sold. No service starts. All a sham.
How many young non Scientology kids have this thought when they think about their future: “When I grow up I wanna be like David Miscavige?”
You the Notisness master.
Well done Edy
Some Shakespeare is appropriate here: ‘it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’
Exactly right.
In fact MOST of the “Class 9s” (and “Class 12s”) are not Class VIs or VIIIs. They were put onto higher training without doing the Briefing Course or Class 8.
Another money-making brainchild from Miscavige.
To quote Dylan,
“It’s easy to see without looking too far
That not much is really sacred”
There are Cl VIII,s, Cl IX’s and Cl XII’s that have done the BC
but yet never did the VI internship. That to me is the biggest
outpoint in all of that. Granted they can and might be interned
IV’s & V’s but please….no VI internship? That internship is
the granddady of ’em all….and the most needed to actually audit
smoothly at those lofty heights.
People in the mid to late 70’s were getting onto the VIII course
without having done the VI internship. They had the status but
couldn’t audit.
IMHO no one should be allowed
on those levels of training who is not an interned Cl VI.
Correction…..they had status but couldn’t audit at that level.
I know a lot of people in the indie community who are auditing on solo nots without all the eval and stress, and are doing very well on their own determinism. It’s an actual personal, spiritual experience! And no bank account was murdered or single building was purchased in order to have a win! I know a bunch more who are on the solo course, getting ready to start. I think the indies will get to 10,000 first. Even though I was totally prepared to be on solo nots, I was thrown away because of a connection to an intelligence field. This made them EXTREMELY nervous. Ruh-roh! The overt doth speak loudly in accusation.
(Crying out loud)
War Horse,
Once again, great point.
To which I’ll add only: Cumulative number of hours audited by Ty Dillard, Barry Klein, Jeff Mintz, and Edy Lundeen over the past 20 years: 0
(I don ‘t know Ted Palmer)
But then, who needs all these Class 8s anyway? They’re all blind, dumb, and in the Matrix. And besides, with all their silly auditing, they never get around to regging for the IAS like REAL Scientologists do.
Glad I could clear that up.
Within this charade we have also the false reports/stat push.
I know for a fact of a person that had voiced, about FIVE YEARS ago, the she was done with OT VII. Of course she was told ‘no yet’. So, she went home and kept on with her life. Over a month ago she received a call from Flag – the Mecca Of Technical Perfection – and was told the C/S had reviewed her folders and she was OK’d to attest OT VII. Happily she went to Flag and, without auditing, reviews or nothing she was attested on that Level.
But, the story doesn’t end there. She was literally rushed to the Ship to do OT VIII. She had no money, but somehow she made it to the Ship. No data on what happened since.
Now, this made me think the CofS is desperate to complete everybody, one way or another, as if they do not do so you will end with a struggling Flag, and empty Ship and nobody doing the Super Power whatever.
Silvia — remarkable, but no surprise.
Just a stat push. I think Roy has it right. AO VSD is down and that is what funds RTC and pays Miscavige his bonuses. Someone sitting in the field doing nothing is not getting any VSD. Bring them in after 5 years, declare them complete and send them off to the ship to do “OT VIII” and that is making some AO VSD.
Executive C/S’ing has gone on for many years and DM
has perfected it.
WhiteStar, I respectfully disagree with you. The real Scientology tech is ALL about looking, confronting and communicating. Edy and these others to whom you refer with fingers in their ears literally or figuratively are not doing Scientology. They are delusional in that they THINK they are doing Scientology, they’l TELL you they are Scientologists, but, the reality is that any person who can’t and/or won’t look, confront and/or communicate is simply not doing Scientology. Of course, a person can CHOOSE to not communicate on a self determined basis, but that would be completely different from an automatic withdrawal. The former would be self-determinism, the latter, robotism. What’s sad is that these finger-in-the-ear people believe that they are being self-determined in not communicating with SPs. Its just part of the whole delusion package.
Flag: The only org on the planet where you get a Class VIII Call-In Officer (Ted Palmer), a Class VIII Reg (Jeff Mintz), a Class VIII FSM (Ty Dillard or Barry Klein– take your pick), and a Class XII Service Consultant (Edy Lundeen).
And you thought David Miscavige doesn’t know how to utilize people.
There are a lot of Class IX’s and Class XIIs who have been booted off tech lines for not bowing to RTC’s out tech bullshit. You would be surprised. There is even a Class XII in a very junior Medical Liason Officer post at Flag.
Something I heard recently that really interested me is that David Miscavige finally re-compiled all the Class XII auditor training materials. Most of the Flag Class XIIs were older people either trained by LRH or trained by someone who was themselves trained under LRH.
As David Miscavige busted LRH trained people like eating peanuts, the number of Class XIIs auditors planet wide shrank to some tiny number – 8 or 10 or something like that.
So I beleive (rumor only) that Dave recompiled the Class XII training line up and then had a whole ton of Flag auditors do it – but all of them auditors who had never done Class VI or Class VIII.
In other words – auditor trains to Class V auditor, then jumps to NOTs auditor course and is a “Class IX” but not that great an auditor having never done SHSBC or Class VIII course. May not have even done that much auditing. Just a couple of internships.
Then you take the same auditor and slam them through the revised “class xii” and then they strut around calling themselves a Class XII – having never done BC, never done Class VIII and in some cases not having that much auditing experience.
It’s a strange, strange world in Scientology nowdays. Nobody really is what they say they are, nobody really is what they think they are. No looking, no thinking, no talking out of turn.
Yes, Roy, it’s hallucinatory in the church now. A friend who was an interned Cl IV was told by the recruiter that she would be a NOTS auditor and that because she was already a CL IV, they would just rain her on NOTS tech and put her in the chair as a NOTS auditor. This is without Grad V auditing cert, without Cl VI cert, without Class VIII cert. So what you say is sadly, correct.
Next thing you know, they’ll have a shortage of auditors cuz of everyone leaving or being kicked out of the church, so they’ll recycle the RPFers and declare them Class IX auditors because they “read it, drilled it, did it” on the RPF. And who wants to be a Class XII based on the tech Davie puts together? I would be ashamed to say I was a Class XII under those circumstances.
Roy, it doesn’t matter. The L’s were the biggest scam of the century (I worked on those tech lines WAY back). All the withholds from the PC’s after L-12 because they weren’t stably exterior like El Ron promised. Big $ for nothing. Bigger withholds by all the staff and reges…
There won’t be any shortage of auditors because the number of PCs wanting auditng inside the bubble is heading toward zero!!
This is one more of the MAJOR outpoints that most public just have no knowledge of. And even if it were explained to them, they would not totally “get it”.
Since 1996, 95% of ALL CLASS IX AUDITORS trained are in fact only Grad V auditors who were then put through the NOTS course. Most of these people have NOT completed OT 5, but have simply started it, so that they could qualify to start the NOTS course. This is a fact. It’s one of the biggest tech degrade ever.
FLAG recently “trained” about 20 CLASS XII auditors. 90% of these people did NOT do the SHSBC or the Class VIII course. What a travesty.
The comment about having a Class XII MLO, and Reg, and Call-In Officer, etc is spot on. But again…public DON’T see the outpoint. A public would say, “WOW…FLAG is so awesome they even put Class XII’s on these lower level posts because they have so many of them and care so much about the public..”
It’s just bubble-think. How can someone who is supposed to be the MOST SENIOR of the MOST VALUABLE BEINGS on the planet be doing anything LESS than delivering the technology of Scientology to paying public? It’s because these are beaten-down individuals who have been convinced they never understood “auditing” or “scientology” and false attested to all their training and have been “banned” from the chair by COB, but these people have no place to go and have too much loyalty to LRH to leave the Sea Org and so are stuck doing menial jobs until they die or get offloaded.
Auditing was made so DANGEROUS that these older folks (Class XIIs) who had been auditing since LRH trained them, decided they’d be HAPPIER doing something OTHER THAN auditing, after the Golden Age of Tech came out.
It’s a disgusting commentary on what DM really thinks of LRH and anyone who was close to him.
Re DM – My contempt.
Jon and Edy both seemed like decent people when I knew them 40 years ago. Jon was 1st Engineer on the Apollo and seemed to do a good job.
Everyone was decent 40 years ago. Even respected and appreciated. Valued. Loved. We were young and full of hopes, dreams and vision. We were, ambitious. fresh. Making the impossible, possible.
Now the lot of us have become bitter defrocked apostates, Kool Aid drinkers, hallucinatory depraved staff , overt products of Hubbard’s or self promoting charlatans. Facing the inevitable.
Except of course, for the Patron MER IT OR IOUS! And the most valuable Scientologist on the planet, Tom Cruise! Who depends upon approval from bodies (fans) to keep the glamour going!
Change of leadership can make or break a country. We are just a small company incorporated in California.
Dwarfed by corporate giants like Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s Hamburger chain.
This is one of the saddest posts I think I’ve seen, Oracle. What a waste of human love, happiness and accomplishment! All devoured from thousands in 40 years’ time. I’m glad you made it out.
It was supposed to be funny. Never mind……………………
In a way that we might have a laugh at ourselves. Never mind………………….
This is indeed very sad, and it is what I think about sometimes when looking at plans and photographs of the beautiful gleaming empty Ideal Orgs.
These are the dreams of a distant golden era, irretrievably lost, cast in glowing marble where no feet will ever tread. Those large bright course rooms! Those dozens or hundreds of auditing rooms, ready for sessions that will never occur. Offices for staff that have long since blown and will never be replaced.
It’s as though David Miscavige, a morally crippled and peevishly demonic soul, has summoned all his fury and will to complete what he understands, in his limited way, to be the Prophet’s vision. He has omitted the human element because he has no feeling or sympathy for that.
In those grand architectural renderings of the Super Power building, there was not a single human figure. The only warm and comfortable space was the Commodore’s office. But the Commodore is dead. And so are all the dreams of so many people, not really so long ago.
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.
Oracle, you really touched me with that first paragraph. I could not have said better what it was like for me when first in (starting in the 70s).
Amazing what 40 years in a cult will do to otherwise decent people! But people do change and if they learn to operate on their own determinism, they may yet turn out OK! God help em …………….the cult certainly won’t!
Wait a minute …. we’re talking about JON and Edy? Heck … I thought this was about STEVE and Edy! Never mind. (Though I’d rather be stuck in an elevator having to listen to Steve & Eydie sing for hours rather than have to talk to either of the Lundeens for even a minute.)
Ha Ha Ha. :Thanks for the great levity, Joe. It brought a smile to my day.
We are the same people we were 40 years ago. It is just the way we view one another has changed, and the way we treat one another has changed, as a result of mismanagement and suppression. I thought that one would translate a lot easier than it did.
It was not my intention to make anyone sad or mad.
Never mind………………..
How Orwellian. In his book, “1984,” chocolate rations were cut from 30 grams a week to 20 grams but the sheeple are told the chocolate rations had been RAISED to 20 grams. According to the protoganist, Smith,
” It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grammes a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. Parsons swallowed it easily, with the stupidity of an animal. The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically, passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grammes. Syme, too-in some more complex way, involving doublethink, Syme swallowed it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory? ”
The question is, inside the church, does anyone possess the memory that these are the same people going through the OTVII and Solo NOTS styles over and over again?
Still on your side – the answer to your question is …….. no they really don’t. (The practice of not-isness really DOES reduce understanding and when you have been not-ising for decades……)
Here is a translation of this email.
Incredible News! For the first time in almost 20 years RTC at Flag has been forced to start approving OT Eligibilties!!!!!
Yes folks, with the release of Superpower came the realization that there were only 2 public who were eligible to start it. So RTC started a crash program of allowing people to complete OT VII!!!!
This is sooooo exciting. People who have been on OT VII for 20 years doing every imaginable detour to milk them dry are now being allowed to complete the level!!
Unfortunately as a side effect of allowing people to complete the level, stats at the Flag AO crashed into the floor, across the floor, and UP the opposite wall!!! Straight up and vertical!!!!
Since VSD from OT Public is Dave Miscaviges stat and the one he gets his huge bonuses from, this caused a super emergency program to be launched. So right now, for a limited time, it is possible to get OT eligibilty for less than a $250,0000 donation!!!! For a VERY limited time, you no longer have to be a big celebrity or huge donor to get onto OT levels at Flag!!!!!!!!!
If you are one of thousands of public totally ARCXen with the insane levels of donation and “moral purity” required to access OT levels, now is the time! You could be one of the 350 merely wealthy public chosen to replace the OT VII completions being currently made. You too can enter the treadmill, the eternal wheel of donations and amends projects and enjoy the honor of getting Dave’s stats up!
Once approved for OT levels, you will enjoy sec check after sec check, amends project after amends project, dono’s cycle after dono’s cycle, all in one uninterupted stream! And you will also enjoy getting to re-do, with a Flag Class IX auditor and at Class IX rates- every single part of your earlier bridge! Can you imagine the pleasure of re-doing ALL of your FPRD with a Flag Class IX??? Then re-flattening OT III with a Flag Class IX??? Then getting to re-do all your NED, again with a Flag Class IX?????Then re-doing your grades, and then your objectives??? All with a Flag Class IX????? All while mid another OT Level?????? So cool! Grovel down, kiss the feet of the RTC Rep and you may be one of the chosen!!!
Come to Flag now and be part of this incredible opportunity to get Dave’s stats up.
(Impure thoughs, $5,000 each, impure acts $10,000 each, failure to attend one of Daves events $20,000 each, embezzelment – 60% of the profits, rape/arson/murder $150,000 each, reading Mikes blog – INSTANT SP DECLARE, refusal to disconnect from family member when ordered – INSTANT SP DECLARE, EXPULSION and a PERSONALIZED BLACK PR CAMPAIGN)
+ 100
Well maybe now they will let Penny Atman Jones complete. When I finished in the summer of 2003 she has been on the level for about 20 years and was whining about completing herself. Although she lives in Clearwater, I heard that she routed into the Sandcastle round about 2004 to audit through to completion. Later I heard she had used up her comp time at the sandcastle and moved back home still not done.
I have not heard if she ever finished but I assume they will want one of their go-to FSM reg types to get some super powers to help with the sheeple fleecing at the events so maybe they will push her through.
when you are trained that you can simply disagree with the universe, then it’s easy to just disagree with the immediate reality that surrounds you.
you don’t like what you see? then just decide it’s not there.
scientologists are actually trained NOT to confront anything. that’s the very thing disagreeing with reality allows one to do. it’s what “creating your own reality” allows one to do, not confront.
it’s what children trapped in bad situations do.
look through all the protest videos of when scientologists are confronting protesters, they all act like
children…….they practical stick their fingers in their ears screaming “i can’t hear you”. it’s documented on tons of videos.
look act the kinds of arguments they make in court…’s like they are petulant children.
the tech is the very reason Edy can’t see her hand in front of her face.
She was mad as a hatter when I knew her 30 years ago. Can’t believe she is more so now but, the evidence is right in front of me.
When I told my KA drinking friend (now ex-friend cuz she disconnected), that Edy was 1.1 and I didn’t trust her further than I could throw her, she said, “Edy is a Class XII auditor, you are denigrating a highly trained auditor.” I said, “Well if she is a highly classed auditor, what is she doing on a Reg post working as a reg? Did she get busted?”
Cindy, what she’s doing on a reg post is using her tech status to read peoples’ PC folders and her auditing skills to key them in or whatever so that they’ll buy whatever she’s selling.
Right Cindy. What got people promoted in the S.O. was being angry, covert, abusive, etc. It was set up that way by LRH. Edy mirrored his tone. Same with Miss Cabbage. That’s why those types did so well in that environment.
I agree that I could be angry and abusive when I was in the SO. Though I also had some ability to deal with lawyers and the media. I am not sure that your hypothesis is entirely true. I also knew many others who were smart, competent people (look at Jeff Hawkins) who rose to high levels in the Sea Org and while I cannot say the same for myself, Jeff Hawkins was NEVER angry, covert or abusive. Neither was Dan Koon. ANd Claire Headley and Bruce Hines are two of the nicest people you could ever meet anywhere. I could go on….
This is a great mystery to me, Mike. You’ve put your finger on it precisely (as always).
I feel like I’ve gotten to “know” so many great people in this community — smart, compassionate, brave, funny, warm and often astonishingly candid — and yet the one thing these folks have in common is a cult that represents nearly the opposite of these things. (Maybe excepting “smart” because there is a keen, though dark, intelligence at work in RCS.)
I hope you will write a memoir someday, when this is all over and you’ve had time to reflect.
Richard, I believe a lot of the people you describe joined between the 60’s and 80’s. It wasn’t all glorious back then either, from various reports, but there was a much freer, more easygoing atmosphere, and I think it attracted a different kind of person. Perhaps it was just the freedom crowd. When I meet some of these people today, I can still sense it in them.
Then of course you have a nurtering environment on these blogs. People revert to their natural personality and shine. I went back to Saint Hill after many years and noticed right away it had changed – not on the outside, but the vibes, for want of a better word. Totally reversed, grasping instead of loving. Like coming home to find your best friend has turned into a ghoul.
Mike, those people you mention were not really heading up “orgs”. Dan Koon (one of the brightest lights I’ve met in my entire life) wasn’t running an org. He was tech (both as CMOI & Gold). Marc H was a really good marketing tech heading a mktg unit. He wasn’t senior management. Same with Russ G. and some of the other cine types for example. Bruce H. same. You are thinking of a different type of SO position than I am referring to.
You mean like Debbie Cook? Or “senior management” like Claire Headley the D/Inspector General? Or Dan Koon the Senior C/S International (for a time)? Heber Jentzsch the President CSI — a kind and gentle soul. I don’t know what you mean and I think your conclusion was just faulty.
It was the nice, good, kind, caring, intelligent SO workers that kept me interested. It was soooo confusing to get a vicious (and totally pointless) smack down from the other kind. Then one day I had enough. I realized the brutality was not the exception, and this was not a real church.
Since I was thorough enough to communicate this to CCI, they put a PTS D order on me, behind my back, rumored it around, and CC denied it existed. I finally got a copy of it. It’s pretty funny. We agree on one thing: I NO LONGER WANTED THEIR HELP. They called me insane for that, because after all, who doesn’t love being abused?????
Yes. I was confused by the Dr. Jeklyll and Mr. Hyde aspects of SO personalities also.
Some SO members seemed so good, pure, kind, and sacrificing themselves for others beyond belief. Others totally shocked me with viciousness. The dichotomy I could not resolve, and still cannot.
right on! About 20 years ago…
None of those figures mean anything to me in terms of real world positive effect created.
Laurie, I”m so sorry to hear that. How the church can turn kids who love their parents into fearful haters of them in such short time is mind boggling. It’s hard to fathom. Can I ask, how are things in PT with your son and you?
Is Edy related to Psycho Jon Lundeen? That guy is evil and creepy! “What do you think” – we think there is no Bridge Edy, there are no OT’s Edy, and you have been bamboozled!
“Let me know what you think”.
“I think you should stare at a rock for a few months…”
Mike, you crack me up without even trying.
Ditto — I love lots of Mike’s line and that one made me chuckle too.
And I love the periodic “it sucks to be Miscavige.”
I think Jon is her husband ……….. unless He who endlessly Sucks has ordered them to divorce because they were making too much woopee in the berthing but that is highly unlikely IMHO! Jon Lundeen is CO of ASHO last I heard.
My ex brother-in-law Rod Daniells (Power Auditor and C/S at ASHO before he left the SO in 2006) told me a boatload of stories about his experiences with good old Jon, his need for stats and his involvement with C/Sing and the application of ethics (or not) to PCs depending on the lineup, their finances and all that sort of stuff. Juicy and kind of belongs in the Black OPs folders but what else is new. Anyway, Rod continues to belly up to the Kool-aide bar and keep a low profile to avoid the OSA Goons.
His wife Lori is another piece of work however. When she comes to Sonora she talks down and critically of the cult to the non $cn. locals and people she has befriended. When she is in LA she is a Kool aide drinking, flag carrying member in good standing and reports dutifully to her son about the goings on of the likes of me. This way her son Adam (class IX, ex SO – 2011) can relay the info to Julian Schwartz at Pac who then can run the Black Ops program back onto my family as needed to maintain the proper level of fear.
Go gettem guys! Those bitter defrocked apostates are in for it now.
Yo Julian, call me if you want the real scoop of what is going on. 209-928-4822 . Hope your day is going just peachy!
Cooper, sorry to hear you have Julian up your ass. He is such a joke. He won’t take any of my calls, won’t agree to meet me ANYWHERE but had plenty of time to pull in all of my “friends” and family members to show them documents, including my SP declare (which I have NEVER seen) and get more people to disconnect from me. Well guess what Julian, BRING IT. If you are so trained and able why can’t you confront little old me? How scary am I? So silly. They are so busy destroying families and taking what’s left of people’s money that when Monique wins her suit and The Church loses its religios status, which I give them 7 years max before that happens, they won’t know what hit them.
BBJ — you highlight an important point. The church is in fear. Especially in fear of “SP’s”. After the big push to get everyone through the “How To Detect And SHatter Suppression” course GAG edition, one would imagine there would be a lot of strong, certain individuals within the bubble.
Instead, unlike any time in earlier history, they have assigned “SP’s” the most remarkable power and status. They, by their actions, demonstrate they buy their own bs as the officials of the church disconnect in a heartbeat as the solution to all problems generated by “SP’s.”
Miscavige is in fear of ever having to see someone that is not a fawning sycophant, previously cleared to be in his presence. No figure will talk to the media, the best they get, if anything, is a written letter. They prevent people from entering their events and buildings unless they have some special “clearance” and the MAAs are unwilling to confront “SP’s” or even publish an SP declare.
They cannot confront at all. So “SP’s” — bitter defrocked apostates, media merchants of chaos, psychs, the suppressive juidicial system are all “out to get them” (and are defeating them).
Pathetic really for an organization that claims that have the “tech” to handle SP’s.
I think Miscavige is afraid of being seen for who he is.
I know for a fact he is deadly afraid of being communicated to.
Yes, yes, this is such a good point. DM is in such terror he has armed guards and bomb sniffing dogs and only travels by private jet. The staff are all in terror of the big bad SPs and run and hide when they see one. The staff are also in fear of super harsh punishments for small infractions. The public are all in terror of the local ethics officers that they might be declared or forced to make cash amends and in constant fear that a friend or family member might turn them in for some un-acceptable thought or comment. It’s all fear based. Unless you are rich or a celeb, in which case you are being treated completely differently and wonder “why all the fuss? I get treated just great!” Well not the plebes brother, they dont get treated great at all.
Good point. I did the PTS/SP course 3 times. I did the Ethics Specialist course and the Sea Org Ethics Specialist course. I am pretty sure I understand the tech on that now. Pretty sure. That was the one thing that I could NEVER understand. If there is this MIGHTY tech to defeat these evil doers then why the hell would you ever have to disconnect from anyone? If you could just shatter suppression wouldn’t the SP just leave you forever or change because you and your magic powers shattered their suppression?
Doesn’t anyone else ever think about that? I mean I know I was there for 8 years, following orders and all that. I know I have a teensy bit of power right now because I do know too many celebrity secrets and where some of the bodies are buried. But really I just want truth out there. I guess that is what is the most scary. Truth. The slave labor, the child labor, the forced abortions, forced divorces, the pedophiles, the grotesque living conditions and the warped mind control. That is what I want the world to know about. So I guess they should be scared.
Now that they have declared me an SP what do I have to “lose”? Absolutely nothing.
BBJ, first of all, thank you for your years of service in the SO. And you’re right, now that they’ve declared you, what do you have to lose? DO write a tell-all memoir. DO tell where the bodies are buried and shine the light on all the shennanigans and evil that you saw. I look forward to reading your book. As an aside here, there is a guy named LD Sledge who has been promoting heavily his biz as a ghost writer. He says to give him your notes and ideas and he will ghost write a fine book for you. I have often thought how fun it would be to send him memoirs of how it was at Int and at the Hole and how DM did all the overts he did. Wonder how far into reading it he would get before he ran like a scared dog with his tail between his legs?
SP’s means whistle blowers, in actuality.
Now if one could get the media & koolaide drinkers to realize that.
BBJane …… could they threaten to declare us as “SPs with Honors”?
Edy and Jon are married.
Mike, excellent points here. The church is uber afraid of the SP’s and grant them so much power. Look how Tory empties a work site and every SO member on the street when she walks down L Ron Hubbard Way!
And it isn’t even SP’s that frighten them. It is Truth that frightens them. I remember being out with my daughter and I mentioned casually that Lisa Marie Presley had left the church and had written a song about it, and my daughter got a stricken look on her face, terror, it was, and then ran to the bathroom and texted someone from the ladies’ room stall. She looked so scared when she came out. I realized then that she was scared that her mom was a “real SP” and that thought was so terrifying to her. This news was something she could have heard on the TV news, in a magazine, anywhere at all. But the fact that I told it to her made her think that her loving mom was “a real SP.” They can’t have truth even if casually spoken in conversation. The KA drinkers I know do the equivalent of putting their fingers in their ears and say, ‘I can’t hear you!” What kind of confront is that? What kind of “shattering of suppression” is that? What kind of “cause over life” is that?
Is that a good thing?
Cindy I had to go through exactly the same thing with my children…one of them one day was crouching in a foetal position looking at me in terror (btw he was something like 28) and winging that he was going to hurt himself…and I could not understand what on earth he was talking about, until it hit me…hard
How about the stats of public jumping ship?
During the 1980’s a survey was done that for every unhappy public
that caused stats to decline, it took 5 happy public to reverse the trend.
Point is the trend downwards will continue until the REAL WHY is handled
and 5 happy public replace each unhappy one.
Otherwise this is futile
My thoughts? I’m going out for a slice of pie
then go see Peabody and Sherman at the cinema.
A workable process. Enjoy the show!
Pretty sure the number of people declared SP will hit 10,000 long before that ever happens. At least an SP declare almost always results in latent case gain and huge resurgence in self determinism. The quickest way up is out.
GAT = Gilded Age of Trash
Considering the choir she is preaching to, the response to “Let me know what you THINK” will be the sound of crickets.
Joined by the frogs croaking ‘ribbit’
What I think Edy is that you should start by removing Miscavige from post for starters. Then we’ll plan the next move. Don’t want progress reports. Just let me know when it’s a DONE.
Mike, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel…
Except a barrel has more fish than Co$ has NOTs.
Since you asked, I think you ought to make another unannounced midnight raid on my house to reg me for some more fiat currency.
We will be showing a movie first however to set the proper tone for your over the top arrogance and self importance.
It is called “The Mouse That Roared II” or to put it another way ‘ How a couple of very able yet humble women took out a Cult On Steroids in their spare time’.
A very well deserved Hat Tip goes out to Monique Rathbun and Leslie Hyman this fine day. Kudos to you both!
The world of delusion is not a very comfortable place at all. It takes so much effort to hold it all in place.
Isn’t that the truth, Jonsty!
I love the picture you chose for this article. You have captured Edy Lundeen perfectly.
Yes that picture captures Edy.
When she thought I had money, she and her jr would show up unannounced at my house late at night. I live at the end of a street in a lonely, secluded corner where neighbors can’t see what goes on on my front porch. Because of that and since I”m a single woman, my policy is not to open the door after dark unless I know the person and want to see them. She kept coming at night to reg me and I wouldn’t open the door. It was enturbulating me. I told them not to come after dark and I had my FSM TR 3 that same Rfactor to them. They ignored it. So one night after all this, she text messaged me a threat, “If you don’t come in to see us at the FSC office, I’ll keep coming at night to your house.” I saved that text on my phone for a year to prove that it was a threat. Then my phone didn’t work and I had to replace it, so the text is gone. But those are her tactics.
I agree Gail, never was an Edy fan. Thought she was a nasty piece of work.
“Let me know what you think!”
Pathetic really pathetic.
Fastest expanding religion on earth…. Fastest shrinking….(fortunately)
Maybe we should send her Mike’s article to answer her question of “what do you think”?
Even if it were expanding, the project is so futile as to belong in Alice in Wonderland.
There are over 7 billion people on Earth. If that population remained perfectly static — no births or deaths — and even if the Church produced 100,000 OT VIIIs per year (274 every day), guess how long it would take to make us all OT VIIIs?
70,000 years.
But of course the Earth’s population is growing, and growing faster than the death rate. And as the outgoing OT VIIIs die off, you have a continual flow of new “meat” to bring in.
So forget the people dying off: about 130 million babies are born every year. Even if the Church made 100,000 OT VIIIs each year, it will fall behind at about the rate of 130,000,000 – 100,000 = 129,900,000.
Even if production were beyond their wildest dreams, Earth will never be clear much less OT VIII. Not even with those billion year contracts.
But I guess it’s okay that believers believe in their progress. Faith — that’s what makes a religion. No need to be distracted by facts. So if no other proof of religious status is available, maybe the lack of basic math skills and critical reasoning is enough to show that the Church cannot be, in any way shape or form, a science.
Although this is not being discussed “inside” in that detail, I believe they have gone into a kind of “only a lucky few are going to make it and that’s us” mentality.
can we answer him, even we are not on hushmail….? 😉
I remember Edy Lundeen. I can’t imagine her to be this brainwashed bag lady living in an imaginary universe of Dear Leader.
Each person out here in the wog world is a solo auditor if he or she can rationally think for himself or herself. No further qualification is needed. One does not require this complex thinking structure of Solo NOTs. All that one requires is simple mindfulness.
1. Observe without expecting anything, or attempting to get an answer.
2. Observe things as they really are, not as they seem to be.
3. If something is missing do not imagine something else in its place.
4. If something does not make sense then do not explain it away.
5. Use physical senses as well as mental sense to observe.
6. Let the mind un-stack itself.
7. Experience fully what is there.
8. Do not suppress anything.
9. Associate data freely.
10. Do not get hung up on name and form.
11. Contemplate thoughtfully.
12. Let it all be effortless.
The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness
What a superb post!
Well said!
# 13. Try keeping your pretentious mouth shut, okay?
Just to speak to the subject of being brainwashed…Edy has been posted at FLAG (in Clearwater) for over 15 years. Before that she was on the RPF. Meanwhile, her husband Jon Lundeen has been the CO ASHO Day (in Los Angeles) for approximately 17 years.
This couple has been SEPARATED for 15 years. They see each other for MAYBE 2 or 3 days per year.
Their daughter (approx 30 yrs old) is at Int Management. Last I knew she was in WDC, so who knows where she is now. Jon and Edy see their daughter LESS than one day per year. And it has been this way for at least 10 years. This is considered “normal” in the Sea Org.
It’s no wonder that people like the Int Justice Chief have such little regard for family relationships when it comes to subjects like disconnection. The justice terminals in the Sea Org have NO SYMPATHY for anything to do with families. They don’t even see their own families! These folks live in complete bubble.
I challenge anyone to name ONE OTHER organization that shows such little regard for families or marriages. Even the ARMY expects your family to move with you from base to base. Even soldiers in the field come home after 8 months, and not just for 24 or 48 hours.
What is behind this lack of regard for family? It’s NOT because these people are considered irreplaceable on their posts. The evidence of that is how easily they are RPFed when they cross COB.
My belief is that couples, particularly ones on senior posts, are kept apart because they are less likely to blow if they can’t plan it out with their spouse.
Just my thoughts.
“I challenge anyone to name ONE OTHER organization that shows such little regard for families or marriages. Even the ARMY expects your family to move with you from base to base. Even soldiers in the field come home after 8 months, and not just for 24 or 48 hours.”
I never thought about it but it is true that Army staff whether in a submarine crew sailing for months undetected, or Navy Seals or any other personnel of the US Army, even if they are paid little for what they do, they are treated 100 times better than Sea Org staff. It is amazing how this greedy organisation pretending to be a “Church” raises its lack of decency to the point of daring to talk about human rights. You made a good point there Rock. Thanks one more time to Mike for his honesty and courage. Kudos to you Mike, you are great!
Annie singing it’s a hard knock life should join staff to give her the ultimate reality.
These words are used to dehumanize people:
“Terminal” for person
“2-D” for spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend
“Raw Meat” for new potential member
“Meat Bodies” for people
No wonder these people don’t realize that the family is shattered in Scientology. Notice the Organization is called the 3rd dynamic and it is the only one you can have.
Very interesting!
I think you are correct, Rock, it seems the longer a couple are separated, the longer they will stay.
The Rock, you make good points. The church shouts about human rights and then splits families up, aborts babies, all of it. They separate the exec husband and wife so that they can’t plan their escape together. What group does this? What church does this? If conditions weren’t so bad, they wouldn’t have to worry about people blowing.
Oh and by the way, Edy is now working out of the FSC office in LA and Jon is also in LA on his post, so they are finally together. But big whoop…. together for the 3 to 4 hrs of sleep they get per day?
@@ the Rock
wow!!! spot on!
Both their daughters were at Int. Tammy, very sweet girl, was in Qual and her sister Mishi was in HCO was an ethics officer.
Rock – you’re on to something here. The SO wants complete and total allegiance to the group. Individuals and families are nothing and the group is ALL.
It’s pretty sick when you take a step back and really look. Sick and sad at the same time.