A Special Correspondent just forwarded this to me. It contains the latest "mind-blowing" "expansion news" Oh my, can you say hype? It is really hard to comprehend the delusional world these people live in. A new Purif completion every 15 mins on this planet. Let's ignore the fact that 90% of them are old Purif completions. People being recycled. Let's just take their figure at face value. This means there are about 50 per day internationally or 350 per week. There are 150 orgs and who knows how many missions. Let's be charitable and say its 300. It means that on average they are do … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2015
Valley OTC Minutes
Because these things are sent to me and accumulate for a while and every now and then I like to make them publicly available. They contain a lot of insight into what is really going on inside these orgs. Remember this is THE most important soon to be ideal org on earth, right in the middle of the "largest concentration of scientologists on the planet." Just think if this is what it's like in the Valley, what must be going on in Edmonton, or St Etienne or Canberra? It boggles the mind. I have highlighted some of the lowlights in red. MINUTES VALLEY ORG OT COMMITTEE MEETING September 22, … [Read more...]
Traits of a Pathological Cult Leader
A Special Correspondent sent me this article from Psychology Today: Now, you might think, after reading the list that follows, that this was compiled based on a study of David Miscavige. In fact, these are the people the author claims to have studied in order to compile his list: Now, be prepared to be amazed at just how close to the bone this cuts. Based on studying Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charlie Manson, Bhagwan Rajneesh etc here is the list of typical traits of the pathological cult leader he came up with, and warns "you should watch for and which shout … [Read more...]
Miscavige Damage Control
Well, I supposed this is the best he's got, even though it's more than 20 years old. A desperate attempt to try to burnish Dear Leader's sagging image... It's the annus horribilis. Going Clear, Going Clear Emmys. Let Him Die following his own father media blitz. Tony Ortega's book and Paulette Cooper. The Saldarriaga hacking scandal. Jim Jackson. Leah Remini's new book. Narconon's implosion. Louis Theroux. And things are not looking any better beyond next month. His recent go to image boost has been the "ideal orgs." But that is a failure -- cannot even get any new ones open when he … [Read more...]
Going Clear Screening and Q & A in Clearwater
It is now official. Scientology's latest censorship effort has inevitably proven to be another in their long series of PR footbullets. The screening of Going Clear on Friday 2 October will begin at 7pm at Muvico Palm Harbor. After the screening, the theater manager has set aside 45 minutes for Q and A and both Sara Goldberg and I will be happy to answer questions. In addition, renowned Tampa CBS affiliate investigative reporting veteran Mike Deeson has agreed to be the moderator for the Q and A session. Mike adds his 30+ years of Bay … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Leah Remini: Troublemaker
See Tony Ortega's blog for the story. Believe me, there are some people who are going to find the title of this book oh so appropriate. David Miscavige, Tommy Davis and Tom Cruise, take a bow... PS: I also guarantee, you will be laughing out loud. Leah is VERY funny. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Epic event What other kind is there? And the easy answer to the question it poses is: very little, if anything. Many apply, few are chosen Oh, how they wish that were true. They practically beg to get anyone to join staff and now they are offering them full time training (tsk tsk, totally off policy) Champion team Not so much. 15 years later and Kansas City isn't even close to getting an ideal org, even though a building was purchased there about 10 years ago I think... Special Announcement Absolutely anything to make it sound "new" -- … [Read more...]
The Failed Inglewood “ideal org” Experiment
Well, I guess the great social experiment of bringing scientology to the "African American cultural epicenter" has failed. Problem is that virtually everyone they could persuade to take services in this place are imports from other orgs and they repeatedly show their graduations and completions featuring a host of clearly non-locals from CC Int and elsewhere (see latest example below). The strategy of opening Harlem and Inglewood took a HUGE hit with the death of Isaac Hayes. He was the impetus for these orgs even exiting in the first place as he repeatedly harangued Miscavige about the … [Read more...]
More Lies From Flag
Here are the latest batch of lies put forth by "Flag." Not just the "Mecca of Technical Perfection" and the "Friendliest Place on Earth" but "Global Vulture HQ." Interestingly, they being with a likely true statement. In all of 2014 they managed to make 393 OT VII's. Highest Ever! And at that rate, even making it to the 30 year old target of 10,000 is 7 years away. But wait, things are going MUCH better this year, averaging 10 completions "every single week." Unfortunately, I keep track of the drivel that Barbara Dews and Jeff Mintz send out and the average of OT VII Comps per week is … [Read more...]