Archives for September 2015
Thursday Funnies
You can buy status at 25% off They have been suckered For EVERY possible fundraising activity for the last 40 years. It's a long time to keep giving just to have your picture on a promo piece. As big as LA Org! If you don't count the 200 SO members St LouAss Be happy. Give us your money. The sky is no longer the limit... My perception of others has become global. And much more... Commemorate the start of something big The monumental lies about the largest private relief force on earth all started with … [Read more...]
Fred Harris Back From The Grave
A point of minor interest. Fred Harris was the original "Flag World Tour" team with Barry Watson in 1975/6. He then made his way to ASI and to Int where he was LRH PPRO Int for a while and GI Exec Int and various other posts. He also blew the Sea Org at least 3 times, only to be recovered. If you read Peter Bonyai's excellent book Money, Power, Servitude you will see he was also the person sent to stat-push Budapest Org so it could be falsely announced "St Hill Size." Total insanity. I guess they thought he did well, so he has been sent back to Hungary to try and scrape together … [Read more...]
One of the craziest things about scientology is the use of "success stories." These things are a strange mixture of self-affirmation, peer pressure and fear. People write them to accomplish one or all of the following at the completion of a scientology service: a. To ensure they are allowed to complete and be presented with a certificate, they write what they think they are supposed to say b. To affirm for themselves that they have in fact gotten something for the time and money they have invested c. To gain recognition from others for their "wins." In truth, nobody should need … [Read more...]
LRH Monument To Fundraising
Laurie Webster, vampire extraordinaire has continued to haunt those she previously bled dry for the SP Building in the hopes they have a bit more to give. The pitch isn't as dramatic as it was for the SP Building. She can no longer promise that by giving money you would make planetary clearing a reality with the release of Super Power (how is that planetary clearing working out Laurie?). So she has a new pitch to try and get her message heard among the demands for money for the IAS, Ideal Orgs, Planetary Dissemination, Narconon, CCHR, Criminon, book … [Read more...]
Is David Miscavige a Religious Leader? Updated
THIS POST CREATED MORE INTEREST THAN USUAL, AND AS IT IS A HOLIDAY WEEKEND I AM TAKING THE EASY WAY OUT AND SIMPLY UPDATING IT FOR TODAY WITH A NEWS ITEM THAT HIGHLIGHTS THE POINT SO STARKLY IT COULD NOT BE MORE APPROPRIATE. See one of the hundreds of articles reporting on this below and note a few things about it. First, the photo of the Pope out shaking hands with the "ordinary people." Second, that he is taking two refugee families into the Vatican. Third that he is calling for all Catholic parishes, monasteries and religious communities to also host refugee families (and of … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Is this a joke? Scientology is going to teach the world how to do PR? And the KKK are going to be holding a seminar on racial tolerance... Arte Maren? Seriously? GO poster child pitching for the Moneywinds? Strange bedfellows. Desperate circumstances call for desperate measures. More "commercial" From the religion that worships money Yes, it's EPIC... Let your imagination run wild as to just how epic this could be. An event in Birmingham, put on by Birmingham... Money, money, money I doubt even the televangelists … [Read more...]
Scientology Buying Media Stories Again
A new advertorial has appeared from the bubble of self-delusion. The only reason it doesn't create a flap like the scientology advertorial in The Atlantic is that nobody reads World Religion News. (See here if you are unfamiliar with The Atlantic fiasco) But this does provide some interesting insight into the bubble mindset. This is how Miscavige tells his troops to get media coverage (he is afraid to talk to any media or have anyone speak to them in any way). And it reflects the canned, controlled messages he feeds the sheeple at his events. I have broken this advertorial into 4 … [Read more...]
More IAS Lies
Here we go again... A definition: Disaster capitalism is the practice of generating profits based on the occurrence of a disaster. Next to that definition in the dictionary is the photo above. These IAS people have no shame. Let's put this latest pathetic plea into perspective. 1. What Dominica needs is NOT Volunteer Ministers -- it is money, clothing, food, construction workers and equipment. 2. IF Dominica really needed "Volunteer Ministers" and scientology really WAS about humanitarian aid, the Freewinds would have been despatched there 3 days ago and the entire crew c … [Read more...]