A vital element of the control scientology exercises over its membership is the control of information. Scientologists are exhorted not to look at the internet and not to watch the media. For they are the Merchants of Chaos (unless they report on something positive about scientology, in which case they are lauded and scientology certainly spends a LOT of money sending out paid for press releases). In the promotion that has circulated about the IAS "Maiden Voyage" event there has been a great deal of hype about a monumentally epic announcement made by "COB." Here is just one of the hypey … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2016
New From The Bubble
He Who Shall Not Be Named made a stealth appearance at Flag Graduation. He took the stage basking in the glory of his "victory tour" of the City of Clearwater to con them into handing over yet more of downtown Clearwater to the first scientology city (at least by square feet of tax exempted property). What is most interesting about the Graduation pitches is that there is no record of them. So, he cannot be held to his promises as they disappear into the ether as soon as the clapping and cheering has died down. But we are fortunate to have a first hand report from one of our Special … [Read more...]
Another in the continuing series of thought-provoking essays from Terra Cognita. TC's previous posts: The Survival Rundown - The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology... Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rationalization. A few weeks ago, a person contributed an essay to this blog in which he talked about respecting a friend still firmly involved in the Church of Scientology. Over the years, I’ve wrestled with the concept of “respect” and how to apply it to the people i … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Of course, the focus this time of year is on the magnificent Maiden Voyage events, things no scientologist would want to miss (though a large number of them do just that, the attendance keeps getting smaller and smaller and the hype and gimmicks they resort to become more and more bizarre). Our Friend Rupert Murdoch Always good to hear from Twit of the Year. Wonder if he realizes that Rupert Murdoch is a YUGE SP Merchant of Chaos? Clearly the brown nosing instinct and desire to appear to be an important person trumps even his "I am the most important scientologists in the UK" … [Read more...]
Battlefield Earth Sales Going Nowhere
Well, the "OT Committee Farce" is doing their damnedest to sell Battlefield Earth -- and how are they going about it? By telling everyone to buy 20 books a piece.... And this is a "religious activity". But the biggest joke of all is that unlike the recent books by Leah Remini and Ron Miscavige, Battlefield Earth is nowhere to be found on the NY Times bestseller list... This is a good indicator just how many scientologists there REALLY are in the US. Every scientologist is being pressured HARD to buy copies of BE. It is an indicator of serious counter intention not to get behind this … [Read more...]
The OT Farce
This is the latest bulletin from the largest, most powerful and most effective OT Committee on earth (at least that is what they claim, and it is probably true, they really don't have much competition). They single-handedly purchased a building for Orlando and Puerto Rico and opened the Atlanta ideal org all in 3 weeks. They need to be put on Miami as that has been dragging on for years now - oh wait, they are already.... These people are delusionary cause. And on top of that, one of their members completed the student hat! OMG! How OT is that? And of course, some final rah-rah from … [Read more...]
OT VIII Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up To Be
Here is another in the apparently endless stream of "successes" from people who are OT VIII and then get roped in to do Super Power. One for one, they proclaim that Super Power "got them into PT" and "handled things I had not handled on OT VII and OT VIII." Huh? Here is what is so strange about this. Hubbard never claimed Super Power was "above OT levels" -- in fact, it was specifically designated for "St Hills" as something to sell people who went Clear on NED and thus were not able to be sold Power Processing. This was way back in "Ron's Journal 30" in 1978 (where he promised it … [Read more...]
London Ideal Org is BOOMING. Not.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G fail. This email was recently sent out from the executive in charge of getting new people onto the Bridge in London's "ideal" org. And of course this is the ONLY org for a city with 10 million resident - imagine if there was ONE laundromat in all of London and the owners were announcing "we are cleaning London's clothes" and actually stated their goal for the last 25 years was to do the laundry of every person in London, but they still only had one small laundromat that nobody even used because their prices were too high. He is so very proud of the fact that one person a … [Read more...]
The Path
I posted about this on Facebook, but think it is important enough to reiterate here. I just finished watching the last episode of season one of The Path on Hulu. This is a very well scripted, acted, shot, edited and scored series. But more importantly, it is the best portrayal I have ever seen of the prison of the mind that entraps those in cults. It is extremely difficult to understand why people remain in a cult for anyone who has not experienced it themselves. This show portrays it accurately - the torment and anguish that those with doubts go through, the threat of losing loved ones, … [Read more...]