There are so many odd things in this promotion. How strange that one of the oldest scientology organizations on earth is incapable of achieving Ideal Org status without getting orgs in another country to help them do it? Tells you everything you need to know about the state of scientology in New Zealand. Dead. For decades. Why aren't the "ideal orgs" in Sydney and Melbourne getting Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane and Canberra to ideal? They're at least in the same country and a lot closer. And woohoo -- Stev Green is going to join the long line of "upstat public" who will join staff and … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2016
Scientology’s “Field Groups”
Regraded Being is taking a day off. Might surprise us with something on an odd day, depending on schedule, but otherwise will be back next week bigger and better than ever. In the meantime, we have some interesting insight into scientology's "groups" - the entities that "introduce" people to dianetics and scientology. Scientology claims there are "More than 11,000 scientology orgs, missions and groups" in the world. Unfortunately for them, we know the number of orgs is about 160 all told (they are listed on the website). From the same website there are less than 400 … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Old Guard Generally reflecting the state of scientology, the old guard is pretty much all there is left... Fatten them up before the slaughter... Or: You gotta use some cheese to catch the mouse It's a Mega New Status! Really? Truth in Advertising For once. Really it should say the Brave or the Stupid. Ideal Org -- What do you get? Big old empty rooms that look like sets out of a scientology tech film. An Island of Sanity If you define sanity as a graveyard -- of course nobody ever argues or questions in … [Read more...]
Heber Jentzsch
This is another of the endless lies scientology spins to the world: Subject: Re: Your Contact Form Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 19:03:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Brian at Scientology Info Center To: [email protected] Dear Xxx, A while ago you wrote in asking who was the President of Scientology. That is Mr. Rev. Heber Jentzsch. What made you interested? Best regards, Brian Hinojosa Heber Jentzsch has had NO position in scientology since around 2004 when he was first put into the Hole. He has not been sighted in public except to attend his son's funeral after … [Read more...]
Flag Stats
The news from Flag has not been good. You may recall I did a post (Things At Flag Are Bleak) in January mentioning they had stopped circulating the "Good News" briefings. And that only happens when there is nothing even the eternally unreal FSC office can present as good news. But I guess they must read the blog, because 3 days later, after nothing since November 2015, suddenly in my in box appeared a new (shortened) edition of "Flag Good News." Since then there have been a few more of these "Good News" briefing. There are a LOT of missing weeks of really stinking stats. The … [Read more...]
Atlanta Ideal Org Ribbon Yanking: The Real Story
Scientology wasted no time putting this photo (and a bunch of others) onto their website. After all, this is the pinnacle of David Miscavige's (and thus scientology's) accomplishment. A "new org" is opened. This of course is not true, it is just a new building for the same old org as they all are. Scientology has not opened an actual new org in the last decade. Not a single one. I think Kaohsuing in Taiwan might have been the last one -- but that was long before the "new building" was opened. This is the big lie scientology tells its sheeple and the world. Their new … [Read more...]
Disaster Fundraising: Brussels Edition
It's as inevitable as day following night. A pitch for money from scientology following a disaster. Hand one of these WTH booklets to the next terrorist you meet and calm will prevail. And of course, we don't have any money to do this most vital action -- we need it from you. NOW. This "common-sense" booklet is going to "lift spirits" by telling the people to "Flourish and Prosper." It's just what they need. What planet are these people on? They would make Mel Brooks proud. And as an added thought, I guess they don't know Belgium has its own flag? Or that the Dutch flag … [Read more...]
Atlanta Ribbon Yanking Panic
They are terrified they won't have enough people to put in the shots of Dear Leader yanking the ribbon in Atlanta. Even though the call has gone out to every org in the US that they had better show up, they are making sure there will be "bodies in the shop" by shipping "OT Ambassadors" from Flag. This is a luxury trip -- driving through the night from midnight til 9am to get them there in time for the video shoot. Smile for the cameras. Stand around for a few hours. Tour the empty building. Then leave again at 5pm and arrive back after midnite. Not anyone's idea of an all expenses paid … [Read more...]