Irony Alert They apparently don't even notice that the image of "service" is a computer screen and some white things on desks. One hour VM event for photo shoot Funny, they don't actually DO anything. The ONLY call to action for the VMs in Pasadena is for a photo op... Typical Moneywinds Just a series of announcements for their "conventions" - despite the fact that according to COB they are packing the place out with OT VIII's... How come the Moneywinds never mentions DOING OT levels, just making money... Learn how to "close" -- seems … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2016
Maiden Voyage Event 1
This is the second posting in the coverage of this year's Maiden Voyage. Yesterday's post is here. Things got off to a bang at "Opening Night" - traditionally consisting of the "Rolling Thunder" presentation, some hype about the number of inches of sea traversed by the Moneywinds and joking and degrading at the expense of the "OT Ambassadors." Dear Leader set the stage with a huge, bald-faced lie -- "in full"(?) "just since last year, the number of scientologists advancing up the bridge has multiplied ten times over." This is just pulled out of his ass. Much like the 46X before … [Read more...]
Maiden Voyage Overview
The 2016 edition of the International Scientology News Maiden Voyage edition has hit the mailboxes of thousands of disinterested recipients. I will do a series of posts covering the events of each night, starting with this overview of the ISN and the Maiden Voyage itself. In a word, the whole thing was underwhelming. Monumental, epic underwhelm. The MV (and thus the magazine) was mostly rehash. As always, the ISN is printed on oversize high-gloss (expensive) paper with what has become the norm, a DVD attached to the back page. This is EXPENSIVE "promo" that is really just hype to try … [Read more...]
More Thoughts on FSMing
Our friend Andy Porter submitted this as a comment in response to Terra Cognita's recent posting: Why Scientologists Don't FSM. I felt it deserved to be a posting to supplement the thoughts expressed in that post. I worked at the Bellevue Mission and was in the Mission Network for many years. One thing I would constantly hear was that it was MUCH easier to bring new people into a Mission, rather than a Class 5 Org because the new people were handled “better” in the Mission, meaning that they were not harassed as much as they were in an Org. Another thing that I observed over and over was … [Read more...]
GAG II for OTs
It's awesome, awesome, awesome. The data is straight from LRH. It's now the LRH brand. It used to be filled with barriers and twists and windings. This is how we are going to handle this sector of the universe. Blah blah blah blah.... How many times can Miscavige sucker these idiots into buying the bs that "this is now how LRH intended." My God, are their memories REALLY this bad? Even the ones who have handled amnesia on the whole track? I wonder how these dupes reconcile that Miscavige's reputed sole function is to maintain standard tech, and ESPECIALLY the "standard tech" of the OT … [Read more...]
Why Scientologists Don’t FSM
Another in the continuing series of essays from Terra Cognita. See earlier posts: Respect, The Survival Rundown - The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology... Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization. I ran across an old evaluation of the local Scientology scene in which the ED determined that seventy-five percent of all new people had come in off the FSM line back in the org’s heyday—which was a good thirty-five years ago. Now? No one brings anyone into the org … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
I burst out laughing, then crying, then laughing... This sounds vaguely insane. Rolling down the sidewalk in a wheelchair laughing and crying - like this is good? Learn how to indoctrinate your kids What a win! You too can have gains like this. Late breaking news... The biggest win since the IRS victory isn't enough? There's a "special announcement" AND a release too... Chairman of the Board's strategy for clearing the planet Buy empty buildings with other people's money. It's going real good... Wow - more GAGging Wonder … [Read more...]
Ron Miscavige – Dave’s Worst Nightmare
I have not previously witnessed such a concerted online "dead agent" campaign as the one the church is waging against Ron Miscavige. Not since the days of the Squirrel Busters camped outside the home of Marty and Monique Rathbun for months on end has there been anything like this. And it is indicative of just how concerned Miscavige is about the damage his father continues to inflict. The minions that put these campaigns together are only going over the top because this is "command intention" (ie what COB has ordered). They don't act against COB's dad without explicit orders, believe … [Read more...]
The L. Ron Hubbard “Biographer”
Someone sent me a new promotion for the "L. Ron Hubbard Series" which prompted this post. Dan Sherman has been working on the "L. Ron Hubbard biography" for more than 25 years. Imagine anyone else getting away with no product for that long? And being paid handsomely to boot.... Sherman's problem is that he can NEVER produce an actual biography. He would have to omit so many things from the book to satisfy the condition that there be nothing negative included about Hubbard that it would be a running joke. Everyone who can use Google would tear it to pieces. A very cursory list of … [Read more...]