Ken Kramer is at it again. As usual, he is begging for money, even though the IAS claim THEY are the ones "eradicating psychiatry." Just like they are the ones bringing "human rights" and "literacy campaigns" (see recent post on GoFundMe page for those campaigns). Here are a couple of recent emails from Mr. Kramer. From: PsychSearch <[email protected]> Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 3:35 AM To: Subject: You say you want a revolution You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world... (Beatles - Revolution Lyrics) Dear … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2016
More on Google Trends
An interested reader sent this in after the recent posting on the subject of Alexa and Google trends. I found it interesting to see the correlation between "interest" in scientology and interest in Tom Cruise. And I thank Why Bother for bringing the Google Trends data to my attention. The graph shows the US trends and the following one shows the worldwide trends: And this one is Worldwide trends: The first spike in the infamous Oprah Couch jumping followed by the "glib" Matt Lauer commentary. April 2006 Suri is born. August 2006 Paramount terminates t … [Read more...]
IAS Abandons Youth For Human Rights and Literacy Campaigns
Well, the truth is they never really had them (or anything else that requires spending money on anything other than buildings). Remember Tim Bowles? Former "good guy" partner of Rick Moxon? He won an IAS Freedom Medal for his work with children in Africa. The IAS repeatedly announces it's "support" for human rights, most particularly "Youth For Human Rights". They gave an IAS Freedom Medal to Mary Shuttleworth, the head if the whole show. They have literally collected tens of millions of dollars on the basis of their PR that they are "bringing human rights to the world." They claim … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Oh No Ross and Carrie Love these two. The second installment is worth listening to, just like the first. Smart, funny people explaining their experiences being sucked into the scientology bubble, including attending the New Year's event. It is humorous to get their take on how things come across to normal people that walk in the door. Listen here. The IAS "Inglewood Edition" Featuring the incomparable Jackson Wyan (whoever he is) rather than the full time IAS Reg Michael Roberts, one of the VERY few African Americans in scientology. So what makes the presentation from … [Read more...]
Scientology Ad Fail
There has been plenty of discussion about scientology's ads during the Super Bowl and Grammy's. Much of it very derisive - the twittersphere lit up with comments as soon as the ads appeared. Many of them were pretty humorous. They have run two ads -- and neither sell anything. Instead they ask a lot of questions and direct people to website. Maybe this is modeled on the original Jeff Hawkins Dianetics "question ads" that sent Dianetics back onto the NY Times bestseller list. Back then, the success of the ads was measured by the number of books sold in bookstores (today, … [Read more...]
Orlando Magic
Hey presto, it's a rabbit out of a hat. Suddenly, Orlando is the "next milestone done." It's pretty clear that nobody raised the funds for Orlando -- they are barely even an org and probably have less than 50 public and staff all told. "International management" paid for it (of course, there is no such thing as "international management" these days, it is David Miscavige and "helpers in favor at the moment.") Despite the chest pounding of the Flag OTC, they are ineffective in the ideal org fundraising game. They have been running the "Alliance" of Atlanta, Orlando, Miami and Puerto … [Read more...]
Upper Class Twit of the Year
He is at it again. John Mappin living up to the unenviable reputation of the stereotypical British upper-class twit, once again making an absurd display of himself with the apparent purpose of getting attention. I could care less, except he makes a habit of pushing his scientology messages on social media, and I have covered some of his forays down the rabbit hole before. Here is a recent Facebook post about the awesome "add" that ran during the Super Bowl: But this post concerns some of his other rather bizarre Facebook activity. Remember, because he has inherited wealth, this … [Read more...]
It’s What They Don’t Say…
This is a recent (paid for) "press release." These come out periodically as an effort to generate any sort of semi-positive media in the face of the overwhelming barrage of negative coverage that scientology continues to generate. What is amazing about this one is what it DOESN'T say. Supposedly, Scientology commissioned this religious scholar to conduct a study of scientology throughout Germany. The entire reported conclusion from this study conducted in 2013 and 2014 is precisely NOTHING. Tacked onto the end is the assertion from scientology (apparently not from the … [Read more...]
Hysteria of the SP’s and 60X Expansion
Tom Cruise's brother in law, nominal "head" of "Criminon International" and IAS fundraising shill has poured his heart into his latest letter beseeching people to come hear him speak on behalf of the IAS (so he can collect his FSM commissions). This letter is fascinating on many levels: He starts out in Chicken Little mode: look how bad things are, everyone is against us and it is terrible. But with it comes the scientology twist: all this PROVES we are winning. The "hysteria of the SP's" - ie the constant stream of bad news that pours in the door -- from media coverage to legal losses … [Read more...]