Honestly, it has reach the point where these people will say ANYTHING. These are the "PR Professionals" who will be preaching "Never use lies in PR" to anyone foolish enough to show up for their convention. They are actually saying that "LRH PR tech" (this is the reason this time, normally it is distribution of WTH) has created the following in Colombia: A 60% drop in crime A 60% drop in drug production 8X increase in tourism 7X increase in national economy. This is patently ridiculous -- but it does not stop them from publishing it. And what is worse, it does not stop … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2015
Flag BS
More bs from Flag. Do people really buy this garbage? Can you imagine promoting the fact that the course you have been delivering for years as "the perfect, standard Golden Age of Tech Solo Course" used to take 5 WEEKS and now takes 8 days? Without ANY explanation, other than "it's better and more golden than it was before." Wonder how those people who paid for 5 weeks of rip off hotel and meals at Flag feel about that? Or those who spent 27 extra days slogging through ARBITRARIES when they had been promised a few times previously that "all arbitraries had been removed." But more … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Well, Regraded Being came through. Though he had the weekend off, he sent in a new edition anyway. So, rather than holding onto it until next week, I am publishing it today, which means now he has to do another one for next week! Sorry RB... … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
As you might have expected, Thursday Funnies this week is dominated by Thanksgiving items with a theme of trying to attract people to come to scientology orgs with potluck dinners in order to have some turkeys on hand to squeeze the stuffing out of. It is somewhat incongruous for "churches" to be insisting that people bring their own food or BUY their Thanksgiving dinners, I can imagine you would be hard pressed to find another church in the United States that has this approach to Thanksgiving, and especially not one that has billions of dollars and claims their expansion is straight up and … [Read more...]
CST Wyoming Fail
Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) has reached a monumental, epic milestone of ideal fail. For some reason they purchased a property in Sweetwater County Wyoming -- presumably to build yet another vault (probably a better idea than in the earthquake zones of Southern and Northern California). Why they need another one in the US when they already have 3 of them is a mystery. I guess the rest of the world doesn't deserve to be saved when the big meltdown occurs? Or there will only be survivors in the western half of the US? Or something.... In any event, they bought this property but it … [Read more...]
Moscow Ruling
The details are skimpy so far, but the essence of it seems to be that a Moscow City Court has ordered the church of scientology in Moscow to close up shop within 6 months for being in violation of business laws. They seem to conclude that scientology must be a business because the name (and other things) are trademarked. Tony Ortega has a pretty concise summary at his blog. This order will of course be appealed by scientology. And the last time the government in Moscow refused to register the church it eventually made its way to the European Court of Human Rights which sided with … [Read more...]
The Running Around In Circles Program
The statements in the email below really tell you everything you need to know about the delusion inside the bubble. And what cognitive dissonance people will accept without apparently feeling the pain. Remember, this "Cause Resurgence Rundown" literally consists of running in circles. Ideally it would NOT be done in a body according to L. Ron Hubbard -- the physical exercise forms no part of this "rundown." Thus, it is why I have mad ea firm decision that if I ever decide to do it again I will opt for either driving a golf cart around in circles or take a seat on a carousel. But put … [Read more...]
What Is The Ideal Org Program?
Any time there is a post about ideal org failures, there is a lot of speculation about "Why?" I have written various posts and comments about this from time to time, but realized I had never put it all in one place. There are two reasons for the ideal org program that go hand in hand. And it explains why, in spite of the clear failure of this program to bring about planetary clearing, or anything at all aligned with the "Aims of Scientology," it will continue to be pushed until the very end. 1. It is vital for Miscavige to hold onto his position 2. IRS … [Read more...]
Valley OTC Minutes — Groundhog Week?
Because they document the true state of scientology, which is pretty boring and hopeless -- here are some recent minutes from the Valley "OT" Committee. Remember, Valley is, according to them "the most important ideal org on earth" right there in the center of the "greatest concentration of scientologists on earth" with their "very own OT Warrior Princess, Honorary Governor of the Vast Valley Territories: NC herself!" led by "OT's at cause" and yet they seem incapable of accomplishing ANYTHING. Reading these minutes is like watching Groundhog Day, except its weekly. The minutes repeat the sa … [Read more...]