Every now and then scientology accidentally exposes the truth about their actual size in their own words. Super Power was released in November 2013. This is after it had been promoted for 30 years. There was an enormous backlog of people who had been regged for the service over that time that were all now able to partake in the miracle. And it is a service that EVERY scientologist can do no matter where they are on the Bridge. It is something everyone is EXPECTED to do. And it can ONLY be done in one place. Flag. So the count of how many people complete it is a pretty good … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2016
Super Bowl Planning
Things are not going too well with the big plans for the Super Bowl. Though there are 3 ideal orgs and another "almost" in the Bay area SFO (actually two -- Day and Fdn), Stevens Creek, Mountain View and Los Gatos; and with the "massive international expansion" scientology has been experiencing since David Miscavige took the helm, rocketed with the advent of the Golden Age of Tech, after-burnered with the Basics, shot skywards with the Golden Age of Knowledge, exploded into hyperdrive with the Golden Age of Knowledge II and Super Power and launched to the stratosphere with the Golden Age of … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Another week of fun in the bubble. Eight Orgs-One Cause Get your money any way we can. Charging $75 for a "convention" featuring a singer, dancer, actor nobody has heard of is a good start. About the same as the Ellie Goulding tickets we bought recently. I know which show I would prefer. And just a note, why don't they get Toronto done? They have owned that building since the 70's. It's an "ideal building" and they have had it for 40 years... It's always about the money Food, glorious food Seems to be about the only thing happening in … [Read more...]
This org, under the wing of the mighty Flag OT Committee, has been going nowhere for years. They somehow managed to buy a building and hey presto, they are now nearly "ideal." Except for at least one very large problem. They have no staff. Their ribbon is supposed to be yanked BEFORE March 13 so Dear Leader Miscavige can proudly trumpet the massive international expansion they evidence at his birthday event. But that's turning out to be quite a problem. According to recent reports, there are TWENTY Sea Org members in the ATL trying to recruit SEVENTY staff so they can at least appear … [Read more...]
The World’s Largest “Ideal Org”
Another bizarre cow pie just landed splat in my inbox.... And as with everything else in scientology, the goalposts area moving target. Today's news may or may not be completely at odds with what was said yesterday, but the sheeple never seem to notice. The last announcement about the world's largest ideal org was that LA Org held that distinction. Guess not. At least not for this week. So, now you know, the "world's largest ideal org on the planet" is Milano. As announced by the redundancy department of redundancy. And then the next oddity -- they're holding one HUGE showing - … [Read more...]
Santa Barbara: The Results Are In
Remember the special seminar that was put on by Kevin Wilson in Santa Barbara to help them learn how to make and save money? Well, the results are in. And they are not pretty. About 20 people showed up... No idea how many of them are staff. Or from other areas than Santa Barbara. Some commenters here may know some of these people. This happy bunch ended up paying over $4500 to "ideality" for the pleasure of attending a seminar on fiscal prudence. But they also broke the big news. Over the next two days they managed to collect a total of $10,000 which means they are "more than … [Read more...]
Another Tampa Ideal Org Milestone
More proof of just how epic the milestone accomplishments are in the shrinking world of scientology. Applying standard admin tech to the letter, 13 years after being declared "ideal" and 10 years on from their first "SH Size" declaration, Tampa has been working on their backlogged CF for months and months. Perhaps a year. It has been heavily promoted and pushed as a top priority for this model org (how it could be "model" when they promote their "squirrel admin" is a question for another day). For some reason there is always a great deal of attention paid to "getting CF in PT" as … [Read more...]
Super Bowl Hype Deflated
The Super Bowl - a wondrous opportunity to soak some more money out of the sheeple. Not only will they be hit up to pay for ads to appear "the greatest dissemination effort in history" - it will be epic, milestone and watershed - they are also hitting everyone up to donate for drug booklets. Those things cost about 20 cents (being VERY generous). If they gave one to EVERY person who attended (68,500 seats) they could accomplish that with $13,700. That isn't even a tiny fraction of the weekly income of the IAS. Not even 10% of the daily income of the IAS. But they are not going to PAY for it … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Regraded Being is back from his well earned vacation. … [Read more...]