This was sent to me by my friend Andy Porter. It is a "disconnection" letter and his "Open Letter" in response. Andy is a very accomplished professional photographer -- I included one of his shots above and two more at the end of this post. You will find many more at his website: I received this letter last week from someone I have known through Scientology for 25 years. “I am sending this letter as an official disconnection letter. I am remaining a member of the Church of Scientology. It is my intention to have no form of connection with you including any form of … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2016
Good News from Flag
I usually publish these after I have accumulated a few and add some points to the long term graph. But it has been more than a month now, and no word from either Jeff Mintz or Sandy Dodwell about ANY "good news" at Flag. It's a pretty good indicator that things are not going too well at the top of the Bridge. They ONLY put out these things when they have something THEY think is "good news." Remember back when they first put these out they included all of the following completions? Purif, Objectives, Running Pgm, Super Power, Clears, L's, OT's, OT VII's. They long since dropped me … [Read more...]
Communication in Scientology…Or Not
Another in the continuing series of observations by our friend Terra Cognita - still not declared. And in my view, this may be his best yet. This is perhaps the single biggest glaring irrationality in scientology. TC's previous posts: Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization. Communication in Scientology…Or Not LRH wrote extensively on communication. He wrote volumes. He lectured extensively on the subject. The man was all about communication. One of the first steps in Sci … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Filing for Idealishness Simply the best filing anywhere.... Another Taufer Just what the world really needed. This one is pitching in to help raise funds to support Ken Kramer. Not just a temporary thing Bit of an understatement... They're really pushing the Sea Org. Unfortunately this is all 45 years out of date. The Sea Org hasn't expanded for decades... They know he died a while ago, right? This one is REALLY out of date... Start a Narconon today A golden opportunity for the … [Read more...]
The Feeling Of Elation
This about sums up what scientology sells: The feeling of elation knowing I "helped." They have convinced the people inside the bubble that money given the IAS is actually used for good. It is one of the sad truths of scientology that this is a lie. More money is spent on creating the illusion that scientology (the IAS) is helping than is spent on actually helping anyone. The only real expenditures the IAS makes are the purchase of property -- ostensibly to "service parishioners" but as every org on earth is shrinking, there is not a one of them that needs larger premises when most … [Read more...]
Dan Koon Responds
Dan Koon responds to the letter his ex-wife sent to ABC 20/20. A copy of her letter is below with Dan's commentary in red. Because of my familiarity with some of the matters raised in her letter, I have added my own comments which are in blue italics. Knowing Sue for more than 30 years, I am positive that she cringed the first time she saw this letterhead April 27, 2016 This was mailed 2 days before the 20/20 show aired on ABC. Another perfect example of the Int/Gold Base’s set-in-stone operating motto: “Too little, too late.” John Bentley ABC 20/20 47 W … [Read more...]
The Real State Of Ideal Orgs
We have seen these crowing posters from Tampa before. But I haven't noticed this statement previously: We were the First and only Org on the planet to have over 60 Clears and OTs on staff. Stop to think about this statement for a minute. Only ONE org (which is both a Day and Foundation as they mention in 5 above) has 60 Clears and above on staff. How is it that this could be? Either all of these "ideal" and "St Hill Size" orgs have less than 60 staff, or these orgs that give free training and auditing to their staff in this "Golden Age" of "super-fast" tech are NOT giving any auditing … [Read more...]
Some Goofy Shit
This they put in the latest Source mag. It is a condensation/edit of what is contained in the lecture, which is even more incoherent than this. I have highlighted a few statements in here that stand out as particularly strange. In scientology, anything ever said by L. Ron Hubbard is gospel truth and the reliance upon it is a sign of the true fundamentalist. Fundamentalist christians literally read the bible and thus the world is 6000 years old (or some figure, I am not even sure where it comes from) and man occupied the earth concurrently with dinosaurs. L. Ron Hubbard makes similarly … [Read more...]
Am I Still A Thetan?
Another thought provoking article from Terra Cognita. Now that I’m Out of Scientology…Am I Still a Thetan? I grew up in an atheist home where religion was the “opiate of the people” and spiritual beings were the stuff of fairy tales. I kept these beliefs to myself when I first walked in the front doors of the local Org. A few years later, George Lucas had discovered the Force, and I began to accept that there was more to me than my corporeal self. Maybe there weren’t enough gray cells inside my noggin to hold all my memories after all. The majority of people on the planet believed they wer … [Read more...]