Haven’t had a chance to get this out yet.
It perhaps encapsulates the reality within the scientology bubble better than anything.
It is not only full of typos and spelling mistakes (Narcannon?), it is full of “scientology-think” – a strain of illogic that is sometimes hard to believe. And as an added bonus, it has a generous helping of shermanspeak (“the moment we synchronize with eternity” – perhaps it’s some sort of get-together on infinity’s porch?).
You can read it for yourself, but don’t spend a lot of time trying to make sense of the nonsensical. It will make you insane.
- The idea these people have bought into that “making ideal orgs” is “key to Clearing this Planet” is really bizarre. It’s not what L. Ron Hubbard said — he said the key is getting books into the hands of people – particularly Dianetics. They can “clear” themselves with the book supposedly. It’s not whether he is right or wrong, it is the fact that scientologist today follow what David Miscavige tells them to do, not L. Ron Hubbard. Yet, if you asked anyone who calls themselves a member of the IAS, they would swear on a stack of DMSMH that they follow “Source.” The truth is that Hubbard is a lot closer to being right than Miscavige is. You can “clear” people without a building. You cannot clear anyone with a building and no people. And this poor woman is sitting in NEW YORK — one of the VERY first “ideal orgs” and if she walked in there and took a look around she would see that absolutely NOTHING has changed. And if she walked another half a block to Times Square and stopped random people on the street and asked them what they knew about scientology, she would find out VERY quickly that the ideal org down the block is NOT “clearing NY”, they are not even clearing the block they are on.
- There is always something(s) in the future that are going to “make planetary clearing a reality”. SuMP is “just about to open” and that is the next big thing. Hahaha. Golden Era Productions has been open for 40 years. That has not changed a thing or caused even a trickle of people to “flood” into “our orgs.” Nothing will change with SuMP, it doesn’t even bring anything new to the equation. And this pitch that has been heard 100 times since the golden shower of tech was first released in 1996 – “there is literally now, nothing else stopping our expansion…”
- Always it is “give us your money” — with claims you have to do things that are hard to confront and “uncomfortable.” The motto of scientology seems to be “If it’s not uncomfortable, it’s not scientology.”
- And a familiar wrap up — with respect to the 7 billion people on earth “their lives lie in our hands.” This has been the primary pitch in scientology since even before Keeping Scientology Working in 1965 hammered it home in no uncertain terms. But then I would ask — if you TRULY BELIEVE that ideal orgs are the ONLY salvation for this planet and all 7 billion souls on it (well, there are actually hundreds of billions or trillions if you count the BT’s) – then why not just BUY AND RENOVATE ALL THE ORGS NOW? The church has MORE THAN ENOUGH MONEY TO DO SO.
And that is the biggest illogic of them all.
PS: Tiffany, I have no idea who you are. But get yourself a proofreader. And maybe a GED.
Synchronizing with eternity is a contradiction in terms.
‘A get together on infinity’s porch.’ Excellent!
…”there is no compomise with destiny…”
Yup, the last thing you ever want with destiny is compomise.
Mike Rinder writes: “SuMP is “just about to open” and that is the next big thing. Hahaha. Golden Era Productions has been open for 40 years. That has not changed a thing or caused even a trickle of people to “flood” into “our orgs.” Nothing will change with SuMP, it doesn’t even bring anything new to the equation.”
I’ve always been impressed in a back handed manner about how many graphic designers seem to be available to design scientology publications. The text may be horrible, but they have spent more effort then any other church I know on photographs, designing notices, and making films for their intended audience. Yet even with such PR tools the church of $cientology is shrinking, whereas your average Evangelical church with one or two volunteers and a church secretary, expands with handouts that can’t compare with the professionally generated stuff.
I think Scientology has hit the ceiling where glossiness brings them no further results.
Sounded like the matrix and spiderman themes. With great power comes great rsponsibilty-spiderman. The world longing to be free yet do not know- matrix
Just thought i’d mention,
Is anyone else noticing the amount of text dedicated to quoting COB? I believe the amount of space used to quote DM will increase as his tech replaces LRH tech.
just sayin’
If it’s uncomfortable, it’s a colonoscopy. Now if it’s REALLY uncomfortable, it’s scientology squeezing your pocketbook.
In either case, you’re taking it up the ***
Hi Joe Pendleton, Because it is no fun I will not dwell on this,as I am a colonoscopy queen, I can definitely say Scientology and dm are far far worse! Laughter! Love, Ann.
2016 – the “Year of the Numb” for Scientologists. From what I can make out with a couple of card carrying scios in the (fringe now – they don’t talk to me at ALL & I don’t exist) family is that they really are numb when it comes to their self positioning with wogs and apostates. We really don’t exist all that well for them (sort of hazy) but with the avalanche of public opinion against them they have simply conditioned themselves not to feel much at all if anything. similar to walking past a homeless drunk, unconscious on the kerb. I believe this year is going to be worst yet for them as the media heats up and the scam of scientology gets more and more media time with the real truth behind the organisation.
I’m a little apprehensive that the already broken pieces of my family & others are going to be even more rattled this year. So be it, better a upset family to repair than a numb one which doesn’t feel anything outside of scientology.
“The Year of the Numb” 🙂
Everyone is so funny today.
“… how fast we move in each area and how big we get is up to you.”
Translation – you, dear reader, are being set up like a bowling pin.
“… one new narconnon necessitates still more …”
How exactly does that work? If there are drug addicts, then there is a need for treatment. Does the creation of a drug treatment center create the need for more drug treatment centers? Are they treating, or creating drug addicts?
And no, we’re not counting the BT’s. The seventh dynamic has its limitations.
“Enduring linkage” — kool a rif ic. I wonder if I can use that to fix my clutch?
the commas! my god, the commas!
also if there is “literally now, (gah!) nothing stopping our expansion” what the f is she writing a stupid letter like this for? shouldn’t they all be too busy to write letters with all the people flocking into the orgs?
Tiffany needs to look up the meaning of “literally”
Wow, I’m so impressed I’m gonna send a million bucks to them.
Well, I’m more impressed than you are so I’m going to send them 2 million dollars! So there….
Ha! I’ll send Miscavige my Two Cents right now:
I have wondered for a while whether the cherch and the staff live in an alternate reality ~~ an unreal hallucination and delusion
Whether they flagrantly and deliberately LIE on purpose “It’s the greatest good” to glorify themselves even while the internet mocks their fluff and froth.
Some years ago a bunch of *Tele-* Evangelists promised incredible results.
Touch the tv screen right now and be cured of Multiple sclerosis !
Send $$$$$ and send $$$$ more money for private personal prayers from the Rock Star Evangelists.
Then Jimmy Swaggert was on tape visiting with hookers in Louisiana.
Jim Baker was full on financial scams and an affair with one Jessica.
Ted Haggerts was having a secret gay affair with a male prostitute and doing meth.
The bubble burst.
But in the meantime they had raked in MILLIONS for their private jets and Mega Mansions etc.
Now the networks hardly air these *holy* men with special access to God for your $$$$$
Because there is no GOD in Scientology to give to the GOD scam, Scientology Inc glorifies itself as more or less GOD and more or less ALMIGHTY.
Paraphrasing here, “…Orgs are the avenue to which we take those people and guide their wallets and minds from full to empty on the journey to nowhere.” The rest of the flier was the usual overblown drivel expected from $camology and Demented Midget’s excerpt was making my eyes hurt.
Have you seen that Tommy the Cruisy has been said to hope to marry with a french-algerian little known acterss with some traits of Penelope Cruz?
I wondered if Miscavige hoped that the big stone in the scientology boot would regress if Cruise was spousing a french girl?
The girl’s name is Sofia Boutella
Hi roger gonnet, Thank you for your post. That girl sounds like a blood sucking vampire to me which is exactly what TC and dm are and want.Someone to flaunt TC’s bucks & dm’s fading cult. Love,Ann
I remember when it was considered out-admin, and just a little bit wimpy to claim one needed to “have” in order to “do.” Now it seems that nothing can be done in Scn without having buildings, ideal orgs, and extravagant IAS donations. Cause has turned into effect.
I will when I want and that is why I will but then you will not be able to and I won’t then but we will and cannot but then why are you and them not with me.
Hi outraged, Good to meet you. Loved your post could not find my coffe for awhile after reading it. What it is right in front of me! Love, Ann
How can people in the church believe such a shit ? I was there for years, But when they said the why lie in building that was too much. It’s not even a why for macdonald. They have lost their ability to think. I cannot understand… How someone like Miscavige can rule escape my understanding? I think I left because I was deeply ARC break with all this grossly expressed lies.
Remember the old lament of cable subscribers? 600 channels and nothing to watch! Now it’s 601…..
Only the dead are synchronized with eternity, so I guess the end phenomenon of $cientology is death.
So Tiffinay wants to open the door to truth and life. And what, go out to the porch of infinity and the bug zapper of supressive personage? What’s after that? There is always something after, the moving target part of the scam requires that. Shall we go to the dog house of disconnection? The pool house of lost hopes?
Ken Delusion could have written that plea for money. Or any scammer with a patter……oh….one did…..
Hi zemoo, Thank you your post is perfect, I loved it. Ann.
“That Scientologists exhibit a never imagined mixture of creativity, competence and compassion stands in testament to that sheer fact. But with that kind of power comes the ultimate responsibility for 7 billion human beings who likewise long to be free. Even if they cannot articulate it, even if they cannot grasp it.”
Creativity: Schemes of extracting money from people using cottony words and ideas.
Competence: Proficient at draining people’s bank accounts while making them believe that as they are saving the world, they are being ‘responsible’ at the same time.
Compassion: None.
Hubris: infinite.
the very idea that the 7 billion people on this earth cannot articulate or grasp the idea of “freedom” as promised by the COS is utterly ridiculous.
A GED and a proofreader won’t help if she can’t recognize BS in the first place. No mater how one tries to paint it, it’s still BULLSHIT. If it looks like it, tastes like it and smells like it, then it’s probably shit…of the bull variety!
1982 – 2016 the years of BS!
Bulls are really quite pleasant creatures so in the interest of maintaining their rightful place in the world of shit hierarchy let’s refer to His shit as Daveshit which is of a much lower grade and it is also very runny, in keeping with that which emanates from His mouth.
Yo Dave,
Perhaps a word to the sherminator to pare back the run-on sentence structure of your emanations.
Emanations…I was thinking excretions. It’s in line with both topics.
Excretions is of course much more accurate when it comes to stuff emanating from Him.
“While our LRH Hall reflects everything else…”
Even Sherman can’t figure out why they need a new auditorium.
“…Not to suggest anything less than enduring linkage…”
What are we, pork sausages?
Hi Free at Last, Good to meet you. Wait you have pork sausages we need beans. A year of my Sea Org Life was spent at the Liability table or lower Laughter now, with my meal of cold beans and green beef dogs, what I would have given for pork! Love your post.Ann.
On the floor with all these one-liners today!
When Tiffany talks about how scientology media productions is going to cause a totally unheard of flood of people into the orgs it makes me envision her as a teenage girl, thirteen or so, with ribbons in her hair and a big lollypop in her hand.
Hi RogerHornaday, Absolutely spot-light on! Poor Tiffany what happens when the spotlight of truth hits you? Love, Ann
That anus Miscavige has been promising that people would be “flooding in” “driven in” and/or “herded in” to orgs for the last 30 bleedin’ years. Whatta joke.
I am so inured with the drivel of scientology-speak that it often drifts in one eyeball and out the other, but occasionally I stop to really think about what they are saying, and my god it is some crazy shit!
The big expansion is always just around the corner, this time with the completion of Scn. Media Productions…and of course the ideal orgs. What happened to the boom from the Super Power Building, the L’s, the Key to Life, the ideal morgues that have opened, the GAT, etc. etc.
You really have to close your eyes, squint real hard, and click your heels twice. Welcome to Oz.
Hi Zola, Good to meet you. The Key to life,did that ever skip out of my mind! I remember that back pre-79.. Thank you, Love, Ann.
I remember when the whole “ideal” command intention fuck-o-la started up at the AO. Staff members began using words like “sacrifice”, “pain”, “discomfort” and phrases like “anything worthwhile requires sacrifice” and even uber-creepy “LRH sacrificed his life for Scientology”.
Slowly they began to weave this into day-to-day conversation, getting you used to the idea, as if it were normal. I even mentioned it to my partner, who also noticed it. Scnists were expected to start making sacrifices (e.g. no vacations, no new cars, etc) and start taking on debt.
It’s interesting that the church cannot achieve its goals with individual sacrifice, hell, they can’t even keep the lights on without getting a public Scnist to sacrifice some money.
Hi statpush, A really interesting and creepy post. Thank you. Love, Ann.
You know, there just isn’t any downside for Miscavige. He gets the rubes to pay for the buildings he now owns. He gets to declare and disconnect anyone who complains. He builds his little real estate empire and slices enough off the top to buy his scotch and caviar. When there is no expansion and the PR keeps getting worse and worse, he gets to blame the schleps who aren’t doing enough.
Likely the only thing that really bugs him is that with all his crimes being exposed he doesn’t get to be as sadistic as he’d really like to be.
No results needed. Just lie his way through the next 10 or 20 years, covering his own ass with high priced lawyers keeping him out of court.
Those who dare to look, leave. Those who don’t…well…what do you even say anymore?
The only checks and balances are folks like yourself, Mike, who continue to call his BS and publish it widely.
You say it so well, Les.
Fortunately, the things he craves the most – admiration – will always be limited to his sycophants and kool-aid guzzlers. The real world sees him as an uncommon buffoon, a televangelist huckster and much worse.
His days of hanging out at nascar races with tom cruise are distant memories.
I can only smile when I imagine what he thought while watching Going Clear .(and I would bet he watched it).
Ha! GED. Now there’s an acronym I know.
How many of these young people who grew up in CoS can tell you if a nuclear weapon has ever been used? Who was Russia allied with in both world wars? Or in a practical sense, change the oil on a car or even cook spaghetti noodles?
Yet, they’re going to “clear the planet” and make all right with Zenu.
I’m glad you know what GET is; I haven’t a clue. Please de-mystify me. And SuMP… WTF? Where’s the glossary. 😉
It was an easy Google search, but here it is: The General Educational Development (GED) Test is designed for people who, for various reasons, did not graduate from high school but want a certificate equivalent to the traditional high school diploma. The 2014 GED Test is administered on a computer at an authorized Pearson VUE Testing Center.
Ah thanks for clearing that up for us ignoramuses unfamiliar with US acronyms – thought it was Good English Dictionary!
I had an acronym once. Cute little guy! He’d fetch my slippers at night. But a synonym came into our yard and carried him off….
Yep, you need to watch out for those damned synonyms – they’re all the same!
Hi Paul Cocovinis, Love your post to OSD & his about those pesky grammar gremlins that escaped the word clearers! Love, Ann.
Mike, that is preposterous! 🙂 It is very true that a great catastrophe occurred on this planet and in the other 75 planets which formed this Confederacy 75 million years ago. Xenu is no longer with us. He is inside the rocks on the Island of Madiera just off the coast of Africa. I guess he must be waiting for an auditor to come along. I hope so, if I were him which I am not. 🙂
George Orwell was Chief of Police in
Rangoon before he became a writer.
His essay about having to shoot an elephant that had run amok and killed a few people is worth a read.
Tiffany really needs a spellcheck program to run things through before sending them out. No matter what the (non) validity of the words, one cannot have confidence in someone who sends out communications with blatant spelling errors. I hope she keeps copies of her letters and looks back and laughs in another year or two at the silliness of the things she said while “in”. I shudder to think she will follow the brainwashed Brandy any further down the road she is currently travelling. Here’s to hoping she will free her mind from the propaganda. Happy Tuesday! 🙂 – T.J.
Hi T.J., Happy happy Tuesday to you! I like your post and so agree. Let us hope all those in will see and flee! Love Always, Ann.
Thank you Ann B. 🙂 It’s always nice to see you posting here. I hope it’s sunny where you are, if not, I’m guessing you brighten things up! Much Love always – T.J.
At Saint Hill from Old Timers, They would say
that Ron believed that if everyone had a copy of
Dianetic’s to read and apply the data
Planet Earth would be CLEAR.
Hi Jose Chung, So true your post! All it took was one read of DMSMH in Feb 74 and by July 74 Did I ever sign that contract!! Love, Ann.
I salute you Ann.
It was real to me Earth would be CLEAR
and I went full on at Saint Hill. My post was where
the first Saint Hill Special Briefing Courses were held.
Hi Jose Chung, I salute you!! And I bet you know that darn Monkey Room & perhaps some tomato beds… Seriously at Asho F having been very close to East Grinstead in 66 in England and having extremely close ancestry with England, when I had that KoolAid high, my heart was with Saint Hill Always.As it was with Apollo.Grown up and out now, but perhaps you can see why the pix of Saint Hill on artist on the whole track can still resonate faintly now to me.Love, Ann.
I remember the Monkey Room
Mostly the Basement or 2nd floor.
I had to clean the cobble stones of the Basement
with a tooth bush with the Senior C/S.
Hi Jose Chung, Weren’t those ” cleaning experiences a joy!” We are both OT10 with our toothbrush abilities!Always Love, Ann
I’m stumped. “Ours is the only religion founded on the power of spiritual beings”. What the hell does that even mean? Sounds like something from the game Balderdash.
Hi Shelley, nice to meet ya!
You said, “I’m stumped. Ours is the only religion founded on the power of spiritual beings”. What the hell does that even mean? Sounds like something from the game Balderdash.”
Yeah, it does to some extent come from those types of games (later on), but most of the superstitious Wog World already believed in ghosts, fairies, goblins, vampires, voodoo, saints and etc., since the caveman days, anyway. And the fat, ugly shrew lrblubbard knew this.
To start with, if ‘spirit awareness’ wasn’t due to other religions’ spiritual stories or the old-timers’ folk-lure, some folks probably became believers, especially as little kids, when Casper the Friendly Ghost cartoons and comics made it on the scene. LOL … “Spiritual Beings” were no shocker or news to anyone. Imho, ‘spiritual beings’ were the only way lrblubbered could get most of the unsuspecting curious public to come in and spend their $$$. So many people would pay any price to get healthy, see their dead loved ones once again, and/or meet famous dead people through séances. There are millions of ghost busters out there and this Twilight Zone concept fit right in there with their patterns of beliefs, too. Whoever got caught in the trap probably thought, “Maybe this story—this time—would be the “real thing?”
Hi Pat Wog Winner, Love your post to Shelley, the part at the end where you talk about the hope Ron etc was the real thing at last.That totally resonated with me. I know now that was quite the False Path! Always Love, Ann
Thanks, Ann! “Finally,” I thought. It’s what if figured when I read “my” book; although, it was not the same book that was on all the shelves in the book stores. It had so many different pages and passages. It was nothing like the books sold at the markets, even — My book also had a different publisher. I compared the books when I told my friends to get theirs. When when they got confused, they would call me to look up page something or other to explain it — but the whole page–the whole book–was completely different. They got so scared, they threw their books away! … Well, anyhoo, that was the scifi’s baiting and switching me! … They came after me, first. I would never have purchased that damned Dianetics book. I only read it because if was a gift from my son at Xmas; and it was given to him by a complete stranger, who walked up to him out of the blue. And oh what trouble that god forsaken book has caused my poor little family ever since!
Hi Pat Wog Winner, That DMSMH book is devilish that is for sure! I am really sorry for all the trouble the cult dumped on you and your family.It stinks! Yet I remain even more thankful to you and all here.Just posting helps me chase those shadows from the past away.Love, Ann
The COB’s closing speech is just terrific, in the original meaning of the word. It is mind boggling that someone with so much power in any organization could think that it’s a good speech. The whole word dance on “it’s time to reconnect with the source–not that there’s any disconnection” is a masterpiece worthy of any politician running for office.. And the only religion to be founded on the power of spiritual beings? I kinda thought that most religions were, unless he’s confusing “spiritual beings” with “space aliens”.
Thank you so much for posting this. I love starting my day with laughter.
“…a generous helping of shermanspeak (“the moment we synchronize with eternity” – perhaps its some sort of get-together on infinity’s porch?).
Another gem, Mr. Rinder. Still laughing!
And quoting the bombastic phrases Miscavige spouted way, way back in March 2015?
We may assume he has not said anything else important since that date, or Tiffany did not quote him on what he has mumbled on later events simply because she could not understand his nonsensical rhetorics?
Either way it sucks to be a leader of this decaying group.
Sounds like 2016 is really going to be the year of Making Scientology Great Again. Not that it ever wasn’t great; they’re just making it REALLY great. This new dissemination tool is gonna be HUGE! People will be flooding in so fast, it will make your head spin. And by the way, those other religions are LOSERS! Scientology is leading in clearing the planet!
This may have been dealt with elsewhere and I’ve missed it. I want to know how they plan to use the SuMP (great word BTW) to disseminate. I get they will have the facilities to produce lots of content (meaning stuff that can be seen or heard or read rather than a mild feeling of happiness). What I don’t get is how any of that will be accessed by a highly suspicious, at best, public.
Even if they have the ability to transmit radio or TV broadcasts they still have to have people choose to access that output. How do they propose to do that? Perhaps they need to raise more money to pay people to watch?
Hi Interested Party, Very nice to meet you. I left The Sea Org just when Ron was starting to shoot videos about SO etc… so sump and Golden Era were after my time. Whew! But I have no clue what will be run on the TV at this studio that never seems to get off the ground. Maybe endless loops of dm droning on or some other beached whale or celeb in dm’s horror house! Can you imagine having to sit through loop after loop of Shermanspeak! Love, Ann.
Hi Ann – “having to sit through endless loops if Shermanspeak! I started to visualize that but it was too freaky so I pulled out! lol What if it was an endless loop of single dm “speech”. Much too scary!!
Hi Richard D, Thank you for posting exactly what sitting thru endless loops of Sherman speak would be like. Scary and pre- kindergarten at the same time! Love, Ann
“Or if you will, this is the moment we synchronize with eternity and recognize there is no compromise with destiny.”
You bet Dave,
Speaking of which, it looks like you have another Thursday at Too approaching and guess what destiny this Thursday, January 14th, 2016 will bring good buddy? You know what it is Dave because you are such a perceptive little runt, a no compromise situation where the documentary ‘Going Clear’ will get short listed for the Academy Awards!
But Dave….
“So lest it isn’t already obvious, with greater facilities for lying come greater responsibilities for truth, which in context means: one new blown staff member begets another, one new book or blog site necessitates still more, one award winning documentary embraces the whole planet, while you Dave, reflect everything else.”
But however vast the prospects of tomorrow, there is no greater truth than who you are Dave, the self appointed leader of a failing Cult that represents the worst that humanity has to offer.
I predict the stats for number of people finding out the truth about Your Cult will be in a never before seen, new stellar range this year so take a win big boy!
Wow! What a great comment as well as great description of who the little Four Foot Thirteen psychopath David Miscavige really is. Just alerted some new friends to watch Going Clear given HBO is showing it free currently to all subscribers on demand. They called back not believing what they saw and are holding a showing this Friday night expecting 25 people to fill their great room. Expect a lot more viewings as soon as Oscar nominations are announced.
Way to go justmeteehee! Spread the word …………… and don’t forget the popcorn!
Ewwwwwwwwwww! My life lies in their hands?? Tuesday just got suckier!
A few days a go I just saw Corn Cob settin’ on the front porch, now I’m hearing banjo music.
Hi justmeteehee, Yes and pretty soon the boys with toys, rifles, will come cruising down the river. Only here in Louisiana either alligator or nutria like a water rat would be on the menu too.I will try almost any food once but not those two delicacies.Always love your posts.Ann
Any day Ann, I’d rather meet a gator than a reg!
Hi justmeteehee, You have it perfectly! For a moment I almost forgot that gators are my friend and regges are most definitely not! Love, Ann.
Hi Windhorse, It is so good to see your post! I love books…always have, always will.Love, Ann.
“Really, how fast we move in each area and how big we get is up to you. (because there is no way david miscavige could possibly be wrong; so, if this fails, it’s your fault)
“… it takes confront (to turn over all of your money),
“it takes doing things that are uncomfortable (like working your ass off to make tons of money).
“But you and I know, its well worth it (I’m dying here, but everybody else is smiling and I’ve been told it’s worth it and to just get out this damn newsletter; so, I’m hoping to hell it produces results or its failure will all be my fault – you know, like a blind spot I have, some case thing, some inadequacy on my part, an inability to see the truth because of my overts or withholds; I haven’t figured out which one yet; or maybe it’s my MU’s ….)
Hi McCarran, Nice to meet ya!
“Really, how fast we move in each area and how big we get is up to you. (because there is no way david miscavige could possibly be wrong; so, if this fails, it’s your fault)”
Of course it’s their fault – The mental midget knows absolutely nothing concerning anything that has to do with “BIG!” 😉
I remember a time when Scn and Scientologists talked completions it ment people finishing a course or some auditing level. Now it means new buildings? Nothing literally now is stopping our expansion so we have to move fast? If nothing is literally stopping you Tiffany then chill, take your time and get it right. Your synchronicity with eternity is here. You are on the front porch of that synchronicity. Remember, the prospects of tomorrow are vast and the synchronicity of eternity is now. To translate….get off your ass and start regging for MORE MONEY….NOW!
Correct. I said this once before on this blog (not that I am boasting) but success stories in “Scientology” used to mean someone was now a skilled auditor or had completed Power or Power Plus processing. Correct. Today it means you are closer as a being to COB and higher as a thetan because of your Ideal Mission, Org, City, State, Country, Continent or Region donation. Somebody pass a note this “church” that says “Get the F*** out of here man with that crazy S***”. Telling the truth in the “Church of Scientology” is like signing a death warrant on yourself. 🙂
Hi Potpie, Your post and my Kona coffee- heaven! Love, Ann
Ok, ok, Potpie! I’ll get started right way. Just let me have a few more cups of coffee! Sheesh!
I think you mean the Golden Year of BS.
“Her life is in your hands Dude”
If you’re talkin’ to me, don’t worry! I’ll take care of her.
Excellent Big Lebowski reference.
Ha Ha … yes funny but sad.
I suppose THEY are NOT noticing the world news, state of the nuclear (so called) disarmament, global economy, wars, etc. Got a LONG way to go for a clear planet.
Disa, that’s why, in certain circles, they call it the Church of Make Believe.
Well, I do synchronize with waves every time I’m out, so, I guess I could synchronize with eternity. As long as eternity doesn’t cramp my style….
OSD are you aware that in addition to being a war hero, nuclear physicis, etc. etc. Hubbard was also a world class surfer? In fact he won his first surfing competition at age six. Not only did his family own a ranch which covered a quarter of the state of Montana they also owned beach front property in Montana where Hubbard learned to surf.
Hi Doug Sprinkle, You are it for me today! Wonderful post.Love, Ann.
Thanks Ann. I enjoy your posts also.
Yeah, I know all about Montana’s coast. It may be an urban legend, but, I’ve heard stories of massive break about 30 miles west of Billings. It maybe fork lore, but, they say the waves can get up to 25 feet! And the break is both lefts and rights. It’s been passed down thru the years, that 5 surfers were all riding one 20 foot wave. The were ‘layered’ from the top of the wave close to the bottom. Ancient medicine men talk of the thunderous sound those waves would make. And, rumor has it, it’s breaking 6 ft spinning tubes on a glass face…..
Yes those 25 foot waves are a sight to behold.
The northern part of the estate was where he slept with the bandits at age 8.
lololol, Yeah, Rich, he was the real Indiana Jones!
Hi OSD, Eternity cramp your style!? Never Ever! I bet you could re-arrange Eternity any way you want! XO, Ann.
I look forward to seeing the big dissemination tool, bound to be interesting. Do they REALLY expect people to be flooding in? I bet those who have been around a few years know the score and expect a handful of mildly interested people at best.
Formatting and spelling on this letter are atrocious, surely not the work of the most able people on the planet?
Well, Gimpy, I guess the cult can say that they have a big tool…..
Always struck me as a bit of a midget, but definitely a tool.
Well, Gimp, a big tool for him would be, what, 4 cm?
By the time I got to the part where she said “Chairman of the Board laid it out pretty clearly” my head was spinning.
The one thing that keeps hitting me over and over is the fact that David Miscavige is never referred to as a person.
In old PR, no matter how cheesy, it was always Ron this and LRH that sort of a “gee how nice would it be to do this for or with our friend and compatriot Ron.
Now it is COB, Command Intention, Chairman of the Board. Nothing personal here, no personal touch implied or intended, just DO IT and DO IT NOW … Or else.
” The one thing that keeps hitting me over and over is the fact that David Miscavige is never referred to as a person.”
There is good reason for that Valerie, I don’t think He has the qualifications!
@newcomer, so true. Got a belly laugh out of me.
Hi Valerie, Thank you for another great post. I agree thank you for pointing out the fact that dm is not mentioned as a person, like I do with Ron. I could not do the same with dm ever.But I still do not give Ron a 100% free pass on his viewpoint that shaped Ron’s World.No matter the Tech I was still a Slave in the Sea Org.
As for Tiffany gosh I see now how truly pathetic the ” education ” of SO members who are in forever and those like Tiffany is.Those in cos know they are so much more brilliant than any other body on the planet, yet basic grammar, spelling, sentence structure,ideas that are not flung all over the piece with no tie-in to anything, well you already get my drift. That is what makes me so sad, the young teen-agers in SO who will never advance their mind.Just mush for dm to use as he will.But we are out and can see! Love, Ann
LRH wasn’t necessarily a kind caring person in my viewpoint, Ann, don’t get me wrong. In my mind, LRH is the one who damaged me as far as scientology goes.
The PR just referred to Ron as a person. I was just pointing out that the PR does not refer to David Miscavige as a person. It has become less of a “peace love and lollipops” front to the public and more of a paramilitary looking organization on its’ front. Behind the scenes probably hasn’t changed a lot.
Hi Valerie, Thank you,I admire you and follow your posts always, Ann
You actually read that far, Valerie? Wow! Good for you! After the first paragraph, I couldn’t stop laughing. I mean, the cult is great for comic relief…..
@OSD, the sad thing is that they do believe they sound edumacated with all that babble.
So no one can ever point the finger at david miscavige, himself. He has become a non-entity.
Ha – and the other fawning reference to the Captain of the Sea Org: “He.” Just plain old He, as in “He is coming to town”, “He may make an appearance tonight for a closed door briefing.” Ooh, so mysterious.
Point 1 assumes the state of clear exist. While I agree that people can runout the process to completion, there is no such thing as a clear. I don’t care what the meter or case sup says. Debating Miscavige tech vs Hubbard tech is like debating 2+2 or 1+1 equals “blue.” What is sad is that Miscavige tech causes so much extra hardship.
It is like asking the question “What came first the truth or the lie?”. Who came first L. Ron Hubbard or David Miscavige? So who would you believe? The truth always works best. 🙂
Actually I think it’s more like saying no matter which lie was first, neither are related to the truth so better to go with the lie that gives you less grief.
Not in my opinion Roger. The Way to Happiness begins by learning to live with the truth. Members of the “church” get “happy” knowing they have kept the truth from you. But, there is no better solution to many of the problems Mankind faces today than LRH tech, especially NOT’s. NOTS’s Is the end of case for people that avail themselves of it and the beginning of eternal unconsciousness for those that don’t. 🙂 And that’s the truth. 🙂
Lawrence, what do you mean by “learning to live with the truth”? Is the “truth” something you have to learn to live with? No idea what you’re talking about.
As for NOTS being the “end of case for people who avail themselves of it and the beginning of unconsciousness for those that don’t” , oh boy, may I ask how you arrive at that knowledge? Just tell me the means by which you arrive at that knowledge, okay? Or are you just making that assertion because you like how you feel when you make it?
As for my experience with people who have done NOTS…
my friend, M. returned from Flag having completed it and though he was radiant for a couple days on day three he asked me if I would F… him in the a..!!! Other experiences with NOTS completions have been less colorful but no less disappointing.
Never mind. 🙂 I am not here to explain things to people. But, thanks for your approach. 🙂
The uncomfortable statement weirds me out. Kinds sounds like a creepy guy in a bar
@Jeff Smith, the creepy guy in the bar is offended by your statement. He has a much better chance of picking up chicks than scientology does of getting new members.
Jeff, that’s was me in that bar. Sorry if I scared, but, I often times go to bars in a trench coat with dark glasses on. It’s a quirk that I have….
@OSD well, hell, if I had known that was you and not just some random creepy dude I would have let you pick up on me ;-0
Yeah, ya see, I’d let you pick me up! That’s after your sec check, of course….
“2016 – The Year of BS” — isn’t this a headline that could be any year at all? I mean, it’s just like the headline “2016 – The Year the Cubs Blew Their World Series Chances.”
Okay, so what are you gonna say when they go to the World Series this year. LOL
This could be the year! Maybe this is the year for the church!
ooooh, that was cold 😉
Mike, I didn’t realize you could make your point & be funny at the same time. Maybe you could consider a 3rd career as a stand up comedian!
“Perhaps it’s some sort of get-together on infinity’s porch?”, “They are not even clearing the block they are on” & “And maybe get a GED”
Thanks Mike, you made me laugh a handful of times before I finished my 1sr cup of coffee. Now that’s straight up & vertical!
So funny; yet so sad.
Surely one of the weirdest pieces of promo I’ve EVER seen ANYWHERE. The shermanspeak is enough to make one dizzy.
I once did a lecture of a comm course graduation in which I posited that in order to truly understand insanity, you must first go insane yourself. And trying to grok wording coming from cob/sherman will accomplish just that! Poor Tiffany has obviously gone over that edge.
I grok…
“If it’s not uncomfortable, it’s not scientology.”.
Wow, Sheldon! The RPF must be really Keeping Scientology Working, when it come to uncomfortableness. “If you’re not completely miserable, it’s not Scientology.”
Hi OSD, Now that is one fine description of the entire Cult! Love, Ann.
Damn! I should have followed your advice Mike, BUT I went ahead and tried to make sense of Tiffany anyway. One illogic lead to another and NOW, I find myself synchronized with insanity. I need to take a hike!
Hi Bognition, Good to meet you and a great post. As you take your hike don’t wander too close to the edge as you ponder the insanity of cos, I would not want you ending up on that Porch of Infinity with dm & the sheeple who just cannot break from him.Mike had me laughing with his description! Love, Ann
Thanks Ann. No worries. I carry my GPS (Get Passed Slappy) hardware.
Hi Bognition, I absolutely love your Slappiness Hardware and you! Ann.
I know, the Bog is cool, huh Ann B?
Hi OSD, All the posts got hi-jacked on this blog so I could not come on it. I’m back! Oh Bognition is so cool- beyond cool in fact! Love ya, Ann.
Oh, c’mon, Bog! A couple of cold ones will fix you right up!
Forget “synchronize with eternity” and try “synchronize with reality”. What are they going to broadcast on SuMP – they haven’t even had a try out with a YouTube channel? I am really curious as to what is going to be broadcast. After the few hours of video which they already have (and sell to the public) – what then? Or is it just another vehicle to produce DVDs (or other) for the public to buy? Honestly, I just don’t get it.
Wendy, I think you do get it!
Wendy M., as re your question about the cult’s intended usage for SuMP
I don’t get it either. I don’t think even Co$ gets it. I believe the cult has no clue what its going to do with this thing.
Nevertheless, the money for it is still needed. All else including its actual function can be decided later.
Wendy, Corn of the COB will open the new SuMP for one day and then declare, “It’s just not big enough!” And then donations will be asked for to build the Model Ideal SuMP so they can clear the planet, FOR REAL.
So true. When you can “catch up with your favorite episodes on demand”, who even HAS regular TV anymore? I have only Rokubox. My son favors AppleTV. My daughter has Dish with no network channels. None of us would opt for the scientology channel if offered. Broad dissemination? To what?
Oddly enough, I’m reading George Orwell’s 1984 right now (after all the comments about similarities) though not for the first time. Can’t help but compare every word to scn. It’s almost the official script. Personally I thought Animal Farm was possibly more appropriate – the building of the windmill as a means to divert attention from their worsening circumstances is exactly akin to the Ideal Org programme.
Yes, both books are startling in their parallels to the real world of scientology.
I had never read Animal Farm but back in 1978 before I left the Sea Org – while on a mission and able to visit family (same city) — I was bemoaning things to my never in brother — how things just WEREN”T how I envisioned things *should* be — I mean after all we were CLEARING. THE. PLANET. and all SO members were in it TOGETHER.
And yet — *some* seemed so much more “favored”
He suggested Animal Farm. I read it and it literally made me shiver. It planted the seeds of my discontent.
I took a few years before I bolted.
Everyone should read classics such as Animal Farm.
Strong are the senses in you, Grasshopper. Everyone should read both books.