Archives for October 2016
Thursday Funnies
It's Yuge Biggest since the Portland Crusade. Er, by the way, the IAS had NOTHING to do with Portland. There was no "IAS event" about Portland as IAS events didn't exist then. Wait -- what about THE Turning Point event? The War Is Over!!! Wonder if she is going to survive this monumental assault on the COB's ego that she forgot about his greatest accomplishment? ASHO, Home of the Briefing Course Apparently not. And as the person who sent this "success" to me commented. Her "wins" could have been achieved by retiring. Far less costly and perhaps more … [Read more...]
Valley OTC Minutes
I periodically publish Valley Org OTC Minutes that are sent my way. Haven't had many of late, but then this one came in. The OTC is all aflutter as they apparently completed their fundraising target (for the time being at least) thanks to the "OT Warrior Princess" stepping in at the end to put everyone out of their misery. Of course, they are still "collecting" the actual money, even though they have celebrated their accomplishment. And while they are collecting they are apparently still offering half-humanitarianships. They have raised all the money yet are still offering discounts to rake … [Read more...]
An Epic Bust: Scientology Ireland
Got a new email from an old fake friend who usually circulates the latest slime about Ron Miscavige. This time he/she was announcing the wonders of the new "Dublin Office." Prompting me to instant action, I dutifully followed the link to the scientology site to see what they had to say about this monumental accomplishment that had attendees at the IAS Event gushing about the miracle of being able to set up a whole "ideal org" without anyone even knowing! (As usual, their heads are firmly planted in the sand - it has been the topic of a lot of media and social media coverage over the … [Read more...]
Scientology PR Tailspin
You can tell how much fear is permeating the scientology PR bubble by what they send out as paid press releases. Here is their latest. This is an attempt to shore up the walls against the increasing cries for them to lose the cloak of religious protection. In the US this was highlighted by Going Clear and the subsequent publicity, including Alex Gibney's repeated demands that something done about this. With the media in the US increasingly unafraid of the threats and retaliation the church has become known for, there is a growing fear in the bubble that the constant battering at this … [Read more...]
Cause Over Life — Really?
The next Terra Cognita essay. See earlier Terra Cognita: BT's in the Belfry, Two New Conditions!, The Condition of Liabilitiness, Condition of Doubtfulness The Mind, The Way To Happiness: Really? A Story, Auditing: a PC's Quest for the Holy Grail, The Knowledge Report, Integrity, The Almighty Stat, The Reg, The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don't FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown - The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology... Or Not, Am I Still A Thetan?, To Be Or Not To Be, An Evaluation of Scientology, Fear: That Which Drives Scientology and Justification and Rational … [Read more...]
Freewinds Fail
Every week in the Thursday Funnies we see promotional pieces for the latest Freewinds "seminar" about making money. I usually make some snarky comment about them. Frankly, they have become pretty tiresome. But there is a more important point to be made than pointing out that the Moneywinds is consumed with trying to suck money out of people to the point where they are pretty much full time running seminars designed to teach people how to make money -- so they can then get it from them as most people have run dry and do not have enough money to make it up the bridge. The larger point i … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
This is a special Regraded Being - it is the 2 year anniversary of the first Regraded Being, which appeared Oct 09, 2014. Thanks for your hard work, insight and a lot of genuinely funny moments over these past 2 years RB. Your intelligence and humor has built a fan base that looks forward to Friday mornings - plainly demonstrated by the uproar that has occurred when technical difficulties or other commitments have prevented you from providing a new episode. Hope you will be around for as long as it takes to get the job done. Your work is appreciated. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's IAS Event week So the overhype is spectacular in it's epicness. I have spared you all the trash they sent out this past week. Monumental in volume. Miniscule in content. They keep coming up with these silly phrases -- Shaping a renaissance for freedom... It's Huge! History is made... Bubbles chimes in with some less than convincing hype. The Freedom Metal winners... Beyond your imagination - perhaps the only true statement. Actually, it's an epic rehash... The opening of Harlem and the AO in Australia. Woopee. But don't miss the … [Read more...]
Jeff Mintz – Back from the Dead?
Remember Jeff Mintz? He used to send around those "Good News" briefings giving the stats of Flag. I kept a running tally of them and graphed the weeks he reported (on weeks where the stats were not so good - in his view - there was no "good News Briefing" which was about 60% of the time). We haven't seen any "Good News" now since June. I guess one of two things happened. Or maybe both. The stats have been atrocious for 4 months -- they ran out of suckers to redo the Purif and Objectives, they got all the high rollers to do Super Power and nobody else can afford it or has any … [Read more...]