This quote from L. Ron Hubbard encapsulates what fundamentalist scientologists believe as an article of faith. They are literally the only people on earth with access to ALL knowledge and without scientology, every wog is ignorant and blind. This is not really unusual in the world of the fundamentalist - so too go the fundamentalist Southern Baptists. And Jehovah's Witnesses. And Muslims. And on and on. The interesting thing about scientology is that in order not to appear to be what they truly are, they pretend that theirs is a faith of inordinate tolerance, of scientific proof and … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2015
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Quote of the century This is utterly incomprehensible, but they put it out because, like "it's LRH so it must be good." What this has to do with "ideal" orgs is anyone's guess... They are going to "eliminate" the pot "scene" in Colorado They are going to Clear the planet sooner than they will accomplish this clearly hopeless objective. From: Bruno Bergeron <[email protected]> To: Sent: Subject: TAD meeting featuring OTs in Action Dear All, Our Truth About Drugs outreach is a critical component to the plan for reducing and … [Read more...]
The Fastest Growing Religion On Earth
Ladies and gentlemen, Calgary "org" in all its magnificence. This is the embodiment of the straight up and vertical, epic and monumental expansion scientology is experiencing under the leadership of the Chairman of the Board RTC, Mr. David Miscavige. It's 47X something or other. And greater expansion in the last year than in 50 years combined previously. And here is how that growth manifests itself in the city of Calgary. There are no excuses in Canada. No foreign language barrier. No governmental suppression. No drug cartels roaming the streets. No gangs. Free healthcare. Nice … [Read more...]
It’s The Biggest Planetary Clearing Thing Ever
Not only that -- it's "eminent" in 2016. More scientology money grubbing. It is absolutely relentless. But of all the schemes that have absolutely no purpose this and the L. Ron Hubbard Hall take the cake. Scientology's "latest tour-de-force" was "originally established in 1912." This is like some sort of pattern that has crept into the scientology world as a trickle-down from Shermanspeak Miscavige ribbon-yankings -- you always explain the "history"as if it has some bearing on anything.... Here is a comparison of information that is used to make this sound so vitally important -- … [Read more...]
Flag OTC News
Thursday Funnies on Monday. This is 4 pages of LOL nuttiness, direct from the "greatest OT Committee on earth." The delusion is a wonder to behold... Somewhow Kaye Champagne is has become "ideal orgs IC earth." Why would she go to South Africa? If you are really going to do some "ideal orging" why don't you stick closer to home? Philly? Detroit? Boston? Chicago? They all have FAR larger fields than anything in Southern Africa. And apart from their undone, long promised "AO" they have Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Joburg North, Bulawayo and Harare to finish. Bet you this trip … [Read more...]
WISE Shilling Again
Here is that "secular" WISE "non-church" organization doing what they do best. Trying to sucker money out of people for scientology stuff. Funny, they announced this "SMP" was going to completed and opened in the summer time. Still not done. Not because of lack of money -- it was one of those projects that was a Miscavige folly that was always going to be paid for by scientology funds. Almost certainly there is a typical Miscavige story behind the facade -- he has been threatening to "close down" Gold for decades. Whenever he is pissed off about something he tells Gold "I am … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
It's the Season of Giving -- to us. Hey, I thought it was scientology that was supposed to be changing communities? Dallas? Promoting an OT 1 success story? I guess they don't have any completions on the services they deliver at their "ideal" org? The role of planet earth and why we are here... Nothing like a promise you can't deliver. Wonder what an "Ideal Org" event is? They have been "ideal" since 2003. New status Nothing gets scientologists more excited than a new status. Damn the volunteer work and who might be … [Read more...]
Hurricane Leah Rolls On
This is from the 21 December issue of People magazine feature 25 most intriguing people of the year. The text is a little fuzzy, here is what it says: The actress revealed why she left the Church of Scientology in her book Troublemaker detailing why she questioned the bahvior of church officials and became disillusioned with fellow follower Tom Cruise. Remini, 45, told People leaving was "like a rebirth,,, I've been given a second chance at life." Here is the cover, lead page of the article and the full page where her piece appears (along with Adele). … [Read more...]