A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to everyone who gathers around this internet water cooler.
Tony Ortega has been summarizing the events of 2014 over the past 10 days or so on his blog. It has been a seismic year in the scientology world.
But I believe it is just a warm up for what is to come in 2015.
I think it is safe to say that the church of scientology confronts an uncertain and stressful future. And it is not due to the great forces of evil that are lined up against it, ready to persecute the poor saviors of this sector of the universe.
It is because they have increasingly withdrawn into their bubble and treated the outside world with disdain. They have continued upon courses of action that doom them to catastrophe. And they continue to do things that have proven destructive, each time hoping for a different result.
Here is what I mean:
- Despite the growing outcry against the barbaric practice of disconnection, in 2014 they doubled down and extended the reach of their madness to ever more remote people, ultimately sending their Nazi youth out banging on people’s doors to “order” them to “disconnect” even though those who answered the door were not scientologists! Pure insanity. And for every family that is torn apart by disconnection in order to “protect the church” there are two, or five or ten or a hundred people who look at what happened, become certain that the church is a controlling, evil influence on people’s lives and avow they will never, or never again, have anything to do with it.
- With regard to the media, they have fully assumed the bunker mentality. Shivering behind closed doors, they are reduced to poking lame threats through the mail slot to try and scare away whoever knocks on their door. They have not had a public spokesperson appear or even speak to any major media throughout 2014. Just a smattering of letters signed by Karin Pouw that were not written by her. Those letters uniformly contain only denials and assertions that every source is liar and ever person in the media is a bigot who is deliberately ignoring the “real story” which is the “massive international expansion” of scientology. The media no longer sees their threats as credible. There will be more media coverage of the truth about the activities of scientology in 2015 than ever in history. And based on their past performance, they will do NOTHING to lessen the sting of what is broadcast but instead they will prove that everything that is being said about them is true because they act like crazed paranoids who are convinced everyone is “out to get them.”
- The legal arena looks no better. The feverish efforts to get rid of the Garcia case and Monique Rathbun’s case have stalled those proceedings, but they are not going to remain stalled forever. The day of reckoning nears. And meanwhile, Narconon will likely be put out of business altogether due to their endemic lying and abuses that have been highlighted in numerous lawsuits. And that is just the United States. It’s even worse in Europe where France, one of the powerhouses of the EU, looks set to grind the church there into dust. Belgium is following their lead and now Holland is catching on. Europe looks bleak for the church of scientology…
- The flow of information on the internet is unstoppable. No matter how much money they throw at it, the fact is that scientology.org loses the popularity contest against a single blogger (Tony Ortega) who spends $0 trying to “optimize” his site or paying click farms in India or producing slick video content or fancy graphics. This is a terrible indictment of the state of scientology in the world. The entire church of scientology and all its related entities and billions of dollars attracts less interest and readership than the Underground Bunker.
But all of this is really peripheral to the central problem facing scientology.
- The orgs and missions are empty and failing. It cannot be covered up forever no matter how many slick CGI videos are produced and how many things are hyped as “the solution to planetary clearing.” Miscavige cannot keep convincing everyone that it is only their area that is failing. And make a big show out of some propped up stats with 200 SO members sent into LA Org. Even the koolaid drinkers are not all blind to what is going on.
So, the outlook isn’t rosy for the church and its bubble-dwellers.
But for those who have escaped the world of clubbed seals, and are now free to live life without anyone telling you what you should and shouldn’t do, how you should spend your time and money or who you may or may not associate with, things are grand.
And the outlook for 2015 is bright and exciting.
May your new year be filled with happiness, the love of friends and family and the accomplishment of whatever it is that you set out to achieve for yourself.
Great post Mike Rinder! Happy New Year to you and your lovely family! My toast for this New Year is to RECONNECTION for all of us! ❤️
Mike, I kinda hate to ask for more from you but it would be real nice to see your woodpress stats again for last year. It would also be a treat to get some booksale stats for last years 🙂
Mike, may 2015 be the best year ever for you, your family, and your many friends!
Goal 1. Make it to 2015. ACHIEVED!
Goal 2. Collect underpants. ACHIEVED!
Goal 3…………………..?
Goal 4. Profit.
Honestly though Mike, all the very and continued best for 2015!
Happy New Year Mike and Family!
I like the summary, as always well written and to the point. For the reasons you list I think at this point anything is possible. Should something happen to the body of the soon 55 year old after years of steroid abuses the game would be over, as there is obviously nobody left to pick up the pieces. And even without that possible scenario the dwindling members willing to pay for the re-dos of the re-dos are shrinking the income of the Church on a steady basis. If the IRS revokes the status of a charitable organization, – which is long overdue as there is nothing charitable about the CO$ -, it could mean an implosion overnight. The same could be caused by the numerous lawsuits that are ongoing if they get to trial and a jury would have to consider punitive damages.
At the same time the wind shaken house of cards could wobble along for a few more years if none of the above were to happen. But that is unlikely. I think the CO$ will take a tumble faster than most people believe. It is wobbling along already quite some time.
So my hopes are up for a great 2015.
“With regard to the media, they have fully assumed the bunker mentality. Shivering behind closed doors, they are reduced to poking lame threats through the mail slot to try and scare away whoever knocks on their door.”
Well said Mike, happy New Year to you and yours.
What does a sociopath do when confronted with unpleasant truths? After slapping the messenger and kicking the puppy, he picks a target and unleashes his ‘fury’. Some media figure, perhaps you or Tony Ortega will be the next target of legal action, just like Time magazine in 93 or Tom Cruise vs. Baurer Media 2 years ago. Someone has to pay in Miscavage’s messy mind and he will pick a target to harass and try to tie up in legal knots. Miscavage needs a scapegoat, all sociopaths need an excuse to fail.
Current legal actions with Laura DeCrescenzo. the Garcias and Rathbuns are not the kind of thing that he wants more attention drawn to. No, some new victim has to be chosen and broken. The ‘broken’ part is the one most necessary. None of the people mentioned above can be broken by the clampires usual means, they have already survived that part of the treatment. I include you ( Mike Rinder) in the above group.
Who can be the next ‘Goldstein’ {from Orwell’s 1984} to become public enemy #1? Davy needs one, psychiatry and merchants of chaos can only be a generalized enemy. Davy needs a face to plaster on the walls for faithful to hate directly at. Who will DM pick to be that face? Sociopaths need to put a face to their enemy, who will Davy pick?
Happy New Year, Mike, and to all that post/read your most informative and entertaining blog. May 2015 contain adventure, happiness and return of all broken families. Perhaps 2015 will see a return of Standard Tech.
It is my continued wish.
Happy New Year to Everyone…..
I hope this will also be a good year for those that choose to “dump & run” from the sciobots in 2015.
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
Thx Baby ~ yes,soon!
Happy New Year to all of you out there. May your dreams come to fruition in 2015 and may it bring you
health and peace. And to you inside the “church”, may you come to present time and see that it’s time to
leave what has become a very unethical and even criminal organization and to be reunited with those who
truly love you : your families and loved ones. Happy New Year to you too, Mike. Thank you for all your
It be 2015..now
Mike, thank you so much for your excellent blogging throughout 2014. Wishing you greater success in 2015 and a healthy, prosperous year!
A very happy new year to all readers and contributors to this blog. And a special very happy new year to Mike and family, I thank you for keeping this blog in the air.
Great post of thoughts/reflections on the things to come in 2015. Many predictions have been made for 2015
and they vary from total annihilation of the RCS to a status quo type of decline it is going through currently.
Whatever the case will be, it’s bad news for the RCS. It not only sucks to be Miscavige these days, it sucks to be connected to the RCS in whatever way shape of form i.e. staff, so member, public, whale, partner to scientology or its front groups, scio cleleb. etc. etc.
There is one little thing that keeps lingering on in my mind regarding the previous post. The RCS was promoting a “buy now!” using the tax-exempt status as the central gimmick. Just made me wonder if they have some kind of premonition (or perhaps even more) that there are things brewing in the IRS.
They have had the tax-exempt status for 22 years or so, and to use that as a buy now struck me as a little odd. Someone in the US also told me half a year ago that the IRS was re-evaluating the possibilities to revoke the tax-exempt status of Scientology. This person has a position in the IRS… but I don’t know how credible his remark was. Anyway, I sure hope the IRS moves in the coming year. That would be great!
If the IRS revoked the tax-excempt status I wonder if they would ask for BACK TAXES retroactively.
That would make more than a big dent into the still existing reserves. This may be wishful thinking
but if possible would speed up the Co$ demise considerably. Very likely that tax-excempt status was
awarded based on false or incomplete data..
How can I be da man, when you da man?
Happy New Year.. keep up the good work.
Don’t forget those sweet, sweet electrical bills from the expeditors leaving all the lights on in those tippy-top floors of those unecessarily big BOrg buildings. Every time I see a photo of one of those ginormous Ideal Shitfests, all I can thank of is “cha-CHING!”
And hear, hear, Mike. More than a little bit excited about the upcoming year.
And btw, little Davey. The Feds can find you in any Charlie Manson-sized cupboard you crawl into. So have another drink.
Happy new year to Mike & family, and to all the good folks reading this blog. May the year 2015 bring 47X contraction to the criminal cult of $cientology, “Straight DOWN and vertical” to paraphrase a saying of David Miscavige, the Mafia-style thug who leads the criminal cult.
Thanks for everything you do Mike.
May 2015 be even more interesting than 2014.
There are a lot of predictions of the Church going down this year. I believe this to be unrealistically optimistic. The C of S/Related entities (IAS et al) have reserves north of a $1 Billion. Even if current cash flow is reduced there is certainly still a hefty amount being wrung out of the membership. They still have staff in the thousands, and a hefty amount of real estate. This is not all going away in the next year. I believe that there is going to continue to be a long, slow decline, punctuated by increasingly desperate and bizarre conduct. DM is not going anywhere, as he is in the only place where he can have the type of power, control and perks that go with that. I believe the show will go on for a while.
Sensible analysis as usual SSOA.
I have a feeling that though this is the “only place where he can have the type of power, control and perks that go with that” it is also the place that is going to bring him a lot of uncomfortable exposure and sooner or later he will have to weigh the cost/benefits of it. I predict he will become increasingly reclusive, start not appearing at events, be “unavailable” and try to blame it on “they are out to get me.” It’s a Catch 22. As he removes himself from direct interaction, he protects his vanity and his legal position, but he loses the grip on his followers. Always a dilemma for any dictator.
I agree with SSOA and Mike — but not because of the money in the bank, the power, etc but because what I studied BEFORE scientology and before there were New Age bookstores … way way before 🙂 — was astrology.
I was probably the only public reg in history who would somehow weave into the conversation and find out WHEN the persons birthday was … and reg TO their astrological weaknesses.
Not kidding. [Deleted some irrelevant info about someone else – Ed.]
David’s chart (astrology chart) looks like all will implode for him in about 2 1/2 to 3 years time.
My then, PLENTY will have left scn and escaped — but there will still be those still in but by 2018 or thereabouts dms implosion will begin. I feel almost sorry for him.
But … It’s in the stars 🙂
You heard it here first.
Kinda like Ron. Reclusive and in hiding from the piper.
They may have collected money north of a billion dollars, but it doesn’t mean it is still there. You have got to consider the running costs of the organisation and what money they are collecting to recover it. There are two separate sources of money logically: 1) what they collect in the form of auditing, training, materials for this and 2) donations for “expansion”, mainly the IAS, and projects such as Superpower and the LRH Hall and LRH Museum and anything else that can think of.
We need some sort of estimate of their yearly expenditure to find out how quickly they are bleeding. Here is something I found. Please look at item 17:
“Total expenses” for 1992 were $75,964,117. This is just FLAG. Multiple that up with their extra buildings and inflation to bring it up to 2014 values and I am sure that will come to $150m per year. Just for FLAG, I would stress. Multiply that up for running the organisation worldwide with all its lawyers and I feel confident of quoting a figure of $450m per year. That is more than “bleeding” money. That is “gushing” money like out of a severed aorta. So they must have had that income over the years to cover their running costs, otherwise they would still not be here. Their income from “1)” has not been good since about 1995 so the money for their running costs have had to come from elsewhere. But where? Where could it have come from in those amounts? Investments? No! Then where? The money that has kept them functioning must have come from their IAS funds. Therefore all that money north of $1b might have all been spent.
DM totally destroyed the Tech and the income from it with the release of GAT 1. GAT 2 or more GAT phases won’t fix it. But the Church still needs that $450m per year to keep functioning. So where are they getting the money from to do that? Not enough from getting people to redo their Bridge auditing time and time again. Not their Bridge training with its new e-meters, time and time again. Its operational money must be coming mainly from IAS donations. And now the ordinary public have been tapped out for their donations, the only viable source of money is IAS whale money.
In 2015, the whales will wake up to this scam – that their money is not being spent on “expansion” but rather to make up the shortfall in income that was created by the disastrous release of GAT 1 and the disastrous attempts to fix it with further phases of GAT. And when the flow of whale money ends, their Org doors will close. It is all up to the whales getting this cognition, in 2015 or any year after that, for when the Org doors close for good.
This was the most intelligent financial analysis I have seen yet…
I agree. Whales will be the only source of salvation or continuation of RCS. The laws of exchange have been violated….. violated for decades, so the end is near. LRH did an excellent job of explaining the rules/laws of exchange and the fact is, NO ONE is exempt from these laws.
RolandRB you are so right!
The exchange that the whales get is acknowledgement (in whatever form). If they think that they are looking pretty, they may keep going, for a while longer yet.
The real question is ‘what are their standards?” (You are operating on a different reality level.)
Absolutely! Fantastic viewpoint you’ve got there.
Money has the most inane ability to desert its owner. No matter how much you’ve got it can always travel faster outwards than inwards.
Wonderful analysis Roland, it’s “right on the money.” .
In answer to 1984’s post, I think the whales think that they are helping mankind and that the acknowledgement they receive is seen by them on the basis of their doing good deeds and making sacrifices to that end and is regarded as such by their peers. If they knew that their money was being spent on bailing out Org utility bills because DM ruined the Tech then I think they would not be best pleased at being lied to and defrauded out of their money. They might even want it back. But if they do, they had better hurry before it is all gone. If that figure of $450m per year to run the entire global organisation is correct, and I am guessing they have about $1b total value real estate, then only those who can kick off their court cases early will get paid.
Thank you Mike for showing so clearly how DM epitomizes the definition of insanity: keep doing the same actions that didn’t work and expecting a change.
We are as a group as-ing the current Church of DM with the truth exposed and realized.
With Mike’s posting and our duplication, DM is fast becoming an afterthought. I predict this New Year DM will be destroyed or he will flee. Do I have some agreement ?
Great post and summation of the year Mike! I really appreciate all your work and care, in your astute analysis of this complex situation. I hope you and your beautiful family have a wonderful new year.
Happy New Year from our family to yours.
Thank you for all you do.
A big Happy New Year to you Mike, and all readers of your column here! My life is doing just great since leaving the corporate world of Scientology and expanding all the time. And I think the rest of the readers are doing the same. So much for the emotional blackmail run on all the staff about ‘life in the wog world’….it’s actually rather good really!!!
Happy New Year to you and your family Mike! I find it heartening that no matter how many passive-aggressive threats are made in their mailers and OTC minutes, Valley still hasn’t reached its fundraising goal. C’mon Cartwright! C’mon Wilson! Pass that pen and pressure everyone you know!
Great summation Mike. Happy New Year
yesterday evening for a new year’s party in paris at the celebrity center they were around 70 people not so many members from the paris org nearly so usually 7O at the cc and 70 at the iddle morgue now is the usual crowd they can gather…… and some people yesterday came from brussel and provincial french towns what about 40000 members rated by danielle gounord years ago did the number went down so quiclky melting like ice in sunshine ?
Happy New year!
Thank you Mike for this overview! Spot on as always!
Great post, thank you Mike!
will not miss giving my wishes for the new year for all here and certainly to Mike .. well for 2015 ..
Thanks for hosting this “online water cooler.”
It is telling that this is where so many of us look to find truth about what is going on in Scientology — not to the Scientology website.
Best wishes to you and your family for 2015!
Happy New Year! 2015 is looking to be a very good year for those of us on this side of the fence. Thank you Mike for all you have done to contribute to the spread of the truth about CoS and entertaining us in the process.
Mike, Happy New Year to you and your family. Thank you for all you do.
Greetings to all, even the trolls and may 2015 be good one for all the right reasons.
Truth is not something that associates itself within the Cof$, otherwise we’ll be a lot happier with it.
My crystal ball sees 2015 as being a disaster for the Cof$ but a sick game for miscavige. He’s never had any intention of freeing people and has gone to incredible lengths to deny the delivery of the tech, even if it means the destruction of the church. He’s a dangerous mf and knows the Cof$ doesn’t have much of a future left as his enemies are too numerous now but he’ll go out as destructively as he can, kicking and screaming the whole way. He’s insane and that’s what insane people do – they destroy things.
I’m glad to be on the social side of the ledger and to my way of thinking anyone who is socially minded never needs to told they are, they know it. It’s those that work in organisations like the Cof$ that have to remind themselves constantly that they are the good guys and have all the solutions to everyone else’s problems (but their own).
Spare a thought for the clubbed seals though – they’re going to need some sort of support shortly, their universe is about to come crashing down.
Happy and prosperous new year to you Mike and your lovely family. I’d also like to extend those wishes to all who read this blog, and all those who are contributing to the dissemination of factual reporting and sharing of information about the abuses by David Miscavige upon the existing membership and staff of each and every church of Scientology organization. More and more people each year are re-connecting with old friends, getting the auditing they want, going Clear, doing OT levels, L’s, and the whole bridge. People are winning as a result of disconnecting from the suppressive and oppressive culture in Miscaviges cult. I hope more people avail themselves of L Ron Hubbards bridge, if that is what they wish to do. It is freely available and within reach in the Scientology Independent field.
Right On Mike!!!
Happy New Year Mike and to all the members of our local blogosphere!!
The downfall of the RCS in 2015 would certainly be a milestone for all of us who have endured and witnessed its wild ride towards oblivion. Its near-misses with survival and its uncanny ability to deftly avoid every chance at salvation put in its way. It has smugly evolved into a self-propelled and unerring missile of self-destruction and as we watch it set course for the graveyard of forgotten promises, some of us will no doubt cheer, while others perhaps shed a tear for what might have been.
But from this small and costly pile of ash, our Phoenix may yet rise. An Independent Scientology that hopefully has noted and taken to heart all that was wrong with this church and can craft a successor that will avoid giant sinkholes and blazing infernos that our brethren were unable to avoid racing into. While returning to the compassion and love that made it so real to so many, years ago.
In some significant ways, I have had better years than 2014. Perhaps I was able to sidestep some of the more colorful “pitfalls” that I seem to have been attracted to this year. But in retrospect, each of these moments, however tearful, were actually moments of change. Individual events of confusion, false data and repressed feelings of stupidity, bubbling up to the surface to be viewed and erased.
At times I was angry at what I read on this blog, couldn’t understand why anyone would say such things. At other times I was personally and deeply grateful to have the opportunity to view stories of similar meaning and emotion and thereby feel a sense of relief as my own grief began to fall away.
Even though at times I’ve felt that my ‘five stages of grief’ were more like twelve or fourteen, I am making it through and appreciate all the views put forth of this site. And to Mike for persevering.
So, for 2015 I offer up this small prayer. May it be a year of returning. To a time when we were happiest, to the moment we knew change was possible and within our grasp. To a place of equanimity where all things are measured, and all feelings real and in proper proportions. May this year be the year we’ve always wanted, for all the right reasons.
Happy New Year
Odd Thomas (Joe Luca)
Thanks Joe Luca for the Christian postulate….. better known as a prayer…..And one that I wholeheartedly agree with:
“So, for 2015 I offer up this small prayer. May it be a year of returning. To a time when we were happiest, to the moment we knew change was possible and within our grasp. To a place of equanimity where all things are measured, and all feelings real and in proper proportions. May this year be the year we’ve always wanted, for all the right reasons.”
Robert, well said – a positive prayer.
Happy New Year to you and your family, Mike.
Thanks again for shining the light of truth in your own inimitable way.
“And for every family that is torn apart by disconnection in order to “protect the church” there are two, or five or ten or a hundred people who look at what happened, become certain that the church is a controlling, evil influence on people’s lives and avow they will never, or never again, have anything to do with it.”
This is so true. In my family with only the disconnection of my youngest daughter and my oldest son it not only has enlightened them on the church but has saddened them to see it. Christmas was confusion for the visiting family from 2 other states having to go to get-to-gethers in LA and then 40 miles North at my place back and forth 3 times. I got to spend time with my grandson only after they all witnessed the argument from the still-ins to not allow the visit. My still-in daughter held her ground and made sure the visit occurred. I’m hoping she breaks away soon. All in all, between my friends and my partners family and then the families of the others, it’s easily over 100 that are so warned.
Thank you for keeping the light on Mike, your family, whistle blowers and all you wonderful commenters. May you all be healthy and have the best year yet.
” My still-in daughter held her ground and made sure the visit occurred.”
Oh Cece glad that you got to spend time with your grandson.. What a mess though, huh? Good Lord. Here’s hoping your daughter breaks away soon too.. xo
A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you and yours as well Mike.
I enjoy stopping by for a daily dose of crazy.
Mike – Happy and prosperous new year to you, your family, friends, and readers of this blog (including the spies ;-)), keep doing what you’re doing and the truth will win.
Thanks for a great year on your blog. I’m sure there will be so much good stuff about the sinking of scientology this year that you will be very busy!
Getting packed for SUNDANCE
It’s snowing in Park City, Jose…. bring your mittens. 🙂
Thank you, Mike, for all you do!
As part of a family experiencing disconnection, I continue to be gobsmacked at the insanity that is scientology and the actions of their waning believers. Yet while cringing at the hurt, the flip side is that it is the disconnection and cos insanity which continues their karmic journey of “pulling it in” – harder and harder. The consequences of their own actions are killing them.
To your family and all – may 2015 continue to be a year filled with more light, understanding and love.
2015 is definitely the beginning of a New Era for those of us who have found success and freedom outside the tentacles of the Co$!
Thank you Mike. Nice post today! Sums it up beautifully.
Happy New Year to you and your family. I wish you all good things and the best of all that matters.
With love,
Regarding CoS policy of disconnection, I believe this quote by Thomas Jefferson in reference to American slavery is apt – …”we have the wolf by the ears, and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go.”
Unlike the United States of America, CoS doesn’t have the courage or strength to confront this wolf or the institutional ability to modify and correct its self destructive policies. The wolf of disconnection is wriggling free and will devour CoS.
Fly..I love the Jefferson quote! Your analogy is absolutely perfect!
A very Happy New Year to you and your family, Mike!
The internal and external forces that are buffeting Scientology show no signs of abating. If anything, they are growing and gathering strength.
The floodgates of truth have opened, and the chult has been reduced to the nonsensical sputterings of senior “ecclesiastical” members and dishonest silver tongued lawyers.
In Yiddish there is an expression, “Gornisht Helfen.” Nothing can help.
Thank you for everything you do; for every lie and dark secret you expose.
Not too shabby for a defrocked apostate unemployed yada yada yada.
Wonderful synopsis, the future is indeed bright! 2015 looks set for some interesting
times. Go Mike and company go!
My prediction for them in 2015 is that they go bust and have to close their doors. It will be because their earnings through auditing and training can not match their expenditure and the bulk of their “earnings”, through IAS donations and donations for other projects will dry up in 2015 when the whales finally work out that they are being conned and that their donations towards “expansion” are not for expansion but instead used for the day-to-day running of their Church.
A happy new year to you and to your family, Mike, and to everyone who contributes, reads and lurks (haiii! OSA)
Mike Rinder: Best Critic of Scientology Ever.
Correction: he is a critic of DM and church management. He does not hold Ron out to be a saint and has exposed some of Ron’s overts. But as for critic of the subject and philosophy of Scientology itself, no, he isn’t.
I wonder if Mike would define himself the way you defined him, cindy.
Mike defies simple categorization.
I am an equal opportunity critic. It’s not about personalities and beliefs, its about actions and results.
Thus, virtually everything I have to say about Miscavige is negative — because he is a sociopath who has nobody else’s wellbeing in mind. There is plenty to criticize about Hubbard, but he does not fall into the same category in my view as he DID have concern about the well-being of others.
Rabidly frothing Alanzo is easily tamed and corrected by Scientologists who use sound reasoning supported by good quality evidence.
So I stand corrected.
How’s this?
Mike Rinder: Best Critic of the Church of Scientology Ever.
Well Alanzo, your grace and intelligence shines this morning 🙂
Some want Scientology to go away… completely.
Some want to use Scientology without DM’ s psychopathic influence and alterations…
I think Mike’s blog is about getting some info or “stats”, so you can decide for yourself.
Happy New Year everyone…
“I think Mike’s blog is about getting some info or “stats”, so you can decide for yourself”.
I’ll raise a glass to that!.
Mike, THANK you for being here and communicating prolifically with your own brand of style and wit.
Happy New Year to you and Christie and the kids.
2015 can’t help but be exciting.
Happy New Year, everyone!
A quick compliment in this new year seems in order. I like your posts these days 🙂
Happy New Year to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Mike. And the very best of new years yet to you and your family and friends and followers (which includes me). It will be a good one!
Τhanks Mike, a Happy New Year to you, too and all of your readers! May 2015 be a year of change for all of the Scientologists who have contributed to Keeping Scientology Free.
Happy new year, Mike. Please know that people all over the world are supporting you in this fight against evil. I’m so glad you escaped from the cult and are now working to bring down the “evil empire.” Godspeed, friend.
First post ever on your blog. I am ever grateful for the information found here every day. As I continue to filter the wheat from chaff from my 30 years in Scientology, you Mike, and all the people who participate here are my inspiration in courage and boldness. I’m coming out in 2015. YAY! Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
“I’m coming out in 2015”
YAY!! Wonderful news to start the year. 🙂
Welcome, Theta Potata! Yes do come out and please sign the Indie 500 list asap as we are trying to get it to 500 and are close.
When Scientologists are allowed to read the final 3 pages of Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear…” book, they have a day of sober realization regarding L. Ron Hubbard.
The final months described in those three pages (1985-86 period) you mentioned were massively pivotal in that DM and other Int Execs could have cleared the air and told the truth. Instead, they laid out a not-entirely-thought-out path for future deception:
— created a stupendous LIE that would hang around their necks for decades;
— a tight-knit conspiracy;
— an ongoing Watergate-style coverup;
— down the line would have to lock up people who might have known or had suspicions about the truth and were perceived as possible whistle blowers if free (like the final auditor Ray Miithoff for one . . . my speculation only);
— assured the ultimate destruction of the organization once found out and revealed to all.
For me . . . this is basic basic. The basic “big lie,” the big shore story, the big bright idea. Whatever you want to call it.
When one finds “basic basic” for oneself, one can be free . . . or so I’ve been told.
Of course you may need to run through it a few times. It does “flatten.” 😉
More to vent . . . possibly. 😉
Imagine this . . . a guy (let’s say DM) knows this secret and holds it close to his chest for nearly 30 years.
And he’s got the unmitigated gall to keep selling a product he knows in his heart doesn’t deliver the ultimate goal it promised. No way, no how as evidenced by what he saw first hand at the end of LRH’s life.
What kind of “creature” could lie like this for so long? Could sell a bill of goods without pangs of guilt apparently?
This really puts a singular spotlight on DM’s true and deep and unchangeable character.
I never needed to be lied to or fooled with. All I ever wanted was honest characterizations, honest descriptions of outcomes, being dealt with honestly, no conspiracies of silence . . . and most importantly, full disclosure. I could take it from there perfectly well myself.
I guess that’s all anyone expects being involved in this . . . or anything else in life for that matter.
Good rant FL! Honesty and full disclosure go a long way, in just about any endeavor.
Mike, Happy 2015 to you, Christie and the kids. Yes, it is going to be one hell of a year for everyone, both good and bad, it will be memorable. And the truth is it all goes back to individual failures to utilize what is good and workable in Scn and discard the bad and unworkable. For the truth is that LRH in his efforts to get to the bottom of things often drilled way beyond workability. The 3DXX days from St. Hill are proof enough of that. In the admin arena you have all those stupid networks that nobody could figure out how they related to one another and the orgs because the truth is, they didn’t. Still, amongst all the flotsam and jetsam there are drops of water that are truly valuable.
Well said Dan.
Right on Dan!!! +1
So true Dan!
Second that!
Dan, to stay in your picture. Once one has it on reliable sources that the well is poisened it may still have water in it, but one is ill advised to drink from it.
The problem is once lies and deceipt have entered a subject it acts like poison in a well, no drop of water stays untainted.
Probably the best way is to take ones experience and grow from there using water from other less tainted sources.
Good analogy I now believe. Reluctantly. You could possibly buy all sorts of add-on water filters, purifying tablets, ad nauseum but why not find sources of pure water.
Happy New Year to you and your family Mike! May your blog Flourish and Prosper while The Bubble withers and dies!
Hallelujah Mike
Happy New Year
Happy New Year Mike. It’ll be stellar!
May all of your love be so marvelous!
Thankyou Mike.
Happy New Year! Thank you for allowing me to be a voice of dissent. I apologize to any students of Ron’s, whom I may have offfended by my criticisms, of Ron.
May this year be the most truthful year for sudents of Ron. I pray that families are being brought together again, not torn apart.
I pray, that in this painful diaspora, many souls remember what is truth. I pray that Scientologist’s will have the Discriminating Intelligence to sort out the unreal from the real.
May our lives be wonderful!
Love Always,
Beautiful Brian, thank you!
Looks like 2015 is getting closer to the final chapter like that of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HOLLOWS. There just seems to be more than seven Harry Potters in this story.
Happy New Year Mike, family and all of you wonderful friends here at Mike’s Blog!
May the Church of Scientology continue to spiral down, pick up speed and crash into the nothingness that it has become. 2015 is going to be a very diffiCULT year for the cult of Scientology and its dictator David Miscavige.
Exposing the truth on the internet is the right thing to do. People get hurt by Scientology because it is evil and needs to be destroyed.
It is so over – Scientology can’t even hold a fork any longer – it is only capable of a straw. LOL
Blessing to all of you and thank you for everything you do everyday to expose the truth about Scientology.
Peace and love to everyone!
A very happy new year to you and yours Mike I entirely share your optimism of the year ahead and your summary is spot on. In addition to what we already know is coming down the line this year I suspect there will be some great surprises too. Thanks again for all your hard work in 2014.
Awesome stuff!.I love to see all this info, and I am sure Slappy Little guy reads your blog…you are getting to the stinking criminal, Mr.Rinder…and even though he will probably always be rich,which in my opinion he doesn’t deserve.( I cannot understand that level of greed ,when millions is not enough,there are so many of us living on super tight budgets and we don’t even consider taking advantage of others) ..I see his control slipping and that is what will get to him…no more control,hahaha!! People freeing themselves will drive him mad. On behalf of humanity…thanks for what you are doing.Thank you for not just getting away but for continuing to help others with this issue..pretty cool.Happy New Year to you and your family.
You continue to be a shining light Mike. May 2015 bring only great things to you and your family. Just keep on keeping on. You are doing a fabulous job with bringing facts to the table.
Truth is being told..people are listening and the numbers prove it. I will be looking forward to this year’s revelations. Happy New Year and the Freedom that comes with being out of this Dangerous Evil Cult!
What Baby said! Happy New year to you and your family.
Thank you Mike…..for you and your family tooooo !
and…….. “A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year ? ” without the “church”…..NO PROBLEM 🙂
While there is some background murmur of defeatist talk in Scientology Organizations, we in RTC wish to assure all twelve billion Scientologists that such glib defeatist natter is trash talk spread by saboteurs sent into our ranks by the International Association of Diabolical Global Conspirators and their allies in the German and French Merchants of Chaos Trade Membership Groups,
We in RTC further assure one and all that these saboteurs are quickly spotted by OSA, usually within two to three decades, and are exposed as SP’s.
In happier news: Looking ahead to April 2015, Captain Miscavige will turn fifty-five; or as Captain Miscavige himself says, he will be “Fifty-Five, Fit, and Fabulous.”
To celebrate Captain Miscavige’s 55th year, we in RTC are this very day pleased to gift Captain Miscavige with 55 new wog lawyers, one for each year of his life. Said another way, one wog lawyer for each year behind bars he potentially faces if the Psychs get certain charges to stick in 2015.
“these saboteurs are quickly spotted by OSA, usually within two to three decades, and are exposed as SP’s” Now that is truly funny.
Took em 38 years to finally get onto this saboteur and they were not able to figure it out even though I trained up to a Class VI and finished OTVIII. I had to make it obvious by speaking out and then they were able to figure it out!
You need to drag Dave away from the mirrior and get him with the program:
The tide has turned against you. You need to step up the urgency of the Consolidation Program and your Exit Plan.
As part of your Exit Plan you need to make yourself a truely international figure, standing head and shoulders with Roman Polanski and Kim Jong il. US criminals Beinie Madoff and Warren Jeffs are no match for you.
The major problem that you face is that just two or three Class Action lawsuits can wipe out your 1.5 billion in cash. Another two or three Class Action lawsuits can wipe out your entire real estate portfolio. This will make your Narcanon fiasco look like a weekend pot-fest.
Your retirement facility (where the cult has purchased a small town in France) needs to be ready yesterday. Your vacation home in Croatia needs to be good to go.
Your GAG II has completely choked the PAC Base. You need to sell off that blue elephant to Kaiser and move on. Flag is your central US facility to court whales. You need to start dumping other cult properties, starting with the un-renovated and un-ideal org buildings. Do this under the radar of the whales. ALL of the proceeds need to be outside of US legal jurisdiction ASAP.
BTW, are you going to require Ellis to wear his black boiler suit to “The Interview” (deposition in February)?
Will you order him to wear a trendy bright orange tie go with his bright orange armband? This is expected to go viral; not just on the fringes of the internet, but to completely saturate all social media. You need to get your ducks in a row on this by hiring consultants from Sony Pictures.
Then there is the other viral (think Ebola) situation taking place this month at the Sundance on January 25th. By the time All Fools Day rolls around, you will be lucky to have time to think about “Fifty-Five, Fit and Fabulous”.
Mike — as usual you have written a succinct summary of the state of the sci-nation and it does not look pretty. And deservedly so given current “management” if you can call it that. I hope your kids and others who you love develop the strength to exit and re-purpose their lives and leave.
Thank you so much for being there and exposing the cult for what it is so that those who dare to peek see the truth. You have done a stellar job Mike. Silly thing to say, but I also feel your mother smiling!!! I wish for you and your absolutely beautiful family everything that makes your lives happy and joyful for the future. You are making a difference. Ethne
Happy New Year to you as well Mike! Thanks for keeping us all on the up and up. It is appreciated. Looking in on what is happening there now just makes me feel even better about leaving. I know for sure it was MORE than the right thing to do.
Thank you Mike. My best wishes go to you, your family and friends.
The summary of the real for the church is clear, it will collapse on its own doing.
But as you noted many of us have new paths full of adventures, experiences, tons of moments of joy and sharing with friends and others; lets enjoy it.
Once again thank you for your great postings and a very good 2015 for all the bloggers too. Lets keep having fun.
What a great overview. Well spoken as always. Happy New Year Mike Rinder and beautiful family. <3
That’s an informative and succinct post, Mike — and entertainingly written. In just 5 bullet points you have represented the lower circles of Davy’s Inferno.
Agree HGC,
Looks like Dante’ has been massively upstaged by Davey!!! Wiki will likely revise just what an Inferno is in 2015.
And watch for a new movie such as ‘Hell in Hemet’ produced by Golden Era Thongwriters and narrated by Dave the Dildo, distributed by Cluster#@&! Productions, a Wise Member in good standing. Yes, it will be a box office bottom dweller with that backing.
Mike, also all the best in 2015 to you and your familiy!
A Happy New Year to you Mike! A big thanks for all your hard work. And all the best in 2015 to everyone here!
Happy New Year to you and your family Mike. You resumed very well the present situation, it is not rigor mortis yet but not far. Sooth and communication are the magic ingredients in critics’ ammo and this cannot be stopped even by a multi billion money grabbing corporation.
Beautiful post, Mike! So true and well written, Like a Phoenix from the ashes, we rise and live and will have a great 2015 because we are free. Thank you for shining the light.
Happy 2015! And may we all find the love and joy of CONNECTION in the coming year.
I am glad to be connected here. Echos across the sky, Love and joy to all.